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Chapter 377: Celebrity affairs

The black hair arm stretched out of the hydraulic press had taken off the armor, and the small black square could no longer be hung on the end of the black mane, and it fell to the ground. Zhang Hongbing curiously picked up a piece with pliers. "What is it?" The woman rushed to Chu Xiang, "how? You're injured."

Chu Xiang himself stretched out the bone knife to cut open the wound, and then the hooked knife was pulled out. The f virus, r virus, and t virus worked quickly. The wound was repaired quickly. Chu Xiang touched the cold sweat on his head. "I'm fine."

The black water flowing out of the beach under the hydraulic press gave off a stinky smell, and everyone cheered, "We have killed the black monster! We have succeeded!"

Chu Xiang was not happy. He grabbed the stick left by the black monster in his hand and carefully sensed the weapon of the black monster. This is definitely not a wood material, but an unknown metal with a diameter not exceeding six centimeters. However, the weight is unusually large. Chu Xiang tried to dissolve it for a while, and it was impossible to change its substructure, which means that this metal material was harder than Chu Xiang could control.

Zhang Hongbing has been under pressure for a long time, he cried out: "Alert! Alert! I have to turn on the hydraulic press!"

The buzzing sounded, and the hydraulic press slowly rose. Everyone gradually saw a pile of black rotten meat less than ten centimeters thick spread on the hydraulic press's workbench. Only one arm shook outside the workbench, but stopped pumping early. , The black monster is completely dead, even if its ability to destroy its body is no use.

Chu Xiang said: "Send someone to keep this corpse properly. Give it to Professor Fang and Professor Bai for laboratory tests, and the rest will return to their posts. No one is allowed to speak out tonight."

Everyone took the lead, and Chu Xiang's prestige at the Yutai base, as long as he issued the order, everyone was absolutely meticulous. At this point, the wound on Chu Xiang ’s thigh had healed. Zhang Jingyao, Song Jun, and others followed Chu Xiang to the scientific research building. Fang Qian and his wife Du Qinglei are now living in the scientific research building. They received the news that they have prepared the dissection table. No need to dissect, the whole body was crushed except one arm.

Bai Xiaowei carefully asked what happened. She sweated coldly: "It's a fluke. If it wasn't for Zhang Hongbing's emergency turn on the hydraulic press. Maybe it would be hard to kill it."

Chu Xiang nodded: "Its combat effectiveness is very strong. It is not what we can deal with, but it is not without weaknesses. It has a certain fear of ultrasound, and its exposed eyes and other parts. And on the back buttocks The excretory openings are all weak points, but their attack power is strong. Generally, evolutionists cannot attack these parts. "

Bai Xiaowei said: "In your analysis, do you think there are more than one black monster?"

Chu Xiang nodded: "It's the ground. Although we can't distinguish the difference between their appearances. But since they may come from outer space. Then there is absolutely no one land. We need to hurry up and study this corpse. Find out Can defeat its land law. Otherwise we humans, or more specifically, our evolvers will have a calamity. From its past analysis, it is only interested in high-level evolutionaries. "

Fang Qian said: "Okay. We have suspended the work at hand. We are going to study this corpse. We hope to find a breakthrough. But its internal organs are destroyed. We cannot analyze from its living environment."

Chu Xiang pointed at an intact arm and said, "Just study it first. If possible, we will find another specimen."

This is how the black monster attacked the Yutai base. Then there was silence for a while. This makes Chu Xiang and others a bit anxious. There has been no breakthrough in the study of corpses. It is only analyzed that the material composition of this black monster is not all species of the earth. But this is no different from everyone's speculation. So it doesn't attract attention. There is also no clue about the study of small black films on monsters. There is no progress in stick research. Chu Xiang wasn't researching all at once. Instead, take the stick with you as a weapon. Because he found that the stick was hard and there was no material on earth that surpassed it. And the weight fits together. In addition, he also developed a method to release flying sticks.

This stick is actually a delicate combination. Every twenty centimeters is divided into sections. It can be disassembled separately to fly in the air. The sides of the round sticks became sharp when they were flying. Can kill a lot of enemies in the air. Among them, a thin flying wing was damaged by Chu Xiang with a bone knife. Because there is no identical material repair. Therefore, this section will lose its flying effect. But arranging it in the first section on the handle does not affect the work.

In addition, you can open the sharp blades on both sides of the stick when you do not release the stick. This is a long knife. It is also a good weapon for mass killing the enemy. The key is that the weapon is hard and sharp beyond imagination. Like a high-level creeper collar, I am afraid it is difficult to resist. So you do n’t have to work so hard in the future.

There is also an unexpected convenience. This stick that looks nearly four meters can actually be shortened. All its control buttons are on the handle. As long as you follow the procedure, this long stick will shrink into the handle Finally, it can be turned into a very small short stick, which is very convenient to carry.

Chu Xiang first got this weapon for many days. He rode a flame horse almost every day for interviews and exercises. However, as the research on the black monster did not make progress, his enthusiasm for this weapon gradually declined. Finally, Zhang Jingyao A pendant was attached to the belt as a decoration.

"Are you going to Beijing tomorrow? I want to go together too." After dinner Chu Xiang and his family were listening to the TV program in the living room, and Zhou Muqing knocked on the door.

Zhao Lan's face changed: "Xiaoxiang, you have to go out again. Mom can't rest assured of you. Your eyes are not so strong, and you will rarely go outside in the future."

Chu Feng said, "Wife, you are the one who is doing big things now. You can't always tie him up."

Zhao Lan said: "What great things can he do, I don't know what to go out to do with the zombies or monsters."

Chu He flipped through the few TV stations and said, "Mom. You do n’t know, my brother is very powerful now. Everyone says that no one in the world is his opponent, and no zombies will be injured As for him, as for the eyes. It might be punishing him to see someone who loves one, God, in order not to let more girls be cheated, so that's it ... "

Chu He said with a smile, and kept looking at Zhou Muqing. Zhou Muqing had a fever on her face. She knew that the aunt was talking about her. However, she sat boldly beside Chu Xiang, and Chu Xiang reached out to touch the glass on the table. Zhou Muqing hurriedly stood up and handed it to him. He also whispered with concern, "The water is a little hot, you drink slowly."

Zhao Lan actually likes Zhou Muqing very much. Who doesn't want to marry a daughter-in-law like this pretty big star? This proves that she has the ability. But these girls are all right. As elders, you ca n’t say that you are all married to me. Besides, Chu Feng is now also a provincial-level cadre, so he must always pay attention to the following effects.

On the contrary, Zhao Lan's anxiety and Chu Feng were very eager to open. He knows that the child is now a pivotal figure in the Central Committee. Many general directors are looking for him to get an idea, like a rare talent like thousands of years, Even if there are more women, who can let others have great skills without him.

Chu Xiang drank his saliva and lowered his glass. "I'm back to my room to rest."

Zhao Lan shook his head and said, the child grew up. It does n’t matter if the motherland cares about some things anymore, the old man is right, the child is now a big man, it ’s not OK to tie him to him, hey, think When I was a kid, I always yelled around here and yelled there, or I would be crazy with his sister, now my girlfriends are all piled up, time is really fast.

Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan poked their heads out of the kitchen. "Mu Qing is here. Go to the room and sit for a while, and we'll pack up right away." Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan now live in Shajiabang, anyway, they and Chu Xiangdi People around the world know that it's boring to avoid it anymore, and it's not a secret thing in the same room. For this reason, Zhao Lan is okay to complain, but it will stop after a long time. After all, the eyes are not Well, it's good to have two girls taking care of me at all times.

Zhou Muqing followed Chu Xiang into the room, and Chu Xiang heard the closing chanting: "Chou, star, are you going to Beijing to be fine? I will go to a conference tomorrow, but I may not have time to play."

Zhou Muqing was not polite to Chu Xiang when she was only two. She sat straight on Chu Xiang ’s bed and said, “Come on, let you play with us. I do n’t know if it ’s the year of the monkey. Last time I heard about Beijing Xinkai I bought a foreign fashion store, chanel, hermes, celine, christiandior. I want to check it out. You know that the Yutai base is relatively outdated in this regard. Take me with you. "

Chu Xiang said happily: "Okay, but I said that I have no money to pay for you, you have to pay for it yourself."

The Beijing base uses new currency, which is temporarily unavailable with the Yutai base. Chu Feng is considering the integration of finance. The current settlement is based on physical transactions, but with the development of future business, this type of settlement It will inevitably hinder development, so it is important to abolish the old token ticket of Yutai base, but how much new currency should be issued by Yutai base and how much reserve should be prepared, this needs to be studied carefully. You must know the current gold of Yutai base It's not as valuable as a stone. If you use gold as a reserve, it may not be appropriate.

Zhou Muqing said: "You can pay for it yourself. Anyway, I have a lot of fans in Beijing. When I find a Kay, I can pay for it."

Chu Xiang's face was depressed. He lay in bed and didn't speak. Zhou Muqing smiled and reached Chu Xiang's ear and said, "I'm angry, I am amusing you. Last time I and sister Jing Yao went out to explore and found dozens of them. For a bottle of wine, it's more than enough to change a few clothes. Don't be so mean, smile. "

Zhou Muqing is also a mature woman. Although Chu Xiang can't see her beauty, she imagines her cuteness now. When she raises her hand, she touches Zhou Muqing's face. Chu Xiang strokes it boldly and gently. Zhou Muqing Silently silent, Chu Xiang's hands continued to fall, Zhou Muqing's breathing was quick, her clavicle was beautiful, her skin was very silky, and the white snow on her chest extended into the deep cleavage. Chu Xiang's fingers were in The fringe was lingering like this, and Zhou Muqing's heartbeat sounded. Her affection for Chu Xiang had developed long ago, but Chu Xiang had been avoiding it. That is to say, he no longer resisted after his eyes went wrong, but Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan kept moving. Even if Zhou Muqing is intent, Chu Xiang needs to have a chance even if he wants to, so there is not much to be left alone.

Zhou Muqing originally supported her body with her elbows. Letting Chu Xiang touch her chest so much that she couldn't hold it. She was lying beside Chu Xiang with a soft voice, "Chu Xiang, do you know, I love you."

Chu Xiang is not stupid, but he was worried a lot before. But during this time, Xiao Si and Fang Yuxuan got him excited. There are already a lot of old women anyway. Not one more. Why bother suppressing the thoughts in your own heart and being able to soak up the world famous star. This is not something all men can do.

"I'm blind," Chu Xiang laughed at himself.

Zhou Muqing grinned: "I just like to be blind. Save you from going out and go afterwards, do you know. I can say what I say in my heart and it's so easy now. I'm out of breath for a long time, will you refuse? I."

Chu Xiang said contemplatively: "Uh ... I have to think about it."

Zhou Muqing suddenly hugged Chu Xiang's head and kissed him, "You consider a fart, He Birou, you accepted it. You know that I was with you before her, and now you dare to abandon me and forgive you. ! "

This is the first time that a big star has scolded someone. It is estimated that only Chu Xiang has the opportunity. It is also very difficult for others to let the big star scold him. Which one am I? Somehow, I am honest. "

Zhou Muqing said with some grievances: "Are you honest? If you were honest, you wouldn't have a bunch of women around you, obviously I was before them, but now I seem to be inferior to them, so I can't stand it , I want to confess to you. "

With a creak, the door opened, Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan packed up and returned to the kitchen. When they saw the two of them on the bed, the two women stunned, Xie Shanshan laughed: "Why can't you wait, should we avoid it? "

Zhou Muqing was not embarrassed by being hit by his elder wife, but instead found a savior. She jumped out of the bed and said, "Jing Yao, Shan Shan, you guys are here. You tell Chu Xiang what is between me and him? relationship."

Zhang Jingyao said, "You decided to admit it?"

Zhou Muqing said: "Can you hide it again, and wait for this piece of wood, he may not take the initiative. You don't see the light rain and the little silk entangled him these days, let these two girls take the lead. Where is my face? "

Xie Shanshan laughed: "How can you say that is so serious, the facts of the two of you are in front of them, how can they not take the lead, rest assured me and Sister Jingyao to testify for you."

Chu Xiang was shocked: "What are you talking about? Is there something to hide from me?"

Zhang Jingyao said: "Yeah, since Mu Qing doesn't want to conceal any more, let me tell you. You had let her straighten out when she was at the Changshan Island border defense station."

Zhang Jingyao could n’t help laughing when she said that Fa-rectification in situ, she was embarrassed to continue, and sat down at the dresser to untie her braids, but Xie Shanshan continued: "At that time Mu Qing has not evolved, and she told you She also had a good impression, so she pestered me and Jingyao every day and let us complete her. "

Chu Xiang also recalled, he said: "So you drunk me every day and drunk me so that I can't tell who the woman in bed is?"

Zhou Muqing flushed, and she plunged into the bed without speaking. Xie Shanshan said, "Yeah, otherwise you thought that her evolution would happen so quickly, and she would be the first to think of you to save if she encountered difficulties in Hong Kong. She, because she is yours, so who are you not going to save her? "

Chu Xiang sighed: "It's a pity."

Zhou Muqing shouted her head out of the bed, she said angrily: "Do you not like me, do you think I have insulted your innocence?"

Chu Xiang said: "Unfortunately, I didn't feel the body of the big star carefully."

"Ah!" Zhou Muqing shuddered into the bed again, Xie Shanshan said: "What a pity, I will give you a chance tonight, Jing Yao, let's go to sleep next door without disturbing the young couple."

Zhou Muqing hurriedly said, "Don't ..."

Xie Shanshan quipped: "Oh, you are still ready, but we have no opinion, I am afraid you will not accept it."

Zhou Muqing hurriedly waved her hand in embarrassment. "I didn't mean that. I mean I'll go back to sleep tonight, so I'll say it later."

Said that Zhou Muqing hurriedly opened the door and left, Zhang Jingyao said to Chu Xiang: "Follow me, stupid, big star, most men ca n’t even think about it, you are happy."

Chu Xiang hehe laughed: "It's still your credit, but unfortunately I have been in the drum for so long. I will come back and punish you both."

Xie Shanshan said, "What's your ghost idea? Our sisters are unwilling to come. Right, Fang Su and Fang Ya come to see you in the afternoon. I see that their sisters are also lonely. Stay with us and don't let people say bad things about us. "

Chu Xianglin went out and complained, "It's really troublesome. I have to move here to live together. I have to make a suite outside myself. I want to mess around all night."

The footsteps of Zhou Muqing outside the building were agitated. She was agitated now, and she did n’t know how to get along, but judging from his reaction to himself today, his body can still attract him, hum, man Is it all the same color? His fingers were bad just now. If he let it touch, he might lose his chest. Alas, he would fall into depression. It ’s not that he has n’t touched his body for a few nights. Still care about that, I really don't want to leave tonight, how happy it would be if I could lie in his arms.

The footsteps in the back hurried, "Oh, slow down, I can't see you."

Zhou Muqing was very happy ~ ~ It was him. This guy was still a little conscience and was not fascinated by the two little fairies, so he didn't hesitate to dedicate himself to him.

Zhou Muqing turned back to meet Chu Xiang, she held Chu Xiang's hand and said, "What are you doing out, fall carefully."

Chu Xiang said: "I'm afraid you lost it. I'll send you where you go."

Zhou Muqing said: "Aren't you going back to accompany Jingyao and Shanshan?"

Chu Xiang laughed: "They are on leave."

Zhou Muqing bowed her head shyly, "Will you go to my room?"

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, but I don't know my eyes. I might stay there later."

Zhou Muqing took Chu Xiang's hand and walked forward while whispering: "It's yours, anyway, it's yours. Whatever you say, it's fine. In the eyes of others, I'm a big star and I can be by your side , I'm just an ordinary little woman. "


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