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Chapter 369: Dafa Corpse

After telling He Yaohui to give orders, the monks stopped talking, Xiaosi secretly issued an order in the dark, and tens of thousands of creepers suddenly became furious. They turned into an offensive state in a moment like a storm, and banged to the end of the New Delhi base. A fence launched an attack.

The Prime Minister of India frightened the scene of rushing horses outside. A loud bang made thousands of creepers crash into the fence at the same time. The fence collapsed. The unremoved t3 and t4 swarmed in with the creepers. The entire New Delhi base panicked. "The base collapsed! Escape!"

The Prime Minister of India did not expect that things would change suddenly in a few seconds. The wall was breached. Creepers rushed into the base like tigers to bite the Indians. They did not swallow them. These days they are full and drink enough. , Kung Fu is not large New Delhi base has become a sea of ​​corpses.

Popping through, He Yaohui looked back, and Prime Minister Yin knelt down. "Mage, please rescue him and ask the mage to read the Scriptures quickly!"

The Prime Minister of India is also compassionate. Although the officials behind him did not have this thought, they saw this earth-shattering scene and their feet fell down, as if they were kneeling to petition the people. This scene He Yaohui, Chu Xiang, and others who watched were secretly funny.

He Yaohui said to the monks: "Masters should read the Scriptures quickly, and the monks should be compassionate. We can't see death but we can't save the dead. The Indians are also human beings, and they are also the grandchildren of the Buddha. Everyone is still related."

The group of monks were just dressed up by evolutionists, so Chu Xiang told them not to laugh. As for the corpse suspense in their mouths, Xie Shanshan taught them an unusual language. They just need to remember a few words. It ’s okay to recite it over and over again. It ’s Xiaosi who works, not their group of fake monks.

The monks gave orders as soon as they read the scriptures, and the creepers and zombies stopped attacking. They showed a respectful attitude towards the walls where the monks were located, and almost worshipped, which greatly surprised the Indians. These zombies seemed to understand the scriptures and were paying respect to the masters.

A leading monk waved his hand outwards, and the creeper and t3, t4 backed away towards the wall. In the end, they jumped out of the fence and disappeared into the corpse sea quickly, and those t also began to retreat in an orderly manner. This orderly scene made all Indians think they were still dreaming.

He Yaohui said to the Indian Prime Minister: "Now we can believe that no zombies can be found for a few kilometers around our base. We were originally unwilling to dispatch mages, but now to show our friendship with your country, these mages have worked hard. Coming, but I can tell you that the mages will not really retreat if the chant is less than sixty-five days old, and it will be even more fierce if they fight back. "

"What?" The Indians thought they were finally saved this time, and they were surprised to hear that they had to chant the scriptures for 65 days.

He Yaohui snorted coldly: "Do you think, if it is so easy, will there be other bases in our country suffering and suffering. Masters have limited energy and time, it is impossible to take care of each base. Even more impossible Staying in New Delhi, so the formation of new troops to defend the zombies in accordance with the requirements of the Master is the subject. "

The Prime Minister of India somewhat understands why he should surrender military power. Although the mage has great power, it is impossible to serve India. Even if he is serving India, it is impossible to read the Scriptures for every city base. The zombies attacked, and then formed a defensive force. In case one day a large number of zombies would attack again, as long as the labor mage came to read the last paragraph.

After seeing the power of the creepers and the power of the mage, the Indians softened, and they completely reported the establishment of the New Delhi garrison. After studying by the mages, each company sent a mage to oversee the battle. Each mage also brought about a dozen apprentices, and they went deep into each platoon or even the class of the Indian army. After slowly controlling the Indian army, the Indians saw the power of the mage with their own eyes. Respect these monks and earnestly implement the orders issued by them. It took only a short time for the Indian army in New Delhi to be transformed. They no longer obeyed the Indian government's orders. , But rebellion is almost impossible. \\ * They established multi-faceted cooperation in agriculture, industry, science and technology, transportation, etc. Now, the prestige of the Yutai base has already surpassed our Beijing base. "

Yue Tai's face was pale. This situation was the last thing he wanted to see, but the development of the Beijing base in terms of industry, agriculture, and commerce did not improve at all, neither could provide protection for other bases. Nor could they provide support for them, which left the Yutai base empty, and now the Beijing base is almost isolated. There is only one name left.

Yue Tai waved his hand to step down the secretary. He sat alone in the office and meditated. In fact, he also wanted to do something practical. However, there was always someone in front of him. What if I get a dilemma? Does it make Beijing base sink?

When, when. When Yue Tai heard the knock on the door, she said anxiously, "Come in."

The door was opened by Yue Lun and Yue Ting. Seeing the old man frowning, the two fathers came forward and said, "Dad (grandpa), what makes you so unhappy?"

Yue Tai sighed: "The current situation is very difficult. We have not been able to take a step forward. The Yutai base has been doing so hot in India recently. From the perspective of intelligence, they may have controlled the Indian government. At this moment, they have become the Indian government. The land is in power, and we, instead of expanding our influence, are gradually losing power. Many bases no longer listen to our orders. Instead, they turn to Yutai base. "

Yue Lun reluctantly said, "Dad. This is really difficult to say. The main reason I analyzed is that we lack agricultural and technological foundations. The Yutai base has lured those bases to help them with agricultural production. They also installed sonic weapons for them. However, we have no progress in the research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in this area. The more important point is that the production of anti-t virus liquid is also in the Yutai base. Do you think other bases will not rely on them? "

Yue Tai said: "Don't analyze the reasons for me. I am more thorough than you see. The key is how to solve the current difficulties. Do we really have no other choice after we nest in Beijing?"

Yue Ting said, "Grandpa, it's not that there is no idea. Isn't China's bases isolating us everywhere, then we will seek foreign aid."

Speaking of the unpleasant look of foreign aid Yue Tai, what **** is foreign aid, and now all the foreign countries are taking care of themselves. They have just been deceived by the Indians. Should they be fooled again?

Of course, Yue Lun knew what he was thinking about all the time. The fifteen Indian evolvers are still in prison now. It was originally a good strategy to kill two birds with one stone. Who knows that letting the Yutai base in the middle become like this, Yue Lun said: "Dad, don't be troubled by the past. There is no other country in the world except India. I have a message here, but it has not been confirmed yet. Vietnam has just developed a sonic drive."

When Yue Tai heard this news, he briefly stumbled, "Oh, Vietnam, a small country, has not seen any improvement. They have been able to develop a sonic eliminator. You know that the sonic eliminator is very complicated. Our experts want to copy it to the present. Eyebrow, can this be true with Vietnam's previous industrial and scientific foundation. "

Yue Lun said: "Dad, the world is over. We can no longer look at a country from the previous perspective. Maybe Vietnam really has the power to research it out. Isn't the Yutai base not giving us deporters, they want to trap us? If we die in Beijing, then we will find a way from the outside, get sonic weapons from the Vietnamese, and when our strength recovers, and we occupy Beijing's advantage, do those bases still dare not listen to us? After all, because we have no strength, our current task is to restore strength. "

Yue Tai said: "Yes, we will be blocked in the following bases only because of lack of strength orders. One seal tricked us into not killing all countries with this stick. You should contact Vietnam immediately and I will have a good talk with their leaders."

Chu Xiang has returned from India. With the last demonstration of the strength of the mage, the Indians were completely calmed down. Although a group of Indians who did not obey the order later appeared, they were quickly eliminated, so in a short time Inside New Delhi, the world changed. Officials at all levels, from the President and the Prime Minister to the Indian, acted obediently. Other bases in India gradually heard the wind. They strongly opposed the practice of China Land, but these bases did not Within a few hours, he was violently attacked by zombies, and those who saw the momentum quickly surrendered to New Delhi. The unwise are thus eliminated.

Although the Indians realized that the previous zombie attacks might have been manipulated by the Chinese in secret, it was too late at this time, and their entire national machinery had been infiltrated. At this time, the government was nothing more than a puppet. The wizards let them do whatever they want. What are you going to do, or you will die.

Wang Bin put one piece at Chu Xiang's table. Xie Shanshan picked it up and looked at it quickly, and then passed the information directly to Chu Xiang through consciousness. Chu Xiang was surprised: "Vietnamese people really have the material. They have also developed a sonic repeller, don't know how powerful it is?"

Wang Bindao: "Brother Chu, I have been observing several large bases in their territory through US satellites. I have not yet found out what experiments they are doing, and they may have conducted them underground. So the power of their sonic weapons is temporarily unknown. . "

Chu Xiang nodded: "Okay, keep watching, and let Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie go to Vietnam. Investigate the matter."

Wang Bin nodded and went out, and He Yaohui stepped in with him. Chu Xiang got up and said, "How old are you, you still feel comfortable in India. India is a place for beautiful women. Have you brought us a puppet?"

He Yaohui said: "Don't mention it, I ’m tired of pretending to be a monk there. I do n’t pay attention to whether there is a beauty in India. I came to Song Jun. How did the fourth batch of officers entering India prepare? A lot of manpower management, let Indians autonomy, we are not assured. So several batches of personnel must be speeded up. "

Song Jun was in charge of the officers selected to enter India. Chu Xiang was not inconvenient to ask too much, he said: "I think it should be almost the same. I'm still assured of Song Jun's affairs, but don't just focus on the control of the Indian troops. We should also develop agriculture with them, otherwise once famine occurs The Indians are likely to get out of control and control their mouths, and it will be difficult for the Indians to reach out again. "

He Yaohui said: "Our agricultural technicians have begun trial planting in the Indian base. We have a strong adaptability to the species, so we don't have to worry about this problem. Besides, Professor Inoue Haruki's name can be placed there. I will No crops can be planted in unbelievable land, but only beautiful women. "

Everyone laughed. They went through all the hardships to find these experts, and now they show their power. It is because of their support that the Yutai base will appear a prosperity scene, otherwise Chu Xiang alone will come. To solve these problems, he couldn't do it.

He Yaohui smiled and corrected his look: "There is still bad news."

Chu Xiang hesitated, and the bad news based on He Yaohui's look should not be bad, otherwise he wouldn't stay until now and say, "What bad news?"

He Yaohui said: "Yue Tai has withdrawn from my post. Now the mountain of the Blue Shield is taking over my class, but the people in the evolution department do not obey the management of the mountain. Yue Tai is thinking about this."

Chu Xiang patted the table and said, "This Yue Tai is really disturbed. Shall we give him some color?"

Zhang Jingyao said: "Yes, the Beijing base represents the core of our China after all. If he goes on like this, foreigners will despise us Chinese. At present, Yue Tai is so unpopular, and I think he should leave."

While talking, Wang Bin suddenly hurriedly returned, Chu Xiang said, "What is urgent?"

Wang Bin said: "Yes, Brother Chu. I just intercepted a newsletter from a satellite. Yue Tai is in contact with Vietnamese."

Chu Xiang said: "Mostly it was the sonic eliminator released by Vietnam. Let Wang Shaohui immediately go to Vietnam to investigate the matter. I want to report it in detail."

Wang Bin left in a hurry, and He Yaohui said to Chu Xiang: "How do we deal with Yue Tai, I see if I pull out the evolution department and make Yue Tai stare."

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, just because we lack a lot of manpower, we pulled people from Beijing. This also counted as Yue Tai's disappointment. Not only the evolution department, but also other people, and ordinary citizens. You can be a farmer at once, as long as you have food and anti-t virus fluid, the future world is our world! "

Yue Tai learned that the Ministry of Evolution had withdrawn from Beijing overnight, and he was almost fainted. "What? Takayama, you are my most trusted general, how could you let such things happen, you have let me down!"

Takayama was ashamed. "I'm sorry, Chairman, I was negligent. I was willing to receive punishment. I would go to check the night every day, but last night I suddenly felt sleepy and could not stand it, so I went back to my dormitory to sleep Most of the time I wanted to come, the hypnotist cast a spell on me. "

Yue Tai said: "I don't care what the reason is ~ ~ I want you to get me those evolutionaries back! Close people, what a huge force this is, now it seems they are not going to fish The Taiwan base has gone to occupy the mountain as its own king, and you must find a way to get them back for me! "

Takayama came out of Yuetai's office helplessly, looking for those evolutionaries? It ’s a joke, not to mention that their strength is better than themselves, even if their strength is higher, they dare not go to the Yutai base. There are many masters there, and any one who comes out can claim his own life. Who dares to ask others for help? Moreover, where the guys of the Evolution Department have gone is still unknown.

Something happened to Yue Tai. Yue Lun and Yue Ting soon knew. The fathers came to the office of the master to comfort him. , Make room for us to do our own business, rest assured, we are not short of evolutionaries. I just contacted Australia and they were willing to provide us with fifty evolutionaries. "

Yue Tai said: "Oh, there is such a thing? Do they have any conditions?"

Yuelun said: "Yes, Australia has developed a tool that can travel in the ocean. They want to borrow several of our Chinese ports for trade."


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