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Chapter 378: Expand Cooperation

For the strong, their favorite is a little woman. Zhou Muqing's words will undoubtedly make Chu Xiang happy. One night of the two was naturally full of spring love. They did not rest until bright day, which caused Chu Xiang to fall asleep again and again at the meeting.

Hua Fuqiang said: "The difficulties we are currently facing are numerous. The expansion of the Beijing base and the shortage of food supplies are a big problem. Moreover, we cannot just maintain the level of food and clothing. The diversification of living materials is also important. At present, the only way to spend extravagant prices is expensive. Before the virus riots, Beijing had a lot of living materials that depended on foreign markets. But now most of the manufacturers have not resumed production, so the remaining materials in the previous world are not enough to sustain our lives. When it is needed, re-production is the only one, which includes the medicine we need urgently. "

Zhang Yibo said: "Pork and vegetables are also big problems. In addition, there is also a shortage of salt supply. Now a bag of salt on the market has been fried to SGD 1.00. An ordinary worker at the Beijing base only earns 10 yuan a day."

Li Yangdao: "To restore Beijing's supply, the reconstruction of surrounding counties and cities is very important, and the establishment of bases in the surrounding counties and cities will help share the pressure of the Beijing base population, but for the construction of new bases, we lack cement, steel, masonry Waiting for the material, this series of questions is preventing us from moving forward. "

What does it mean that every family has a difficult scripture? In the eyes of other bases, Beijing is prosperous. In fact, there are many problems behind it. Chu Xiang said: "I can help you with the supply of salt. Changshan Island now Salt-based salt should be the main source of goods during this period. However, in accordance with the principle of self-reliance at each base, you need to exchange goods of corresponding value, otherwise this will affect the future development of Changshan Island. "

Huafu Qiang said: "We naturally understand that the country will not requisition without compensation. At present, we are not short of labor. Should we export labor for exchange?"

The population of the Changshan Island Border Station is really small. Chen Feiyang accepts Chu Xiang ’s plan to breed edible seafood after it has been mutated. Therefore, labor can indeed be considered as an exchange. Chu Xiang nodded and agreed to Chen Feiyang first. The exchange ratio is up to Chen Feiyang himself.

Zhang Yibo said to Chu Xiang with a smile: "The Yutai base is now mainly planting grains. I think it is not difficult for you to solve the problem of grains and oils, and your reserve grains are sufficient."

Chu Xiang blushed. When it came to the reserve in Yutai Grain Depot, it was actually the state. At this time, he had to make a statement. "Chairman, the food at the Beijing base will be provided free of charge by the Yutai base within the next year, but we ca n’t solve all the problems with meat and vegetables. Fortunately, with regard to vegetables, the new vegetables are now growing like trees, with large yields. Supplying the entire Beijing base market can also supply more than 50%, but the difficulties in livestock breeding are relatively large. Although we have opened several farms in Shanxian and Peixian, we use the old urban buildings to raise new breeds of livestock in captivity. However, the progress made is not great, and because of the emergence of black monsters, Professor Inoue Haruki and others have stopped the research on raising livestock. So for a long time in the future, this problem may not be solved. "

Huafu Qiang said: "It's good to have a vegetable supply. We will order from you at the current market transaction price. As for the daily supply, it depends on your shipments. We can only solve it step by step. But when it comes to meat, Black monsters are indeed worrying. "

Chief of Staff Huo Changfa said: "Since it is clear that they are not invincible at all. And I haven't heard of them again during this time, maybe they left after being frustrated."

Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "Impossible. Judging from their fierce course. They will never leave silently like this. So let the evolutionists in all bases across the country be careful about this. And I think it is absolutely necessary to The emergence of black monsters is considered in connection with the failure of nuclear bombs. Although their current targets are only high-level evolutionaries. However, it is difficult for anyone to guarantee that they will not be attacked by ordinary humans. Therefore, safe work is important. "

Li Yang said hesitantly, "But we do n’t know much about them. We do n’t know where to start. Even if we prepare early, it is useless. And if we expand their information, we will panic the old ones. It is not conducive to the stable development of the base. . "

Chu Xiang is no different. This matter can only be left to rest. Take one step and count one step. Those black monsters are beyond the reach of humans. Anxiety is useless. Only let them come and go.

"About the establishment of new bases in suburban counties. I ca n’t wait to set up a few material production companies first. Bricks can be fired using the soil method. This can save cement. As for cement production, I just found a place of limestone. Environmental protection. It is very fast to start production. Just set up two conveyors between the construction site and the cement plant. I think these problems can be easily solved. "

Hua Fuqiang laughed comfortably: "Xiao Chu. It's all up to you. At present we have a large demand for conveyors. Can you provide us with a few more? With the Beijing base of the conveyor, we can strengthen the external Exchanges. In order to determine the core position in the new world. "

Chu Xiang was a little bit distressed: "Chairman. The production process of conveyors is more complicated. I can only do my best. In addition, we must do a good job of security and secrecy. If foreigners get the same. I believe they will not be long Can be imitated. At that time, our transportation advantage will be lost. "

Hua Fuqiang nodded solemnly: "I understand that each of our teleportation points is guarded 24 hours a day by loyal troops. At the same time, we cooperate with the evolutionary stationed nearby, and they can respond immediately if there is a problem."

After talking about these things, we talked about the issue of unified currency, but issuing new currency requires troublesome steps, and prone to currency devaluation when the prospect is uncontrollable. In the end, gold and silver can only be temporarily used as the current transaction. The main method of payment, which is also often used by Chu Xiang when dealing with foreign countries. Although the gold reserve of Yutai Base is already quite amazing, we can't refuse this most common trading method, and gold wo n’t rot anyway, and it will be available sooner or later.

The discussion over there was fierce, but here Zhou Muqing, Zhang Jingyao and Fang Suren were very happy. Xie Shanshan and Fang Ya had no official business today, but this woman was together for the first time. Because of Chu Xiang, they all maintain a good relationship with each other, so the atmosphere is harmonious as soon as they walk down.

Fang Sudao: "It's so fast. We have been graduating for so long. I never felt so happy when I went down shopping. Now I know how easy life is for us."

Zhang Jingyao said: "Yeah, when the t virus first started to spread, I thought I was going to die. I didn't expect that now I can live a happy life, and God is really not thin to me."

Zhou Muqing said: "Do n’t you feel the two. Who made us lucky to meet Chu Xiang, we will be the happiest woman in the world in the future. Just in front of the newly opened specialty store, go, go in and see. "

Zhang Jingyao said: "Don't worry, let's exchange some new coins first, otherwise we can buy some clothes. This is not the Yutai base. The boss knows us."

Zhang Jingyao was told by Chu Xiang that she took two women to the place where Persian cats settled in Beijing base. The Persian cat is now bigger and bigger, and it is easy to not see outsiders, but I heard that it was introduced by Chu Xiang. She immediately ushered people into her office. I also served tea in person.

"Yo, beauties. I don't know what you call them?" The Persian cat saw all the beautiful and **** women, and she immediately understood that she had a close relationship with Chu Xiangdi. So greetings became more enthusiastic. You must know that Chu Xiang is now a red character. At least in the eyes of the Persian cat, what kind of materials do people have, and just pulling out a car is enough for the Persian cat to digest.

The woman briefly introduced her name, and the Persian cat surprised Zhou Moqing and said: "It turned out to be a big star of Chou, huh, you have changed so much. You almost didn't recognize it. How can you stay with the handsome guy and be small? Woman. "

Zhou Muqing changed the hairstyle of the girl star in the past. This made the Persian cat catch a suspicious signal. The pure star also put in the arms of handsome Chu. Seeing her spring love, maybe she just did it last night. Yet.

Zhang Jingyao interrupted the Persian cat and continued to question. She said, "Sister Cat, let's exchange some new coins, and see how much these things can be worth." Said Zhang Jingyao brought the bag brought to the table and poured it out, Zhou Muqing He Fangsu each had a bag, and the two also opened it and put it on the table, which contained wine, cigarettes, and precious herbs.

The Persian cat was ecstatic when she saw these materials, but her face did not show it. If ordinary people came to trade these things, she would definitely kill the price, but for the woman of Chu Xiang, she dare not neglect because She knew that these ordinary people could not get them, and it was not who Chu Xiang could give them.

"Sister, none of these are valuable. At present there are many foreigners in the Beijing base. The wine and tobacco you bring will surely be very popular, and who do we earn if we do n’t earn money from foreign countries? I also No need to calculate, these things give you $ 10,000. "

Regardless of whether it is Zhang Jingyao, Zhou Muqing, or Fang Su, women heard that 10,000 is normal. They have seen people in Jinshan and women who are backed by powerful men. Money is just a boring thing. They are too lazy to go shopping.

When a Persian cat sees a woman's face, she usually knows that she doesn't take this money into her eyes. It's not that she deliberately pleases this woman. Some first-aid medicines are indeed worth more than 100,000 yuan. One box of medicinal medicine will only increase in value and will not depreciate. Besides, those foreign cigarettes, although similar in nature to high-end cigarettes in China, are very luxurious in the eyes of the Chinese. This is what rich people buy now. What you ca n’t find is that the Yutai base has close trade relations with other countries. Every time the trade fleet returns, it will bring back gifts to Chu Xiang. Of course, it was sent by the foreign government to please Yutai base. Chu Xiang could n’t smoke so much, so I took it out and exchanged new money for the woman.

The daughter Zhang Jingyao quickly received a pack of new coins, and the woman did not stand up to leave. The Persian cat Xiaoyingying sent someone to the door in person. The staff were very surprised. Their big boss easily ignored others. It's rare to have such respect for this woman today.

The woman joked and entered a foreign fashion boutique just opened. Fang Sudao: "I hope the price here is not too high, otherwise we don't know if we have enough money to save everyone one."

Zhou Muqing smiled and said, "Come here after the meeting. There are so many good things in his space ring. It's enough for us to buy just a little."

A beautiful and **** woman came to shop. Naturally, the pretty lady in the specialty store did not dare to neglect, except that Zhou Muqing did a little cover up. Fang Su and Zhang Jingyao are usually dressed, but people are beautiful. They are all beautiful, especially Zhang Jingyao. The unusually strong **** make it impossible for men and women in the store to keep their eyes open.

Zhou Muqing is quiet and elegant in the eyes of outsiders, but in fact she is also a trouble-loving girl. She secretly touched Zhang Jingyao ’s chest and said, “Sister Jingyao, Chu Xiangte likes this place. I really envy you, otherwise I have a chance. Go breast augmentation too? "

Zhang Jingyao said: "You still forget it. In fact, I envy you, too big and troublesome, it is not convenient to do anything, it is better to be natural."

At this time Fang Su saw a plain lady's dress, and she was immediately attracted. "So beautiful, is this Givenchy?"

Suddenly a hand reached over to take the skirt away, "I fancy, you're late."

Fang Su looked up and was a fat woman. It's pretty long, but it's just that the chest is too big, and that waist is a bit daunting. She must be ugly in this dress. It really doesn't suit her.

Fang Su wasn't a woman in the limelight, although she clearly saw this dress first. And she likes it too, but if someone grabs it, pick another one. There is no need to argue with people, the shopping guide lady apologized and said apologetically, "I'm so sorry. Please look over here. There is also a dress that will definitely suit you, and I will give you a 10% discount."

Fang Su nodded and left behind the shopping guide lady, but Zhou Muqing was a little unhappy. She said to Zhang Jingyao: "Why is the quality of Beijingers so low? It was Xiao Su who saw it first. Look at her waist and put on a skirt. It must be ugly. "

Zhou Muqing didn't keep her voice down. She was embarrassed by Fang Su, and the woman with a fat waist came right here. She immediately heard what Zhou Muqing said, so she jumped up, "What do you say! Don't think that your waist is big and thin It ’s amazing, do n’t you think of one of my favorite things!

Zhou Muqing was going to work against this woman, Zhang Jingyao pulled her and said, "Forget it, it's not worth vomiting with this kind of person, let's go and see other clothes."

The fat-waist woman saw Zhou Muqing and Zhang Jingyao turned and left. She thought the two were afraid of her. Seeing the two men's small waist and **** made her jealous, so she walked behind them and saw Zhou Muqing reaching out. Taking an autumn dress, she immediately stepped forward and grabbed it, "I fancy this one!"

Zhou Muqing was angry, and she said loudly, "You have a bad brain. What others see you as you grab."

The shopping guide lady next to me also looked down on her, and she stepped forward to discuss: "This lady, you have already got your favorite skirt. Let this one go to this lady."

The fat-waisted woman twisted her head and said, "What are you, you are not qualified to talk to me about the conditions, are you afraid that I can't afford to pay, I tell you not to look down on people, I buy you this store More than enough! "

The shopping guide lady's face was flushed with anger. It was really unlucky to meet such a woman. Isn't it okay to find a problem? You should see a good dress when you grab a skirt, but you still want to buy the store out loud, just to eat Fully support the ground, nothing to find pumping, it is estimated that the parents are more beautiful than her, and the figure is dozens of times better than her, so this woman is ill.

The shop owner immediately rushed out of the office when he heard the noise. He saw a fat waist woman with a smile on his face. "Oh, isn't this Miss Cai Mei? You have time to come today and I will ask the waiter to pack it for you."

The presence of the shop owner made this fat woman named Cai Meidi even more imposing. She glanced at the shopping guide lady proudly, which meant that your boss had to nod and give me a back, what do you think? At the end, Cai Mei also demonstrated like a demonstration. Raised his clothes to Zhou Muqing.

Zhou Muqing wanted to give her an ultrasound. Zhang Jingyao grabbed Zhou Muqing. She gently raised her finger and pointed. Cai Mei jumped up like a needle stick: "Oh, there's something biting me!"

Zhou Muqing knew that Zhang Jingyao avenged her. She smiled and pulled Zhang Jingyao away. The shop owner saw Cai Mei jumped high and immediately stepped forward and asked: "Miss Caimei ~ ~ What's wrong with you? What's going on? Nothing bites you. The hygiene in our store is first-rate in all Beijing bases, and even mosquitoes and fleas cannot be found. "

Cai Mei felt her big **** and said, "No, it seems that a needle has been stuck in my butt, it hurts."

The shop owner is a man. I heard that Cai Mei's **** hurts and he blushes a bit. This Cai Mei is not small. She is the baby daughter of Cai Xia, the director of the National Grain Depot Management Office in charge of Beijing's grain supply. Grain, Cai Xia is holding rations of hundreds of thousands of people. Naturally, countless people are stagnant, and the gift of money must not be undercharged, so Cai Mei will say that buying this store is more than enough.

The shop owner looked around and said, "Needles? We can't have needles here. Besides, Miss Cai, you haven't sat down, let alone have needles."

When Cai Mei saw Zhou Muqing and Zhang Jingyao whispering whispers, she looked back at her from time to time, and her eyes were full of ridicule. She noticed that this matter was related to them, so the jealousy fire just got worse. Why else? Women all have thin waists and big breasts, and their fat waists are so small and so small, it is unfair. It is best for a woman with a good figure in the world to die, so that she can show her excellence and never let her They are proud!


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