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Chapter 503: Back to base

[503] Back to Base

Chu Xiang is anxious to see the "lost" lost city owner. This is right. It is important to understand the situation here, but Zhang Jingyao is strongly opposed. The reason is very simple. Base, this city lord should not be simple. Chu Xiang went to see the city lord if it was peaceful or fighting. No one dared to predict. Although Chu Xiang recovered his superpowers, but everyone didn't see it, so Zhang Jingyao strongly opposed it. Chu Xiang got a loss.

Chu Xiang said: "Otherwise, let's go out and find a place to try out, so everyone knows well."

Zhang Jingyao said, "I agree. It looks good to look for Terminators. After all, we can still control them, at least we can retreat, but this time we must avoid those abominable robots."

Chu Xiang immediately got up and said, "It's not too late to go. I don't see any Terminators around here. Let's go to the desert hinterland just to see how the cross-eyes and other people are busy."

In fact, you do n’t need to try Chu Xiang to know that your body has undergone earth-shaking changes, because he teleported everyone in one pass. This was an imagination in the past. It is already the limit to carry five people, but it is clearly not affected by this number. Limitation. Although I have suffered a lot in the past two years, now it is worth the hardship.

"They're already fighting," Nan Ruolan scanned and judged. A metal building stands in the hinterland of the desert, covering an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers. It houses the elite of the terminator in the northwest region. The number of scanning results of South Ruolan is about 2,000, and there are many robots and cross-eyes. The others did not dare to attack the base, but chose the patrol squadrons outside. They planned to retreat in one shot. When Chu Xiang and others teleported, the battle had just started, and the cross-eyes were eating away with the power of fifty evolvers. A team of fifteen Terminators.

Acetate bombs have not been lost in the city. This is also a long-term task of capturing the Terminator. No one dares to complete them. With the continuous release of acetate bombs by the Resistance, this task has become feasible. Waiting for someone to succeed soon, as long as the termination of the Terminator in the base camp before the withdrawal is a great success.

The excitement of tens of thousands of fans and fat people did not expect that the acetic acid bomb was so good against Terminators. Although it also sacrificed a dozen evolvers, the sniper took the opportunity to destroy ten Terminators. The mission has been completed and the remaining The next bonus is the bonus.

However, the good times did not last long. The terminator's intelligence was returned to the base at the first moment of the attack. Originally, it was thought that the terminator could not come to reinforcements within half an hour. After all, they have lost spaceships, mostly by vehicles such as cars. However, who ever thought that the Terminator did not send a similar or robot, it turned out a lot of mutant sand lizards, these monsters are one person long, running fast on the sand, the absolute travel per hour is not less than two hundred yards, even if it is Off-road vehicles cannot reach this speed in the desert, but they rush to the periphery of the battlefield in two to three minutes.

The cross-eyes are a little scary. The number of sand lizards is about 2,000. They quickly form a close-up circle. Some members have already shot and "shot". However, the thick sand lizard has opened the bullet. Try to hit it with acetic acid. A few rounds, but unfortunately, the acetic acid bomb is very effective for the Terminator, it seems to have no effect on the sand lizard.

The cross-eyed voice was a little scared, "Hurry up, take the Terminator's corpse away!"

Watching the members of the three lizard teams drilled out of the yellow sand, they were already scared. They rushed into the off-road vehicle, and even the Terminator's body was too late to clean up. The fat man shouted, but the effect was very small. These people were not well trained Soldiers, they just want to satiate, it is not worth desperately.

The panic of this group of people gave the remaining three Terminators the opportunity to take advantage of them. They chased after them and killed ten evolutionaries. These monsters were all superb. Just now the sniper looked at them with fear of their actions. Fear of feet, but now the snipers have no power to stop them here

Measured, don't wait for revenge, join forces with the sand lizard to chase cross-eyes, kill more fiercely.

Ten thousand people "fans" looked at the surrounding situation and said: "We can't escape, the sand lizard will soon form a close together. I did not expect that the Terminator had such a fast weapon. I knew that I would not come to such a dangerous place. , Grabbed a slave woman casually to go back for some living expenses. "

The cross-eyed said fiercely: "Throw away the baggage and we rush out with ten bodies!"

The fat man nodded in agreement, with the strength of the three of them plus a few henchmen, it is estimated that it can be done to break out of the sand lizard, but the fate of the rest is miserable, but who can manage so much for his own life, so The three commanded the corpse of the Terminator on the back of their hearts, and were ready to escape the team immediately.

Chu Xiang and others saw the battle on the sand dunes clearly. According to the previous plan, Chu Xiang thought about the same as cross-eying, but also wanted the idea of ​​the terminator's base, but no one expected that the terminator would train a batch of sand. The fast-moving mutants in the ground. If Chu Xiang did not get news of the outpost from Wang Mingbo, it is estimated that they will also fight these sand lizards. Of course, the strength of the eschatology team is naturally not comparable to cross-eyed eyes and others. It will never be like They ran away like this.

He Yaohui asked: "Chu team, how do you plan to pack those mutant creatures, quick-frozen? Or plants."

Chu Xiang said: "Try the weather control skills, the scope of action can be larger." Said Chu Xiang started to urge the energy to change the humidity of the surrounding air. Clouds gathered in the sky for a moment, and the first thunder It didn't stop after ringing. The originally dark world was dark. There were tens of square kilometers of lightning in the area. There were dazzling fireballs everywhere. When the sand was hit by lightning, it would "show" the big pit. With hot moxibustion.

Zhang Jingyao said in surprise: "Chu Xiang, your weather control range has been expanded ten times less than two years ago! Gosh, you could still use levels to measure you. Now you ca n’t set a level again. I think Professor Bai should have a headache. Now. "

Chu Xiang is also somewhat proud. Although he knows that his strength has increased a lot, but he has not used it after all, so he thought that he could not realize the shock brought by the real scene, and now there are few fifty or sixty square kilometers of weather to control him. In his hands, if Chu Xiang does not hesitate to lose 100 square kilometers of control power, no problem!

The sand lizards were a little panicked when they heard the sky thunder, but before they could change the formation, the ball of lightning above their heads fell, and the surrounding world was a sea of ​​fire. Even the three Terminators were scared back by this huge scene. There was a Terminator who was even smashed by thunderbolt. When it was hit, it was rolled over a dozen times on the sand and the armor was damaged. This was something that I could n’t even imagine before. We only broke the Terminator ’s armor based on skills. How much energy is needed!

Alas, once one of the sand lizards survived by lightning, they could only survive and explode. In addition, the spherical lightning caused a fire. The sand lizard was extinct in almost ten minutes, and the impact of bad weather caused the Terminator base camp. There are also constant disasters. Many towering buildings have been struck by lightning. Although most of them have avoided the instantaneous strong current, there are still a few buildings that unfortunately caught fire and exploded. The terminator base camp issued a panic "chaotic" cry. They have no time to take care of these things. After all, these Terminators are not like two years ago, they are now a lot lower-key.

The cross-eyed troops escaped the thunder in the sea of ​​thunder and lightning. They did not see Chu Xiang and others, so they did not know who saved them. They thought it was lucky that God would come to help and turn the front of the car. Chu Xiang, Chu Xiang did not say hello to them, scattered the clouds in the sky and sent them back to "Lost" Lost City. Some people originally planned to attack this base while "chaotic", but a large number of robots have already been dispatched. There would be casualties, and everyone gave up.

At this moment, the situation of "lost city" has been slightly improved, and some monitoring facilities have been repaired, but the underground biological "pharmaceutical" factory is estimated to be unable to repair it for a while. ,and so

Even if the monitoring and repair does not work without electricity, it is good that Chu Xiang does not have to be afraid of being monitored by people.

Chu Xiang's initial test gave Chu Xiang a little excitement: "How? I am strong enough to despise anyone."

Zhang Jingyao was also happy, but his mouth said, "You, do n’t be so proud just after recovery. Be careful anyway, and let ’s see if we want to see the" lost "lost city master. Who is he? I know. "

Chu Xiang said: "We went directly to someone to ask and brought Shanshan over. I don't believe anyone dares to lie with her."

Xie Shanshan was immediately teleported, seeing the confidence on Chu Xiang ’s face, she believed that Chu Xiang ’s body had recovered. At this moment, everyone was excited and no one stopped Chu Xiang ’s practice. The entrance of the "pharmaceutical" factory went away because of mixed chaos inside. Today, the number of clones standing guard outside is 50.

"Stop! Don't go any further!" Miss "The interior of the Lost City has been closed, no one can approach!" The leader's clone shouted loudly, the clone soldier behind him pulled up the safety plug and pointed his gun at Chu Xiang and others .

Chu Xiang stepped forward and said, "We ask to see the owner of the city, and we have something to discuss with him."

The "color" on the clone's face proved that he was very surprised: "See the Lord of the City? Is there something wrong with your mind? The Lord never sees outsiders! Who do you think you are? Hurry up, otherwise we will execute the order to kill you! "

Xie Shanshan was also very confident at this moment. She actually controlled the fifty clones within one minute, so the clones could not execute the killing command. After saying that, their original expressions were dull, Chu. Xiang said, "Who is the owner of your city? Take me to see him."

Who knows that the brain has been controlled by the clone said: "I don't know, we have never met the Lord of the City, nor know where he is."

Chu Xiang turned back in surprise to Xie Shanshan and said, "How is this possible? How could they not know the" lost "lost city master, then how can" lost "lose control of them.

Xie Shanshan said, "Chu Xiang, what they are saying is true. These people do not have the information of the" lost "Lost City Lord in their brains. They are only obeying the orders issued above. It seems that more information must be obtained. Go inside. "

Chu Xiang used the ability to control the metal. He grabbed the steel door and melted away. The metal molecules were absorbed into the body for backup. With the increase of energy, the amount of metal that can be stored in Chu Xiang increased greatly. The expansion of the ammunition of a gun has the same capacity, but Chu Xiangfei not only increased the amount of ammunition, but also greatly increased its power.

The interior of the "lost city" is still dark, and many lights have not been restored. The lighting has been restored in some areas. It seems that Chu Xiang has greatly affected them. Until now, the "lost" city has not found the cause of the failure. Chu Xiang can't be stupid enough to take the initiative to explain, so the negotiation with the city owner will be much more difficult, so that they think it is their system failure, so that Chu Xiang can stay away from the incident.

Xie Shanshan came to control a dozen clones along the way, but none of the information in their brains was useful. They were only responsible to their immediate superiors. That is to say, ordinary soldiers were responsible to the squad leader, and the squad leader was responsible to the platoon leader. The company commander is responsible, and the company commander is responsible to the battalion commander. If you want to find the people above, you must find the soldiers from the squadron to the platoon commander, company commander, and battalion commander. In one piece, the original duty system has been mixed up. Even Xie Shanshan's superiors do not know where they are, not to mention that the higher the level, the stronger the ability, and the more difficult it is for Xie Shanshan to control them.

Everyone can only cover their heads and chaos, but Xie Shanshan's energy can't support it for a long time. Fortunately, Zhang Jingyao has solved a lot of difficulties around her, but this is not a problem. Chu Xiang can only take everyone and quit. Come, everyone discusses, it is not easy to find the "lost" city owner who lost the city, at least

Waiting for the "lost" to restore order, instead of wasting time here, it is better to return to Base Zero to plan the future battle against the Terminator. After all, Chu Xiang lost his confidence before, and many things were relatively conservative. This time because of disaster again Evolution Chu Xiang believes that the day to counter the Terminator is not far off.

Back to the base zero to celebrate the gongs and drums is naturally indispensable, but there have been many strange things happening to Chu Xiang. Everyone soon returned to peace. Chu Xiang took Song Jun and He Yaohui to check his base from scratch. About He did not relax because of the restoration of his skills. He was always relieved that Chu Xiang, who was able to make the evolutionist in batches, was lost. Those ordinary soldiers were all very skilled, and there were first-level officers up to them. This force must not be taken lightly.

After the inspection, Chu Xiang held a meeting that evening. The participants were old members of the eschatology team and the main leaders of the base. Almost everyone now has one to several bases, but each base is equipped with a transmission device, so back and forth Base zero is very free. Apart from being on duty, they spend more time in base zero.

Chu Xiang simply summarized the situation in various aspects, and then he put forward the first request: "Although our power is not very strong at present, we should be able to fight against the Terminator, not to mention that we have accumulated a lot in the past two years. Acetic acid bombs of this kind can take a proactive advantage on the battlefield, of course, provided that the Terminator does not have to deal with us against external forces. "

The external forces that Chu Xiang talks about are robots, mutant creatures, and the like. If they are simply Terminators, their numbers are no longer worth worrying about. Judging from the strange human face we encountered last time, maybe it is also the product of the Terminator. If the Terminator continuously improves the external power, then humans will have to work harder to deal with them.

Chu Xiang continued: "We must have sufficient intelligence and rapid response to start a counterattack. Although the manufacture of transmission equipment is not a problem, it is not enough for us to obtain timely information. I think that the restoration of satellite communications and Reconnaissance is imperative! "

Terminators are extremely intelligent. Their first battle against humanity was to destroy satellites in earth orbit. Whether civilian or military, there is nothing left. This makes humans seem blind, but Terminator uses the angle of the mother ship to occupy Advantage, but as their spacecraft blew up, this advantage of the Terminator will no longer exist, but humans also cannot obtain timely and accurate intelligence.

Wang Bin agreed first: "Big Brother Chu said that without satellites, we are blind, and we can only rely on guessing about the enemy's actions, but the difficulty we are facing is where to find satellites? "Shoot" it? And how to do a lot of maintenance work after "Shoot"? I am proficient in computers, but the satellite feels like a layman. "

Wang Bin does not shirk responsibility. On the contrary, he needs the help of satellites than anyone else, but what he is saying is that computers and satellites are different. A satellite requires design, manufacture, launch, and maintenance. With huge capital and engineering personnel, every requirement for the earth people who may have a population of less than 100 million is extremely difficult to achieve.

He Yaohui also expressed the difficulty of launching satellites. "Chu team, this plan is good, but it is difficult to implement. Is it currently replaced by other intelligence methods? We will slowly develop the terminator. "

Chu Xiang said: "I also want to, but don't underestimate the remaining Terminators on the earth. In fact, they still have a certain strength. They should be better than us in terms of action and combat capabilities. This requires us to grasp the first time. Timely intelligence, otherwise it is not easy to defeat them. "

Bai Xiaowei said: "I have no problem maintaining satellites with the existing technicians, but I do n’t understand the technical issues of launching. In addition, it is impossible to manufacture satellites under our production conditions. You must consider this first. . "

Chu Xiang said: "As far as I know, there were satellites in the world that would be completed or manufactured. We found it and then completed it. Then we could find a way to" fire ".

It's hard, as long as I can do something I can't do. "

Bai Xiaowei nodded: "This can save a lot of procedures, but professionals in related fields are still indispensable."

Chu Xiang said: "I estimate that if there are less than 100 million humans on the earth, there should be tens of millions. Even if we cannot find talents in satellites from this, we can learn from scratch by ourselves. In short, satellites must be sent. "Shoot", this is our eyes. If we master the satellites, we have an advantage over the Terminator, they will fail faster. "

Shi Zhengqian said: "Yes, I suggest that satellites use early-warning aircraft to detect intelligence before launching" success ". However, in terms of security, you must ask Dong Dong to strengthen. There are more and more mutant organisms in the air, and even some species are specially manufactured by Terminator Come out to deal with our aircraft. Although the Terminator has been grounded for energy reasons in the past two years, even flying robots are rare, but they still dominate the air dominance through mutant creatures. "

Dong Laodao: "In fact, we have been continuously improving the power of weapons. The guns and ammunition in the former world are almost unsuitable. In addition to increasing the production and power of acetic acid bombs, we have not stopped research on sonic weapons and lightning weapons. However, the operation of these weapons requires energy, and the greater the power, the higher the energy requirements. However, the energy of base zero has reached a high load, and the existing nuclear reactors cannot meet the needs. Only after the hardware facilities are resolved can other areas of research be continued. Or weapons that create great power cannot be used. "

Bai Xiaowei also said: "Elderly Dong said that we currently have two options. One is to continue to build ordinary nuclear reactors, but everyone knows that this thing is dangerous." Sex "is relatively high, and there is a certain" shoot "" Sex " The required reaction materials also need to be refined, which is difficult for us in the absence of technology; the second is to find energy. "

Chu Xiang asked: "Energy? Are you talking about an evolutionary like Zhang Jingyao, or a matter of nature?"

Bai Xiaowei said: "Of course I am talking about material, but in the stable environment of the former world, finding energy is a big problem. The current" chaotic "world is definitely difficult, but now we have a ready-made opportunity. The Terminator has built in a short time. There are a large number of bases, so where do they come from? As far as we know, they have not mined the uranium ore on the earth, but they have such a large construction capacity after losing the power of their mother ships, including production. There are a large number of robots, and from these points, they must have their own unique way of supplying energy. "

Chu Xiang yelled: "What you said is that I didn't even take these issues into account. I took note of them and focused on solving them in the past few days. As long as we have sufficient energy, our weapon power can be improved. Build and launch satellites to lay the foundation. "

After discussing these issues, you will stop speaking. At this time, Professor Inoue Inoue, who has always been silent, said, "Captain Chu, I think we need to pay attention to the food issue. Over time ~ ~ We I ca n’t continue to get food from the remnants of the former world, and the previous research results were completely destroyed by the explosion of the Terminator spacecraft. I have lost my research direction and goals. You have to give me instructions. "

Chu Xiang patted his thigh: "I almost forgot, we found a plant, Song Jun, and quickly showed it to the professor. Although the taste is not good, but it should be treated well. In addition, we are here Did n’t we still have wild boar? We found a delicious wild boar, but there was a problem in reproduction. I hope Professor Inoue can help solve it together. "

Inoue Haruki said: "This ... I don't study much about animals, but give it a try. The plant that Captain Chu just said hastened to me, as long as it can survive in today's world with insufficient light, it is enough to prove its superiority." In addition to satisfying our stomach needs, this earth must be saved. Desertification without plant land will become heavier, and the result of desertification will be an increase in the amount of sand and dust in the air. Fortunately, human physiques have been strengthened, otherwise Filthy air alone is enough for our "sex" life, so this is a vicious "sex" cycle must be

Breaking down, as long as we vigorously develop green "color" planting, the amount of dust in the sky will drop. At that time, there will be enough light to grow, and we humans will be able to survive well. "

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, this is a problem for Professor Inoue to do. My task is to find the energy method of the Terminator and see if it can be used by me."

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