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Chapter 372: Dhamma

The evolution camp in Australia immediately exploded. Everyone acted. Some yelled. Some ran out of the barracks. Captain James quickly appeared to bring the team together. People, so there is no room for easing the situation, and today will be the result of your life.

"Who are you? What are your attempts to kill my evolution?" James asked.

Chu Xiang said: "I am Chinese. You Australians have always said that we have no human rights, no democracy, and no freedom. Today I am here to ask you for human rights and democracy."

James Haha smiled: "Human rights and democracy? Does your country have it? Do you have anything you don't want from us? You're not sick."

Zhang Jingyao separated the crowd. She came with three girls who were the three who had been defiled by the evolution of Australia. They were unwilling to testify, but Xie Shanshan persuaded them. He promised that without their testimony, Chu Xiang thought that even killing the three Australians would not be happy.

Zhang Jingyao said to the three girls: "Now foreign evolution is standing here. The three of you say who harmed you. Don't be afraid to speak up. Someone will decide for you today!"

The first girl saw the evolution of Australia that made her a painful life at a glance. It was a thin man. He had a pair of magic hands, which could transform a lot of things, and could become a thing that scared a woman. This woman The child was deeply affected, and she pointed at the man and said, "It's him! I recognize him when he turns into ashes."

Chu Xiang said, "Pull him out!" Song Jun and Li Niu immediately went forward, and Australia evolved to resist. Li Niu punched him on the bridge of his nose, and he blew blood, and his army's steel knife was against him In the neck of the two, due to the speed of the two, the evolution can only be arrested. But his companions refused, and the riots spread immediately.

Banging, a rush of gunshots, James at first saw the Chinese firing a bit disdain. Which of these evolutions is afraid of bullets? The Chinese really waste their feelings. Want to hurt his evolution with a bullet, his brain is sick. James's idea was quickly broken. He saw the evolution around him was hit by a bullet and twitched in pain, but looking at the wound alone, it could only be scratched. What is going on? Could it be said that there is a problem with the Chinese ground bullets?

James's idea quickly became a reality, and the first Australian evolution to rise from the ground shouted. The voice was full of fear: "Superpower, why is my superpower gone? What's going on, what's going on!"

Successive evolutions awakened from pain, and at the same time they felt that their superpowers had disappeared! James's voice changed a bit under his fear: "You, what have you done to them? You devil!"

Chu Xiang simply ignored James and others. He wanted the first Australian evolution to be recognized by a girl. Song Jun and Li Niu have put him in front of everyone. Li Niu kicked behind the man's knee. He fell to his knees.

Zhang Jingyao gave the girl a knife and a pistol. "You look at him and deal with him yourself. You won't have nightmares in the future. There will be no pain you will forget. Everything will end today."

The girl looked at the knife and looked purple. If she let this man whom she hates so much, she might not be able to get it. Still a shot that ended his life best matched her mood at the moment. The girl here thought she grabbed a pistol and closed her eyes at Australian evolution. boom. A gunshot splattered blood. Australia didn't expect retribution to come so fast. He also thought that by virtue of the team's advantage, no one would care about walking sideways in China. No matter what Chinese women can do. The Chinese are afraid to take them. And now he never had to think again. The body fell to the ground and gradually stiffened.

Chu Xiang waved at the other two girls behind him. "Find out the people who have hurt you. Today I'm fair to you!" After being insulted, the two girls dreamed of kissing the enemy one day. Now I saw that a murderer had been killed. With a hatred, they will identify themselves as the evolution of Australia that hurts them.

Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming led the sniper to hold the corner firmly. James already knew that there was a problem with the opponent's weapon. He wanted to protect himself. But he did not dare to act lightly. Seeing two more evolutions were taken out. James was anxious to jump over the wall.

"Stop! Don't think we are afraid of you. If you dare to hurt my people again. We will fight hard for you! Don't forget that we have warships. There are thousands of soldiers in your port!" James shouted.

Chu Xiangdao: "I almost forgot to inform you that you may see it now when you open the satellite broadcast. Yutai Base has warned all foreigners that entering China without permission will be regarded as aggression and will be completely destroyed. ! "

James said: "Nonsense, we are not aggression, your country has allowed us to enter, and those officials behind you know that if you dare to attack our troops, that is to declare war on us in Australia!"

Chu Xiang laughed and laughed: "Declaring war is about declaring war. What can we do? It ’s only true in China ’s Yutaiji. We do n’t care what agreement other people have with you. In short, all foreigners who invade China today must die!”

James yelled, "You're delusional! I fight with you!"

The evolution of Australia can't wait for a long time. The situation is so tense that they can't consider those ending bullets. They heard James' signal and they desperately came because they knew that they would not end well even if they did not resist. These days in Beijing The base is used to arouse public anger. Now some people are on behalf of the common people. Will they have a good life, so they can only fight for it. Maybe with the powerful evolutionary skills, they can hide the mysterious bullets. Already.

Chu Xiang suddenly yelled, and the ultrasonic electric lightning flashed out like thunder. The fluttering Australian evolution was scattered by the shock of the ultrasonic wave. More than a dozen superficially advanced evolutions exploded directly. Even the giant evolutionary James did not stand firmly. In the footsteps, his skin was sore with ultrasonic vibrations, and his head and clothes were all left. Fortunately, in the last days, humans don't care about these things, so there is no case where someone covers their eyes and dares not to look at them.

"So strong ultrasound!" All Australian evolution thought so, some people even shouted. They also have sonic evolution, but compared to the roar of Chu Xiang, they think that ten years of cultivation may not be possible.

As soon as Chu Xiang's attack opened, he didn't want to close his hands. After the first wave of ultrasound, he immediately urged the quick-frozen energy to evolve towards Australia, and rattled sharply. The evolution of Australia, which has not been slowed down by the ultrasonic wave, has been frozen, and even the Chinese standing behind Chu Xiang have been backed up by the cold.

Bang, bang, there is still some evolutionary strength in Australia. A part of the evolutionary force in the frozen ground began to break free, and the ice cubes disintegrated. They were restrained everywhere to prepare for an attack to bring the situation back. It's just that their strength is much weaker than Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang controls the plants to bind to them, and then attracts thunder and lightning to repeatedly attack them!

"Surendered, surrendered!" James was a giant evolution, he broke free three times and was frozen. However, after being **** by plants, he never lost his temper. In the eyes of others, Australia's evolution was not worth mentioning. Even his own skills were too late to be cast and he was captured. He only surrendered if he wanted to save his life.

Chu Xiang said to the two victims: "Have you found someone who hurt you?"

With tears, the two girls pointed at the two Tuo ice cubes, and Zhang Jingyao fired a gun: "Break him!"

The two girls gritted their teeth and pulled the trigger. Two gunshots sounded like glass shattering, smashing a piece of land, and two scum in the remaining place also got their due.

Yue Tai kept watching without saying a word. He knew that he did not have this kind of strength, but in fact he was wrong from the beginning. The opponent ’s evolutionary strength was too horrible. Yue Tai was only able to find a thousand foreign evolutionaries. As foreign aid, I am afraid that he cannot reverse the defeat. How does this world no longer recognize the system, and who is the system? Strong is the system!

Chu Xiang glanced at the dying Australian evolution, he said to Song Jun behind him: "Kill them!" James just broke free from another round of freezing power attack, he shouted: "No, we surrender. Don't kill us ! Or our country will not let you go! "

Chu Xiang was unmoved at all. Song Jun raised his arms and called out a hidden weapon. Those evolutions that were frozen into Bingtuo were broken by Song Jun's hidden weapon in a dozen, even if the ability was high, they had not been frozen. However, it was also difficult to escape the hidden weapon attack of Song Jun, and one hundred evolutionaries were dealt with in a moment.

Yue Tai suddenly sneered at Chu and said, "You are so brave. This is to burn our country. The Australian government will not stop there. They will retaliate against us! You are happy, but the people are suffering! "

Many people agree with Yue Tai's words, killing one hundred Australian evolutioners at once. It would be strange if Australia did n’t jump into a thunderstorm. What if their army came?

Chu Xiang told Yue Tai: "It was you who brought the Australian army into our country, and now you have no ability to drive them out, and you dare to yin and yang. You traitor, traitor, will think of ordinary people? It's funny!"

Yue Tai opposes each other: "Australia's evolution is to help us restore the internal order of the base. This is an international cooperation. As for an accident, this was unexpected, but you got things done. You thought Australia would Let us go? "

Chu Xiang said: "No, I won't let them go!"

After saying that Chu Xiang left straight away, people behind him did n’t know what to do, and could only follow. It turned out that Chu Xiang was looking for a network place. There was a communication room in the Australian evolution barracks. Someone adjusted the machine before. Xie Shanshan behind him said: "Notify Ma Xinghe and destroy the Australian army!"

Xie Shanshan opened the satellite phone, "Chu Xiang has orders to destroy the Australian army!"

Port Australian troops are still working on construction. They made up their minds to learn from Portugal hundreds of years ago. They will occupy several ports in the future and share a few cups with China. Suddenly, a team appeared outside the base they had not yet built. This team seems to be out of nowhere, they are carrying two radar-like things.

Australian soldiers fired a warning immediately: "Get out of our base, dare to come forward and we will fire!"

For Ma Xinghe, he could not wait any longer. At this moment, when he saw that the Australians dared to be so arrogant in China, he replied loudly: "This is China's territory, and your horse will leave, or we will destroy you!"

The Australians laughed, thinking they had encountered a group of so-called patriotic youth. At most it is some evolution, and the port has thirty Australian evolutions stationed here to ensure security, and it is more than enough to deal with those outside.

Bang, the Australian shot first, and Ma Xinghe waved. Two sonic weapons buzzed, and the Australian soldiers in front of them were caught by surprise. The body sounds continued to explode, scaring the remaining people to hide behind the half-built wall, but the ultrasonic waves hit them and could not block those walls. Live, the hard floor bricks and stones are turned into powder!

The Australians stepped back, and their evolution also emerged. At this time, a team of snipers suddenly appeared outside the base of the base. Their goal was that group of evolution. Immediately after these snipers were two sonic tanks. After the sniper destroyed the evolutionary attack, the sonic tanks went unfinished. An impact occurred inside the construction site. However, there are more than a thousand Australian soldiers. They were quickly disintegrated under the impact of sonic weapons. Those evolutions were hit by snipers just like ordinary people. The remaining part of the powerful evolution was also eliminated by Liang Tian, ​​Zhang Yan and others.

The Australian government was shocked by the live broadcast on the Internet. They called the Beijing base, and Chu Xiang answered them. The Australian government is still very strong. They use a domineering tone: "Hateful. You Chinese are not keeping your promises. ! "

Chu Xiang said: "I have no credit to tell you that the Chinese territory does not allow other countries to station troops, and you do not heed the warning. This is your end!"

The Australian government said: "We are going to fight against you!"

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, send more people to give us experimental weapons."

The Australian government said that it would do it. It actually sent a fleet to attack China. These warships were originally near the coast of China. Now they are ordered to quickly rush to several Chinese ports. Yue Tai sneered after seeing this scene. : "You've made things big, now let's see what you do!"

Chu Xiang said: "No need to deal with it. That is to continue to kill!"

Three Australian warships were moving fast on the surface. The soldiers checked the missile over and over again, waiting for the commander to fire. Suddenly, the waves slowly waved in the microwave, and a large group of giant water monsters leapt to the sea. They did not hesitate to pounce on the Australian warships, and the Australian warships that had been prepared for battle fought with these monsters after a brief panic.

The firepower of Australian warships was very powerful. At first they killed a dozen water monsters, but the number of water monsters was quite large, and they were constantly rushed by reinforcements. A group of flying monsters jumped from the water to the warships and then attacked the soldiers of the warships. The attack started, and soon the Australian warships were messed up. The water monsters took the opportunity to drill through the hard shell of the warship. They entered the warship and rammed into it. The situation of the warship became more and more chaotic. It did not take long to explode. The three warships sank into the sea.

With satellites to watch live broadcasts, a marine scene surprised Yue Tai and others. The Yutai base even commanded the water monsters to attack warships. If they can really control the mutated creatures in the ocean, isn't the sea world their overlord? The Australians are also shocked. Who dares to fight with them again if they have such strength? Isn't that asking for hardship? Australia itself is an island country. If the other party moves countless marine mutants to attack them, then Australia will lose its country!

The Australians no longer speak loudly. Even if they quietly exposed this matter, the evolution, the army, and the warships dying in China could only be like this, and they should have suffered a dumb loss, otherwise they would have no confidence to win.

Cheers broke out at the Beijing base. People first heard that the Yutai base avenged three victims of the women, then destroyed the Australian army in China, and then sent the Australian warship to avenge the ground. The Chinese in Yuhuai cheered and cheered, and they strongly demanded that the traitors be severely punished.

Yue Tai's face was ashamed. After receiving the news, Yue Lun and Yue Ting came to hope to cheer for the old man, but the power was not helped. Instead, they were besieged by a group of angry masses. The guards and the evolution who protected Yue Tai also made a mess. Can only let the common people beat his grandfather a disgraced face.

When everything finally calmed down, Yue Tai was already immature. He murmured in his mouth, "Convening the CPPCC, I want to organize a briefing."

Chu Xiang laughed: "Okay, then, as you wish, I'll go and see how you work."

Special events and special events, people will be here soon. Although Chu Xiang is not included in the invitation, but he does not dare to speak out if he wants to attend the meeting, and Chu Xiang is not alone, he brings a lot of evolution ~ www. ~ Some people are still stained with the blood of Australian evolution. These people are standing behind the people who support Yue Tai. The **** smell is enough for these people.

Yue Tai also didn't care about arranging the wolf's clothes, he said: "Beginning the meeting, what happened today is very undemocratic. I asked the organization to give me a statement that someone has insulted my dignity, which is equivalent to indirectly humiliating the dignity of our country. "

Chu Xiang laughed: "Don't worry, everyone is still there."

The members looked around. They were all there. There was no shortage of people. At this time, the door opened. Hua Fuqiang and Zhang Yibo, Li Yang and others came in. The members' faces changed and broke. The Yutai base It was here to support Hua Fuqiang and others.

Hua Fuqiang was actually reluctant to participate in these battles, but when Chu Xiang gave him an analysis of how many ordinary people ’s happiness was delayed because of the wrong direction, Hua Fuqiang decided to do as Chu Xiang said.

Hua Fuqiang didn't speak, and he took a seat and sat down. Other people did the same. It was cold as if others owed them a lot of money. Those members who had opposed them were embarrassed. This is not what they used to be. In the past, these people did not rely on them. Now that the other side has the evolutionary support of the Yutai base, in case they are upset, Australian warships dare to sink, let alone ordinary humans.

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