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Chapter 389: Rescue early

Qin Jun's voice was strong. He heard his voice even standing outside the hall. Commander Song uttered the words of those who admired the sudden emergence of this young general who knew it was the ugly and horrible man in front of him!

After being shocked, Bai Xiaoyu walked directly behind Su Yulian. She ignored Qin Zhong's life and death. Instead, she pulled up Su Yulian's hand and said slightly tremblingly: "Sister Su. You always have some misunderstandings between us. I think there is a lot of room for cooperation between Huaxia Construction and Shenzhou Fangyuan. Your project is almost done. "I have a big project here. Shall we study the cooperation?"

Su Yulian said coldly: "I'm sorry to President Bai. The future development direction of our China Fangyuan company is set at Yutaiji. You can do it here in Beijing."

Bai Xiaoyu's face was ashes. Do a good job. The Su family really didn't know where it came from. First, Chief Fang of the Grain Depot Management Department slapped her for her. Then the future strongwoman of the Ministry of Public Security also shot to teach her bodyguards. Then Minister He of the Evolution Department also stepped in. Even Kong Hua, who he thinks is the most promising, has been crushed. Now the commanders of the Beijing Military Region have a relationship with the Su family. Aren't you trying to die? So many people. As long as the news leaks tomorrow. Who would dare to cooperate with themselves? Even his elder brother, Bai Dabao, had to consider whether he could sit still. As for the men that they have **** with. I'm sure I can't wait to encounter such a thing.

Bai Xiaoyu plopped and gave Su Yulian a kneel. "Sister Su. For the sake of our friendship, you should let me go. You are so angry that you are not worth a bitch."

Su Yulian said: "President Bo. What are you doing? The public in the lobby is not afraid of making jokes."

Bai Xiaoyu here begged Su's forgiveness. Qin Jun sweated like rain over there. Although he also has military power in his hands. And Song Jun just took over the Beijing Military Region. But he never dared to give up. Because he knew that Song Jun's own strength alone was not an opponent! Not to mention there were many evolutionaries of Yutaiji with the Song Army to the Beijing Military Region. Now they are all battalion and regimental cadres. Brigade and division-level officers will soon be available. It won't be long before Beijing Military Region is the world of the evolutionaries of Yutaiji. He can keep the golden mean until the end of the last days. But now it seems that he has disrupted all his plans.

Qin Zhong finally tasted it. He knelt up and crawled under Song Jun's feet. "Commander Song. I'm a bastard. I don't know it's you. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to be arrogant in front of you. You can let me go. I won't dare to take the lead again. Never dare to lend my dad The troops have been transferred in the name of I. I was wrong. Commander Song let me fart. "

Qin Zhong is also a smart man. At this moment, I actually understood the responsibility to pull myself. Although a group of people were watching him kneeling and begging for mercy. But this can't be taken care of immediately. Keeping his father can keep his prestige in the future. All this blame that Bai Xiaoyu. If you don't die this time, you must kill the goods. Who is bad to invite. I just want to find such plague gods to mourn myself.

Song Jundao: "Captain Qin. I'll leave it to you to handle it. I want to see the detailed results tomorrow. Now you can go."

Captain Qin raised the child. Leading the group of soldiers out of the hall. In fact, he already knew it. Children are not soldiers. But he is his own son. Relying on that little prestige of himself, he played outside. They also mobilized troops without permission. If I had not given up the post of commander. This matter is not going to stop. As for Song Jun, let him handle it by himself. That was to make him take the initiative. Don't wait for others to remind you to do it.

He Yaohui saw that things were almost done. He beckoned and said, "Come. Everyone come."

Seeing the lively people has been a little frightened. Now he has the strength to be uncle. Just now many of them also wanted to seduce this group of women. Who knows people are coming. Even the Su family, whom they believed to be degraded, is now exulting. People who had just spoken to Su Mu just now hide away. I'm afraid I'll be as low as Bai Xiaoyu and beg forgiveness after being seen.

He Yaohui asked the co-evolutionist to take out a notepad and said, "Everyone leave a name. I also know each other well. Today is the light of Sister Su. We used to escape together in the zombie world outside. Anyway, we are friends too. Since you guys It's her friend. Then of course I need to get acquainted. "

This sounded like He Yaohui was giving the big guy a face. But everyone knows that He Yaohui told these people in disguise. Su Yulian is my friend. You were blind before, you were blind. I will be blind again in the future but write down the names. Don't blame it when you're welcome.

The two evolvers began to record the names of those people, left and right. Although reluctant, no one resisted. Chu Xiang got up and said, "I'm really gone this time. I'm bored."

Bai Xiaoyu could no longer stop Su Yulian. This was the end of a relationship banquet that I thought knocked open for my glory tomorrow. The next day these fox friends and dog friends took the initiative to alienate Bai Xiaoyu. Although the Su family has stated that it will go to Yutaiji for development. However, these people still crowded their heads and wanted to find a project for the Su family to pick up. no way. Not performing well is not giving He Yaohui face. In addition to the Ministry of Public Security, Beijing Ji's internal security is responsible for emergencies. They have great power.

Chu Xiang didn't take these things to heart. After returning to Yutaiji for two days, Zhang Jingyao also resumed. It's just that the black monster didn't appear again after worrying about it. From the observation of satellites and astronomical telescopes. We can't find anything unusual in the outer space. To get first-hand information. Chu Xiang decided to send invitations to the United States and Russia. Let's deal with those mysterious black monsters together. At the moment of human life and death. Country is not so important.

The United States and Russia no longer recognize the rise of China. Moreover, Russia is not what it used to be. Their economic power had fallen sharply in the previous world. Although encountering the t virus this time, it has the advantage of the logical position. Infection is milder due to temperature effects near the northern circle. But with the destruction of the central city. They are also increasingly vulnerable to zombies. There is a growing desire for China's aid. But the Chinese government has not responded to this. Currently, only a simple anti-virus virus trade is being done. As for assisting corpses, China temporarily disagrees. This is not India and Vietnam. Different in nature. Failure to do so could cost China huge losses.

In the face of the briefing from the Chinese government, both countries dare not neglect. After a survey in China, a detailed response was given. Chu Xiang's knowledge of the United States and Russia have encountered such a black monster attack on the evolutionaries. Only this matter was handled by them as zombies and creepers. They did not take it seriously until they were reminded to China. However, black monsters do not appear frequently. Although increased vigilance, it is not possible to see results in a day or two. What's more, evolutionaries abroad have avoided such monsters.

Just when countries were confused and distracted by the mysterious black monster. The country's earthquake bureau unexpectedly released earthquake warning information. The mountain where Lab 8 is located will usher in a large-scale shell change! This is very difficult for earthquake warning. Even the Sichuan earthquake before the virus failed to make a pre-earthquake prediction. However, the current earthquake has issued this supposedly conclusive warning. This annoys Chu Xiang.

Why annoyed? Because the No. 8 laboratory is deeply built. Bai Xiaowei's infected body is still hidden inside. If there is a real earthquake that damages the structure of the laboratory and the backup energy. Then Bai Xiaowei's body will be destroyed. However, Chu Xiang was unwilling to take the risk of saving Bai Xiaowei's body when the anti-t virus solution failed to achieve effective treatment.

"The people in the earthquake are very sure. It is said that this is a large-scale crust movement. The tremors that have been indicated by various signs will occur in the near future." Wang Bin introduced this to everyone.

Zhang Hongbing said: "Do you believe the words of those people? What if it doesn't happen? Will we risk going to Lab No. 8 to destroy Professor Bai's body? You need to know that quick-frozen living people are not playing. Accidental thawing may destroy Professor Bai ’s body. Even if we do not thaw. Something unexpected will not be easy to grasp. After all, we have n’t actually subdued the t virus. It ’s a little too early to go to Lab 8. It ’s easy to take risks. . "

Chu Xiang said irritably, "Who said no? Although I have quick-freezing skills. But I don't know anything about thawing. If the quick-frozen is an evolutionary one, it's OK. But Bai Xiaowei is just an ordinary human. If you can fast-freeze white. But Bai Xiaowei has said it. It may be a devil's lair under Lab 8. Now it ’s not miserable that Bai Xiaowei's body was hurt because of our appearance. "

Zhang Jingyao said: "But the earthquake bureau has developed more advanced early warning equipment after the disaster. It is said that the reliability rate is 98% this time. It is almost a matter of nailing. And according to the US satellite analysis. The continental plate has been very active recently. High. Earthquake prone to Lab 8.

Fang Qian patted the table and said, "That means that we must rescue Professor Bai's body. No matter how difficult it is, this matter must be done. In fact, I think it's time. The anti-t virus solution has reached nine-ninths. A cure rate of ten. And the fourth generation that we have begun to develop can achieve a cure rate of 96/96. As long as Professor Bai is quick-frozen, there is great hope for success. "

Fang Qian's guarantee Chu Xiang also had some confidence. He considered it carefully: "Although there are still risks. But we have to rule out the difficulties and rescue Bai Xiaowei's body first. Even if there is no Zhen No. 8 laboratory, it is not stored. The following t virus is flooded. Many The experiment may have evolved into a horrible step. In case they inadvertently damage Bai Xiaowei's existence. Or it is the backup energy of the laboratory. Then Bai Xiaowei's body will be in danger. If this happens, I cannot rest assured in this generation. . Besides, with my quick-freezing skills, the rescue process will be guaranteed. As long as we can bring Bai Xiaowei's body back to Yutaiji, we will have time to wait for the cure rate of anti-t virus. "

Bai Xiaowei also attended the meeting as a party in a computer. She said: "Since there are no more options. Then decide to do it well. Regardless of success or failure, I hope Chu Xiang you can be safe. I still exist in this world anyway. As for it may not be so important."

White. In fact, she desires more than anyone to be reduced to a real human being. That would be better for scientific research. Don't be sad because you can't stay beside Chu Xiang. Watching so many girls accompany Chu Xiang every day. Bai Xin's idea was false.

Bai Xiaowei's words strengthened Chu Xiang's confidence. He said: "It's not too late. We are ready to set off right away. Anyone who leaves some power in Yutaiji can't cope with the black monsters. It's better for us all to go together. If anything happens, we can take care of it. Free dispersion The power was broken by each of the black monsters. "

Zhang Jingyao said: "From the early warning information. The earthquake will occur in the next week. However, slight earthquake activities may begin in the day after tomorrow. The United States said that it has analyzed an interference force from outer space. It may be this These forces have affected the activity of the continental plate. Other disasters may occur in the future. In short, things are just beginning. "

Chu Xiang said: "I don't care what the reason is at this moment. Americans always have expertise in aerospace. Let them study it well. Wait for us to rescue white. Light and black monsters are enough to annoy us. Unexpectedly There are still natural disasters. "

Zhang Hongbing said with some excitement: "It's my turn to go with Gao Qiang this time. I haven't experienced the thrills outside for a long time. I have missed dreams at night. Although the previous days are dangerous. But they are full. What is like being stiff every day .The day goes by without any taste. "

Chu Xiang said: "It's enough for a stable day. I think you lack the training of Lu Xiaohua. We transmitted directly. So there is no need to travel through the zombie world as before. Of course, you two must go together. Maybe Lab 8. There is a party that needs your help. You must know that we have no access to machinery and electricity. "

Wang Bin said: "Brother Chu. I naturally have to follow it. Professor Bai said that the following passages are closed. If you want to open it, you must decipher the password. Otherwise you can't find Professor Bai's body."

Wang Bin is naturally indispensable. Otherwise, Chu Xiang can't deal with the advanced equipment in the laboratory. Fang Yuxuan also said with some excitement: "This may be the biggest operation of our eschatology team in history. This will be left in history. History will remember us. We will even be extolled by future humans like ancient myths."

Everyone was sweating. But Fang Yuxuan was right. The eschatology team has been out of action for a long time. Even if there are only a few backbones such as Chu Xiang. The average person is no longer involved in the operation. But the next experiment on the 8th to save Bai Xiaowei's body is unknown. It wasn't even clear what kind of monsters would be under the eighth experiment. As for the quantity and combat effectiveness, it is unknown. One more person has more strength.

After the matter was decided, Li Haipeng hit the front station and transmitted it to the mountainous area where Lab No. 8 was located to observe the situation. Soon he brought back bad news. Pre-earthquake signs have appeared in the mountainous area where Lab No. 8 is located. The magnetic field is unstable there. If Li Haipeng had not evolved his skills very well, I'm afraid he wouldn't know what would be involved in the magnetic field. His face was a little pale. It seemed to take a lot of energy to teleport back.

The transmission device designed by Dong Lao utilizes the force of a magnetic field. Formidable skill evolvers like Chu Xiang are okay to say. Less affected by the external environment. However, ordinary transmission devices cannot be used under unstable magnetic fields. That would be very dangerous. It is possible to leave someone in another space in the middle of the crash!

In this way, it is impossible to quickly reach the mountainous area where Lab No. 8 is located! After all, there is a lot of equipment and personnel to carry. It is difficult to reach quickly without using a conveyor. Chu Xiang and Li Haipeng's transmission alone must be exhausting.

I thought time was plenty. Now everyone was anxious when the news broke the hearts of everyone. Wang Bin quickly analyzed the scope of the future epicenter. In the end, Li Haipeng's multiple detections set the transmission point two kilometers outside the mountainous area of ​​Lab No. 8. The big earthquake that really affects Lab 8 will not happen until a week later. Time is running out.

In addition to the evolving team elders, Song Jun also selected 12 special forces. He Yaohui also brought many evolvers from the evolution department. They will be responsible for security outside Lab 8. Make sure members of the eschatological team entering Lab 8 can safely return from the entrance. At that time, they will use sonic tanks, storm machines, lightning motors and other weapons to cooperate in battle.

In the evening of the day, the squadron appeared on a plain. The Yutai abutment successively opened more than a dozen transmission devices. Transfer a large number of weapons and personnel at one time. May be affected by abnormal magnetism. Clouds are already over the plain. After the coordinates were determined, this team of more than 1,500 people marched along the public night to Lab 8 ~ ~ Chu Xiang, although he did not remember everything under Lab 8. But he knew exactly what he would encounter when entering the mountainous area where Lab 8 was located. Because he escaped from this one. At that time, the world was dominated by t2. But after so long evolution. Presumably there should be t3, t4 and creepers here. In addition, there are several bustling places to enter the mountainous area. It is estimated that a large number of zombies will be encountered. In addition to the ability to use small wires. Chu Xiang also prepared large opening equipment. Ten more advanced base cars!

Speaking of these basic car skeletons are all made by Chu Xiang and f virus. That is, five-color liquid manufacturing. It is natural to say no. Even the most powerful bombs may not hurt a little bit. It looks like a giant armored fort after spraying metal paint. Coupled with its own strong weight and front shovel. Plus there are two large round front wheels. It's perfect to use it.

Four base cars drive in front. Behind is a sonic tank. Then came armored personnel carriers and off-road vehicles. Mixed with other base cars in the middle. They can be used as a fire support in the event of a zombie attack on the team. The huge convoy traveled along the bus in the dark night. From time to time, unusual lights flashed in the sky. Even satellite communication signals are sometimes absent. Five kilometers away is the first town to encounter in the mountains.


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