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Chapter 395: Debris Flow

Mutated horses use steel plates as shelters to block human shots, and then they move to the throwing range and throw grenades. This method snored Ma Xinghe and others, and watched the grenades reach the top of their heads helplessly. There was nowhere around the male bare hide.

Hum, there was a wave in the air. The grenade flying above his head suddenly flew backwards, banging, banging, and fell into the mutant horse group. An explosion occurred. Zhou Muqing came over at a critical moment. This big star is not a decoration, although only the remaining The kill range of the next ten meters, but using ultrasonic waves to shake those grenades back is a trivial matter.

"Thank you brothers and sisters, thank you for arriving in time, otherwise we can make them blow up," Ma Xinghe said with anxiety. Zhou Muqing said: "You ’re welcome, I ’m here to send letters. There are a lot of mutant horses in the mountain pass. They are already at war, but fortunately, those mutant horses have not undergone secondary mutation, so they can play fewer tricks. "

Ma Xinghe just showed another cloud on his happy face. "I see. The second battalion commander must hold the checkpoint. If I lose the checkpoint, I will ask him!"

Zhou Muqing said: "Sister Jingyao and sister have helped in the past. I will stay here to help you. If those mutant horses are difficult to deal with, we will reduce the line of defense. It is better to concentrate forces than to disperse."

Ma Xinghe nodded: "We will definitely retreat when necessary, but this male terrain is really lethal, so it is a waste to give up and see what tricks they will play. It is also good to stay for a minute."

Fang Yuxuan was accompanied by Zhou Muqing. Her flame damage was also greatly reduced. At present, it can only maintain a distance of less than five meters, and the temperature is not high, but it is better than nothing. It can still be used in melee, but when When Fang Yuxuan saw that the face of the mutant horse was exposed from behind the steel plate, Fang Yuxuan felt that he did not have the courage to fight melee. The monsters were dirty and ugly, and she was afraid.

The mutant horse did not expect the grenade raid to fail. However, that loss is negligible for them. After rectifying the formation, they once again used the steel plate as armor to rush the death male. Of course, the steel plate is still followed by a mutant horse, as long as the steel plate escorts them to the attack range. Later, these mutant horses will jump out and kill all humans encountered.

The anti-tank armor-piercing rocket launcher was already in place. Ma Xinghe did not dare to let the mutant horse approach this time. When the distance was more than two meters, he issued an attack order. This was a straight public land with very favorable terrain. After launching, the beach did not have to turn straight to the steel bunker of the mutant horse.

Zhou Muqing and Fang Yuxuan also had several other evolvers. Although their strength was damaged, they were always better than ordinary soldiers, but it was not easy to eliminate the mutant horses. The mutant horses did not walk away from the dead male of that meter, but climbed the mountain to avoid the frontal strike. Now they successfully broke the barrier of the No. 1 sentry card. More mutant horses took the opportunity to pass the wide-sighted male. Their addition makes the situation at Post 1 even more critical.

Zhou Muqing hurriedly sent out ultrasound waves, but the two mutant horses just climbed up and down from their male counterparts. They ran in while they were holding one steel plate to block the bullets fired by the soldiers, while the other hand was waving one. An iron rod hit Zhou Muqing's head directly.

Fang Yuxuan used flames to drive away two mutant horses, but the mutant horses were not injured due to the steel armor. They turned and rushed to other soldiers. At this time, Fang Yuxuan saw Zhou Muqing in danger, and she could not care about the two mutant horses that escaped. Hu's blast of flames pulled Zhou Muqing aside.

Although Wen has greatly reduced the flames sprayed by Fang Yuxuan before, it is more than enough to deal with ordinary iron rods. The mutant horse was attacked by the flames and the iron rods were defeated. It irritated the steel plate as a weapon and smashed at Zhou Muqing and Fang Yuxuan.

Da Da Ma, Ma Xinghe picked up the machine gun and fired violently. The mutant horse exposed from the back of the steel plate was hit in the head, and it was instantly smashed into a rotten melon. The steel plate also plunged to the ground in the middle, and Zhou Muqing took the opportunity. Fang Yuxuan retreated to the corner of the mountain wall, the two were back to back, while emitting ultrasound while emitting flames, the mutant horses couldn't get closer for a while.

puff. A mutant horse smashed a soldier's head with a punch. Although it was also hit in the heart, it did not kill him. Instead, it attacked another soldier and cut off one of his arms. The battle scene became more and more fierce. The mutant horse itself was tall and cruel after the second mutation. Powerful, ordinary soldiers are not opponents at all.

"Retreat!" Ma Xinghe must retreat in time. No. 1 sentry card could not be fixed. Mutated horses have advantages in all aspects. The advantage of sniper after melee contact no longer exists and must be retreated to the next sentry card.

The second post is located at the corner. There is no wide field of vision here, but because the terrain is dangerous at the corners, it is difficult for mutant horses to get around from above and below. They are once again blocked from advancing offensive and throw a lot of horses in front of the second post. Corpses, even the method of using steel plates as a cover is not enough. Humans have prepared anti-tank rocket launchers, and when necessary, they can repel the mutant horse's attack.

After retreating to the second post, Ma Xinghe strengthened his firepower and searchlight alert. Because the terrain was more dangerous and the horse could not attack for a while, he hurried back to Hera Pass to direct another battle. Although there are many mutant horses in the mountain pass. It was maintained at about six, but they did not launch a full-scale attack. Only from time to time, there will be scattered teams to charge at the checkpoint in the mountain pass, but it is easy to be repelled. Those mutant horses have no secondary mutation, and the momentum of attack is not as violent as outside.

Hurry to have a meeting with Zhang Jingyao and learned that there was no danger in the mountain pass. Ma Xinghe rushed back to the checkpoint base camp outside the mountain pass. Although there were fighting inside and outside, the base camp was in a stable condition. The work was organized in all aspects and ammunition supplies From time to time, they are transported from the valley, and the fortifications outside the base camp are constantly strengthened, even if they can persist for a long time.

The situation at Hera Pass is temporarily stable, but mutant horse tricks will never stop there. It ’s just that they have not launched a more powerful attack. At this moment, Chu Xiang, who has penetrated the mountain pass, is in danger. I do n’t know if it is. God's favor came to time. The team encountered a large debris flow landslide. The two off-road vehicles driving drowned in the mud-rocks washed down by the valley.

Most of the evolved energy was lost due to abnormal disturbances. Although Song Jun and others reacted in time, they were unable to return to the sky. They watched two off-road vehicles being washed down the valley, and there were several eschatological team members, including Chu Xiang. It was all on top of them, and everyone's hearts fell into their throats.

Liang Tian jumped from the armoured personnel carrier behind him, and then jumped off the valley next to the male side. Song Jun grabbed him, "What!"

Liang Tian shouted, "Go and rescue the Chu team! He fell off the valley. Didn't you see it?"

Song Jun calmly said, "You can't save him. If you go down to such a deep valley, you will be killed. Chu Xiang must have a way to save himself. \\ * \\"

Zhang Hongbing, Sun Gaoqiang, and Wang Bin all got off the armored personnel carrier. Their anxiety was not less than that of Liang Tian. There were six people on the two off-roads, Chu Xiang, He Yaohui, Wang Shaohui, Li Yingjie, Xu Huai, and Li Xiaoming. It is a character who stands alone, but now the evolutionary energy is disturbed and lost, otherwise this mudslide cannot wash them away at all.

The rumbling noise in the valley continued to pour down. The two armored personnel carriers were also in dangerous positions. Song Jun shouted and commanded Zhang Hongbing and others to retreat. Everyone resisted tears and returned to five. Domi, the two off-road vehicles have been washed away by mudslides for a long time now, and a few tons of rock and sand will mess up the progress of the public. They ca n’t go forward desperately and yell. She has never been so scared. If there is no outside She believes that this danger is nothing to Chu Xiang. But everyone has very little energy left. Sudden burial by mudslides can be life threatening.

Chu Xiang did feel unprecedented pressure. His superpowers in his body were better than everyone, but when he was drowned by mudslides, his resistance was futile, and the power of nature was not Chu Xiang at this moment. The energy in the body can fight, so he can only gather Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming beside him to prevent them from being washed off the off-road vehicle by mudslides. As for Wang Shaohui, Li Yingjie and He Yaohui in another vehicle, they are temporarily unknown.

The off-road vehicle plunged down the valley with the rolling stones and slammed. The car hit a protruding mountain wall. The off-road vehicle was thrown out of the earth and temporarily wrapped away from the mud. Chu Xiang was overjoyed that his left and right arms quickly extended. One hand grabbed a pine tree on the mountain wall, and the other grabbed the other side of the valley. With the impact of the mudslide, the pine tree was uprooted, and Chu Xiang had a focus in his other hand, and he was not panic. He loosened the pine tree and Li Xiaoming immediately. Then the man broke through the window of the off-road vehicle and banged. The off-road vehicle again mixed into the mudslide and continued to fall into the valley. However, Chu Xiang contracted his stretched arms and threw Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming to the opposite slope, and then he plunged into the mudslide. in.

He Yaohui is the driver. Wang Shaohui was sitting in the co-driver's cab, while Li Yingjie manipulated the mutant horse encountered in the back of the machine gun. The debris flow that caught his head caught people off guard, and he was drowned in the mud when he was too late to say half a word. The car rolled over, He Yaohui's driving was useless, the bulletproof windshield was already broken, and the mud and stones filled the off-road vehicle. People lost air in an instant and could only sit in the original position under the pressure of the mudslide. Falling off-road vehicle.

At this time, it doesn't matter whether you are fast attack or stealth. If you cannot get rid of the debris flow, you will be buried deep in it. Dozens of meters thick mud can make you see no sunlight for several years, and eventually become a pile of dead bone. People tried to escape from the rolling off-road vehicle first, but failed several times. Instead, their strength became weaker and their breathing became more and more difficult.

The performance of the military off-road vehicle has to be said to be powerful, and the light was not extinguished when it was rolled down the valley and was hit by mud and mud. This brought great convenience to Chu Xiang's search. Fortunately, his vision was getting better and better, otherwise If you ca n’t see the light in the sand, it ’s difficult to sense the person. It ’s a little bit delayed, and Chu Xiang desperately vibrates the bones and wing. From time to time, big stones and mud hit the bones and wing. In the past, if his strength is high enough, he will be drawn into the mudslide again. The heavy rain is still going on, causing the flood of mudslides to become even more violent. The mountains continue to collapse and the size of the mudslides becomes larger and larger.

Chu Xiang finally followed the trend of the valley to catch up with the stubborn off-road vehicle. Others suddenly stretched their arms in mid-air, just when the off-road vehicle was thrown up by the rocks below. Chu Xiang took the opportunity to grab the car frame and was trapped in the off-road. The people in the car suddenly popped their heads out of the mud. "Ah ..." they all screamed out the exhaust gas in their lungs.

This person is an experienced senior evolver. It took only a blink of an eye to know that Chu Xiang came to rescue them. It was not difficult for Chu Xiang to hold an off-road vehicle to fly, but this is in The mysterious mountain No. 8 has strange interference waves here, coupled with such a heavy rainstorm, he cannot control the off-road vehicle for a long time, He Yaohui whistled, and people jumped out of the car, Chu Xiang then Take the opportunity to throw away the heavy off-road vehicle and take people to the hillside where the two of Xu Huai have just dropped.

With his feet finally landing, He Yaohui, Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie escaped from the dead. His face was very pale. The heavy rains quickly washed away the mud from everyone. He Yaohui took a breath and stood up to observe: "The hillsides here are steep and easy to occur. The landslide is not safe, we must return to the public immediately, otherwise everyone will be anxious and said, "I observed the terrain in the air, and we walked for less than half of the journey. The mudslide that just happened completely destroyed the public, and the rest The two cars were separated at the other end and couldn't get over at all. Going down from here was a continuation of the public. You go forward and I will go back to meet the others. "

Although the mountain was steep, he Yaohui and others immediately set off. They immediately set out for the male not far below the hillside. Chu Xiang stretched his bones and leaped into the air, and the strange light lit from time to time in the dark night. That is definitely not lightning. It can only be interpreted as an anomaly from the affected current plane, like light.

Xie Shanshan, Zhang Hongbing, and others were crying in a hurry, and suddenly Chu Chuan fell from the sky. Xie Shanshan threw himself into Chu Xiang's arms, "Frightened us, if you don't come back, we will go down to the valley To save you. "

Chu Xiang said: "Don't I tell you, I have to listen to Song Jun's arrangement when I'm not there. You really want to go down to save me. It's a death. What about the others. Has there been any death?"

When Song Jun saw Chu Xiang's heart, it was also loose. He believed in Chu Xiang's strength the most, but he was really bottomless in this ghost place, but no matter what, Chu Xiang once again proved his strength, and the debris flow could not help him. Presumably, He Yaohui and others should have escaped, otherwise Chu Xiang would not fly back now.

"No one was injured. Only the Tao was destroyed." Song Jundao said.

Chu Xiang said: "We abandoned the car and moved forward, the torrents became more and more fierce, and I was afraid that the entrance to No. 8 would be flooded, and we could not delay any more."

Other than Zhang Hongbing, there was no comment. Zhang Hongbing did not agree to abandon the vehicle because he had many tools in the armored personnel carrier. That was intended to pry open the equipment of the No. 8 laboratory. This was to prevent Wang Bin from unlocking the secret code for the backhand. Once the car was abandoned, the hand would be useless.

"Can't we repair it anymore?" Zhang Hongbing suggested, in his opinion it would only take a few minutes to build a man with Chu Xiang's strength.

Sun Gaoqiang said: "You're stupid. The river in front of you has become a mudslide. Unless you can change the flow of mudslides, what's the point of repairing them under mudslides? Besides, repairing will seriously consume the energy of the Chu team. "

Zhang Hongbing gave up the idea and was ready to be taken away by Chu Xiang, but Chu Xiang also considered the necessity of some tools, and his space ring came in handy at this moment. With the upgrade space the space of the ring is already considerable. Although it is impossible to fit all Zhang Hongbing's equipment, it is important to take away.

Twenty minutes later, the people who escaped from the dead converged under a mountain wall. The rain was not weak at all, and everyone took a break here to catch the rain. If it went well, they would reach the entrance of the No. 8 experiment in Liangtiandi. I hope that there has not been buried by floods and mudslides, otherwise the trouble will be big.

"Let's eat something, otherwise I don't have the strength to walk behind." Xie Shanshan opened his backpack to share dry food and water for everyone. Although he didn't feel hungry in the belly, everyone took it. The real danger has not yet come. Keeping strength is the key.

He Yaohui's brow has not been stretched, and he is also unhappy biting dry food. Song Jun patted his shoulder and said, "Don't be depressed, I'll hit the outpost, you can make a whistle, my speed is faster than you, but there is I don't understand the question. "

Xu Huai's hand holding the biscuit trembled. In fact, it was not just him. The hands of several people who had just escaped from the mudslide were shaking. This is a sequelae left after tension. "What's wrong with Brother Hui, is this the mountain What secret did you discover? "

He Yaohui said: "This is not the case. I was thinking that the amount of energy lost between us is almost the same. The existing strength is maintained at two-fifths of the original. Oh, it may be less than one-fifth now, but you Have you observed that the strength of the Chu team does not seem to be calculated in accordance with this ratio ~ ~ It is worth considering. "

Chu Xiang himself did not consider this issue. Before, he had been paying attention to the energy loss of the evolver, but he did n’t have a clear concept of himself. He just saved a lot of energy, and now it looks like it ’s not the original energy. One-half or two-fifths should be kept at least at least halfway. "Chu Xiangdi's strength is stronger than ours, and his energy loss is also affected by energy, which proves that there is really a problem here. "

Song Jun agreed with He Yaohui's statement. He said: "Although the nature of the situation is the same, Chu Xiang has avoided the loss of more energy. If we can find out the reason and use it, this will lead us to the eighth experiment. There is great help in the rescue operation in the laboratory. We must know that the current strength of several of us can hardly help Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang took a bite of the compressed biscuit and said, "Yes, Lao He's right. Now we are all losing energy, and there is no explanation for the weird thing about mutant horses. Maybe there is Longtan Tiger Cave under Lab 8. We need to adjust the most powerful fighting force to face, but I am also confused, I did n’t notice anything wrong. The only abnormal thing is that the more interference I have, the faster my eyes recover, now I ’m talking to ordinary people. It's the same. "


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