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Chapter 504: Steal fuel

[504] Stealing Fuel

The "lost" lost city is very "chaotic". It is difficult to find the "lost" lost city owner, unless it is to make the "lost" lost city upset, but then it is not appropriate to do so, in case "lost" is lost The city can be used as it is. It is not a pity to destroy it, so Chu Xiang decides to temporarily suspend the "lost" loss of the city. The main task is to find the energy method of the Terminator, and then the talents are ready to "shoot" themselves. Satellite.

After discussion, we think that the Terminator base in the desert hinterland is not suitable. There is already vigilance there, and it will be very troublesome when sneaking in. So everyone decided to go to North America because according to some information, there are five Terminator bases there. And they are all large-scale. Even if the language is inaccessible, they can be forcibly brought back to their energy systems. Even if an explosion occurs, the impact on Asia can be mitigated because of the Pacific Ocean.

Chu Xiang always did what he said. He brought Song Jun Wang Shaohui and Xu Huai to Chicago on the same day. The manufacturing level here was very high. The Terminator used the original foundation of Chicago to build a huge base. The entire city of Chicago All are controlled by the Terminator. From the sky at night, the city of Chicago is brightly lit. I do n’t know if human civilization is restarted here, but if you look closely, you know that the light is a terminator like black coal, and there is no emotion. Robot.

Wang Shaohui said, "Where to start, in Chicago, this meeting is for everyone to check from the beginning."

Chu Xiang said: "Of course not, we already have a map of Chicago's strength distribution, let's see," said Chu Xiang opening the space ring to take out a map. This is the two years Li Haipeng took South Ruolan around the world As a result of the walk, the urban area of ​​Chicago was divided into six parts by the Terminator, five of which are petal-like satellite cities surrounding hundreds of buildings in the center. According to the statistics of six months ago, there are more than 20,000 robots here. There are more than 10,000 Terminators, more than one million Zombies, or the number in the urban area. Zombies on the periphery cannot be counted.

After looking at the data on the map, Xu Huai took a breath. This strength is not good for the dive plan, but when I think of Chu Xiang's skill recovery, I feel more secure in my heart. The more advanced the place, the easier it is to find the Terminator. secret.

"We went directly into the central city, maybe their energy system is in it," Chu Xiang said. Song Jun considered a suggestion: "Is Ruolan going to scan again, maybe they can find their energy core."

Chu Xiang waved his hand: "The technology of the Terminator is not comparable to us. I'm afraid that if Sister Lan's scans still can't bypass the barriers they set, we don't have to waste time. Take Shaohui directly in for a while. As a response, if we are found to have created a "chaotic" mess in your two satellite cities, we can easily withdraw. "

The sky in the Americas should be brighter, but the air is also very dirty. Chu Xiang stretched out his bones and took Wang Shaohui into the air. The two did not dare to fly too low, because according to some signs, the Terminator had little power in air defense. Maybe they think that humans can't reach the level of attack from the air. In addition, whether in the Americas or Asia, the sky is always mutated creatures, so they have neither set up air scans nor deployed a large number of air defense weapons. Let Chu Xiang and Wang Shaohui sneak into the central city easily.

The robot patrols a team every ten minutes. They appear from time to time in the streets and alleys. Wang Shaohui disappeared, Chu Xiang followed closely behind him. The two quickly reached the central high-rise building. This is not the Hills Building. Chu Xiang didn't know much about the United States, and coupled with the fact that Chicago's appearance had been greatly changed, so they didn't know where it used to be. The two didn't dare to enter through the main entrance, but they went upstairs and found the exhaust pipe to drill in. .

Through the exhaust holes, Chu Xiang and Wang Shaohui saw a lot of unknown secrets. The Terminator was divided into different offices like humans, but now many rooms are empty at night, but there is a brightly lit floor on the floor and the Terminator armor inside. Yan "color" is not so dark, they murmured together, Chu Xiang and Wang Shaohui did not understand a sentence.

Wang Shaohui said depressively: "It is really time to bring the Emperor Mouse Mountain and let him hear what these guys are plotting."

Chu Xiang said: "Are you not afraid that guy suddenly shouted something that broke us?"

Wang Shaohui said: "Yeah, he really can do it to save himself. Team Chu, you should eat the Emperor Mouse Mountain, so you don't understand the language of the Terminator. Now we cover our heads and" chaotic ", who knows the end To the energy system of the individual. "

Chu Xiang said: "We have already seen the top floor, and then go to the basement to see if we need to create some energy failures for them, and then follow the maintenance staff here to find it?"

Wang Shaohui woke up and said, "Yeah, let's destroy the energy here and see how they react. It may also be that Terminator's power plant is not in the central area at all. After all, to supply such a large area is not enough to generate electricity in a few basements."

Chu Xiang said: "Yes, you are reminded to make a short circuit first."

The two cut off the cable and “chaotically” put the wires together, and a big spark popped out, and then the lights on the top floor went out. Chu Xiang knew that the effect was too weak. The two still sneaked into the basement, where it did not generate electricity. The system, however, had electric switches that controlled the entire building, and the two created a major short circuit. This time, the effect was obvious, and the entire central area fell into darkness after an explosion.

The alarm sounded through the sky for a while. Numerous robots surrounded the central area, and drones appeared overhead. It seems that Terminator North America has taken great pains to operate. There are flying robots not seen in Asia. Yes, although they did not participate in patrols, they responded quickly in the event of an incident. The iron drums were surrounded in less than five minutes after the alarm sounded throughout the central area.

Fortunately, Chu Xiang followed the group of terminator to the control room of the underground electric gate, and found their energy foundation. It is located on the edge of the central city and satellite city. There is a subway junction station. The inspection is extremely strict. Wang Shaohui and Wang Shaohui could no longer follow the Terminator and walked inward. They could only continue to drill the ventilation ducts. Chu Xiang used the skills of the ground when they could not get through. It's impossible to come in.

The scene in front of me is completely different from the subway station in my imagination. There are no tracks and trains, and the depth is greatly increased. Rows of metal buildings like giant gimmicks stand underground. It should be a reactor. The specific working principle is not understood by Chu Xiang. I can only take a lot of video first, in case I can't take away the technical information here, I hope Bai Xiaowei can find the line from the video.

Chu Xiang has scruples. On the ground, he can teleport at will, and he can take away items during the teleportation, but his teleportation skills must be limited underground. This cannot be done by Li Haipeng, so Chu Xiang will order Song Jun. In case something happens here, he and Xu Huai will make a mess of "chaos" for the two to escape.

The Terminator who just came in is observing a burnt-out device in front of a large iron can. It seems that the short circuit in the central building has affected this side, but the scope has not yet affected the work of the reactor, but only destroyed the output port. Already, Terminator brought the equipment, and several dark engineers began to change.

Wang Shaohui whispered to Chu Xiang: "These gadgets are not small in size, how can we take them away? And they are very guarded, and we are afraid we will be found when we show up."

Chu Xiang said: "I'm not afraid, I have taken a video, and we will destroy it if we take it away! If this is a nuclear reactor, it only needs a small detonation to destroy the Terminator's old nest, but I do n’t know if the explosion will What impact will the earth have? "

"It's not bad this time," said Wang Shaohui, pulling out several fist-sized devices from his arms, and threw one onto the iron can under his feet. The skin of the device was a soft sticky substance. Can't fall on the sticky skin, Wang Shaohui can control their explosion using remote control.

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Wang Shaohui took out the remote control and asked, "How long is the setting? Should we continue watching?"

Chu Xiang said: "Don't worry, you see another team of Terminators coming over there. They keep on checking the reactor and don't know what the **** is going on. Let's take a closer look and we may find out."

Terminators are very fast to repair. After all, they are not physically human. They do not even need to use a wrench to screw a screw. Changing the output port is only a matter of minutes. You can quickly get out of it. The central area can be used within a few minutes. The power was restored, and as they left Chu Xiang ’s other team of Terminators also came to their feet, this team of Terminators escorted a tall Terminator carrying a black leather box, and it opened the black before each iron can In the suitcase, Chu Xiang saw that there were stick-shaped objects that were thicker than chopsticks. A terminator took out an open reactor, pulled out an identical stick from the inside, and then “inserted” it in his hand. This was done before fifteen reactors.

Wang Shaohui asked puzzledly, "What are they doing?"

Chu Xiang said: "I think it should be the reactive material used in the reactor. As long as the box is obtained, the principle of the reactor can be determined, and I see that there are a lot of remaining boxes. If we can also build such a reactor, It's a lot easier, and you don't even have to look for reactive substances. "

Wang Shaohui said happily: "So what are we two waiting for? Hurry up and grab the box to detonate the reactor!"

Chu Xiang said: "Don't be impatient, we first stole the box, then went up to the ground and detonated here, otherwise you want to die with them." Then Wang Shaohui thought that Chu Xiang could not teleport underground. Besides, Terminator is not so easy. To deal with, the two ca n’t kill much if they can shoot with both hands for a while. The Terminator and the robot will be dangerous together, so it ’s right to be cautious. It ’s not worth wasting energy here.

The team of Terminators who changed the reaction material entered another space. Chu Xiang and Wang Shaohui did n’t know it was the storehouse when they arrived at the door. Instead of requiring a password and a large number of fire points, they aimed at the door. Wang Shaohui wanted to sneak into the door and try to open it. Chu Xiang stopped, Terminator was not stupid. They considered that there would be stealth evolvers in human beings, so a thermal imaging system should be installed near here, and other places can relax their vigilance, but it must be as important as a nuclear reaction material storage.

Wang Shaohui asked in a low voice: "Chu team, what should I do? Are you anxious outside? Always try."

Chu Xiang said: "In a different way, we rush in, don't worry, it's too early, enough for us to waste."

After saying that Chu Xiang took Wang Shaohui to find a hidden place to drill down. With the induction ability, Chu Xiang hit the hole under the storage room. When it was three meters away, he stopped. Wang Shaohui was splashed with mud and was depressed. Then, when Chu Xiang stopped drilling, he asked, "Are you here? Let me go and see."

Chu Xiang said: "No, there are still three meters. I'm afraid that Terminator has installed detection equipment here, so dig the remaining distance. Be careful. Some detection equipment will report an alarm when an ant moves."

Chu Xiang's bone knife is more than ten times sharper than before. The dirt in his eyes is as soft as tofu. Even if he digs one and a half meters into the concrete, he will be vulnerable to it. Soon, Chu Xiang drilled a small hole to On the surface, first came to the small hole and carefully observed the situation inside. The terminator who came in to send the reactive material had left. Chu Xiang observed that there was no monitoring equipment around the hole. Then the hole was further expanded. Then the two people drilled out. The location is very clever. It's in the corner. Several cameras can't scan it. Of course, there is nothing here. Even if they are safe, they can't stay in the corner for a lifetime. Otherwise, they won't get reactive materials at all.

Carefully avoid several monitoring heads. The two that could not be avoided were affected by Chu Xiang with a cloud of water mist. After the two passed, they removed the water mist. Even if the terminator in the monitoring room saw a strange estimate for a short time I wo n’t be in the mood. The warehouse area is not large.

A row of shelves, Chu Xiang and Wang Shaohui did not recognize the same thing, I do not know what function, presumably the Terminator and human aesthetic concepts are different, so the collections are different, but those things are not necessarily The collection, which may be found in the wreckage of the spacecraft, has some severe burn marks.

Chu Xiang and Wang Shaohui were in no mood to explore anything else. The two had already seen the box and were locked in a transparent glass cabinet. The cabinet was inlaid on the wall, and the depth was a bit large. So the large black leather box was not crowded inside, but left A lot of space, Chu Xiang and Wang Shaohui crept to the cabinet, there are two monitoring heads, but Chu Xiang has been cleverly turned the direction, but the time can not be too long, they will face the camera again for ten seconds cupboard.

Chu Xiang said in a few words that he used a bone knife to cut the glass on the cabinet glass. Wang Shaohui took out the suction cup from the bag and sucked out the cut glass. Taking into account the time constraints, Wang Shaohui would then explore the black box by hand. Chu Xiangxiang grabbed him, "Be careful! Look above, there is laser defense!"

Sure enough, there are small transparent holes above the cabinet, which are definitely not for venting the box. It must be a laser port. Wang Shaohui's body was afraid that he might not be able to carry it. At this time, the direction of the monitoring head turned and the two men turned The corner of the corner waited for the monitoring head to sweep across the front of the cabinet, and then Chu Xiang would twist the monitoring head again with an extended arm, so that there would be a ten second blank period in front of the cabinet.

"What to do?" Wang Shaohui asked Chu Xiang nervously. "Even if we forcibly **** the box, we may hurt the reactive material inside." Wang Shaohui's worry is not unreasonable. Even if Chu Xiang's body is hard, he can not fear laser, but Afraid that the reactive material inside will be destroyed by laser when taking out the box.

Chu Xiang said: "It seems that these monsters are not stupid." Sex "is a big one, we have to grab it."

Wang Shaohui knew that Chu Xiang was coming hard. Otherwise, he would not be able to take out the boxes inside. Now he has "touched" the situation in the warehouse. As long as a few seconds, it is enough to get the boxes and take them out. He also gave them ten. All five reactors are equipped with explosives, and it will not be a problem to escape to the ground while mixing.

Chu Xiang asked Wang Shaohui to return to the excavated hole along the original road. In the event of an accident, this can save time. After all, Wang Shaohui's speed cannot be compared with Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang carefully measured the up, down, left, and right of the cabinet, waiting for two monitoring Turning his head away from the direction, he leaped forward, and the bones and bones were shot together. The corners of the cabinet were cut, and the crackling sparks and explosions continued, and the sharp alarm sounded.

Chu Xiang ’s method is to completely destroy the laser firing system, so that he is not afraid of hurting the reactive material inside when taking the box. However, this method also has disadvantages. It is easy to trigger the alarm system, but the alarm sounds At the same time, Chu Xiang grabbed the black box and flew to the cave where Wang Shaohui was hiding.

This warehouse must have more than just this defensive ability. When Chu Xiang jumped up, rows of laser holes were discovered in the surrounding walls. No ordinary weapon system was installed here because ordinary bullets could not hurt them. Therefore, Terminators installed high-power laser weapons here, even if Chu Xiang's body is hard to estimate, it is difficult to stop.

However, Chu Xiang had already taken this into consideration. After receiving the reactive material safely, he immediately provoked the protective armor. This protective armor was not the one produced by base zero, but was transplanted by Chu Xiang when he accepted the modification of the Terminator. The set in the body, but because he had lost all his skills before, he could not use it, but now he has used it freely, and Chu Xiang, who is under the protection of the black box, continues to jump to the cave where Wang Shaohui hides.

On the laser shot of Chu Xiang ’s armor, Chu Xiang can already feel the pain of moxibustion, but fortunately none of these lasers can penetrate his armor. This shows that Chu Xiang ’s dark yellow “color” armor It is definitely different from the ordinary Terminator. After suffering two waves of intact, Chu Xiang entered the cave safely.

"Go!" Chu Xiang grabbed Wang Shaohui. The two did not walk when they came, but re-drilled the hole and quickly jumped to the ground. At this time, the police under the subway station

The news alarmed the terminator and robot patrolling outside. They came from all directions. Chu Xiang was found when he took Wang Shaohui to the ground.

The robots encountered by Chu Xiang and others previously "shot" ordinary bullets and rockets, which are more than twice as powerful, but the robots they encountered this time "shot" lasers. The power of these auxiliary forces has been improved. Chu Xiang and Wang Shaohui did not dare to connect them, and hurriedly transmitted them to the hiding place of Song Jun and Xu Huai. At this time, Song Jun and Xu Huai heard the alarm and several satellite cities had buried explosives. "Boom, with the explosion of" explosives "at the reactor almost at the same time, Chu Xiang pulled four people to teleport quickly. He was afraid that a nuclear explosion would threaten the" life "of the four people.

The daughters of Zhang Jingyao did not expect Chu Xiang to come back so soon. Chu Xiang gave the box to Bai Xiaowei and then sent it back to Chicago. He wanted to see what was going on there, but what surprised Chu Xiang was that except for a fire in Chicago, There are no mushroom clouds outside, can those nuclear reactors be so safe that they cannot hurt the explosives? However, watching the night view of Chicago never lighted up except for the burning fire. The reactor stopped working anyway.

The strength of the Terminator is never too bad to let Chu Xiang destroy a few bombs. For this result, Chu Xiang didn't care about it. He returned to base zero to find the video recorded by Bai Xiaowei's research. : "It's hard to judge, these reactors' outer shields are tightly shielded, and the Terminator's technological thinking is different from ours, so we can't see what the structure is, but the reactive materials you bring back may be harvested after analysis."

Not long after Fang Qian came to the lounge with the analysis results, his expression was a bit weird. Chu Xiang thought the result was bad news, but Fang Qian said: "It is helium-3. At present, we know the good reactor fuel for the earth, clean, Safe and efficient. "

Chu Xiang laughed: "Uncle Fang, your face is so ugly. I thought it was bad news."

Bai Xiaowei said strangely: "Helium-3 is extremely limited in storage on the earth. How can there be a box? I think there are hundreds of catties."

Fang Qian said: "Yeah, this is exactly what I suspect." Ten tons of helium-3 can provide the energy required by our country for one year. A box brought back by Chu Xiang will make good use of our entire Resistance Army. There is no problem with energy during the year. "

Chu Xiang said: "This is something to be happy about."

Fang Qian said, "But I want to know where these things come from?"

Chu Xiang said: "It was snatched from the Terminator."

Fang Qian hurriedly explained: "No, no, I mean where did the terminator come from. The helium-3 reserves on the earth simply do not meet the standards for use. Currently, the helium-3 moon reserves are known to be amazing."

Chu Xiang said: "Of course it was mined from the moon when the Terminator was able to use the spacecraft ~ ~ Fang Qian said:" This involves another problem, in case we run out of these helium-3 How to do? We do not have the ability to land on the moon. "

Bai Xiaowei also shouted: "Yeah, if you build a reactor with great effort, it can only be uneconomical to use it for a year. It is a laborious and unpleasant thing."

Chu Xiang understood why Fang Qian had that expression on his face. This is a chicken rib, but the Terminator won't just fuel it like this. Chu Xiang said: "Put it aside and make some helium-3 reactors temporarily. Written materials, I'll look for them later, I think the Terminator base should not be short of this stuff. Isn't it enough for us to get more batches? "

Fang Qian said: "Okay, but you have to be careful. Since this is the fuel of the Terminator, they will be very strict."

Chu Xiang knew that Laozhangren was concerned about himself, but they were always sure to escape by relying on teleporting skills. He was thinking about where to steal a batch of helium-3 fuel, but saw He Yaohui hurriedly come in, "Chu team, Wang Mingbo group

A long call for help, they were attacked by the Terminator in a massive attack! "

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