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Chapter 385: Strong cooperation

"Oh. Introduce yourself. My name is Li Haipeng. Miss Su is good. Let's go. Everyone is waiting for you."

After returning to Beijing, Su Yulian never visited the eschatology team. So she did n’t understand the later evolutionaries. "Okay. Wait a minute and I say hello to my parents."

Su Yulian appeared in Chu Xiang's home in Beijing Ji. Most of the power-evolving evolvers of the eschatology team are here. This is to prevent the sudden attack of the black monster. But Chu Xiang refused to let out to suffocate these people. So he proposed playing cards. Can be divided by a few tables and one person. Zhang Jingyao proposed to ask Su Yulian to make up. Just to talk about the recent situation.

Zhang Jingyao, Su Yulian, Xiao Si, Fang Yuxuan, Chu Xiang, and Song Jun each have a table. Chu Xiang sits between Zhang Jingyao and Su Yulian. Fight against Xiaosi. Xie Shanshan did not participate in the war because of suspected cheating. He just sat behind Chu Xiang and told him what cards he had. After all, Chu Xiang's eyes couldn't see. He can't sense things like cards.

"Five, six, right. Team Chu. What's wrong with your eyes?" Su Yulian hurried in the hospital without asking.

Chu Xiang has been informed of all the cards in his hand. With his memory, let Xie Shanshan throw a card. Chu Xiang said: "Five Zhang Jiu. Last time I went to the United States to discuss business and had a fight with the King of the Americas. Let its venom spray blind."

Su Yulian exclaimed: "Is it permanent. What can you do? Can't you recover with your evolutionary strength?"

Xiaosi threw five cards and said: "Brother. Hook the machine. Look at how much Sister Su cares about you. Just let me go. I still have a single five."

Chu Xiang said firmly: "No. There are no brothers and sisters at the poker. Five ticks. Your single five is left until the end."

Xiaosi said, "Wouldn't you let me be a big deal. I won't do it."

Chu Xiang ignored Xiao Si ’s coquettishness. He said to Su Yulian: "I don't have a problem with my physical examination. But I don't know what the reason is that I can't restore my eyesight. Just get used to it."

Su Yulian smiled and looked at a bunch of women and said, "Yeah. You have so many eyes."

Talk about playing a few cards. Zhang Jingyao suddenly said, "Sister Su. Isn't Beijing Ji's business good? Go to our Yutaiji. Although there are no major construction projects there, but light work is enough for you."

Su Yulian already knew why there was no major construction work at Yutaiji. Because there are Chu Xiang and five-color liquid. It takes time and raw materials to build large projects by hand. It only takes a few days for Chu Xiang and the five-color liquid to dry up a skyscraper. But of course Chu Xiang didn't have time to take care of both construction and construction. Then he doesn't have to do anything else. Forget to be a contractor.

Su Yulian said happily: "Okay. Anyway, Beijing can't get mixed up anyway. Just go to Yutaiji and be lively with you. Hehe. I'm thinking about how to talk to you."

Fang Yuxuan said, "Sister Su. You said that the competition was fierce just now at the hospital. I don't believe that the reputation of your original Dahua House will be built without projects?" Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian originally had a relationship. Fang Yuxuan naturally understood the reputation of Dahuafang's property in previous lives.

Su Yulian sighed and said, "Light rain. The world is different now. Things in the past have to be pushed down and restarted. It doesn't matter if there is no more workers in the background. You can't be Da Luo Tianxian."

Xiaosi said: "Is there such an exaggeration. It's not just building a house. What relationship and backstage is it?"

Su Yulian said: "Few private individuals are currently engaged in construction. Basically, all work is state-owned. If there is no relationship at the Ministry of Construction, no project can be obtained. Even if the project is obtained. If there is no relationship at the Ministry of Labor, no workers can be recruited. There are both engineering and workers. The Development and Reform Commission will not give you supplies and you are still staring. Now there is a shortage of cement and steel. Even bricks and stones are not so easy to find. "

Chu Xiang said: "It was so troublesome to do business. What's the point? Go to Yutaiji. In the future, you will take care of Yutaiji's construction projects. Now Yutaiji's name is less talked about and there is also a previous one. Big and small. I ca n’t do all the big and small constructions in person. We can rest assured to hand them over to you. And we will give you all the links to bring materials. We are in the process of building cement plants, brick plants, and steel plants. Let you manage. "

Su Yulian said: "Aren't you kidding me? Such a good thing will fall to me? You know that my dad's company has been forced to death now."

Zhang Jingyao said: "Sister Su. See how you are now alive. Did we still share what each other did when we fled together? We thought you didn't like our Yutaiji. So we never made this request. With us Yutai The population growth and economic recovery of the base. Real estate is about to be launched soon. We are afraid we can't make trouble without you. "

Fang Yuxuan said in puzzlement: "Sister Su. Who is driving your company to the fore? No one in Beijing will dare."

Su Yulian sighed and stopped talking. Although she wanted Chu Xiang for help in this matter. But Chu Xiang is already inviting him to join Yutaiji. Avoid trouble for Chu Xiang. You must know that Bai Xiaoyu's power cannot be taken lightly. And Chu Xiang now seems to have to deal with a very powerful black monster. Distracting him is his fault.

"I will go home to discuss the development of Yutaiji with my dad. I will trouble you if you don't say it later." Su Yulian said finally.

Chu Xiang also saw that Su Yulian had something in mind. However, his relationship with Su Yulian has not yet matured. Even if Xie Shanshan was to listen to her heart, it was not appropriate. That does not respect people. So he didn't pay much attention. Several people were playing cards. As long as the black monsters do not appear, they have nothing to do for the time being.

Looked at his watch. Su Yulian shook off the card in her hand and said, "Can't play anymore. My dad promised to be invited by someone else. I'm going to a banquet tonight. Although this banquet may have no effect. But it is always inappropriate to go. China Fangyuan Co., Ltd. does not talk about credit. "

Fang Yuxuan and Xiaosi like to make fun. The two quarreled, "What banquet. Isn't it fun. Let's go together. It's been a long afternoon. As long as we don't leave Beijing's base. Black monsters also came and rushed over."

Su Yulian said: "It may be private. I can't say this. Anyway, I don't plan to talk to them anymore. It's okay to go and eat her badly. Even if she wants to pay back, she can't find it People. I can make her mad at my dad ’s company today. You all go together. It ’s also my dad's courage. Anyway, you are also evolutionaries. Those people dare not take you.

Xiaosi jumped up first: "I'm going to change my clothes. Brother will go together."

Zhang Jingyao laughed: "It seems to be a grand banquet. I didn't intend to disturb the owner. It seems that I have to take a trip. Sister Su is a veteran of our eschatology team. Someone wants to bully you.

Su Yulian didn't think much. She just annoyed Bai Xiaoyu's aggressiveness and ambition. Even want to annex the father's hard work and re-establishment of Fangzhou. Now Chu Xiang threw an olive branch at her. As long as the father agrees, they can move to Yutaiji immediately. I don't need to look at Bai Xiaoyu's face in the future. Tonight she took a bunch of people to eat her. Can also be considered relieved! The only thing to be careful about is saying. Su Yulian wanted to use Chu Xiang as a shield. Because Su Yulian knew that Bai Xiaoyu had to introduce her to a man tonight. Having Chu Xiang will save her a lot of trouble.

Bai Xiaoyu's banquet was held at the Beijing Hotel. In fact, this is a purely private party. In the last days, these upper-level characters are idle. Worried that tomorrow will not see Yang. So it's crazy indulgence when it's fun. As long as there is a chance, such a banquet will never be short of people. And with the recovery of the Beijing base. These indulgent banquets are slowly turning into a place for a private transaction.

Bai Xiaoyu is an ambitious woman. She will not only be attached to Beijing's construction industry. She also wants to step in the energy industry. Know how important energy is in the former world. With the restoration of human social system. Demand for energy has swelled again. So Bai Xiaoyu must seize the opportunity. Many of the officials invited to the party this time were senior officials of the Ministry of Energy. There are also military figures. Because a lot of energy is still in the hands of the military. Military approval is required to get the Department of Energy lifted. Even if there is no intention to reach tonight. But getting the relationship right is the first step towards victory.

Bai Xiaoyu was dressed as a mature woman at the door to welcome guests. When she saw Su Mu's father and daughter rushing with a buttock, their faces changed. She is not unable to afford the food for these people. But the way the father and daughter of the Su family shame her! From the dress of these people behind the father and daughter of the Su family. No one seems to be a high-level person. They are all very sparse and usual dresses. The most annoying is a blind. This is what she thinks of Bai Xiaoyu. philanthropist?

As for those women, they look good. It was just that everyone was wearing big glasses and couldn't see what they looked like. Bai Xiaoyu said coldly: "General Manager Su. You are here to move all the employees. Really give me a face."

Su Mu has heard her daughter talk about the development of Yutaiji. He certainly agrees. Leave yourself here and go elsewhere. Anyway, I'm doing my homework. As long as the company is large in the future, it will not be difficult to call back to Beijing. So Su Mo is in a good mood at this moment. He laughed: "President Bo is polite. These are all little girl's friends. I don't think you mind if they go in together. Is it really impossible for us to pay for it ourselves?"

Bai Xiaoyu glanced at Su Yulian. Finally, helplessly said: "Whatever you want. My Bai Xiaoyu hasn't gotten the habit of pushing customers out of the door. As for the money I was short of Bai Xiaoyu. Let them go in and open the eyes. It's just a waste of life. It's just mine The guests are very open. They will be very enthusiastic about women. You need to be prepared. "

Zhou Muqing didn't say well: "I really want to thank you. This is the first time I have participated in such a big scene. Thank you. Rest assured. We will also be very enthusiastic. Let them prepare psychologically."

Chu Xiang frowned darkly. It's probably not a good thing to listen to Bai Xiaoyu's words. Otherwise what is the passion of men? Go home to bed and go with your wife. Seemingly not a **** party but also a pimping nature. In short it is not a good bird.

Zhang Jingyao and others secretly rejoiced in the banquet hall of Beijing Hotel. Fortunately, I put on makeup and sunglasses. How familiar people are here. They had visited Zhang Jingyao in the hospital just in the morning. Most of them are cadres of the central ministries and commissions. The cadres of the various ministries and commissions of the central government are not as good as before. At that time, it was mostly elderly people. And now the oldest is not over forty-five. The young are even twenty-seven. There is no way to survive the fittest. Most of the old, sick, and disabled are infected. What remains are strong humans.

Su Mu is an old man in Beijing. I know quite a few people. Although the company is gone. But the entertainment on the scene was still given to him. When he entered the banquet hall, he was surrounded by a group of people. Boo Han asked for warmth and didn't know what to talk about. Su Yulian took everyone to the corner to sit down. There is a wide variety of fruit snacks on the table. Even Zhou Muqing and others can't eat it. They are not queens after all. Every day, Chu Xiang eats ordinary food. At this moment, when I saw the delicious food, I immediately went up and put it in my mouth. Yelled for the trip.

Song Jun looked at the food and wine in the house and said, "No matter when the life of the upper class is always so luxurious."

Xu Huai touched his nose and said, "Military brother. You are also a high-level general now. I think it should be extravagant."

Song Jun laughed: "No, I'm afraid of diarrhea after eating these things. I was born to die."

But Wang Shaohui said with a big grin: "Dude. How can people not diarrhea. Occasionally pulling a few times can detoxify. I ca n’t take it easy. Since Sister Su just let us eat. We must not let down her good intentions .I'm going to have a full meal while trying to belch. This table is not enough for us to eat another table. "

Chu Xiang smiled badly: "That's right. Go back and prepare some toilet paper. Shanshan. Shanshan. Get me something to eat. I'm afraid I might catch it in my nose."

Song Jundao: "The only thing to die is to accompany the monarch. If you ca n’t eat it, you can pack it. Look back at the gang. They do n’t dare to imagine this meal."

Several people occupied the table. Don't wait for the table to eat alone. Yutaiji is rich. But there are no luxury places like Beijing Grand Hotel. Even if someone wanted to engage in Chu Xiang, they would not agree. Isn't that fueling the wind. At least Yutaiji cannot do it before the economy has completely recovered. Or where do those consumers' money come from? It is impossible to eat such a meal on their salary!

It was almost time for Bai Xiaoyu to return from the entrance hall to the banquet hall. When she glanced at the scene of the corner, her belly was exploding. I did n’t feel bad about that. But shame. Each of these people she invited was an identity. In front of these people a group of hungry ghosts starved for food. This will make others think that she does not have enough friendships. Attending a banquet with that kind of person lost her identity.

Bai Xiaoyu whispered a few words to the bodyguards behind him. Then she went into the banquet hall without changing her face. A group of men gathered around to say hello. Most of their eyes made a few seconds on Bai Xiaoyu's chest and buttocks. Bai Xiaoyu's **** were bare and his buttocks were pretty. She is deliberately showing off her capital. How to do things without attracting these men.

Chu Xiang and others are eating. They evolved from the lowest level. Although the position is different now. But he did not develop the temperament that upper-class characters should have. So it's sizzling when eating. Some snacks are soft and start to work. A wolf howling. However, since it is the Hongmen Banquet, everyone does not care. But after eating for a while, no one paid attention. I thought the people here were polite and would not care about them. Finally someone came over.

Here are several bodyguards in black. It looks kind of fierce. They didn't care about the woman's table. People like Zhou Muqing and Fang Yuxuan also have good family education. Even if she eats, she is a lady. The purpose of the bodyguard in black is Chu Xiang Song Jun and others. It is simply a serious impact on the conference environment.

"Brothers. I'm full. Our host invites you to go for a walk." The bodyguard in black lowered his voice.

Wang Shaohui said: "No. I'm not full. You wait for us for a while. By the way. Give me the bottle."

The bodyguard in black glared at Wang Shaohui and ignored it. This guy is also wanton. How dare you tell him to take a drink without winking? If it were n’t for the crowd, the bodyguard in black would punch Wang Shaohui out with a punch! Of course he has no other say about this strength.

The voice of persuading the bodyguard in black to ignore the crowd was a little angry: "Brothers, don't give shame to your face. This is a high-end place, not from you beggars. Follow us. Otherwise you want to look good!"

Xu Huai took a paper towel and wiped his hands. "Okay. I'll go with you. Don't disturb other people."

The bodyguard in black was dying to death. Why are these people so worried? If not for environmental reasons, they would have started. These people just don't know what to do. It seems that they are afraid to do it on the spot.

Wang Shaohui got up without rubbing his hands. Just put it on the shoulder of the black bodyguard. The white whipped cream dipped the bodyguard in black. Black and white looks particularly striking. "Brother. Let's go. I'll go out with you to digest."

The five thick bodyguards were sandwiched by Wang Shaohui and could not resist. Xu Huai urged in the back: "Go. Go. Go out to digest and then come back to eat.

Several black bodyguards were actually taken into the side hall. Not going to leave. Their energy was not enough to beat others. The time is not great Xu Huai and Wang Shaohui come back with a big care. The two didn't say that when they sat down and grabbed the apple, they stunned. But everyone knows that the bodyguards of those bodyguards can never get to a round. I guess it's moaning on my stomach.

Bai Xiaoyu soon got the news. Among the people brought by Su Yulian are the evolvers ~ ~ Although her bodyguards are not evolvers, they are all good. If you say that ordinary people must not beat them. Think of Su Yulian once said that her boyfriend is an evolutionary. Bai Xiaoyu snorted coldly. This Su Yulian gave her a shameless face. Tonight let her be played with by men. After meeting those men, what did she ask for?

"Toast." Song Jun held up the Coke in his hand. At this time, Chu Xiang would not let everyone drink. In the event that a black monster appears, they must respond immediately.

Zhang Jingyao said, "Since the army brother's moisturizing character has been much more cheerful than before. Everyone can drink this cup. He will not toast.

Song Jun flushed. Zhang Jingyao and the earliest he knew. And the relationship with South Ruolan is also the best. It's harmless to make such a joke. Just to let everyone see with ambiguous eyes, this makes Song Jun like a needle. He was embarrassed and didn't know if it was time to toast or let go. At this time, officers of two troops saw him.

"It's Commander Song!" Both whispered and walked quickly. Although Song Jun did not join the Military Commission. However, the Beijing Military Region is a powerful faction in Beijing. And Song Jun and He Yaohui of the Evolution Department have a close relationship with no one knows it. If such people do not stumble, it is that these two officers have brain problems.


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