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Chapter 368: Mysterious weapon

The Indians were stunned by the teleporter. Decided to go to the Chinese evolutionary to promise his request. Ask them to help implement China's autopsy strategy in India. But waited for the camp but was bluffed once by the busy Chinese. They are installing a device. It is said to be a conveyor. It's a device to replace the evolutionary!

The eyes of Indians are about to shine. Conveyor. This is a device that allows the carrier to transfer an unlimited number of large batches. If India had this thing, the soldiers would have been transferred to the snowy plateau. Or continue eastward. Enclose all of South Asia. That waits until today.

An Indian officer asked He Yaohui: "Mr. He. Is there any use for you to install this magical machine here?" The Indians were afraid of being jailed. So first ask to understand. If the Chinese would keep sending troops here. Then they really have to be afraid. If you don't, you must desperately destroy the machine.

He Yaohui said: "Of course it is useful. We can't stay in your country all our lives. We will leave as soon as we want. Come whenever you want. It will be more convenient."

The Prime Minister of India frowned. The Chinese want to come. Just leave if you want. Well, Fang cannot trap them at all. The evolutionaries sent by India to China did not have this ability. Speaking of which India suffered a great deal. The Indian Prime Minister said: "My Chinese friends. Can you sell us this equipment? How about the price? As you ask."

He Yaohui shook his head generously about the generous conditions of the Indian Prime Minister: "No. No. This is not okay. This is the most confidential high-tech product in our country. How can it be sold to you. In the future, our camp will also bar you Indians .Otherwise we would be rude. I think you have seen the strength of our Chinese evolvers. We will not make us any more embarrassed. "

An unconvinced Indian officer pouted. In their opinion, the Chinese are just talking. On the Indian plate they dare to say rude. This is really funny. If the Indians turn their faces now. Isn't this device going to fall into their palms?

This unconvinced officer has never seen the battle on the snowy field. But the Indian Prime Minister knows a thing or two. So he did not dare to joke about He Yaohui's words. The other party considers this high-tech product important. This is understandable. Even if the idea is to be worked out, it will not let the Chinese know that the Indians did it.

But it's a bit early to talk about this. The Indian Prime Minister avoided this topic. He said: "Minister He. Let's talk about business. We intend to ask you to implement China's cadaver program in our country. Our requirements are the same as those we just visited. Let us be hundreds of kilometers around here. No zombie was found inside. As for restoring production, we did it ourselves. "

He Yaohui said: "Did you really decide? Well. In fact, our requirements are simple. It is enough to obey the command. Whether it is your common people or soldiers. We obey our arrangements and commands. We dare to guarantee that near New Delhi one month later Can't find a zombie! "

The Indian Prime Minister and a group of military officers looked at each other. Obey the Chinese command arrangement? Isn't that surrender of military power in disguise? This matter can never be promised! The Chinese have control over the Indian military power. Who knows what the consequences will be!

After hearing He Yaohui's request, the Indians retreated. They rushed into a meeting to discuss it. It's not just about whether the Chinese are in charge of Indian military power. There is also the teleportation machine just seen. That kind of thing is too practical. India must find a way to get it.

The Minister of Defense said: "This time the Chinese have opened our eyes. The skills of the teleporter are too useful. Unfortunately, we do not have such talent in India. But the Chinese have given us hope. They use bionics Manufactured conveyor machinery. If we can get one back to copy. This will be a milestone for our future development in India! "

An officer concurred: "Yes. China will run rampant in the world with such a device. Even if we don't have to expand, we must have a conveyor to show our national strength. Otherwise, we will be bullied by other countries at will!"

The Indian Prime Minister shook his head: "But the Chinese said they would not agree to sell to us. Not to mention the technology in it."

Someone sneered and said, "Which country has agreed to sell its own high-tech. But hasn't a lot of American high-tech spread to the outside world? The moon landing in China. The moon landing in our country. Which one is not borrowed from the United States and Russia? Experience. If it weren't for this. What do we want so many agents to do? "

The Indian Prime Minister said: "China's evolutionaries are certainly not stupid. I'm afraid that stealing their teleport opportunities will cause trouble. It's not worth it at this time."

Someone said: "This is our plate in India. Anyway, they are foreigners. Even if it irritates the Chinese then. At most, it will sacrifice our fifteen hostages. And there are many such evolutionaries in our country. Yes. Why bother. We pay the price for the great Indian Empire. "

The Indian Prime Minister was very firm in seeing everyone. So he could only clap and say, "Okay. Since everyone thinks so, that's it. Go steal their teleportation device tonight! Let's discuss the matter of corpses."

late at night. Several dark shadows appeared in the Chinese evolutionary camp. These shadows flickered. They are appearances to observe. This is India's stealth evolutionist. It has the same nature as China's stealth evolutionist. They all lost sight after hiding. So from time to time come out to judge the shape.

Several tents surround a machine. That machine is bigger than a large dining table. The fuselage is surrounded by an iron shell. There are only two long poles above. The Indians sent a rampant evolver and hercules this time. Their idea was under the protection of a stealth evolver. The creeper's evolver drilled a big hole under the conveyor. Then let Hercules leave with the conveyor.

The tents of the Chinese evolutionists burst into noise. The Indian Stealth Evolver probe listened outside the tent and then made an OK gesture to the confronting Evolver. The creeping evolutionary creeped into it. The conveyor moved shortly after. The Hercules then entered the conveyor from a hole drilled sideways. The stingy evolutionist broke through the last layer of soil. Hercules held the conveyor and walked through the hole opened by the creeping evolutionary. The two cooperated tacitly. Seeing success in sight.

The two were drilling down and rejoicing. The Stealth Evolver flashed when he was ready to find a way to evacuate. The accident went well and made them all excited. But the stealth evolutionist's neck suddenly became cold. The evolutionist touched his neck with his hand. bad. Why is my head missing! At this time came a throbbing sound. Several heads fell on it at the same time.

The cricket's evolutionary drilled open ahead. His evolutionary skills are already deep. Making a spacious hole is effortless. There was a sudden muffled sound. The cricket evolving body shakes at high speed. It's as if someone running at high speed hits the steel plate. The creeping evolutionist almost fainted before spending his eyes. It took a lot of effort to control the trembling body. At this moment he touched his hand. Something is wrong. The front is not dirt. It's a strange substance. Surprisingly, his uncle's skills could not be broken.

The back of the Hercules asked, "How about? Get out of the camp of the Chinese evolutionist. Let's drill up. I'm suffocating below. I'm going to suffocate."

The rampant evolver tried to know that the roadblock in front could not be broken at all. Fortunately, the Chinese camp has been out. The problem at this time should be small. Then his body spun again at high speed. boom. The collision sounded again after drilling just under a meter. The creeping evolutionary fainted with golden eyes. His body could not stand the two collisions. The Hercules, though powerful, was useless under the power. There is dirt everywhere. Even if one punch can make a box of one meter deep. What's more, the air in the cave is getting thinner. He was unable to lift the conveyor even in the absence of oxygen. Soon the Hercules was unconscious.

The Indian Prime Minister waited with a crowd of people to wait until no one came back. He sent several waves to see the situation. In return, the teleporter in the middle of the Chinese evolutionary's tent was missing. But the Chinese evolutionaries did not hear the alarm. It is estimated that they are still sleeping right now. But the Chinese were not aware of where the Indian evolutionary sent there had gone. Did he run away with the teleporter by himself? Their loyalty should be fine.

It was dawning in panic. At this time He Yaohui was long overdue. He found the Indian Prime Minister and said, "We are seriously protesting. Last night our conveyor was stolen! Please find out that the thief gave us an explanation!"

The Indian Prime Minister remarked: "Minister He. This is a bit serious. The end of the world. It is difficult for us to protect ourselves. How can we protect your thoughtfulness. You will be lazy without losing sight of your own things. We do n’t have that responsibility at all. Unless it was you who gave it to us for safekeeping. But it was lost in your barracks. We ca n’t do anything because you said you would n’t let us approach. ”

He Yaohui said unpleasantly: "Since you say that, I have nothing to say. It seems that your cooperation intention is really not great. I will immediately request a return to China. You can do it yourself."

It doesn't matter whether the Chinese have been sinned. What Indians want to know most is where the conveyor is now. Judging from Chinese words, the Indian evolutionist must have stolen the conveyor last night. But why haven't I seen a reply? Could it be that they had an accident?

The Indians thought about it and did not know that the evolutionaries they sent out had already died. Neither people nor the conveyor. This time it was said to be a victory but actually failed. And the Chinese are still upset. This will have an impact on future cooperation.

In the afternoon, the Indian Prime Minister received intelligence to monitor Chinese evolutionists. It is said that the Chinese are installing another conveyor. The Indian Prime Minister was taken aback. He immediately rushed to the Chinese Evolution Barracks in person. It happened that He Yaohui was also there. He asked, "Minister Ho. Didn't your country say that the conveyor was lost. What's wrong?

He Yaohui said: "Have we said that there is only one. It is inconvenient without this thing. So we have shipped another one from China. This time, I hope that your country will strengthen public security management. If it is lost again, we will doubt whether it is An insider. "

The Indian Prime Minister is speechless. This matter can only be left to rest. The lost Indian evolutionist can only be regarded as a dumb loss. Because of this, India ’s call to exclude Chinese evolutionaries is growing. But that night, Aragki was captured by zombies. The Indians are in panic again. Zombies are already encircling New Delhi. Maybe they will completely siege New Delhi in one day!

Call for international assistance? No one bothered. Every country has its own business. Who has the heart to help Indians. In desperation. The Indians do not want to come to China to assist the evolution of the corpse. So compromise became the only option. The Indian Prime Minister talked with He Yaohui for a full four hours. An agreement was finally reached. India has completely given up military power. During the period of zombie disruption, the Chinese evolutionist was responsible for the security of Xinde.

Of course, Indians cannot surrender military power in a few days. They need to see the Chinese evolutionaries retreat from the zombies to gradually gain diplomatic authority. It was helpless to make this decision of bereavement and disgrace. Because the zombies have arrived outside New Delhi. Tens of thousands of creepers launched three attacks on New Delhi. The Indian army suffered heavy casualties. With three lines of defense discarded, the crawler was temporarily repelled. Creepers also showed signs of a second attack. The Indians did not dare to hesitate.

He Yaohui returned to the Chinese Evolutionary Camp happily after the negotiation with the Indian Prime Minister. Chu Xiang and others are ready to celebrate with champagne. He Yaohui excitedly raised his wine glass and said, "We can achieve today's results. Xiao Si's credit is indispensable. Let's respect her first, shall we?

Xiaosi controls an army of hundreds of thousands of zombies. This remarkable achievement surprised everyone. Now she's definitely showing more power than other evolutionaries. As long as she directs the zombies to launch a tide attack. So far there has not been a basic connection. Except for a lot of T3. T4 and creepers are also many. Especially creepers. They are simply human nemesis. Even some high-level evolutionaries are dangerous when facing a group of creepers.

Xiaoyao got up a little shyly, boasted by He Yaohui: "Don't say that. In fact, it was all my brother taught. Otherwise, I don't have anything at all now. Nothing more to say. I just control a few leaders. Let them control the army of zombies below. It's simple. It's not worth everyone to praise so much. "

Chu Xiang said to Xiaosi: "You did a good job. This glass of wine should be given to you. Come. Everyone did it. There is work to do in a while. The people over Yutaiji are almost ready. . No one is allowed to laugh while acting to scare the Indians. Otherwise, military discipline! "

After drinking champagne, everyone started to act. The Prime Minister of India stood anxiously on the last fence. New Delhi is India's largest base. If the whole of India is occupied here, it will be in a state of utter danger. The possibility of sending additional troops from the outside is slim. Almost all of the human base around New Delhi fell. Transferring troops from a distant place to send reinforcements here is a waste of money, and far away can not quench the thirst. After it was determined that New Delhi could not be maintained at all. India will soon become a Laos.

Seeing the zombies outside can't see their heads, they just want to move. The Indian Prime Minister turned back and asked the secretary: "Why the Chinese haven't acted yet. If we let the zombies break through this last line of defense, we are all done."

The secretary said: "Someone has been sent to urge them. They said that they would immediately start the conveyor to deliver the ultimate weapon from China."

The Indian Prime Minister was taken aback: "The ultimate weapon? Why don't I know. What is it. Is it a nuclear weapon?"

The secretary said: "This is not clear. They refuse to explain. They will understand immediately."

The Indian Prime Minister said: "Let's go. Let's see. What the Chinese are doing. If they can't get zombies back. Then we really want to end up with them."

The conveyor was activated under the eyes of the Indians. The two irons on the conveyor light up. A light came out. Look again when everyone avoids the light. There is a group of monks on the empty front! Yes. Really a monk. They were shaved and shackled. Each one solemnly folded his hands.

The Indian Prime Minister said incredibly: "This, what is the ultimate weapon. You are mistaken."

He Yaohui held back a smile and said, "Yes. This is our ultimate weapon. As soon as they reach the zombies, they retreat."

The Indian Prime Minister is certainly not convinced. But He Yaohui is not like joking. So only dead horses can be used as live horse doctors. He said: "If they can really retreat the zombies, then please ask Minister He to quickly invite them to retreat the zombies. I see that the zombies are planning to attack again. Our bullets are almost exhausted. They can be broken without any retreat Drive our last fence. "

Of course, He Yaohui knew that those zombies were just doing things. He said, "Okay. Masters, please follow me."

The monks ascended the wall and began muttering. The Indian Prime Minister couldn't understand. He asked again, "Minister Ho. What are these mages reading?"

He Yaohui said: "The Dafa Sutra of the Dead."

India is the origin of the Buddha ~ ~ Show off Buddhist scriptures at their door. But when they saw these monks sting three times. Those zombies were really turning back. The outermost ones are already retreating. As for the fierce creepers, they have relaxed and no longer kept offensive. All Indians stayed. Is there a Dafa Sutra? Then the Buddhist scriptures in India were incomplete. In the end, the country of Buddhism has to learn from other countries.

"Is the Dafa Sutra really working?" The Indian Prime Minister still couldn't believe it. It is illogical to say this. Everyone knows that Xitian did not come. But zombies listen to chanting. This is more exaggerated than Xitian Rulai.

He Yaohui glanced at Xiao Si hiding behind Chu Xiang. Xiaosi nodded at him. He Yaohui said: "Since you don't believe it, then I let the mages stop chanting the scriptures. You will believe it after a while."

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