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Chapter 379: trouble making

Cai Mei thought that she was behind Fang Su, Zhou Muqing, and Zhang Jingyao fiercely here, and whenever they saw the clothes they fancy, they went up and grabbed them. Although the shop owner was helpless, he didn't dare to squeak. Offended him, I'm afraid he doesn't need to go on the shop. In fact, the shop owner also wants to help a beautiful woman, but now in order to give himself less trouble, he can only tell the shopping guide to go away and he is embarrassed. Followed by at a loss.

Zhou Muqing annoyed Cai Mei, she turned back and yelled, "Fat pig, what do you want to do? Don't think we can be bullied if we have a good temper, and you're welcome if you do this again!"

Cai Mei proudly said: "What's wrong, I'll do whatever I want, thinking that I'm in good shape, I'll tell you, my mother, I can find a man to kill you at any time. This is the Beijing base after the virus. There are no stinks like you here. Women speak! "

Zhang Jingyao was also angry, she said: "We are a stinky woman, then you are a fragrant woman? I think you are ten times more stinky than us! Find a man to kill us? Okay, I want to see you What man can be found. "

Cai Mei has always been the main character who walked sideways. Now Zhang Jingyao is angry when she doesn't sell her account. "Okay, wait, I won't find someone to kill you. I'm not Cai!"

Zhang Jingyao no longer cares about this crazy woman. She turned around and picked her own clothes. Cai Mei exhaled out of the store. The owner came to Zhang Jingyao and said, "Miss, I know you are also very noble. But this Cai Mei The identity of the lady is special. You ca n’t afford it. Hurry up and do n’t bother yourself. Come to the store again the next day. I will give you a 10% discount.

Fang Su said unpleasantly, "Boss, we finally came to Beijing. Maybe we will leave without lunch. It doesn't make sense for you to let us pick again later. There is no reason to open the door without doing business."

The owner said, "Isn't it for you? You look so beautiful, you will lose a while."

Zhang Jingyao said, "Thank you for your concern. We are not afraid of them. Since you opened a store to do business, there is no reason to take us out. We will leave when we pick our clothes."

The shop owner was helpless, and when he saw that the woman had taken a big shot, he won the item without mentioning the price of the clothes, and it was not two or one. Almost everyone picked five or six, which was worth 400,000! He may not have had such a large sales volume for a week.

It was only ten o'clock when Chu Xiang came out of the meeting. Chairman Hua Fuqiang left him for lunch. He refused, and there was a wife waiting for him. If you do n’t return to your home in Beijing base at noon, you will definitely go back to Yutai base. This is to see how people buy clothes.

Huafu Qiang sent guards to use a special car to send Chu Xiang to an international fashion brand store. Chu Xiang stood outside the shop and glanced to know that all the girls were inside. He didn't go in either. After the guards were sent away, they squatted outside the door and smoked. I don't know who thought it was a tramp.

There is not a ragsed man around him. He stunned Chuxiang and said, "Buddy. What smoke is on the ground. It doesn't taste lazy. Dry beggars are very happy to do your job."

Chu Xiang was slightly depressed. "Do I look like a beggar?"

Man said: "You look a little brighter than me in appearance. But I can see it. You have problems with your eyes. You are squatting outside this high-end store. Do you want to wait for a cigarette and start begging?"

Chu Xiang turned his head angrily: "Just whatever you say."

Men are not angry. He leaned forward and said, "Hey. Give me a branch of cigarettes. I think you have just fallen. The end of the world. We don't have to live with ourselves. We can enjoy another day if we can live another day. Let me do those It ’s not a heavy job. Who fills in today ’s belly, who will take care of tomorrow. ”

Chu Xiang is not a stingy person. He took out a cigarette and threw it at the man. The man took it and looked at it with surprise. "I rely on it, import the cigarette. Where did you get it from? You can change this cigarette for a few days." Eat and drink. "

Chu Xiang casually said: "Pick up the ground."

Man said: "You can pick it up blindly. I think you have a lot in your cigarette case. How about giving me two?"

Chu Xiang said: "Nothing, people must be content, don't be greedy enough to swallow elephants."

The man said frustratedly: "Even if you don't give it, you can't let me grab it. Forget it, borrow a fire, I also enjoy the treatment of the gods, how long haven't I smoked, and last time I picked someone else's cigarette **** Then. "

Chu Xiang threw the lighter to the man. The man took a look and screamed again, "This is a zippo lighter for the United States Marine Corps. It used to be sold for $ 800 in the past, but it can't be found at all now! Is this a beggar? He smokes imported cigarettes with a high-end lighter, and even Beijingers with the highest salary now do not have such a level. "

Chu Xiang laughed: "Whoever stipulates that a beggar must pick up a cigarette **** and use a match. Besides, have I said that I am a beggar?"

The beggar man is not bad. He reluctantly gave it back after using the lighter. Chu Xiang inserted it in his pocket. The man Meimei took a cigarette and looked through the glass and said, "Hey, blind, let me tell you There is a sense of character in this shop. You can't imagine how old one is, mom, I'm so itchy, how do you say she grows up? Is it fake? "

Chu Xiang was not angry, but said, "No, it is absolutely genuine."

The man said surprisingly: "Well, why are you so sure, your eyes can't see."

Chu Xiang said: "Because she is my wife, I touched the ground myself."

The man first laughed and said, "Your wife? Are you stupid? They are all beautiful and bubbling, and there is another one who is only half inferior to her. Is that also your wife?"

Chu Xiang said: "Yeah, my Datong, it is very hard to chase the ground."

The beggar man rolled his eyes. "There is another woman I look like Zhou Muqing from the world. You shouldn't say it's your wife."

Chu Xiang said: "You really guess, we just slept in the same bed last night."

The beggar man fell down on the ground, "Brother, I'm convinced you, your imagination is rich, let's not be so kinky, I can't stand under the ground. These women, we can only watch from a distance and not play closely Everyone has a reason behind them. Whoever provokes them is to trouble themselves. "

Chu Xiang laughed: "Why do they bother others for no reason?"

The beggar man said: "You didn't want to go to bed for no reason. If you let the man behind them know, you will be dead."

The shop floor Zhang Jingyao suddenly pointed outward, Zhou Muqing and Fang Su both grinned, the woman saw Chu Xiang squatting outside. So she didn't bother to buy the clothes, and the woman hurried out. "Her husband, when are you here, why not go in, what is it like squatting at this door?"

The beggar man was dazzled when he saw a beautiful big wave of women running out. The tall chest made his mouth dry. Now a woman is squatting in front of him like this, of course, his eyes are not aimed at him, and Are all staring at the blind next to it. However, the smell of this beautiful woman drifted into the beggar's male nose. He took a hard breath and then suddenly took a breath, really fragrant.

Chu Xiang chuckled and laughed: "What about chatting with this dude. How about it? Did you buy it? Will you return to Yutai or go to Beijing's home? You decide."

Zhou Muqing said: "I haven't made a selection yet. I just met a crazy woman. Otherwise, she would have picked it up. She has a neurosis. She would grab whatever we like. She also said that she would find a man to kill us."

As soon as Chu Xiang's face changed, Zhang Jingyao said, "The woman is probably a little bit up, maybe she's really looking for someone."

Chu Xiang threw the cigarette and said, "You go in and pick. I'm waiting here. I'll see who has such a great ability. My women want to make an idea?"

Fang Sudao: "Let's just leave, don't get in trouble."

Zhou Muqing said: "Xiao Su, you really are, let Chu Xiang eat this loss, isn't it insulting him, you don't need to worry about it, after a while they come, I will let them taste the power of ultrasound."

Chu Xiang waved her hand and motioned the woman not to say more. Zhang Jingyao knew Chu Xiang best. She pulled up the second girl and went back to pick clothes. With Chu Xiang's strength and status today, the Beijing base did not dare to mess with him, so there is no need to worry. It should be worried, but the woman named Cai Mei just now, this time she will be out of luck.

The beggar man drooled all over and saw a beautiful and **** woman returning to the shop. He hugged Chu Xiang's thigh and said, "Brother, where are you sacred? That girl is really your woman. I adore it. You, you take me as my little brother. I call you Master, you teach me how to make a girl. "

Chu Xiang said: "It depends on talent, and you will not be taught, but be a promising career as a beggar."

The man wanted to beg again, and suddenly saw a few cars with signs next to him. He pulled his leg and ran: "Oh no good, the police came. They saw the tramp but couldn't stop it. I want to escape, you It ’s good to know for yourself, we will meet again in the future, and you will teach me a few hands to pick up the girl's scriptures. I do n’t ask for too much. I can content myself with a big boss. ”

These police cars are very complicated. They have all the signs. It seems that not a police team came out. The beggar man said that he fled, but the targets of the police were not him, so no one went after them, but they were noisy. Surrounding the door of the specialty store, someone said, "Sister Cai, are you sure here, we are going to rush in."

Cai Mei got down from a car in the back and said, "This is it. Give me a good lesson and dare to challenge me. They really don't know the heights and heights. Don't think that you can walk side by side in Beijing. They do not yet have this qualification. "

Chu Xiang heard the voice and stood up from the ground. He blocked the entrance of the shop and said lazily, "Where are you from? It ’s been a long time since I wanted to die. Listening to your words means like Beijing city. Only you can walk sideways, isn't it? "

Cai Mei didn't hear her at first, but then she realized that the other party was talking to her. She was furious: "You, what are you, a stupid man who dared to talk to me like this and hit me! Alas! I ca n’t find a blind man to make trouble, but it makes people laugh. ”

These policemen are obedient. Cai Mei issued an order and they immediately gathered up and executed. Several of them pulled out the rubber rod and waved to Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang released the waist stick and slammed it into a two-foot-long sharp blade. He used this sword to outward Yes, the rubber rods of those police officers were broken, which also counted as a sympathy for them. Otherwise, Chu Xiang would kill someone when he came up.

It was a little embarrassing for some police officers to be broken when the rubber rod was hit, and they took the lead in humanely: "Okay, let me carry the weapon with me and put down the knife, otherwise I will shoot!" The leading policeman took it from his waist. Shot the pistol, the muzzle pointed at Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang said: "What kind of people are you, is it somehow worth the trouble for yourself, believe it or not, I can kill you? Go away! Otherwise don't blame me."

"Do you dare to threaten our civil servants?" The police were a little upset. They were almost the second child at the Beijing base except for the people from the Evolution Department. People in the army generally do not perform internal affairs. They are mainly external defense, so although the strength of the army is strong, it does not affect the interior of the base.

Chu Xiang said: "What can I do if I threaten? Do you dare to call yourself a public official? Don't you feel embarrassed? What official duties are civil servants doing? Help a prostitute provocatively!"

When the leading police officer saw that Cai Mei was unhappy, he gritted his teeth and said, "Since you don't know how to deal with it, I will kill you!" This policeman is also trying to please Director Cai Xia. In a word, it will definitely promote him

Bang, the police really fired. The reason why they dare to be so bold is because it ’s different from the previous world. As long as you do n’t check on the base in Beijing, no one dares to do it, plus there is Cai Mei behind her back. . No one would dare not give her a face, so these police officers have to show some more. If Director Cai is happy, he will pull more food to the police department. By then they will be heroes.

when. Chu Xiang opened the bomb with a black furry stick, he threw a stick and released a stick. Alas, there was a turn around the lead policeman. The police officer's head fell off, but Chu Xiang killed the man without any hassle and took back the flying stick. Then shrank the weapon into a small cut and hung it on the waist, and continued to squat at the door as if nothing had happened.

Cai Mei was intimidated by the body that suddenly fell to the ground. She didn't expect someone to dare to kill in public. Even if the local police shot just now, it wasn't meant to be a key attack, but she wanted to give this blind lesson. Spicy, kill people up, and use a strange weapon, a flying stick!

This group of policemen was nothing but a crowd of black people. When they saw the leading policemen killed, they couldn't think more. Hula got on the car all the way. As for how Cai Mei would retaliate after they slipped out, they couldn't care less about life. They were not fools. The other party already knew that they were evolutionaries. These ordinary people wanted to make trouble with the evolutionists. Is n’t that to find death, no matter how important the future is, it is not important.

Cai Mei shouted in the back: "Don't leave this group of bastards, when asking me to do things like Sun, let you do me a favor but be a turtle, and come back, damn, I will want you to look good!"

No one paid attention to Cai Mei, only Chu Xiang stepped forward and banged on Cai Mei's buttocks. Cai Mei stood steadily and threw a dog shit. She yelled: "Blind, don't think you are an evolutionary. Then, the evolutionist is nothing great. I will not kill you if I kill you! "

Chu Xiang chased after him and supplemented his legs and said, "Okay, I won't kill you first, I will give you a chance to kill me, but you and me are not finished with your girlfriend. Do n’t think you will run away, I won't stop here. If you have any skill, let it be. Don't say I won't give you a chance. "

Cai Mei got up and said, "Well, you wait, I'll find someone to clean up you."

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, you better find a few more, all at once, otherwise I don't have time to grind with you."

Chu Xiang said she turned around and went into the specialty store. Cai Mei cried and went looking for someone. She has n’t suffered such grievances since she was so big, especially since her status was untouched by anyone. It also made people kick their ass, this kind of stigma is absolutely unbearable.

Fang Su and others took a careful look at the specialty store. At this time, the shop owner also saw that Chu Xiang was unusual. At this moment, he no longer concealed it. He explained the details of Cai Mei to Zhang Jingyao, and Zhang Jingyao laughed. Tao: "It turned out to be Cai Xia, and it was Chu Xiang's old acquaintance. This matter also has something to do with Fang Su."

Fang Sudao: "Yeah. My dad used to be his boss, because Yutai Grain Depot didn't obey his leader, and he was scolded by Chu Xiang. I think this Cai Xia must hate us."

Zhou Muqing said: "A small **** officer with a small tube of grain storage is so arrogant, shouldn't Chu Xiang be more arrogant now?"

The shop owner was trembling a little while listening, and now he could see that it was not easy to be blind outside. Look at someone who killed a policeman and did not run away as if nothing had happened. This definitely has a background. Think about it too, with a beautiful woman and hundreds of thousands of clothes to buy, I am afraid this kind of person is not Cai Xia Cai Xia has been in the Beijing base for a long time, and it should be a loss for him this time.

After a while Zhang Jingyao picked out her clothes. After the total packing, a 20% discount was given. This boss is also a smart man. He should understand what kind of people should be. Chu Xiang said to him before leaving: "The woman came to me and asked him to go to the front door. South of Jujude Roast Duck Restaurant, I live there. "

The shop owner nodded his head and said, "It must be, welcome to a beautiful lady next time, we will serve you wholeheartedly."

Cai Mei cried back to her home. Her dog friends are no longer useful, and they must use him to get out of the way. Sure enough, Cai Xia saw her daughter aggrieved and asked why. Knowing that he was bullied by a woman blindly, he immediately jumped into a thunderous thunder, since his wife could not stand the t virus infection and died. He regarded his daughter as the only hope. Now seeing his daughter being insulted, this feud does not report how he will establish a foothold in Beijing in the future. Majesty will be damaged by other people's jokes.

Cai Xia called Du Chengen from the Beijing Military Region and said, "Commander Du. I have read the case of next month's food, and your supply has increased recently. This is not easy to do. The food base in Beijing is very short. Big, I'm very distressed. "

Du Chengen was surprised when he received a call from Cai Xia, but Cai Xia took the initiative to mention the approval of food. He did not dare to neglect, "Director Cai, please do me a favor. The Beijing Military Region has recently expanded its troops. Food shortage is also normal. Moreover, The approval of the military commission has been reviewed. "

Cai Xiadao: "I naturally know this, but the food supply is also available, and this military commission also has clear instructions. I must be a good housekeeper and not allow one family to eat and the other to starve."

Du Chengen said: "Director Cai cares a lot about our military region. Even if we can't fill us up, we will be full. We will never forget your great grace in the Beijing Military Region."

Cai Xia said: "Let's also be a member of the Beijing base. Who else can I take care of if you don't take care of it? I'm sure I will give you this face when I can ask you for Duling Commander someday."

Du Cheng'en said: "Despite reassurance, as long as we approve our grain in the future, if you have anything to say, you will definitely help you to do so under the circumstances within my ability."

Cai Xia said: "Oh, now I'm really troublesome to find your commander Du."

Du Chengen thought, this old fox, no wonder he took the initiative to call. It turned out to be asking for me, but this is also an opportunity. Since he had an unknown relationship with Yue Tai, and almost formed a family, the central government began to divide. His military power, especially after starting to train new recruits some time ago, the power of the Beijing Military Region was once again divided. To this end, Du Chengen also played Xiao Jiu Jiu, the Blue Shield troops were tossed by Yue Tai, and the remaining available people were transferred to the country to evolve Ministry, so he only focused on the training and expansion of ordinary soldiers, but this involved food supply, and Cai Xia was in charge of it, so this person must not offend unless he has a new food supply Channels, like the Yutai base, rely on self-reliance without external restrictions. At that time, people will not be afraid of weakening their power, but at present there is only one source of food supply from the state.

"Chairman Cai will have any trouble. Maybe let me tell you about it ~ ~ In your current position, it must be a tricky thing, otherwise you don't have to deal with me as a rough person."

Cai Xia said: "In fact, it is simple. My girlfriend is bullied. You know that I am an official and not an evolutionary, so I want to regain this field only with the prestige of your commander."

Du Chengen hesitated a little: "Director Cai, if it is internal to the base, I think it is more appropriate for the Ministry of Public Security to come forward to resolve it. It is inconvenient for our garrison to work in the base."

Cai Xiadao: "Commander Du, we don't tell anyone secretly, if I go to the Ministry of Public Security to solve the problem, your food approval will be difficult."

Du Chengen said: "It seems that I can only help you this time, otherwise our future cooperation will be very difficult."

Cai Xiadao: "Commander Du is a smart man, I wo n’t say much. You can send regular troops or plain clothes. In short, I will wait for you at home. The other party is an evolutionary. I know you have a lot of evolution on hand The person did not turn in to the Evolution Department. It would be helpful for you to transfer a few more people to complete this matter. To be honest, those people in the Ministry of Public Security only know how to eat and get cards. I still like to deal with soldiers. Do n’t let me down . "


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