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Chapter 357: On the Sword Challenge

The so-called Huashan Sword is actually an evolutionary conference. Just like the martial arts masters in the past, they felt that they were different from ordinary people after evolution, so they wanted to assign a class of six or nine. Someone called for a natural response, plus the legendary East evil, western poison, southern emperor, northern beggar, and Chinese magical power all promised to come, so the scale of the meeting was beyond people's imagination.

Of course, ordinary people have no chance to participate in this kind of meeting, not because ordinary people are not allowed to enter Huashan by pulling the red cordon outside, but because the outside world is running wild and Huashan is not a human base. Even if someone wants to watch the lively, even if there is Television stations want to broadcast live, and they must have this ability.

In the early morning, when the sun shined through the first rays of light, there were already a lot of people on Huashan. If you do n’t come here, you do n’t know how many entrants there are in China. You are still excited and proud when you see so many people moving. Reflected, what looks like a little Japanese book, let a little zombie stir up now, and is about to die.

Chu Xiang took Song Jun, Wang Shaohui, Xu Huai, Li Xiaoming and other people in the crowd. Anyway, everyone is an evolutionary, and you don't have to be afraid of being seen by anyone. This time the so-called Huashan Lunjian has not appeared in the organization so far. Host, but the spontaneous size of the spontaneous people is huge, Chu Xianglue counted the number should be above eight.

Although no one came to host, but everyone focused their attention on the five masters. The five of them did not come to these swords, and they were not anxious about the sword. After all, their strength was there, and they did n’t wait for them to separate. These people are afraid to make inferior results, and it will be the next people to wait for the remaining time and position of the five people to discuss the high and low.

From early in the morning until Yang Gaosheng, someone finally boarded a large rock on the top of the mountain, "Everyone, we don't have to repeat the purpose of this visit. I am Wang Tong, a master of Wang Shen, a master of magical powers. Everyone sang two voices, and soon Dongxie, Xidu, Nandi, Beibei, and Zhongshentong will appear on the stage. After their comparison, whoever thinks that they are better than them can come up to challenge, and whoever defeats them will get the opponent. The title, if no one challenges everyone in the future, we must follow the order of the winner of the five of them. I wonder what everyone likes? "

Immediately someone shouted: "Yes, we are admiring the strong, and we will listen to whoever wins. Let the top five players come out, we can't wait."

Wang Tong bowed down and jumped off the stone, and then five people appeared in turn. Sure enough, there are people like Dongxie among them. Wang Yang Chuxiang also knows that guy. He is also a corpse-evolving evolver. The only one who is unfamiliar with Chu Xiang among the five is probably West Poison.

This western poisoning age is in his early twenties, with long tiger heads and big ears. His clothes were ragged and his poison was supposed to be good for food and clothing, but those with strength were mostly lonely. Therefore, no one went to study why he was so dressed, but everyone saw him playing back involuntarily, because it is said that the poison of western poison is quite powerful. Smell and die.

According to Chu Xiang ’s plan, this is not a hands-on time. After these five people have contested, they will come to power to take advantage of the challenge to kill Nandi and Dongxie. Song Jun and others will cope under the stage and hide in the valley By helicopter, reinforcements will also come at that time. If this person flees and tens of thousands of zombies are waiting for them outside, and the Terminator unit is mixed with the crowd, their main task is to suppress the possible riots.

But what Chu Xiang didn't expect was that Dong Xie came up and said, "Everyone, everyone hoped that we would play a few games for you. However, after serious research, we decided to recommend the supernatural power Wang Yang to lead our five China. Evolutionary world fights zombies. "

Wow. The crowd below was surprised. do not fight? Why did those thousands of miles come here? These five people have no quality. How can we live up to the long-awaited thing.

Some people couldn't help but shouted, "What the **** are you doing. Are you afraid of the other side? What **** is the beggar and the Southern Emperor's Land. It's all turtles ..."

The person's voice did not fall off his head and suddenly flew up into the air. The last tortoise is still in the air! The evolutionists opened their mouths wide. I didn't expect to kill people right from the start. It seems that it is difficult to think of Huashan's sword.

The shot was Wang Yang. He didn't know when to add a long sword in his hand. Legend has it that he is famous for swordsmanship. I didn't expect it to be true. But Chu Xiang also knew that he had an ability to control the corpse. But today he may not be able to control Xiaosi anymore. These days and days of joining the WTO are not useless. Although Chu Xiang is not a master, he has also greatly improved Xiaosi's training.

Wang Yang disappeared with a sword in his waist. He said coldly, "Our decision to go to the ground is destiny. No one has the right to change it! Anyone who dares to scorn them will end like this!"

The person killed was not weak. Many people who know him know. But now there is no even half-stroke to fight back. Everyone is not sure about the underground details of the five people in the legend. And Wang Yang was vicious and no one dared to fight against the law again. So there was silence below. This is equivalent to acknowledging the status of supremacy in China.

Chu Xiang was also puzzled by this result, but he felt relieved immediately after thinking about the matter. Wang Yang and Beijia, Dongxie, and Nandi must have passed through Qi. Now it may be that person's opinion to push him to be the ally. Here, this person has always been indifferent to fame and fortune, and someone has recommended one person. Even if he has the ability, it is estimated that he cannot fight with the four of them, so only the default result is used. The best method is to choose the leader. The advantage is that there is no need to consume energy in the nest, maybe Bei Beg and others have come up with this trick just to deal with Chu Xiang.

Dong Xie sneered at the people below, "Is there anyone still dissatisfied? Although you can come to the stage and try! As long as you obey the order of the King League, you will have prosperity and wealth in the future, but if you dare come here today Don't blame us if you have a second heart! "

Some evolutionaries originally only watched the excitement and were suddenly threatened, but they did not dare to speak out. Now all of them regret coming here to make fun of it. In case the confederate has ordered it, do it or not. .

Wang Yang seemed to feel that he had been too harsh just now. He arched his hand: "Everyone, we are all friends, we are all friends. Thank you for looking at me as the ally. I naturally want to do my best to plan the future for you and lead everyone. In a world, we will be blessed in the future and we will never betray each other. What do you think? "

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, Wang Yang knows that his prestige is still not enough, so he can only say, "Did you just say that, those who have the strength can come up to challenge. Don't be afraid, as long as you don't scold others for acting I won't kill him, and now anyone who doubts our strength can come up and try it. "

Song Jun whispered: "Let me go up and try Wang Yang's skills. You maintain your physical strength and play a key role."

Chu Xiang also understands that his task is arduous, and he urged: "Be careful, just retreat if you can't do it. It's about safety."

Song Jun nodded, but before he left, a yellow-faced man took the lead. The man jumped up to the big stone and said, "Let me teach you the poisonous power of western poison. It is said that he is extremely poisonous and happens to be I'm also good at poisoning, so let's try it out. "

West poison nodded and agreed. This is a little different from his character in the legend. I don't know if he was fooled by Wang Yang and others and challenged Huang Huanghan: "I'm welcome ..."

Huang Lianhan's words hadn't fallen. His body suddenly shook a few times. The close-up evolutionary smelled a fragrance in his nose, then his eyes became dark and he lost consciousness, while the yellow-faced man on the big stone threw and fell. , He Qiqiao bleeding has died!

The corner of Xi Du's mouth gave a scornful smile, then stood at the corner of the stone and stopped speaking, and the wind on the top of the mountain blew his tattered clothes. It looks really like a worldly man.

The evolutionaries who had withdrawn some distance now swarm backwards. The last evolutionary didn't know what was going on, just saw the challenger plant a stone. They pushed forward to see the situation clearly, and the scene began to enter chaos. Hum, everyone suddenly felt that their chests were stuffy. Everyone could not help flying backwards. At the outermost place, several evolutionaries were forced to be knocked down by the evolutionists who came upside down. Two of them were unstable and fell to the top of the mountain! I don't know if I will die for a while, but this time all the evolutionaries are honest. Dong Xie shot just now. He used ultrasonic waves to suppress the scene. The injured person dare to be angry and can only bear it.

Dong Xie sees the evolver from the ground no longer disturbed. He smiled evilly: "Is there anyone else who wants to challenge us? We are willing to accompany you, but don't suppress your thoughts in your heart. If you give us a chance, you will be dissatisfied. To vent it, or if anyone dares to be obedient in the future, don't blame us for being rude! "

A Changhu evolver jumped on the stone and said, "I dare challenge you if you don't need poison!"

Dong Xiedao: "Okay, then please ask Xixiong to take a rest first, and wait until I solve it."

Chu Xiang saw that Changhu had good strength, but he was a little worse than Dongxie, but Changhu had confidence in himself, and there were other forces behind Changhu to support him. How could he let Wang Yang control China? Evolution world, so even when the excrement stick is hard to support, even if it is throwing bricks and attracting jade, it will provoke everyone to fight with the enemy, when the plan to disrupt Wang Yang is successful.

Hula Lai Dongxie only felt a flower in front of her, and looked closely at the curls of hair on her body. These hairs were strong, plus thin fibers, and the skin of Dongxie was as painful as a knife! It must not be so long to grow so long. It turns out that his skill is hair. This evolutionary is more common, usually using an organ of the human body as the evolution target.

But Chang Hu was a bit of a slight enemy. How could Dong Xie be trapped by a clump of hair, he screamed and gave out an ultrasonic wave, bang, bang, Chang Hu's hair was broken by a strong ultrasonic shock, and Dong Xie was good at fast After the attack, he couldn't stop as soon as he succeeded.

Chang Hu didn't expect to miss so quickly. He was a little flustered after breaking off his weapon. This was the first time he encountered such a powerful opponent. Speaking of the war experience, Chang Hu was far from Dong Xie, plus Dong Xie ’s The attack was fast and fierce, and he was a little overwhelmed by being hit by ultrasonic waves one after another.

Slap, Chang Hu's body flew off and fell down the stone. Fortunately, his energy is not low, otherwise he will be exploded by Dongxie's ultrasonic wave just now! Alas, Chang Hu spit out a bit of blood. He didn't know what to say in his eyes without eyes. It seemed that he couldn't accept the result. Soon, Chang Hu couldn't stop a round of blows from the East! This is really overpowering and shameless. It will make people laugh at throwing bricks and attracting jade like this.

But no one dared to laugh now. First, Wang Yang killed, then the western poison came up and died without any distinction. The scene of Huashan's sword would have been magnificent in the previous imagination, but it was not expected to be so terrible! Judging from a series of contests just now, the names of Dongxie's five people are by no means deceptive. Even those who still beat Xiaojiu in their hearts shut their mouths wisely.

Dong Xie lay on the ground under the stone, Hu Chang said: "You waste dare to challenge us. This kind of skill is better to die, it is shameful to live! Go back and tell your boss that I will definitely go if I have a chance. Visit him! "

Chang Hu spit another blood. He was frustrated and had no idea of ​​life, and said in his mouth, "Brother, it is I that I have not the ability to lose one of the allies and live up to your expectations. I confess my death!"

Bang, Chang Hu suddenly flew from the ground and hit a large stone on the sword, blood splattered. The surrounding crowd exclaimed, and the scene of the brain flowing on the sword was terrifying. They hadn't seen such a **** scene in the base for a long time.

It doesn't matter who is assigned by Changhu. In fact, many of today's evolutionaries are led by others. As long as they are a little capable, they want to control the Chinese evolution world, but there are some things that they will not come forward. Therefore, it is the best choice for faction evolutionists to participate in the Sword Contest. Even if they lose, no one knows the intentions of these people, and they are not afraid of being avenged by others such as East and West Poison. Maybe, as to whether Dong Xie will really go to trouble them in the future, it is unknown.

Chang Hu was defeated and then committed suicide. Dong Xie looked at the corpse under the stone platform with some pride: "Who else wants to try with us? But I can say the ugly words first. You want to fight for the leader of this alliance. It ’s not impossible, but do n’t take your own life for granted. Even if you have a challenger, we wo n’t give you a living even if you do n’t commit suicide after failure. ”

There were not many evolutionaries who had dared to challenge the East Evil Five. Now I see that some people have lost money and paid the price of their lives, so even people with a little thought have also dispelled their thoughts. Chu Xiang knew that the five Dongxie people should have guessed their intentions, and today it is impossible to wait for them to kill each other and take advantage of the fishermen. So it's his turn.

Chu Xiang had already calculated every inch of this stone platform on the top of the mountain, and he stepped forward in front of Dong Xie, and was not surprised to see Chu Xiang appearing Dong Xie. On the contrary, Dong Xie's mouth also showed a hint of joy, he said: " Blind, you finally showed up. You thought you were afraid that we wouldn't dare to come, so I hid underneath to see the situation. "

Chu Xiang said: "Yeah, I'm still worried that you don't dare to come. I don't know if you will run faster than a rabbit."

Dong Xie ’s mouth smiled even stronger. “You can rest assured that you wo n’t escape if you run away. Do n’t be too confident in yourself. There are things you ca n’t control.”

Chu Xiang faintly felt the taste of conspiracy, but he was already standing in front of Dongxie and others. At this time, he couldn't worry much. Chu Xiang was happy and thought: "Since you won't be a tortoise, then we still What are you waiting for. "

Dong Xie's stitches are relatively authentic: "Yeah, what are we waiting for, then let me teach you what you really do!"

Hum, the sound of two ultrasonic waves sounded at the same time. It is not the first time that Chu Xiang and Dong Xie fought. The two felt a little bit of mutual understanding, so they launched an attack at the same time. Waves, two ultrasonic waves collided, and the air seemed to be Twisted by strange forces, people's eyes were curved in the past. Then the two intersecting ultrasonic waves exploded and exploded. The crowd that had been far away was forced to fly again!

The powerful airflow swept through everything on the ground. Some evolutionaries drifted slightly with the foundation. Fortunately, someone pulled them in time, otherwise they fell off the cliff again. Everyone understands that this is the real theory. At the beginning of the sword, most of the front are appetizers. Judging from the first move of the fight, the two on the stage are called chess and drums, which is more interesting than just now.

Dong Xie naturally wants to take advantage of his fast-break advantage ~ ~ Chu Xiang also understands his style of play. Similarly, Chu Xiang is also a reputation evolutionist. He had already considered it with Dong Xie in addition to hard It is impossible to fight against foreign investment. If you use dodge to consume the energy of the East evil, then the beggars will definitely replace it when the power of the East evil is weak, so only hard to hard, so that outsiders ca n’t get in, until the East evil Get rid of you and die.

Boom, boom, boom, but this is a real battle of strength. Bei Beggar, Hu Yidi, Wang Yang and Xi Du stood indifferently and looked at each other. None of the four had any intention to shoot, and they did not know what ghost they were fighting in their hearts. The idea was that Chu Xiang was originally worried that when they swarmed up, the ambush soldiers ambushing underneath would have to reveal their body shape, but now it seems that the other party did not intend to use this trick in the face of the evolutionary world.

Dong Xie showed weakness after successively attacking several waves of ultrasound. Today, Chu Xiang has been slightly better than Dong Xie after being trained and improved. Dong Xie is out of breath from Chu Xiang, although Chu Xiang temporarily has an advantage However, there are four masters beside him, Chu Xiang dare not carelessly, thinking of his newly discovered skill is to use the f virus to absorb opponent energy, Chu Xiang decided to use it, because even after defeating Dong Xie, he still has a strong opponent. Wait, the battle with Dong Xie just now has consumed a lot of his energy, and now he must take the opportunity to replenish it, otherwise they may be killed by the wheel battle!


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