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Chapter 365: Massacre

The thundering clouds suddenly made lightning strikes, and the Indians sought out places to hide, but the sky was getting darker and darker. This is not the usual weather here, and many people are worried.

boom! Suddenly a louder thunder sounded, the tallest building in Kalimpong was hit, and a fire broke out, and the thunder and lightning were not reduced, and even more accurately hit the Indians hiding from the ground. Kungfu in the Kalimpong base for a while The scorched smell filled, and a large number of thunderbolts kept chopping on the Indians as if they had eyes. Most of the finished Indians fell down, and most of them were killed by a single blow, and they became serious corpses directly.

"No! This thunderbolt is weird!" The commander of the Far East Army has seen the power of thunderbolts, and he saw that these thunderbolts were not formed naturally!

The commander of the Far East Army reminded everyone that they suddenly realized, "The Chinese are coming!" Someone shouted, and they immediately thought of the tragic sight of grasshoppers outside Naidong County, and one of them led the crowd and fled. The Kalimpong base continued to escape eastward, and behind them Kalimpong was already a sea of ​​fire.

Darjeeling is closest to Kalimpong. There is a base of thousands of survivors. The Indians devoted all their energy to the expansion after the disaster. Darjeeling is one of the closest cities to Sikkim in the past. There are many arms and weapons, so this Ki's combat effectiveness was high, and the commander of the Far East Army fled into the Darjeeling base with the remnants and was ridiculed.

"Her commander, I never thought you would make such low-level mistakes. The Chinese are a very weak race. They are determined to be pure fools when they look ahead and back. It is really funny that you would lose to them with a large elite army. The commander of the Darjeeling base told the Far Eastern Army commander.

The commander of the Far East Army said: "You are wrong. The Chinese are not only cowardly but also cunning. Anyone who says that the Chinese are stupid will be punished. If you don't believe me, you can try."

The commander of the Darjeeling base said unpleasantly, "Her commander, what do you mean by this, are you calling me a fool?"

The commander of the Far East Army said: "Of course not. I just remind you that the Chinese are cruel and ruthless. Thousands of Indian empire soldiers have been grilled with kebabs by them and Kalimpong has been destroyed by them. We should fight with our enemies and wait for it. Not like you Look down on the enemy and laugh at his fellow countrymen. "

The commander snorted coldly: "I didn't laugh at it, but to tell the truth, Kalimpong was hit by a sky fire. This has nothing to do with the Chinese. Observing from the satellites, no Chinese have entered our Indian territory, so you have to worry about it, don't Say I don't take care of you. Staying with me to be safe, even the zombies outside dare not come to provoke you, because my metal frenzy can make them lumpy. "

The commander of the Far East Army would like to persuade a few more words, "Ordinary bombs have no effect on China's evolvers. You should not trust the power of those weapons. I have seen them have a sonic tank, even our evolvers can't stop it. ! "

The commander yelled: "Her commander, I repeat, our satellite did not find any Chinese entering the territory, let alone a tank. If you shake my base army again, be careful I will take you out!"

The commander of the Far East Army closed his mouth with interest. At this time, night fell, and he stood on the tallest building in the Darjeeling base. Looking at the dark night in the distance, his heart pounded. And the followers around him were also apprehensive, and a staff officer couldn't help but say, "Commander, can you say that Darjeeling can keep us safe?"

The commander of the Far East Army shook his head and said, "The leaders here don't listen to my persuasion. In fact, even if we listen to our persuasion, their weapons are not useful at all."

An officer said, "Commander, do we still have to stay, will it be dangerous here?"

The commander of the Far East Army said, "Yeah, I'm thinking about this too. Maybe our trip has entered the eyes of the Chinese evolutionist. We can't stay here for long. Let's leave the base overnight."

The remnants of the Far East Army left the Darjeeling base overnight, and they became a bird of surprise. They thought that it was not safe anywhere, but they did not expect it to save their lives. At dawn, a biochemical bomb fell silently into Darjeeling. After the explosion in the base, the entire base was filled with yellow smoke. Many people were stunned as soon as they were awakened by the explosion, and this coma was never likely to wake up.

At the Siliguri base, the remnants of the Far East Army heard that Darjeeling had a cold sweat on the night they left. Is n’t it a biochemical attack that they did to the Chinese? Could it be said that the four bombs did not explode but were destroyed? Is the other captured? Now it is used on the Indians themselves, which is also called evil and evil.

"Brothers," the commander of the Far East Army said profoundly: "We have experienced the same life and death together now than our brothers. The Chinese evolutionists will not let us go. If not, we might be arrogant with that arrogance. The commander of the Darjeeling base was the same. I have a hunch that Siliguri will not be tonight. "

Someone said, "Yeah, there is no biochemical bomb yet. In case they toss another one to the Siliguri base tonight, wouldn't we be finished, anyway, we're full, let's go."

The staff member said: "The commander of the Siliguri base is OK with us. Let's inform them to organize a retreat."

Someone said, "No, how can you explain to the Siliguri people, are they the Chinese evolutionaries we have brought in? Then they haven't eaten us raw? What will the president think of us then, will they treat me? Treated as a spy? "

The head of the Indian Army said: "I agree with the idea that we should sneak away. This will not attract the attention of the Chinese evolutionists. If they let us know where we are going, we may continue to hunt."

This proposal was endorsed by most people, so the remnants of the Far East Army used Darjeeling's tricks again. They did not say hello to dig a hole with an evolver, and then quietly slipped out of the base and continued to the east. Another one that night Biochemical bombs were dropped into Siliguri, where a strong fort base was extinct. \\

A few days later, the Dalpenga base was attacked with biochemical weapons. No one was spared; the day after the biochemical attack on the Darpenga base, the Muzaffar base was also attacked by biochemical weapons. The entire base population and soldiers were all extinct; a few days later Gorakhpur was incinerated by fire, and the entire base turned into a sea of ​​fire. Even a few inches of anti-corpse steel plates were burned, and the bones of the corpses were unevenly gathered. The scene For tragic.

Half a month later, within the Lucknow base, fewer than two refugees were hungry and skinny. These days they have walked deadlessly in the mountains infested with zombies, and more than one person has been killed. The Lucknow base enthusiastically accepted them. These survivors did not dare to identify themselves. One reason was that they were ashamed now, and the other was that they heard arguments from the bases, saying that the bases in India had taken the Far East. The remnants of the army are regarded as funerals, and whoever keeps them will be unlucky. Either the natural disaster or the extinction of biochemical weapons, and the biochemical weapons used are still Indian-made, which is puzzling.

After a full meal, the commander of the Far East Army convened a meeting in a run-down room. Everyone's voice was very low. I'm afraid to let outsiders know their identity after hearing it. Don't say they were taken in at that time. I'm afraid that people in the base will be killed and hung on the gatehouse to show Tian that they have no relationship with them.

"Our situation is unfavorable. If it weren't for us being careful, we might have died many times now," said the commander of the Far East Army, "you say we should stay or go tonight."

Someone said: "Of course we are going. We enter Lucknow base only to supplement our supplies. Now it is important to keep our own lives. Who cares about the safety of Lucknow base. We must not sacrifice us to complete them."

The commander of the Far East Army said: "Okay, we will continue to flee. But I always ask everyone, when will this fugitive end? Is it true that the Chinese do not kill us, we will not end it. Where is it? "

One officer confessed: "I knew I would be killed in such an underground field to invade China, but I wouldn't do anything, but it's too late to say anything. The other side is secretly, we're in the light, only one day to escape."

There is also an evolver who said, "Who can blame this? I can only blame the hybrid who made this plan!"

Someone booed him and said, "Shut up! Let others hear that you do n’t want to die. The plan to expand our territory is made by the cabinet. Our Prime Minister has unlimited power. If you let him know that you slander him like this, do you still want to live Now. "

"Living?" Someone asked, "Do we still have hope of living? I haven't closed my eyes for a long time, and if I do n’t continue to die like this, I will be trapped. I guess I won't be safe here tonight. I think there will still be people exhausted. "

Someone yelled at the table and said, "Fuck, I always want to scold the guys in the cabinet who can only move their lips. We are better off living here, they are still eating and drinking spicy food in New Delhi. It ’s unfair to me! They introduced New Delhi to let them taste the power of the Chinese, and they knew that we were suffering from land crimes, otherwise how many more crimes would those people add to our heads? "

Some people put forward this absurd suggestion that no one was opposed, and everyone was full of resentment against the plan. If it was not because of this plan, they used the current fate, and whether the government will forgive them for their failure is unknown. In addition, they led several bases to the calamity and burned their lives. This account did not know what to count. Instead of venting their grievances, they might as well let others suffer.

"Go to New Delhi and lead the Chinese evolutionist!" Almost everyone shouted in their hearts.

It was a tornado storm at the Lucknow base. The entire base was looted by the storm after the bright sky, and the remnants of the Far East Army who fled away overnight ran away again. They were more convinced that the Chinese evolutionary had been following their buttocks, so they cheered up. To New Delhi. ^^^^

The Bareilly base has a population of over 10,000. On the evening of the same day, they hosted more than 50 shabby-printed people. After asking them in detail for information, it was determined that they were not the remnants of the Far East Army. When people entered the base, they ate and ate, and then slept for a few hours. Before midnight, they sneaked out of the base and fled away at night. Of course, this is the remnant Far East Army, but what can survive to this day has become With the old churros, the Indians will not be asked anything. And they know that the Chinese are playing with them, as long as they escape from the base before midnight.

Barreli base is guarded by an army of more than 5,000 people. This is a large base in the New Delhi Survival Circle. This is also the main source of troops for the New India Government. The cabinet just held a meeting to determine the transfer of thousands of survivors from Bareilly to the Eastward Forces. shame!

That night, the recruits and veterans' camps are bright, because the recruits will set off for New Delhi tomorrow. Although the first one is full of danger, these Indians ca n’t help but think of the water as they are excited about the future. Drink. Sing and dance one by one.

"Hey man, you're hot, wipe your sweat," an old soldier enthusiastically handed a towel to a recruit.

The recruit said: "Thank you guys, I will pray for you when I stand on the Himalayas."

The veteran said: "I don't understand. What does the country ask us to do in the barren land? After the t-virus chaos, our country is deserted. Do we still need to find a place to live?"

The recruit said: "Although I am just a newcomer. But I am more than you think. We want to become the world's number one military power. In addition to setting military expenditure as a score, we must also seriously despise the Chinese practices of the year. , The return of the seized materials, no killing, no beating, no scolding, no insulting, no confiscation of private property, giving preferential treatment in life, and giving treatment to the injured. This is just a fool's talent. Our purpose is to kill all To **** up the Chinese property, let us dominate the entire Asian continent. After the restoration of world order, Americans will have to look at us and talk. "

The veteran sighed: "That's just a matter of concern for the top talents. I only care about my own life. Man, you are still young, you must have been brainwashed, and you will know the value of life after a few battles. Give up your silly thoughts, China is so big, we can survive the t virus, and they will certainly be able to. "

Xinbing said: "I will never give up. The snowy plateau was originally our territory of ancient India. This is an opportunity given to us by God. If we do not use it now, we will wait for the recovery of China ’s economy and production. Difficult, I heard that the Chinese Evolution Forces are now very powerful, and they are selling anti-virus virus solutions to overseas countries.

The veteran said: "Then I don't understand any more. We should make good relations with China, and fight for what it is."

Recruit said: "Wrong, good relationship is not a long-term solution. The best way is to win them, so that we don't have as much anti-t virus liquid as we want, and we don't have to be restrained." Veteran said: "You are too confident, yourself It has been said that China's evolutionary army is very powerful, and now it still accompanies the group of hot-headed cabinets to fool the ground. This is to toss the rest of the Indian population. "

The recruits said with confidence: "You look at it, our chief has given us a thorough analysis. We have the absolute certainty to win. The Chinese dare not say!"

Squeaked, squeaked, the recruit raised his fist in excitement, preparing to take an oath as he was brainwashed by the sergeant, but his hands were raised and he never let go, the veteran also felt uncomfortable, and was surrounded by fire. The carnival has made him hot and uncomfortable, but now his body is cold, his bones are tingling, and his head consciousness is gradually losing.

Huh, the fire went out, and it was suddenly extinguished completely, not even a Mars was left, and the noisy sounds around did not know when it had disappeared. The busy Indian soldiers were now motionless, as if it were more A bunch of statues.

Bang, some things can't stand the low temperature bursting one after another, the glass slammed and shattered underground, and the overreaction was frost everywhere, as if suddenly coming to the north from the equator, a few winds fell like snowflakes.

Tens of thousands of Barelly bases were blown by a cold wind, and then there was no sound in it. After the bright sky, the sun gradually rose and the temperature gradually rose. One by one, the statues collapsed to the ground. Unfortunately, they could no longer wake up, and no one was there. Know how they died.

New Delhi Cabinet, there are piles of urgent items on the table. From the failure of the Far Eastern Army to withdraw to the country, the bases along the way will have no day of tranquility. As long as it is a base that the Far Eastern Army has passed, there is no second end, that is All off!

"Can you give me a reasonable explanation? Now I can trust Superman and Mutant ~ ~ but so many bases have been completely destroyed, and even a reporter has not left. What is going on, Who has such great power! "Asked Prime Minister Yin with an ugly picture of a table.

The Minister of Defense smoked a cigar: "I think there is a powerful evolutionary in China. Now that he has chased down the remnants of the Far East Army into our country, we must send an evolutionary to find them and kill him, otherwise we will be in New Delhi. It's dangerous. "

I heard that New Delhi is dangerous. Everyone ’s face is changed. They can be more fierce outside, but these people ca n’t ignore their safety. So everyone agrees with the words of the Minister of Defense. Find a team of Chinese evolvers hiding in India and kill them!

The Prime Minister of India said: "Okay, if you don't have an opinion on this matter, leave it to the Minister of Defense. I hope that he will not disappoint all of us."

The Secretary of Defense was a little bit embarrassed. "Let me do it? I'm not an evolutionary. I'm afraid I can't catch it."

Everyone said, "It is best for you to do it. Who makes you the Secretary of Defense?"


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