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Chapter 397: Go underground

Chu Xiang had no time to think too much. Take off the short stick around the waist and gently press the control button on the handle. A long knife appeared in his hand. With his original strength. Stuck the knife. Slammed a breeding tree. It's like cutting a pumpkin with a knife. That tall breeding tree was cut in half from its roots. Bang crashed down. Incidentally, I knocked down a tree. The sound of the amniotic fluid breaking when the fruit fell to the ground one after another.

Chu Xiang did not care about serving as a harvester for the mutant horse. He saw the black monster's weird weapon so sharp. Sex holding it wildly chopped in the woods. It wasn't until the mutant horse heard the changes that Chu Xiang rushed to Chu Xiang before they left. This hack cut Chu Xiang to make up his mind. Bone weapons use super energy. Although this stick currently only has two functions. One is a flying knife and the other is a machete. But there are definitely unknown features. The most important thing is not to consume your super energy. Then entering the No. 8 laboratory is also considered a joint weapon.

A collapse in the woods surprised the mutant horse guarding the powerhouse. They yelled loudly and ran over. Unfortunately, Chu Xiang has withdrawn. They could not find enemies for a while. You can only keep issuing warnings and going around. It seems that mutant horses have the same wisdom as humans. It is not without weaknesses. The powerhouse is now unguarded. Song Jun stepped forward and easily unlocked the big lock. After letting Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie enter, they hung up. Prevent mutant horses from suddenly returning to find anomalies.

After Chu Xiang and Song Jun merged, he showed off his stick to him. Song Jun laughed: "Yeah. How did we forget that this stick was born in cooperation with you to save Bai Xiaowei."

Chu Xiang said: "There is something in the hands of the black monster. So this is not a rare thing. It's just that it doesn't occupy our super energy."

Song Jundao: "Are you saying that there is a connection between black monsters and mutant horses?"

Chu Xiang thought for a while and thought, "It's hard to say. In addition, we didn't find any signs of black dragon land in the barracks. Does it really only have one? Or does it have another nest?"

Song Jundao: "Perhaps this problem can only be known when we reach the No. 8 laboratory. The explosives have been settled. You are still responsible for diverting the mutant horses. I'll take the two of them."

Song Jun's wristwatch issued a faint flash. Although long distance calls are not possible. But there is still ground for a dozen meters of signal. Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie installed explosives and demanded retreat. By this time, the mutant horses guarding the gate had returned in pairs. Chu Xiang must find a way to lead them away. Otherwise, Wang Shaohui would have to rush out.

Chu Xiang thought and ran to the other side to pick a few big fruits. Then he threw it to the corner outside the door of the powerhouse. Sure enough, the attention of those mutant horses was once again attracted. They snorted and ran over. Song Jun took the opportunity to open the gaping door. After Li Yingjie dived out, they quietly pulled the door. People slip into the darkness. Chu Xiang followed immediately.

boom. boom. The explosion sounded one after another. The door and stone wall of the power room were suddenly fried into meat sauce by the mutant horse outside the door. Even closer breeding trees have been affected. The fruits above shook. Many mutant horses without time were forced to be born. This will have a great impact on their combat effectiveness. Just like premature babies. Mentally inadequate. Almost waste.

The explosion rattled the barracks. A large number of mutant horses emerged from the dark buildings. They gathered outside the powerhouse and kept arguing. The power system has been interrupted. The entire barracks was in darkness. This made it easier for Chu Xiang and others to retreat. Until they made a few kilometers forward they could hear the noise in the camp. Enough for a while.

"In front of it is the first gate of Lab 8." The sky was already bright at this time. Because there has been continuous heavy rain. So bright sky is almost an hour later than usual. And the light is stranger than normal rainy days. May be pre-seismic interference.

Because the artillery battalion is not far from the No. 8 laboratory. So there is no need to explore further. He Yaohui lowered the telescope in his hand and said, "There seems to be no one in it. Let's go straight. There is no need to hide where we are at this step."

Everyone thinks so. Now I'm gonna do it in front of the gong. Dodge is useless. Sex let go and hurried forward. A look before the first gate. It was messy inside. There are no mutant horses or zombies. Standing in the rain in such a desolate way, it quietly showed the desolation of the doomsday world. There is no way to guard this gate. Everyone took a break and hurried up. One kilometer ahead is the entrance to Lab 8. There is a gatekeeper before the entrance. But no one seems to be there. The heavy door of Lab Eight was left open. This left some heroes Zhang Hongbing and Sun Gaoqiang prepared for nothing.

Chu Xiang, Song Jun and He Yaohui took a breath. "Why is the door open? Could it be said that all the facilities are destroyed? Isn't Bai Xiaowei's body dangerous?"

Xie Shanshan said: "It's useless to say more. Let's hurry and look at it."

Everyone ran ahead despite the fatigue of the night. There was a large building area outside the entrance of Lab 8. Lab No. 8 is nominally a mine. In the beginning, it was indeed an old mine. It was only when the resources ran out that it was convenient to build a laboratory down the old pit. But most of those buildings now collapse. The building seemed to be intact when leaving here in Chu Xiang's memory. And the door was closed. It seems that a lot of things happened here after I left.

Erdaogang is of course not blocked. Everyone went straight to the entrance. The entrance was chiseled behind the mountain wall. And this mountain wall is actually a big cone-shaped mountain. Standing at the bottom of the valley is very conspicuous. The entrance is closed by two heavy iron doors. Now both iron gates are open. No trace of destruction. It's not like being forced to break through. After entering the two iron gates is a large stone hall. There was nothing empty inside. That's it for Chu Xiangshu. But since it is an underground laboratory, of course there is a lift. The empty hall naturally serves this purpose.

Zhang Hongbing and Sun Gaoqiang found the switch after some research. Wang Bin quickly decoded the secret code using a handheld computer. A buzzing motor sound. A gap suddenly opened in the middle of the empty hall. There was a big hole in the gloomy cold. The sound of that motor kept on. A few minutes later a metal lifting platform rose from the ground.

Chu Xiang took out the floor plan of Lab No. 8 printed by Bai Xiaowei. He called everyone together to make the final plan. "We are going down to the 32nd floor. There is a backup energy room. Bai Xiaowei's body is stored in the laboratory of the backup energy room. However, to enter the backup energy room, a laser channel must be passed."

Zhang Hongbing said: "Isn't it like the channel in the biochemical crisis. The laser will suddenly appear to cut people into flesh to serve as a defensive weapon. But even wearing steel armor and iron clothes cannot escape it. And even if We ca n’t. In this laser channel, there are closed metal walls all around. The metal walls are hard rocks. There are no exhaust pipes like in the biochemical crisis. So there is no letting us in and we will escape. . "

Wang Bin said: "So we have to turn off this laser channel first to get in to save Sister Bai's body?"

Chu Xiang said: "That's right. Brother Chu, let it go. I will do my best to complete the task."

Chu Xiang said: "I believe your ability will be successful. In addition, this lifting platform will not directly reach the 32nd floor underground. Its end point will stop at the 22nd floor. From the 23rd floor is the restricted area of ​​the entire laboratory. Except for special Inaccessible to outsiders. On the 27th floor is the laboratory for the past t virus. Large numbers of living specimens of zombies and creepers were imprisoned inside. "

Song Jundao: "In other words, we need to walk through 10 floors of space. And there may be big dangers on the 27th floor."

Chu Xiang said: "Theoretically this is the case. If we are lucky, we can open the elevator between the ten floors. That way, we don't need to take layers of adventure. But when the laboratory is closed, it will be completely locked from the 23rd floor. All power is suspended outside the energy source. The possibility of driving the internal elevator is not high. "

He Yaohui said: "Then let's get started. It's no use thinking too much now. Save time and do more things in those ten floors."

Chu Xiang said: "Liang Tian, ​​Li Yingjie. The two of you stay here to take charge. Let's go."

There is not much time left for everyone. Although large-scale earthquakes are expected to be five days away. However, at the latest the day after tomorrow, there will be a small-scale earthquake in the central area. Who knows if it will affect the location a few meters deep. So it must be saved. Moreover, the heavy rain kept falling like this. Judging from the valley floor warning water level. No later than tomorrow morning the flood will be poured into Lab 8. So even without considering the earthquake, there is no time to delay. Unless the weather suddenly improves. Otherwise, the flood would cause trouble before the earthquake.

Hum. Listening to the monotonous electric motor sound, the lifting platform went down. I don't know if it is considered to save energy. There was no emergency light in the tunnel. The dark surroundings are extremely frightening. Xie Shanshan held Chu Xiang's arm tightly. The body trembled. It's a girl anyway. In this deep darkness, psychological quality is still not enough.

Click. The lifting platform suddenly shook violently. Zhang Hongbing fell to the ground with an instability. Fortunately, Zhang Debing handed him a hand. Otherwise it would hit the wall. Zhang Hongbing yelled, "Fuck. What's going on? How did it stop? It's already 22 floors underground.

Sun Gaoqiang affirmatively said, "No. Most of them have walked. I think the energy of the lifting platform has been cut off. I said that I did not open the door with such good intentions to welcome guests. It was a conspiracy."

Zhang Hongbing stood firm and said, "What are you talking about so much nonsense. Hurry up and see if you can fix it."

Snapped. The shaking lights suddenly turned on. It turned out that Chu Xiang took out the guns and ammunition in the space ring. There are tactical flashlights on it. It's easy to use. And everyone also wore a tactical light on their heads. It's very important to be under the dark in this black cypress.

Zhang Hongbing and Sun Gaoqiang lied on the lift for a while and gave up. "It's really cut off the energy. It seems that the lift is not working anymore. Who is tossing us behind. Obviously just fine

Chu Xiang pointed at an exit hanging in the air: "Pry open the door and we walk. We can't wait here passively."

Song Jun and He Yaohui jumped up. The two forcibly opened the hatch, one left and one right. The crowds came out in turn. In the eyes is a red letter sign. It says 17. This shows that there are still five floors to 22. There are ten floors to reach the destination. How far is it?

The dark corridor made people look a little shocked. He Yaohui started in the front. Song Jun pressed his tail in the back. The team moved quickly. According to the floor plan provided by Bai Xiaowei. The pedestrian ladder is in the middle of the underground building. Spiral downward. This lift is on the outermost edge of the underground building. So you need to cross a long corridor.

call. Suddenly two dark shadows rose from the corner in the darkness. They flew directly at He Yaohui. He Yaohui's energy loss is serious. However, he quickly cut to the two shadows. puff. The first shadow was cut in half. The other shadow, He Yaohui, was too late to cut off only half of his body. The shadow was biting He Yaohui's shoulder with a big mouth! Everyone was frightened. He did not expect He Yaohui's energy to be so weak at this moment.

boom. Xu Huai shot the shadow in a shot. He had good marksmanship. Furthermore, as long as the loss of high force such as shooting does not affect Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming, it is relatively minor. Taking advantage of their weapons, their fighting strength is still outstanding.

Chu Xiang caught up with the indignant kick and kicked the black shadow beside He Yaohui. Under the light, it became clear that it was two men in white coats. The skin and muscles are rotten. Although they have not evolved to t2. However, judging from the speed just now, it is not an ordinary t2 level. As soon as I came down, I encountered a zombie better than t2. He also hurt He Yaohui. This makes everyone feel depressed. I didn't expect that the energy loss would be so serious. Even two zombies couldn't handle it. This is how to do t3, t4 and creepers.

Chu Xiang pale, he quickly opened the space ring and took out the blue life fluid. Pull up Yao Yaohui's arm to prepare for the injection. He Yaohui stopped, "Forget it. My immunity level is here anyway. If the r virus completely destroys the t virus in my body after the injection, I will be miserable."

Chu Xiang is concerned but chaotic. He patted his head and said, "I almost forgot. The evolutionist can't inject the blue life fluid. But you have a serious loss of superpowers now. Will you be infected with the virus? No insurance

He Yaohui said: "Only by destiny. Let's fight together."

Chu Xiang said angrily: "Let me drive. Wang Shaohui, you take care of Lao He. If you find him wrong, you will give him blue life immediately. We want people. Not super powers."

Wang Shaohui took the syringe and said, "I can re-evolve without power. We can't let Lao He fall behind."

Disadvantages of teaching this made everyone's hearts clouded. Chu Xiang checked that He Yaohui's wound was not deep. Considering that his level is not a grade a colonel. Although the energy loss is serious now. But presumably the immunity value should be enough to prevent epidemics. Only pray for goodness.

Go forward again for Chu Xiang to take the lead. He was holding that stick's changing sword. Step by step towards the dark front. Ears must also listen carefully to the movement around them. Soon the body sweated and drenched the clothes. More tense than charging in the thousands.

A bang. Chu Xiang's long sword waved in the middle of the corridor. The tactical flashlight flashed forward immediately. The layout of Lab No. 8 looks like a large ring and a small ring. At the very center of the ring is an artificial spiral ladder. The corridor Chu Xiang now walks is the line that crosses each ring. In front is a roundabout. The two fat feet on the four feet fell to the corner of the mouth and didn't know what was arching. Lighted up, they looked up. The blue eyes made the heart cold.

"It's a mutant dog!" Xie Shanshan whispered. Her voice also proved her inner fear. These two dogs are huge. Definitely not as simple as an ordinary domestic dog. Maybe it ran up from the 22nd floor. Maybe early in the ranks of senior creepers.

In fact, Chu Xiang has used his sensing ability to scan these two mutant dogs. Bringing his eyesight during this time. He can sense any creature that has energy. Although vision is now gradually restored. However, this sensing capability still exists. It's just that this sensing ability has no effect on inanimate objects. So Chu Xiang still has to rely on flashlights to take pictures.

boom. Xu Huai fired. Hit the forehead of the mutant dog right in front. puff. There was a soft sound. Then it dropped from the mutant dog's forehead and fell to the ground. There was another crisp sound. When Li Xiaoming saw this, he immediately changed the Terminator bomb. boom. The bomber flew out and hit the head of this mutant dog again. The shotgun still landed. The bodies of these two mutant dogs have evolved to such a tough level!

The mutant dog was angry two times in a row. It lowered its head and shook the ground object. He shouted at everyone. Behind the narrow corridor, Chu Xiang is Xie Shanshan. He could not escape and waved his sword.噗 He slashed the hidden weapon. Stinky liquid splashes. It turned out to be a corpse! It's hard for these two dogs to use them as food without mutation.

Two mutant dogs whined and rushed to Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang dare not save energy. Luck in the hand of the knife to try to chop. He did this quickly. The first mutant dog just jumped halfway. When he saw the gleaming sword, he twisted his head. I want to avoid the important part of my head and use my body to face it hard. Chu Xiang does not play tricks with it. The sword still cuts at the front leg of the mutant dog.

Hum. Chu Xiang's tiger mouth was numb with a long knife and he couldn't help it. His knife was as hard as chopping on a hard rock. In fact, even the rock was cracked by Chu Xiang's power and the black monster's magic weapon. But the mutant dog's bones are surprisingly hard. The long knife turned into half. It was then caught in the mutant dog's bones and could no longer move.

Chu Xiang's response was quick. When the long knife was released, the bone knife was provoked immediately. Severely stabbed under the mutant dog's neck. The first mutant dog jumped up with a long knife. The neck was cut off by Chu Xiang's bone knife. All of a sudden its combat effectiveness was lost. Haw twitched his head and fell to the ground. Black blood gurgles from the wound under his neck. It looks like the main nerve was injured. The brain can no longer take offensive control of the lower body.

The second mutant dog is not afraid. It attacked Chu Xiang while his companion fell. Chu Xiang just finished his first mutant dog. From time to time he comes out again. Only use bone spurs. boom. In the middle, this dog flew into the dog's forehead. Chu Xiang's bone spur is not the power of bullets. Just the fact that the sniper's impossibility of hitting the mutant dog's body just doesn't mean that Chu Xiang can't. Skull pierced through a mutant dog. Stinky brains splashed like squeezing out a bag of spoiled milk. Chu Xiang threw the bone spur and tossed the mutant dog's body aside.

Zhang Debing and Wang Shaohui stepped forward to help. It took great effort to pull the long knife out of the mutant dog's body. Chu Xiang simply wiped the stains on his body. He took the long knife: "Both mutant dogs are so powerful. It is estimated that the creeper is at least t3 level. We have to fight our minds to produce a creature that is difficult to deal with.

Zhang Hongbing said: "We weren't afraid of creepers at the t-level. Except for the Chu team, their main battles almost lost all their energy. This battle cannot be fought."

Chu Xiang also has a headache. In fact, just a short while after fighting, he noticed that the energy was lost again. Fortunately, the battle ended early. Otherwise, the situation will continue to deteriorate. Song Jun, He Yaohui and others will not hide energy. So only let it go.

Song Jundao: "Don't worry about us. Move on."

There is no other way. At this time, it was impossible for Chu Xiang to let them wait on the ground. If you ca n’t get up, do n’t say it. Song Jun and others would not agree to Chu Xiang's own adventure. Even if they lose all their superpowers, they still have weapons at hand. More or less can help.

The corridor widened ahead. From the floor plan, this is the main hall. In the center of the hall is an artificial spiral ladder. Under the tactical flashlight. The crowd saw the messy scene in the hall. There are scattered pieces and office use everywhere. There is also dead bone that has been eaten. The lights startled the zombies in the dark. They don't know how long they have survived. Smell the fresh flesh and flew here immediately. The number is probably more than one. They are all auxiliary staff in the original laboratory. They all died after Lab 8 was occupied by the t virus

Flip. Everyone took the initiative to shoot. Keep zombies away. Otherwise it's crazy. The sound of gunfire in the narrow space was so harsh. Tactical flashlight shot around ~ ~ Suddenly a fast dark shadow passed over everyone's head. Chu Xiang looked really. It was only t4. He immediately drove superpowers to follow. This t4 probably wants to avoid Chu Xiang attacking the weak behind. How Chu Xiang can make it work.

This t4 turned out to be very smart. It has evolved to generate new heads on the limbs. Chu Xiang followed closely, making it impossible to stop attacking others. So he can only jump up again and dodge in the central hall. Chu Xiang observed that its strength is the strongest. So keep up.

At this time, the shooting effect of Song Jun and others appeared. The limbs of those ordinary zombies were beaten to pieces. Of course, most of them were headshot. In addition to Zhang Hongbing and Sun Gaoqiang, Wang Bin. Others almost killed one. When Chu Xiang saw this t4, he only knew that he did not fight with him. He was anxious. Time can't be delayed. So he flung out the flying stick of the black monster. And most of the flying sticks were released. Only the section that was damaged was in the hands.

These flying sticks seemed to follow the t4 as if they were spiritual. They are not disturbed by the abnormal environment here. Quick and fast blades are extremely sharp. That t can dodge at first. But under the siege of a dozen flying sticks, it was inevitable. puff. puff. puff. The flying stick kept spinning on t4. A scene that surprised everyone appeared. That tall t4 was cut into a skeleton in a moment!


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