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Chapter 370: Injustice treaty

China ’s post-disaster recovery is accelerating, and the whole world is watching this ancient country glowing with vitality. With Yutai base as the center, many bases have established friendly cooperative relations with them. They have obtained technology from Yutai base. Support in many aspects, including agriculture, transportation, etc., and once a zombies come to attack, you can get protection from the Yutai base.

The prestige of the Yutai base is as high as it is in the country, and the international increase in the sales of anti-t virus liquids has led to the rise of the anti-t virus liquids. The anti-t virus liquids have returned huge wealth to the Yutai base. Food, living supplies, military supplies, gold , Antiques, etc., the Yutai base's warehouse expanded and then expanded, and finally had to distribute a lot of property to the surrounding bases. Some people exclaimed that the world's wealth is flowing to China's Yutai!

In contrast to this, the Beijing base, due to continuous inaction, has been almost forgotten by bases across the country, but the Beijing base suddenly became a hot spot that day. A message was published online saying that the Beijing base and Australians An agreement was signed, which made all Chinese angry!

In the spirit of friendly cooperation between the Beijing base and Australia, Australia provides protection for maritime navigation for China, while China opens several important coastal ports to provide a foothold for Australian trade in China, allowing it to conduct free trade and trade in these ports. The Chinese shall not interfere with the affairs of the embassy area for any reason.

Some people don't take the news for granted. It's the end of the world. What can Australia do to borrow some places to use it? But most people still yell at it. China is not without sea navigation capabilities. Why foreign escorts are needed, and why should we open ports to them and allow them to set up independent embassies in the ports? This is different from the Manchu government. This is a new era treaty of bereavement and humiliation!

The first place to condemn the Beijing base was the Long Island Border Guard Station. As a group of border guards and soldiers, they were least willing to see foreigners running rampant in China. They chanted and foreigners got out of China! China does not need them to protect! The construction of Changshan Island Border Station from a broken border post to today's huge coastal base is a miracle that has attracted worldwide attention. As a leader of Changshan Island, Chen Feiyang is even more dissatisfied with the Beijing base's approach. .

In the online multi-party video conference that day, Chen Feiyang shot the table for the first time. "When did China return to the incompetent Manqing era? We were the first to be convinced by the Changshan Island Border Station! I have issued a public statement on the Internet that Australia dares to dock a warship at our port in our Changshan Hit the island first! "

Fan Tianming, the brigade commander of the Hong Kong Garrison, also agreed: "Yes, we also strongly oppose the agreement of the Beijing base. They are slapping our Chinese people. In contrast, the performance of the Beijing base in the past year is simply ashamed. Now It was really disappointing to have such a hand. "

Zhu Qingsong, the Political Commissar of the Garrison in Hong Kong, reminded Fan Tianming: "Don't complain, we just have to take care of our own site. Those Australian warships dare to sink past us, as for the upper-level things. We can't manage it."

Ding Yishan Road, a border guard stationed at the border between China and Mongolia: "It's a pity that we are inland here. Otherwise don't let me see the Australians, otherwise I'll see them once. They also treat us as the Manchu dynasty who was slaughtered by the past. I do n’t know if there will be an eight-nation coalition this time. That's better, we will lead the next snow before the Chu team! ”

The emotions on the video were turbulent: "Yes, the little kids who played hitched and pissed!"

Wu Junhao said: "Sexually, we will develop the base southward, and we will clear up all the small countries around the South China Sea!"

Tian Lei, the teacher of Kaifeng Base, said: "Yes, this is a chance for China to rise from the sky. How great was the territory of China in the past, but a bear came from the east to bite us and a chicken came to the west to peck us. It ’s broken, but it ’s different now. China ’s national strength has become the number one in the world after the disaster. Which one dares not to admit it! Hit them! We have to let all countries in the Quartet worship, haha ​​... ”

It is surprising that someone like Tian Lei said such a thing, and Shan Hong, the base of Jiayuguan, also cousined: "There is Captain Chu, let alone the Quartet nations to worship, just let them kneel down to us every day There is no problem with gimmicks. The foreign imps thought we were bullying. This time we can't let them succeed. We are not sleeping lions in China. We should always be a tiger. Who dares to despise us and tear them up! "

The Tongshi base and Zhangjiakou base spoke in succession. Chu Xiang said: "Okay, do n’t make a noise. It seems to be a world war. I have information about Australian warships here. In fact, their sonic weapons are almost the same as those of Vietnam. They are all our first-generation real estate. They may be properties from the United States. Although some enhancements have been made, they are actually the same old base. If marine mutants are provoked, they will still attack Australian warships. "

Chu Xiang originally sold the first-generation sonic eliminator to the United States. The first-generation sonic eliminator was not a weapon. It only had the effect of intimidating marine mutants. The Vietnamese took pains to steal a sample from the United States, and then They improved it and made the so-called sonic destroyer, which is also the case in Australia. However, Australia ’s navy is more powerful than Vietnam. Vietnam is just a few patrol boats. Therefore, Vietnam cannot pull out of Australia ’s position. I dare not **** the Chinese fleet, but it ’s OK to sell a few sonic destroyers to the Beijing base, but they also have the conditions to ask China to lend them several cities on the border to temporarily live because there are more creepers in Vietnam The Vietnamese decided to move north.

Australia was willing to **** the Chinese fleet but was unwilling to sell their self-righteous sonic destroyers. The Beijing base could not only agree to Vietnam's request. Several cities on the Sino-Vietnamese border had already become dead countries anyway, allowing the Vietnamese to clean up. It also saved the Beijing base the trouble and effort, and used this condition in exchange for more than one sonic expeller. This is of great benefit to the development of the Beijing base. Yue Tai agreed after thinking about it.

This is the case behind the scenes, but the Vietnam and Beijing bases are not known to the outside world for the time being. Chu Xiang learned that this was only the first-generation product of the Yutai base after getting the sonic eliminator brought back by Wang Shaohui. All have to be on the production line. \ * \ Some small countries fool the Chinese with one generation of production. Isn't this a trick?

Chen Feiyang of the Changshan Island Border Station said: "It turned out that Captain Chu didn't say we thought that Little Vietnam and Australia really had the ability, but they just picked our trash and got it here. ! "

Ding Yishan said: "Yes, Chu team, what plans do you have, since they have problems with their sonic expellers. Should we make good use of this and give them some lessons. Let them never dare to hit us in China again idea."

Chu Xiang said: "Of course. I'm doubting that there is any black-box transaction between the Beijing base and Vietnam. Wang Shaohui has already checked it. If I can see the eyebrows, the Beijing base will be finished this time. I will never condone them any more. Well, although Chairman Hua does not agree with me, I would like to ask for your opinions. As long as everyone does not object, we will drive Yue Tai down! He is not worthy to sit in the Beijing base. Let him toss it again. I do n’t know yet What happened? "

Everyone heard Chu Xiang finally opened their mouths and said, "Yes. Captain Chu, you should have thought so long ago. Yue Tai asked our evolvers to come to Beijing a few days ago. He knows that the evolvers at each of our bases have a great responsibility. We ca n’t be separated, and we have to transfer our people. This approach is simply not taking our base security seriously, and even asking us to supply food and weapons to the Beijing base. Is this a central base approach? He It's just cheeky to ask us for money and things without giving us assistance. "

Chu Xiang said: "If you have no comments, then launch the bases you can affect. Chairman Hua is hesitant. He will not make up his mind if he is not pushed to the point, so everyone needs to work harder behind his back. . "

Someone laughed: "It's better for you to lead everyone, Captain Chu. I think you are decisive and capable, no one dares to bully us based on your name, and you have the ability to be more convincing. We are all optimistic about you."

Chu Xiang said: "Do not make fun of this kind of joke. I ca n’t say it first. I can't do it by letting me deal with the case every day. Would you like me to fight and kill people and manage the base and people? , I would rather give it to my dad and old Taishan. "

In fact, everyone knows that Chu Xiang has no such thoughts, so he laughs and exposes the incident. With Chu Xiang's nature, he really can't do it, but with Chu Xiang's current prestige and strength, he would still say nothing. of.

It was said that Yue Tai had talked about the issues between Vietnam and Australia one after another. He got a sonic destroyer as he wished, and the Australian warship also conducted a test **** for the Chinese fleet and returned five ships of grain from China to the United States. The team docked at Tianjin Port and then transported the food back to the Beijing base from the expressway. The success of the cooperation strengthened Yue Tai's determination. This is also a development place. Without the strength of its own, it is a good place to rely on the strength of foreigners. Method, although this will put yourself under the name of a traitor, but as long as the strength develops, I believe the world will understand.

In the office, Grandpa Yue Tai is smoking again, and the house is full of smoke, covering her blurred and deformed face, Yue Ting said, "Grandpa, why do we have to deal with Australians now that we have a sonic drive, this is not broken. Are we our own reputation? Now the outside world's comments on our Beijing base are very bad. "

Yue Tai took a sip of cigar leisurely: "If there is no evolutionary in Australia to evolve the stand of the Ministry, do you think the formation of the New Evolution Department will be so fast? So although we have a sonic expeller, but in a short time We still have to pretend that we do n’t have the ability to sail in the sea, so that the Australians can be assured of their lives. After we settle the civil unrest, we will drive the Australians away. At that time, our warships will be successfully installed and tested. Wash up misunderstandings from us. "

Yue Lun was worried and said, "Dad, Australia only promised to give us 50 evolvers at first, but they suddenly sent us an evolver. What if they did not leave after the new evolution department was established?"

Yue Tai said: "This is our place, are they afraid that they will not leave. Huh. If they refuse to leave the Beijing base, I will let them attack the Yutai base ..."

Yue Lun said with joy: "I understand that although these foreign ghosts are powerful, they may not even be able to pass the shooting trees and sword grass arrays when attacking the Yutai base. Even if they attack, they may be attacked by the surname Chu. It ’s hard to escape. To kill someone with a knife, you just need to work well, otherwise Australians won't be fooled. "

The secretary hurried into the office. He whispered in Yue Tai's ear. Yue Tai was a little angry: "What? They dare to do such a thing? Didn't this disrupt my plan?"

Yue Lun looked at her father strangely. The secretary knew that the grandpa and grandpa didn't have to avoid anything, and **** told the news. "The Australian evolutionist raped the female survivor of our Beijing base on the street."

Yue Lun said: "How can this happen? Did n’t they repeatedly tell them not to make trouble. Originally, residents of the Beijing base were worried about so many evolutionaries entering the Beijing base. Now that this kind of thing happens, how can we deal with it? Do they kill them? Evolver? "

Yue Tai is also sad. If you kill the evolutionist, Australia will definitely not let it go, but if you do n’t kill them, such a terrible incident will happen, but I ’m afraid that it will be difficult to end. To appease the victimized women, let me talk to the Australian side first. "

On the Pingyang Sea, a team of Australian warships escorting Chinese merchant ships is slowly sailing. Australia has prepared to set up ports in several places along the coast of China. They had sent more than 1,000 soldiers when they escorted China last time. The soldiers are now building in an abandoned naval port because there are no Chinese survivors nearby. So for the time being, nothing is wrong, but Australia is afraid of problems and has sent more than a dozen evolutionaries to protect those ports under construction.

boom. A jet of water suddenly spewed out from the sea, and a monster like a dragon broke out of the water. The officers and men on the Australian warship were startled. They immediately strengthened the interference of the sonic destroyer and tried to drive the sudden monster away.

But contrary to his wishes, instead of being scared away by the sonic expeller, the monster was furious. It kept circling in the water and roared, and the sea began to be calm. A giant beast like a dinosaur came from the sea. He emerged in surprise, and the mutant fish kept flying beside the warship, and the monsters opened their mouths from time to time to bite the mutant fish, and they did not look at the cannon rocket on the warship.

The fleet commander immediately reported to the Australian military what happened on the Pacific Ocean. The military instructions were to continue to strengthen the power of the sonic destroyer. Do not attack the monsters actively and try to accelerate the speed to leave the dangerous area.

The fleet commander did, but it did n’t work. The increase in the power of the sonic destroyers made the monsters anxious, and several sonic destroyers were even burned because of high workloads. Those monsters swim fast and they follow the warship. If you don't let go, you will attack the warship at any time.

The Australian military immediately informed the fleet that it would abandon the Chinese fleet and let the Chinese fleet cover the evacuation of the ships. The idea of ​​the fleet commander was exactly the same, so he immediately ordered the following ships to use the Chinese fleet as a shield. , Try your best to avoid the monster rush.

The rushing water horrified the crew of the Chinese fleet. They saw Australian warships giving up to escorting them and escaping quickly, and they were throwing monsters to the Chinese fleet in the direction of escape. There are several Chinese The ship was even hit by a monster. Fortunately, the hull was full of cargo and was heavy, otherwise it overturned.

The Chinese fleet immediately relayed what happened here via satellite signals to the Chinese. This is even more worrying for the Chinese than the Mali pirates. The Beijing base telegraphed the Australian government and asked them to abide by the previous agreement and to protect the Chinese fleet's safety at a critical moment. .

However, the Australian government remained silent. Their warships continued to flee, chasing them like monsters in the monster land. At this time, the monster had not launched an attack. Finally, a monster was forced into a landless warship. The artillery was fired, and the shell hit a dinosaur-like monster. The monster was provoked. It slammed into the Australian warship's deck, slammed, a large hole burst, and seawater surged into the cabin.

When someone fired the first gun, other warships followed immediately, so these monsters were finally completely enraged. They attacked the Australian warship desperately, and even attacked the warship ammunition warehouse with their own bodies. Many warships exploded and the hull was dismembered quickly. Sink into the ocean floor.

The battle between these warships and the monsters ended in less than twenty minutes. No Australian warships could be seen on the sea, and the monsters were seriously injured. Five huge bodies floated on the sea, and the sea was dyed dark red. , UU reading books www. The remaining monsters on made several roars towards the Chinese fleet and sank into the water. The crew on the Chinese ship scared their stomachs and cramps. Until this moment, they did not believe that the monsters had harmed them, and they did not know whether it was the Emperor Jade Emperor or Goddess of Mercy bless.

This scene was clearly recorded through satellites. Both Australia and China felt incredible. Australia was incredibly angry. The mutant sea creatures attacked the warship regardless of the interference of the sonic destroyer. What ghosts did the Americans engage in at a critical moment? Function, this battle cost Australia a heavy loss!

It is incredible that the Beijing base of China is that the monsters have not committed any crime against the Chinese fleet Qiu! This is really strange. Although the sonic destroyer is hidden in the Chinese fleet, it is clear that the sonic destroyer of the Australian warship does not work. The Chinese sonic destroyer should not be as advanced as Australia's, so the Chinese fleet escaped the calamity. It's not because of a sonic expeller.

A few minutes later, a chapter appeared on the Internet, accusing Australia of betraying the Chinese fleet in disregard of the betrayal at the beginning of the naval battle, and even using the Chinese fleet as a shield. Zhang also pointed out that Australia's construction of military facilities in Chinese ports was a serious act. Beijing ’s aggression, Beijing ’s indulgence of its actions in China seriously hurt the self-esteem of the majority of the surnames, and the Chinese nation has reached a critical moment, calling on all Chinese to rise up against the oppression of imperialism!


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