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Chapter 382: King of Japan

The island of Japan is completely deserted. With the intensification of zombies, the original human bases are also shrinking. The Japanese interim government finally accepted the conditions of China. Japanese civilians were scattered and resettled to various bases in China. They will be assimilated into Chinese, and accept China's assimilation and lifestyle.

The first batch of Japanese to go to China will set off today. This is the base where the Japanese interim government is located, a little-known city in Tachikawa, and the large human bases have almost been destroyed. Besides, the Japanese interim government does not dare to stay in large bases. Because it is vulnerable to attack by zombies.

A total of more than 2,000 Japanese civilians gathered around the square. Most of them looked indifferent, and only a small part showed irritated behavior. From time to time, they worshiped in the direction of Tokyo, similar to the visit to the Yasukuni Shrine, but Tokyo. Already in ruins, the souls of their ancestors went to hell.

With a buzz, there was a wave in the air. Then a group of Chinese soldiers appeared in front of the Japanese. The number was not large, but it was enough to receive these Japanese. The Japanese government representative who was waiting hurriedly greeted him. Hello, this is Masaru Tenda. Welcome everyone. "

It was Chen Kai that China sent to receive the Japanese. Now that he is the commander of the regiment, he said faintly, "Are you ready? We are going to start installing the transmission device."

Tengtian Zhenger hurriedly said: "Ready, please head Chen to have a cup of hot tea at the base, and then evacuate after the transmission device is successfully installed."

Chen Kai watched the soldiers who were busy setting up the transmission device and said, "No need. We will leave immediately after the equipment is installed. When the second batch of Japanese will be received, our government will naturally inform you."

The Japanese interim government officials who had received the news greeted them. They were very enthusiastic about Chen Kaitao. Unfortunately, Chen Kai did not eat this. If it was not for the order, I am afraid he would not come to rescue these Japanese.

The Japanese are salivating about the teleportation device. If they can have so many devices, then they don't have to be afraid of zombies, and they will teleport anywhere in the world.

The soldiers on the outer defense line began to retreat, Japanese officials looked pale and scared, and those in the military who were sending teleporters were taking advantage of the opportunity to secretly approach the Chinese troops. They were preparing to seize the teleportation devices and let the zombies wipe out these Chinese people. It's a good idea to kill two birds with one stone.

A cordon is pulled around the conveyor, and the installers inside are still working nervously. Only by installing the transmission device can these people be returned to China. The Japanese have been warned not to approach the cordon, but now it seems that some Japanese Man must show the body by himself.

Chen Kai sneered and saw several Japanese soldiers entering the cordon. He waved a fireball with his fingers and fired. Two Japanese soldiers escaped and stunned. They were violently burned in the middle of the fireball. The muzzle lifted: "All backed off! Whoever came forward to kill it!"

The Japanese military retreat scared back, there are evolvers! This is what they are most worried about. The Chinese evolutionaries have already seen it. The idea of ​​robbery by fire is not going well. It is hoped that the zombies outside will come in early, and then they will rob the teleporter while the crowd riots in the square.

T2 finally broke into the Tachikawa base. They pushed forward like a group of ants desperately, and any obstacles that prevented them from going forward would be torn apart, not to mention that t2 was also mixed with t3 and creepers. They took less than ten minutes. All the survivors of the Tachikawa base were squeezed into the square in the time.

Om, a wave came from the air, a light flashed on the square, and then five sonic tanks appeared out of thin air. Om, another air wave, the sonic tank was transmitted. After they appeared, they kept non-stop, and the sound of the motor roared. A powerful ultrasonic wave was fired at the siege of the siege and the modified sonic weapon on the turret.

puff. Alas, the sound of zombies exploding in succession, they spread back like wind blown leaves, and a scalloped corpse appeared directly in front of each sonic tank, and no t2 could strike in ultrasonic waves. Survived, as the sonic tank ’s forward t2 angle couldn't hold it down, they couldn't withstand the shock of the ultrasonic wave, and it would only be destroyed if it continued.

A total of more than twenty sonic tanks came from several transmissions, and they advanced outward in a circular formation. The survivors who were originally compressed into the square can now be rescued. The Japanese soldiers who saw the super lethality of the sonic tank were shocked again. They threw the transmission device behind their heads and now strongly want to own a sonic tank. With this This kind of weapon is not afraid of zombies, even t3 can't escape the sound wave strike, Japan can get saved by getting this technology.

A group of Japanese soldiers muttered in a low voice, and Chen Kai gave them a dismissive glance. If it were not for the central government, he really wanted the zombies to destroy these Japanese. The nature of the Japanese determines that they cannot be honest. The blood of aggression flowing in their bones is a waste of energy to save these scum.

At this moment on the battlefield, the sonic tanks were in direct contact with the creepers, who had thick flesh. Many are not afraid of the attack of sonic weapons, at most they hurt the shell they hit, but it is not enough to take their lives. The Japanese looked nervously at the situation on the battlefield. I want to know whether the Sonic Tank is terrible or the creeper is terrible, if the Sonic Tank can beat the creeper. Then there is hope in Japan, producing thousands of sonic tanks. At that time, they swept zombies on the four islands of Japan.

Seeing that the creeper could not be destroyed by the ultrasonic wave, the soldiers in the Sonic Tank changed the battle strategy. These sonic tanks had a heavy machine gun on the turret compared to the earliest model. The heavy machine gun fired, but the Japanese did not understand. Although the firepower of the heavy machine gun is fierce, it is not enough to deal with creepers. Chinese soldiers are here Isn't it a waste of fighters to hit creepers with heavy machine guns this time?

Suddenly, the Japanese unexpectedly happened. Those creepers fell into the ground and cramped like a sickness after being hit by a heavy machine gun. This was an unexpected thing. Before, the Japanese also used heavy machine guns to hit the creepers. But at most they hurt their skin. It is impossible to really kill them, but now there is a creeper lying on the ground, their strength is getting weaker and weaker, and they finally die!

The Japanese were in awe. They could n’t understand why China ’s heavy machine guns were so powerful. Those crawlers would twitch as soon as they hit a bullet. What ’s wrong, the zombies became so weak in the eyes of the Chinese, and Before they had tossed Japan into ruin! It's not fair. \\\\ The Japanese fell down, and Japanese officials were even more afraid. They shouted at Chen Kai, "Don't shoot, don't shoot, they are innocent!"

Chen Kaidao: "All kills who don't obey the retreat instructions! Sonic tanks turn back, and all who continue to impact the transmission device are killed!"

There were more than five Japanese people who died before they stopped their shock. No one dared to disturb them anymore. They knew that the Chinese would wipe them out like they killed the Nanjing people! Only obedient is possible to live a life. Seeing the corpse king getting closer and closer to the Lichuan base, everyone's heart sank.

The Corpse King came into contact with a sonic tank on the outermost side. The sonic tank emitted super strong sound waves, and the heavy machine gun modified by the Terminator bomb also blasted the Corpse King crazy, but these blows did not work for the Corpse King. Instead, the sonic tank was melted by the hot liquid sprayed from the meat **** on the corpse's shoulder!

Hum, the air sent a wave of distortion, a group of Chinese appeared on the square, Chen Kai wiped his head with cold sweat, and he ran to the front: "Chu team. It is the Japanese corpse king. I didn't expect it to actually appear."

Chu Xiang said: "The Japanese are devastated, and probably the zombies don't want to let them go. You don't care about it here. Continue to command the retreat, and the corpse king will give it to me to deal with it."

Although Chen Kai's flame skills are strong, he has not been able to fight against the corpse king at his own discretion. Chu Xiang rushed with his reinforcements to help him organize the Japanese retreat with peace of mind. The King of the Americas was eliminated by Chu Xiang. Presumably this Japanese corpse king will not end well.

Chu Xiang carefully sensed the aura of energy emitted by this corpse king, very strong. No less powerful than the Corpse King, and no wonder the Japanese were tossed away from the island of Japan by their toss. Ordinary weapons have no effect on it at all, and Japan's evolutionary world has little left after being slaughtered by itself. Moreover, no one can compete with the corpse king, and can only let it run wild.

The Corpse King also noticed that there was a powerful opponent in front of it. It sensed a powerful energy that has not been encountered in the four islands of Japan. The Corpse King was very excited. He howled to let go of several sonic tanks, and then leapt to the front of Chu Xiang. A group of high-temperature liquids shot at Chu Xiang. This is to try the depth of water first. If the evolutionary in front can't even connect the high-temperature liquids, it will be a joy.

Chu Xiang controlled a ball of water to block the liquid. Since this is a high-temperature non-combustible liquid, Chu Xiang will try the quick-freezing skill. The creaking, raspy sound of icing will be transmitted to the corpse king, the first of the corpse king. The wave attack was stopped, both excited and annoyed. Excited that the opponent was qualified to compete with it. Annoyed that its high-temperature liquid failed for the first time, and the mass of water surrounding the liquid was boiled instantly. However, the high temperature liquid cannot break through the water, but the corpse king notices that the temperature of the surrounding air is falling sharply. The meat ball on his shoulder ejects the liquid again. This liquid suddenly violently explodes when it encounters the low temperature of the frozen ground!

boom! Both Chu Xiang and the Corpse King were hit backwards by a dozen steps. The Japanese nearby were injured by the explosion. Many people even got wet with the liquid sprayed by the Corpse King. The body suddenly began to melt into a deep wound. There were screams all around.

Chu Xiang controlled the plants on the ground, bound the corpse king, and the corpse king was extremely powerful. He grabbed the plant wrapped around the body and broke it! Boom, a thunder slash came from the sky, the corpse king was beaten and shaken a few times, Chu Xiang took the opportunity to pull the stick from his waist, slap, the stick quickly extended into a long knife, Chu Xiang waved the knife to the corpse king's head Go on!

The corpse king was caught off guard by thunder and lightning, but this did not make him lose his combat power. It avoided the long knife and jumped into the Japanese crowd randomly. Then he grabbed the Japanese and threw it at Chu Xiang's long knife. Chu Xiang's goal was not He killed the Japanese, so he could only avoid it. The Corpse King immediately dragged an anti-aircraft gun from the ground, which was the Japanese fortifications at the Tachikawa base, but now it is all in a pile.

The corpse king slammed the anti-aircraft gun at Chu Xiang. Although Chu Xiang could not see his eyes, his sensing ability was not weak at all. The oncoming hidden weapon showed a strong impact. He slashed down with his long knife. Wow, the anti-aircraft gun was split into two halves, and the corpse king fired a ball of high-temperature liquid at Chu Xiang when the attack failed.

Hum, Chu Xiang fired an ultrasonic wave. This wave of liquid shot by the corpse king was counter-attacked back, hitting the corpse king's own face to temporarily lose his visual ability, and Chu Xiang's long knife immediately split again! Although the corpse king could not see the situation for the time being, but it also sensed Chu Xiang's fatal stab. In a hurry, he tilted his head to the left. Alas, Chu Xiang's long knife was chopped on the corpse king's shoulder. Ruler, half of the shoulder of the Corpse King was almost cut off!

In addition to Chu Xiang's powerful power, the more important thing is that his weapon is not as hard as the metal on the earth, so this corpse king can be injured in one fell swoop! If it was just an ordinary long knife for a weapon, it would be nice to be able to cut open the shell of the Corpse King, not to mention smashing the skeleton of the Corpse King.

Chu Xiang's confidence in the success of the blow has greatly increased. After consuming several senior evolutionists in China, his strength has increased a lot. Now he has a handy weapon, so today he is facing the Corpse of Japan better than America. The corpse king was more confident when he pulled back the long knife and slashed to the corpse king's neck!

The corpse king was furious when he was injured, and Chu Xiang's long knife slashed to its neck and was caught by it!噗 ~ ~ Several fingers couldn't stand the sharp edge of the knife, but the corpse king didn't care. It continued to launch a wave of high-temperature liquid to Chu Xiang and pounced on Chu with an elongated knife. Xiang, to fight close with Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang can only continue to control the water to protect his body from being exposed to hot liquids, and it is not suitable for the corpse king to use long weapons again, so let go of the sword in time to provoke the bone knife to fight with the corpse king . At this time, the Japanese retreat was still going on. Although they were in a panic, no one dared to take the lead. The transmission device was opened again and again to return these survivors to China.

Chen Kai's mission was completed. He sent out a large group of flames to help Chu Xiang. Originally, the Japanese corpse king was injured and had an inflexible arm. Now he suddenly joins a flame evolutionist to distract him and get Chu Xiang in A sharp stab on the back, the corpse king screamed, the surrounding t2 was almost eliminated by the sonic tank at this time, the corpse king had no adjustable soldiers for the time being, and it was about to be destroyed by Chu Xiang.

"Meteor! Is that a meteor? ... A black monster is coming! Alert! It is a black monster coming!" The Chinese soldiers in charge of the cries suddenly shouted. They were trained in common sense and knew how to identify black monsters. Chu Xiang now Fighting with the dead king was fierce and had no time to take care of what happened in the sky, they shouted a warning.


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