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Chapter 400: Living specimen room

Chu Xiang cast a breath on the steel plate on the wall of the well and was awake. Now that he saw the sky above his head, there is no need to be still stupid here. He can return to the ground and start over again. This is better than drilling underground. Be more specific.

Thinking of Chu Xiang fluttering up here, the highlights of the sky seemed obvious, but it took some effort to fly, but finally came out of the crater, the sky outside was still gloomy, and the heavy rain continued. This and the high temperature just experienced are just two worlds. Chu Xiang first located around to determine where he was.

It didn't matter that much, it scared Chu Xiang, and he deviated from the original orientation by at least a few kilometers. Now he has reached the edge of the valley and is on a towering mountain peak. The steam explosion just opened a big hole in the peak, otherwise Can't see the sky.

It is impossible to have such a long distance from the lifting platform to the artificial staircase, that is to say that everyone unknowingly ran away with the movement of the crust in the underground. No wonder the laboratory space cannot be drilled. The original position is no longer. If so, then the impact of the magma on the laboratory will not be great. The explosion just now seems to be a bit redundant.

There was a flutter around, Chu Xiang wiped the rain on his forehead, and saw a group of black bats flew away. It was those things that escaped from the volcano tube. Chu Xiang was shocked. They still entered the human race. The world is out, and what troubles humans will cause in the future can only be discussed later.

The direction was re-established. Chu Xiang went to the volcanic tube again. He told everyone what he saw outside. The crowd was surprised, they didn't notice the movement underground, and how could a stairwell run out? It's so far away that I really don't understand. If someone says that there is manipulation behind it, it's past.

Chu Xiangdao: "No matter how much it is, I don't think it's necessary to go back from the elevator platform. The power supply there may not be as easy as our current location to enter the basement. I have re-established the orientation. We will follow Drilling down this corner may take longer, but you will definitely find the underground laboratory. "

Xie Shanshan smiled bitterly: "This is good. We are so busy that we are still outside the laboratory. We went in and killed some zombies before, but somehow came out again."

Everyone had good gear and went into the rock layer behind Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang no longer considered saving energy, and quickly drilled a hole in front. The magma is stopped, and it may be far away from the laboratory part, but no one can guarantee that the crust will crack again. When the deeper magma surges up, the valley may not survive, so the danger still exists. \\ "

Chu Xiang, while marking the location of the elevator on the map, think of the narrow shaft in the elevator room, everyone will be a little embarrassed, this time there will be no volcanic eruption, quickly find the 32 layers of lasers that broke them The defense saved Bai Xiaowei's body, which made people feel weird. The sooner she left, the better.

Song Jun, who was on alert, suddenly shone his electric light at specimen room No. 1, saying, "Look, what's moving inside?"

Because the wall is transparent glass fiber reinforced plastic, so everyone can see with the flashlight, a mass of white ground arches around the room. When it moves, everyone feels like a white mist, but the mist is integrated and integrated. Does not spread, not as simple as lifeless gas, it keeps moving in the dark corners, and this kind of movement is not what the fog can do. The lichen sleeve reminded: "The door of the specimen room is open!"

The current location of the crowd is the first specimen room on the second floor. There are ten living specimen rooms from one to ten. It is learned from Bai Xiaowei that the zombies and creepers originally found here are all ordinary specimens. They should not be It is highly dangerous. Each room is constructed of bullet-proof tempered glass. Each floor is a closed system to ensure that the virus is not leaked. When the laboratory is closed, the automatic destruction device is turned on. The system will stop the oxygen supply to the living specimen room, and then those living specimens will automatically die. But now, the floor door of living specimen room 1 is fully opened, and the specimen there is gone, but it is not the specimen room 1 From the transparent glass, the other specimen rooms were empty.

Actually zombies and creepers are not terrible. They do n’t play any clever tricks, almost the type that comes up desperately, but since entering this weird mountainous area, the creatures they encountered are conspiracies and tricks, which makes everyone have to worry about it, a bit like telling ghost stories late at night The sense of tension, now coming out of such a white mist, is even more frightening.

Chu Xiang waved the sword in his hand. He first walked into specimen room No. 1. Now that he saw it, he had to make sense, otherwise it would be bad to put dangerous enemies behind him. The glass-reinforced plastic door is half a meter thick, and it would be difficult if Chu Xiang hadn't opened it and wanted to break in. The space between each floor is more than one square meter. It must be used to observe the living habits of the specimen.

Don't look at it as a specimen room, but the internal space is very large, at least more than 50 square meters. Compared with the neat and clean corridors outside, the specimen room is messy and abnormal. Some of the tools and facilities used to test the intelligence of the specimens were smashed and piled up everywhere. And the white mist-like thing dangled in the corner.

Chu Xiang didn't talk, the long knife chopped down with the sound of wind. It is the most important thing to take its life, and who cares about this ghost thing. Alas, the long knife made a sound like a melon on the white mist. It seems that the knife was cut, but the effect did not appear. One piece of the white mist was cut to the ground, but the rest was fast. Raised to Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang ’s long knife was retracted and split again. The white mist was chopped head-on, but this time it was a crisp sound, not just the sound just made. If it was said that it was chopped on cotton last time, this time It was chopped on the stone, but the stone was broken by the black monster's weapon, but this white mist seems to have no other harm than a few pieces of white mist-like fur.

Hum, the impact slammed violently, Chu Xiang's tiger's mouth was numb and his sword almost flew out. At this time, only one tweet was heard, but the sound was bright, and then he heard a few clicks behind him. Then, everyone was exclaimed. Of course, the sound could not be heard at this time, and the tempered glass door of the 27-story specimen room lamp was suddenly locked. Not to mention sound, even air can't come in!

"What's the matter, the Chu team is still inside!" He Yaohui yelled and slashed the glass door with a knife, but that was bulletproof glass, and the level was not as simple as civilian use. Even if it was fried, it might not be able to blast the door more than half a meter thick. !! Not to mention He Yaohui, who lost most of his superpowers.

Li Niu saw Chu Xiang locked inside, he was more anxious than anyone else, but Chu He told him that he must protect Chu Xiang. At this time, he could n’t get in if he wanted to protect. He was anxious to box on the glass door, everyone only I felt a vibration coming from my feet, but I went to see the FRP door still moving! It is integrated with the entire laboratory. If the energy is lost, Li Niu may be able to be broken, but now it is not!

Zhang Hongbing's horrified voice suddenly called out: "Look behind us, white hair ghost!" I don't know when a white mist appeared on the corridor. They surrounded the people leisurely. If the lights suddenly turned on, I am afraid that everyone will return. May not know

Song Jun and He Yaohui slammed the rifle on their shoulders and shot out in a bang. "Shoot! They are not ghosts, kill them!"

The bombs flew across the corridor. There were at least twenty white mist clusters. They acted like jellyfish swimming in the water. The white mist cluster floated and made people think they were in the deep sea. When the bombs hit the floating grounds At the edge of the fog mass, a fragment of the fog mass will break down, and it will be found that it is not fog at all, it is soft, thin and long, and the human hair may not be so thin, and the color is white, floating in the air. It looks like a fog.

There was a mass of mist-like tentacles that had been hit hard, and the central part was exposed, which turned out to be a thigh! It ’s just harder than steel, and the bombs were flying everywhere. He Yaohui waved his long knife up and slashed, but it did n’t work at all. Grow out.

Song Jun fired a round of bullet-proof glass doors. It's useless, and even the skin is not scratched. At this time, you can see that Chu Xiang is cutting the white mist through the glass. Although the threat of this monster has not been found, the air in the specimen room 1 is lacking. Chu Xiang cannot stay in it for a long time, no matter how powerful he is, he also needs oxygen to survive.

"Wang Bin!" Song Jun shouted loudly, Wang Bin holding his bag and hiding behind Xie Shanshan. He wasn't afraid that it was fake. He heard a cry from Song Jun: "Yes!" Song Jundao: "Open the closed glass door to save Chu Xiang!"

It was time for Wang Bin to wake up and it was time for him to play. He held the bag and ran to the first glass door. There was a controller on the wall, which was the center to open the bullet-proof glass door. There are also fingerprint scans and retinal scans, since the system was automatically locked just now. Then the program should be run, and if you want to open the door, you must break this secret code! Zhang Hongbing and Sun Gaoqiang also disassembled the controller on the wall for Wang Bin, and then quickly sorted out several signal cables. Wang Bin quickly pulled out the handheld computer to connect with the system of the specimen room.

Flip-flops, Wang Shaohui held a machine gun and fired fiercely. Those white monsters had their tentacles broken, and everyone soon understood that these things were all broken bodies. Just somehow an exaggerated layer of white hairs grew on the corpse, and these white hairs probably changed the nature of the original corpse. Those who are impenetrable and light can float in the air. In fact, it is useless even if they pass through. These stumps and limbs are inanimate, and the real ones are the white hairs parasitized in the corpses. The grenade fire probably provoked them completely, and they quickly reversed the attack. \\\\\\

I saw that the roots of the broken white hair grew rapidly. It was as if a new tentacle was stretched out again, and this time it was not so thin and soft as before, but more like a strong rope, and it was thrown at the crowd, although the bullet interrupted a lot, these tentacles Thousands and thousands of them drilled out of any space like swarms of ants and attacked everyone.

At this time, the role of the gun was not great, because there were everywhere these white tentacles could not be shot at all. He Yaohui and Song Jun wielded a machete to cut continuously. Those white tentacles would be chopped on the ground for a while, but Soon it was like a discouraged ball that went down and returned to its original slender softness, but those that were not cut off became more and more attacking, entangled and unable to move, Xie Shanshan was also tied to the double Feet, then tentacles tangled up to the roof and even Xie Shanshan was hung upside down.

Song Jun chopped left and right around a pile of tentacles. The broken corpses seemed to have endless energy. The white hairs were chopped and reborn, but those hard bones were so indestructible that everyone fell into it for a while. In endless coping, I saw Xie Shanshan dangerous Song Jun jumped and cut off her tentacles, and He Yaohui also took the opportunity to rescue Zhang Debing. Everyone threw away a weapon and a saber back to back to attack the white tentacles.

But it is more than 20 pieces of carrion, but the white hairs growing on them are endless. It only took more than a minute to fill the entire corridor. Everyone back to back and fight against the white hairs, He Yaohui blamed Wang Bin aloud, "Did you open it? Why is your technology behind? Is the interference affecting your hacking skills?"

Wang Bin was sweating a lot. Zhang Hongbing wiped his sweat to prevent it from falling into the handheld computer. This password defense system was much stronger than Wang Bin imagined. He broke through two, but in the last retina authentication Stuck, this is not the degradation of Wang Bin ’s hacking skills, but the person who developed this system is Bai Xiaowei. With her ingenuity, even Wang Bin, such a hacker, will take some effort, but Bai Xiaowei did not expect Chu Xiang will be trapped in the living specimen room, so the core of this system did not tell Wang Bin.

"Don't talk, come soon!" Wang Bin said without looking back, ten fingers flying in Xiaoqiang reminded Wang Bin: "The Chu team seems to have changed their face, probably lack of oxygen, so you better speed up."

Wang Bin took a moment to look up, but it was not that much. In the living specimen room, Chu Xiang was fighting against the group of white hairs. His face was pale, and the group of white hairs did not seem to need oxygen. Knife, angry Chu Xiang had to use a bone knife to cut all its tentacles, but the white hair didn't care about the loss at all, and soon a new tentacle grew from the corpse at the root, and it was more powerful powerful. Entangled Chu Xiang continued to fight.

Chu Xiang ’s lungs were about to explode. He wanted to use his skills but his body was trembling and he could n’t start. The white hair that led him into the living specimen room was a man ’s lower body. He cut it dozens of times with a long knife However, apart from cutting down a pile of white hair-like tentacles, it did not hurt it. What kind of substance was it? Chu Xiang had never encountered such a hard thing, and diamonds had to be defeated. No powerful evolutionary like Chu Xiang can deal with it

Chu Xiangyi waved his knife and cut a tangled white tentacle, and then kicked the floating half of the body with one foot, and slammed the body against the glass wall and bounced back again. Chu Xiang took a big sip of air, and the air was already cloudy, but it alleviated the pain in the lungs a little. He took the opportunity to launch a quick freeze, creak—a harsh freezing sound, and the floating white hair stopped suddenly.

Chu Xiang sent another wave of ultrasound, and those frozen white hairs broke into pieces! This was unexpected. It turned out that they also had dead spots and couldn't withstand the low temperature. Even the carrier that had grown white hairs was crushed. It was just useless to cut and kick. Now it's only a slight shock and it's over. The so-called drop of one thing is probably the case.

Killed the group of Bai Mao Chuxiang who led him on the hook and slashed to the bulletproof glass door. I didn't expect a spark to splash, and the glass door was just missing one. Thinking of the thickness of half a meter, Chu Xiang was stumped. Just when the door was closed, the air extractor began to extract the air from the specimen room. Otherwise, the residual air was enough for Chu Xiang to live for more than half an hour. But now Chu Xiang can no longer get oxygen from the outside.

Wow, the first glass door was raised overhead, and Wang Bin shouted:

Song Jun pushed Xie Shanshan to the door: "Go in and hide for a while!"

Zhang Hongbing said: "We will be strangled if we go in!"

Song Jundao: "Stretching is better than being tangled by these white-haired monsters. If you don't want to die, quickly open the remaining two doors to rescue Chu Xiang. He can deal with these monsters!"

At this time, Wang Bin and other talents noticed that Chu Xiang had actually killed the group of white hairs, and people no longer hesitated to immediately enter the first glass door. Xie Shanshan, He Yaohui, Li Niu, etc. also fought and retreated. Finally All entered the first floor compartment, and then Wang Bin lowered the glass door. The group of white-haired monsters could only be anxious outside.

"Quickly open the second door, which is being drained quickly!" He Yaohui loudly reminded that if they did not move quickly, everyone might be strangled to death.

Now that the first layer of defense has been broken, the remaining two doors are much simpler, but everyone is scared to see Chu Xiang's face lying dead on the glass door. Wang Bin can't type with his hands trembling, Zhang Hongbing Suddenly he yanked his mouth and said, "Calm, brother, you need to calm down, quickly open the door, Chu team can't hold on, you can do it, you are the world's first hacker, you must do it!"

The second glass door opened. Sun Gaoqiang immediately ran to the first controller. Zhang Hongbing immediately led the signal line. Although Wang Bin was nervous and throbbed, he had the bottom of the first two doors. Within a minute, he The first door was opened, and Chu Xiang rushed out.

"I'm strangling me," Chu Xiang took a big breath and found that there was not much air outside. He said, "Open the outside door quickly, these white-haired monsters are afraid of low temperature."

Wang Bin quickly turned back and reopened the second and first glass doors ~ ~ Waiting at the door, the white hairs were attracted like starfish, Chu Xiang sucked the fresh air, and he let out a loud voice Low tsunami, the ultrasonic wave will roll over the clutter of white tentacles, then Chu Xiang took the opportunity to launch a quick freeze, the surrounding ground temperature quickly decreased, those white hair's lives were quickly terminated, and finally became a popsicle. Zhang Hongbing stepped forward and broke. Into a pile.

Zhang Hongbing said proudly: "I didn't expect it to be so simple. I thought they would be so bad that they would not be able to deal with Wang Bin and others coming out of the bulletproof glass specimen room. Everyone was ashamed to say," This is simple, I almost lost my army just now. If Wang Bin didn't open the door in time, I'm afraid everyone's lives will be accounted for here. "

It is just a group of small parasitic bacteria. It seems that the white hairs are like this, but the threat they pose is not low, but Chu Xiang now suspects that someone is manipulating behind this No. 8 laboratory, otherwise why is it in him? After entering the specimen room, the system will open and close the bulletproof door.

I exchanged a glance with Song Jun and He Yaohui. The two of them also had such thoughts. What happened before can be regarded as an accident, but after experiencing the thrills just now, they can absolutely believe that a highly intelligent life is playing with everyone's life. Everyone leads to a more dangerous situation, but everyone has to go, or Bai Xiaowei's body will be worried.


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