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Chapter 356: Win Shanghai

The aircraft took the lead in striking out most of the rebel forces in the Shanghai base, and then the Terminator forces controlled the evolution of the Shanghai base. Those who did not obey the order had only one fate, and their superpowers were eliminated! Then Song Jun led the ground attack troops. After the development of Yutai Base during this period, the infantry had more than 10,000 people and received strict training every day. This time, 2,000 people were sent by the transmission device. Weapons are uniform and distinct, so compared with the courageous and defiant Ye Shenshen troops, the morale is strong.

Under the command of Song Jun, these two thousand soldiers quickly took over the main public facilities of the Shanghai base. Tang Shu remembered suddenly changing the sky and rushing to check the situation, "Where do you come from, no matter how much skill you have, this is in China!"

Li Yingjie brought some members of the Terminator troops to the Shanghai base to take charge of intelligence spying. Wang Shaohui led people to imprison Ye Shen, Liu Yi and others. After hearing the blame of Secretary Tang, Wang Shaohui pushed Ye Shen and Liu Yi to prepare for questioning. And Chu Xiang appeared under the protection of zombies.

When I saw a group of zombies, the secretary of Tang was frightened. If someone was holding him behind, I was afraid he would fall to the ground on the spot. No wonder he was timid. There were so many high-level zombies in the base, even if they were bold. Can't bear it, Secretary Tang had just aggravated his sins, but his tone has changed completely now.

"This, what's going on, why don't zombies hurt you, are you good or bad?"

Chu Xiang said: "I can hear your voice. You are Secretary Tang. There are two people here who you must know, Commander Ye and Commander Liu. The antecedents and consequences of this matter, you may ask them for more details. The answer, as to whether we are good or bad, I am not in a position to evaluate myself, but there is one thing I can guarantee. In the future, everyone in the Shanghai base will have food, everyone will wear clothes, and everyone will have work to do. Who dares to bully me? Never be light! "

Liu Yi and Ye Shen were almost kneeling on the ground. Ye Shen was because his legs were unstable, and no one helped him, but Liu Yi was injected with the r virus fluid on the evolution terminal bomb. He just returned from pain. Come to God, now it is an ordinary person. This punishment turned out to be even worse than killing him, as long as he was alive he would suffer! It is impossible for people like him to get used to ordinary life.

Secretary Tang slowly calmed down from panic. He analyzed the situation of the other party slightly. There was an airplane. That was something that the Beijing base hadn't done yet. From this point alone, they guessed that they must be from the Yutai base. And this person is young and courageous, so most of them are consultants of the Central Ministry's rumored evolution department.

"It turned out to be an adviser to Chu, it was really disrespectful." Secretary Tang saw that the zombies weren't crazy and hurt people. He recovered his calmness and regained his sense of officialdom, since the other party was an adviser to the Evolution Department. It is bound to be controlled by the central government. As the supreme leader of the Shanghai base, Secretary Tang thinks he has the qualification to pull the frame.

Chu Xiang asked Xiao Siping to retreat from t3 and t4, because there are more and more surnames around. It is not beneficial to leave these zombies at the base. In addition, Xie Shanshan is also required to bring someone to inject blue life into the soldier who was just injured by the zombies. The Shanghai base is now under its own control. These populations are precious resources. They are just blind followers. Sin does not die. Strengthening their political training in the future can turn them into good comrades.

Chu Xiang heard the dissatisfaction and contempt in Secretary Tang's words. He said, "Secretary Tang. I know this happened suddenly, but now I can give you a clear message. The Shanghai base was taken over by our Yutai base, you If you are willing to go to Beijing, I can send someone to take you away immediately. If you are willing to stay, it will be up to the people here to manage the Shanghai base in the future! Those who can create value and benefit for them are qualified to manage them. ! "

Secretary Tang is not weak at all: "I only listen to the central government! Your consultant in the evolution department has no right to make this decision. Don't forget that I and the governor are one level. The central government must also consider this matter carefully."

Chu Xiang no longer waved and said, "Li Haipeng!"

Li Haipeng answered, "Here!"

Chu Xiang said: "Secretary Tang seems unwilling to stay at the Shanghai base. Immediately send him to the Beijing base. Just find a place at the Fourth Ring Road and drop him. Whoever he can find, go to whom. Later Shanghai base You only need local people. You do n’t need local people. Do n’t need one here! ”

Li Haipeng grabbed Secretary Tang. Secretary Tang shouted, "Fuck! Your Yutai base is about to rebel! I am the secretary of the municipal party committee! Let me go. I will not go to Beijing. I will stay at the Shanghai base. Li Haipeng sees that Chu Xiang no longer squeaks and knows that the decision will not be changed. ... He started to teleport to the Beijing base. In fact, Secretary Tang did not participate in the matter today. However, since Shanghai base was previously in charge of him. He has a lot of responsibility to get people to be boring. Furthermore, let Secretary Tang stay here. The Shanghai base cannot arrange his position. This kind of person will definitely not let him be a civilian. Then he will make a ghost for you behind the scenes. Besides, Secretary Tang refuses to be softened. He also puts on an official shelf. You must know that Chu Xiang is the most popular I'm not used to this kind of person. The world is over, you still have to drag it. You have to have strength. No one will look at a vanity post. But Secretary Tang has no idea of ​​the situation. Let him eat something. suffering.

Ye Shen and Liu saw Chu Xiang treat the secretary without blinking. In the eyes of the two, although the secretary of Tang was not successful, he was not too big. But this was solved by the consultant of the evolution department. Then the fate of the next two people can be imagined.

All the information was passed back. Chu Xiang was too lazy to pay attention to Ye Shen and Liu Yi. If they did n’t deal with them for a day, they were like meat on a chopping board and lambs to be slaughtered. They also make them miserable!

Zhang Jingyao said: "The main military stronghold has been occupied by us. Most of the soldiers defending the Shanghai base have been subordinated to the editor. A small number of civilian disturbances have been brought to rest by Li Yingjie. The Shanghai base will resume as usual for a maximum of two days."

Chu Xiang took off his sunglasses. He is now eager to restore his eyes to light. He can only hear and sense the presence of Zhang Jingyao's daughters every day, but he can't see their moving posture. This makes Chu Xiang very depressed, but in front of others Human face Chu Xiang can't touch, he can only imagine the previous impression in his heart.

"Jing Yao, do you miss me these days?" Chu Xiang asked suddenly.

Zhang Jingyao flushed: "There are a lot of people here, and they are doing business."

Chu Xiang also practiced outside for so long. I didn't see Zhang Jingyao. I was so emotional when I heard her voice. I was reminded by Zhang Jingyao so that she coughed: "The Shanghai base does not need to be restored as usual. Let Shanshan come together. And Fang Su and Fang Ya, you are all familiar with the situation of the Yutai base, and you are all elites in all aspects, and study how to design a new development for the Shanghai base. "

Zhang Jingyao said: "Well, you're right, if we resume the previous mode, the significance of our move will be gone, and we should tell the central government to know that the satellite will monitor everything that happened to us. . "

Chu Xiang said: "I'd better go there in person. Tell Song Jun to temporarily host the Shanghai base, let Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie understand everything about the base, and then you will have a seminar and tell me the results. "

Zhang Jingyao said: "No problem, go to Chairman Hua, he will be very angry this time. But to explain it well, I think it is best to let Shanshan accompany you. Isn't there a saying that there is a companion like a tiger? . Shanshan can learn more about what you don't know, so you don't have to be afraid of doing things. "

Hua Fuqiang was of course very angry, and the inspection team suddenly received the news before reaching the Shanghai base. The Shanghai base has changed its face. Now it has become the underground base of the Yutai base. The future development is regulated by the Yutai base. This was originally a good thing, but the problem is that the central government is not alone in Hua Fuqiang.

When Chu Xiang met Hua Fuqiang, he just came out of the conference room. Chu Xiang was told by Xie Shanshan that Hua Fuqiang was very unwell and knew that his meeting was definitely related to him, but Chu Xiang was not afraid of things. People, otherwise they would not make such a big move, although Zhang Jingyao brought Xie Shanshan. But Chu Xiang did not allow Xie Shanshan to spy on Hua Fuqiang's brain. That is a distrust and disrespect for Hua Fuqiang, and Chu Xiang is not afraid of any disadvantages. The soldiers came to block the water and flood the soil.

Chu Xiang said: "Chairman Hua, just discussed how to deal with me. I don't know if we can negotiate the results?"

Hua Fuqiang's tense face finally relaxed, "Your child also knows that he has done something wrong, and those small bases are all the same, no one cares about who they control, but the Shanghai base is the central face, you What I do is slap in the middle. I can understand your distress, but what would others think, have you considered it? "

Chu Xiang did not go down the donkey, he said: "Chairman, no matter what others think of me, I only know that the Shanghai base will be better in my hands than before! I have done a detailed investigation, so I have a sufficient voice, Shanghai The life of the survivors on the base Chongming Island is still barely subsistence, but the survivors on Changxing Island can't eat their stomachs. The evolvers of the Shanghai base are bullying and the general defense forces are bullying. They are not thinking about the future of the survivors. Considering that their status will not be shaken, the Shanghai base is simply a **** in their hands. Ye Shen and Liu Yi have sent a large number of troops to attack me as soon as they have vented their selfish desires. Such people can bring light to the Shanghai base. Strange, in addition, they met to discuss how to deal with the inspection team sent by the country. But I monitored the whole process. I do n’t care about other things, but they did n’t treat the issue of the central government as a serious crime. "

Hua Fuqiang groaned for a moment and said: "Whatever you say is true, but I know that the standard of living in the Shanghai base is really not high, but the limited capacity of the central government is beyond our reach. We can only plan to send a working group to check the situation and urge them, but this time Your approach has touched the serious interests of Vice President Yue. They will not let you go. Of course, I know that you will not be afraid of them based on your strength, but there are some things that cannot be done on your own strength. "

Chu Xiang said: "I understand the concerns of the Chairman. I will naturally take this responsibility. This is a script that I let Shanshan write when I was waiting for you. I have already made it, so I will definitely not let go of the Shanghai base. I ca n’t manage other things, and I do n’t want to manage it. Hua Fuqiang took the information and said, “I ’ll take a look first, and then submit it to the central government for approval to try to resolve the matter. In fact, I agree with the Yutai base to merge those bases that do not act, which will be of great benefit to their future development. After all, not everyone in this end age has the ability like you. "

What the Central Committee intends to do with this matter is that Chu Xiang decides not to consider it anymore. Anyway, he has told Chairman Hua what he should say, and he knows how to deal with Chairman Hua. Chu Xiang still has to return to the Shanghai base to assist Song Army in infrastructure construction, including military ports and airports. Of course, the construction method is that Chu Xiang enters the old city to use five-color liquids to absorb zombies energy, and then returns to the five-color liquids to discharge foam to build.

In Chu Xiang's plan, Shanghai will be the largest base of Yutai on the coast in the future. Shanghai will definitely restore its former prosperity, and agriculture here will also become a focus. With fertile soil and sufficient rainwater on the Yangtze River Cape The output of grains here will be second to none in the future.

In addition, Chu Xiang has a new discovery. The last time I saw the evolution of the energy **** made him look new, but he did not use his skills at that time, which made Chu Xiang regret it. However, this time he cooperated with Wushuang Liquid to build a new Shanghai base, but Chu Xiang learned that This is the evolution of the f virus, and you can use it to absorb the energy of other evolvers. It is necessary to know that the energy of zombie and evolutionist is originally a characteristic of f virus. Of course, it is impossible to give white light like that evolutionist, and Chu Xiang can do it better. With the current ability of f virus, you can still use it without contact!

The Shanghai base is under construction, and the Beijing base is now also under fire. The cause is that Chu Xiang seized the Shanghai base by force. Secretary Tang has returned to the center and is now doing something under Yue Lun. He was removed from office by a young man and returned to the Fourth Ring Road for a few days. At this moment, he hated the people in Yutai base.

It ’s not just Secretary Tang. How did Yue Lun and Yue Tai not hate Chu Xiang? In their plan, the Shanghai base is a big chip, otherwise they wo n’t support Secretary Tang to gain the right to speak at the Shanghai base. Of course, the complex behind the Shanghai base is complicated. The relationship is not clear for a while, but anyway. Now the Shanghai base has changed hands. Either Wang Yang or Bei Tai or Yue Tai, they all hated Chu Xiang.

These people already have some power. Relying on this incident, he decided to launch an action to exclude Hua Fuqiang from the central government, as long as he removed Hua Fuqiang and put the Yue family on the throne. In the future, both the Ministry of Evolution and the large and small bases in the country will be subject to their restraint. In this regard, Wang Yang and Bei Biao reached a unified consensus. Although it is also easier to cultivate Yue Tai's strength, it is easier than fighting with Chu Xiang. Let the Yutai base continue to develop, and most of China will be controlled by them!

The construction of the infrastructure at the Shanghai base is completed, and there is only one day left before the Huashan Onsword of the National Day. Chu Xiang has built infrastructure for the Shanghai base in accordance with the standards of large cities, and more than 20 light aircraft runways have been repaired. Here in the near future Prosperity will reappear.

The sound of a clink is a celebration. The joining of the Shanghai base allows the Nanjing base to take the initiative to show the Yutai base. At present, the cooperation intention has been reached. With the penetration of the Yutai base into the strength of the Nanjing base, the Nanjing base will also Will be under the control of Yutai.

Chu Xiang said: "It's time to have a drink to celebrate. We have achieved remarkable results during this time, which is inseparable from everyone's solidarity."

Zhang Hongbing said: "Chu team, we wish you again and again a successful victory tomorrow. I wish you a big kill of the Quartet and the East, the North, the South, and the Middle East.

Chu Xiang said: "We can't erect needless enemies, we can clean up the East evil, the North beggar, and the South Emperor. Even if thank God, you must follow this principle when you go with me to Huashan tomorrow, remember not to cause extra trouble, otherwise it will cause anger. It ’s easy for them to get revenge. "

Song Jun, Zhang Debing and others nodded: "Knowing the Chu team, the evolutionists are not weak, even if we have to pack them, we can't rush for success."

Shi Zhengqian said: "Why did you have to go to Huashan? They are really in a good situation. The terrain is complicated, and ordinary airplanes and driving skills cannot be accessed. Only two pilots except me have this ability."

Chu Xiang said: "It's almost like having an airplane for air support. Yingjie, you have to take someone to take a step on the plane in front of me. I know that some evolutionaries can jump on the plane with a single leap. I'm afraid it will be bad for the pilot. . "

Li Yingjie said: "Understand the Chu team, rest assured to give it to me."

Xiaosi said: "I will rush to Huashan first after eating. Now I have more than t4s under control. Let them launch the zombies near Huashan at any time."

The number of zombies in the world can be deduced from evolution, of which t2 is the largest and the number is in the billions ~ ~ while t3 should be about 1.5 million and t4 is relatively rare, probably not more than two thousand, passing humans About seven to one thousand t4s have died, so Xiaosi can control a large number of t4s. This is also a considerable amount. This is also the reason for the large population in Asia. However, the decrease in the number of t4s will not affect the zombies. Because of the large number of creepers threatening human security.

Song Jundao: "Elder Dong has improved the transmission device based on the last experiment. We can take more soldiers to Huashan without having to be limited to the identity of the evolver."

Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "It's best not to let ordinary people participate this time. I'm afraid that the casualties will be very large. I'll take all the terminating troops with them. After all, they are still evolutionaries and have a slightly stronger ability to protect themselves."

Song Jundao: "It's okay, but I'm afraid that we don't have enough troops to let that person run away. I think we should let the old He send someone to help."

Chu Xiang said: "Yes, you ca n’t help notifying He Yaohui about this important event, otherwise he should scold us for being ill-mannered." This banquet to celebrate the completion of the Shanghai base is actually for the Huashan party tomorrow. The next thing was decided. There was still one night to prepare. The next day everyone would take the teleporter to Huashan.


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