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Chapter 505: Rapid reinforcement

[505] Rapid reinforcement

The telegraph is an effective means of long-distance communication. Although it was eliminated in the past due to the development of science and technology, it is an effective and simple means of communication after losing satellites. Chu Xiang considered that Wang Mingbo had not joined the Resistance Army organization. Therefore, Wang Bin and others were not allowed to set up audio and video communication stations for their bases. Such communication stations need to establish transit stations every certain distance and also need to be sent for protection. The cost is extremely high, leaving one The old telegraph machine was enough to deal with emergencies. I didn't expect that only a few days of work would come in handy.

Wang Mingbo is lucky to look back at history. After the virus, his group has been fortunate. How many zombies can be cleared in the county to open up a pure land, and in the later variants of zombies, they are lucky to escape those zombies that cannot be killed. When they were short of food, they went to the Grand Canal to find edible plants. They even encountered Chu Xiang when they were attacked by the Lost City Force. They had avoided natural disasters several times, but this time his good luck seemed to use Already.

The damaged protective wall has been repaired, coupled with the addition of acetic acid bomber Wang Mingbo with confidence, but a sharp alarm sound was uploaded that day, and with the noise of the "messy" gun, Wang Mingbo couldn't even wear his clothes. Quickly climbed up the defensive fence to observe. In the distance, there were dense and dense objects constantly approaching, because the problem of light was not clear until there were more than 500 meters away from the fence. They were creepers. This group of creepers is extremely complex, and it can be said that it is usual. The animals you see here can be seen here. The big ones are like cows, horses, pigs, and the small ones are chickens, ducks, and geese. Although the latter walks on two legs, they can only be drawn into the creepers. Their forelimbs are several years earlier. Advance into wings, and now these wings can really fly again, surprised by the sound of gunfire, they fluttered into the air, and then rushed down towards the base.

Wang Mingbo came out with cold sweat. His first reaction was to immediately organize a defensive force. Fortunately, these creepers almost came from one direction. Otherwise, with their total strength of 400 people, they would not be able to hold the huge county seat. But even these Creepers have limited wisdom and only know how to storm in a single direction, but Wang Mingbo can't keep it, because their bullet lethality has little effect on these creepers, coupled with the limited number of ordinary bullets, they are anxious in less than ten minutes.

A platoon leader exclaimed: "Head, we can't keep it, what can we do? Withdraw it."

Wang Mingbo resolutely said, "Can't withdraw! We worked hard for three years here, and finally managed to lay down this situation. Now everything is over when we withdraw! Let's talk about where to withdraw? There is still room for us in this world."

Another company commander said, "Don't withdraw here to wait for death, we don't have any reinforcements, and even if there is no reinforcements, the creeper's attack speed is very fast, and our fence is about to collapse again!"

Of course, Wang Mingbo knows the critical situation, but he is unwilling to leave a great home and help him? It would be nice if there were reinforcements, but the company commander was right, even if there were reinforcements in such a short time? Unless they are evolutionaries.

Thinking of the sudden excitement in the mind of the evolutionary Wang Mingbo, those who came to catch the Terminator last time should be very powerful. Maybe they can help. The important thing is that they have left the communication tools. If they have advanced evolutionaries, they can Hurry up, then the base is saved.

The thought of Wang Mingbo immediately let the communicator send a telegram. At this time, he can only die as a live horse doctor. Looking at the eyes of the young and old in the base, Wang Mingbo was so nervous that he might have time to retreat, but even if it was too late As far as soldiers are concerned, these young and old are definitely not crawlers, so the only hope is to ask for help. Otherwise, their lives will end here. The old man and the child who get along with each other day and night become blurred, Wang Mingbo's heart is heavy Incomparably, the voice was trembling.

"No response!" The messenger was anxiously reporting. The telegram was sent but no reply was received. Perhaps the other party had left a placebo at all. I don't know if anyone can receive the telegram yet.

Wang Ming

Ming Bo didn't dare to delay anymore. At this time, he must make up his mind whether to escape with the soldiers or to stay with the base and the civilians. At this time, several officers next to him also looked at him anxiously, Wang Mingbo said, "Long Ying, pass my order ..."

A battalion commander stood up next to him and stared at Wang Mingbo's hand. As long as Wang Mingbo waved down and he immediately executed, whether to leave or stay, just think about it. What kind of decision Wang Mingbo made was not known before he said it, and these soldiers have been with him for a long time, as long as Wang Mingbo said it, they would definitely implement it without hesitation.

Suddenly, the air in front of me seemed to be rippled on the surface of the water that was stirred with a stick, and a dozen people suddenly appeared out of thin air, but Wang Mingbo, everyone in front of him was frightened. Although the defense of the base was very weak, but also In order not to let the enemy invade in large numbers in this way, if you raise the gun quickly, you must sweep and shoot.

Chu Xiang raised his hand to turn the direction of several muzzles. The metal obeyed orders just like a part of his body. The soldiers who responded quickly were turned around by a gun in their hands, and their faces were full of jade. Of course, this is too fork.

"Captain Ho! You finally arrived!" Wang Mingbo's decision was not explained. He saw the surprise of the comer. It appeared that the telegram was valid. The other party just had no time to reply, but rushed over directly. Exciting.

This time, He Yaohui didn't make a fool of him. He didn't speak with a smile. Chu Xiang said, "Head of the king, talk about the situation quickly. It's too late. I think the enemies outside will come in soon."

Although Wang Mingbo wondered why Chu Xiang was unknown, but the situation did not allow hesitation. He immediately explained the number of creepers and the attack direction. Chu Xiang waved to the people behind him: "You are responsible for the inside of the base For safety, Song Jun and I went to fight back the creepers. "

Little Silk also came along, she said, "Brother, let me go."

Zhang Jingyao stopped Xiaosi and said, "Let your brother stretch his hands and feet, otherwise he will be suffocated."

Wang Mingbo finally couldn't help but say something: "Captain He, the creepers outside are very powerful. We ca n’t take them with our machine guns. This is not even the aerial mutants overhead. Once they cooperate with the creepers to attack, we I'm afraid this power is not enough! "

He Yaohui said: "Relax, follow the order." Wang Mingbo saw what He Yaohui said very firmly. He could only believe it, but in his heart he never believed that Chuxiang and Song Jun could use the two creepers outside. Supposedly, he knew a little about the strength of Song Jun, but it was difficult for Chu Xiang to tell. This man showed little performance when he came last time, but now he suddenly seems to have become the center of these reinforcements, which makes Wang Mingbo wonder.

The soldiers defending the fence have retreated, because the creepers approached, their total number was about 5,000. As the follow-up troops arrived, they were not content to launch an impact on only a section of the fence, but launched the charge on a wide area. At this time, the defending fighters were completely unstoppable. They had to retreat all the way, otherwise they would die.

Wang Mingbo followed closely behind Chu Xiang and Song Jun. He couldn't rest assured that the frontline battle situation. In case these two were just talking big, wouldn't it have killed the survivors of the entire base. When they saw thousands of creepers coming in, Wang Mingbo's face was pale, and his mouth said, "It's over, we can't stop such a large-scale attack!"

When the creeper launched a fierce attack, the group of flying animals overhead also dived down. Before that, they had been hovering in the sky and never really washed down. It turned out that it was just this moment when the forces on the ground and the ground launched together. There was no reason for the base to break. Fresh human flesh is their good booty.

Chuxiang Station is on a small two-story building. It was originally a gatehouse along the street, but now it is a section of a wall. Dora Chuxiang ’s bone wings spread out, covering an area of ​​more than ten meters. The bone wings suddenly turned extremely fast. Fan speed, Wang Mingbo only heard the sound of crickets breaking, and then he heard a deep buzz

The buzzing sound soon became sharp, and evolutionists like Wang Mingbo had to cover their ears to avoid it, and then they saw the meat sauce falling like rain in the sky, the bodies of flying mutant creatures! But I can't recognize the original look.

Wang Mingbo was surprised, it was ultrasound! A low voice came out of Chu Xiangkou, clearing up the sky in sight, and mutated creatures that had dived to half were fried into flesh, even the follow-up troops could not escape. What kind of force was needed to issue this? The powerful ultrasonic wave, anyway, Wang Mingbo did not even assume it in his imagination. He had seen Zhou Muqing use ultrasonic waves to deal with robots, but Zhou Muqing's power can only deal with one, and it is not so perfect, but from the observation of the scene, This ultrasonic wave can kill dozens of robots at the same time.

There was something that Wang Mingbo did not expect. The snoring sound just turned out to be iron bullets the size of the thumb and belly. The number of iron bullets that the two huge wings "shot" in an instant could not be calculated, but it looked like a cut There are a few creepers that fall like rice, and there are two to say less, but a vacuum zone was cleared in front of the wall in a few seconds. The follow-up creeper units stopped for a while, and they certainly did not expect to blink. Most of the kung fu forces in the sky have been annihilated, even if they have no sense of fear, but in the face of such weird things, that already has a certain intelligent mind, it is still unacceptable, and an instant pause is normal.

Song Jun ’s station is higher than Chu Xiang, so he looks far away. As a medium-range sniper, he knows what his mission is. He glances at the follower of the creeper, which one is a leader-level mutant creature. Knowing, alas, Song Jun pulled a bow and took a steel arrow to fly and "shot" away. The mutant cow, which had just recovered from the **** of sacrifice, was "shot" through his brain, plopped and fell to the ground, alas, alas, and then escorted him The two mutant wolf dogs also fell to the ground because their bodies and weight were not very large. The bodies of the two wolf dogs were taken out by the steel arrows to fly more than 20 meters away. Several mutant creatures behind them were also put on candies. Even if the bodies of two mutant wolf dogs landed, they also killed two mutant cats.

Chu Xiang ’s bone wing fan stopped for half a minute, not that he was tired, but that the metal in his body had been “shot”, and there were rows of billboards next to it. Although the metal was worn out, those metals could still be used. Chu Xiang The metal on the billboard began to disintegrate when grabbed in the void, and then coagulated in front of the fast Chu Xiang, wow. This time, there were more projectiles fanned out, and large groups of creepers began to be slaughtered again. Without the leader's control, these creepers suffered this. Hitting "chaotic" rules, when one of them started to turn around, the others also retreated, wow, but it was tens of seconds that they had pulled out thousands of kilometers, faster than the attack time, which is not necessarily fear, It's just a kind of instinct of a creature. If a leader controls this situation or it won't happen, but the thief captures the king first, and Song Jun and Chu Xiang have cooperated for so long that he knows what to do without Chu Xiang's orders.

Hum, Chu Xiangyang's hair "shot" several waves of ultrasound, and several flying mutant creatures flying away were completely shot down, and the entire battlefield quieted down instantly. It ’s over. In the eyes of Wang Mingbo and others, it looks like the battle that will be the annihilation is so simple. No one even sees the shot. This is because Chu Xiang and Song Jun are extremely fast and can see very little. People, not evolutionaries, have limited vision, and even Wang Mingbo is confused.

Song Jun patted and stunned Wang Mingbo with a shoulder on his shoulder and said, "Let ’s go back and let the soldiers clean the battlefield and reposition the defense. This small number of creepers should not be big troops. If we guess correctly, they will With action, let's go back and discuss how to deal with it. "

Wang Mingbo "rubbed" and "rubbed" his head to wake himself up, "What? Captain Song said that these creepers were not defeated at all?"

Song Jundao: "It can be said that using five thousand soldiers to attack a base, this may be their underestimation, but since they know that there are living people here, they will not give up easily, maybe for a while, maybe a few weeks Or in a few months, they will come back anyway, not to mention that there is a Terminator base from here to the desert hinterland. We can even suspect that these creepers are driven by Terminators. "

& n

sp; Wang Mingbo's joy that had just risen was immediately poured into a basin of cold water, "What then?"

Song Jundao: "It's okay, with us, should you consider the retreat of civilians at the base, it's really not safe to stay here. The main problem here is that the base area is too large, even if I help defend it, I can't do everything."

Wang Mingbo is naturally more clear than anyone else ’s mind, but at that time he was considering planting large-scale crops, and he has always encountered decent zombies. It seems that the good luck of the past has been used up, and there will be no tranquillity in the future. Looking at Chu Xiang, Wang Mingbo still spoke out the doubts in his heart: "Captain Song, this brother I remember that there was no outstanding performance last time, why did it suddenly become so powerful this time, should I introduce it again? a bit."

Song Jundao: "This is our real captain. His name is Chu Xiang. The last time I met to hide the strength is also a last resort. Don't have any opinions. All actions are now commanded by Captain Chu."

Wang Mingbo shook Chu Xiang's hand and said, "How is that? I'm too late to thank you for the last time. If you have any neglect, go ahead and go back to the office. It's too late. I will arrange for people to cook. Let ’s eat Discuss things. "

If Chu Xiang is deeply impressed by Wang Mingbo's base, it is not the strange life fruit plant that he eats, but pork soup. The batch of pork raised in Wang Mingbo's hands is delicious and there is no faint smell after mutation, plus The chef may also be more experienced, and the soup produced is fragrant and delicious, and it will be praised even in the former world.

Although there are not many pigs in the pigpen, Wang Mingbo still ordered to kill one crawler immediately to celebrate the retreat of the crawler. The whole base was in jubilation. Although the thrill was just a short time, it seemed to pass a year to these civilians. Seeing the creepers retreating, they were even happier than Wang Mingbo. After all, they knew that Wang Mingbo might make a decision to abandon the civilians at the critical moment, and they could count one if they could live one.

In the clean and fresh office, Wang Mingbo accompanied Chu Xiang and others to speak. There is no shortage of houses in the base, which is completely different from the base zero. Each expansion of the house in the zero base must dig a few meters into the mountain. There are a lot of empty buildings left in the world. You can clean up a few rooms and you can live there. Although the air is humid and cold, there is a large brazier in the house, which is much warmer and drier.

Wang Mingbo said: "Captain Chu, I really didn't expect you to come so fast. At the time, I thought the base was about to end."

Chu Xiang said: "We will leave immediately after receiving your telegram. In the future, we need to contact in advance. Otherwise, a delay will bury the future of the base. This is the" life "of hundreds of people. You ca n’t play with it."

Wang Mingbo said with a horrified expression: "Understand, understand, Captain Chu's evolution has been amazing. With your help, we will naturally become fierce. I don't know why, since Captain Chu has such ability, how can he still attach to the" mystery "? Lost in the city? "

Chu Xiang decided to showdown with Wang Mingbo. Just now Wang Mingbo saw his skills, and later Wang Mingbo has to rely on himself to survive, so he tells him the truth is just right. "Head of the king, in fact, we joined the" lost "just to inquire about the news, We are the Resistance Army. Maybe you do n’t know much about the Resistance Army, but I can explain it to you. Our organization is to unite surviving human beings all over the world to deal with Terminators and drive them out of the earth to wipe them out. "

Wang Mingbo did not hesitate at this moment, he immediately said: "Captain Chu, I am willing to join the Resistance Army, I hope you can refer"

He Yaohui laughed: "The referral is unnecessary, and you are the leader of the resistance army."

"Ah!" Wang Mingbo was taken aback. He just felt that someone like Chu Xiang had a certain ability, but he never thought of the leader of the Resistance Army. Perhaps he wanted to come to the leader of the Resistance Army and be protected like an important person in the country. However, since the moment he saw Chu Xiang, Chu Xiang has not been like a leader.

> Chu Xiang said: "Without referrals, you and I are Chinese. You can join our resistance army as long as the leader of the regiment is willing. You don't need to pay any price. Just follow the arrangements of the resistance army for future development and planning. Of course, we It will also protect your safety. As for providing food, I think you have no shortage here. You do n’t have to worry about weapons and ammunition.

Wang Mingbo thought for a while and thought, "Thank you Captain Chu, I don't care, but I still want to ask, how do you plan to arrange our base, will you let us go out and fight the Terminator?"

Chu Xiang said: "This is of course, but it is not the present, rest assured, I will not let your people be cannon fodder, I will not let any base participate in the war without absolute certainty, but if it is necessary for the war, I hope the king The head will not embarrass me because of this. "

If anyone said that it was false without selfishness, Wang Mingbo is also considering the entire base. He understands the power of his group of people and allows them to attack the Terminator, but he is afraid that the meat buns will hit the dogs. So he I have to ask now, and this is also responsible to these people.

Wang Mingbo said: "I can rest assured that Captain Chu can say this, and will absolutely obey your command line matters in the future."

Everything was settled, everyone was happy, and the food was ready, and Wang Mingbo greeted everyone to attend the dinner. At this time, Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie reconnaissance. Chu Xiang asked Wang Mingbo to clear the table temporarily. Wang Shaohui spread the local map and said: The retreating creepers didn't go too far. They wandered along the edge of the desert. In addition, there were signs in the northwest and north that a lot of mutant organisms moved. Wang Bin also predicted with a simple scanning device. There would still be some abiotic organisms in the north. Perhaps Terminator's robot. "

Wang Mingbo was taken aback and said, "They move so fast? What should we do? Is it a retreat?"

Chu Xiang said: "No, you have no choice but to set up an agricultural production base here. You cannot give up easily. He Yaohui, you are responsible for organizing the retreat of the civilians. You can arrange it for the No. 9 base. They picked it up, and the defense here was taken over by us, just to try the Terminator's combat effectiveness. "

He Yaohui went out and arranged for the personnel to retreat ~ ~ The rest started to eat in an orderly manner. Although Wang Mingbo was in his heart, he had seen the power of Chu Xiang, and besides, the civilians were organizing retreat, which made him much more stable.

I ate two large bowls with broth, and the intelligence was also sent back. About 20,000 creepers and zombies were surrounding the base. In addition, it was determined that Terminator robots came from the north. They were two hundred, but they were not flying. Robots, so Chu Xiang was not assured. Maybe these guys came out for revenge. First, the outpost was attacked. Later, although a cross-eyed army was beaten by the terminator, it was Chu Xiang. Fear, so this action may be related to the anger of the Terminator.

The intelligence came earlier, so the shadows of creepers, zombies, and robots were not seen until the next morning. The civilians in Wang Mingbo's base had been withdrawn. At this moment, there were less than a hundred people. He Yaohui didn't even help those who could help. Ordinary soldiers teleported together.

Chu Xiang flew into the air to reconnaissance. This time, the enemy changed its charge strategy, but surrounded it on all sides. When they were more than 50 kilometers away, they began to form a formation. When they approached the base, they almost closed. This time they crawled. The scale of the players is relatively uniform. They are all strong and powerful bulls. The fighting ability is very high, and the zombie Chu Xiang feels that it is not an ordinary zombie. The Terminator is vow to kill humans. As for the firepower of those robots, they are also very fierce. They are three or four times taller than normal people, and even if they are crushed, they are crushed to death.

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