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Chapter 391: New evolution

Chu Xiang commanded: "Let the troops continue to move forward, I am afraid that the rainstorm will repeatedly and delay us more time, let Brother Ma stay here to deal with it."

Ma Xinghe nodded. He took a number of off-road vehicles to the human base in the martyrs cemetery, but it was only a few meters away, but there were many obstacles in the mouth, but the nearby zombies had been cleaned up at the moment, so the survivors in the cemetery Also came down to help, and soon drove the off-road vehicle to the entrance of the sealed cemetery.

"Well, finally met a large team of survivors. You have so many people and weapons that you don't need to worry about zombies attacking. How did they go forward? Why don't you wait for us. We have two people here, the last of the county seat. Residents, will take us away to a safe place, "said the survivors from the cemetery. They asked Ma Xinghe and others to ask questions.

Ma Xinghe pushed away everyone and climbed up the concrete fence. He saw a slippery tent inside, but last night's heavy rain made the tent muddy. Some survivors were pouring water from the tent. In addition, there was a martyr memorial in the cemetery. You can see the museum door wide open here, presumably there are people living there, and a lot of vegetables and unknown plants are planted in the open space of the Lingyuan District. It seems that they have also implemented self-help, otherwise they ca n’t persist for such a long time. It's just like the lack of daily life, these survivors of the gatekeeper are disheveled.

At this time, a group of relatively neatly dressed humans came out of the memorial. They hurriedly climbed up the concrete block wall. One middle-aged man in a gray suit eagerly said, "I am the county party secretary Zhang Shudong. Our county party committee leads The survivors of the county finally persisted in the rescue of the large army! Good to see you comrades! You have worked hard! "

When Ma Xinghe saw the leader of the base, he had to shake hands with Zhang Shudong and said, "Hello Secretary Zhang. My name is Ma Xinghe. We are here to perform tasks and time is tight. I can only ask you what you mean. You guys Should we return with us when our mission is completed, or will we first send you back to the large human base and settle down. "

Zhang Shudong first stomped at the huge convoy passing outside, which gave him a greater sense of security. He said, "We don't know what happened in the country so far. And we have been trying to send people to cities and provinces. Contacted here, but the people sent out have not returned so far, and the communication tools have not been found. The humans here have persisted to this day by their will. What is the big human base you call? "

There are so many survivors who still don't understand the true situation of the world so Ma Xinghe is not surprised. \\ "

Zhang Shudong said in surprise: "What is the evolutionary? Since the end of the world, what are you going to do in such a big scene to mine No. 8? Didn't you say that it was closed because of accidents? Frequently, monsters have run out of the mountains recently. You are Go to death? I have to stop you! "

Ma Xinghe said with a firm face: "We only need to execute the order of the country, and you should not inquire too much."

Zhang Shudong said: "What country's order is, just now you said that the end of the world, what mission is more important than survival, country? Is there any country and family at the end of the world? If so, you should save humanity. Live your life, not perform any useless task! "

Ma Xinghe said angrily: "Secretary Zhang, are you teaching me? What should I do? I know better than anyone. Now you only have one choice, and stay honestly to wait for our return. Otherwise, we won't bother you!"

But Zhang Shudong insistedly said: "You want to leave us no matter? Who knows if you will not come back, no! We have to go with you! The big guy said, right?" The two people sparsely said, "Yeah, we It is more and more dangerous to stay here, you have a car and a gun to take us away. It is safer to follow you than to stay here. "

Ma Xinghe thinks these people are unreasonable, just like meeting those people last night at the Yantai Township Farm, but it was an obligation to save them with good intentions. In the end, he had to kill a few of them to stand up and stand up. But think about it and feel relieved, these people have been struggling in the zombie world for so long, and finally found an opportunity to escape the birth day, how to give up, dead skin lazy is nothing, just last night the people were teleported away completely The worries have been resolved, but now Li Haipeng cannot deal with these people.

Ma Xinghe said coldly, "Just do it for yourself. Follow me if you want to follow, but we can't take care of you when something happens, don't regret it then."

Zhang Shudong said: "Do you think we need to take care of it? Which of the people here has not experienced the test of life and death. There have been more monsters here recently, so we are worried about staying another day, and the food is empty, so we must go."

At this time, a male survivor said, "You guys who are soldiers don't know yet. A black dragon has destroyed a human base 50 kilometers away. There are more than one person there who can't stop its attack. And these days we have some strange monsters like horses, so we wo n’t stay. It is said that it is a sign before the appearance of the black dragon. You better not go any further. There is absolutely great danger ahead. "

Black dragon? The survivors of Yantai Township also mentioned last night that Ma Xinghe inquired carefully. The news was originally spoken from a survivor who had passed through the destroyed base. He couldn't tell exactly what monster it was. He only heard a few words from the survivors who escaped there, according to witnesses. It is said that the black dragon will fly in the sky and cloud rain will cause lightning, so the ghost weather from yesterday must be its ghost.

Of course, Ma Xinghe refuses to believe such a boring statement. From the survivor's words, the majority of the monsters in the analysis may be too much. It may be an exaggeration of the so-called black dragon's strength, but Ma Xinghe did not intend to conceal it. The incident was originally reported.

Ma Xinghe said to Zhang Shudong: "If you are willing to leave, organize your people to retreat. I will transfer a few more armoured personnel carriers."

Ma Xinghe only caught up with Chu Xiang's team at the Heishui River. At this time, it was 1:00 in the afternoon, but it was gloomy as if night had fallen, the air was depressed, and some pungent odor was smelling, not corpse smell. It seems to be formed by the gas emitted from the ground.

"Chu team, the survivors of the base where we passed the ground in the morning were taken." Ma Xinghe reported.

Chu Xiang is staring at Heishuihe and the mountains with wide eyes. He feels extremely irritated. There are always blurry scenes in his eyes. It seems that vision is about to be restored, but that kind of dangling The feeling of going to the ground made him unbearable, and even an urge to vomit.

"What? What are you doing with them? We are in a very dangerous situation right now. Wang Bin said that there was gas escaping from the formation. There might be a small earthquake. Why not send them to the base to settle directly." Chu Xiang did not like to bring burden.

Ma Xinghe said: "Li Haipeng's teleportation skills have completely failed. The geomagnetic field is severely disturbed here. I wanted to keep them in place, but those people are resolute and say that they are afraid of encountering a monster named Black Dragon. The monster has destroyed a base, and it is said that the appearance of the mutant horse is a sign of the appearance of the black dragon. It is not known whether it is true or false. It is up to the Chu team to determine. If it is inconvenient to take them, we can stay before entering the Hera pass. they."

According to the previous intelligence analysis of Wang Bin, there is no longer any possibility for human survivors to enter the Hera Pass, and there are 50 kilometers away from Lab 8 there, all of which are dangerous locations. Today, the weather is changing and the magnetic field is seriously disturbing. All satellite communications failed, and the information in front of them could only be explored by the evolutionist. The Heishui River is less than one kilometer away from the Hera Pass. Chu Xiang's plan is to arrive at the Hera Pass today. "

Zhang Jingyao said anxiously: "If the problem is getting worse, will we have a solution?"

Chu Xiang shook his head, then he looked at the more than a thousand soldiers behind with a vague line of vision: "Maybe at the crucial moment, we still have to rely on human beings. Evolution is a bit like stealing a chance, and it may lose its effect in the face of more mysterious power. Fortunately, our common weapons also have enough land. As long as I don't die, I will continue to move forward! No matter whether I lose superpowers! "

Chu Xiang urged the five-color liquid to begin to spit out the coagulation liquid. He took five minutes to build a milky white arch bridge that collapsed the Heishui River. After the five-color liquid was withdrawn, the bridge body immediately solidified. Large base vehicles drove up, followed by infantry and off-road vehicles.

Several people from Chu Xiang first came across the river to rectify the team. He Yaohui hurried over from behind, "Chu Xiang, things are not right, things are getting weirder."

Chu Xiang said: "Are there any abnormalities in the body of your evolvers?"

He Yaohui said: "Yeah, even Song Jun and I felt that it was inappropriate, as if we went further, the energy was weaker."

Chu Xiang said: "It's the same for me. Zhang Jingyao had already noticed it. Now he can only reach Hera Pass. If the situation continues to deteriorate, all evolutionaries will stay outside Hera Pass. I cannot let everyone accompany me to adventure, and this is not It ’s the worst. I ’m afraid that if we go ahead, our Sonic Weapons and Thunder Motors will fail, but ordinary weapons should be fine. ”

He Yaohui said: "How can this happen? It doesn't make sense at all, even if the earth ’s magnetic field is abnormal, there are no mutant horses, and there are sudden mutant horses. They are tall, strong and powerful. If combined with t virus, they will become a kind of crawler. They are also going to be terrible monsters, and their number is constantly increasing, which will have a serious impact on our plans. "

Chu Xiang said: "Only their own strength is not scared. The fear is that their wisdom will continue to deepen. Who knows what will happen then, I hope they will be dumb in the end."

At this time, Song Jun hurriedly came to see his face seem to be more serious. "Chu Xiang, the matter is very serious. Wang Shaohui just sent back the information. Here are some photos for you to take a look at."

The short-distance communication is temporarily uninterrupted, which allows the information in front to be received in time, but the distance of the communication is getting closer and closer, and the strong interference makes the communication good and bad. Xie Shanshan gave Chu Xiang a glance The picture, and then she sent the signal she saw to Chu Xiang, and Chu Xiang snorted in surprise.

"What's the mutant horse holding in his hands? Did Shanshan give me the wrong signal?"

Xie Shanshan didn't notice. She thought it was just ordinary information about mutant horses. At this time, she remembered that Song Jun didn't have to report small things to Chu Xiang. In addition, Chu Xiang asked her to re-view. The standing mutant horse looks like a strong general with a large forefoot toe, holding something like a human finger.

"Gun! How is this possible? The thing in the forefoot of a mutant horse is a gun!" Xie Shanshan yelled. There are at least twenty mutant horses in the photo, but the inconspicuous one was carrying a rifle! Although he didn't have any posture to hold the gun at all, but the rifle was indeed carried in the forefoot. Could it be started without saying that the mutant horse carried a hot weapon? This is absolutely unprecedented.

The most unwilling thing to see in Chu Xiang's heart appeared. Mutated horses and zombies with blue liquid in their bodies are not a level! Their brains are evolving fast! Chu Xiang anxiously asked Song Jun: "Is this an accidental situation or a common phenomenon?"

Song Jundao: "Wang Shaohui didn't say in detail, but since he didn't explain further, this is only an isolated situation, so it should be so far."

Chu Xiang said: "I hope that we can finish our affairs before their rapid evolution, otherwise these standing mutant monsters will bring us endless trouble and urge the troops to cross the river faster. We must rush to the Hera pass tonight Then we set up our local rescue base there to prevent mutants from hitting our troops. "

Song Jun and He Yaohui should leave in a hurry to urge them to cross the bridge, and then there was a rattle of machine guns in front of them. Evolvers who didn't know much about Kung Fu returned. They looked incoherently, "No, it's not good. The mutant horse shoots at me! How is this possible? It must be our eyes watching the flowers."

At this time Wang Shaohui also appeared. He was carrying a tall mutant horse in his hand, and his neck had been broken. He threw the mutant horse to the ground, "Chu team, things are getting more and more interesting. You see this mutant horse, it is carrying a grenade bag! Do they want to organize troops? It was just a gun. Now With the grenades, it's strange where they got their weapons from. "

Song Jun ignored the mutant horse brought back by Wang Shaohui. He commanded the troops to quickly form a defensive circle on the other side of the Heishui River. The outermost area was the sonic tank, then the base vehicle and the off-road vehicle. The innermost area was Thunder Motor. Far away from the other side of the Heishui River, with the return of the scouts, there have been a lot of mutant horses there. Although they have not seen hot weapons, it is an indisputable fact to want to come. Of course, Chu Xiang couldn't see Wang Shaohui bringing back the mutant horse. Xie Shanshan didn't have time to send pictures to Chu Xiang, because the team crossing the river was clearly panic after the sound of the gunfire. Xie Shanshan must control the panic Soldiers to prevent accidental injuries caused by their random positions.

The booming horseshoes are getting louder and louder. Due to the gloomy sky, mutant horses can only be seen more than a few meters before the battle. Their teams are messy, and many mutant horses are even crowded ~ ~ This section is not spacious, some Mutated horses were even squeezed out of the male into deep drains. They noisily kept tweeting and then attacked the protective circle.

Chu Xiang knew his current superpowers. Even if it was disturbed, it was easy to deal with these mutant horses, but he did not plan to do it himself. This was to give the army a chance to train. If it continued to advance to the No. 8 laboratory, each evolutionary The disappearance and increase of energy will eventually lead to abnormal use, so ordinary troops will be the main force of the battle. It is the safest way to let them adapt to the war under the **** of the current evolutionary forces.

Two-half of the troops have passed the Heishui River. The water depth of the Heishui River is more than ten meters. Due to the torrential rain, the current can't be ferried. There is only one bridge that can be seen here. Very dangerous, but the probability that the enemy can cut off the bridge is almost non-existent, so Chu Xiang and others did not consider this at all when arranging the battle, but when the battle was about to start, Zhang Shudong ran over.

"Who is your person in charge!" Zhang Shudong shouted. "You should not continue to cross the river. You must let the troops crossing the river retreat quickly. Those mutant monsters are very powerful. You will lose money. They will be cut off by the time. It ’s too late to retreat! This is just a blind command. You do n’t understand the power of monsters! ”


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