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Chapter 398: Mutant Bat

Not only did other people in Chu Xiang fail to think that these flying sticks were so horrible. The t4 fell into a pile of waste bones when it fell from the air, and dozens of t2 were not destroyed. In the past, their heads were cut off directly.

"It's great!" Zhang Hongbing shouted when he put down his rifle. "If we had more weapons like this, what would we be afraid of?"

Sun Gaoqiang said: "You still want to meet a black monster again. With our current strength, it will be a big deal to meet a black monster. Don't just think about good things."

Chu Xiang stretched out the stick handle in his hand and those flying sticks flew back one by one and reassembled into a long knife. Chu Xiang was proud of this weapon: "Go, the stairs are ahead."

The flashlight illuminated the stairway sign, but the door was locked and banged. Zhang Debing kicked the staircase door and then stepped in. Chu Xiang suddenly pulled him: "Don't! Danger!"

Sun Gaoqiang shot down the tactical flashlight and exclaimed: "The stairs are broken

Zhang Debing felt a cold sweat at the probe, and it turned out to be an empty abyss! The spiral staircase disappeared for some reason. At the entrance was a large empty shaft with a diameter of more than ten meters. The top was not seen at the top and the bottom was not seen at the bottom. He had to fall if that foot was just right. Fortunately, Chu Xiang pulled him in time.

"What's going on?" Zhang Debing said with a lingering fear. "The stairs are gone, how can we get to the 22nd floor."

In addition to the elevator, this is the only laboratory that goes down. Since the elevator is stuck, then the stairs are the only option. I did not expect that the passage was empty and the stairs disappeared somehow. But it was unexpected.

Chu Xiang slightly observed the flashlight toward the wall not far: "There is a simple ladder for maintenance, we pull up the rope to climb down." Then everyone saw a row of simple scaffolding on the well-shaped wall, every half There is more than one, which extends to the bottom of Hessensen's wellbore. If you pull another rope, it is safe. Then you can go down to the 22nd floor.

From time to time, there was a blast of heat in the wellbore, and a deep rumbling sound. Maybe it was a sign of the earthquake. Everyone dare not delay, and hurriedly found the rope from the backpack. One was tied to the pillar in the hall, and the other was After a few laps of the scaffold were thrown down the wellbore, Chu Xiang flew up and sent everyone to the scaffold in turn, and then everyone climbed down the rope. "

Song Jundao: "According to Bai Xiaowei's description, there shouldn't be enough temperature to stand there, but it's better to find some monsters to make us feel better."

Chu Xiang's bones and wings shook, "I'm going to reconnaissance. It's best to come out from the 32nd floor. This way we will save a lot of danger and save people to climb back and slip away. The monster is actually just our guess. Maybe what is here? nothing

Attached to an exit, Chu Xiang climbed the middle of the door with a bone knife. He was ready to break open the door to see it, but before he tried hard, he suddenly heard the sound of neat mechanical operation, the ordinary staircase. The ground door changed suddenly. It was originally an ordinary wooden door. Suddenly, a thick alloy door was placed on the outer cover of the wooden door, and the wall originally recessed in the wellbore was completely filled, so the smooth wellbore was smoother and thicker. Well walls are stronger than iron buckets.

This phenomenon is not only in Chu Xiang, but all the doors above and below the shaft are closed! The rope tied to the 17th-floor lobby pole was instantly pinched, and the bodies of the people who were originally protected by the rope flickered. Wang Bin, Xie Shanshan, and Sun Gaoqiang planted all at once!

Chu Xiang was taken aback. He didn't care about the situation and immediately flew to pick up the person who fell. When he finally caught Sun Gaoqiang, he almost didn't hit him. Fortunately, Song Jun and He Yaohui responded in time. On the scaffold, then catch the person that Chu Xiang threw.

"What's going on!" Wang Shaohui asked loudly.

Chu Xiang said: "Unclear, it seems that this is the real blockade state. The system just closed all exits just now.

"Ah. What can we do? Are we trapped inside?" Li Xiaoming said.

Chu Xiang said: "Let me try to break the door forcibly. I think we shouldn't trap us. The walls on each floor are very thin."

It was said that Chu Xiang was attached to the smooth wall of the well, causing the bone knife to severely cut the wall, but who knows that it took a lot of effort to cut a wall, and the back turned out to be a rock, and it was the same when he went to cut other places. Even the door that was still there was not found. This staircase passage really turned into a shaft. And it was not a thick wellbore, and Chu Xiang began to sweat cold. \\

The bat group was exploded by ultrasonic attacks, and it was like a plasma rain over the wellbore. At this time, everyone was careful to pay attention to the situation. "Blue blood!" Yes, the blood flowing out of the bat is the same as the mutant horse, which is blue. Yes, that is to say that they are related to mutant horses, at least the essence is related.

Chu Xiang fired several waves in succession, killing thousands of bats at one time. The dark clouds were not weak at all, and I do n’t know how many bats have not been destroyed. But Chu Xiang has felt fatigue, fatigue. With super energy, his super ability is rapidly losing in the heavily disturbed underground.

Xie Shanshan has been watching Chu Xiang's body and brain information, and she reminded him loudly after knowing Chu Xiang's situation: "Chu Xiang, don't transmit ultrasound anymore, it's important to maintain physical strength!"

Chu Xiang understands that in this well that cannot reach the world, his superpower is very important. If the drain is clean, he can't fly. At that time, there was no way to deal with an accident, so he immediately followed Xie Shanshan's suggestion and used a rifle to scan the bat group above his head.

After the bat group was killed by a large number of ultrasonic waves, the offensive was suddenly weakened. In addition, everyone's rifle kept firing for a while and quickly cleared a space above his head. Song Jun said: "Chu Xiang, we must find a way out."

Chu Xiang said: "I tried it. The walls are thick and I couldn't find an exit for a while. It seems we underestimated the defense facilities."

He Yaohui said: "Let's deal with bats, keep looking, otherwise we will stay here to accompany bats"

Chu Xiang is of course more anxious. Seeing that the bat's offensive was under control, he went to cut the wall again, and the outer wall of the wellbore was covered with steel because of the blockade by the system. The original entrance is integrated with the steel plate on the wall. Even if you touch it with your hand, you can't find the joint gap, so you can only know if the surface is a wall or an entrance by cutting the steel plate.

Chu Xiang cut down with a bone knife. Rock, rock. Still rock, Chu Xiang's face changed greatly. \\\\\\ This shouldn't be, because there is a maximum of two to meter intervals between each floor of the laboratory. Behind the steel plate should be the passageway, it is impossible to be a rock structure for such a long distance. This is completely different from Bai Xiaowei's narrative laboratory structure.

Chu Xiang dug heartily to the back of the rock and dug a depth of one meter deep. The rock was still behind the rock, which means that everyone was really trapped. It turned out that there was a weird stairwell, which may be some intelligent creatures. The trap is to trap everyone in it, but how do they remove the original entrance and exit? According to the orientation in memory, the left side of the angle bracket floor must be the entrance and exit position. It is impossible to dig so deep without bottoming.

When Chu Xiang searched out everywhere, the bat colony above his head changed. They no longer focused on physical attacks, but shook their heads, shaking their little chests, as if they were full and wanted to vomit. It was just that they did not spit out food overnight, but gradually exposed a spooky white light from the corner of their mouths. Alas, the first bat sprayed the things in their mouths to the people under the well.

The other bats have all kinds of things. They vomit the weird grotesquely and spit downward. The sound of breaking the air is beneficial, just like the master of the secret weapon is launching the secret weapon. This sound is familiar to Song Jun's ear. He issued a warning: "No OK! ”Then he rushed back to fight back, but this time is not the same as before. Song Jun ’s weapon is insufficient, and he is quickly attacked by the overwhelming attack. Moreover, the bat ’s launching stuff is sharp and vigorous. Wang Shaohui and Xu Huai was shot at the same time! It is also very dangerous for other people to cling to the wellbore wall, and they may be shot at any time.

Chu Xiang noticed that the situation was not right, and he couldn't help finding it anymore. He hurriedly picked up Xie Shanshan and Wang Bin on the scaffolding. The rock hole just cut off by him came in handy. Shanshan and Wang Bin stuffed it in, and then went to meet Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming. At this time, the sound of blasting sounded everywhere, and the bat's shooting was like a storm. Chu Xiang was afraid that no one would be injured. He controlled a layer of water film to shoot the bat. Blocking, although it consumes energy, it is impossible to care about. Safety comes first. At this time, Song Jun, He Yaohui and others climbed down and took the initiative to hide in the cave that Chu Xiang had just dug.

This small cave on the rock has a small space, and most of Li Niu and Song Jun's bodies are exposed outside, and Chu Xiang stirs up the bone knife and expands it again. This only accommodates everyone, and the bats follow. They use flat shots. The corner of the cave continued to shoot at the people in the cave. Chu Xiang cut a few steel plates from the side to block the entrance of the cave. The sound of the crickets hit for a while before stopping. Although the bat's hidden weapon was sharp, it was impossible to shoot through the steel plate.

Wang Shaohui and Xu Huai pulled out the saber from the waist. The two dug the hidden weapon shot by the bat from the body by the light of the tactical flashlight. Xie Shanshan found a bandage hemostatic medicine from the backpack and put on the two. After working for a while, he finished the wound. It ’s not good to start, and Zhongdu think so. A group of bats will cause damage to the team. This has not been found yet. Who knows what monsters are waiting for everyone.

"This is a bone," Chu Xiang carefully looked at the excavated hidden weapon. Although the weight is heavy, it is by no means metal. It must be the product of the bats themselves. It may be the solidification of a substance in their bodies.

Song Jundao: "I can't think of a small bat's body shooting power but it is enough, and it is no less than the range of our rifle. If you didn't dig such a hole, we would really be in great danger."

Bat groups are still flying around the cave, and they no longer actively attack when the shooting is invalid. However, it does n’t help if you do n’t disperse outside the cave. Although Chu Xiang ’s space ring still has a lot of ammunition, the number of bats that have been killed for so long does not seem to decrease. The meaning of continuing to shoot them does not exist. .

"With that black dragon we have encountered a new kind of mutant creature," Xie Shanshan made a concluding speech, and the rocks around this narrow sentence were depressing and going crazy.

He Yaohui said: "This kind of creature is probably different from zombies and creepers, but unfortunately we cannot contact the home, otherwise we can know what their essence is."

Chu Xiang said: "Regardless of their essence, we dare not ignore it. This is a big difference from the stupid zombies and creepers. I'm really afraid that they will disturb humanity if they run outside." Brother. Do you say where are we now? Are we still in the underground laboratory? Sister Bai talked about what is special about this stairwell? All our preparations were not used, and things developed unexpectedly.

Chu Xiang shook his head. "Bai Xiaowei hasn't talked about any secrets in this stairwell. Since there are bats outside, I will continue to dig in. There will never be no end. Then we really have to be trapped inside."

There really was no other way to do it, so everyone crowded a gap. Chu Xiang drilled to the innermost and continued to use the bone knife to cut the rock, and the space soon expanded. The cut stones were thrown down the wellbore, and after a long time, the sound of landing could not be heard. Song Jun questioned: "What the **** is going on here, even if we fell on the first floor of the rock to the 32nd floor, there should be a ring?"

Chu Xiang threw away a rock that had just been cut out of his hand. Then he squatted tiredly at the mouth of the cave. Several bats wanted to squeeze in through the cracks in the steel plate. Zhang Hongbing smashed them with a buttstock. Chu Xiang said: "This underground laboratory must have been changed. I It may not make sense to continue digging, but to go down to the bottom to find out. "

"Don't!" Xie Shanshan stopped with a few people together, and the bats were still hovering outside. Chu Xiang was very tired after a busy work, and from the stone throwing just now, the wellbore was unpredictable. That is not dangerous. He pointed out that he took out a lot of ammunition from the inside and gave it to everyone, and then he disregarded everyone's dissatisfaction and flew out of the hiding cave. He couldn't wait any longer. Although the bat shot out of the bones, he could not kill Chu Xiang. At the original 32th floor, he has to chase down even if he has been sunk to the 18th floor hell.

When the bats saw someone escape from the cave, they immediately allocated a large number of troops to besiege. Those thumb-sized bones hit Chu Xiang like it rained. Chu Xiang did not dare to use more super powers ~ ~ he knew I lost more than half of my super power, and the danger below is unknown, so I must save. So Chu Xiang used his body to slam it down. He retracted the bone fins and quickly landed on the shaft. The bats also flew down when they saw the situation.

Chu Xiang wore a tactical flashlight on his head. As he descended, he looked around. It seemed that he could not see the steel plate wall, only the dark gray rocks. That is to say, it was earlier than the depth of the original laboratory. What is the reason? This caused the shaft shaft in the stairwell to become a bottomless pit.

Chu Xiang didn't have time to think about it. The dark gray rock wall suddenly moved, and immediately behind Chu Xiang also flew down. It turned out that the ground was full of gray bats. They were chased by Chu Xiang. The impact of those bats, fluttering like a locust towards the downhole, it is difficult for Chu Xiang to turn around at this time. The bats are all covered with bats behind them, and their shooting starts regularly, like dozens of submachine guns. Fired together, the back of Chu Xiang who was hit was hot and painful.

Chu Xiang knew that he couldn't go down anymore. This is no longer the scope of Lab No.8, and he noticed that the warmer the temperature, the more the skin is now unbearable, but the bats behind him are unrelenting. Chu Xiang wanted to stop and couldn't stop. In the end, he could only insert his heart across the long knife on the rock wall, and then hang his body on the long knife, let those bats impact the body!


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