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Chapter 399: High temperature test

The fluttering bat hit Chu Xiang's back, and some of the open fangs and teeth began to bite Chu Xiang's clothes and skin. Although it would not bite the body, the fleshy skin hurt. It can be thought that there is very little left in his super energy, and Chu Xiang is unwilling to use his skills to deal with them for a while.

Because the number of bats is really large, they keep pouring down. The rock wall where Chu Xiang is located is slippery. There is no other way than hanging the body in the long knife inserted into the rock wall. The power began to distort. In fact, Chu Xiang's true physical strength could not bend the long sword. The problem was that he had more bats now.

The five-color liquid in the arm suddenly jumped, Chu Xiang's heart moved, and the zombie as an energy can be absorbed by the five-color liquid. Then these bats, although their energy may be different from the zombie, but it is still an energy, maybe The f virus, which mainly absorbs energy, can also swallow it.

Chu Xiang induced the bone knife to cut on his arm. The five-color liquid felt Chu Xiang's uneasiness early. Although it was very unspirited, it quickly flew out, but there were more bats outside, and its figure blinked. Just being drowned, Chu Xiang was a little worried. To be honest, the f virus is now part of his life. In case of a mistake, wouldn't it be bad, let it be so reckless to release it, right?

Chu Xiang reached out and pressed on the long knife handle, the long knife inserted in the rock suddenly disintegrated, while Chu Xiang stabbed a nest on the rock with a bone knife, temporarily set foot on it and watched a flying stick in the bat group. Repeatedly chopping, but the number of bats is more, although the flying sticks are throwing a large number of bat carcasses down the well every second, but the overall number can not be seen to decrease.

Chu Xiang was worried about the released f virus. He used tactical flashlights to take pictures everywhere, but the f virus seemed to be taken away by the bat group. There was no trace nearby, and Chu Xiang was a little panicked. Fighting the super energy to send out several waves of ultrasound, the bat swarm under the impact of the ultrasound and flying sticks had thousands more perished, and the corpses fell to the well shaft like rain.

Chu Xiang's lethality is very great, plus the flying stick is also hunting, but the bat colony is not afraid at all. They went forward like the death squads, but their offensive only lasted for a while, and suddenly a commotion came from behind the bat colony. The bats seemed to be alarmed, and they fluttered their wings to escape.

The frightened bats were flying downwards, they crowded like a swarm of bees. Chu Xiang didn't understand why the bat was frightened. He flashed upward with a flashlight, and through the dense bat, Chu Xiang saw a soft milky membrane coming down. / \\ He can only continue to fly upwards, as a hiding cave. Thought the enemy was coming in, Song Jun almost started. Fortunately, Chu Xiang spoke in time.

"It's me, close the mouth of the cave!" Chu Xiang led the bats down the well before. After he left, there were no more bats outside the hiding hole, or he wouldn't be holding the mouth just now.

Zhang Hongbing, Zhang Debing, etc. erected the steel plate to block the openings. At this time, only a harsh noise was heard, and a large number of bats flew through the cave. They ignored the humans hidden inside, and still kept at an extremely high speed. Going up, lest you lose your life behind you, and quickly flap your wings to bring up a gust of wind, and the crowds have to close their eyes.

"What's going on?" Wang Bin shouted loudly, so many bats passing by were personally afraid. If they squeezed in, they wouldn't be able to stop the steel plate.

Song Jundao: "They were scared. Judging from their attack on us just now, it must be a dangerous thing to scare the bat colony!"

He Yaohui said: "You noticed that Wen had risen again. Where is this place? Are we in the oven? Is there a mountain of flame below?

Flaming Mountain is definitely not underground. Even the real Flaming Mountain is not on fire. Zhang Debing lay out in the gap between the steel plates and looked out. "Haven't there been too few bat colonies? One hundred thousand or ten thousand? The fall of Lab 8 was only one year. Well, how did these bats grow? Well, there is light. Look, there is light below! "

Song Jun and Chu Xiang rushed to the front of the hole blocked by the steel plate. The sound between the steel plate and the hole kept flapping. Through the crowded black bats, it really turned out to be a flashlight down the well, and Over time, the red dot is getting bigger and bigger.

Xie Shanshan wiped the sweat on her head and said, "I can't stand the heat, Chu Xiang, we must find a way to escape, otherwise we must be roasted to death. This is not a joke."

At this moment, Chu Xiang had plenty of energy, even more than usual. After all, the five-color liquid just sucked a lot of bats. Although the individual's energy was not large, but it was very expensive, so Chu Xiang said: "I don't believe this rock There's no end, you guys let me drill holes! "

Chu Xiangping usually does n’t use the land skills very much, but now it comes in handy, but the land skills cost energy. After all, drilling a rock is not a joke, but now this is the only way to burrow quickly Going on, maybe they will be burned to death. The weaker Wang Bin and Sun Gaoqiang have already sweated their backs. They don't want to cool down and die. / \\ Then Bai Xiaowei's body is in danger! "

Chu Xiang wiped his sweat and said, "I know, let me think of a way. Be sure to cool down the magma below to temporarily stop the volcanic eruption! But if there is water to cool down, then it will cooperate with my quick freezing. 80% confidence is feasible."

"Water? Where can I find water?" Zhang Hongbing and Wang Bin hurriedly roamed in the narrow cave. Seeing the flames below became clearer and clearer, it also meant that they were rising rapidly, although Chu Xiang could control the water. But it is clear that the amount of water that he can control in this wellbore is far from enough to withstand the high temperature of the magma field. There must be a lot of water, and preferably a river is poured in. Then, after a wave of explosion, maybe it will Stop the volcanic eruption.

water? It was flooding outside, but how was it introduced, and how was it anxious in time, everyone was stumped for a while, and even Chu Xiang straightened his hair, how could this weird Lab No. 8 become The volcano is over. Although it is at least 70% sure that everyone's lives will be saved by their quick freezing, Bai Xiaowei's body has not yet been found. Once the magma comes up, it will be dangerous.

Xie Shanshan drilled into Chu Xiang's newly-drilled hole. "Moisture, there is moisture in it. It's so cool. Let's avoid it, or we will roast it into jerky before stopping the magma eruption."

He Yaohui said a little anxiously: "How can there be moisture? Our sweat is all dried up. I see that the magma below is at most a few meters away. It may take us no more than ten minutes to reach where we are now. We try to blast the wellbore. "

Song Jundao: "You are the first person to block the volcano. This method will not work at all! The hard crust can be broken by it, not to mention the resistance caused by our explosion."

He Yaohui said: "Then what do you say, always do something, you can't stand still."

Xie Shanshan probed back from the hole drilled by Chu Xiang: "There is really moisture, the rocks are wet!"

Zhang Hongbing lay at the entrance of a cave and accidentally fell off a steel plate. I saw a wave of red waves spraying from the magma, and then the steel plate instantly turned into a hot air. If a person fell, he would not even have bone slag. In the rest, Zhang Hongbing's face was scared and pale. "I said, don't argue, what's wet and dry, the magma will rise immediately. Let's find a way."

moisture? Chu Xiang also didn't believe it. He followed Xie Shanshan into the hole just now, and it turned out that the rock was full of water droplets after he left. At this high temperature, the air is dry, it cannot be rock. The water seeping out of the wall will form water droplets so quickly that the amount of water after the rock will not be low, and the pressure will be great, otherwise it is impossible to seep through only a few small gaps.

Chu Xiang turned around and climbed out. He first checked the height of the magma with a probe. It is estimated that there are still five or six minutes. It is enough. Now the first thing to do is to move everyone out, and then draw the water behind the rock. The hot magma cools! Even if you can't stop the volcano from erupting eventually, it won't matter after Bai Xiaowei's body is rescued.

Chu Xiang spread his wings and flew out of the hole. He almost fell down at the top of the heat wave. He didn't dare to turn around in a hurry, and soon the opposite wall was drilled with a large hole. Chu Xiang expanded the hole with a bone knife and then transported everyone in turn. Song Jundao: "What if there is no water behind, or just one."

Zhang Hongbing drew a cross on his chest: "Let ’s pray together. Although I hate the rain, I still hope for a flood. Hell the **** lava."

Chu Xiang didn't dare to think about it. He returned to the place where he stopped last time. There were more and more drops of water on the rocks, which strengthened his confidence. The body began to spin quickly, the rocks disappeared quickly, and suddenly Chu Xiang's feet were cold. Then a huge impact pushed his body out, and there was a blasting sound from his ears. The groundwater caused Chu Xiang to fight a cold war involuntarily.

In the hiding hole opposite, everyone was eager to wear it, although I knew that Chu Xiang's ability to keep everyone's lives at least half sure. But everyone knows that if the volcano erupts immediately, Lab 8 will be destroyed, and Bai Xiaowei will be in trouble. I hope that there is really water behind that rock. Just give them a few more hours and they will definitely find the 32-story backup energy room.

boom. The crushed stone rushed out of the cave with Chu Xiang. The original narrow cave opening was rapidly expanded under the huge impact. Chu Xiang took a bath in the cold groundwater. He quickly fanned the bone wings and finally washed out of the falling water. Come out, everyone shouted in the hiding hole, "Come in! Exploding!"

Chu Xiang had heard the scream of water vapor behind him. The icy groundwater was poured into the wellbore and poured on the fiery magma to turn into steam. Then it quickly rose, but the instant expansion could not be vented in the wellbore, and a loud noise blew up. At this time, Chu Xiang had already drilled into the hiding hole. He controlled a layer of water film outside the hole to firmly block the strong pressure. I saw a gas mixed with debris rising rapidly, and the huge pressure used Chu Xiang. The water film to be protected is squeezed inwardly and recessed in one piece. If Chu Xiang ’s energy has been restored, I ’m afraid I wo n’t be able to bear it. If the water film ruptures, the explosive water vapor rushes into the hiding hole, fearing that everyone can catch it. To peel.

The water flow was temporarily stopped by the pressure of the explosion wave, but the gas rushed upward, and the ground pressure was light again, and the groundwater was exploded again, but this sound was much weaker than the first sound, and the impact of the gas was also reduced. After several explosions, there was only a white mist left, and the groundwater was still spraying out. There was no uncertainty behind the rocks.

Chu Xiang manipulated the storm, and the white mist quickly rose to the top, and his sight finally brightened. At this time, it was also possible to remove the protective film formed by water, but the air was full of acrid and pungent smell. Fortunately, Breathing is not a problem. The red magma under the wellbore has disappeared and replaced by a black hard shell. Perhaps the magma is still surging under this layer of hard shell ~ ~ but at least they are now For the time being, as long as you don't continue to hang up and delay until Bai Xiaowei is rescued, you will win.

"We have succeeded!" Zhang Hongbing looked down at the entrance of the cave, without having to be burned into gas, which made him feel relieved.

Song Jun looked up and said, "I can see the sky, but I'm not afraid of being trapped inside. I can't think of it as a volcano, we are really lucky."

Sure enough, a bright spot appeared on top of the head. It must have been the rock that had been blocked by the explosion just now. The volcano is now leaking, but the groundwater is constantly pouring on the magma. If there is not a large crustal movement leading to warmer magma I am afraid that the possibility of this volcano erupting again is not high, but these things are not what Chu Xiang wants to pay attention to. He made a laborious plan to cut all the steel plates on the cave wall. Did Lab No. 8 disappear from the ground out of thin air.

At this moment, Chu Xiang had plenty of energy in his body. He jumped out of his hiding cave and waved a bone knife to cut wildly on the volcano wall. Those steel plates did not toss like a tofu. According to Chu Xiang's observation, the noble magma rushed to was Under the rock wall covered with steel plates, if it is inferred from this point that the 32 layers should not be threatened by magma, it is just a difficult problem how to get in.


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