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Chapter 396: Enter the barracks

Xie Shanshan said puzzledly: "It's really weird. Chu Xiang's eyes are fine, but they can't be conveyed to the brain by imaging. But in this case, they have recovered. Does it matter?"

The thoughts of the people who got to the bottom of the matter were unreachable once they were hooked up. Song Jundao said: "There is one thing I do n’t know if you have any impression. The black monsters first met with Chu Xiang. Come out and treat me as my first enemy. This is really strange. Does Chu Xiang's body have any wonderful mystery? "

Everyone put forward their ideas one after another, and Chu Xiang also began to recall that he, as a party, may be a little bit unconscious of Lushan in the beginning, but now he is reminded by everyone that Chu Xiang associates the root of the matter with his super powers. The thing that disappeared went up.

Seeing that the rainstorm in the sky showed no signs of stopping, Chu Xiang decided to take a break for a while, and this was just the investigation of his own body. "Everyone remembers the virus strike in my body

Everyone nodded. If they could find the reason for the slow energy loss of Chu Xiang, maybe they could prevent everyone from continuing to lose their superpowers. At that time, they could also help Chu Xiang. "Remember, but it has been restored. Is it related to them? ? It seems that the f virus is also very sensitive to the environment here. When it was repaired earlier, it behaved very mentally. "

Chu Xiang cut open the skin and released the f virus. Sure enough, it lay on the shoulder of Chu Xiang like a eggplant beaten by frost. Chu Xiang urged it to build a rain barrier above his head and find solid fuel in the space ring. A fire was set off, and the man was okay to say. Xie Shanshan began to tremble, the temperature of the ghost was getting lower and lower. In addition, the mountain wind blows from time to time.

Chu Xiang was doing the work on the hand and said, "Yes. My energy is plainly from this virus. Since that strike, they have a habit. They will not work when they do not use super power, and When I received a command from my brain, it broke out instantly, which is probably a way for them to save energy. Slowly, I also got used to this life. Although the black monster scanned me, although I was on alert, the virus was not No energy erupted, so I was no different from ordinary people at that time. "

He Yaohui patted his thigh and said, "Yes, no wonder they targeted Song Jun first, and the light enemy also paid the black monster a price. It turned out that they did not detect your energy at all. Is it because of your energy majority now? Time is not working, unlike our constant external interference. So your energy loss is much weaker. "

Chu Xiang said: "I think so too, I just communicated with the f virus again. It said that every time I entered the mountain after I issued an order to make them work, they would be extremely tired. If this is not the case, The energy to ban them is getting weaker. "

Li Yingjie anxiously said, "The reason seems to be found. But it is not useful to us, and the Chu team cannot prevent the energy from continuing to flow. Unless it is not used."

Song Jundao: "However, Chu Xiang can maintain the current level. As long as he does not use superpowers before entering the No. 8 laboratory, he can prevent the continued loss of energy, and our task is to send him safely."

He Yaohui said just do it. He got up and climbed out of the rain-covered mountain wall: "I went to the front. You will listen to the signal to follow." Wang Shaohui got up and followed: "I will go too. The two have a care."

Although Chu Xiang figured out some things. But it is not very useful for solving the current difficulties. The situation is still difficult. In addition, Ma Xinghe, Zhang Jingyao and others at the mountain pass may also be in danger. This is really a leaky house. Don't wait for me. Save Bai Xiaowei This is something that must be done immediately. No matter what circumstances can not stop him from planning

Not long after, Wang Shaohui whistled. Chu Xiang led the team. Song Jun and Li Yingjie postponed. Everyone drove forward along the well-worn. The torrential rain kept on going underground. The raincoat is too early. Liang Tian and Li Niuxing used their raincoats to pack their guns and ammunition to go up.

boom. There was a sound of gunfire ahead. Despite the heavy rain, the sound was still harsh. After the break, Song Jun jumped out. "I'll go check it out!" Song Jun was afraid that Chu Xiang would act first. That would cause a loss of energy. So he has to rush ahead of Chu Xiang. Furthermore, He Yaohui was cautious if he did not encounter a major problem and he would not shoot.

Bang bang. Instead of stopping, the gunfire rang. Finally, there was a huge explosion. The firelight illuminated the direction of the advance through the rain curtain. According to this, there are at most meters. The ground was destroyed by mudslides and landslides, and it was much more difficult for them to walk.

Chu Xiang took Xie Shanshan's hand to observe the night vision telescope first. He said: "It is a type 99 main battle tank. Isn't the artillery unit stationed outside the No. 8 experiment. How come out of the tank. There are so many strange things."

Zhang Hongbing had a better understanding of the tank. He took Chu Xiang's night vision goggles and glanced first: "Yes, although it exploded, it can still be seen. It is a ztz99-type main body with a total weight of 5 tons and an off-road speed of 60 km. For battle tanks, the compound armor resistance is doubled compared to ordinary tanks. It is really difficult to deal with it if it is not detonated from the inside. "

Sun Gaoqiang hurried forward and said, "Strange, have you encountered human survivors? But Brother Hui didn't need to detonate this tank, we just lacked weapons and equipment."

Zhang Debing observed the situation ahead after Zhang Hongbing. He said in a low voice: "Not a human survivor, but a mutant horse. They have been killed.

Sun Gaoqiang silently, and when he arrived, six tall mutant horse corpses had been placed on the ground. They were blurred with flesh and blood, and there were two brains flowing over the ground. Xie Shanshan almost spit it out. The sound of gunfire should be against them.

There is no need to say anything. Being able to drive a complex ztz99 main battle tank is not something that ordinary creatures can do. Even if the creepers bring it, they may not be able to get the pile of steel, but now a group of mutant horses can drive it out. The barracks went public. If it hadn't been discovered early, perhaps they would have been able to drive out of the pass. If the public is not damaged.

He Yaohui silently went to the front again, everyone knew. Mutated horses can no longer be seen as monsters. They should be regarded as equal to human intelligence, plus their unknown quantity and strength after the second mutation. Everyone is heavy in heart. If you do n’t destroy them, let them run. To the outside world. It can be imagined that human bases can no longer be as flat as before, they will be more powerful and insidious than twice as many as zombies.

The continuing team was a little dull, only hearing the sound of rain and the thunderous torrent in the valley on the public side. Xie Shanshan quietly sent a message to Chu Xiang's brain, "Is the situation serious? Speaking of it, I'm afraid no one will believe it. "

Chu Xiang said silently to Xie Shanshan: "So we must destroy them in the bud. If we let them develop and grow, we are afraid that the future world is not a battle between humans and zombies. It is a war between humans and mutant horses. They Will use all the resources that we humans can use. This makes them far more powerful than zombies. What are they? "

Xie Shanshan certainly did not know the answer. Chu Xiang is not trying to get any hints from Xie Shanshan. He just wants to talk to his beloved woman. The team moved silently for ten kilometers, and after a few large gaps, it leap over several completely destroyed pieces. Finally, it was not far from the entrance of the No. 8 laboratory, and Chu Xiang sent a reception signal, and the lights flickered. After a while, Chu Xiang said, "Accelerate the march. The artillery battalion site can be seen in front of it. It seems that He Yaohui also found a very strange thing. Let's go and see it immediately."

Everyone was a little tired when they walked. Now I heard that they are almost there and there are strange things, so everyone rushes forward and catches up. He Yaohui and Wang Shaohui, who are in front of the ground, are not much time. The two are standing at the moment. In front of a cliff, Gong reached the end in front, and a landslide will destroy the Gongchong halfway up the mountain for a full ten meters, but this is not absolute for Chu Xiang. Standing here can see the funnel shape. The bottom of the valley.

"There are lights in the artillery barracks, do you believe that humans survived there?" He Yaohui handed the telescope to Chu Xiang, Xie Shanshan and others couldn't wait to start rain observation with another telescope. Although the sight was blurred, but from above There is still an advantage to look down, and it is indeed faint to see a row of buildings standing on a flat valley. The light inside is far away and the heavy rain looks weak.

Chu Xiang said: "If there are humans in it, then I am afraid that the tank will not be a mutant horse. Since they can drive the tank to tinker with the generator, there is no problem, but what do they want to do with electricity? Not pure lighting, our opponent It ’s really getting more and more interesting, alas, is there a lot of trees in the barracks? It seems like there should be no other trees besides pine trees, even if it is greening, you do n’t need to plant them on the surface. It ’s weird that those trees bear fruit like a big banana. After a while, you send me to the other side to scout. I think those trees are weird. "

The entrance to Lab 8 is past the barracks. Both locations are at the bottom of the valley, but they are not the lowest point. When the original design was made, the big torrents were not taken into account. Otherwise, it will be a vast ocean now. Actually, The funnel-shaped valley floor in this mountainous area is not a small area either. Flash floods do not want to fill it up in a short while, but if this kind of heavy rain lasts for two days, presumably nothing will be seen here.

The team broke off under the transportation of Chu Xiang. He Yaohui first explored. From time to time, mutant horses appeared on the bus, but they were scattered and not formed. Considering that the gun would alarm other mutant horses, after all, it was close to the nest. Therefore, He Yaohui and Wang Shaohui both use super powers to kill. Fortunately, these mutant horses have no secondary mutation, and it is easy to deal with them, otherwise it will be really troublesome for them to have less than one tenth of the original energy.

He Yaohui made a gesture to Wang Shaohui. The two men entered the barracks one by one, the left and the right. The barracks and the fence were worn out early, but two mutant horses are now standing on the two armed sentry posts set up at the barracks. The rifle was guarded by the rain, and it was indistinguishable from humans. Behind these two sentries were two heavy machine guns, with four or five mutant horses hiding in the bunker. They whispered in a low voice, just like humans chatting idle and bored.

The lights in the building look much brighter at this moment. He Yaohui was not in a hurry to explore the role of the light. Since the mutant horse is so smart to use electricity, it is not a big deal. The key is to see what the tall banana tree is doing. thing.

Avoiding several mobile sentry posts, He Yaohui finally dived under a black tree. This tree is taller than ordinary telephone poles. I am afraid that the two of them can't hold each other. There are no leaves, but the branches are regular. There are four branches every two meters, and each branch is hung. A dark fruit.

See no horse alert in this wood. He Yaohui quietly appeared in shape, he boldly walked into the woods, and the first branch was about the height of a normal human. You can reach the thick and long fruit by reaching out. He Yaohui first stepped forward and took a closer look at the tree pole. As expected, this is not a tree in human consciousness. At least the bark is wrong, smooth and delicate. Faint seems to be a little bit warm, and every ten seconds or so seems to emit a short hazy and transparent feeling, allowing people to see the rapid flow of sap in the tree.

He Yaohui lifted his toes and touched the long fruit hanging on the tree pole, which was sticky. Suddenly there was a throbbing movement. He Yaohui put his ears together and listened carefully. There was movement, and he didn't know why. It's a pity that South Ruolan didn't follow, otherwise it would be immediately clear.

There was a slight sound behind him, and He Yaohui suddenly turned back. The two fast swords in his hand were retracted before they were shot. He lowered his voice and greeted him, "Chu team, why are you here? These trees seem to have life."

Chu Xiang first hid the crowd for a while and scouted. He first went to the building and peeked at the mutant horse. The guys actually distinguished the functional areas in the house like humans. The horse heads came and went, but they It doesn't seem to use the word function, at least for now.

Chu Xiang didn't fight the idea of ​​the mutant horses in the building. He was most curious about the outside tree, so he quietly quit to look for He Yaohui. Alas, Chu Xiang came under the tree and provoked the bone knife. Just look at it. "

He Yaohui is also thinking about this, but he also knows that cutting a horse that may be patrolled by the mutated horses, because there are four fruits hanging on each circle of the branch, and one less is very conspicuous, but Chu Xiang is at his moment. Don't worry about that.

Alas, He Yaohui rushed to make a knife for Chu Xiang. When he jumped up and down, the long knife was gently cut on a fruit, as if the placenta of amniotic fluid was broken, and a stinky black water burst out with a sound. He Yaohui and Chu Xiang both hurriedly avoided, whirling, as black water slid from the fruit out of a pile of objects wrapped in mucous membranes, they kept struggling to move.

He Yaohui stepped forward to cut the mucous membrane with a long knife. The two people were shocked to see the probe so unexpectedly, it turned out to be a mutant horse that had not been fully formed! It was curled up like a fetus, and the body moved a few times from time to time, and He Yaohui directly cut off the still young head that it still showed.

"Originally this is not a tree, this is a breeding machine for mutant horses!" Chu Xiang touched the tree pole, and his bone knife was cut along the tree pole. The smooth tree pole was not the xylem but the roots. The channel for feeding nutrients, only the middle part of the structure is very hard to support the entire weight of the entire breeding tree.

"Somebody ... No, there is a horse." He Yaohui just exited and held back with a smile to correct it. The two hurriedly threw the young mutant horse corpse on the ground into a shelter, and then hid quietly.

The breeding tree selected by Chu Xiang is relatively hidden, plus the fruit-like embryo that was started is originally in the dark, and the team of mutant horses is more careless and does not see the same thing. The heavy rain is still very dark and it is dark. The amniotic fluid had been washed away. The team of mutant horses quickly passed nearby, and then went straight to another forest a few meters away. As if there was any purpose, Chu Xiang and He Yaohui quietly followed.

Mutant horses make coughs, maybe that's their language. Under the command of one of the mutant horses, more than a dozen mutant horses entered the forest and started to move. Chu Xiang and He Yaohui hid in the dark for a while and understood. They are harvesting fruits. The mutant horse climbs the tree and runs on the top of the tree. They carry a long rod with a sharp knife on the head. Such a cut of amniotic fluid on the embryo. The broken small mutant horse fell to the ground, his body was really strong, and he could not fall to death.

Kung Fu was completed without a single tree. And most of the small mutant horses that have fallen to the ground can poke through the mucous membranes and get up, and they only open their eyes in a few minutes under the rain. The skin and horse hair quickly changed to the normal mutant horse, and the horse's legs stretched out a few times before hissing and joined the team.

There are also a few who fell to the ground without breaking their mucous membranes. The mutant horse that came to pick the fruit came forward to tear it apart with its hoof. Soon the tree was harvested, so the mutant horse that led the team tweeted. The newly joined mutant horse ran to the other trees happily. Take the initiative to replace the original mutant horse. Quickly collecting the fruits of the tree.

Chu Xiang did not fight the grass and scared the snake. He took He Yaohui back to his hiding place, and Wang Shaohui also returned. He said, "Chu, this is the lair of the mutant horse, and the barracks have been completely occupied by them. I went to the arsenal to see those guys It is a miracle to use the maintenance tools inside to make more weapons. Their wisdom is again beyond our imagination. "

He Yaohui said: "There are other things you can't imagine. The trees outside are actually breeding trees of mutant horses. The fruits are covered with small mutant horses. We just witnessed the process of their birthplace. I checked the entire barracks. In one go, there are about 50,000 to 60,000 fruits. Even if we want to blow them all up, it will take a day or two. "

Chu Xiang's face was even more worried. He added: "At present we can see that the amount of land is only superficial. I have noticed other trees that have been picked and reproduced, and some have already produced new land fruits. It is estimated that they will grow. The speed will be very fast, so the actual number of mutant horse teams will be more in the future. From the current distribution in the barracks, I am afraid that more than 10,000 trees have been planted. "

Zhang Hongbing said: "What can we do? We don't care so much, bypass them and go directly to Lab No. 8. Since their lair may be in the barracks, this will reduce one enemy for us, as long as we save Back to Bai Xiaowei's body, these mutant horses are not even a fart as soon as the energy is restored, or they will be buried underground when an earthquake comes. "

Chu Xiang quickly analyzed the pros and cons. The number of mutant horses is large, and his own weapons are limited. If he uses super powers to kill these monsters, let alone save Bai Xiaowei's body after the energy is exhausted. Can he enter the eighth? Labs are all problems, but if you bypass them, it is clear that this pressure will be transferred to Ma Xinghe and others. The mutant horses have previously organized a team of two to explore the mountain pass. With their wisdom, we know that there is more and more here. The more dangerous is definitely to make the final big migration, and the garrison at Yamaguchi must face strong pressure.

Chu Xiang said: "We can't do anything with them at the moment, but if we let them breed and then expand outwards, it will be dangerous to the Hera Pass. Since mutant horses need electricity like our humans, presumably the growth of those breeding trees Also under certain control, we secretly interrupted the energy here, then bypassed them to enter Lab No. 8, and waited for the rescue after Bai Xiaowei was rescued. "

"I agree that sneak attacks do not waste super energy and can disrupt the deployment of mutant horses, which can delay their action time." Song Jun first voted with his hands raised, and He Yaohui agreed, so Wang Shaohui drew the reconnaissance just now. The military camp cut a large hole in the mountain wall, and inside it was the power chamber. As long as the power chamber is blown up, the power here will be cut off, and the facilities will be stopped by electricity.

Sun Gaoqiang dug out from his backpack ~ ~ These were originally intended to forcibly break the entrance of the No. 8 laboratory, but now they can only be used here. Chu Xiang, Song Jun, Wang Shaohui, and Li Yingjie are all here. With five or six on his body, he dived into the cave where the powerhouse was located while it was dark.

Mutant horses are very vigilant. There are at least five mutant horses standing outside the powerhouse, and from time to time, there are patrol teams passing by. From their current organizational form, they appear to be living structures of highly intelligent species. They are placed outside them. Can quickly occupy the entire world.

Neither Chu Xiang nor Song Jun could be invisible. The two stayed outside to cope. The placement task was handed over to Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie. However, the time of their invisibility is now limited, so they must move quickly.

"The door of the power room is closed. If you can find a way to draw the guards away," Wang Shaohui whispered to Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang made a gesture to Song Jun and asked him to deal with the door of the powerhouse, and he was responsible for opening the mutant horse outside. Song Jun nodded, and Chu Xiang looked around, and there was a piece not far from the powerhouse. The breeding tree, he slipped in and planned to destroy several breeding trees with a bone knife to attract the attention of the guards. He accidentally hit the short stick Chu Xiangle around his waist. Why waste his super energy? This stick is not very good Is it a black monster with prescient eyes?


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