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Chapter 383: Wins and loses

Chu Xiang quickly issued a wave of quick-freezing, and the Japanese corpse king's action was significantly slowed down, but the quick-freezing did not limit its movement. Chu Xiang called another thunder and thunder, and continued to hit the Japanese corpse king while taking advantage of Japan. The corpse king was so tired that he finally had time to observe the sky.

I saw two burning meteors falling rapidly to the ground, even in the daytime, they looked so conspicuous, booming, two violent explosions, the two falling meteors inserted into the soil, the Japanese corpse king just got rid of the thunder and lightning. The blow, it was about to rush towards Chu Xiang, but was affected by the explosion of a long egg, his body rolled back.

The two black eggs indicate that there are two black monsters. Chu Xiang has noticed that the egg shell is loose. He issued a command to Chen Kai loudly: "Withdraw immediately from the Beijing base! Warn all evolvers, except for the designated personnel before, any No one should approach this area! "

Although Chen Kai was worried about Chu Xiang's safety, he did not dare to obey the order and immediately instructed his soldiers and sonic tanks to pass back to the base in Beijing. These people and weapons would only be a hindrance, and it would not have any lethality to the black monster. of.

Wow, two black eggs cracked, and two tall black monsters stood on the square. They looked around, but at this moment there were no other people on the square. Only Chu Xiang, Chen Kai, and the King of the Corpses, even one brought by Chu Xiang The batch of evolutionaries have also returned that their strength is not enough to fight the black monsters, leaving only casualties.

The two black monsters each held a stick, one of them stared at the Japanese Corpse King, and the other stared at Chu Xiang. They didn't even look at Chen Kai. Chen Kai whispered to Chu Xiang: "Chu team, what should I do?"

At this time, a white light came on, and Song Jun, Zhang Jingyao, Xu Huai, He Yaohui, and others teleported. Ordinary evolutionists were not qualified to participate in the battle. Even Song Jun and others like Chu Xiang did not intend to let them play. The danger factor was large. Let them watch the battle for the time being.

Everyone gathered around Chu Xiang and said, "The black monsters don't seem to distinguish us from humans and zombies. They are looking for powerful people as their opponents, and this time there are two. It looks like their strength is by no means here, everyone. Do n’t take it lightly, let me deal with it, and you are ready. ”

The Japanese Corpse King does not have so many scruples. It is rampant on the Japanese island. Although it was severely hit by Chu Xiang today, it has no meaning of retreat. On the contrary, it changes with the rapid healing of the shoulder wound. It's more fierce.

The black monster yelled at the Japanese corpse king, which was a signal of challenge. The Japanese corpse king was blocked by the black monster from the middle. If it wants to attack Chu Xiang again, it must go through the black monster first. The corpse king also issued a long roar warning to the black monster. The black monster turned the stick into a sharp knife and rushed to the corpse king. This is the black monster with zombies and crawling. The difference. It knows how to use weapons and is also a high-tech weapon.

At first glance, the corpse king saw that the same weapon as Chu Xiang had mistakenly thought it was Chu Xiang's helping hand, so it fought desperately to fight with the black monster. And at this moment another black monster and Chu Xiang also started. Chu Xiang knew that the strength of the black monster was by no means comparable to the Japanese corpse king, and he was afraid to be careless. Take out the captured weird stick weapon and play against the black monster chess match. The two weapons are hard and identical, and will not be destroyed even if they are hard hit. This is much easier than Chu Xiang using his bone weapons to fight them.

Song Jun pulled the bow and took an arrow. He has been aiming constantly, and he has seen the excretory hole where Chu Xiang killed the black monster last time. Li Xiaoming and Xu Huai also aimed at the eyes of the black monster. , All black tricks will go down, otherwise they will have the upper hand and have to wait for death.

Om, Song Jun finally took the opportunity to fire an arrow. The battle between the black monster and Chu Xiang has won the upper hand. It is not weaker than Chu Xiang in terms of physical fitness, and it is better than Chu Xiang in the use of weapons. Any worries, their only purpose is to kill the opponent. This is different from the idea that humans kill their opponents to save themselves. With the fear of life-saving, they cannot attack with all their strength, so Chu Xiang will inevitably fall into the wind. Fierce but not dominant, has already been beaten by another black monster, but unfortunately, the Japanese did not see this scene, otherwise they should cheer again. You must know that this Japanese corpse king has mistreated them. But now it is the only force that can be repaired, which is really hard to imagine.

Alas, the steel arrow whistled and shot into the black monster's excretory mouth, leaving only one arrow tail. The black monster screamed and jumped up, then he pulled out the steel arrow on his butt, with black on it. The flesh and blood of Hu was pulled out, and Chu Xiang was struck by a black monster and distracted from his face. Its speed is not comparable to that of Xu Huai, an evolutionary. In addition to anger, the black monster's blow can be said to be earth-shattering.

Chu Xiang knew the danger when the black monster fired a weapon, and he slammed a block in front of Xu Huai. At this time, no bones and wings were of any use, and it was nothing more than an injury. Chu Xiang held his flying weapon with both hands. With the force on the stick vented. Alas, Chu Xiang was stabbed in the chest. His body fell back by this inertia, not only knocking Xu Huai to the ground. Even the next few people have been exhausted.

A long javelin pierced Chu Xiang's chest and penetrated out. Zhang Jingyao, who was standing behind Chu Xiang, escaped. Her thigh was hit by Yu Wei of the javelin, and she fell down to the ground. At this time, the power of the spear was exhausted. The black monster blinded one eye and shouted, and then raised the corpse king on the ground. Get up, click it and twist the head of the corpse king off, then raise the corpse king's head and make a crazy roar, the sound is full of joy of victory, it seems that they attach great importance to this hunting, that ugly Under the cover of pain, his face was all proud!

Chu Xiang was seriously injured, and even Zhang Jingyao, who was doing energy supplements for everyone, was also injured. It would be dangerous for the black monster to counterattack these people at this time! Although it was blinded by one eye, the other eye was intact. Judging by its powerful physical value, its strength will never be damaged too much, I am afraid no one here is still its opponent!

Song Jun's renju arrows didn't dare to stop, alas, alas, alas, he kept shooting out the steel arrows in the arrow pot, and Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming also kept shooting. The powerful sniper bombs kept hitting the black monster. The eyes and the black monster frequently dodged. It may be to kill the corpse king to make it satisfied. It suddenly made a few fuzzy noises, and then the black hairy square quickly contracted. The neck and neck that had been exposed outside were quickly wrapped back. Attacks from everyone The time has expired, alas, the black monster turns into a long egg, and then leaps into the sky!

Song Jun threw away the steel bow and pounced on it. Chu Xiang was lying on the ground with blood flowing. Zhang Jingyao's thigh was also blood red. The long javelin weapon remained on it. Xu Huai's guilt and gratitude, if not Chu Xiang flew forward and stopped the javelin weapon with his body, only fearing that he had died through his chest!

Xu Huai cried with tears: "Chu team, how is it? I'm tired of you, we will return to Yutai base immediately, sister Jingyao don't move, let Dean Hao help you to take out weapons, God bless you to rely on ten million Nothing to do, God bless, God bless you. "

Chu Xiang climbed up Song Jun's arm, and he patted Xu Huai's shoulder and said, "Why are you crying, I can't die with this shot, but you can't, look, isn't this up, I It's okay. I'll send Jing Yao back to the hospital for treatment immediately. The black monsters suffered a loss this time. I'm afraid they will get revenge. We will rush back to Yutai base immediately. "

Xu Huai was still not assured, but when he saw that Chu Xiang ’s wound was healing rapidly, he was only convinced. As long as Chu Xiang ’s body was not killed, it should not be a big deal, but Chu Xiang ’s injury also showed that he was dealing with it. In the case of black monsters, it is not only the Yutai base. The entire Chinese evolutionist may have no effective way. It is really a risk to try hard, and the number of black monsters is increasing. If it is only next time, and there is no Japanese corpse king In the middle, if one attacked Chu Xiang together, wouldn't it be dead?

Zhang Jingyao sighed a little, panting, she said, "I heard the last sentence of that monster just now."

Everyone froze, the monster did mutter before leaving, but everyone was busy dealing with it, and they thought that the two sides were incapable of speaking. So she didn't notice it at all. Instead, Zhang Jingyao was sober and injured, but she was sober. She said, "That monster seems to be saying that our earth species are despicable! It ’s really strange to say that Chinese is not fluent."

When everyone heard this sentence, their faces turned red, and they were sneered on shoulder by shoulder just now. Chu Xiang feels that this black monster is too much. It is so powerful that it is not allowed to let the square wheel fight, sneak attack, poisoning, and yin yin, so why not die in vain? It's ridiculous who cares whether you are a monarch or a villain.

Seeing the shame of everyone's face, Chu Xiang touched the wound that had scars on his chest and said, "Go. Regardless of what it calls, next time they dare to show up, we still have to play Yin, otherwise everyone will wait for it to twist Break our necks. "

Liming Xiaoxiao said: "Yes, in order to survive, we have to do whatever we can to tell them what the truth is, our brain is not sick."

Zhang Jingyao said, "In order to save our own lives, we really shouldn't consider methods, but we are afraid that those monsters will also use negative tricks, and we will be more difficult to cope."

Chu Xiang stood up and moved for a while, his self-healing ability increased greatly as his level continued to advance, but the wound that was penetrated by the javelin during meal time was invisible. Zhang Jingyao couldn't, after all, Chu Xiang had a virus in his body to treat him at the same time. Seeing that the Japanese corpse king is still convulsing on the ground, it seems that his life is really tenacious, and his body has been pinched and his body has not completely died. Chu Xiang released the five-color liquid to absorb the energy in the body of the Japanese corpse king, otherwise it wasted for nothing, just to make up for the loss of the body just repaired.

Chu Xiang said: "Zombies are vulnerable in the eyes of the black monsters. In the future, they may target their human evolutionists. It seems that the struggle will continue for a long time, no matter what it is. See the tricks and go. Go back to the base in Beijing and bring back so many Japanese this time. I don't know what the chairman will arrange. "

Hua Fuqiang was very concerned about the injuries of Chu Xiang and Zhang Jingyao. He personally went to the hospital to see Zhang Jingyao's injuries. As for the following officials, there was a constant stream of people. Although Zhang Jingyao had no official office, her status was special. It is obedient and obedient, so I can get Zhang Jingyao's good words in front of Chu Xiang. When Chu Xiang recommends people to Hua Fuqiang, it must be Fei Huang Tengda.

"You take good care of the wounds, the Beijing base evolutionaries have been waiting. I don't believe that the black monster has the ability to endure thousands of our evolutionaries!" Hua Fu's strong morale, this is really not a blow, Beijing's evolutionaries are too early Thousands, and it is still growing every day, and for the safety of the Yutai base, Chu Xiang has also transferred the evolution of the Yutai base to the Beijing base, because the black monsters are only interested in the strong ones. Will not attack ordinary humans and low-powered evolutionaries, so as long as there is no base of high-powered evolutionaries should be safe for the time being.

Chu Xiang said: "The black monsters really annoy us. Fortunately, they are not only aimed at China. Otherwise, we must let the American and Russian kids see jokes. By the way, how do the Japanese settle down?"

Huafu Qiang said: "Each base is assigned five people, breaking them up to make them unorganized, and each base also arranges physical work for them at the outermost periphery to prevent them from contacting the core of the organization. It may not take decades to come. There would be no such title as Yamato. "

Fang Yuxuan stayed in the hospital to take care of Zhang Jing, and she interjected: "Grandpa, I don't think you need to tell them morality and morality, they may not understand. Whatever comes here, we don't care about it. It left Brother Chu and Jing Sister Yao was injured, it was not cost-effective, and their total lives were not as important as that of Brother Chu. "

Hua Fuqiang said: "In fact, I think so, but Japan now has at least 100,000 people. It is a pity that such a large labor resource is wasted. Just like our Han nationality assimilated other ethnic minorities, I don't believe that under our deliberate arrangements I can't deal with these Japanese people. In fact, those Japanese civilians have no idea at all. As long as they have food and shelter, they will contribute to our construction. "

Someone knocked on the door of the ward. Hua Fuqiang was a private visit to Weifu. If the person knocking on the door had nothing to do with Chu Xiang and others, he should be stopped by plain clothes outside. It can be determined that it should be Chu Xiang and others' friends, so Chu Xiang A casual response: "Come in."

A creak opened the door, and a mature face I hadn't seen for a long time entered the door of the ward. "Jing Yao, are you here?"

The wound on Zhang Jingyao ’s leg has been stitched. In addition, she is also an evolver after all. Although she ca n’t heal as fast as Chu Xiang, she ’s no longer in trouble. She ’s familiar with the sound. You?"

The person who arrived was Su Yulian. She hadn't seen her for a long time. Chu Xiang was also very surprised. "Miss Su, why are you here? It's been a long time since I heard from you."

Su Yulian looked up and saw Hua Fuqiang. Her expression was so tight that she could only come in thanks to Song Jun and others outside, otherwise the plain clothes would not be released. "The Lord and the Chairman are here."

Hua Fuqiang nodded and said, "I have a meeting to go back to host, Xiao Chu, we must take strict precautions against the black monster. You have to hurry up to recover your body. This matter still rests on you. The task is arduous.

Chu Xiang also knew that this matter could not be pushed on others. He said, "Chairman, rest assured, my wounds have recovered. Let's wait for them to appear."

Hua Fuqiang left in a hurry, and Su Yulian was relieved. She stepped forward and looked at Zhang Jingyao's injury. "How? Is it painful?"

Zhang Jingyao shook his head and said, "Fortunately, it has almost healed."

Su Yulian said: "Yeah, I forgot that you are an evolutionary. What is the black monster that the chairman just said? Chu Xiang said:" An emerging enemy, they are different from zombies and creepers. Killer! "

Su Yulian was startled and said, "So powerful, you must have a solution?"

Chu Xiang shook his head and said, "No, I'm not currently its opponent ~ ~ I met them two times and luckily repelled them, I'm afraid they will be stronger next time they appear."

Su Yulian said anxiously: "What can I do?"

Zhang Jingyao said: "Sister Su, you still care about national affairs so much. There is no other way but to take one step at a time."

Su Yulian was very silent when she heard the news. Even if she didn't understand Chu Xiang's strength now, she believed in Chu Xiang's strength. Since Chu Xiang said that there was no way to deal with it, the black monster was really terrifying.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the ward was very sullen, Chu Xiang said: "Don't worry too much about this. The central government did not disclose the news of the black monsters because it was afraid that the old names would be useless. At present, those monsters will not attack ordinary people. worry."

Zhang Jingyao asked, "Sister Su, what have you been doing lately?"

Su Yulian said: "The contractor is engaged in construction. I heard that the central government intends to build a human base in several counties and districts outside Beijing. I almost asked the exporter when I saw the chairman. Do not look at the Beijing base just after the production and construction are resumed, but competition is fierce. Business is difficult. "


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