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Chapter 393: Kill Black Dragon

Boom, the first explosion sounded, and flashes of light were seen in the heavy rain. Five base vehicles fired together. The fierce missile strike combed the water plant almost. Zhang Shudong, who was taken away, did not expect the other party to have such a strong firepower. In fact, In addition to being afraid, he wanted to show his face in order to let the leader of the army know his existence. Unfortunately, his ideas were not realized. The other party hated him and seemed to decide to go on. Then the mutant horse and the black dragon might threaten him. It ’s really miserable to be safe. The end of the world is not good. It seems that people are not playing cards according to the rules. The principle of obeying the majority is not useful. Thanks to their own hard work, they have pulled so many cadres around. No birds.

"Go forward!" Chu Xiang gave an order. The mutant horses of the waterworks were destroyed in one fell swoop because of their concentration. No matter what their wisdom and weapons were, they were useless. Two base cars were driven, followed by sonic tanks and armed off-road vehicles. Go along the male to the next mutant horse position.

The gunfire sounded like fried beans, but the team stopped just over a kilometer forward. The striker had already caught fire with the mutant horse. Chu Xiang has been sitting in the base car driven by the town and can be clearly seen through the infrared monitoring head on the base car. The defensive formation organized by the mutant horses. 50% of them shot at the team after hiding in a favorable position. Although the rain was heavy, the impact on them was not great. They refused to expose themselves to human slaughter like zombies, so It is very troublesome to clean them up, but because they are scattered, it is unrealistic to focus on missile strikes. That way, the ammunition carried by the base vehicle will be costly.

Alas, suddenly a team of mutant horses ran out from behind the bunker. They raised their hoofs fast, especially in the heavy rain, giving a strong impact. The offensive was not weaker than the creepers. The special forces of the Beijing Military Region were very powerful. fierce. The leading mutant horse was swept away by a burst of bullets, and the front legs were blurred in flesh and blood, but it took advantage of the hillside to roll down after falling down. There is a spirit of never failing to reach the goal.

"Explosives! Be careful with explosives on horseback!" A sharp-eyed evolver discovered the tricks of mutant horses. They are desperate to launch suicide charges. Since they will bury explosives, it is also conceivable to use explosives to strike troops. It was terrible. In just a few hours, it was just a few battles that made them so cunning and insidious.

boom. The explosion sounded, and the mutant horse body was blown apart, but because they rushed close, several soldiers were injured, and the mutant horses rushed from the mountain. The number is impossible to estimate. The time will go longer and longer, and their number will increase. In case this suicide charge continues. Threats to the army will grow.

Chu Xiang's vision recovered quickly, he did not know if he should be happy or worried. Because with the apparent restoration of his vision, he felt the loss of energy, and he couldn't afford to use his huge energy storage. The situation of other evolutionaries is even more worrying.

Chu Xiang gently patted the table and said, "The evolutionary speed of mutant horses is still beyond imagination. Maybe they are very smart.

The annoyance under Chu Xiang ’s heart is getting heavier. Many mutant horses are hiding under the stones and mountain walls, and some even hide in the grass or woods. The more scattered they are, the weaker the power of thunder and lightning, and Chu Xiang is faint. Feeling uneasy in the sky, Chu Xiang had a premonition of danger for a long time. But it has never been so strong at this moment, it may have something to do with his irritable mood, or it may be dangerous in the sky.

Chu Xiang sensed the position of the surrounding mutant horse with his consciousness. He quickly urged the energy to quickly freeze the surrounding rainwater, and instantly formed an ice cone in the air. Chu Xiang stretched out his bone wings to a fan of the ice cone, and the ice cone pierced the curtain of rain and fired around. Those mutant horses that have been determined One after another, Yi Chuxiang's current ability is of course a direct headshot. After firing several waves of ice cones in succession, the mutant horses seen around them were cleared, and Chu Xiang's wings spread into the air.

The thunder and lightning continued to strike. Chu Xiang flew and shot the mutant horses that could be seen to death. Many mutant horses noticed the threat from the air. They set up machine guns and fired at Chu Xiang. Although Chu Xiang ’s energy had Lost, but the body is not afraid of these weapons at all. But the mutant horses showed clever and fast response, which made Chu Xiang no longer dare to treat them as animals. They have become skilled fighters.

Because there was rain everywhere, Chu Xiang launched the quick freezing skills. The air plummeted where he flew, and the mutant horse was soaked. It freezes rapidly at low temperatures and breaks into pieces when hit by a bomb. Chu Xiang flew around the position and finally solved most of the mutant horse's resistance.

Hum, there was a wave in the sky. The anxiety in Chu Xiang's heart was even more intense. He only felt the heat behind his head and hurriedly flew to the side. He saw a white light burst down, an off-road vehicle was hit on the ground, and a huge explosion occurred. The soldiers had no time to dodge the heroic sacrifice.

Chu Xiang quickly jumped back and saw that there was a black object with a length of at least ten meters above him. He had a pair of antennae-like feet under his belly. He wriggle in the air like a land crawl. The black snake-shaped monster spewed white light again. The goal was to fly in the air likewise. Chu Xiang didn't dare to connect it. He flew to the side to avoid it. The white light hit a building on the ground. For a sea of ​​fire, even the heavy rain cannot be extinguished for a moment. It can be seen that the temperature is so high that ordinary evolutionists must not be able to stop it. Even Chu Xiang's current energy is afraid to try.

Song Jun and others have seen the sky on the ground, that is, the legendary black dragon, which has appeared once in previous battles, and almost killed the main members of the eschatology team. It was only a short while ago It reappeared, and its appearance was just like the survivor's rumor. Mutated horses are a sign. When the sign fails, the Black Dragons come to reinforce them. They must be a group and there must be some connection to unite them together.

Song Jun pulled a bow and took an arrow, and a steel arrow shot at the black dragon in the air. Chu Xiang was not idle in the sky. He immediately condensed a large number of projectiles at the end of the bone wing. He fired at the black dragon. The black dragon's movement speed is not fast. It floats in the air and moves continuously by its body. When it detects the coming of a hidden weapon, it lowers its head and emits a white light.

Song Jun ’s steel arrow was in the middle of white light, and the call evaporated out of thin air, while Yuguang of the white light shot towards the ground, and a group of frozen mutant horses hit him. The collision between high temperature and low temperature exploded, and the sound followed the rain and sky. Countless small ice particles sprayed down, the air was affected a few drops, and many soldiers snored.

The Black Dragon defeated Song Jun's steel arrow, but it did not have time to fight back against Chu Xiang's projectiles, and it was slow to fully avoid it, so all the projectiles hit the Black Dragon, banging, and a crisp sound, This result was unexpected for Chu Xiang himself. The tentacled feet of the black dragon in the sky kept breaking, but because of the deliberate meandering dodging of the black dragon, none of the projectiles hit the main trunk of its body.

Chu Xiang rose to the same level as the Black Dragon in the rain. His bone knife rushed to the Black Dragon. The dozens of pairs of foot touching the Black Dragon did not seem to have a great impact on the body. Maybe it was like a gecko. The black dragon was anxious. It turned around and fired a white light at Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang quickly descended to avoid the high-temperature white light, and then the person fell on the tail of the black dragon. The black dragon was not helpless, and its tail fluttered to throw Chu Xiang down. Chu Xiang's bone knife pierced the black dragon's hard shell.

Bang, with a crisp sound, the black dragon's outer skin, which is more suitable for shouting, is not very strong, but it broke apart. This is unexpected to Chu Xiang. Although the footsteps just now are not very strong, Chu Xiang thinks it should be Useless. So it doesn't matter if it's broken. The **** cricket can put a high-temperature laser, but the skin is so empty, which is really different from the indestructible shell of the creeper.

The Black Dragon didn't care much about the broken tentacles. But Chu Xiang pierced its rear body shell and made it miserable. It struggled to roll in the air, trying to get rid of Chu Xiang's entanglement, but how can Chu Xiang give up when he succeeded in a blow, he stabbed the black dragon's shell with a bone knife Stabilize the body, and then the bone stimulates to pierce again from the black dragon's abdomen, and sting. A blue liquid spurted out. It seemed that the black dragon and the mutant horse belonged to the same species. Chu Xiang hurriedly flashed because of the poison of the liquid. The black dragon was hurt, and his head and tail intersected. He sprayed a laser at Chu Xiang's body.

Chu Xiang did not dare to retreat in a hurry, the laser accidentally hit Heilong himself, and a smoke rose in the air. Heilongdi's tail was burned by himself. The black dragon was so annoyed that he had never encountered an enemy since his debut. It has always only been bullying other creatures in the air, but this time a creature has entered its world. "

Ma Xinghe said: "I don't know how many such black dragons there are in this world. I hope I don't have any more, so as to avoid harm to human beings. If it is not for the Chu team to fly in the air, I am afraid it will be difficult to deal with it, unless we Everywhere you go, you have an antiaircraft gun, and this monster is probably relying on air superiority, so you don't need a tough body. "

Chu Xiang no longer thought about it, he got up and said: "Go! Blast its corpse, so as not to be swallowed by other creatures and then mutated, these creatures with blue liquid inside are weird, we have to be extra careful."

Eliminated these two mutant horses that blocked, and eliminated a black dragon who came to aid. The enemy was unable to form a powerful formation for the time being. Occasional mutant horses along the way were also smashed by powerful firepower. The troops quickly advanced to the Hera Pass and finally arrived at the Yamaguchi Checkpoint at 10:30 in the evening. It has now been abandoned as a zombies. There are more than one zombies inside, but they are quickly wiped out by the soldiers.

Hera Pass is the only entrance to the No. 8 mine. This is a narrow road built in the valley, about two kilometers long, and only one truck can pass in one direction. The sides are hard and steep stone walls. A large crack may be more suitable. In order to facilitate traffic, checkpoints are located inside and outside the mountain pass to direct traffic. At the same time, the checkpoint is also to protect the laboratory in the mountain pass. This is a checkpoint, prohibited objects and personnel on the bright side. Traffic is strictly prohibited.

Although the rain is still falling, everyone is used to it. Fortunately, there are no mudslides and landslides. Otherwise, it is still a question of whether we can get here tonight. God once again visited Chu Xiang, although minor wars continued during the trip. However, there was no obstruction by natural forces, which made Chu Xiang's belief in successfully rescue Bai Xiaowei's body stronger.

The checkpoints consist of two rows and two floors. It was built facing the public when it came, with its back against the mountain wall. The army used base vehicles as the outer barrier, and built off-road vehicles and armed personnel carriers to build temporary fortifications around the checkpoint. One side of the fire was inside the mountain pass, and the other was up when it came. The scouts had gone to the checkpoint at the other end of the mountain pass, and Chu Xiang and others were living in the outside checkpoint. The base camp can only be set up outside and check inside. The station is used as a warning whistle, which is used as the first stop to stop the monsters from coming out of Lab 8.

"Our goal of the first step was finally completed on time. Everyone should report the situation." Chu Xiang couldn't wait to sit down and started working anxiously. He wanted to rush to the entrance of Lab 8 in the middle of the night.

Song Jundao: "The army ’s combat casualty rate is not high, but many soldiers suffered minor injuries during the rush, sufficient ammunition was supplied, the temporary fortifications have been completed, and the shading whistle has been released. Hera Pass is under our control. We are a strong point. Even if there are a lot of mutant horses coming in, we will live on, at least before the earthquake. "

He Yaohui said: "I have been monitoring the physical condition of the evolvers. Most of the evolvers have less than one tenth of their physical value, which is almost the same as the strength of the special forces, and we, high-level evolvers, can stay at five. At two-tenths of physical fitness, and most of the evolutionaries have some emotional instability, I have sent a large number of ordinary soldiers to mingle with them to prevent unexpected things from happening that cannot be stopped. "

Chu Xiang said: "We ourselves have noticed the frenzy, let alone the ordinary evolutionaries. It seems that the impact here is really great, and it may not necessarily be a geomagnetic anomaly. In short, Lab 8 is no longer a former army. The laboratory is here, and there must be other things happening after Bai Xiaowei and I leave. Now, they will take the initiative to surface because of the earthquake. "

Wuzheng Channel: "How are so many mutant horses spawned, how can they breed so fast in one year, and they are becoming more and more familiar with warfare. If their number cannot be controlled in the future, I am afraid that our enemies will be killed by zombies. Transformed into mutant horses. Although they are not as powerful as t3, t4 and individual creepers, they are also smart and cause headaches. "

Wang Bin said: "The secret can only be revealed in Lab 8. Brother Brother, let's go immediately. I can't wait."

Chu Xiang arranged the mission and said, "Brother Ma Xinghe goes to prepare equipment, and then stays at the Hera Pass with Wu Zhenghang and Zheng Haoran. You must pay attention to air defense, and the attack of mutant horses. I believe you can live with it. Moreover, this place is easy to defend. Attack, afraid of strikes from the air, and those lasers are beyond our control. "

Ma Xinghedao: "Understanding the Chu team, the two-kilometer-long crack in the Hera Pass can be used, and the black dragon laser will not turn any more. The twisted valley can serve as a natural barrier for us. In addition, we use the base The car came with two Black Hawk fighters. Old history said that as long as he is smart, he can drive in the rain, and then he can also strike the black dragon that may appear in the air, so that it will no longer have exclusive air superiority. "

Chu Xiang knew that the roofs of the two bases on this trip were carrying Black Hawk fighter planes returned from the United States. This was the result of a strong request from history. Considering that the communication would be interrupted, Chu Xiang agreed to this plan, only because Because of the weather, Chu Xiang didn't plan to use it at all.

Chu Xiang said: "Well, I still believe in the driving skills of the old history, but this thunderstorm is really not suitable for air driving. This plan can not be used if it cannot be used because our sonic destroyer has failed. It can be very bad to other mutant creatures. In addition, don't transfer the whole team to the valley. The narrow and abnormal inside can easily be dumped, and you can arrange the rest.

Ma Xinghe said: "Oh, although the Chu team is assured, my old horse is also a former soldier. This kind of confusion can't be done. I'm going out to prepare equipment."

Soon the news came from the checkpoint opposite Hera Pass, where a small amount of zombies and mutant horses were found, but they have been cleaned up, and the checkpoint on the other side has been controlled, asking the base camp to send an armed off-road vehicle to defend, Song Jun reference After Chu Xiang's opinions, they mobilized famous soldiers, 20 armed off-road vehicles, and 10 sonic tanks to defend the mutant horses from the direction of No. 8 Lab. The armor of the sonic tanks was used to replace the base vehicle. The barrier effect, the narrow gap of the Hera Pass is not enough to pass the base vehicle, otherwise two base vehicles can be mobilized to serve as fortifications.

When everything is ready to stop, the next step is to determine the people who enter the Hera Pass. Before that, Chu Xiang had not expected that the evolutionary would lose energy, so all members of Anzhao ’s eschatology team have been involved in planning, but now this plan is not If applicable, even Chu Xiang's own energy loss is more than half, and it is even more dangerous to bring a group of women who have almost lost their ability to enter the No. 8 laboratory, so the personnel list needs to be reconsidered.

As the main combatants, Song Jun, He Yaohui, Li Niu, Wang Shaohui, Zhang Debing, Li Yingjie, Xu Huai, Li Xiaoming, Liang Tian, ​​etc. are inevitable to travel together. Even if they lose their superpowers, they will be more powerful than ordinary special forces, and Zhang Jingyao, Zhou Muqing, Lin Bo] Bo, Fang Yuxuan, Xiao Si, and others need to stay. Once they lose their superpowers, they are ordinary women, but Xie Shanshan, as a brain evolutionist, may be used urgently even if there is only a trace of energy left. So it is listed as a companion.

Although Zhang Hongbing, Sun Gaoqiang, and Wang Bin did not have combat effectiveness, whether or not they could go to Lab No. 8 played a decisive role, so they had to participate in the operation, because it was up to them to open Lab No. 8 and find the frozen body of Bai Xiaowei. The others can only stay at the base camp with Ma Xinghe, and the extra people will not help but distract Chu Xiang.

After a quick dinner in a hurry, everyone drove two armed off-road vehicles and two armored personnel carriers ~ ~ The torrential rain is still going on, and I can hear the rumbling of the mountains from time to time. Noise, the mountain in front of the Hera Pass is not steep, Chu Xiang et al. Did not encounter landslides and mudslides. Apart from good luck, there are also reasons for the immature mudslide conditions. After entering the pass, the ascent difference suddenly increases, and there are mountains and rocks from time to time. Passing by, it kept everyone's hearts hanging in the air.

Flipping, the off-road vehicle drove out two fire snakes. Under the searchlights, you can see a team of mutant horses moving forward along the bus. The bouncing them became a sieve, and the blue liquid dyed the bus. Dazzling, the last surviving mutant horse struggled to pull the grenade, and then kicked it under the off-road vehicle.

Chu Xiang's vision was restored almost as normal. With a searchlight, of course, he could see the behavior of the mutant horse. When his arm deformed and extended, he looked at the car and caught the smoking grenade, then threw it in. In the mountain stream on the side, the explosion and the explosion aroused a water column. The water stream on the male side is already flooded, and it may take a long time to flood the mountain. The terrain of Mine 8 is very strange, before reaching the Hera Pass Basically it is climbing, the drop is very large, but after entering the Hera Pass, it is almost downhill. The drop is even greater. Mine No. 8 is like being at the bottom of a funnel. The heavy rain is a disaster for this kind of terrain.


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