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Chapter 359: Evolutionary lord

Chu Xiang did not expect that his energy enhancement was so high. Even if Hu Yidi's strength is cut, it may be difficult to break his chest, but now it seems that his bone knife has improved, and Hu Yidi's body is difficult to resist!

The f virus is welcome. It has already started to consume Hu Yidi ’s energy, and Hu Yidi ’s immediate injury did n’t even know that his energy was losing rapidly. He covered his chest and eyes and fell down on the ground. This is He never dreamed of something. If he killed himself with one stroke, would this still be in line with Nandi's identity?

However, Chu Xiang also risked his life, because there was Wang Yang behind him, and Wang Yang hated him because of Xiaosi, and because of the conflict of interests, he started to be vicious, Chu Xiang cut off Hu The emperor's chest also hit sixteen swords behind him! Blood came out, if it is ordinary people who do not want to hurt Chu Xiang, but Wang Yang is an evolutionary, the energy he put on the sword is by no means comparable to other evolutionaries, and even the skin of Chu Xiang cannot be blocked. .

The hair and eyebrows that Chu Xiang had just grown were burned by the flames again, and the clothes behind him were pickled by Wang Yang. The blood splashed was terrifying, and even his two arms could not move. Wang Yang's sword picked off Chu Xiang's bones. , The name of the magical power is not given in vain.

"Don't hurt my brother!" Xiao Si suddenly yelled and rushed out of the crowd. Wang Yang originally planned to take a chance to stab down and cut off all the muscles of Chu Xiang's body. At that time, Chu Xiang would be a wasteful person. Both the evil and the Southern Emperor are finished, even if they do not die, they no longer have the previous strength, and he Wang Yang will be a well-deserved leader of the evolutionary world, but suddenly seeing Xiaosi, Wang Yang's heart is chaotic, and he hesitates. Chu Xiang Has returned from killing Hu Yidi.

Body pain! Chu Xiang a little regretted taking Hu Yidi first, but Wang Yang's strength must be higher than that of Hu Yidi. If he was dealt with first, he would not have the current effect. Fortunately, he got a lot of energy today. He was just unlucky again from Hu Yidi. The ghost sucked a few percent of its energy, and Chu Xiang mobilized this energy to quickly repair his body. F virus, r virus, and t virus also noticed the danger of the mother. The virus cooperated to multiply quickly in Chu Xiang's body, so Wang Yang saw Xiao Si's empty space, and Chu Xiang's arm movement ability was restored instantly!

Alas, Chu Xiang's bone wings spun out like flying swords. Wang Yang immediately came to his senses after a short while, and his sword point stabbed at Chu Xiang again, but hit Chu Xiang's bones and wings without causing any damage. Boom! A thunder in the sky made Wang Yang's scalp numb and buzz. Opposite is the ultrasonic attack. Alas, a renju arrow on the stage shot quickly!

Wang Yang couldn't stop it. He stood up, a sudden whirlwind rose from the ground and pulled him down, but Wang Yang's body was stagnant, but after he strengthened his energy, he still got rid of the force of this storm. Wang Yang shot into the mountains in the distance. He did not expect that he still had this ability. This was beyond Chu Xiang's expectation, even if there were helicopters ambushing around, it was too late to catch up.

The lightning just now was not released by Chu Xiang. He did not dare to be distracted when he attacked Hu Yidi with all his strength, otherwise he would not be hurt by Wang Yang. Hu Yidi is not an ordinary evolutionary. He ca n’t hit him with a full blow. He wo n’t succeed just now. Yan released it below, although she knew that the strike force would not be strong, but only to delay Wang Yang for a second or two, and then Song Jun's renju arrows arrived, which provided a buffer for Chu Xiang's recovery.

The wound behind Chu Xiang was recovering quickly. The blood stopped quickly. But Chu Xiang didn't bother with it, he pulled his foot towards the west poison. The people under the stage also held their breath, and the sudden change of the scene made them a little uncomfortable. An evolutionary who knows Chu Xiang has already broken his identity and is an adviser to the National Evolution Department, but Chu Xiang ’s name is not as loud as Dong Xie and others, so this identity cannot get everyone excited enough. Now everyone is interested in Chu Xiang Can you defeat Xi Du, then he is a well-deserved leader of the evolutionary world! This is entirely based on strength. It is by no means like those who just said that after researching, Wang Yang was recommended as the leader. After seeing the powerful power that Chu Xiang just showed, it is estimated that no one at the scene dared to speak against it.

Chu Xiang stood in front of Xidu. He didn't speak Xidu and didn't speak. The crowd didn't know the details but he was backing down. Xidu's poisonous power had just been taught. It was best to lay four or five corpses on the ground. It has been proved that although the excitement is good-looking, who dares to move forward considering the issue of life.

Chu Xiang couldn't see. But this kept him from being confused by the false appearance on his opponent's face. Regardless of the expression on Xidu's face. As long as he has energy fluctuations, Chu Xiang can be known through induction. But Chu Xiang could not detect it. Western poisoning does not require physical exercise.

Chu Xiang felt sick and dizzy. The body was inexplicably tense. But Xidu still stood still like that. Knowing he was poisoning. But Chu Xiang didn't know if he should shoot. After all, he hadn't had contact with Xidu before. Not a feud. It's best to be able to kill Xidu in one hit. Save worrying later. But if the snake does not die, this poison will secretly provoke himself with himself. Then the loss will be its amazing huge!

Discomfort in the body is getting stronger. Chu Xiang even thought of persisting. The body almost shook. Maybe it will fall to the ground after two shakes. But he couldn't fall to the ground. Otherwise, today's efforts will be in vain. Maybe it will also affect the lives of friends and relatives.

At this time, the f virus suddenly issued a warning in Chu Xiang's brain consciousness. Means an accidental virus intrusion. Ask Chu Xiang whether to keep their ingredients or to destroy them. Chu Xiang suddenly wakes up. I'm so stupid. Should we say that the world virus can poison t virus most. That was the thing that destroyed the world in a short time! Western poison is no more than an evolution. The t virus in his body didn't even match his shoes. Why should I be afraid of him.

Chu Xiang told f virus through consciousness. Eliminate alien viruses! So the f virus worked with the t virus and the r virus. As they rapidly divide and devour foreign viruses. However, the look of Chu Xiang in his breath returned to nature. None of this has escaped the eyes of the western poisonous land. "It turns out that you are also a master." Xi Du said lightly. The following people already know that he is poisoning. They hide away and don't say much. Others pulled out their own biochemical masks. Most people scolded in their hearts. You are so shy and blind. They defeated your four associates. You just now say that others are masters.

Chu Xiang didn't know much about the western drug underground. From the perspective of evolution. It is not surprising that West Poison has several skills. If he has other skills besides poisoning. Taking a shot on your own will not necessarily kill it in one shot. Offending him that way left scourge.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiang said with a smile: "You're welcome. Your poison is very good."

Xi Du didn't laugh, he said lightly: "Their affairs have nothing to do with me."

However, Chu Xiang guessed the intention of Xidu. In fact, Xidu didn't want to be his enemy. In addition, Xidu's lonely character was the reason. As long as no one threatens his safety, he won't come to argue about any **** lord, maybe he will return to West Xinjiang to continue his free life, which is no longer considered by Chu Xiang.

Song Jun has already notified the helicopter, but chasing Wang Yang is of no consequence. This Wang Yang not only controls the corpse with a sword, but he can also leap in the air. This time, it is helpless to let him escape. If the master fights, it can be separated. You die I live. If it is the escape of two people with different strengths and not disparities, it is difficult to separate them from each other, not to mention that it is impossible for Chu Xiang's eyes to chase him. Furthermore, it is useless for Xiaosi to arrange tens of thousands of zombies in the periphery. Even if Wang Yang's ability to control the corpse is not as good as Xiaosi, it is more than enough to protect himself in the corpse. So only let him go. Only Xiaosi was obviously unhappy on the field, and Wang Yang hurt Chu Xiang. This made Xiaosi's original feelings for him disappear. She even hated that she had a kind feeling for him before. Such a person died early.

Wow, the people below reacted after West Poison left. This is the true leader of power faction. He defeated Dong Xie, North Beggar, South Emperor, Zhongshentong, West Poison, and what a hero! "Leader! Leader! Leader!" Someone yelled and then a response

Chu Xiang waved his hand: "There is no leader and no martial arts. Everyone goes back to the base to help the defenders to protect the survivors. Only their survival can be exchanged for your development. Otherwise, the world is left with only those of us who are the evolutionaries who do the production Grow food! "

Someone shouted, "Yeah, no one offered a woman to be our wife." The people below laughed loudly.

Chu Xiang said: "Yes. Although this guy is straightforward, but it is a big truth. I don't mean to let ordinary people be slaves to our evolutionaries. Don't forget that everyone present was among them. We are a lucky member because of the chance. We ca n’t be complacent about it, but we should treat this as a difference in social division of work as before. We are all a part of the doomsday society. They provide us with food and Service, and we protect them! "

Someone said: "Ah, this is really the level of consultants. The five people just knew that let us listen to their orders. They are a shit. Let's just look at the excitement. I didn't expect to see that the problem was coming. "Advisor Chu is our local leader, and we promise to be convinced."

Chu Xiang was also an unruly person. He said, "Take it down. I am worried about the name of an evolutionary consultant now. If you really have this intention, you will cause less trouble in the future. Otherwise, you will be punished if you are not sure. The evolution department invites you to drink tea. It is said that the tea of ​​the evolution department is not good. After drinking, you will be no different from ordinary people. "

Chu Xiang is not an alarmist. He is taking advantage of this opportunity to knock and beat these people. He honestly guarantees a blessing. Do n’t blame him if you do something outrageous. There is already an evolutionary bomber on the outside. It is rumored that it is not difficult for the Evolution Department to destroy the superpowers of these people

Someone responded: "Respondent Chu is assured. If you do n’t rush into anything else, you will talk to us so much and we will meet you. We will never give trouble to the evolution department. We will never let him go in trouble. Everyone said that I was right? "

Most of the evolutionaries are bold people. Although Chu Xiang defeated several masters, he did not pull the frame, but pulled everyone together. This made them feel cordial when they were nervous, and they all shouted for Chu Xiang ’s favor. Road: "Yes, that old poison poisoned us just now, and the consultant Chu fought against him. Speaking of which we are comrades in the same trench, we will not let him go if anyone is bored and looking for something in the future!"

Chu Xiang didn't expect to hit him in the end, but he was chatting with these people but he was all right. At this time, a helicopter chased Wang Yang back. Chu Xiang said, "I ’d rather meet each other. I have a lot of friends here today. I ca n’t One by one, but our Yutai base is rich in resources. I invite you to drink two glasses, even if it is a meeting ceremony, Song Jun. Let the Yutai base deliver wine, the more the better. Since we ca n’t talk about swords, we talk about wine. It can be called a hero! ... Uh, come. Let me introduce to you the Minister of National Evolution He Yaohui! "

He Yaohui also came today. Naturally, he would not sit in the evolution department for such a big thing. Now seeing Chu Xiang in association with these people knows that he is thinking for himself. It is difficult to manage the evolution department for the evolution department. The distance is far A difficult problem, and there are many of them with great strength. I ca n’t always let Chu Xiang come out to help me every time, but now if I make friends with these people, I will give myself a face anyway, even if I do n’t give myself, Chu Xiang will definitely give it, otherwise it will be death. .

Song Jun immediately informed the Yutai base to prepare the wine, and then the wine was delivered directly to the top of the mountain, and He Yaohui jumped to Shitai to meet the evolutionaries. The local people let He Yaohui perform his kung fu one after another. He Yaohui pushed it twice and refused to refuse. He took out two swords and let his men shoot him with machine guns. As a result, he blocked all the bullets with the sword. Revealing this hand admired the evolutionaries below, who originally felt that there was a generational gap with He Yaohui. Now that he knows that Minister He is also a Daoist, he can open up anything.

After a while, the wine was transmitted, and the evolutionists came up. Although they each have their own skills, the stock of wine in the world is getting less and less. Even if the evolutionaries are not afraid of zombies, they are hard to find. Now seeing so much wine . No one is guzzling. If you drink too much, you will naturally talk too much. When you talk too much, you will consider yourself a friend of Chu's consultant. Patting his chest one by one promised to help Chu Xiang teach those little hairs who did not obey the management of the Evolution Department.

Chu Xiang just went through a fierce battle, although his strength continued to increase. However, considering his eyes, Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan still came forward to stop him from drinking. The two women were just mixed in the crowd just now. Naturally, they no longer need to hide their identities. Most of the evolutionaries are bold and bold. Seeing that Chu Xiang is always surrounded by a few Beautiful girls, all screaming, the girls want to be angry but can't really care about them, not angry so that the blushing necks that these old men say can only hide to one side and no longer care.

I don't know how long the wine has been drunk or how much I have said. Chu Xiang feels a little dumb in his voice. Xie Shanshan suddenly came over and handed the satellite phone: "It's the chairman's emergency call."

Chu Xiang drank a little bit of spirit. He thought the chairman had congratulated him on the news that he had defeated his opponent. Chu Xiang said: "Chairman, I'm all right now, rest assured, only Wang Yang escaped. Western poison is expected to After returning to Western Xinjiang, we will not endanger the security of our interior. "

Who knows that Hua Fuqiang smiled bitterly: "I just heard the result of the sword, you are good, but you can no longer call me chairman ..."

Chu Xiang yelled, "What's going on? What does the chairman mean?"

Hua Fuqiang said: "The Central Committee has just convened a Politburo meeting. I have now stepped down as the chairman. This is not my intention to find a place to care for the elderly ..."

Chu Xiang's head hummed. "Chairman, what's going on, you don't have to make a mystery with me. I don't understand these insidious words on you."

Hua Fuqiang said: "Yue Tai is in power. It is approved by all members of the Politburo. I am only one of the Standing Committee members. In fact, Xiao Chu, you should know my personality. Power is not important to me. The key is to be a national survivor. Do something practical, I hope Yue Tai will not let me down. "

Chu Xiang hurriedly said: "Chairman, how did this happen, did not many people support you, and the meeting was held without any signs, right? This is a conspiracy! They used Huashan's sword to attract my attention , And then make a difference in Beijing while I'm fighting here! "

Chu Xiang figured it out, and he was in a trick. Although it seems that the winning side is in himself, if the victory is not secretly drawing energy from the other side, it is not certain who will die today. These people drag themselves in Huashan, Yue Tai was seizing power in Beijing. Although Huashan's sword failed, Beijing succeeded. With Yue Tai in power, who knows whether he will be bad for Yutai base! So this is very bad news.

Hua Fuqiang didn't know this, but he was really reluctant to engage in the power struggle, let alone the overall situation has been set. If something happened at this time, it would not be a good thing for the Beijing base or the whole country.

Hua Fuqiang said, "Xiao Chu, in fact, this is a very common thing. No matter how you win, your victory is an important step for the stability of the entire country and the evolution world. As for me, it doesn't matter. In the end, Yue Tai is also an experienced comrade. I believe he will do better than me. "

Chu Xiangqi almost scolded him, but he could not be disrespectful to Hua Fuqiang, not only because he was the chairman ~ ~ but also because he had always been with Chu Xiang as an elder. Xiang can turn his face to anyone, but his elders dare not. This is his father Chu's discipline.

"I'll be right there. You'll be waiting for me in the office." Chu Xiang quickly slammed the phone.

Xie Shanshan was standing beside, seeing Chu Xiang's expression nervous, she said, "What's going on? Is there something wrong with the central government?"

Chu Xiang said: "Yue Tai used Huashan's sword as a pretext to attract our attention and strength. He has conspired in Beijing and is now elected as the new chairman."

After hearing about it, Zhang Jingyao was surprised: "How can this be! The old guy is really well-intentioned! We really ignored the information of Beijing in this period of time, and we planned to transfer all the troops here to Huashan Lunjian. I didn't expect to have It came in handy. "

He Yaohui was even more anxious: "We rushed back immediately to pull Yue Tai down, he was not qualified at all, so he was afraid that we would not have a good time in the future!"

Chu Xiang said: "Yes, I mean the same, let's go!"


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