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Chapter 388: Prestige

Bai Xiaoyu is a little scared now. It's a big deal! I'm afraid this is no longer under her control. Originally it was only for Kong Hua to teach Su Yulian's evolutionary boyfriend. Let this woman who discredited her knows terrific. But who knows that Kong Hua's evolutionist couldn't hold back the scene. Even Qin Zhong's face to the second ancestor did not give it. Hit him. Isn't the other party afraid of the name of the Beijing Military Region?

Bai Dabao was also afraid. He found his sister Bai Xiaoyu again and said, "Xiaoyu. You can't arrange things tonight. The big things will also have an impact on our company. To start with Shenzhou Fangyuan Company, it is best to do it behind the scenes. I am afraid Someone will take the opportunity to catch this up against his brother. "

Bai Xiaoyu was afraid of returning. But she had more guts than Bai Dabao. She comforted her brother: "Brother. Just rest assured. I think Kong Hua and Qin Zhong will find someone to calm them down. Otherwise, let them be so arrogant. How can we stand still? I invite so many people to Huaxia tonight The construction team's support can make them mess up. By then, we are looked down on, but we are ourselves. By then, the various departments below will not necessarily be able to get Shenzhou Fangyuan. "

Bai Dabao said: "In fact, I got you a job in the construction department. That company doesn't need to be dead. We can't put up a lot of enemies. I always have a bad feeling. My brother is still worried about you."

Bai Xiaoyu chuckled and laughed: "Brother. Look at the people who are here today. Which one does not support me. The Su family is the one with the most enemies. We were looked down on everywhere in Beijing in the past. But now. Brother. You can't revitalize our Bo family, nor can you stop me, a female streamer, from contributing to the Bo family. "

Bai Dabao actually knew in his heart. Most of these people can come to support the younger sister's body. But how could he say that? As for what will happen tonight, it's just a matter of watching. It is hoped that these troublesome evolutionaries will let the evolution department take control. Otherwise, it would be inappropriate to trouble the Bo family in the future.

Qin Zhong put down his mobile phone and said to Song Jun: "Ugly ghosts. You wait. I dare to fight. Do n’t think that evolution is more powerful. The gun is more powerful. I will let you know what the pain is."

Kong Hua greeted the door. He Yaohui came quickly. Beijing Ji has been very stable recently. There has been no evolutionary trouble for a long time. Something big is happening now. How could He Yaohui not pay attention to it.

"Confucius Political Commissar. Where is the person?" He Yaohui asked Kong Hua anxiously before entering the banquet hall.

Kong Hua said: "In the banquet hall. The opponent is very powerful. Liu and Zhang Si couldn't hold them down. I see if they need to be arrested and punished severely. Otherwise it will have a bad impact on other evolvers."

He Yaohui could not think of anyone else making trouble in his own business. He quickly walked two steps: "Let's go and see the situation first. By the way, Confucius Political Commissar. Why are you here?"

Kong Hua's face was a little awkward. The Ministry of Evolution regulations are strict. It is strictly forbidden to use power for personal gain. It is even more restrictive that evolutionaries use their advantages to associate with officials at all levels. Otherwise, they will pull the gang to disturb the unity and stability. "That. A friend said introduce me to a subject. So here it is."

He Yaohui couldn't say anything about Kong Hua's reason. No matter how strict the regulations are, people can't find someone. Not to mention that the country now encourages fertility. Otherwise just get some foreigners back. Wouldn't it be bad if China's population could not be raised.

A clear glass door of the banquet hall was pushed open by Kong Hua. He let He Yaohui go in. Kong Hua did not respect He Yaohui so much. In his opinion, he should be the leader of the evolution department. But now focus on strength. And he is just an ordinary person. Therefore, it is not inferior to He Yaohui. Moreover, now he is counting on He Yaohui to give his face some glory. Otherwise stop talking about women. Even Bai Xiaoyu's goods will be disappointed in him.

Liu failed to strike and did not dare to do it again. He helped the injured Zhang Si and hid aside to wait for reinforcements. And Qin Zhong had a phone call and temporarily died down. People like Chu Xiang and Su Yulian were leaving. But I can't go now. Otherwise they will be joke by these crumbs. Then the plan to give Su Yulian's prestige could not succeed. So a few humanities sat down again. You should eat and drink. The onlookers looked stunned. The heart said these people really do not know how to live or die.

Liu heard the door ringing and looked up to see that He Yaohui immediately rushed forward like a savior: "Minister He. You are just fine. They are the evolutionists. They disobey the management of our evolution department and kill people. By Minister He You must be able to take them off by yourself! "Liu said that the murders refer to Yongnian and Ye Ming who were just injured. These two are almost waste. It is not too much to kill them.

Bai Xiaoyu was originally worried. Especially her brother came to persuade her just now. But now suddenly he saw the Minister of Evolution go out in person. That is to say, there is almost no uncertainty. It seems wise to catch Kong Hua's line. As soon as Bai Xiaoyu swept away the melancholy on his face, he smiled. She hurried forward and greeted: "Minister He. You can really give the little girl a face. Your evolution department is the protector of our old name. Now catch the black horses. Especially the blind. I see everything is He commanded the trouble. Even dare to hurt the masters of your evolution department. This is almost the same as rebellion. You must be punished severely. "

He Yaohui was attracted much attention as soon as he entered the door. His identity is in the light. No one dare not respect him. And He Yaohui is honest and self-love. Although everyone wants to make friends with him. He didn't show face to anyone's entertainment. Now everyone sees that Bai Xiaoyu actually invited He Yaohui to come to the battle. Many people do not estimate that Bai Xiaoyu's strength will not be improved. This woman is not simple. The Minister of Evolution was alarmed.

Bai Xiaoyu characterised Su Yulian's troublemaker as a rebellion. Everyone quickly gave way to He Yaohui's arrest. It's not easy to see the skills of the Minister of Evolution. However, no one expected that when he let out He Yaohui's gaze, his face changed dramatically.

The first person to notice that He Yaohui's face wasn't right was Bai Xiaoyu. This woman traces the ability to look and feel among men. He Yaohui's face was unhappy and angry. This is an expression that a master should have. But suddenly he was angry. And he glanced behind him. Especially for a few seconds on Kong Hua and others. This is a bad sign!

He Yaohui's footsteps did not stop. Go straight to the table and open the chair. Then sit down. Some people think that this is a negotiation. I do n’t know if these troublesome evolvers will dare to go further with the evolution department. Best to fight. I heard the evolutionary fights look great. That's not a bad trip tonight.

"This is the legendary fruit salad?" He Yaohui suddenly picked up a fruit plate and said such a sad thing.

Chu Xiang nodded and said, "If it wasn't for Zhou Muqing telling me. I thought it was mixed with fruit. This fresh cream is good. It came from Yutaiji. How about the taste. Let them make some food next time . "

He Yaohui politely dug a large spoon. He chewed twice: "Yes. It's worth the fresh fruit alone. Don't tell me if there is such a good thing. It's really not interesting."

Everyone saw that Minister He of the Evolution Department did not take action. Instead, they ate salads with the enemy. Everyone is going to collapse again. What I don't want to understand is Kong Hua. He came to He Yaohui and said, "Minister He. These are the people who are making trouble. You are the one who sang. I am confused. They hurt Zhang Si. Two officials were injured and carried away. The nature of the matter is serious. "

Bai Xiaoyu also put his heart on his throat. How to do this at such a critical time. This is not life-threatening. Catch people. Hurry up. See how the woman surnamed Su and how old she can be!

He Yaohui said to Kong Hua without looking back: "Confucius political commissar. Don't say I don't respect your political commissar. But tomorrow you will go to the organization department and ask for transfer. Otherwise I will drive you away."

He Yaohui's voice was not loud. But it calmed everyone down. To be honest, Kong Hua is also a distinguished guest today. Just now he was still in the middle of the world to show his extraordinary position. Political Commissar of the Ministry of Evolution. This is a matter of weight. But now his political commissar has been beaten by the minister!

Kong Hua froze. He thought he heard it wrong. "Minister Ho? What did you just say? You want to drive me away? What's your joke? The evolution department is not your own decision. Besides, I didn't make any mistakes. You can't do this. Let us hurt the evolution department. People don't care. Now you want to exclude me. If you don't give me a reason, I will protest to the central government. "

He Yaohui didn't want people around him to recognize Chu Xiang. Because he knew Chu Xiang didn't like that kind of scene. So he lowered his voice and said to Kong Hua: "Confucius commissar. I don't care if someone introduces his girlfriend to you. But did you put such a line in front of consultant Chu so that I wouldn't let the central government stop coming to Taiwan. Since you want to protest. Let's go. Tomorrow you will go to Vice President Zhang yourself. I think he will definitely give you an answer. Good luck. "

Consultant Chu almost didn't get Kong Hua excited. His face was pale as paper. "You, what are you talking about? Who, who is the consultant Chu?" Eyes had been aimed at the blind but Kong Hua still had a glimmer of hope. The legendary consultant Chu is eight feet tall and tall. Fight zombies and creepers such as chopping melon and chopping vegetables. Long wings behind long spines. How could he be among these people? Poor Kong Hua was misled though he didn't believe the rumors. At least I did not expect consultant Chu to be blind. But now it seems that He Yaohui's look of being blind is inseparable.

Chu Xiang said to He Yaohui at this time: "I really don't like this person. Remove it. I'm annoyed when he hears his voice. The evolution department can't let such people to blindly command."

Xie Shanshan suddenly said at this time: "This person's ambition is not small. He also intends to get Sister Su to bed. In fact, it was Bai Xiaoyu who asked him to come in trouble. He wanted to take advantage of Sister Su to take advantage. Such a play. "

Su Yulian's face changed. Kong Hua was also surprised. How could my own secret be seen!

He Yaohui no longer has to be kind. But sternly: "Go!"

Although Kong Hua is a person to meet. But now he knows it. He Yaohui is a real figure. He can point himself to death by just moving his fingers. And if blind is really a consultant to Chu. Then I hit the nail plate even more. This Chu consultant can not understand the details. But I heard a lot more. The central government's current guidelines and policies must consult his opinions. He protested to the central government. I'm afraid that this generation can no longer count on a chance to turn around.

Kong Hua napped and squeezed his head under his neck to squeeze out the crowd. Don't get out of here to be ashamed. It's not a little bit worse than others. There is no possibility of resistance. I can imagine what kind of fate will be waiting for him in the future. Those around him who just pleased him somehow. Some people even said, "Confucius commissar. What is this. Which one do you sing? Where are you going?"

Kong Hua did not squeak. Bai Xiaoyu also wanted to know why. But she was not close just now. He Yaohui didn't hear his voice lowered. Only the last roll word was heard. Bai Xiaoyu stepped forward without stopping Kong Hua. Even Liu and Zhang Sikonghua ignored it. These two evolutionaries are also bad luck. Life and death by heaven. He couldn't protect himself.

He Yaohui turned back to see many people staring at this side. He angrily said, "What to see? What to do. What a good atmosphere is destroyed by you."

The people who saw He Yaohui's angry onlookers did it immediately. They were puzzled and did not dare to discuss in front of He Yaohui. Bai Xiaoyu's face was cyan. Not only was Fang Ya slapped. She now thinks his brother was careful. This time he underestimated Su Yulian's strength. The property of Dahuafang was down. But it seemed she had climbed high branches. And it's not something you can do by yourself. How to do it? How this can end. Forget it or dodge it first.

Chu Xiang said to He Yaohui: "We are full. We also packed. Go to my house when you have time. This time can help Sister Su build up her prestige. I don't think anyone dares to bully her again. Otherwise you help Sister Su cut them. "

Su Yulian laughed: "No one dares to talk to me again after I see them. Those people look at me like wolves. But that's fine. They will come back and entangle."

Song Jun said at this time: "Not in a hurry. Not in a hurry. There is still no one to pull out. This way will make others laugh. Thinking that we are not afraid of the Ministry of Evolution, we are afraid of that Qinzhong."

He Yaohui opened a bottle of champagne with his palm and said, "Since you are not in a hurry, try it. We used to drink beer. We also enjoyed the petty bourgeoisie."

The people who should arrive are finally here. A group of soldiers stormed into the banquet hall. This is not in harmony with the scene of singing and dancing. But no objection was raised. Everyone is waiting for this dish from Qinzhong. I don't know if Qin Zhong's performance can suppress the evolution department. This guy just gave a slap. If this stop, the high-level characters present will be seriously despised.

The leader is a platoon leader. In order to please Qin Captain's son, he hesitated to bring people in violation of military orders. He thought it was okay to have Qin Zhong cover himself as a company commander. No one else is looking for such an opportunity yet.

Qin Zhong pointed to Song Jun: "It was him who slapped me! And they also seriously wounded people. I think it can be taken over by the army. Er. Those other people don't move. They ... they have nothing to do with it. "

Qin Zhong is actually quite scared now. He was afraid that He Yaohui would make an effort for Song Jun. By the time his father came, it wouldn't be easy. So although he hated blindly occupying his big boss, he couldn't do too much at this moment. Otherwise Kong Hua is his best lesson. But what pleased Qin Zhong was that He Yaohui said nothing. As if the matter had nothing to do with him. No one was drinking champagne with others.

The platoon leader will step forward to pull people. Bai Xiaoyu suddenly appeared. She stopped Qin Zhong and pulled aside and said, "Qin Gong. Give the little girl a face. The incident is big enough tonight. The little girl called everyone for fun, not for trouble. You see Minister He is there. How to blame the little girl for taking responsibility. "

Bai Xiaoyu also thought about it. She thinks the momentum has been exhausted at this moment. Su Yulian and Su Mu now no one dares to move. So it is not appropriate to keep things going. It is best for these people to come and go. In the future, the Su family will be killed. As for that slap in the face! How many men she can bear. Wait for the more powerful characters to come back someday!

Qin Zhong was angry. "Bo Xiaoyu, what do you mean. I was beaten in slap?"

Bai Xiaoyu gave Qin Zhong a glance and said, "Did I still? Is your man's face important? Or our woman's face is important. You know what I eat by mixing rice. It feels good to be beaten? But you really think Will the people in the Evolution Department ignore this matter? You can only do this kind of thing from Minister Ho's dinner table. "

Qin Zhong is an impulsive person. But now he was hesitant to let Bai Xiaoyu analyze it. Song Jun was annoyed at this time. He hoped that Captain Qin would appear. He wants to take this opportunity to move into a senior general in the Beijing Military Region. But Qin Zhong only found a few soldiers who didn't know him.

Xie Shanshan saw that Song Jun was a little bit upset. She whispered, "Just don't worry. Someone called Captain Qin."

Song Jun was puzzled. But when he went around for a while, he saw that the two deputy directors of the General Equipment Department sneaked down and put down the phone. These two people are estimated to have contacts with Qin Jun. Now look at Qin Zhong's truthfulness with himself. Maybe they called earlier. Seeing that the situation is urgent, I do not rush.

Sure enough, Qin Jun arrived in a rush. At this time Bai Xiaoyu was still studying with Qin Zhong. Captain Qin rushed into the hall and saw Song Jun sitting in the corner. His face changed. Then I glanced over and saw another child in the other corner ~ ~ There was also a group of soldiers armed with guns. See what it is like. Captain Qin Jun's face looked like a pig's liver. Troops are strictly forbidden to travel personally. This is a repetitive order. Now his soldiers have violated. This did not even hit the commander of the military region commander. This time I jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it.

The Qin Jun commander stepped forward and walked to Qin Zhong's eyes. Qin Zhong suddenly saw a delight on his old face: "Dad. Why are you here. Someone hit you. You help me teach them. The evolution department will also give you a face. Anyway, you are also a captain of the Beijing Military Region." . "

Captain Qin Jun picked up Qin Zhong. I slapped first. Then he carried him to Song Jun. "Commander Song. I have no way to ask for punishment!"

Qin Zhong was first snoozed. Even Bai Xiaoyu thought that Qin Jun's presence would turn the tide. The most unfortunate she can sit in the mountains and watch the tiger fight. But who knows that Captain Qin pulls out when he comes up. Also called the commander of the ugly ghost.

"Dad. You are crazy!" Qin Zhongdao said.

Captain Qin Jun raised his hands and slapped them again. Then kicked Qin Zhong over. "Reverse! Give me a kneel! You dare to be bold in the presence of Commander Song. I really don't know how high!


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