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Chapter 394: Defense pass

"The temperature on the ground seems to be rising," Xie Shanshan watched the surrounding changes with her delicate observation.

Song Jun opened the sunroof probe of the armoured personnel carrier and observed: "Yes, if it is not raining, you may see rising steam. This should be a sign before the earthquake. A lot of high-temperature gas escaped from the earth's crust. "

Zhang Hongbing said: "God must bless us to get down to the No. 8 laboratory. The ghost earthquake should come a few days late, otherwise the underground would be dangerous."

Chu Xiang handed the telescope to Xie Shanshan from under the car to wipe out the rain. He said: "The number of mutant horses is getting more and more, but their goal does not seem to be us anymore, but to the whole. Moving outside, I hope Ma Xinghe will return to us safely. "

Flip-flops, the two off-road vehicles still blasted in front of the road, and the sides of the road were full of mutant horses. Most of their hoofs had no weapons or even formed a formation, but the number was comparable. When entering Hera Pass several times more, but these mutant horses basically ignored the four cars, and even escaped the off-road vehicle's sweep and continued to go out of the pass.

Ma Xinghe's defense experience is still very rich. He scattered his forces to the ends and middle of the Yamaguchi, and set up checkpoints to install air defense weapons at several important locations. Important ammunition supplies were also hidden in the cracks. The Scout Scouts gathered intelligence around them and soon learned that there were a large number of mutant horses moving from the mountain to the mountain pass, but most of them did not have weapons, which eased Ma Xinghe's concerns slightly.

Banging, the door of the Yamaguchi checkpoint office was knocked, and the guard shouted, "Master Ma, Master Ma, there is nervous information!"

Zheng Haoran opened the office door. A scout came in, "Reporting to Master Ma, a large number of mutant horses were also found outside the Hera Pass. They escaped the reconnaissance when we came, and at this moment they are moving out of the hidden rocky mountain forest. In addition, we also found a The batch of zombies is approaching the mountain pass! The number of their lands is about 5,000 to 7,000, and it is unknown whether there are t3 or t4. "

The electric map has been cast on the white wall. Ma Xinghe quickly drew a few points on the map according to the information of the scout. His voice changed into anxiety: "The mutant horse is to encircle us inside and outside, to be precise It was to surround Hera Pass and destroy our defensive forces. I said how long they are so honest in the dragon city. It turned out to put us into a trap. Now it is time for them to close the net. "

Zhang Jingyao said: "Simple mutant horses are not scary. We completely blocked them with our firepower, but what happened to a sudden mass of zombies? Zombies should not be dominated near mountains."

The Scouts reported: "These zombies came from neighboring cities. They did not move so fast, but they have already acted, but they have been hidden in the mountains without our knowledge. If they did not appear on their own initiative, maybe we are now It may not have been possible to issue them, and these things are now becoming cunning. "

Ma Xinghe said solemnly and honestly: "These beasts can't help us see the ground. We have informed the 1st Battalion and 2nd Battalion to strengthen the alert inside and outside the mountain pass. We can only use the terrain advantage to stop the mutant horse from launching a ground attack. Let the battalion immediately prepare for battle! The fighting power of horses is not to be feared. But once they are combined with zombies, it is very troublesome. So we must destroy them before they reach the pass! Stop them from mixing with mutant horses. "

Xiaosi stepped forward and said, "Let me come to deal with the zombies. Keeping the mountain pass is the point. You are doing this."

Ma Xinghe said: "No. I can't let you take risks. Your energy loss is very heavy. It is still unknown how many zombies can be controlled now. Old history. Aren't you noisy about to fly a plane. I think it's time now. We want to I immediately turned back to meet the zombies. I was afraid that I would be too late to go. I hope that the combat power of the American ghost plane will not blow out. "

Shi Zhengqian heard that the air force is about to be used. Jumped up immediately from the chair. "Okay. I'm going to check the Black Hawk. Let's try if this American is solid enough."

Zhang Jingyao said: "I'll go too. Xiaosi also follows. How much can I help? In short, we must prevent mutant horses from converging with these zombies. Otherwise, our trouble will be a big problem. In case we can't keep the mountain pass, I'm afraid People like Chu Xiang will be more dangerous. "

Two Black Hawk helicopters took off in heavy rain. Although the navigation system does not work. However, under Shi Zhengqian himself, he can still fly manually. It took several hours to arrive. It can only take more than ten minutes to get a straight line in the air. A large searchlight on the helicopter shot through the rain curtain and saw the zombies on the ground. They are in a hurry. There are a lot of mutant horses before and after the team. These zombies were abducted.

Xiaosi shouted in response to the wind and rain: "Let me try it first, otherwise you can launch an attack! If we control this batch of zombies, we will increase our combat effectiveness."

Wu Zhenghang is in charge of the battle. Although Ma Xinghe also wants to come in person, Hera Pass is more important than here, so he stayed in town. Wu Zhenghang turned back from the co-pilot position: "Okay, we dive down and get closer. At the same time, the machine gun is ready to launch an attack at any time. "

Xiaosi sends a control signal. From her past strength, controlling this zombies is a piece of cake. If there are t3 and t4 in the zombies, it is even easier. You only need to control them to control the entire corpse, but The five or six thousand zombies that stretched over a few kilometers long were all t2. Xiaosi had only worked hard to send a large area control signal.

Zhang Jingyao was sitting next to Xiao Si, and she paid close attention to Xiao Si's actions. When she saw that Xiao Si's face became weaker and weaker, and she sweated on her face, she grabbed Xiao Si's arm and said, "Stop, Stop controlling it! Kill those zombies with weapons! "

Wu Zhenghang is also in a hurry. The helicopter has circled back and forth over the zombies. The mutant horse curiously looked at the two black eagles above his head, and maybe he would shoot a few shots at any time, so the delay was too great. "Fire!"

Flip-flops, the cannon mounted on the helicopter fired, and the zombie fell down like a frost on a winding male. Suspended missiles were also launched at the same time, and bombers, bombers, and zombies in public positions were not spared. The two black eagles were also equipped with heavy machine guns in the transport bay, and the two soldiers fired left and right, as if The two moving firepower fortresses quickly smashed the zombies one after the other. It is no wonder that a black hawk topped the country by one regiment. This was not blown out.

"Attention. Stopping the missile launch will easily destroy the bus. This is the only way when we go back!" Wu Zhenghang shouted loudly. A missile penetrated into the hillside. After the explosion of the rainwater-soaked hillside, a large area collapsed and most of the duke were covered. Although the zombies were also smashed, it also caused difficulties for future traffic.

Xiaosi didn't breathe until then. She said nervously to Zhang Jingyao: "I can't control the zombies, how can this happen, what can I do. In case I no longer have superpowers, then I can't help my brother, what should I do?"

Zhang Jingyao comforted Xiaosi and said, "Don't worry. I believe this situation will not last long. We will recover when we leave this place. You see, it is easy to destroy them. Just swipe two more rounds and they will be destroyed. , We have air superiority. And the firepower is very strong, they can't be stopped. "

The situation on the public under the searchlight was really miserable. Most of the zombies were smashed by bullets, but they still crawled tenaciously, dragging a pile of dirty belly, leaving a dark stream of water behind them. Some zombies have not been hit for a while. They look up to the sky blankly, maybe they are looking for a dangerous source, because of the lack of high-wisdom zombies, these t2 are really walking dead, except for cannon fodder.

The mutant horses that drove the zombies were enraged. Although they were also hit by helicopters, the firepower of the two helicopters was always limited. Especially this is a relatively scattered male. It is impossible to say that all creatures will be killed. Many Mutant horses are looking for weapons to fight the helicopters in the sky, and a few mutant horses bow their heads to chew the zombies on the ground! They already know that they can gain powerful combat power by mutating again!

Zhang Jingyao has the most abundant superpowers, so after the energy loss, she is the strongest evolutionist except Chu Xiang. Through the layers of rain, Zhang Jingyao observes what happened in the public, and the mutant horse actively **** the zombies' flesh and blood, then They can drive these zombies for imaginable purposes, just to use these zombies as mutated leads! They were struck by helicopters only after the zombies had exposed their targets, and they were unable to successfully drive the zombies to Hera Pass to operate.

"Kill those mutant horses, they are actively sucking on zombies!" Zhang Jingyao nervously reminded Wu Zhenghang that Wu Zhenghang had limited vision, but he also discovered the mutant horse when he lowered the helicopter to less than a dozen meters above the prehistory. Amazing behavior, even a few mutant horses that have been eating early have stood up with **** mouths open. The tall mutant horses are even more majestic when they stand on their hind heels, and their bodies are roughly half a circle thicker than before zombies. Two horses Eyes shone, as if full of infinite wisdom, "Oh ..." They roared soaring that the shaking helicopters seemed to tremble.

Flick, bounce on the mutant horse under the foot, hoe, slap, after the fall of several mutant horses, the other mutant horses suddenly and smartly dodged and fired, and then two mutant horses jumped up! Bang, it smashed into the helicopter door glass, shocked the history of driving the helicopter, Zhang Jingyao saw a Malaysian face, she immediately released a power grid, the Malaysian face was electric Scorched smoke fell from the rain curtain, if you let it hit the helicopter's bulletproof glass again, it won't stop it.

"It can jump more than ten meters high?" Wu Zhenghang couldn't believe it, but he wasn't idle. He controlled the cannon on the black hawk to knock down the mutant horse that was eating around the zombie body, but This is just a small scene of the public. A large number of mutant horses suddenly emerged from the mountain and the bottom of the ditch. Their goal is to zombies that have been bombed and rotten in the public. Two helicopters want to stop them from eating. It's totally impossible, I'm afraid that twenty crosses will not do it.

Bang, if another helicopter was hit by a cannonball, it even dropped in mid-air, Zhang Jingyao hurriedly observed, and it turned out that a tall mutant horse had caught the black hawk's chassis. This weight was originally for the black The eagles have no effect, but they are not honest. They relied on their strong and strong bodies to shake again after mutation, and the helicopter was originally unsafe to fly at low altitude and rain, and the pilot was almost unable to control the black hawk.

Historian responded quickly. He pressed his own black hawk down, the cannon fired, and he flew past the belly of another black hawk. The mutant horse was cut in half, leaving only two forefootes still. Holding the helicopter's chassis firmly, Zhang Jingyao sent a wave of electric current, and the mutant horse was beaten down. Without the help of the evolutionaries to help humans fight these monsters, it was easy to lose.

"Retreat!" Wu Zhenghang decisively issued an order after shooting several mutant horses back and forth to kill a large number of secondary mutations. The mutant horses emerged from the stone seam like ants. At this time, they could not stop them from smoking. Zombie flesh. Moreover, after the ammunition of the combat helicopter was about to run out, it would not stop the mutant horse from mutating a lot. Now it is only possible to return to the Hera Pass and rely on the terrain.

Ma Xinghe heard the sound of the helicopter hurried out of the checkpoint office. Regardless of the heavy rain, Wu Zhenghang and Zhang Jingyao were greeted, "How's it? Have the zombies been wiped out? The information ahead has not been returned."

Wu Zhenghang jumped off the helicopter and reported to Ma Xinghe: "Zombies are basically not much left, but the number of mutant horses has suddenly increased. They have started to actively **** the zombies that were destroyed. Several mutant horses even jumped to the midair to almost destroy them. Drop our helicopter. Because there are at least one thousand to two thousand monsters that mutate twice when there is insufficient ammunition to retreat. "

Ma Xinghe was extremely nervous when listening to the earth. One or two thousand mutant horses with secondary mutations, in addition to being stronger and more powerful, will also improve their wisdom based on speculation. Originally worried about the wisdom of these monsters, it is even more reassuring now, and it is still thousands of lands. It's a big deal this time, but the only good thing is that. They did not drive the zombies to the mountain pass to eat, otherwise the situation would be more difficult. There is still time to redeploy the defense.

Orders for the fight were issued immediately, and a battalion was left behind by Hera Pass. Because there are several base cars outside the mountain pass, the firepower is a little stronger than that inside the mountain pass, but Ma Xinghe still transferred a company from the second battalion of the mountain pass in the mainland, and strengthened several firepower points along the rugged mountain. Already heard the rattling of horses' hoofs, which was particularly shocking in the rainy night

Zhou Muqing tried it out. Her current range of ultrasonic waves is limited to ten meters. This distance is not helpful for the combat that will soon take place. She rarely experiences that Chu Xiang is not fighting beside her. In addition, the energy loss is now apparent. The tension was extremely high. "Notify Chu Xiang and tell us what happened here. There are more secondary mutant horses. I'm afraid we can't keep it. Lin Que said:" No, you can't contact Chu Xiang. Don't say, at this moment We can't share his heart either. There is only one chance to save Bai Xiaowei. If she can't find her in the laboratory on the 8th, she will be destroyed by the earthquake! We ca n’t keep it, we have to keep it, telling the troops not to waste ammunition, to plan for a protracted war, as long as we can persist until Chu Xiang returns safely, we will win. "

Ma Xinghe naturally also considered the point of protracted warfare. Although a large amount of ammunition was transmitted by the conveyor at that time, but after the consumption of one and the number of mutant horses increased, the logistics became the most critical issue. With the topography of the cracked mountain in the Hera Pass, as long as the ammunition is sufficient and it finally retreats to the valley, it can also stay for a day or two, so the reasonable use of existing ammunition is critical.

The location of the checkpoint is very clever. Standing on the second-floor window can bring the majority of the people outside the mountain pass into the line of sight, but the heavy rain makes the line of sight blurred. Even using night vision telescopes is blurred, but with the sound of horseshoes Approaching, a black crow figure in the rain finally appeared.

Ma Xinghe did not stay in the checkpoint. Others have arrived at the first checkpoint. This is a straight line with a length of meters. The deep side on one side is a towering mountain wall. The mutant horse that rushes up will pass the death line of the meter. There is no cover for them to hide. If you want to charge, you can only fill it with your body!

"Fire!" Ma Xinghe yelled and waved his hands. The mutant horse in the rain looked horrified, and many soldiers looked scared.

The first mutant horses that rushed up did not seem to have considered the danger at all. They did not carry weapons, and they ran forward with four hoofs running nonstop, and the momentum was so strong that they would collapse Panshangong! But when a shower of rain rushed forward, these mutant horses became embroidered pillows.

Five machine guns kept firing, and a few meters wide was blocked by a metal frenzy. Although the mutant horses were powerful, they were not strong enough to use their bodies to block bullets, so the first wave attacked them to lose more than two horses.

Comrade Xinghe was not happy in the first round. He knows that the mutant horses are not so powerful in their bodies. Although their ground power is quite strong after the second mutation, they are far worse than the creepers they encountered before. What really scares humans is their wisdom! The first wave of mutant horses suffered a big loss because they didn't understand the bottom line of human defense. After throwing away a few horse corpses, they quickly retreated, which definitely laid the foundation for future conspiracy.

The evolvers who stayed outside the pass continued to get news. Ma Xinghe placed a map in a depression near the mountain wall. Zheng Haoran and Wei Qingchun were all there. A pile of pebbles was pressed somewhere on the map, which meant to withdraw. Variation horse. Judging from the light, they still have more than a thousand lands. As for hiding in the dark, I don't know.

"They don't have a team ready to launch a second wave of attacks, as if waiting for something," Zheng Haoran said.

Wei Qingchun said: "I think they are waiting for reinforcements. I only hope that they are not black dragons. Otherwise, the checkpoints we set will be forced to retreat. At that time, the defensive line will be greatly compressed, which will be very unfavorable to us. "

Ma Xinghe Channel: "The number of black dragon lands will definitely not be large. Otherwise, they will be called a lot in the previous battles, and the Chu team's penetration into the No. 8 mine will definitely pose a threat to them, so their main strength may still be deployed at Inside the mountain pass. We only need to drag the force outside the mountain pass and suppress the internal force of the mountain pass to win, so no matter who they wait for reinforcements, we can drag another minute to count one minute. "

At this time, the murmur of scouts came from the intercom. "... mutated horses have weapons, they are going to charge on sentry card ..."

Wei Qingchun patted the walkie-talkie vigorously. Unfortunately, the signal is still bad, this is not a matter of distance. But the interference situation is getting more and more serious, Ma Xinghe said: "No need to tinker. As long as the mutant horse is not transferred to the Black Dragon, we are not afraid to let the soldiers prepare for the battle. It is reasonable for everyone to use weapons to decide the battle. It is reasonable to tell everyone not to Fear, whoever kills the mutant Maddo will be promoted to any position! If anyone escapes, don't blame me for hitting him directly! "

The hoof hoof sounded again, because the communication was disturbed and it was impossible to know what the mutant horses had prepared. It was not clear to everyone when they entered the metre-long death male that the mutant horses used steel armor shields. I don't know where they came from a dozen centimeter thick steel plates. Dozens of mutated horses pushed forward with these plates by their infinite strength. Behind the steel plates, there were a lot of mutated horses with rifles waiting.

Wei Qingchun took a spit of water: "The monsters are smart. It is impossible for our machine guns to shoot through steel plates! Let everyone prepare grenades and wait for them to blow them up."

Ma Xinghedao: "Notify the commander of a battalion in the mountain pass ~ ~ and let him transfer a team of armor-piercing rocket launchers. No one is allowed to shoot without firing orders. Now grenade preparation! Two per person, I call one I vote for the first, and I call for the second! "

The human side has not yet waited for the mutant horse to enter the throwing range, but the physically strong mutant horses have entered their throwing range. A tall mutant horse suddenly stood up from behind the steel plate, and its front hoof fluttered into the air. I saw a locust flying behind the steel plate. The last grenade smoked through the rain curtain and threw it into the human defensive position. The mutant horse actually used human strategy and threw the grenade ahead of time based on their physical strength!

Ma Xinghe is a little dumbfounded. These mutant horses have such a trick, and they are preemptive. This so-called No. 1 sentry card is a pile of sandbag stones and two sonic tanks as a bunker on the public, but this bunker cannot stop it at all. Grenade explosion! Seeing more than one grenade as a hood, there is nothing he can do as a Ma Xinghe ordinary evolver!

Wei Qingchun and Zheng Haoran are also anxious and useless. Like Ma Xinghe, they are both physical fitness evolvers. They do not pay attention to the evolution of skills, but instead advance their physical fitness. After interference, they are only one or two points stronger than the special forces of the Beijing Military Region. It is simply impossible for them to deal with so many grenade attacks at the same time. In fact, even if Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming were at the same time, they would not be able to blow up so many grenades at the same time.


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