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Chapter 386: Fang Ya Da Ren

When Song Jun was blushing and ears were recognized, it was very unpleasant, because it did not match his usual cold majesty, so he snorted coldly and ignored them. These two officers were deputy minister-level officers of the General Equipment Department. Although the equipment department should be very popular, the Beijing Military Region now almost does not rely on the final assembly to provide weapons. A large number of advanced weapons returned from the Yutai base from abroad are used in the Beijing Military Region first, so Song Jun does not need to settle them. On the contrary, they are coming to sacrifice the Song Army. Who knows that the Beijing Military Region is now heading fortune. If they can be transferred in, the future is immense.

The two officers saw that Song Jun was unhappy, and the two stepped forward and greeted, "Don't disturb Commander Song to meet with friends, let's go to the other side for a drink. You talk slowly, and we have the opportunity to invite Commander Song to dinner."

Song Jun nodded slightly and no longer paid attention. The two officers quietly left. Fang Yuxuan enviously said, "Jun, you are so cool now. If I am a man, I will also be a soldier. Let Brother Chu give me a commander. Also try to feel admired. "

Chu Xiang said: "You think the commander is a good person. I haven't seen how much thin Song Jun has been during this time. I am afraid that if you do n’t know how many times you have complained to me in private, you must blame me for getting Song Jun to the concerned army. "

Song Jun grinned and said, "In fact, I really like that feeling. Commanding thousands of soldiers and horses makes you feel a sense of pride, that is, you can't get started at the beginning, and you're used to it now."

A glass of drink was shot at Chu Xiang's table again. The drink spilled and spilled Chu Xiang's hand. Chu Xiang was a little angry: "Who. It's so impolite."

Xie Shanshan didn't say a word, even Zhang Jingyao and Xiaosi were sulking, because they had seen the people coming, and they were not good at mixing things with the young couple.

"Oh, Chu Xiang, you do n’t tell me if you are happy, have you forgotten me aside, do you or you have me in your heart? I am so grieved, I will almost be forgotten by you."

Chu Xiang's face was a little embarrassed. "It's Xiaoya, what's going on. Haven't you been working overtime these days? We are here to accompany Su Yulian to the banquet. She is now in trouble, we are here to give her a strong reputation Lest she be bullied. I will accompany other guests. "

Bai Ba turned around and left, but she didn't want to leave her eyes closed. Many people around her had already seen the scene just now. But she lost her face this time. This revenge is not for a woman, but how can she report it to her? You need to think about it, and you need to find someone who can help her. Which bodyguards alone? Not enough to see.

Bai Xiaoyu hurriedly entered the hall to make up for makeup and rest, mainly to deal with the scars on his face, otherwise that kind of people could not go out to see people, and once the man hated her, his capital was lost. At this time, Bai Dabao followed in a hurry, "Sister. What were you doing just now, why did you make trouble with Director Fang?"

Bai Xiaoyu was angry and said without saying: "The director of any side doesn't say anything when he sees your old girl being bullied. Are you still an elder brother? If you still have my sister in your heart, think of a way To help me find someone, we must find an evolutionary who can beat each other. Otherwise, I will be bullied by your sister. "

Bai Dabao patted his thigh and said, "You're confused, don't hold on to this matter."

Bai Xiaoyu stood up and said, "What? You look at my face, what kind of swell do you have, you said you would not let me pursue it, Bai Dabao, do you fancy that! You are afraid of the Ministry of Public Security We surnamed Lin can completely avoid her, she cannot protect that woman forever! I always have a chance to start! "

Bai Dabao hurriedly said, "Do you know who you are talking about? The woman who hit you is the director of the National Grain Depot Management Office! You provoked her to give you a card of food, and what do you give to the workers?" Dinner, by then, you can't do any fart! "

Is she new to Fangya at the Grain Depot Management Office? You tease me. I don't believe that there is such a coincidence. Should I be unlucky? "

Bai Dabao lamely said, "Believe it or not, I'm going out. You can take care of it yourself. Don't bother me at that time. The central government's recent personnel transfer is very frequent. I gave you a lot of green lights for contracted projects. Avoid the limelight recently. "

Why does Bai Dabao have so much scruples, and even his own sister and sister don't want to help? In addition to the recent changes in the central government, Fang Ya's own weight is also a reason. Recall that Cai Xia was so brazen in Beijing City that he knew this grain warehouse management. How majestic the director is.

How much food can circulate on the market before the end of the world is long consumed, and most of the reserve grain is still placed in the grain depot. It is up to the grain depot to manage and distribute it. Even if there is a batch, the central government must go through the grain depot. This pass, so if you meet the conditions, you meet the conditions. You can drag it for ten days and a half of a month for whatever reason. Let alone ten days and a half of food, you ca n’t stand two meals without eating.

Since Bai Xiaoyu is engaged in the construction business, there are many people waiting to eat, and the grain supply of a company like her is not on the first-level supply list. The state documents indicate that the army, ministries and central agencies, and grass-roots communities are The list of food supply must be guaranteed, and other industries can only release it under the condition of ensuring the normal supply of the above food supply units, and the monthly quota is limited. It is not how many batches are approved, and there is more to it.

Now waiting for the approval to get the food land unit is that it is not easy for Bai Xiaoyu to have food in his hands and it is not easy to transfer food from the national grain depot. She can be stuck without any reason because she has a large number of approvals. When the director was fed by Bai Xiaoyu long ago, not only could Bai Xiaoyu get the earliest food, but also the surplus was huge and he could earn hundreds of thousands.

After Cai Xia stepped down, this situation suddenly changed. Bai Xiaoyu not only failed to get the food in time, but the amount of land was always severely inadequate. This can not be blame Fang Ya, she is based on the average of all food units Worth, this approach is basically a bowl of water. Bai Xiaoyu invited her this time, hoping to climb up the relationship to break this situation, but now she was slapped, and it was strange. Su Yulian, you must not let her go! Even trying to offend the surname Fang can't make Su Yulian better!

"Xiaoyu, why are you hiding from seeing the guests? Your host is not good. Everyone is waiting for you toast outside." A man walked into the yin and yang strangely, and put his naked shoulders on him without knowing it. After touching it, I still want to slide down, it looks like the kind of guest who has a leg with Bai Xiaoyu.

Bai Xiaoyu was so annoyed that he killed the prostitute and said, "Do n’t come to mess with my old lady, haven't you seen me beaten? Do you have a stinky man with no conscience? Don't hurry to help me find a solution They! Don't tell me you can't do it, take the power of your bed! "

The caller is Kong Hua. He is a political commissar of the Ministry of Evolution. He is the leader of the political and ideological work assigned to the Ministry of Evolution by the central government. He is not over ten years old. Hua is not an evolutionary, but which of the surviving men in the last days is not strong and strong, so there is no problem in satisfying Bai Xiaoyu. Bai Xiaoyu deliberately pleases the people in the Evolution Department. Although Kong Hua has not gained momentum for the time being, he has planned ahead, so The bed was welcoming, and although the two had just joined each other, they were already very tightly bound, otherwise they talked.

"Why do you have to go to Su Yulian's trouble? Although I don't know what background she has, I don't look good at those people around her," Kong Hua joined the Evolution Department as a political commissar during the recent adjustment. ~ Otherwise, due to his status, he should know the relationship between Chu Xiang and others and He Yaohui, but unfortunately he still does not know what the consultant is like. Chu Xiang has not been in the evolution department for a long time for the black monster.

Bai Xiaoyu stood up, her tone has become very angry, "Communist Commissar, you don't want to help me, don't talk about these scenes, if you mess with me, please ask you? Besides, what I let you deal with is Su Yulian, those people, you can figure it out! "

Kong Hua glanced at Bai Xiaoyu with his eyes and said, "Let me help you, but tonight ..."

Bai Xiaoyu's face slowly said: "I don't resist whatever you want to play tonight ... but the two women named Fang and Lin can't offend for the time being, otherwise I'm afraid there will be trouble after Huaxia Construction.

Kong Hua grabbed Bai Xiaoyu's chest and squeezed it twice: "I have something in mind, and I will find someone to lead them away. For you and I, I tried my best, bowed, and died."

Bai Xiaoyu laughed and grabbed Kong Hua's lower body and said, "I will let you get the reward you deserve, and tonight you will be immortal ..."


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