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Chapter 367: Communicate with each other

Chu Xiang said: "Isn't there still a few bases around New Delhi, then destroy them first, or else the bases will be scattered as soon as New Delhi collapses, and it will not be easy to convene them for mass slaughter."

Hua Fuqiang shook his head while listening. This mass slaughter seemed inappropriate to him, Chu Xiang said, "Chairman, do you want to be merciful again? Don't blame me for telling you that you have changed Beijing It is improper to deal with. Do you know how foreign countries now comment on us and say that we are weak? "

Hua Fuqiang said: "It is not enough to talk about cowardice, it depends on the strength of a country."

Wang Shaohui said, "Chairman, what do you think is the strength of a country now? Is it patience?"

Hua Fuqiang opened his mouth and didn't say it, but Chu Xiang didn't show him mercy. "Chairman, does the performance of a country's strength be the peace and stability you want? Don't you think you are a bit naive?"

Vice Chairman Zhang Yibo was also nearby, and he told Chu Xiang: "You guys, you are really relentless. You dare to say that the chairman is childish? If you change it before, you have a big political problem."

Chu Xiang had long wanted to talk about this matter, and today he even opened his mouth to say a few more words, "Chairman, don't blame me for not speaking well. Before the country was committed to economic development, it really needed a peaceful and stable internal and external environment. But now it is different. If we want to develop the strength of the base, we must let the outside world recognize our strength. Only by paralyzing the enemy completely and laying down will they not mess with us, not just tolerate it, it will only help them. It ’s awesome! The Indians do n’t know the heights and heights of the country. This time I must kill New Delhi before I close it! ”

Li Yangdao, director of the General Political Department: "Chairman, I think that's right, our thinking can't keep up with the development of the world. The stability we want is just an air tower. Without strength, there will never be stability. It caused deterrence to foreign forces, but this kind of deterrence still had effect once or twice, and they became numb after a long time. We thought that we were just setting up a rack, and we dare not treat them at all. Dongping 倭国 倭 打 地 倭 slaves have not calmed down yet, swinging the old hair north, so that old hair has not dare to set foot in the outer Mongolia area, and now the western Xinjiang is uneven, if we still tolerate as before. * \\\\ "

The Prime Minister countered: "The matter that the nuclear bomb has expired is confidential, how could the Chinese know!"

An officer said: "Mr. Prime Minister, I advise you to calm down. The failure of our country's nuclear bombs is by no means unlucky. From the analysis of external conditions, it is estimated that this is also the case for nuclear bombs in other countries. Otherwise, some countries have already used nuclear weapons to eliminate them. Zombies, you have bewildered your eyes. I don't think you're fit to stay in this position anymore, because you will lead us into a state of invincibility, your brain is already muddy, you step down! "

The officer's words echoed, as if all this had been planned for a long time. Although the Prime Minister had great power, he could only stare at the army to make him anti, and even dared not let it go. Because those soldiers can end him with a shot at any time! The evolving guards around him are mostly from the army, and they obey the orders of those officers.

Talking about Prime Minister Jimin ’s resignation. Looking at the series of decisions he made after the disaster, in addition to his achievements in the country, it can be said to be a mess in the world. As for China, it is even more irritating. Don't retreat.

The new leadership class was organized a few hours later and they immediately sent a message to Beijing. This time, I tried hard to please, and didn't mention the same meaning, so that despite the request from Beijing, they will agree if they can do it.

Yue Tai laughed and frowned after seeing the piece. He immediately made a request for India to send an evolutionary elite to Beijing to assist him in his mission. This request passed back to India and caused a controversy. Some people say that China is to wipe out India ’s evolutionaries in one fell swoop, or a hostage in disguise; others say they can go and spy on Beijing ’s intelligence. As for China ’s eradication of India ’s evolutionaries, This also underestimates his strength. The Indian evolutionaries are not muddy.

The two factions are in dispute. At this time, bad news came from the base of Rotak, and the base was captured by zombies! Although there is no direct evidence that this thing was done by Chinese evolutionists. \\ * \\ However, at one point, high-level Indian officials have confirmed that these destroyed bases were involved after the remnants of the Far East Army were taken in. And who offended the Far East Army? Of course it is the evolution of China.

Although the remnants of the Far East Army had less than ten people, they still stubbornly moved around the base around New Delhi. During this time, they approached New Delhi several times to enter the base, but they all encountered some zombie attacks for some reason, so they could only change lanes Going to bases elsewhere has increased the number of occupied bases in India. The Minister of Defense has sent an evolutionary to wipe out the remnants of the Far East Army. They can no longer be killed in India ’s bases, or the printing will be finished.

The fall of the Rotak base finally forced India to accept the conditions proposed by Beijing. They were willing to send fifteen senior evolvers, but China must ensure that the evolvers in India are removed, and in exchange for China, it will also send one. The Evolution Forces came to India to help with the corpse.

The news came back to Beijing, and Yue Tai weighed and agreed, and he decided to send people from the Evolution Department to India to assist the corpse, so that he could adjust the strength of the Ministry of Chemistry in Beijing to indirectly increase his own strength, and then let the Indian tune send 15 masters. He came to help himself. As for the Indian side, they found that they were on the wrong team. At that time, they were also angry against the evolutionaries of the Evolution Department.

After Chu Xiang got the information from He Yaohui, he could n’t laugh or cry. The Indians were really blind. The Yutai base clearly released the wind on the Internet, but they cast the white flag to the Beijing base. It is estimated that they did not know the Beijing base and the Yutai base. The land relationship is bad, but fortunately, you should kill it yourself. As for the evolutionary troops sent to India, of course, you must pick your own people. This is also considered as an enemy, and you can break through New Delhi in one fell swoop!

Just as several parties prepared for the ground, the Bikaner base fell, and more than a thousand creepers smashed the wall of the base with incomparable force, then swarmed in large numbers t2, and tens of thousands of Indians became food in the mouth of the zombies. They paid a serious price for the government they supported that year.

After hearing this news, India couldn't accept it. They hurriedly called and asked Beijing why they had to fight against Carnell. But Beijing's reply was that they did not have this ability. The fall of Carnell did not have the base in Beijing. Any relationship!

Just a few hours after the new Prime Minister came to power, the difficult task was before the case. The following are dozens of eyes staring at him. How to deal with this matter is related to the future of India. He asked the following people for advice: I have just taken over the country work and I am still unfamiliar with it. Who do you guys talk about how to deal with this matter? "

Someone said: "The Chinese don't keep their promises. I don't think we can form an alliance with them, let alone send our evolvers to Beijing. That may be a sacrifice for our evolvers."

But someone also said: "I do n’t think the Chinese lied. If they really have the ability to direct those zombies and creepers, then we are not dead, and if the biological and chemical weapons in the front are Chinese, it ’s a bit of a clue. However, the subsequent zombie attack is probably a natural phenomenon. We cannot turn our backs on China because of this incident, and the relationship that was so difficult to establish will be broken again. "

After research and analysis, Indians can only believe that Beijing claims that Indian zombies' attacks have nothing to do with them. The agreement reached with China before is still valid, and India will organize a best evolutionary to communicate with Beijing. But Beijing is responsible for transportation.

At this time, Beijing already had the ability to fly in the air. Although the number of aircraft was small, it was not a big problem to go to India to pick up and transfer several evolutionaries. After a few days, the evolutionaries in India arrived in Beijing. The fifteen people were so ordinary that they could no longer be ordinary. The evolutionists, the Indians are not really stupid, so they will not send the most powerful evolutionaries to Beijing to die, while the Chinese evolutionaries sent to India are experts. But the Indian did not know this.

Chu Xiang used muscle deformation to change his appearance. He took a group of experts to cover He Yaohui to New Delhi. At this moment, the zombies on the periphery had surrounded New Delhi and several nearby base groups, and the Indian weapons were lacking. At this moment, there was nothing to worry about. Fortunately, Yue Tai brought a batch of weapons and ammunition at the request of India. This only temporarily eased the crisis in India, but they did not know that a larger crisis was waiting.

The Prime Minister of New India led a group of cabinet officials to greet the Chinese evolutionists. "Welcome everyone, we are eager to know what suggestions you have for the corpses. Zombies have attacked us very recently. We have suffered a lot. In desperate circumstances. The Indians had to temporarily pin their hopes on these evolutionaries who came to China.

He Yaohui is the team leader. He said, "I'm so sorry. We just came to assist your corpse, and if you have any plans, let us implement it."

The Indian Prime Minister was depressed. He said: "We are helpless, otherwise why should you come to assist the corpses? Doesn't your country have a set of zombies management, then you should not quit."

He Yaohui said: "Our country is indeed unique in the management of zombies. I can give sufficient evidence for this, but the set of our country may not work for you."

The Prime Minister of India did not first ask why it would not work, but asked, "Oh, your country's experience in managing zombies can still provide evidence. Let us first see?"

He Yaohui waited for this sentence, but he still pretended to be difficult: "Well, I don't know who wants to come back to China with us."

"Back to China?" The Indians were puzzled.

He Yaohui said: "Yeah, let you see our base construction, this is the best proof of managing zombies."

The Prime Minister asked: "It seems that your plane has already returned. How do you go back? If you want to go to land, it will be a long process, we can't wait."

He Yaohui said: "Are there no evolutionaries in your country, such evolutionaries are very common in our country?"

"Teleport Evolution?" The Indians really let He Yaohui guess. They didn't teleport the Evolution, so they were a little strange to the name.

He Yaohui explained some Indians before they realized that their expressions are very surprised. If there is such a teleporter, it is easy to go back and forth between different places. A few people who are not afraid of death start to enthusiasm. They took the initiative Requested that the evolutionaries travel with China to go back to inspect the base construction, and then the real situation will be reflected.

The Indian Prime Minister was willing to ask someone to take the initiative, so that even if there was any danger, it would not affect him, so he readily agreed to the request. He Yaohui waved his hand, Li Haipeng and Chu Xiang, who was dressed as an ordinary evolutionary, stood up. Men's clothing is mixed with the evolutionist. She constantly gives directions to Chu Xiang through the brain signals, so Chu Xiang's movements can't see the problem of the eyes at all ~ ~ In order to avoid the attention of the Indians, Li Haipeng and Chu Xiang are both dressed up The crooked jujube was cracked, and the famous Indians took the initiative to ask Chu Xiang to return to China. Chu Xiang randomly found several human bases under the name of Yutai Base for the other party to see, seeing the hot production scene, and the Chinese were The Enron lives in the base, these Indians have served, they even took a plane tour around the base, there is no zombies! This is a miracle!

Chu Xiang and Li Haipeng returned with the famous Indians. The Indian Prime Minister could not wait any longer, and hurried forward to ask: "How? Have you ever actually arrived in China? Even such a short flight can't even pass the snow-capped mountains."

The famous Indians said in unison: "It must be China, unless it is China who has used magic. We have a video here to prove that the zombies ca n’t be seen at their base, and there are hot production scenes. It ’s a miracle. If all of us That ’s all for the base. ”

The Prime Minister of India and members of the cabinet carefully watched the video. Finally, experts pointed out that this is a real Chinese base. The Chinese do have unique features in the management of zombies. There are many aspects that India needs to learn. It seems that it is necessary to agree to He Yaohui ’s one. Although it is not yet known what kind of requirements the set will be, it is mostly complicated.


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