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Chapter 380: Small things big

Du Chengen didn't think deeply. Thought it was nothing more than princeling trouble. Although his position is not as good as before. But it would not be a problem if we deal with several princelings. How to say that he is now holding military power. There is still a certain place in the center. Others really want to shake his power and not do it in a day or two.

Cai Xia put down the phone and soon heard the sound of a car horn outside. He told Cai Mei: "It should be Du Chengen's person. Come on. Just punish the parties. Don't make things big. Pay attention to the impact. Your father and I are not easy to sit in today's position. You can't let others down In addition, you are not too young. Do n’t always go crazy outside. It ’s time to find someone who is the right person to marry. You have the right to tell Dad. Dad wo n’t wrong you. ”

Cai Mei burst into a laugh and said, "Dad. You are so kind to me. I will never marry in my life. I want to stay with you to accompany you."

Cai Xia smiled comfortably. As a father, he felt satisfied when he heard his daughter say this. So he waved his daughter and let her go out to find a place. Adults cannot participate in these contradictions between children. Otherwise, people will gossip.

Cai Mei went out and saw four military vehicles. But the car was sitting in plain clothes. The total number is more than thirty. Cai Mei immediately became envious. "Go. Give me the blind man and learn a good lesson. We have good reasons. Don't have any concerns. He killed a policeman. We are killing people.

These soldiers were still worried about causing trouble. Now listen to Cai Mei saying that the other party killed a police officer. This is also considered famous. So they put down their concerns and rushed to the store under the command of Cai Mei. Of course I didn't meet anyone there. But the owner said. Ask them to go to each other's house to find him. So arrogant. Where did you dare to kill?

At this time, the people from the Ministry of Public Security also arrived. Those escaped darlings didn't dare to hide. Reported the truth. The death of a police officer is no small matter. The Ministry of Public Security sent more than 20 armed police forces to deal with it. So the two troops joined together to rush to Qianmen Avenue.

Chu Xiang and his three daughters first returned to Beijing Ji's home. Zhou Muqing has never lived here before. Now she is also a woman of Chu Xiang. So be sure to occupy a room in your home in Beijing. Fang Su was more stable. She felt it didn't matter if she had her own room here. As long as Chu Xiang has her in her heart, that's enough.

when. when. when. Three gentle knocks sounded. Zhang Jingyao said strangely: "Well. Who will come. We are usually unoccupied here."

Fang Su approached the door and opened it. He Yaohui probed in and said, "It really is at home."

Fang Sudao: "Minister Ho. Why are you here?"

He Yaohui said: "I just met Vice President Zhang Yibo and Chief Huo. They said that Chu Xiang came to Beijing for a meeting today. I didn't find it here. You guys are not interesting enough. Last time I was drunk at Yutai. Say yes Next time I am in Beijing, I will be the East. Why do you still want to escape today? "

Chu Xiang said: "We have no plans to spend the night here. I want to go back in the afternoon. So I did not inform you."

He Yaohui looked at his watch and said, "It's just lunch time. Let's go. We go to Quanjude Roast Duck Shop. It's really time for you to come here today. If you come here two days ago, it will still be closed. It was just yesterday Jiji sent a batch Ice duck. Quanjude won two tons. So it opened again today. Although the taste of ice duck will not be as good as the fresh duck before. But they must not be worse if they are adjusted by the master here. "

Chu Xiang sniffed and said, "Let you say this as if I had to taste it. Otherwise, wouldn't I be sorry for my stomach? I'm afraid the price would be very expensive."

He Yaohui said: "What are you afraid of? This time we are spending public funds. I also pulled Vice President Zhang and Chief Huo. Do they bother me to make money with this kind of official rank?"

Chu Xiang laughed: "Unfortunately, I do n’t have many people today. Otherwise, they have to be poor. They must go. Try the famous Beijing roast duck. There is not much of this mouth-watering. There are sometimes no duck supplies. Can catch up It won't be easy. "

Quanju German outsiders are full of people. This is not an exaggeration. There are too many rich people in Beijing. And a large part is foreign guests. What kind of food makes them look forward to the most. Beijing Peking Duck, of course. I heard that Quanjude sells roast duck today. Many people come in line early in the morning. The related ones have entered the store and the trustee walked through the back door. It's okay to line up there. Whether it can be bought is still a question. A little hope is better than none. Anyway, these people are idle. Waiting in line is a killing time.

He Yaohui and the four of them went directly upstairs. Quite a lot here. And a large number of plain clothes patrolled the corridors and doors. Open the door of the room and take a look. Zhang Yibo and Huo Changfa were indeed there. Seeing Chu Xiang come in, the two laughed: "Look. The chairman did not retain Xiao Chu. We didn't expect us to invite him. Still the charm of the roast duck. I don't know if the chairman would comment on Xiao Chu after hearing this . "

Chu Xiang smiled. "Two. Sorry. If I knew that there were roast ducks here, I would bring all the family members. The chairman didn't say he would ask me to eat roast ducks. Otherwise, how could I not agree?

Huo Changfa said: "You can save us. The kitchen said that we can only provide us with four roast ducks today. The rest have been ordered. If you bring your own beauty, I'm afraid even duck bones It ’s not enough. Haha. "

Huo Changfa laughed heartily. Everyone sat down and the waiter started serving. Quanjuli does not sell wine. Because there is no source of supply. Occasionally, the price of a small amount of supply is extremely high, and ordinary people cannot afford it. But He Yaohui brought Wuliangye himself. With three glasses of wine, everyone's topic was even more open. I don't know when the noise came from the door. Zhang Yibo was unhappy. The guards behind him immediately went out to check the situation.

"Someone saw the blind man entering Quanjude. I don't believe I can't find it!" Cai Mei shouted loudly outside. The grievance in her stomach grew all the way. It feels like being played. At this moment, it is even more necessary to swallow the other party to relieve hatred. Especially those three women who are more beautiful than her. Must not let go.

Several officials of the Ministry of Public Security were also noisy. "Let ’s go. Let ’s go. We are hunting for murderers. You are all avoiding. Otherwise, it ’s bad luck for the bullet to have no eye damage!

Those who were waiting outside the door to buy roast duck were pouting. However, thinking about the small life matter still avoided. Cai Mei led someone straight upstairs. A few plain clothes immediately stepped forward and stopped. "What are you doing?"

A human security ministry said, "What are you doing? What are you doing? We are performing official duties. Get out!"

One plainclothes said: "There is no official business you can do here. Go back all. Don't disturb the guests inside."

Cai Mei is angry. I stepped forward and said, "What kind of thing do you dare to stop my mother's way. Let me in!"

The plain-clothes fighters behind Cai Mei immediately surged up. Zhongnanhai's plain clothes immediately issued an alarm when the situation was severe. The two sides were arrogant in the corridor, and they were at war. Other diners were scared away. Only Chu Xiang had no movement in that room.

Zhongnanhai casual clothes have evolved. But there are also evolvers among the soldiers sent by Du Chengen. After a brief fight between the two, they knew that the opponent was not easy to deal with. So he dared not act lightly for a while. Cai Mei was anxious. She pointed at the closed room and said, "The blind man must be there. Rush in!"

People from the Ministry of Public Security slipped into Zhongnanhai plain clothes and stalemate with people in the Beijing Military Region. Slammed the door open. The guards behind him couldn't stop it. Annoyed, he went up to slap the guy at the Ministry of Public Security. "How dare you bother the chief to eat!"

People in the Ministry of Public Security were annoyed under a slap. I also saw the reported blind man in the house. He turned back and threw the guard slap in the face and said, "Don't think I'm a bully. A murderer is worthy of being the chief?"

Huo Changfateng stood up: "Who are you from? There are no rules!"

How can these little clerks know Huo Changfa? Besides, everyone in the house was wearing plain clothes. If it is military uniform, they will also attract their attention. But now they only regard Huo Changfa as a rich old man. Humanity of the Ministry of Public Security: "Who are you? A little money is great. The blind man is a murderer. No one can keep him. Take me and take it!"

Zhang Yibo looked at Chu Xiang puzzledly. Although Chu Xiang couldn't see it. But I knew in my heart that everyone was asking him what was going on. He said, "There is a policeman who is too arrogant. Shoot me to kill me. There is no way I can defend myself."

Zhang Yibo patted the table and said, "Naughty. Someone dared to shoot at you. It is too presumptuous. This matter must be investigated strictly! It is trivial to kill him. All the parties must be strictly examined! Strict handling!" This is really nonsense. What is Chu Xiang's identity now? Let's not talk about other people's skills. Just because of his contribution to the country. Someone dare to disrespect him is a big sin. Not to mention shooting.

At this time Cai Mei finally squeezed in. It really fought outside. However, the strength of the two sides is almost the same. There is no way to distinguish between victory and defeat. He Yaohui saw the situation mess up. He stepped out and sang, "Stop! Anything comes in and understands. Whoever does it will kill anyone!"

The evolutionaries from the Beijing Military Region were taken aback. It's He Yaohui of the Evolution Department! They may not know others. But Minister He of the Evolution Department knows almost every evolutionist. He dared to speak again. Isn't that looking for death. I can't even match the shoes to others. If you dare to show off, it will be tiring.

At the moment Cai Mei was still ignorant. She rushed into the room and saw the three women who made her angry. The blind man was sitting among them. Enjoying the treatment of the three daughters stripping him of duck meat.

"Dead blind man! Where else do you want to run away? My mother does n’t kill you today, you do n’t have the last name Cai! Come here. Get me up. The blind man caught me. Those three women ruined me! Let them give one by one My surfer! "

Zhou Muqing deliberately said: "This woman named Cai is awesome. It must be the child of a senior leader. Otherwise, we dare not be so arrogant. Alas, we can't afford it. Hurry back to Yutaiji. .Beijing will not be able to come later. Otherwise, she will have to eat it. "

Zhang Yibo and Huo Chang were embarrassed and didn't know where to put their faces. They are certainly not afraid that Chu Xiang will be killed. Nor is it afraid that the three girls will be disfigured. The three girls Fang Su don't know if they have the ability. But Zhang Jingyao and Zhou Muqing and Zhang Yibo knew both. Evolution skills are pretty good. Except for He Yaohui, the Evolution Department is afraid that no one is their opponent. The shrew who broke in said she ruined their looks. It's really dare. This is not the main thing. The point is that the vixen surnamed Cai lost both heads. Eventually invited Chu Xiang to dinner. It turned out to be such a situation. Beijing-based is their plate. It's a serious disorientation for a woman to point her finger here.

Zhang Yibo said with a grimace, "Is your surname Cai? Whose child?"

Cai Mei is angry. Besides, she didn't know Zhang Yibo. He said casually: "Old man. You have too much control. I advise you to leave here immediately. Otherwise, I will fight with you for a while!"

Zhang Yibo almost passed back without a breath. This woman really is arrogant. Want to fight with him? After all, he is the vice chairman of the military commission. Now it's power. Even the Americans nodded their heads when they saw him. How dare a woman from her own country say that? What kind of shallot she counted. Even if the granddaughter of Chairman Hua saw Zhang Yibo, he would also like to ask Grandpa Zhang. When did Beijing Ji have such a woman who was better than Wu Zetian?

Huo Changfa was even ashamed and flushed. He knew that the most famous official in Beijing was Cai Xia. So he said, "You are Cai Xia's daughter. I ca n’t think that Lao Cai would have a daughter like you. This time you gave your dad a big face. You are so talented. Cai Mei did not expect anyone to recognize Out of her. But this is better. She cried, "You know who I am better. If you dare not listen to me, let my dad cut off your food supply! "

Huo Changfa and Zhang Yibo Eran. This Cai Xia really has great power. There is no one in sight of the right to food. I don't know how many people he has threatened with this name.

At this time the evolutionaries outside the door came in quietly. Someone came to Cai Meier and said, "Sister Cai. Minister He of the Evolution Department is here. Are we avoiding it? It is not good to conflict with him."

Cai Mei was also a bit surprised to hear the name of the Evolution Department. What is the most powerful department in Beijing. Of course it is the evolution department. Let's talk about real power. That's He Yaohui. But what is he doing here? Cai Mei couldn't figure it out.

He Yaohui is now also annoyed. He has great respect for Chu Xiang. It can be said that without Chu Xiang, there would be no He Yaohui today. His friendship with Chu Xiang can no longer be summed up in the words of friends. It is not easy to invite Chu Xiang to have a meal here today. Originally I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about the old. But now even a fat woman was disturbed.

He Yaohui Tieqing said with a face: "You are the evolutionaries of the Beijing Military Region. After a while, report to the Evolution Department. Give me a detailed report of today's events."

The evolutionaries from the Beijing Military Region did not dare to lose their temper. Standing dimly outside the door. Several evolutionaries in Zhongnanhai were greatly impressed. I thought you were terrible. Is it honest to see Minister He?

At the first sight, Cai Mei went out. For a while, I didn't come down. So you can only say to the people behind the Ministry of Public Security: "Don't you catch someone quickly? The murderer is sitting there. What are you eating for?"

People in the Ministry of Public Security hesitated. The Minister of Evolution is here. They don't dare to make a mess. Zhang Yibo greeted the guards behind him. The guard immediately started calling. Zhang Yibo said: "Since you're in trouble, take care of it. No one is allowed to leave. After a while everyone comes together to settle the matter. Let's be one to five. We will face the gong in front of us. Whoever is responsible will be responsible. "

Cai Mei also wants to stand up. She said to Zhang Yibo: "Old man. What kind of thing are you? Dare to say such a big word. Don't flash your old waist."

Zhang Yibo did not want to have such a thick yellow hair girl theory. He snorted and didn't answer. Chu Xiang sat like nothing and continued to eat his duck meat. Cai Mei wanted to direct people to catch Chu Xiang. But it was empty behind him. The evolutionaries of the Beijing Military Region are standing outside the door. People from the Ministry of Public Security wanted to leave but was stopped by the evolutionaries of Zhongnanhai. They all shrank in the corner of the corridor and waited for their departure.

Zhang Jingyao said to Cai Mei at this time: "Did you make things so worthwhile? We still provoke you."

Cai Mei said sternly: "I just can't get used to you. Don't think that there is an evolution department to support you. I let my dad cut off the food supply for the evolution department. See how long you can last!

He Yaohui said: "You mentioned your dad aloud. Is your dad the best person in Beijing? All the people who left Beijing are starved to death, aren't they?"

Cai Mei said: "Yes. My dad is in charge of the whole Beijing food. Who dare not stick to him! Whoever starves to death! Those who do not want to starve will obey me. Give the blind man and three women Handle. I promise I won't bother you. "

He Yaohui said: "Then you still starve us. I'll see if Cai Xia has this courage."

The noisy noise downstairs again. After a while Cai Xia and the Minister of Public Security came up. The two walked along and said, "What else will make us come to Quanjude for a meeting. It's not an accidental dinner. I heard that Quanjude has roast ducks for sale today. We have a mouthful. It smells like people can't move Oh. "

"Wait for me ~ ~ Du Chengen catches up from behind." Why are you here too. I just received a central instruction. Notify me to meet in Quanjude. The site of this meeting is good. We still have food after the meeting. "

He Yaohui was already standing at the door. He said to the three of them: "Eat? There is a shrew here who says we are going to starve to death. I don't think we have any food."

Cai Mei also heard his father-like voice. She hurried out. When she saw her father, she felt wronged and rushed forward and cried, "Dad. Someone bullied me here! You help me get revenge. Don't give them approval for food to starve them to death!"

Cai Xia saw Zhang Yibo and Huo Changfa at a glance. In fact, when he saw He Yaohui just now, he had a rush in his heart. what happened. Isn't her daughter asking for trouble? Why stir with the evolution department.

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