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Chapter 373: Embark on self-reliance

Seeing that everyone was silent, Chu Xiang said, "Okay, everyone is here. Let's have a meeting. I'll do an audit."

Seeing that Hua Fuqiang Yue Tai was a little bit frightened, his voice and intonation changed, "I asked the organization to correct my name, and the Yutai base seriously damaged my reputation."

Chu Xiang said: "Oh, do you still have a reputation, the Australian evolutionist insults our Chinese women in Beijing base for a long time and you haven't dealt with it. What kind of reputation is it? If today is not our arrival, I am afraid you can drag this thing Ten thousand years later, and also agree to Australia's presence in the Chinese port construction base, which is also your reputation? You mean that I have raised your reputation, and now you ask everyone to bring your reputation back again. "

Yue Tai looked at the left and right, hoping that someone would come out and scold Chu Xiang. He just said a word, and the other side interrupted and said a few words as an observer. This is still a meeting, but the left and right people They all bowed their heads, and the smell of blood behind them reminded them that these evolutionists are not vegetarian, they want to kill people. It's just as simple as yawning. It's nothing to say the right thing, but in case something is wrong Who knows if they will hate themselves.

No one squeaked Yue Tai embarrassed and didn't know how to continue. At this time Li Yang said: "Comrades, I think it is necessary to re-elect the leadership class. The old leadership class is not suitable for the development of the Beijing base. The time base in Beijing is so distressing that China wants to be strong and must strengthen itself, rather than letting foreigners ride on their heads for blessings. "

Zhang Yibo said: "I agree that since special work is performed in a special period, today we will raise our hands to vote to revoke the old leadership class and re-elect the base headquarters."

Hua Fuqiang, Zhang Yibo, Li Yang and others raised their hands. The members next to them looked at Yue Tai. Yue Tai shook his head. However, when members heard the evolutionary behind coughing, they raised their hands involuntarily. Yue Tae's teeth are itchy, but he knows that his skills are not as good as others, and at this time who can care for him.

Li Yangdao: "Okay. Now that more than half of the people have agreed to this proposal, we are now in the election process. It is still the old rule. We all propose candidates and raise our hands to vote. Of course, those who have opinions can express your views. We all will definitely consider."

Everyone thought that anyone would dare to have an opinion. Whatever you say, it ’s impossible. After seeing the wrong team, it ’s impossible to think of it. It is hoped that those evolvers must not hurt their lives. Who is elected and who cares about him? , Lao Yue did not make any achievements after his election. The life of the Beijing base that is still getting better is not better than one day, and it is better to change it, to save Yueting's little battles from wrecking havoc on women.

Seeing that the situation has gone, Yue Tai decided to give a try to the reaction of outsiders, so Yue Tai said, "We are talking about democracy and openness. Now the opinions of these people do not represent the idea of ​​China as a whole. I think we should solicit bases. Make your opinion. "

Li Yangdao: "What is said is that everyone's opinions can best reflect the public opinion. Hurry up and contact the heads of the bases to hear their opinions."

Yue Tai didn't expect it. The base below did not give him half facet at all. It would be better if we only supported Huafuqiang. But many people in charge of the bases showed no mercy to him. Directly criticized Yue Tai's fault. Some people even scolded. Let Yue Tai get away. Yue Tai turned gray. Yue Lun wanted to go and help the old scold a few times. But the surroundings are all evolving opponents. The Blue Shield locals have been brought under control. Now their Yue family is completely out of power. Even the other companies who were willing to help them were useless.

Yue Tai understands that the bases below have been favored by Yutai Base to some extent. So they definitely support Hua Fuqiang. I have no foundation. Kong won a position and couldn't hold it. Planted. That's it. I also enjoyed the glory of my life. God doesn't let himself gain the power, but hesitates.

It ended without accident. The Beijing base resumed its peace. Chu Xiang also opened in Beijing. Live here from time to time with friends from the past. It is also a kind of hard-to-get enjoyment in this troubled world.

Hua Fuqiang took office again. The first thing he did was to make representations to Vietnam. Warn them to leave China immediately. Otherwise, China will send troops to expel. However, given that the dead body in Vietnam is indeed serious. As long as the Vietnamese are willing to give up their original nationality. China will send people to disperse them to various bases in China. He will be treated as a Chinese civilian in the future.

Unexpectedly, it was Vietnam who suddenly became tougher. It is claimed that the city where they now reside was originally Vietnamese territory. China has no right to drive them away.

words. This annoys Chu Xiang. South Haiti island issues have not yet been settled with them. Now that they are violent, they want to invade. I really don't know how old I am. Thought you improved the American-style geoacoustic repeller? That was just the junk that China sold to the United States.

On this day, Hua Fuqiang invited Chu Xiang to come to the Beijing base to discuss the handling of the Vietnam issue. Chu Xiang expressed his attitude, saying, "Chairman, we must not let any act of aggression happen at this time, otherwise there will be two, those countries. Once you see China being bullied, you will bite one after another like a fly. "

Hua Fuqiang nodded: "Yes, we already have a conveyor, so hitting Vietnam is no problem, but the Vietnamese are capricious. We always have to let them survive. We ca n’t let outsiders say that China is not ours."

Chu Xiang did n’t have so many worries, but considering the image of the country, he had to consider for Hua Fuqiang. Chu Xiang said, “Chairman, let India send troops. Let ’s just find a name and say help. Vietnamese corpse, anyway, little Japan used this term, we only need to expel Vietnamese back to their territory in the south, and the Indian army entered Vietnam by sea, and will be stationed in Vietnam in the future to ensure that Vietnam will not be in the South China Sea make trouble."

Hua Fuqiang nodded: "Well, let this matter be handled by you, Xiao Chu, in fact, with your ability, you can now bear the heavy responsibility ..."

Chu Xiang hurriedly said: "Chairman, I like freedom, you want to trap me at the Beijing base, so I leave first."

A few days later, a large number of Chinese soldiers appeared outside the several bases occupied by the Vietnamese. They were covered by sonic tanks, smashing the military defense of the Vietnamese, and the Vietnamese were forced to withdraw south and eventually return to the original border. . A few days later, the Indian government issued a statement saying that it was willing to take the initiative to come to Vietnam to assist the corpses.

Of course, the Vietnamese government does not agree, saying that the dead body in their country has been determined, but the Indian government said that they are also polite to the friendly nations. Do you not have a place to be disturbed by zombies a few days ago and have to go to China to borrow land? Now we take the initiative to help you, no matter how polite you are, we do n’t meet you for free. If you try to be crooked again, you just do n’t know what to do.

Vietnam is a small country, and India sent an aircraft carrier this time. They only accept the help honestly, although they understand that this is a compulsory garrison. The printability is tough, and they are so shameless. Unlike the Chinese who only issued a protest statement before, Vietnam only needs to pretend to ignore it, and now only the Indians can toss their lives. As for the future, it's up to you.

After going through some twists and turns, China returned to the post-disaster recovery and reconstruction work. At this moment, the weather is getting colder, and the crops that were planted before it are time for harvest. Because the Yutai base has more advanced research equipment from abroad, Inoue Professor Chunshu's research on biological genes has made greater breakthroughs. Not only has genetically altered crops been restored to new crops that can be eaten by humans, it has also greatly increased yields, and many bases need not worry about winter food shortages.

At the same time, research on Bai Xiaowei's anti-t virus fluid has also made progress. The first generation of blue life has been successfully researched, and the immunity has reached 90%. This value is considerable, but there is still a certain distance from the requirement of Chu Xiang. Under this probability, Chu Xiang still dare not save Bai Xiaowei. .

With the first-generation production, the blue life of external sales has also increased from the first to the second generation, and the first-generation sonic weapons have also been successfully manufactured in terms of weapons. The power has been greatly improved, and the volume is smaller and lighter, which can be almost ignored. Air, ground, and water versions. Become universal for various environments. Even ordinary armored personnel carriers can be installed, greatly enhancing the firepower of the troops.

In addition to improving Sonic weapons, Mr. Dong. A lot of improvements have also been made to the conveyor, and now it can not only transmit ordinary humans. Moreover, the transmission distance and volume have also increased greatly. With the increase in the output of conveyors, the communication between the bases has strengthened. In China, there has been almost no starvation and no one can help. What base is in danger is only a few A large number of troops will rush past in minutes.

With the implementation of this situation, some bases have cancelled their garrisons, leaving only a small number of security forces. Once there is danger, they can draw troops from the Beijing base and Yutai base, and all the personnel who have saved the land are invested in industrial and agricultural production. It is not possible to restore production levels to the disaster front in a short time, but it is still possible to reach the level of the 1970s and 1980s.

In addition to improving the above-mentioned weapons, Mr. Dong also opened a new topic. He is making a weather controller. This topic has actually been studied before in the United States and Russia. This is a type of geophysical weapon. It ’s small, and it consumes a lot of energy, and the effect produced is not controllable. However, after studying the weather control capabilities of Zhang Yan and Chu Xiang and others in detail, Mr. Dong feels that using bionics can make a weather controller, even if it ca n’t. Making all-weather controllers, single-function weapons like Thunder Motors and Storm Machines should be able to be researched.

It is impossible to achieve this with the energy of Lao Dong alone, but the most important thing in Yutai base is talents, and Wang Bin has also helped Mr. Dong very much in precision control chips. Production of this high-precision chip, but after the development of the Hong Kong base over this period, the manufacturing capacity for this type of precision electronics has greatly increased, and Chu Xiang has switched back from the United States and Europe to a large number of the latest production lines and technology to invest in the Hong Kong base.捎 Even the skilled workers can exchange blue life, so the technological development of Hong Kong has been at the forefront of the world.

The autumn wind is getting colder and the leaves are almost falling. At this time, Chu Xiang did not want to feel bored, and took Xie Shanshan to the maintenance workshop of Zhang Hongbing for a dental festival. Wang Bin and Zhang Debing fished from the reservoir. After dozens of prawns, first went to Fang Qian to test it, said that there is no problem to eat, and then everyone went to the vegetable garden and pulled a few big radishes to prepare shrimp soup.

Zhang Debing later killed Dong Xie, who was sucked up by Chu Xiang himself. At this moment, his vengeance became more cheerful, and he was naturally grateful to Chu Xiang. He was just arrested a few days ago. Chang, in a few days, he will be working at Urumqi base in Xinjiang.

"Brother Chu, when will your eyes be good, we all pray for you every day. God is really bad, you are such a good person, and the body has been checked, no problem, why the eyes are always bad." Wang Bin fiddled with the pot of shrimp soup.

Chu Xiang said indifferently: "Don't worry about me, I think God is not too thin to me, maybe this is a test for me. Good things will change from bad things to good things. "

Zhang Debing said: "We all hope so, Chu team, today we have to have a good drink, we must not be blocked by your body."

Xie Shanshan happily huddled beside Chu Xiang and said, "Relax, I won't care about him. Whoever cares about him after drinking too much."

Everyone laughed and said, "This is nothing to do with."

Zhang Hongbing came in from the outside and he said, "What's the smile, wow, I smell the scent, the wine. Who is going to buy the wine, Wang Bin, you are young and fast, go and buy the beer produced in our base, and it needs ice." "

Wang Bin reluctantly stood up from the side of the pot and said, "No one is allowed to eat before I come back. When this time is up, you still drink ice, and it will not freeze you. Doesn't your wife say you won't be allowed to drink? Why are you still drinking? "

Zhang Hongbing is married to Lu Xiaohua, but this guy is hard to change. He still sneaks in the flowers outside, so Lu Xiaohua came to Zhang Jingyao and complained many times. When Chu Xiang used the base car to run outside the zombie world, I know Zhang Hongbing's hobbies, and besides that he is now surrounded by a lot of women, let him persuade Zhang Hongbing to accept his heart.

Zhang Hongbing said to Wang Bin, who went out of the door: "Go and return quickly. Where is all that nonsense, Xiaohua is pregnant, now I have no problem drinking too much."

Xie Shanshan said in surprise: "Really Zhang Hongbing. Xiaohua is pregnant?"

Zhang Hongbing blushed rarely: "Yeah. I just found out yesterday and didn't know if I could have a baby or a daughter. Dean Hao said it would take some time to see the gender."

Zhang Debing said: "To celebrate today, I will call everyone to come over."

Zhang Hongbing glanced at the humble temporary rest shed: "I'm afraid I can't sit with so many people here. Besides, I've bought tickets for Xiaohua this month, so there's no food left to greet everyone."

Due to production restrictions, many things still need to be supplied by ticket, but for Chu Xiang, his personal storage is endless, so Xie Shanshan said angrily that he had contracted this meal, and Zhang Hongbing, who was almost there, was about to be called A few sisters, you know, he is much more than Xie Shanshan.

So after some greetings, most of the members of the eschatology team came over, even He Yaohui who was far away from the Beijing base came. Zhang Hongbing was usually very well-known. When everyone was driving in the base car, he was the main logistics staff. Without his presence, the base vehicle does not know how many times it will break down, and now with the transmission device, Zhang Hongbing slowly switched to aircraft and tank maintenance.

Speaking of the current history of the aircraft, it is a big official. Apart from Song Jun, he has the highest reputation. Yutai Base Airport is currently a world-class airport. The air force of Yutai Base is currently the world's strongest air force. There are a variety of aircraft here. As you can see, in addition to the domestically produced J series, the American f-22, b-2, jsf, f-32, f-35, b-3, European ef2000, French phantom 4000, and gusts are just one. Airplane Expo.

As a high-tech product of a country, these planes could not have appeared in China originally, but now they have not only appeared in China, and even the accessories are shipped to China in a bunch of piles. There is no way for them to take them out. It is more attractive to Yutai base materials, and it is not as secure as China in foreign countries. They are still under the severe harassment of zombies. From time to time, some people will be infected by zombies, so blue life is very important to them. Even if it is worth exchanging their national treasures, life is the most precious.

Although Shi Zhengqian is not a combat-type evolutionary, he is very useful to the strengths of airplanes at this moment. The couple taught a group of outstanding pilots, and even many pilots can skillfully pilot multiple fighters. In the previous world, it was impossible to imagine, but now the emergence of many evolutionaries has made this a reality.

During the conversation, Wang Bin hurried back against a box of beer, "Success! Success! Great joy!"

Everyone was puzzled: "What succeeded, Zhang Hongbing did not need such a complimentary propaganda when he has offspring ~ ~ Wang Bin breathed and booed," No, it is Dong Lao's research on the electrical machine, we can Use artificial lightning as a weapon! "

This is the thing that has attracted the most attention recently. When I heard Wang Bin explained the crowd's great joy, I didn't care to celebrate Zhang Hongbing's wife's pregnancy. I hurried to the research room immediately. Dong Lao and a group of assistants were immersed in cheers at the moment. Chu Xiang and others hurried forward to announce the good news.

"Captain Chu, Lei Deng has succeeded!"

Chu Xiang said: "You are such a good place, we are all proud of you!"

Mr. Dong couldn't wait for a few days of exhaustion. He took a spire-like equipment and said, "Let's go out and experiment. If the lightning generation rate can reach 80%, this is really a success."

Chu Xiang and others took the teleporter to an open base dedicated to experimenting with weapons. Dong Lao turned on the thunder motor. This equipment that simulates the skills of the evolutionary began to form a cumulonimbus cloud, and the sky was dark when there was not much time. Then Dong The old manipulated the thunder motor a few times, and a row of lightning lit up in the sky. The thunder and lightning hit the experimental target!


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