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Chapter 366: Change strategy

The Bareilly base is over, and tens of thousands of people can be resolved without a shot or a shot. This is a huge blow to India. Moradabad is close to Bareilly, and the base has a large population. After Li's destruction, it took on the task of organizing the Eastern Expedition. To outsiders, this was a very dangerous thing, but in the eyes of these enthusiasts, it turned out to be an honour, and everyone knew that Death had quietly arrived.

The Evolver Force, led by the Indian Minister of Defense, has begun inspections around New Delhi. Once the trace of the Chinese Evolver is discovered, it will definitely be killed, but the Chinese Evolver seems to have disappeared, and they have not found the ground deep. This makes the Indian government very depressed.

Because the Indians have been held in succession, meetings have been held one after another, and it is very enthusiastic for the organization of the Eastern Expeditionary Forces to start a military discussion at this time. Most people still tend to go east to liberate large areas of snowfields. This is what the Indians have always been committed to, and they have taken it as a belief.

"We are facing a rare opportunity for a thousand years. This is an important moment for our rise. If we give up, then we can only nest on the peninsula from now on. Our great dream can never be realized. We are disasters, but we must turn disasters into favorable conditions, and not just bear disasters silently, so the East March is imperative! "Someone proposed impassionedly.

Someone immediately agreed: "Yes, our ancestors won for us the right to the snowfield, but we have never had the opportunity to take it back. Now the world is chaotic. It is a good time for us to show our great promise. The Chinese evolutionist killed us. Man, we will pay it back ten times! "

Others shouted: "Eradicate Bangladesh and Myanmar, kill Pakistan and Afghanistan. The capture of the Indo-China Peninsula, the Indian Ocean and the Pingyang Ocean are in our pockets, and our great Indian Empire will live forever!"

The sentiment is turbulent, as if the Indians really became a great evergreen. As everyone knows, almost all of their weapons are imported, and their previous reserves were not high. Now they have difficulties in dealing with zombies. They are still thinking about dominating South Asia. Fortunately, they have not planned to go to Africa and Europe. Otherwise, Russia And Iran and Arabia have also been included in their fantasies. After the virus, their thoughts have become a bit confused. China's tolerance has always made them feel really powerful. "

The bad news came one after the other, and another Cabinet member said: "In addition to the difficulties in ammunition and zombies, we are also crowded out internationally."

The Prime Minister was puzzled: "Exclusion? Who dares to exclude us?"

Cabinet members said: "The Chinese government has always been silent about what we are doing, but a few days ago, a small privately-run base suddenly announced to us that we would slaughter all the Indians within the New Delhi base. It's guilty, saying that we are dead, and there are many countries supporting them internationally. "

Prime Minister Yin's face changed: "Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?"

Cabinet members said: "We feel that the Chinese are playing the same language game, so they didn't care."

Prime Minister Yin said, "Since it is a language trick, why are there so many countries supporting them? Can we see through other countries but not through it?"

Cabinet members said: "The reason why other countries support them is because that base controls the production of anti-t virus fluid. In order to get their medicine, those countries have to flatter and cater."

Prime Minister Yin suddenly said: "It turned out to be them. We didn't get anti-t virus liquid from them before. Now we don't need to bother them anymore. You must step up the management of zombies and coordinate international relations at the same time because we need to import from abroad immediately. ammunition."

Someone reminded the Indian Prime Minister: "Our problem of going to land is not big. As long as there are enough people, we can kill a zombie, but how can we solve the transportation problem by importing ammunition from abroad?"

The Prime Minister of India frowned deeply. In fact, the original ammunition reserve was sufficient. According to the normal amount of previous losses, it was no problem to adhere to the past few years. But who thought that the zombies suddenly launched a large-scale attack. How many weapons are not enough. What makes the Indians most heartfelt is that a large part of their weapons rely on imports, and their self-production capacity is quite low, which is not enough. The Indians paid the price of tens of thousands of people in order to open a road to China. If they open up a new one in order to import ammunition, the entire Indian population will be almost in.

Finally, someone broke the previous enthusiastic thoughts and reminded: "Otherwise, we don't have to organize the Eastern Expedition. The cost is very high, and it may even endanger our New Delhi foundation. Even then, even if we take down the snowy field, our New Delhi will be occupied by zombies. "

One person also agreed: "Yeah Prime Minister, we have extinct several large bases in succession, and I am afraid that the Chinese will continue to retaliate. At that time we will be extinct Indians! Maybe tomorrow or tonight in New Delhi It's a blow. "

There are still many people who are not afraid of death. They set their sights on the Prime Minister, and the Prime Minister groaned silently. Now there are indeed many difficulties, but the opportunities are rare, and the Indians ’willingness to fight is very high. ,How to do?

The meeting broke up. As for the issue under consideration, we can only deal with it later. Everyone needs to consider it. There are definitely some difficulties, but most Indians hope to face them to solve them. Instead of escaping, there are still a small number of Indians who are worried, they worry that this time the Indians will be extinct.

At night, there was a fire in the Moradabad base. A newly organized 5,000-member East March was training and training. Suddenly, the base sounded a sharp anti-aircraft warning sound. The anti-aircraft machine gun fired wildly. You can see the sky through the searchlight column There are blockbusters of flying people.

These enclaves have large wings. They did not dive down to attack the Indians. Instead, one crawler was thrown from his back, and these crawlers rushed to the Indian desperately after landing. It seems that they have been hungry for tens of thousands of years, and it is difficult for ordinary bombs to kill them. \\ Now they are degenerate, what is the reason for this. "

Someone said loudly: "No matter what the reason, we should stick to our ideals, and we can't give up China when we die!" As soon as this person's words fell, several members of the Indian Cabinet ran up. One person held down the person who was yelling, and the others kicked and punched madly, and when someone approached the yeller, they were already killed!

"Oh!" No one feels that they have done anything serious, even felt that they were doing harm to the people, and insisted that the land requisition people should shut up immediately. One or two people couldn't help but let the words go before they could exit. The people around him were slap-slapped. He just wanted to justify being pushed to the ground, and this generation couldn't speak after a beating. Fear, this is the madness that fear brings to them.

The Prime Minister of India was stunned by this scene. He did not expect that members of the cabinet of ordinary Wenya would be so crazy. Many people's eyes were red, as if infected by zombies. They would be wrong if their words were slightly wrong. Gushing to death! The Prime Minister of India did not say a word, but fortunately, the guards arrived in time, which stopped the scene from deteriorating. However, all of these people have great power and are protected by evolutionaries. Those guards dare not treat them like that. Those who are killed can only do so. Most of those who have not died have also voted against these opposition groups.

In Beijing, China, the secretary handed a piece from India to Yue Tai's desk. Yue Tai looked strangely and said, "How did the Indians change sex? Is there any conspiracy?"

The case came from the Indian Cabinet. They said that they asked China to forgive their previous unfriendly behavior. It was just a few people who made wrong decisions by controlling the cabinet. Now justice has finally defeated evil. From then on, India will move towards a liberal democracy. Willing to make good relations with China and willing to make concessions in resolving border issues. It is hoped that China will carry forward the fine traditions of etiquette, accept India's apology and stop all blows to India. Otherwise, India will end up using end weapons at all costs.

Yue Tai said with a smirk, "Stop stopping the attack on Indy? What a joke, listen to them as if we were invaders, aren't they invading us? We haven't issued a statement of protest yet. Why is there over there? Such an inexplicable letter, neurosis, the ultimate weapon? Think we are fools, nuclear weapons all over the world have been inexplicably banned. The reason behind this has not yet been found. The stupid Indians think we don't know. "

The secretary is also unknown. So far, the state intelligence agency has almost become empty. Although Yue Tai has control of the power, the evolution department does not have it in his hands, so he wants to know outside information. There is no way other than the Internet. However, there are many artificial restrictions on things on the Internet, which makes Yue Tai sometimes distressed, but the situation is not without easing. His Blue Shield forces are also slowly taking effect, but their development is only slower.

The secretary did not speak. Yue Tai continued to talk to herself, "How many people have you won over the evolution department?"

The secretary hurriedly replied, "Five, five evolvers have expressed their willingness to serve you."

Yue Tai's face was displeased: "Five? What are these people good at? The Evolution Department has now expanded to more than two people. What's the use of these five people! Why not let the people below speed up their appeal?"

The secretary looked panicked. "Say, but the people in the evolution department are very stubborn. We can hardly find any flaws. The people who see us ignore them."

Yue Tai patted the table fiercely and said, "Damn! He Yaohui, don't you think I really can't deal with him?" Yue Taisheng even thought about letting Wang Yang deal with He Yaohui, but thinking that Wang Yang is just now Better than the dog, if you show up at this time, maybe Chu Xiang will be slaughtered.

The secretary was sincere and horrified. He saw the eyes on the table and said, "Chairman, we Chinese evolutionists cannot use it, but we can seek foreign aid."

"Foreign Aid?" Yue Tai said for a while. This foreign name was often heard in the previous world. The team has foreign aid, and even some Chinese sportsmen will be foreign aid abroad. The name is to strengthen international exchanges, as before. Conventionally speaking, it is also good to borrow a few foreign evolutionaries to serve as foreign aid, which can solve the problem of insufficient strength of the Blue Shield.

Yue Tai saw the pieces on the table along with the secretary ’s eyes. The Indians suddenly developed a neurosis. If they do n’t use it, they would be blind, but Yue Tai does not believe that there is a free lunch in the world. The Indians must have his reasons for doing this. You need to investigate carefully.

Yue Tai gave an order to someone to work on the horse and saddle, and the result came out quickly. The Indians tried to show their power on the snowy field. As a result, they were attacked by the evolutionaries of the Chinese spontaneous organization. People fled back to China, but this loss did not make the Indians truly aware of their mistakes. What played a key role was the successive destruction of large and small domestic bases in recent days. At present, New Delhi is also in critical condition.

After reading the survey results, Yue Tai couldn't help but show a triumphant smile ~ ~ The abominable Indians have never taken the Chinese seriously. I did not expect this time to eat a dumb loss and frustrate you on the Chinese territory It is impossible to argue for reasons, and their domestic accidents are even more popular. However, the Indians are currently in a desperate situation. I do n’t know if they will agree to the foreign aid. Always contact the other party to check the tone. Row.

The Indian government has not found their own mistakes so far. They sent the items that should have been sent to the Yutai base to Beijing by mistake. Of course, it is right to send them to Beijing from the outside, but currently they are trying their best in India. The toss is the Yutai base. The Indian government throws an olive branch to the Beijing base at this time. It ’s a fart. It ’s a waste of time and it ca n’t solve the current crisis in New Delhi!

Although Chu Xiang and others continue to make confusion in India, most of the time he still stays at the Yutai base. Only when he launches an attack will he teleport to India himself. With the teleportation skills and the teleportation device, it is really convenient. Already.

"Chu team, are we going to attack New Delhi next?" Wang Shaohui said that he and Li Yingjie are now mainly responsible for intelligence work. The situation in India was clear to them, and even India sent the request for help. Beijing has investigated.


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