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Chapter 358: Victorious

This skill of Chu Xiang has just been discovered, but it has not actually been used in actual combat. As for the effect, Chu Xiang himself has no knowledge, but judging from the ability of the f-virus five-color liquid, Chu Xiang thinks that the problem should be small, and from From the communication with the five-color liquid, the weaker the other party is, the higher the possibility of being sucked by it.

Dong Xie's strength is not weak, and can even be said to be comparable to Chu Xiang. Although his main skill is ultrasound, not Chu Xiang's multi-skilled development, the evolution of a single skill sometimes makes the evolver more focused. The only drawback is that ultrasonic waves can no longer consume energy for a long time. In this case, Chu Xiang wants to consume the energy of East evils.

Chu Xiang decided to take a shot. When everyone didn't notice, he had summoned a cumulonimbus cloud. Just when Chu Xiang sent out a wave of ultrasonic attack, a bang thundered above Dongxie ’s head. This skill Dongxie It is known that although the two skills attack together, it is not a fatal blow to Dong Xie, but Chu Xiang's purpose is not here. He just wants to disturb Dong Xie's attention, so that the f virus can attack Dong Xie. Perform energy intake.

Sure enough, this thunder and lightning did not cause much damage to Dong Xie ’s body, but he burned his hair and caused Dong Xie to become a little panic. At this time, his alertness was naturally not high, and the f virus was shot. Chu Xiang had been close to Dong Xie in order to increase the effect. I couldn't get closer, and suddenly a strong energy slowly entered Chu Xiang's body, and it was a success!

T virus, r virus, f virus are such amazing viruses. They not only create evolutionary superhumans, they can also destroy these evolvers, and they can even take away their energy so that the host can continue to survive. The magical ones were originally mutual As an old enemy, I did not expect to survive into the same body. This is a unique example in the world. With such strange things as the premise, what happened to Chu Xiang is normal even if it is strange.

Dong Xie was so busy he didn't notice the energy state in his body. The f virus communicates with Chu Xiang's mind, knowing that the smoking process must be hidden in the initial stage, otherwise the other party will resist when it perceives it, and its smoking will be completely interrupted, as long as it has passed the early smoking stage. With the equal strength of Chu Xiang and Dong Xie, as long as Dong Xie is weak, he will be in danger!

Sure enough, Dong Xie showed no power after avoiding the lightning strike. At this time, Chu Xiang switched from offensive to defensive. Avoiding the attack on Dong Xie made him aware of the energy loss, but Dong Xie was very embarrassed by lightning. When he was annoyed, he took the initiative to attack, but Chu Xiang didn't fight with him. He didn't know that his energy was losing. Because the f virus was secretly manipulated in this process, even if they were standing on the side, Bei Bian, Nan Di, and others did not know anything. Instead, they saw Chu Xiang evading and thought he was going to lose. Smile.

At this time, the f-virus notified Chu Xiang that it had consumed a tenth of the energy of the other party. From the point of view of the master's tactics, his life was affected. This is enough to let Dong Xie die! Can't drag any more, there are a few people watching below, and there are also beggars and Wang Yangzhi who are staring at each other. Chu Xiang decided to make a final attack on Dong Xie.

Chu Xiang quickly converted the energy sucked back by the f virus, and with the virus's current collaboration ability, it is easy to convert this energy into used energy, which is completely different from Xiao Silk's physique. Because there is only t virus in the small silk ground, Chu Xiang can get a big difference when he compares this energy with Dong Xie. He gets success and Dong Xie loses success. In this case, the difference is 60%, which is more than half. , Who is strong and who is weak immediately know.

Hum! Chu Xiang sent a wave of ultrasonic attacks casually. This attack has been done dozens of times just now, and Dong Xie didn't care about it. Instead, he laughed and said, "Blind. Do you have any other skills? Why not Take out other skills, will it only put a lightning bolt? Don't be proud. Today is your deathly taboo! "

Speaking of Dong Xie, the evolvers under the stage hated him, including Xi Du. When he accepted the challenge, he released poisonous gas and poisoned several evolutionaries in the front row, which made other evolutionaries outraged. However, they could only shut up when they thought that their strength was not as good as others. Now they see that the only person who can catch the East evil attack is going to fall Everyone is sweating.

Hum. Dong Xie also sent a wave of ultrasonic waves to meet. It is impossible to judge who is strong and who is weak from its appearance. But the two waves of ultrasound collided quickly. The strength is immediately divisible. boom! After the energy collision exploded, a scream was heard. The cry was full of fear and incredible.

boom. Dongxiedi's body flew down the stone platform like a broken ground kite. Just like the evolutionary who was injured by him just now. puff. Dong Xie spurted a large mouthful of blood. He was injured in the internal organs by an ultrasonic earthquake. Don't talk about launching an ultrasonic strike now. Whether you can save your life is still a big problem. Think of him as Chu Xiang's half strength. But with a wave of ultrasound. Isn't this death?

Bei Bian, Zhong Shen Tong, Southern Emperor looked at each other. Eyes are shocked. This person knows Chu Xiang's strength. Although Dong Xie can't win him. However, their purpose is not to let Dong Xie defeat Chu Xiang. Just let him consume Chu Xiang's energy as much as possible. By that time, they would have every victory. But looking at the strength of Chu Xiangdi now is not the former Wuxia Amon. This is far beyond their expectations! But just now Chu Xiang's performance is the same as before. But suddenly things reversed. Why is this!

Western poison naturally ignored these things. To be honest, all he could come to Huashan to discuss swords was to face the other four. To put it plainly, I am afraid that the four of them will join forces. Therefore, western poisons only do what they should do. No one challenged him and stood aside alone. Leave nothing to the court. When the North beggar and the South emperor saw Dong Xie vomiting blood, they knew that he was almost a waste. It must be theirs now.

No one paid attention to the evil on the ground. The evolvers off the court hated him for a long time. When he saw a sudden defeat, there were those who fell. The first person went up and stomped on him. A second person will soon join. For a while, the crowd rushed and waited until Wang Tong stepped forward to stop the ground. Blood sprayed more. Now there is less air and more air. I don't know when I will die. In fact, his internal organs were injured by ultrasound. Even if it can recover, it can't reach half of its previous strength. Now trampled by the evolutionists. His internal injuries worsened. Even if a generation of evil men recover from their injuries, they can only be regarded as ordinary evolutionaries. Other times are over! From this moment there will no longer be the title of East Evil Land!

Chu Xiang's heart was ecstatic now. He only used the f-virus to **** zombies before coming into contact with the energy-bound evolutionary. And inspired to develop such a skill with the f virus. Although this skill looks a bit mean. Because the application is carried out in the dark. But do you still need to greet the despicable people in advance? In addition to the strong sneak attack effect of this skill. More importantly, strengthened his energy! Hitting an east evil strengthened near success. If another beggar succeeds. That ’s not to increase your strength by more than half!

Chu Xiang was more and more excited, and he broke a foot of rock with one foot: "Who else dare to accept my challenge!"

Chu Xiang is now a nominal challenger. Dong Xie has fought, but he is defeated, unless the four accept the challenge in turn. Otherwise, their names are not true, especially when Wang Yang wants to be the leader and must serve the public, even the challenge of the sword is not embarrassing. This is not conducive to future rule. After all, the evolutionist is not an ordinary person They have a strong personality.

In fact, the original intention was to defeat Chu Xiang with a wheel battle, but there was a slight deviation, but it did not affect the continuation of the following procedure. Bei Bie stepped out of the crowd, "Small, don't be complacent, do you want to be the leader of the league. Just pass us in turn!"

Chu Xiang now has a strong tone of reliance. "Okay, I'm going to try what you have. Listen to the sound. I know you are a beggar. Come, let everyone see how strong you are? Do n’t be dregs , Then embarrassing. "

Chu Xiang runs against the beggars in order to let them continue the previous wheel battle, or the remaining four will rush up, let alone consume their energy at that time. Whether they can escape their joint fight is still a problem. However, from the analysis of the words of the beggars, they have no plans to make a comeback for the time being, and probably want to dress themselves in the presence of the evolutionaries in the world.

Bei Bian and others still don't understand why Dong Xiedi failed. Dong Xie suddenly lost to Chu Xiang. Is Dong Xie's energy low or Chu Xiang's energy high? The battle between Dong Xie and Chu Xiang has happened several times before. Those battles were normal in the past, and Chu Xiang's strength was also clear to them. They would never be higher than Dong Xie, so most people believed that Dong Xie had a sudden change, and his energy had problems. This made the opponent seriously injured.

With the above consideration, the beggar attributed the failure to Dong Xie, and ignored the possibility of Chu Xiang's sudden increase in strength. After all, it is impossible for outsiders to strengthen their strength. With this idea, The premise is that Bei Bian also treats Chu Xiang as his previous opponent, which makes him make a mistake without taking a shot.

Huh, of course, the beggar uses his famous name to drop the dragon and eighteen palms. In fact, it is a name. The earth knows that the beggar uses energy as the source of killing. This is similar to Zhang Jingyao ’s evolution. Xiang hardly received a wave of energy strikes from the North beggar, but he concealed a quarter of his strength, which made the North beggar even more convinced that Chu Xianggang was able to defeat Dong Xie by accident! And Chu Xiang did consume energy after the battle with Dong Xie, and now he is not his opponent!

Chu Xiang didn't plan to fight with these masters and defeated Dong Xie's plan to make him happy. In fact, he is now slightly better than the beggar, but in order to numb his opponents, he still has to pretend to be underpowered. As soon as the beggar relaxes its alert to himself, Chu Xiang will take the opportunity to shoot again. At that time, he will have a lot of energy from the beggar to deal with Nandi and Xidu, and Wang Yang should be more relaxed.

Although Song Jun and others were nervous off the stage, they followed Chu Xiang's instructions and never shot them as a last resort. Although Song Jun and Chu Xiang have evolved one after the other, and the strength of Song Jun and He Yaohui is also regarded as a twister among many evolvers, but to this day, Chu Xiang ’s strength is already qualitatively different from them. He can fight against the East and the North, but Song Jun and He Yaohui are still far behind. At most two people will join forces to play a tie with each other. If they are fighting alone, their lives will be dangerous. In the last-day team, Song Jun and He Yaohui It is the strongest person. Even if several people join forces, they may not be able to beat each other, so Chu Xiang will tell them that they cannot easily do so.

Boom, boom, it looks like Chu Xiang is dodging by the energy from the beggar, and his footsteps are getting more and more embarrassing, and the frequency of counterattacks is getting lower and lower. Bei Gao's face that was a little skeptical began to relax. Now he has a smile. The consultant of the evolution department is still his former strength. He was consumed by Dong Xie just now, and now he is definitely not his opponent!

Chu Xiang saw the pride of the beggar. He quietly gave the f virus a sneak attack order. The f virus had been eager to try after the first successful use of the f virus, but it knew that the other party was very powerful, and it could cause Chu Xiang to cause trouble, so it would not act rashly. The time has come for the f virus to quietly start consuming energy.

North beggar knows nothing! Even if you accidentally noticed that the energy has decreased, it is regarded as the reason that you have just attacked Chu Xiang for several consecutive palms. Chu Xiang ’s heart blossomed. Although this sneak attack is impossible to try everything, but at least before the enemy has no doubt He can take down the beggar! After getting the energy of the North beggar, it is a great chance to play against the Southern Emperor and Wang Yang!

After Chu Xiang had the previous experience, he made it more covert this time, so that the beggar could not notice the decrease in his strength. With the inhalation of energy, Chu Xiang adjusts his counterattack strength secretly, so outsiders seem to be fighting against each other. In fact, the energy they have emitted is not enough for the first two minutes. Those who do not personally experience it can be seen even by Wang Yang. !!

Chu Xiang disguised for more than five minutes. The f virus took a lot of food. In the end, the beggar became more invisible, because his quantity could be reduced and his vigilance was affected. He only knew that Chu Xiang was still fighting him. No tie. Even the phenomenon of defeat has appeared. In fact, his energy has been absorbed by 50%. This is a terrible number!

Bei Bian didn't hit Chu Xiang with a few palms. He couldn't help but get angry: "Blind. Do you only know how to dodge, so when can we win the match! Don't delay everyone's time to go down the mountain to rest, and fight me to death. . "

Chu Xiang chuckled with a smile: "Well, for everyone's sake, let's do our best to fight for one's life. Life and death are rich and rich in the sky. Today I think I'm lucky, maybe God will take care of me again."

Bei Bian sneered: "Maybe, but I think you are more likely to be finished! Take control!"

Bei Bie launched with two palms. He mobilized all the energy in his body. In his opinion, Chu Xiang would never have survived if he insisted on it! After all, Chu Xiang's original strength was not as good as himself, and he also consumed a lot of energy in Dong Xie. Judging from the counterattack he just made, it was the end of the strong bow, and today's events are over to his beggar.

Chu Xiang talked. He promised that the North beggar clenched his teeth and clenched his teeth to gather energy. In the eyes of outsiders, this was a dying struggle. Even the unknown Song Jun pinched a sweat. He grabbed the steel bow in his hand and was ready to launch an arrow attack at any time. North beggar, but before Chu Xiang was in danger, he must not take the shot first, so it would disrupt Chu Xiang ’s plan, and the energy emitted by the two collided. Chu Xiang was trying his best from the outside. In fact, he really did his best. His actual skill has exceeded more than half of the beggar. This palm has not swindled two energies. Who is strong and who is weak can be seen immediately, Chu Xiang's feet slightly back, but the beggar is down. Fly out, similar to Dong Xie's situation.

Being hit hard, it ’s a natural phenomenon for the body to fly in order to avoid greater damage. It ’s not strange to see the evolving spectators, but only after the beggars landed, everyone found that his chest was blurred with flesh and blood. Injured Chu Xiang, but the beggar who lacked energy protection was blasted and his chest skin tissue was rotten. Although his bones were hard and did not directly burst the chest cavity, his ribs were broken. As for internal injuries, he would definitely not be weaker than Dongxie Because the strength of Chu Xiangdi has been improved than before.

Alas, the beggar sprayed blood on Dongxie. Wang Yang and Emperor Hu couldn't stand. The incident was beyond their expectation. If Dongxie's injury was caused by Chu Xiang hitting the shit, the blind cat was killed. The mouse, then what is the beggar? Obviously he is in the upper hand, but he lost in the last blow, and he was defeated miserably. Even if the crowd did not go up and step on him, he would not deserve to be called Bei Beggar.

Hu Yidi raised Bei Begao and said, "What's going on? Obviously you have the upper hand, how could you hurt him?"

Bei Bian said in pain: "I don't know, his energy suddenly became very strong. Don't hesitate to shoot him together to kill him, otherwise let him develop at such a rapid rate, we will never defeat him!"

Hu Yidi and Wang Yang had to believe even if they did n’t believe it. Western drugs ignored their affairs, but the four of them had set up a great development plan. Now the four masters have gone to two and the remaining two I'm afraid it's hard to speak alone, but two are always better than one, so I can't challenge them one by one ~ ~.

Hu Yidi and Wang Yang thought of a gaze at each other here, and they both flew on the stone platform at the same time. Since it was the wheel that broke the shameful rules and the war was over again, then there was no need to talk more about the scene. Hu One emperor and Wang Yang came up to kill the killer.

Chu Xiang knows that although his strength has increased greatly, it is absolutely impossible to play the joint of the two. After all, these two old churros are also experienced. After all, Chu Xiang may not be able to win, so Chu Xiang decided Smashed one person before hurting.

Wang Yang's soft sword was already in his hand. He shook a sword flower in Chu Xiang's chest, so that Chu Xiang couldn't see his sword point at all, but Chu Xiang didn't care about it at all. He went all out to meet Hu Yidi and Hu Yi. Emperor is now using the flame skills. He believes that the flames will make the opponent invisible under melee, but who knows that Chu Xiang does not hide at all, and even hits a punch from the flame. Of course, the bone knife has been detected. Hu Yidi ’s Although the flames are powerful, it is impossible to change Chu Xiang's arms and bone knife in a moment.

Hissing, the bone knife struck Hu Yidi ’s chest, and the opponent crossed the flame to attack him, and he was still attacked by Wang Yang ’s sword. Therefore, Chu Xiang ’s knife was beyond Hu Yidi ’s expectation, and his chest was suddenly opened. Anatomized, whistled, blood and viscera came out.


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