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Chapter 390: Heavy rain

boom. A bolt of lightning struck down. This is not the weather that Chu Xiang controls. Nature is powerful. Even if Chu Xiangke intentionally adjusted the surrounding clouds, he couldn't hold back. The rainstorm was pouring in.

"Stop! The rest of the original!" Song Jun's password came from the intercom. The huge convoy stopped in the rain. Because of the problem of sight, do not pause temporarily. Wait until the rain is smaller before moving on. Otherwise, such a large team is very dangerous. Furthermore, it was slow to travel under the rain. The rush for this point is not worth the money.

"It seems that the situation is serious. Our estimation is still a little bit optimistic. Once nature has shown its power, it is not under the control of several of our evolutionists." Chu Xiang was anxious in the car of No.1. The rainwater on the bulletproof glass flowed like a scoop.

Song Jundao: "The earthquake warning came suddenly. Otherwise we could have more preparation time."

Chu Xiang said: "It's really impossible. I will enter Lab No. 8 in advance. Anyway, I used to stay there for a long time. Just avoid the monster that may be inside to find Bai Xiaowei's body."

Zhang Jingyao said, "If you do n’t know what to do, don't take any chances. You can't act lightly before you can understand the situation in the No. 8 laboratory. Is it safe. Safety is the first priority. Otherwise, how can she feel at ease."

Chu Xiang stood at the door and said, "Let's go. Let's go to the front to explore. Anyway, such a heavy rain can do nothing."

Chu Xiang rode on the flame horse. He wasn't afraid of being caught in the rain. Those raindrops took the initiative to avoid when he was far away from his body. Others need to drive off-road vehicles. These off-road vehicles are modified. It contains sonic weapons and thunder motors. The combat effectiveness is also very powerful. In addition to the lack of protective armor, it is a highly mobile combat weapon.

The man passed through Yantai Town. Through the rain curtain, you can see the zombies walking around the town. The heavy rain did not affect them much. However, the body odor was washed away a lot. Otherwise the smell in the air will be disgusting. This is the smell often heard in the doomsday world. Gradually many humans also began to adapt.

Xiaosi got off the off-road vehicle and got on Chu Xiang's horseback. She said: "Brother. There are no high-level zombies in this town. There are more than a thousand t2 not to be afraid. But I learned from the brain signals of zombies that there are surviving humans in front. Should we go and see?"

Chu Xiang said: "Go. There is nothing else anyway. It is good to know the situation around here. You take."

Xiaosi scattered the zombies in the town of cigarettes. A base car and five off-road vehicles rushed in with bright headlights. The shape of this town really looks like a cigarette bag. The most prosperous location is the smoking bag pot. But the survivors were on the cigarette handles. It should have been a farm there. Large swaths of grass are surrounded by high fences. Just a few more zombies were walking outside the fence. And now they have left. Can't resist at all.

The convoy stopped at the gate of the farm. The Tao is interrupted here. Look at the farm through the gate and the light. The grass grows tall inside. So that the specific situation inside the farm is not clear. But the walking surface is not overgrown. So we can be sure that there are humans in it.

"Wangwang ..." Two Tibetan mastiff-like hounds suddenly barked out of the haystack. But they cannot cross the fence. He could only bark his forefoot on the fence and bark at the people outside the door. Chu Xiang gently sent an ultrasound and turned the two hounds. It's not easy for these two dogs to avoid the t virus infection.

boom! Suddenly a gunshot. Hit the flame horse under Chu Xiang. The flame horse hissed. Because of its physique, of course, it is not afraid of this pain. Not even a little fur was hurt. But Blaze Horse is proud. It was certainly unpleasant to be shot in the dark. If Chu Xiang hadn't controlled it, he might have rushed in and killed the shooter.

"Come out for me! Will the zombies drive? Even humans fight. You tm are still not humans." Wang Shaohui scolded him from the farm. He carried two young men to the door of the farm. Then came forward and pinched the lock on the farm gate. Two off-road vehicles rushed in to control the favorable shape. Prevent survivors from going crazy.

"You, are you really human?" The two young men climbed up. The mud all over made them look embarrassed. But the voice was full of excitement and joy. The two were really confused. Will the zombies drive? Wang Shaohui's failure to kill them was considered cheap.

Chu Xiang jumped off the flame horse. Xiaosi followed closely behind him. Chu Xiang came to the front of the two young men and said, "We are human beings. How many survivors do you have here? It won't be easy to persist for so long. Tell me about the situation here."

The two young men forgot the wolverines thrown by Wang Shaohui. The two men came forward in the mud and took Chu Xiang's hand and said, "Okay. Finally, we met humans. I thought it was the mutant horses that came last time. You were sent by the country to rescue us. Comrade. Alright. We can't hold on anymore. If you do n’t come again, we may be killed by the monster. Oh, you still have a car. You were so nervous just now that you did n’t pay attention. Are you going to retreat immediately? Big guy. Hey. Why aren't you wet at all. What's wrong with this rain? I won't get you ... Who is this little girl. It's so pretty ... "

Chu Xiang shook his hands and shook the two sentries away. Wang Shaohui stepped forward to stop the duo who wanted to continue to be curious: "We are not sent by the state to rescue you. We are here to perform tasks. Don't ask more about what should not be asked. Say what you should say."

"Ah. Not here to save us." The two young men were disappointed. Then the two of them plopped on their knees and said, "Take us away. It was safe for us to live here. But there have been many monsters running in the mountains recently. Mutated horses often come to sneak attack these two days. We can't deal with it at all. There are very few bombs left. Everyone who does not leave here will be finished. We also heard survivors elsewhere saying that they have encountered the Black Dragon. That is even more powerful than the mutant horse. "

The two sentries were in a mess. Coupled with rain loud noises. Chu Xiang was also confused. At this time He Yaohui had instructed the co-evolvers to continue on the farm. Over the grass and woods blocking the view are living areas on the farm. Signals have been sent there to find a large number of survivors. Chu Xiang said to the two men: "You get up first. We will send you to the safe base. Go and see the other survivors first."

Hearing will be sent to the security base. The two young men got up safely. One person said to the wide-opened farm door: "Hurry up and close the door. It's troublesome if a zombies come in. Especially when we are on duty, the manager will kill us. He is cruel."

Xiaosi frowned and said, "Relax. You have to believe in our strength. There will be no zombies for the time being. This will take us to your base. Anyway, we will leave soon. Don't waste time."

The two young men glanced more at the soldier with the gun in their arms to be at ease. In their opinion, guns and ammunition are probably the most powerful. But they forgot. The shot just didn't even shoot a horsehair. And there is something that puzzles them. Chu Xiang was not soaked in such a heavy rain. The rain seemed to be afraid of him.

Rows of buildings could be seen under the lightning and a grove under the lightning. The highest is nothing more than a layer. But there are more than a dozen rows. Judging from the living area alone, the scale of the farm was not small. Just don't know how many humans have survived. It's a miracle that they can hold on for so long. This should have a lot to do with the evolution of t3 and t4 in Yantai Town.

There are piles of sandbags around the building complex. With the eyesight of Song Jun and others, the black hole muzzle on the building window can be seen. A young man shouted in a sharp whistle: "Don't shoot. We are back!"

In fact, people inside have long heard outside sounds and seen car lights. It's just that they didn't dare to run out. At this moment I heard the sentinel's report that someone rushed out of the building in the rain. "Where are so many people. Is there a rescue?"

The sentry did not explain much. He shouted, "Yeah. It's raining outside. Let's go in."

Chu Xiang, Song Jun, Xu Huai, Zhang Jingyao, Xie Shanshan, and Xiao Si followed behind the two sentries and entered a building surrounded by sandbags. Others are scattered around the guard. Although the zombies were scattered by Xiaosi. But listening to what the two sentries just said, there may be other mutant creatures in the mountains. So we cannot relax our vigilance.

In the middle of these dozens of rows of buildings is a small white building. There was a flicker of fire inside. At about this time the energy was exhausted. The only way to light is to make a fire. Two sentries brought Chu Xiang into the small white building. As soon as he entered, he was surrounded by a dozen men with guns. Human vigilance is very high in the last days.

A bearded teenage man stood lazily from the fire. He glanced at Chu Xiang and said, "You are here to rescue us? Why did you arrive so late? Our people are almost dead. I am afraid the government has forgotten us! What happened in the outside world . Is the government conducting a biochemical experiment. He. I said that the dictatorship is dark. Now we old people are all miserable! "

Looks like the information here is blocked. These people do not yet know what is happening in the outside world. Xu Huai looked at the beard in disgust and said, "Don't talk nonsense. How many people are here. Who is the leader here. We will be removed in a moment. Organize people right away. Um. It's spacious enough. There is lighting. Just come here. "

Bearded Hu also looked at Xu Huai and said, "Your plan and retreat tools and weapon situation. If it is safe, we will follow you. Otherwise, we will consider it. If you walk with you, you will not be sold know."

The man behind the beard was anxious. But he stopped talking. Seeing like a beard is very powerful here. Others did not dare to speak easily without his permission. Xu Huai raised his wrist and looked at the time and said, "Give you five minutes. If we can't call everyone together, we will leave on our own."

Seeing that the other party is very tough and angry. He dared to get angry and probably saw that most of the people who came in were women. And there are no obvious weapons. He yanked a pistol from his waist and said, "Don't think that we are afraid of you. We have lived here for so long. We have seen through life and death. I do n’t want to explain the situation and want us to follow you in a dim way! Where are we going .Everything will be explained in the future. "

Chu Xiang hates such people. Obviously praying to take them away. But he has to pull out a tough posture. It seems that the rescuer is coming to ask the rescued to save them. Probably it was distorted by eschatology. These people have some abnormal nerves.

The two sentries who came in with Chu Xiang and others saw the scene froze. One of them immediately stepped forward and said, "Manager Ma is calm. Do n’t move the gun. Everyone is human. Now these soldiers are coming to save us. They have six cars outside. They also have machine gun fuel. We Let the monsters harass for a while. Let ’s take the opportunity to evacuate them. There is no benefit in staying here. We must starve to death when the pigs in captivity are eaten up. ”

The bearded man, known as Manager Ma, suddenly raised his hand to slap the talking sentinel. "No vigilance at all. What if they were survivors elsewhere to rob us and kill us to eat meat! Even the door could not be kept. Damn it!"

Song Jun raised his hand and fired a dark arrow. I was right on Manager Ma's wrist. He couldn't hold his gun. When people around Song Jun saw the gun, he suddenly pointed at Song Jun. Chu Xiang urged the ability to control metals. The guns in those hands softened immediately! This scene shocked them. For a while no one dared to pant. It's like seeing a ghost. Including Manager Ma, he just covered his wrists and opened his mouth wide. They've seen t2 but they haven't seen the evolutionaries.

Chu Xiang told Xu Huai: "You go out to organize the humans here. Once again, we continue to explore. We can't delay much time. It is not worth them.

"This, what's going on. How could our gun be like this?" Someone finally came back. The beard also yelled, clutching his wrists. The gun he wanted to touch with his other hand. Zhang Jingyao directly gave him a high-voltage electricity. The beard screamed and passed out.

Xu Huai is very efficient. Ten minutes later the survivors on the farm were gathered. There are more than fifty people in total. There are a dozen women. The rest are young men. Fortunately, this building is large enough. They dared not pant around the fire. He looked at Chu Xiang and others with uneasy eyes. Weapons have been surrendered. Guns are useless for evolution.

As a woman, it is easier for Zhang Jingyao to gain their trust. So she stood up and said, "Don't be afraid. We are humans who have lived this way. You are saved now. We will send you to the large human base. You can live a stable life in the future.

"Really?" Several female survivors burst into intense eyes. Judging from their clothes and Caihuang's complexion, I am afraid they have been completely sinned during this time.

At this time, a man suddenly stood up and said, "Don't believe them! They killed Manager Ma. Maybe it was the survivors around us who came to us to kill us and eat meat!"

Good things are misunderstood. Chu Xiang was annoyed. However, the vigilance of human beings in the last days is not a bad thing. Chu Xiang hasn't had much contact recently. But a few months ago a lot of people still cannibalism happened. These people don't think so.

"Is your meat fragrant? The demon confuses the public!" Xu Huai stunned the man with one palm. Then he threw it with Manager Huoma. Since the two did not believe they were here to rescue them, they did not have to take them away. Let them stay.

At this time a female survivor stood up and said, "I believe you are good people. Take us away. We don't want to stay anymore. There are no more monsters to attack us and we don't want to stay anymore. We will be caught by them It ’s tortured! These men have food and drink. Every night they take turns insulting our sisters. For the sake of being women, please take us away. "

It is not uncommon for women to become men's discouraging playthings in the last days. Zhang Jingyao is not strange. The dozen or so male survivors surrounding the fire were furious. Someone pulled the female survivor down. "Let you talk nonsense! Fuck you!"

boom. boom. Xu Huai fired. A shot popped off the head of a male survivor. Keep killing them to stop the madness of these male survivors. The other women were scared to hide behind Zhang Jingyao and Xie Shanshan. The sound of the gun alarmed the evolutionary patrolling outside. They rushed in and took care of the forty male survivors.

The two sentrymen who came in with Chu Xiang shook their heads and shouted, "Don't. Don't hurt us. We haven't done anything bad. Both Manager Ma and his henchmen did. It has nothing to do with us."

Xu Huai motioned the evolutionists to bring the two men over. He asked, "What's your name?"

The two sentries hurriedly answered, "My name is Xu Yu and his name is Hong Fei. We are all employees of this farm. Honestly. Later, I do n’t know what happened to the world. One day we woke up and found that everyone was crazy. .You bit me and I kill you. Later Manager Ma led us survivors to kill all other madness. He took his place as the Emperor of the Earth. We closed the farm and continued to live here. But some monsters ran out of the mountain not long ago. It's almost impossible to keep here. We really want to withdraw from you. Help us. "

Xu Huai said: "What monster ran out of the mountain?"

The sentinel named Hong Fei said: "It's a very strange horse. They can raise their front hoofs to walk. They don't eat grass and drink human blood. We already have a survivor killed by them. If there were no weapons, they might have been killed here. They are ruined. "

Xu Huai said: "Where did your weapons come from?"

Xu Yudao: "After stabilizing the situation on the farm, we went out to look around. Weapons arrived at the county seat ten kilometers ahead. But the county seat was also full of lunatics. So we did not dare to understand it and hid. Later we I also inquired around. But what I heard was the same as ours. Even many of them were worse than ours. I heard that there are two bases that kill women and children for food. "

Hong Feidao: "Most of us are good. But Manager Ma is more lascivious. Most of the women here have been bullied by him. Then everyone sees the world like this. So he is. But we ca n’t eat people. We are in the farm. We have a large number of pigs. It is they that provide us with food. But those pigs are getting more and more fierce. We don't build up defenses outside the house. Now trying to kill them is quite troublesome. "

Chu Xiang no longer listened. Waved for a retreat. The rain was rushing outside. It would be troublesome if the heavy rain washed the way into the mountain. At the very least, let this team advance the mountain just in case. Xu Huai directed the survivors of the farm to leave. There was a sharp sirens outside.

"What's going on?" Song Jun shouted as he opened the door.

A soldier ran over in the rain. "Report commander. Unknown creature attacked at the gate of the farm!"

Chu Xiang's figure flashed out of the hall. Song Jun hurriedly urged: "I like these people!"

Two people called Hong Fei and Xu Yu looked at each other. The two muttered: "Still a commander. I don't know if I can fight monsters. It would be miserable if they were charged in."

what. What **** monster. Nothing in our eyes. A group of ordinary people can't even deal with t2. See all the ants as gods. "

Hong Fei did not dare to speak again. Xiaosi also ran out afterwards. The lights around the farm gates were bright. I saw a group of monsters nearly one meter higher than people walking around the fence. From time to time, they crossed the farm gate. However, they did not dare to approach after a few thunderstorms.

The soldier in charge of the alert reported the situation to Song Jun. These monsters have just emerged from the surrounding woods. Fighting power is not strong. But weird. So they issued an alarm to notify Song Jun to come to deal with it.

Xie Shanshan sent the monster to Chu Xiang's brain. Chu Xiang said: "This is a standing mutant horse. Two hind hooves have replaced human feet. Two fore hooves have replaced human hands. That Hong Fei and Xu Yu mentioned just now. Not surprising. I don't know if you guys should pay attention No. Some of them use weapons. This is different than zombies and creepers. "

The crowd really saw these standing mutant monsters holding sticks in their hands through the rain curtain. From them continue to exploratory attacks. Will actively avoid when encountering ultrasound. Instead of dying like the zombies and creepers. It can be seen that the wisdom of these monsters is no longer comparable to that of zombies and creepers.

Xiaosi tries to control these monsters. But she realized that she had failed. "Brother. It's weird. Their brainwave signals should have been no different from creepers. But why can't I communicate with them?" Chu Xiang said: "It seems this is a new mutation. Maybe not affected by t virus . That's why you can't control them. Try how powerful they are. "

Song Jun waved. The soldiers behind him started firing. Flip. Bouncing on a standing mutant horse. Puff puff. Bull holes appeared in the mutant horse's body immediately. It's just that it's not dark red blood. But a dazzling blue!

Xie Shanshan immediately transmitted the situation to Chu Xiang's brain. Chu Xiang was also surprised. He waved to stop Song Jun from shooting. But to Li Xiaoming: "Use the Terminator bomb!"

boom. boom. Li Xiaoming fired a few shots. The shot hit several standing mutant horses outside. One of them was hit in the head and died directly. The blue blood flowed out. The remaining two heads were seriously injured and slightly injured. After struggling, they drank stimulants like dying people. Sudden changes in the body!

It's like being inflated by an inflator. Two injured mutant horses swelled fast. This makes them look more like apes with their forelimbs liberated. Even more majestic. Especially the horse's face looked more frightening. boom. The first mutant horse suddenly changed from it. It lifted the fence from it. Then he pulled out an iron rod and shot it at Li Xiaoming as a sharp arrow! The actions are done in one go. It's completely different from their hesitation and just walking outside the farm just now!

Song Jun stepped forward to catch Li Xiaoming's iron rod. The power revealed on the iron rod shocked him. But Song Jun's foundation is how stable. He sank down with his feet to stay in shape. Then the mutant horse threw the remaining iron bars one after another. Song Jun took them one by one. He has explored the energy profile of this mutant horse. So he raised his hand. An iron rod shot out. puff. The mutant horse's forehead in the middle plunged it deep into the dirt! With the energy just obtained by this mutant horse, it is really overwhelming to try to compete with Song Jun. However, the power it showed by throwing iron bars was no longer what the original mutant horse possessed!

At this time, another injured mutant horse also changed. It originally had a stick in it. After the body swells, its wound is healing quickly. It also climbed up and waved a stick to attack the surrounding humans. An ordinary soldier could not resist its attack. An evolutionary stepped forward and chopped his head to end his life.

"How can this be?" Everyone was a little surprised. The development of things is beyond everyone's imagination. It seems that some weak mutant horses mutated into beasts when attacked by r virus. Fortunately, the Terminator bomb just fired indiscriminately. Otherwise, they will strengthen the enemy.

Chu Xiang commanded Li Xiaoming and said, "Notify the sniper. Replace the Terminator temporarily. These mutant horses are still good to deal with without mutation. The combat power is not high. But once the mutation occurs, ordinary soldiers are not their opponents at all.

Xiaosi tried to send a control wave again. Still unable to communicate with these mutant horses. She exasperated, "Where did these monsters come from. Why is the blood blue? They don't seem to be in the two categories of zombies and humans."

Chu Xiang said: "then treat them as the first species on the ball. I don't know what they will be affected by the t virus? This is very important."

Give her a few t3. These zombies have been wandering around at any time ready to hear her condemn. The remaining mutant horses did not leave. Instead, continue to wander outside the farm. T3 receives Xiao Si's order to attack them.

Because Xiaoxi deliberately kept these t3s from resisting. The mutant horse quickly prevailed. A dozen of them besieged a t3. In the end, the unlucky t3 was knocked alive with a stick! Then several mutant horses sucked on the dark blood of t3 like a stimulant.

Alas. Alas. The body of the mutant horse who consumed t3 blood was abnormal again. Although no obvious swelling was seen, muscle and bone firmness changed significantly. It was as if a boxer about to burst out clenched his fists. And the mutant horse's eyes became brighter. It's like having higher wisdom.

Suddenly a mutant horse hissed. The other mutated horses moving around heard the sound. They knocked open the fence intact with sticks. Then spread the formation and attacked a thunder machine. The striking angle of the thunder motor is also limited. Those mutant horses kept receiving horse calls. Then they changed formations. Lightning motors sent lightning strikes at them. However, there are always blind spots that cannot be shot. The mutant horses quickly approached. They held sticks to strike the maneuver soldiers of the lightning motor.

boom. The sniper replaced with a normal ammunition will kill the mutant horse that rushed up. They are intelligent and organized but their heads still cannot stop the bombs. With the first shot, Chu Xiang waved his hand. Many weapons fired at the same time. Both ordinary mutant horses and infected mutant horses have fallen. Only mutant horses infected with t virus have greatly increased their combat effectiveness. It wouldn't have been possible to kill them without sniping their heads! Ordinary evolutionaries can only fight with them alone.

"Bring two samples back to Professor Bai for research. All the rest is completely destroyed!" Chu Xiang ordered. This new mutant monster disturbed him. Plus the mysterious black monster. There is an unknown danger on the ball.

Li Haipeng quickly went to handle the matter. The survivors on the farm were also taken away. They identified these mutant horses as monsters attacking them. Fortunately, these mutant horses were not infected by t and r viruses before. Otherwise they would have been wiped out with their power.

Song Jun told Chu Xiang: "We need to investigate the origin of these mutant horses. Although they are not more powerful at the moment. But this is a dangerous signal. If they come out of Lab 8. There is enough to prove that there are more dangerous things. "

Chu Xiang said: "Yes. The key is not the power of these monsters. It is their power to mutate with viruses from the outside world. And their wisdom seems to exceed that of ordinary zombies and creepers. Once a species has high intelligence, they will It may become a ruler. It seems that the future ball will not be level. "

He Yaohui sent the evolutionaries to rain around to continue. Song Jun sent someone to take the team into Yantai Town. There are plenty of buildings sheltered from the rain. It's better than staying on top. Chu Xiang and others remain in the farm waiting for further news.

"A small number of mutant horses have been found around. It seems that they have not formed the scale of a zombie. And they have not changed again. From the perspective of dispersion. They should come out of the mountain. Maybe it is really the same as the number eight Lab related. "He Yaohui kept returning information from time to time.

Chu Xiang stood at the door and listened to the heavy rain outside: "The weather is getting worse and worse. Our plan will definitely be blocked. Laboratory No. 8 was originally built on the basis of a mine. If the rain is too heavy and the drainage inside If the system is damaged, I'm afraid it will flood the laboratory. If not, I will go in first. "

Zhang Jingyao raised his wrist and looked at the time and said, "Chu Xiang. We can't take any chances unless it is absolutely impossible. If the big troops really can't arrive in time, we will accompany you to the next lab before the earthquake arrives."

The rain finally began to weaken in the middle of the night. But judging by the flickering lights in the sky. I'm afraid the weather will not be good in the future. Chu Xiang has successively received reports from the front. The evolutionist took the rain to explore. Lab No. 8 claims to be a state-owned mine. Although located in the mountains. But transportation construction is a key project. If it weren't for this, Chu Xiang wouldn't be driving in Ji's car. I just don't know what kind of impact the heavy rain will have on the road. So reconnaissance is important.

"A large number of wild pigs were found on the farm." He Yaohui said to Chu Xiang again.

Chu Xiang heard Hong Fei and Xu Yu mention this before. And the two also mentioned that someone had encountered a black dragon that was better than a mutant horse. It is only temporarily unknown what this black dragon is. Chu Xiang said: "The pigs should be the original pigs that have avoided the infection. The survivors here have preyed on them. Leave a few remaining ones to grab and roast them. It's good for everyone to add strength."

As soon as He Yaohui ordered a large number of evolvers to catch wild boars in the rain. These wild boars are fenced around the farm to feed on grass. Individuals that are affected by the t virus are as strong as cattle. But they are okay against ordinary humans. If you want to escape the hunt of the evolutionary, it won't be.

Soon there was an oil fume rising from the buildings in Yantai Town ~ ~ even Chu Xiang's farm was a bonfire. Although it is still raining outside. But roasting pig legs around the fire made everyone forget the bad weather outside. The smell of oily pork legs has a yellowish scent. Sprinkle a layer of salt on the outside to make the fragrance more attractive. Cut a piece of roasted pork from time to time with a knife to eat. This life is really good.

The rain stopped at midnight. The team did not lose time and continued to advance in the dawn. The heavy rain refreshed the sky. The smell of dirt and grass replaces the common body odor. Even the long-lost man became clean. It took more than an hour for the convoy to reach the county seat of Yantai Town. Here's a small human-based one. The evolvers had explored this last night.

The human base of the county seat was built on a cemetery of martyrs. Because there is only one stone step up the potential. So it has a reasonable advantage in defending zombies. The cemetery of the martyrs is on the public side. When the team passed, whistle to Ji.

boom. boom. boom. The sound of gunfire in the cemetery echoed the whistle of the convoy. The entrance to the martyr's cemetery has been masonry with concrete. On it stood a famous male waving a gun in his hand. "Hey. Where are you from the survivors. Where are you going? Don't hurry. Our county committee leader wants to see your leader."


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