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Chapter 502: Successful transformation

[502] The transformation was successful

The current physique is different from the previous world. After two years of experience, the vision has grown in the dark. Wang Mingbo took ten men, and Chu Xiang only dispatched 13 people. Among them, Chu Xiang can only watch the battle, but Wang Mingbo said that it was a Terminator's sentry card, so the number should not be too much, and there are more people, but it is easy to be bad. As for the captain of the beetle, he stays to protect the team. With his skill and guts, it will only affect everyone .

The vehicle stopped at a distance of five kilometers from the Terminator sentry card. Because of the fear of the engine sound being detected by the Terminator, everyone went on foot to "touch" it. This is already a desolate Gobi. The cold wind is blowing the "tidal" wet air. Extremely uncomfortable, especially when he was approaching the outpost, Wang Shaohui could not help cursing.

Wang Mingbo observed it with his old night-vision goggles for a while, and then said quietly: "It's ahead. I can already see the terminator of the patrol. There are three of them. It's unknown how many are in the checkpoint. . "

So far Wang Mingbo still does not know that the leader of this group is Chu Xiang, so his words are to He Yaohui, He Yaohui quietly made a gesture to Song Jun, Song Jun pulled the South Ruolan behind him, this is The best artificial radar scanner, the accuracy is much higher than the machine. Nan Ruolan only took a glance and clenched his fist in one hand, and the other hand made a number of six. The meaning is very clear. This small There are actually 16 Terminators in the outpost!

The outpost is actually a metal building. It stands like a gun tower on a deserted beach more than ten meters high. There are four turrets on the top of the metal building, which are on guard in four directions, and South Ruolan immediately reminded with gestures. There are robots in the outpost, the number of which is three. In addition, South Ruolan has relaxed the scanning range. There are hundreds of zombies roaming in the vicinity. Of course, these zombies will not have no purpose. They should be the terminator. The outer eyeliner is just to prevent ordinary people.

The crowd quietly returned to a puddle, where the sight of the outpost could not be reached because of the terrain. Song Jundao said: "The sixteen Terminators are easy to deal with, and the zombies on the periphery can also be handled, but the three robots need to take care. After all, Both the acetate and ordinary bullets have no effect on them, and their firepower is extremely fierce. "

Li Yingjie said: "Let me and Wang Shaohui blow them up. Only a small packet of explosive" medicine "is required."

He Yaohui said: "Inappropriate, the robot has thermal imaging. Your stealth cannot be used. Let Zhou Muqing use ultrasonic waves to deal with it. In addition, I see that the commander Wang also brought two rocket launchers. When the time comes, they do the preparatory power. I bring With Xu Huai and others going to hunt the Terminator, Song Jun dealt with the zombies on the periphery, "seeing Chu Xiang not opposed He Yaohui continued:" We are now attacking the watch, and will launch an attack five minutes later. "

Everyone sorted out the equipment at hand. The spear of judgment must be available. This is the only magic weapon to deal with zombies. Acetic acid bombs are indispensable. This is the only weapon to defeat the Terminator. The main fighting powers are Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming. They are responsible for sniping the Terminator patrolling outside. Once the outside battle starts, the Terminator in the outpost is bound to run out. At that time, everyone will "shoot" and strike. Chu Xiang Naturally, it is also one of the fighting powers of "shooting".

Zhou Muqing asked nervously, "Will the three robots line up for me to use ultrasonic waves?"

Chu Xiang patted her shoulder and said, "I'm not afraid. There is also a bazooka for the commander of the king. At that time, you only need to deal with one, and you have enough energy to deal with the second one. Make sure to kill yourself in one shot."

Zhou Muqing nodded resolutely, and everyone bent down to prepare each other. Five minutes later, the sniper step in the hands of Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming fired the first shot. The three terminator on patrol fell to the ground almost in no order. Department, the bodies of sixteen Terminators are enough for one skill transformation, so there is no need to take risks and catch them all.

The Terminators in the outpost heard the sound of gunfire jumping out. They were not fools. On the contrary, they were very clever. They knew that humans had weapons against them, but they would not be easily injured by bullets unless they were attacked by sneak attacks. Although Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming had extremely powerful sniper abilities, the thirteen Terminators rushed out were only destroyed by three of them, and ten jumped away from the bullet and attacked, and the three robots were also activated. Then, their high and large electronic scanning eyes almost covered the range of several kilometers into the line of sight, and soon locked the "shoot" target.

He Yaohui brought people to the Terminator. Of course, everyone can not fight with the Terminator, but in order to facilitate Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming's sniper, someone must stop the Terminator to create opportunities. Although the Terminator cannot be beaten, the evolutionists such as He Yaohui passed the two years. It is enough to resist them for a few minutes now, which is enough for Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming to "shoot" to kill.

Om, Zhou Muqing sent an ultrasonic wave, and the first robot that successfully started to stand up was blasted by the upper body. Although these robots are precise in design, the materials used are not the kind of spaceships. They are more than enough to deal with ordinary humans, but it is difficult to deal with evolutionaries. Another robot that was subsequently launched was also blown up by Wang Mingbo's bazooka, but the third robot did not stand up silly to stand up and be hit by anyone. It actually lay on its side in the direction of the crowd and began to shoot.

Wang Mingbo's soldiers who shot the rocket launcher could not lie on their backs. Several shots of Qilian fell directly into the pool of blood. At this time, the evolutionary and terminator who were blocked between Zhou Muqing and the robot started fighting. It was easy for Zhou Muqing to use ultrasound again. Injured her by accident, but the robot did not care about this. Its "shooting" attack even affected the evolutionary's battle. When Zhou Muqing saw the battlefield failure she was responsible for, she got up and jumped out to deal with the last robot. .

Chu Xiang grabbed her: "Come back! It's too dangerous. The density and frequency of its shots are too high, and the ultrasound can't stop it."

Zhou Muqing said anxiously: "Can't affect the overall situation because of my failure alone."

Wang Mingbo said to the soldiers behind him: "Bring it!" The soldier hurriedly resisted the last rocket launcher to his shoulder: "Leader, let me go! You still need to lead everyone to continue to build the base." This At that time, the robot's "shooting" was very fierce, and the bullets flew over everyone's heads. When they stood up, they were afraid that they would be sieved immediately, so this soldier would grab Wang Mingbo.

The sniper's sniper hitting Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming by the robot was also affected. Chu Xiang knew that the people behind him did not have a confrontational strength. He thought that he was almost a waste body. It would not help if he wanted to protect him. Seeing that the range of the robot's "shooting" attack expanded, several people who dealt with the Terminator were also unable to lift their heads, and angrily rose up.

Chu Xiang was angry and grabbed the bazooka that grabbed the soldier's shoulder, and then jumped out of the bunker, snoring, snoring, the sound of the bullet hitting his body was particularly harsh, but it was just such a short time that Chu Xiang had issued a shot It ’s irrelevant whether the rocket can be blasted in the middle. Chu Xiang's chest is full of blood. His super power cannot be used normally. It is not much different from ordinary people. The robot has at least a dozen bullets. In the body.

Boom and explosion sounded. Fortunately, the rocket was not detonated midway, but the robot's upper body was accurately blown out. Although the machine was not completely scrapped, its weapon was dumb. At this time, Zhou Muqing pulled Chu Xiang back to her bunker: "You are stupid, you are not even an evolutionary!"

Wang Mingbo did not expect that Chu Xiang dare to fight against the robot, watching Chu Xiang scare him with a blood stain on his chest, Zhou Muqing "touched" his hands sticky, even more terrified: "Chu Xiang was injured ! "

Chu Xiang now regrets the impulse just now, and thought he was an undead monster. This is a good thing. My chest hurts a lot. I haven't seen myself bleeding for a long time. Chu Xiang wants to take a closer look at what the color is. He opened his eyes hard, but his eyes shook, and he still couldn't see his blood "liquid" and "color", and then passed out.

It was originally a small battle, but everyone was busy messing around because of a robot, but the rest of the things were easy to solve. Song Jun kept cleaning up the zombies that came, even the whistle. The four turrets on the station building were also blown up by Wang Shaohui, the Terminator was hunted one by one, and Chu Xiang was also taken away by Li Haipeng. According to everyone's opinion, returning to base zero at this time was useless, only the "lost" was lost. City, using the equipment and technology inside to restore Chu Xiang's super power, as long as Chu Xiang believes that the energy in his body has been used before his death, he will be fine.

Song Jun and He Yaohui then brought the Terminator's body to the "lost" lost city, and when they rushed to the gate of the city, Captain Beetle had taken Li Haipeng into the city. Fortunately, Song Jun and others also had magnetic cards, and then they Resisting the Terminator's corpse, he rushed to the undersea biological production "pharmaceutical" factory and handed the Terminator's corpse to the boss responsible for the inspection task. At this time, Chu Xiang was also brought into the interior by several clones, and the others could only stay at Wait outside.

"Your strength is good," the boss boasted a rare exaggeration, but Song Jun and others had no intention of listening to it. Only the captain of the beetle laughed and said, "The boss has passed the prize, but unfortunately he did not catch any live ones. Or else there will be more rewards. "

The boss again said: "To transform the skills of a dying person, you really want to give yourself a life-saving skill."

Captain Beetle felt the same, but opened his mouth and didn't dare to say it. Now he can see that Song Jun and He Yaohui are very nervous about Chu Xiang, not to mention the female evolver named Fang and Lin. At this time, if he has more To put it mildly, it is estimated that people can be strangled to death.

He Yaohui asked: "What is the chance of his successful transformation?"

The old avenue responsible for inspection tasks: "This is hard to say, and it may also die in the laboratory, but as long as it can be successfully transformed, this does not hurt. Well, you can go to see the new task or leave, I need to personally send these Terminator corpses to the laboratory, and I hope you will continue to work hard. The Lord will never treat you badly. "

No one wants to leave, everyone sits down in front of the computer looking for the task. Although the captain Beetle wants to get the "lost" lost money, but he ca n’t leave alone if he does n’t see the crowd, only boring. Wait, now the Captain Beetle is getting more and more impenetrable. The teleportation device when they just returned is enough to allow the team of He Yaohui to travel in the zombie world without hindrance, but why do they have to accompany their little sister to go outside? Risky, there is a problem that Captain Beetle can't figure out. What is good about the injured person just now, but these women are anxious for him, and men are anxious for him. Is it worth it?

Everyone waited anxiously, no one was talking. At this time, one minute seemed to be as long as a year, and I didn't know how long the time had passed. It could be calculated in centuries, and a sharp alarm sounded from the loudspeaker above the head. That computer-synthesized female voice: "Improper security guards immediately rushed to area 13B to perform tasks, block all exits, and irrelevant personnel are on standby and are strictly prohibited from moving freely."

Song Jun grabbed the beetle captain and said, "What's going on? Where is Zone 13B?"

Captain Beetle was out of breath, and he struggled, "I don't know. I have only been here since I became the captain. Who knows what's inside, let me go, let me go, want I'm strangled. "

Song Jun threw the captain of the beetle aside, He Yaohui said: "No matter what, we rush in!" But just as He Yaohui spoke, a large number of clones appeared around him. Song Jun held He Yaohui, He Yaohui said: "You What? He wo n’t be able to save the Chu team anymore! Who knows if the clones discovered the secret of the Chu team. "

Zhang Jingyao also calmed down at this time: "Brother He, these are all evolutionaries, all of them are not low in strength! We will not only save Chu Xiang but also harm everyone, Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie have sneaked in, we will wait for a while. "

There were probably more than a hundred people around the hall, two timid people who wanted to escape from the hall were killed by a dozen clones. The guns they used were very powerful, and they were by no means comparable to the old guns of the past. This was also the main reason that Zhang Jiansheng was smashed by bullets at that time. Even if the power of guns was not taken into account, the strength of these evolvers added up to a huge base. It was too scary to use clones to make evolutionaries in batches.

Fang Yuxuan and Lin Bobo began to pray. In their world, once Chu Xiang's life is lost, there will be no meaning. In fact, there are more people living around Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang's injury makes everyone regret it. Who knows he will Impulsively, listening to the alarm sounded more and more eagerly, everyone's face "color" was uncertain, until now it is not sure what happened inside, and how much this matter has to do with Chu Xiang, so Zhang Jingyao and Song Jun would advise Everyone calm down and rushed in in case what happened to Chu Xiang's transformation.

Bang, suddenly there was a dull explosion, and the sand on the top of Zhen's head fell down. The clones in charge of the vigilance were also startled, holding their heads to avoid the falling dust. Song Jun made a noise to He Yaohui. Eyes "color", the two quickly rushed to the door where Chu Xiang was taken away, just at this time the lights popped out, and the hall where the dust and chaos flew was chaotic, and at this time also No one paid attention to the whereabouts of Song Jun and He Yaohui.

Song Jun and He Yaohui at this time were purely "chaotic" invading their heads. They did not know the structure and functional area division inside, nor did they know where Chu Xiang was leading. Some doors were open, but some doors were closed, but The footsteps in the corridor continued, and the backup lights turned on one after another, but the flicker was unstable, which created an opportunity for the two. After the clones who kept running, they dived deeper and deeper.

Suddenly Song Jun felt that someone had grabbed him and just waited for an elbow to hit him. Then he heard a whisper: "Myself, come with me, the Chu team is in the remodeling room." It turned out that Wang Shaohui sneaked in. Song Jun sent a secret code to He Yaohui. The two of them followed Wang Shaohui and went to a studio that didn't seem conspicuous. At the door, Li Yingjie was nervously guarding.

The clones outside were "chaotic" because of the explosion and sudden power failure. Otherwise, Song Jun and He Yaohui would not be able to enter without stealth. I saw all the "color" lights flashing "chaotic" in the transparent reconstruction room. On closer examination, it is Chu Xiang who is lying on the operating table, but it is far away, and there are several layers of glass blocking it, so it is impossible to determine the situation of Chu Xiang.

Wang Shaohui said: "We also just found here. The explosion just now seems to be a problem with the power supply system in the entire" lost "city. I don't know how much the power outage has affected the reconstruction of the Chu team. Knowing that things don't seem to be going well, what should we do? "

Song Jun said decisively: "Go in and see the situation and say, **** it, how could you lose power at this critical time!"

In addition to the presence of Li Yingjie, there were four people, but everyone did not understand how to crack the password door. If you broke the bulletproof glass and were afraid that it would be found by the clones outside, He Yaohui suddenly opened the door and opened it. "Fuck! Basically! Unlocked! "The original doctors hurried to leave because of a power failure and did not close the door. Maybe they thought they would return in a while. Who knows that the situation will be so chaotic.

The four came to Chu Xiang, and Chu Xiang's clothes were stripped off. He could not see any bullet holes in his chest. Wang Shaohui was surprised and said, "What's going on? Could it be said that the transformation was successful?"

Song Jundao: "But Chu Xiang is still in a coma, and you see that some of these lines are not" plugged in ", and it may take a long time for the reconstruction to start. After all, we have only been waiting outside for more than half an hour." Sure enough, Song Jun pointed out that there were a few thread heads still on the ground. It should not be possible to complete the transformation in half an hour, but anyway, the bullet hole in Chu Xiang ’s chest really disappeared, and Chu Xiang ’s breath was there. From this point, He shouldn't be in danger.

"Chu team, Chu team, how are you? We should leave," Wang Shaohui called lying on Chu Xiang's ear, and suddenly his hand touched Chu Xiang's skin inadvertently, Wang Shaohui screamed backwards, and looked back The skin on my hand turned out to be scorching, and it turned out to be scorched. Wang Shaohui then said: "The body of the Chu team is hot!"

At this time, the four talents noticed that Chu Xiang's skin turned red, and in just a few seconds, his "color" turned thicker. He originally planned to hold Chu Xiang away, but Now it seems that with the strength of Wang Shaohui, the temperature on Chu Xiang's body cannot be withstood. It is impossible to take him away. After a few seconds, the steel bed under Chu Xiang can't stand the high temperature melting, Chu Xiang Fluttered and fell to the ground.

What do you do when you see me and I see you? Is there something wrong with the transformation process? When the four were puzzled and confused, and didn't know what to do, suddenly a little red light scattered from Chu Xiang's body and shot to the outside, but after these red lights scattered and "shot" again, Quickly retracted, but did not retract for a few seconds. The four people observed carefully that these red lights were absorbing external energy, and the energy was constantly turning into red light, so they could not shrink.

Song Jun was the first to worry authentically: "Chu Xiang is absorbing energy again. This is probably not a good thing. We try to stop it."

The other four certainly understood the situation of Chu Xiang. He had been unable to bear the energy because of excessive energy. He spent two years suppressing that energy, but he did n’t know what the clones did to Chu Xiang ’s body. The energy in his body is stimulated, and it has to continue to be absorbed, isn't it human life?

He Yaohui gritted his teeth and said, "Smash, destroy anything with electrical energy here!"

The other three immediately started. These four were the top-level characters in the eschatology team. With the help of the spear of judgment, they even smashed this transformation room for a while, but the four quickly found it useless. Chu Xiang The red light emanating from the body has extended to the outdoor reconstruction, the emergency lights that were originally lit are also dimmed, and some doors that could have been activated have all failed at this moment. Even if the clones find that it is abnormal for a while, they cannot enter. Come.

The four of Song Jun are helpless now. Seeing that Chu Xiang's body is getting more and more red, in the end it is even red to transparent. The internal organs can see clearly. Among the four, Wang Shaohui's feelings are the most unruly. It seems that it is extremely dangerous for Chu Xiang to absorb so much energy. Is it okay to burn the body?

Song Jundao: "Since this, we should not do something in vain. Let's keep Chu Xiang, when will he wake up and when will we leave."

This guard is an hour, and the noisy "chaos" outside can't be heard for a long time, but because of the lack of power and lighting, no one has taken care of it for a while, and the four of them sat on the ground with tears in their eyes. With Chu Xiang, suddenly Wang Shaohui said in surprise: "The body of the Chu team is cooling down!"

Sure enough, the red to transparent color "color" is gradually disappearing, and it is getting faster and faster. Within ten minutes, Chu Xiang's body turned back to normal, then he snorted and got up from the ground. Not too surprised, Chu Xiang was also surprised, but he soon recognized Wang Shaohui, "How are you here? Are those Terminators killed?"

Wang Shaohui rushed and said, "What terminator, we are now in the" lost "city. You were hit by bullets." Sex "is in danger. We sent you back for reconstruction, but it seems that something unexpected happened during the process."

Chu Xiang recalled his impulsive use of a rocket launcher to blow up a robot, but he didn't have a scar on his chest. He tried his own energy again. Chu Xiang was overjoyed, "God, I can use my energy. I didn't expect that there was a way out of this "lost city", great! "

Chu Xiang is glad that the four of them are even more happy. In the past two years, Chu Xiang has been fainted. Even after waking up, the energy cannot be used, but who knows that such a mysterious place was accidentally found, and now the energy is restored, everyone ’s heart It's all loose, so don't be afraid of anything in the future.

The long-lost noise "chaos" rang outside, and Wang Shaohui said, "No, they are back. What should we do?"

Chu Xiang thought for a moment and said, "Hide up and find a way to get out. I stay here to deal with them."

Song Jun and others no longer hesitated. Since Chu Xiang said that his energy was restored, even if his skills were not restored, he would not be afraid. With Chu Xiang's energy, it would be enough to turn the "lost" into a city.

However, Chu Xiang did not intend to destroy the Lost City now, so he pulled a smashed transformation bed and lay over it, and the clones rushed in within a minute, and some of them came forward Knock Chu Xiang with a gun butt: "Get up! Get up! You are still waiting for the transformation, hurry up!" This person was not a former staff member, so he did not know what Chu Xiang looked like before he was transformed.

Chu Xiang climbed up and said, "What's going on? We have completed the task, which is the due reward."

That humanity: "You don't have to worry about it. Now all areas are on alert and leave here immediately, otherwise let alone kill! As a reward, the city owner will naturally make up for it later."

Chu Xiang jumped out of the remodeling bed and walked out, and now it ’s a fool not to leave. Although these clones saw a broken house, they did n’t investigate it. It looks like something happened in the underground biological “pharmaceutical” factory. They hurriedly closed the reconstruction area and continued to clean up the next area. At this time, the lights had gradually turned on, and even a lot of equipment began to work. Chu Xiang returned to the hall where the mission was released.

Zhang Jingyao and others have already accepted the Song Jun four people. Although they have heard the four of them briefly, but when they saw Chu Xiang, everyone cried out. When Chu Xiang comforted the crowd, the clones shouted with a horn. : "Everyone evacuates in an orderly manner, and it is strictly forbidden to" chaotic ". Offenders are allowed to kill."

There were originally only a few dozen people left in the mission release area. At this moment, everyone was finally relieved. Chu Xiangsuo no longer explained "sex" and took everyone back to the ground in a hurry. At this time, it was bright and yellow. The light shone on the earth ~ ~ Chu Xiang took a deep breath, and he felt that a beautiful life was in front of him.

Return to the residence and chase the curious beetle captain away. Chu Xiang said: "The energy is restored, and the skills should be no problem. Find an opportunity to test the power of the skills. It should be said that the transformation is completely successful! Now that I have completely controlled this huge energy in the body, I think the explosion at the Haixia Biological Pharmacy Factory may have something to do with the energy I was absorbing at the time, which means that the energy in my body is even more than two years ago. It ’s big, but do n’t worry. My body has changed. Now I can fully withstand this huge energy. I really do n’t know what those clones have done to me. ”

Everyone was relieved after listening to Chu Xiang ’s account. This is good news. No matter what the process is, the result is satisfactory. Considering that the power of the "lost" city is still seriously insufficient, the defense is naturally very weak. Li Haipeng ventured back Base zero, send the good news back.

Song Jundao: "I think the" lost "lost city reformer should be An Zhao's steps to transform a normal person, but unexpectedly caused Chu Xiang's physical mutation. After the mutation, he withstood the impact of the energy in his body, even Hold more energy, but the four of us smashed all the equipment in the transformation room at the time, otherwise we can learn from it and try to transform other ordinary humans. "

Chu Xiang said: "This is not anxious. I think it is better for us to obey the natural choice. At present, it is necessary to understand the purpose of the" lost "loss of the city. I think it is best to meet the city owner. If he can obey our suggestion, give up As a woman having a baby machine, maybe we can cooperate in some aspects. "

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