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Chapter 387: Hit a shot

Su Yulian found her father. She said what had happened just now. Su Mu's face was a little dignified. He said: "Things are a bit irreconcilable. Bai Xiaoyu will definitely start with our company, Shenzhou Fangyuan, but fortunately, we promised to go fish. For Taiwan bases, the company in Beijing should not let it go. Tomorrow, we will publicly declare the closure of the company ourselves, so that she will not think that she is scheming and arrogant in front of others. "

Su Yulian said: "Dad, in fact, the situation is not so serious. The food she eats among these people who are here today is useless. I think as long as Chu Xiang said, no one dares to do anything to our company. Come today These people attending the meeting are young. They usually do not contact Chu Xiang, so they do not know his identity. Otherwise, I think Bai Xiaoyu would have begged us to forgive her. After slap in the face and take the initiative to apologize, we can see that she is also a shy fellow. "

Su Mudao: "Why can consultant Chu offend everyone who is here today because of this little thing? He has helped us to go to Yutai base for development, and we should not let him be embarrassed. Bai Xiaoyu has the ability to summon these people. It's natural that the relationship is extraordinary. Let's put up so many enemies to Advisor Chu, even if he is willing to help us, we can't get through. "

My father analyzed it very well. Su Yulian was in a dark mood. She saw that Chu Xiang and her old friends are now developing. She was really excited just now, but her father's mature and stable idea is also very correct. Even if Chu Xiang looks at the old To help himself in Japanese friendship, then he is bound to offend many people present today. This makes me feel better. If you are Zhang Jingyao or Xie Shanshan or you can accept his help, it is a pity that you are not.

Anyway, Su Yulian felt that Fang Ya and Lin were sitting beside her and no one dared to bother them. Su Yulian let go and sat back again, but someone came to entangle Lin and Fang Ya a while later, saying that the entanglement was because of these people She has a thick skin, and said that she would lose her body when she bends down to dance. And all of them are head-and-face characters, which made Fang Ya and Lin refuse to accept and couldn't sit still.

Although Chu Xiang did not like his woman to contact other men, he could do nothing about the etiquette of such social occasions, and could only secretly nodded each other. Fang Ya and Lin got up and left, even if they didn't dance, they always had to entertain. The identity of these two people is different from the past. In the past, these senior officials could not be birds, but in order to carry out future work, it is necessary to have entertainment. This is the officialdom. You obviously hate each other, but you still have a smile on your face.

Kong Hua is not an impulsive person. Since he wants to help Bai Xiaoyu, he must come up with a safe method. Today, he was banqueted with two evolvers. He is a bodyguard selected by the evolution department. He has a good skill and is loyal to him. But they alone I am afraid that the strength of the two is not enough. If they pull on the troops and not scare those people to death, it will be enough to make them sober and conscious. Just help Baibo first. After all, Bai Bai is trying to connect with each other and their background.

"Liu, Zhang Si. I think there are people from the army attending the banquet today. You are all old men in the evolution department. Do you have any familiarity with them?" Kong Hua asked the two men.

Zhang Sidao: "The commissar of Confucius always has two senior officials of the deputy ministry, but we have nothing to do with it. A military commander of the Beijing Military Region is called Qin Zhong. His father is very powerful now. Maybe I can ask him to help. It's nothing more than asking him to stand up and say something. It is not difficult to think of it based on my relationship with him. "

Kong Hua said with a smile on his face: "Okay, come to him quickly, I just met him."

As the so-called smell is similar, Qin Zhong is also a young man. I heard that the Political Department of the Ministry of Evolution asked him to come right away. The Ministry of Evolution is not inferior to the Beijing Military Region. It is true that the strength of the individual soldier is the most powerful army in China. I will definitely be praised when I talk to my dad. This kind of banquet can meet more versatile people. I ca n’t think of Bai Xiaoyu's ability. Many of these senior officials have been invited. They can be considered as heavenly figures. I do n’t know if I have tonight. Give her a chance.

Under the referral of Zhang Si, Kong Hua and Qin Zhong met. Kong Hua said: "Qin Gong is young and promising, and his future is limitless, unlike my brother and my weak family."

Qin Zhongdao: "What did Brother Kong say? You started with your true talents, and now you are the envy of the town's evolution department."

Kong Hua sighed: "Unfortunately, I have just arrived at the Evolution Department, and many evolutionists are not familiar with it, so the rights at hand are really limited, and sometimes it is difficult to do something on my own."

In order to harass Kong Hua, Qin Zhong swaggered down: "Brother Kong has something to solve. The so-called interlacing is like a mountain. You may be at ease when things are difficult."

Kong Hua didn't want to expose his relationship with Bai Xiaoyu when he couldn't figure out the situation in Qinzhong. Besides, he also knew that there were many men in Bai Xiaoyu's bed. Naturally, this kind of thing could not be known to others. Kong Huadao: "I don't know what Brother Qin thinks of Su Yulian?"

Qin Zhong's obscenity appeared on his face: "Familiarity, oily, I can't help thinking about that figure. Why does Congee fancy her? I know she doesn't get oil and salt. Go home, but when I can't sleep at night I will also take her as the target of kinky, that tight chest and buttocks do not know how much I wasted.

This man-to-man conversation has narrowed the relationship between Kong Hua and Qin Zhong. Kong Hua laughed: "Brother Qin was also a fellow in the same circle. Although I didn't waste a lot of bullets for this, it was hard to feel it was natural, haha, As a man, this is a normal reaction.

Qin Zhongxi said: "I didn't expect you to be so attached to me, so we do n’t have to be that kind of hypocrite. Just say what you have in mind. I do n’t know if Confucius paid attention to it. Su Yulian also has a big breast bull among her friends today. It ’s better than hers. I did n’t respond to Qiubo ’s secretly sending out a few big baskets. Instead, she took care of the blind care around her, which really made me inexplicable. I have asked someone to inquire about this Boba girl. The ground is thin, and I'm afraid I will lose sleep again without her tonight. "

Although Kong Hua was also lascivious, he was usually a hypocrite, but at this moment he deliberately let go of it in order to get closer to Qin Zhong. "Brother Qin really dare to dare to do it, and that Baba female brother does not want to be infected. As long as I can As soon as I got close to Su Yulian's Fangze, I was satisfied. You know my elder brother is unmarried and I should have a home. "

Qin Zhongdao said: "It turns out that you really love the woman named Su Na, Kong. It seems that I will have one less target for prostitution in the future."

Kong Hua laughed, "Hey, just think about it as a brother. As long as you don't make it, it's still a good brother. Besides, I'm not sure if I can catch up with a woman named Su. There are many flies around her. If I can Hurry up, maybe there is still a chance tonight, and if we can make raw rice into mature rice, maybe we really have a show. "

Qin Zhong's attendant came back at this time, and he gathered in Qin Zhong's ear and said, "Qin Gong. I checked, and the identity of those people is nothing special. Anyone at the hotel does not know them, anyway, some friends at the venue I also don't know, it is estimated that it was an employee of the Sujia company who came to eat and drink for nothing, and I have not heard that the central leading woman has such a big breast. "

Qin Zhong smiled at Kong Hua and said: "Brother Kong, now the opportunity is coming, I will help you to settle the flies beside Su, but the Po Ba girl will be mys, but I heard that someone just hit Bo Xiaoyudi's bodyguard. Now, there must be an evolutionary among them. You have to deal with this matter. My brother, I am an ordinary person who cannot stand the evolutionary.

Kong Hua Haha laughed: "Here is rest assured, if I can't even cure the evolutionist, then this political commissar will do nothing."

Zhou Muqing saw Fang Ya and Lin being pulled away. She patted her chest and said, "Fortunately, we put on makeup, otherwise Chu Xiang will eat a lot of vinegar tonight."

Xiaosi looked up and said, "Not necessarily, it seems that someone has been aiming at Jingyao."

Of course, Zhang Jingyao knows the reason for putting on makeup and looking at her, and her **** are dazzling, but when she thinks of Chu Xiang ’s pampering on her chest, Zhang Jingyao feels troubled and particularly happy. As a woman, she can satisfy her beloved man. Very important.

Su Yulian saw the two strong women supporting the scene being dragged away. She was afraid that there would be trouble in the future. She was not afraid that Chu Xiang could not solve it, but she was afraid that Chu Xiang would come out and solve the offense to the venue. The so-called villain is difficult to prevent. No matter how badly it would be troublesome to prevent the villains from being burdened every day, and these were caused by her, how could she feel relieved.

Su Yulian said: "Bai Xiaoyu will retaliate if she goes ugly tonight. Let's leave. There is no need to fight her anymore. She won't have any communication with her anyway. She can't always sell and buy fish. Taiwan bases compete with us. "

Chu Xiang was actually very annoyed to see his woman entertaining with other men. Although his eyes could not be seen for the time being, his imagination was a bit annoying, so he agreed first: "Let her go tonight, no If you know anything good, then teach her, come, pack the leftovers, and rely on it. I do n’t know if there is such a delicious thing in a big place. Chairman Hua invited me to dinner.

Everyone looked at Chu Xiangma, and everyone didn't take Bai Xiaoyu as a heart at all. If it wasn't for the indeterminate Fang Yuxuan Xiaosi, she started to slap her. Who told her to curse Fang Ya? As far as Su Yulian was concerned, To Chu Xiang provoke villains, these people do not take it seriously, what **** villain, without strength to roll away, will destroy you! This is the evolution of the eschatology team. If you do n’t violate me, I do n’t, if you violate me, I will destroy you!

"Ms. Su, enjoy your face and accompany us for a drink and dance," the two men came together suddenly, the two of them smiled at the same time and blocked Su Yulian. Su Yulian was busy packing, to be honest She did this kind of thing for the first time, although she also suffered in the zombie world outside, but the environment where she was a child let Su Yulian never think of packing, but Chu Xiang raised it but she did it without hesitation .

Su Yulian said coldly: "I'm sorry Minister Yong, Director Ye, we have something to leave."

The two people here are one of Yong Nian, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Commerce, and the other is Director of the General Administration of Customs, Ye Ming. These two people are considered high in power. Although the current economic situation is still severe, they are always recovering. It is overseas trade, and it is very active now. As a result, the functions of these two departments have been deepened day by day, and the status of the people at the helm has naturally risen.

Yongnian smiled at Ye Ming with a playful smile: "It seems that you and my charms are not enough. Our first game failed together. Unexpectedly, the development of Shenzhou Fangyuan Company has been difficult recently. I think it has something to do with business thinking. I ca n’t let it go. Alas, it has been difficult for no one to connect in Beijing these years. "

Ye Ming laughed: "I think after touching the wall a few times, everyone will understand that society is different, even before the world ’s interpersonal relationships are very important. Is it Miss Su, give me a face. Everyone looks up and looks down. People, I have admired you for a long time, and so is Minister Yong. We were rival rivals tonight, but considering that such a harmonious atmosphere is not easy to destroy. So I hope you can divide into two or accompany me for a drink. Either accompany Minister Yong to dance, or the two of us will exchange each other, and in short, give you full freedom of choice. "

"I choose to leave." Su Yulian still didn't give the two people a good look. She heard it. The two were trying to threaten her. She would leave when she brought up the packaged food. To be honest, the idler stared at the package. This is a look of contempt, which makes Su Yulian uncomfortable. But thinking of Chu Xiang, she was still done.

Yongnian stopped in front of Su Yulian: "Don't be so decisive. It's not easy for Miss Su to be alone with your old father in the zombie world. Isn't it better to have more backers? You see Bai Xiaoyu is now mixing As wind and water rise, people are more open, and women are born with this capital. Do n’t know how to use it. "

Su Mu has always been paying attention to the movement of her daughter. He was afraid that her daughter's young impulse might cause things. Now he saw two men surrounding her daughter. He immediately rushed over to protect the calf. "What, let go of my daughter!"

Ye Ming shouted, "Lao Su, I Ye Ming, what are you doing so nervously? We just want to dance with your daughter. We wo n’t leave it for you."

Yongqing coughed lightly. A group of people who had originally seen the crowd came up immediately. These people were a bit of a face, but they couldn't think of doing anything despicable to stay behind. It seems that Yue Tai's failure was only to clean up the high-level scum. Under the influence of the last days, the quality of more people is still low, which may not be reversed in a day or two.

Yongnian said: "Ms. Su, you see everyone is so enthusiastic, how impolite are you to leave the scene now, do you say that you are drinking with me or dancing with Director Ye? We have been waiting for a long time and do n’t want to linger anymore, come tonight Happy. "

Bai Xiaoyu hid in the dark and secretly opened it. Kong Hua hadn't started yet, but the two coveted Su Yulian land men took the lead, and saved himself from being a matchmaker. It was really pushed down by everyone, probably they were both Seeing that the prestige of Dahua Real Estate is not there, but he also revealed that he wants to smash the land of Shenzhou, so these talents will have no regrets. The last days are good. Many things that were dared to do before can be achieved.

Chu Xiang's face stretched to a foot long. Why do you say that this end-time is so blind, even if you can't see your eyes, these people know that their eyes are good and they want to hit the muzzle. Shrimp and shrimp, there must be nothing good for those who can participate in the invitation of Bai Xiaoyu, of course, except for their own, but in the future, they should carefully review the second daughter of Fang Ya, so as not to be damaged when they enter the officialdom.

Su Yulian was a little overwhelmed, and Su Mu knew that she could not beat her opponent with her old bones. "Come, let me have a drink!" Wang Shaohui leaped to Yongnian with a bottle of expensive champagne, and Yongnian also opened his mouth. "What kind of thing do you think you are qualified to drink with me?

Bang, Yongnian poured into a pool of blood, and the bottle of champagne hit him directly. A bottle of wine broke the head of Yongnian and the melons were broken. I am afraid that this blow is also a concussion, and most of the saved people are also vegetative. It is the lightest and can't take care of itself. Wang Shaohui didn't have a murderous instruction and didn't act hard, otherwise he would open his mind.

Li Xiaoming also moved when Wang Shaohui waved the bottle. He grabbed Ye Ming and said, "Do you want to dance, I just took a few steps to play with you!" Six pounds of Ye Ming was flung in the air like a doll. He hit his head against the wall once, and his eyes almost did not faint, then he slammed on the ground and broke a piece. Stacking tables, chairs and stools, watching beside the fox friends and dog friends did not dare to pick him up when they saw him fall down, all of them were faster than rabbits, but Ye Ming really passed out. Blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth.

Bai Xiaoyu now knows why his bodyguards are so bad. The evolutionist is different. It seems that he underestimated the strength of Su Yulian's man. Looking from the direction of Su Yulian's eyes, the blind is the most suspicious. There are a lot of women around and she still wants to get Su Yulian into it. He's really greedy. He hasn't shot yet, just the people under his hands are so powerful. I don't know if Kong Hua can't cover it.

"Evolution has killed!" Someone yelled. They are not ignorant of goods, and they see that they are evolutionaries at the sight of each other's shot. So no one yells, no one comes forward.

Kong Hua was worried about finding a reason to take a shot. At this moment, he directed Liu and Zhang to step forward. Now that things are getting worse, even Fang Ya and Lin are useless. Kong Hua shouted, "Stop! Who dares to be here?" Murder and murder! The Ministry of Evolution handles all cases honestly for me! "

Poor Liu and Zhang Si did not recognize their consultant Chu. Although Kong Hua knew that there was such a mysterious head boss, it was a pity that he had not had the opportunity to meet him. At this moment, he was directing his two men to control the scene cheerfully.

Liu is an energy shockwave evolver. Similar to ultrasound, but he uses energy as the projectile, which is the same as Beijia ’s so-called ground-falling dragon and eighteen palms. Liu came up with a wave of energy and banged. The people around him were knocked down, but the evolution of troubles The person is still intact, his energy wave is a bit different, and it does not work for advanced evolutionists.

Zhang Si is an armored hand. As long as he concentrates his luck on his right arm, that arm will swell to the size of an elephant's leg. And strong and powerful. Li Niu had to deal with it with one punch, but his target was a bit wrong. He actually slammed into the weakest appearance.

Chu Xiang had sensed that the other side was emitting the energy group. With his strength today, there was no need to defend an evolver. Bang, one hand greeted Zhang Si, and a loud noise almost wiped out the people around him. Zhen vomited blood, and Zhang Si made a scream. The strength of Chu Xiangyi's boxing broke his arm flesh and blood!

The two people from the evolution department started to work. This is what annoyed Chu Xiang. It seemed to be that they were guilty. The most annoying thing was that they didn't know themselves as a consultant and didn't give them some lessons. How would they know themselves in the future? Great.

Kong Hua picked these two men as their own security guards. In addition to seeing their cleverness and loyalty to themselves, what's more important is that Kong Hua thinks their strength is also outstanding. He was injured, but his energy wave could not move people at all. Zhang Si was miserable. I am afraid that evolved arm will be abolished. The current situation is to ask for reinforcements!

Kong Hua hid to one side and immediately called the Evolution Department. He got a reason to transfer troops when things got bigger, and he also had this power. He only needed to get approval from He Yaohui, but how did He Yaohui know what happened here? The land evolutionist hurt the land people of the evolution department and immediately promised to come over.

When Qin Zhong saw that Kong Hua couldn't hold back, he immediately jumped out: "Don't move, otherwise don't blame the Beijing Military Region for not showing up!"

This is Qin Zhong's first name to come under pressure ~ ~ Let the evolutionary on the field have some scruples, but Song Jun sneered: "Who are you, dare to use the name of the Beijing Military Region? . "

Qin Zhong knows a lot of male brothers and women, but he just doesn't know Song Jun, who looks ugly on his face, because the life circles of the two sides are different, and Qin Zhong will not take Song Jun's photos home. First recognize the child, he also has the courage, because everyone thinks that ugly people are most afraid of others to spread his photos, so no one dares to do this kind of thing.

"Who am I? I am the son of Captain Qin! The Beijing Military Region is my own family. You all give me an honest hand and wait to be dealt with, or I will call my dad to call someone." Qin Zhong knew that he was not an evolution Therefore, he can only use his dad to push the line, and during this time he tried many times, no one dare not to face his dad, but what he encountered before was just some soft persimmons. I did not expect to pinch the iron plate today. However, Qin Zhong did not know it at all, and looked at Zhang Jingyao with pride, hoping that this remark could touch Zhang Jingyao so that it would be beneficial to the development of his plans below.

Alas, Song Jun took a slap in the face of Qin Zhong and said, "Okay, I won't give you a face. Call someone. It's best to let your dad come here. You haven't spoken here yet."


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