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Chapter 371: Fed up

After this anonymous chapter, there is another news report. The Beijing base and Vietnam secretly reached an agreement. China will cede several cities to allow Vietnamese to move to live and live in the north. The price of the Beijing base is a sound wave that has no effect at all. Deporter!

In the core office of the Beijing base, Yue Tai was full of sadness, and he rebuked his staff, "Who leaked the news! Check it for me, and we must check it strictly!"

Someone whispered: "Chairman, it shouldn't be news leaked from us. There are few people who know this and they are all loyal to you. I think there may be something wrong with Vietnam."

It ’s possible that Vietnamese people do n’t have long hair on their mouths, and they ca n’t leak the news. It ’s possible that Yue Tai could not get angry and his chest was fluctuating. At this time, the messenger came in with a piece to report. It turned out that the Australian military asked the Chinese side to compensate them for their losses in the naval battle, and asked China to open several more ports while allowing them to station troops to protect the safety of their warships.

At this time, Takayama hurried in and said, "Chairman, the Australian evolutionaries of the Evolution Department act strangely. I'm afraid they have any conspiracy to control them."

Yue Tai reconsidered the content in his hands. He understood that Australia was putting pressure on him. The establishment of the evolution department was just completed. Seeing that the evolutionaries at the Yutai base could fight in the chamber, but who knew that suddenly With such a naval battle, relations between China and Australia have deteriorated. If the requirements of the Australian government are not agreed, I am afraid that those evolutionaries will take action. Before you are not quite capable. Sudden difficulties may affect their status.

Yue Tai told Gaoshan Road: "Are you sure you can control them?"

Takayama shook his head and said, "I am afraid that the strength of our Blue Shield troops will not work, but if He Yaohui is no problem, should you contact him? After all, he is an old army of the Ministry of Evolution. I don't think I will die."

Yue Tai said angrily: "He Yaohui is a person from Yutai Base. Do you want to get him back as a minister? Do n’t try to provoke the Australian evolutionists, generate electricity for the Australian government, agree to their request, and express our concern for The concern of the shipwreck, at the same time, we have to deny our relationship with Vietnam and telegraph Vietnam not to relocate to China in the near future. Otherwise, it will be easily seen. "

The news went online and the public opinion was temporarily controlled, but a few days later, major news leaked. Beijing base agrees to Australian military stationed in Chinese port! Vietnamese are migrating to several cities in China, and their migrant population has reached 100,000!

With satellite photos this time, it was useless to make any statement from the Beijing base. Yue Tai suddenly felt a sense of panic and unrest. Many bases yelled at him to get him out of the base, and the interior of the base was also frantic. When he got up, from the army to his old name, he all accused him. Although he had arrested a few serious people, the emotions below couldn't be soothed at all.

"What to do? You guys gave me an idea. The Vietnamese are disobedient. Australia is brazen again, and now my old surname is also forcing me. What should I do," Yue Tai asked those think-tanks. It was dumb when they had a role to play.

A think tank said: "The last time an Australian evolutionist raped our Chinese women has not been handled properly, and so many things have happened now. The public sentiment below is difficult to suppress. I hope the chairman can use thunder means. Otherwise, it will easily arouse more The people of the earth are angry, and they will be unable to deal with it. "

Yue Tai said: "Do you mean to let me continue to suppress or what?"

The think tank said: "Of course not to continue to suppress, but hope that you can channel the public, first bring the Australian evolutionary to justice, then protest against Vietnam ’s invasion, and expel the Australian garrison in China and cancel their presence The port is building any facility required to close the port open to them. "

Yue Tai said: "I can't do one of these things you said, and rethink other ideas."

The guard suddenly pushed in. "Chairman, there are many people coming in, we can't stop it!"

Yue Tai's face changed. He said, "High mountains, high mountains, let him take everyone from the Evolution Department to protect everyone!"

Gao Shan was waiting outside when he heard Yue Tai's summons. Yue Tai said, "Send someone to disperse those old surnames immediately. If they don't listen to persuasion, shoot!" Ah, Madam, there are many evolutionaries among the masses, and the evolutionaries from Australia came to a sudden stop. They said that they would not participate in our political struggle. They were dealing with zombies and creepers. They could not deal with the peaceful people. There are a few things we can't swallow now. If you handle them well, we will naturally not do other people's cannon fodder, and if you don't handle them well, we will be someone else's pawn. "

Yue Tai knew to persuade these people, he said, "Well, what do you want to say?"

Someone said: "The first thing is to punish the perpetrators!"

"The second thing drives Australians out of China!"

"The first thing prevents Vietnam from going north!"

Yue Tai has a big head, and he didn't dare to do this easily. But at this time he had to bite the bullet first and promised, "Okay. I promise you all, but none of this matter is easy to handle, always give us time to deal with one piece, you go back first, don't Instigated by others. "

One person stood out in excitement and said, "We are not instigated by others. We are all voluntary. Please understand this point first. We just do n’t like your approach, and we do n’t want to see China humiliated again. Old, the country needs to strengthen itself. The first step is to strengthen the people and the country. But what have you done during this time, nothing has been done except internal fighting! Look at the people's Yutai base. Develop agriculture to ensure food supply, even a variety Land use has already been produced. There are also many high-tech products also produced. Bibi them, don't you think you are useless, occupying that pit and not shit, this kind of person is the most shameful! "

Yue Tai was angered this time. He is an identified leader. He asked an ordinary person to say what his face looks like. He slaps the man at will, and the guard's muzzle is on top of him. Head, the crowd below immediately swelled upon seeing this, "Let him go! You dare to hit people in front of so many of us, your Yuetai's reputation is really bad!"

Yue Tai was so desperate that he was forced. He waved his hand and said, "Kill them! Kill them all!"

A group of guards and evolvers waited for a long time. Yue Tai ordered them to shoot at a desperate pace, otherwise they would probably be overwhelmed by the surging crowd. As a consequence, they would not have considered it.

"Stop!" Suddenly a loud shout sounded, both the guards and the evolver felt their bodies shake, the guns in their hands were unstable, and even their clothes were shattered. People like Yue Tai who did not have the ability to resist were heard by this sound. He turned over a dozen or so with excitement and vomited blood more directly.

Chu Xiang separated from the crowd and came out. To be honest, Yue Tai misunderstood that these people were instigating him and really wronged him, but Chu Xiang didn't have to explain anything at all. He was just watching every move of the Beijing base, but he really wanted to follow the roots and seek it. All the news is that Chu Xiang let Wang Bin release it, which is equivalent to indirectly inciting these old surnames to counterattack Yue Tai, so Chu Xiang cannot allow these old surnames to be harmed.

Yue Tai was turned over several times by a wave of shocks, his chest was depressed and he almost vomited blood on the spot, but fortunately, he was always strong, so he resisted. After seeing Chu Xiang, Yue Tai's heart was calm, he He has been suspecting that the ghosts of the Yutai base are secretly engaging in ghosts, and now the truth is clear, the kind of maggot in his heart has disappeared. You must know that Yue Tai is not a bear bag. He is also a person who has experienced warfare and met his opponent. He There is no sign of weakness.

"You surnamed Chu, you finally showed up. There are so many plots behind it that you just want to force me away, but you don't want to get away with it!" Yue Tai climbed up and stroked his chest.

With a wave of ultrasound, Chu Xiang stopped the battle that was about to erupt. He said, "Yue Tai, it is your old business to conspiracy. I didn't do anything. I just did the truth to the world. Announce! "

Yue Tai chuckled coldly: "Huh, you'll figure it out. It's not something that makes everyone support you, and then you can take my place, doesn't it? Don't deny it, because that's in your heart. Think! "

Chu Xiang said: "Yue Tai, if you say that you have the heart of a villain, you will definitely not believe it, but I will not argue with it. Now there are several things that you need to deal with immediately, otherwise don't say these ordinary surnames Then, even our evolvers will not spare you! "

As soon as Chu Xiang's arms lifted, a team of evolvers appeared. They were Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming's Terminator forces. Several evolutionaries under Gaoshan were too nervous. \\ * \\ The gun in his hand did not want to go. Bang, with the sound of this gun sounding one after another, the first shot fired a ground bomb to shoot down the bombs shot by the evolvers under the mountains, and then two shots knocked down the two evolvers to the ground.

The two evolutionaries moaned painfully on the ground. Takayama wanted to come forward for treatment, but he did n’t dare to act rashly in the face of Chu Xiang. He did n’t dare to take care of himself, and he was afraid of the cold. A group of subordinates, but this contradictory idea was only ten seconds. The practitioners were quickly relieved from the pain, but they immediately found something wrong.

The two evolvers tried their skills, and they both shouted more horrible than the painful screaming just now: "Our superpowers, superpowers are gone!"

Xu Huai put down the gun in his hand, he sternly said: "Who dares to move me immediately will make him an ordinary person!"

The mountain was frightened. He stepped forward and pulled up two evolvers, and hurriedly asked, "What's going on. Does the injury matter?"

The two evolutionists rushed to Takayama and said, "Minister Gao, superpower, our superpower suddenly disappeared!"

Takayama put his palm on the wound of an evolver. He sent a force of thought in his palm. Bang, a warhead was sucked out of the wound. Takayama took a closer look at the warhead, but there was nothing special about the appearance, but Takayama Knowing that the two evolutionaries under his control just moaned in pain after being shot, and then lost their superpowers. Xu Huaidi's evolutionary terminator bombed out when the evolutionaries on Yue Tai's side were honest. Even Takayama couldn't figure out the power attached to this kind of bomb, and didn't dare to act wildly. All this made Yue Tai into a deep passive, at this time he found that it was useless to seek even more foreign aid. In terms of strength, he is far worse than the Yutai base, and the opponent is not only an evolver. In terms of high technology, he is also at the forefront of the world. He can't beat the young man in front of him!

However, how Yue Tai was willing to fail, he told Chu Xiang: "Don't be proud, thinking that some evil ways can make everyone convince you? You are still a little tender, and your qualifications are not enough to manage the Beijing base, I agree to hold At the CPPCC meeting, as long as everyone agrees, I will not object to your position. "

Chu Xiang laughed: "Yue Tai, I think it's you who are naive. In your eyes power is more important than anything. In my eyes, it's just a reputation that is not as good as a gimmick. Since you can't manage the Beijing base, then I urge you to take the initiative and wait until you let me touch you on your own. "

Yue Tai exclaimed, "Okay, okay, I'd like to see what you can do to deal with the things in front of you, and convince me to take it orally even punish me to clean the toilet without complaint!"

The Yuetai locals spoofed: "Yes, do n’t just talk about not practicing, think that it is so simple to manage a base, say who wo n’t, just saying no training is a fake handle, and if you have one, you can show us what you want. Look!"

A large part of the old people who did not know the truth also shouted aloud, some of whom cheered for Che Xiang, and some who wanted to see what the legendary evolutionary department consultants could do, and even more jealous of Chu Xiang ’s popularity. See Chu Xiang lively.

Chu Xiang calmly said, "Everyone, the first thing that the Beijing base needs to solve is to bring famous criminals to justice. Australia is bullied and bullies. We think we Chinese are bullying. I think it's time to drive them out of China. , Our site will never allow robbers to enter

Chu Xiang said that he ignored Yue Tai and went to the Evolution Department under Xie Shanshan's leadership. Everyone knew that this was to catch the Australian evolutionary, so they hurried to keep up. It is said that the Australian evolutionary was also very Awesome, one of them also can lurk in the water for several months without eating.

Even if the evolutionaries in Australia are all at a medium level, the number of them is huge enough. This is something that the base in Beijing has always been afraid of, so that they do not dare to punish them for their evil deeds. Now I see that some people want to get ahead. Many middle managers of the base also went to watch.

The Australian evolvers in China were divided into five teams, with twenty people in each team. They were replaced by the English letters a, b, c, d, and e. Their captain was called James and was a giant evolutionary. At that time, when he first came to the Ministry of Evolution of China, he launched a challenge. As a result, none of the Chinese evolutionaries surpassed him, and this person was good at fighting boxing, and it was difficult to deal with. Even if he did not look at his skills, he could be a captain. Know it will not be mediocre. The Australian evolutionaries had their own separate camps, and the Chinese were never allowed to enter. Suddenly, a group of Chinese came to the camp. Of course, the evolutionaries on duty were cursing and stopping them. "Miscellaneous account! What are you, already warned You, let's go to our camp and kill! "

Chu Xiang had already arrived in front of this evolutionary. He didn't talk about the stabbing of the bone knife, and he picked it up. The evolutionist's response was not fast, or he was not used to keep the door. Alas, he was taken by the bone knife. The jaw was opened, and the heads of the two halves fell to the left and right respectively.

Another on-duty evolver standing in the distance saw a terrible situation ~ ~ he ran and shouted: "Kill! The Chinese evolutionist has killed a man!"

Chu Xiang's thoughts aroused, and a few grasses near the door suddenly stretched out his tentacles like a demon, and bound the rushing evolutionary, and the evolutionary's throat could no longer be heard, but it was just a blink of an eye. His face was blue and purple, and then he crooked to the side and was strangled.

"What's the matter!" The captain just happened to be at the door. Of course, when he saw the noise, he had to step forward to see it. Based on the understanding during this time, the Chinese did not dare to come to the camp, even though they have been treacherous to China by famous evolvers. There are deep complaints about girls, but they dare not take action at all.

Chu Xiang's bone wing suddenly protruded from the back. The unknown person was startled by the wings growing on his back. The captain was bound by the bone wing from left to right. He struggled twice without success. His Suddenly, his arm changed, and it turned out to be a shark-toothed saw blade. He began to cut Chu Xiang's bones and wings.

The hardness of Chu Xiang's bones may not be effective even if the captain cuts it for a year, but Chu Xiang won't let him do so. He spins the bones and wings, and the top row of serrations rotates quickly. Painful screams, when the sight was clear again, his arm had been sawed off!


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