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Chapter 506: Crazy revenge

[506] Crazy Revenge

Wang Mingbo has never seen such a large lineup. His face is very inappropriate. He asked Chu Xiang repeatedly: "Captain Chu, can we stop it? If not, we can withdraw it. The seeds of the fruit of life are enough for us to go elsewhere. Where the crops are replanted, these crops are destroyed and destroyed. "

Chu Xiang said: "Head of the regiment, you are also a soldier. I know you are thinking about safety, but we can't hide forever. Besides, this quantity is not enough to kill our lives. Why not keep it? It's not easy to win based on the number of Terminators in this base alone. You can rest assured that it is better to visit the pigs in the pigpen when you have time. "

Chu Xiang is very fond of the pigs raised in the mall. If the breeding is successful, the meat quality of the No. 0 base pig will be improved, which will greatly improve the living standard of human beings. For safety reasons, Chu Xiang has let He Yaohui remove half of the pigs. Even if the base fails, the blood will not be lost. Of course, the seeds of the fruit of life will also take away a part of it. Although Chu Xiang has confidence in the war situation, it is always good to be prepared.

Wang Mingbo knew that he could n’t help by his own evolution, but staying here disturbed the “chaos” of the army, so he stepped down the wall, and the growth of life fruit in the base has stopped, although the temperature required for its growth is extremely low. But it is not like Qingsong that can grow in the snow. If you can't keep this large field, it depends on today. Wang Mingbo was nervous.

Song Jun and He Yaohui have stood behind Chu Xiang and waited for dispatch. Chu Xiang said: "Everyone keeps one direction. If they ca n’t keep it, they will withdraw. The area of ​​this base is too large, and the solidity of the fence is too low. We must make a good transformation if we can win this time, and take this place as our farm. "

Song Jun, He Yaohui, Wang Shaohui, Li Yingjie, Xu Huai, and Li Xiaoming were ordered to leave. Song Jun and He Yaohui could stand alone, but the two groups of Wang Shaohui and Xu Huai needed to cooperate with each other, one far and one close, and like Zhang Jingyao, Zhou Muqing, Fang Yuxuan, and others are at any time reinforcements in dangerous directions.

Chu Xiang's mission was to attack with a small wire. He flew into the sky to observe the battlefield. The mutant cattle were rushing fast. They were less than five kilometers away from the base. Following the mutant cattle was a zombie. There was a large vacuum in the middle. There is a robot behind the zombies. After the Terminator arranges his own power, he wants to use mutant cows to impact human positions, and then use the zombies to deploy "disorder" human forces to deploy, and the robots will pick up leaks.

Xiaosi sat on Chuxiang's back and said, "Brother, what can we do? I can't control mutant cows, they should also parasitize the human face monsters I met before, but those zombies are different later, I can control them."

As soon as Chu Xiang observes, he sets up a blocking strategy, saying: "You cannot allow mutant cows to directly impact the fence. I will set up three obstacles. You command the zombie to attack the robot behind, and more than 10,000 mutant cows and cattle in the belly Human face is strange, I think we can still deal with it, but I am afraid that there will be reinforcements in the air, so reserve some strength for backup. "

The distance that Xiao Si controlled the zombies was not comparable to that year, and the number also increased greatly. The more than 10,000 zombies were quickly "struck" by her. The front team became the back team, and the back team became the forward. The robots fight together, obviously those robots did not expect this to happen, but the Terminator must be able to see the situation on the battlefield through the robot's scanner, so they immediately ordered the robot to kill the zombies, but this time the second variant zombies were solid. The body becomes the nightmare of the Terminator, and many robots still use ordinary weapons, which can't hurt the mutant zombies at all.

The battle between the zombies and the robot began, but Chu Xiang didn't have much time to watch the show. He dived down the sky and flew three times along the fence. Each round, Chu Xiang would scatter a seed, and then Chu Xiang sent out energy to promote the seeds on the ground. First, a blade of grass grew out, and each blade-like blade was more than a foot long, and they were covered with mutant cattle on their way.

Behind the grass blade are dense rattan plants. These plants are long and soft. The "sex" is very large. Behind the rattan is a tall "shoot" to hit the tree. With Chu Xiang

Xiang continued to inject energy to "shoot" and hit the tree to quickly produce "shot" hits. This time, Chu Xiang also invested a lot of money. Collecting these seeds alone took a lot of labor.

10,000 mutant cows, even with the human face monster in the belly of the cow, this small number is far worse than the battle that Chu Xiang encountered before. The only thing Chu Xiang is worried about is a change in the middle, otherwise this scene He didn't look at him, and he didn't have to work so hard to set up the battlefield, which was called caution.

"Rushing up!" Someone shouted loudly on the fence. The mutant cattle soon reached the grass blade array, and the sharp blades pierced the ox's hoof. With the enhancement of Chu Xiang's energy, these grass blades were also several times harder. The mutant cow's body was not strong at first. Naturally, it could not prevent the penetration of the grass knife. Some mutant cows were directly cut off the four hoofs by the grass knife, and fell on a blade. Some human monsters can also be removed from The bull's belly was drilled out, but most of them were also stabbed to death with grass blades. Ten thousand mutant cattle broke the grass blades and cost three thousand. However, the sacrifice of these three thousand mutant cattle also paved the way .

Chu Xiang and Xiaosi looked at the battle below. The robots in the distance couldn't hold it anymore. The second zombie zombies did not care about their sacrifice at all. They used their teeth to bite their body pads. They would also destroy their lives if they died. The Terminator's robot was dropped. The Terminator had realized that things were not good. They retreated and sent troops to suppress the rebellion of the zombies. However, it may not be possible in time. At this moment, there are only two hundred eyes watching. The robot was shattered alive by mutant zombies.

Mutated cows rushed into the plant array. In fact, when they hit the grass blade array, they "shot" and fired on the trees. The spherical fruits cracked, and "hard" arrows shot from the inside. The fruit arrows were long. In addition, as long as Chu Xiang continuously injects energy, the fruit arrows in the fruit will grow endlessly, and then "shoot" to hit the mutant cattle. Rattan restrains mutant cows. Because these mutant cows only specialize in human face monsters in their stomachs, they have no way to face rattan. One side is bound by rattan, and the other side also needs to shoot. The number of blows hitting the tree soon dropped from seven thousand to less than four thousand.

At this time, the mutant cows also realized that it is impossible to use the impact method to break through human positions, so the remaining mutant cows exploded, and the human face inside them flew and "shot" like springs, and some were shot by the trees. Block it in time, but there are still more than a thousand successful leapfrogs and hit the trees to enter the base. At this time, it is necessary to destroy them by the respective talents of the evolutionists. Once these human faces are out of control, they will pounce on people. Suck the whole head off your face!

However, human face monsters also have their weaknesses. Without strong physical protection, ordinary pistol bullets can be destroyed, but they are agile, with the help of several elastic tentacles, they can fly in the air and stay behind. Some of the ordinary soldiers were already wounded. Fortunately, Xu Huai and Li Xiaoming brought masters of sniper forces. Under their rapid and accurate firepower, these human face monsters were quickly eliminated.

Wang Mingbo inspected the crops at first. After hearing the fighting, he was still relieved, so he ventured into the wall again. But when he climbed up the wall, he heard cheers. Has he already won? Wang Mingbo thought that he had heard the wrong voice, or that the soldiers found something amazing. When he looked out, he stayed still. Mutant cattle carcasses were scattered under the wall, and there were only a few mutant zombies in the distance. Although the robots can still "shoot" the bots, it won't be long before the ants and elephants destroy them.

Wang Mingbo asked the soldiers in surprise: "What happened? What happened?"

The soldier said, "Head of the regiment, it's too good. The battle will end in less than five minutes, even without our shot."

Wang Mingbo asked about it in detail, and now he has to admire the power of these evolvers, knowing that he is useless, Wang Mingbo "sexually" looked after the crops and pigs with peace of mind, maybe this job is suitable for him.

The battle soon ended. Chu Xiang and others returned to the command room to summarize the battle report. Wang Bin released a remote-controlled aircraft, the main purpose of which was to detect the situation in a long distance near the base.

I found several Terminator reinforcements. The battle will not end easily like this. This time, maybe endlessly. The Terminator in the desert hinterland was originally intended to avenge humanity. Now it is a big loss how they can swallow this breath.

Chu Xiang said: "Notify our reserve forces to come, the next battle may be fierce, and the fence needs to be strengthened immediately. You continue to keep vigilance and reconnaissance. I will build the fence first, and I will use the communicator to find out in time."

There are three Terminator reinforcements. One is Terminator troops. Their number is more than 200. They are on the road with armored vehicles. The other is Mutant Horse Forces. They are fully armed and do not think that they are regular troops. There are all kinds of tank artillery. The other is a robot. This robot has a strong force. They have been replaced with laser weapons and there are flying robots. However, these flying robots did not come to participate in the battle in advance. Probably. I want to cooperate with the large troops, otherwise it will not be cost-effective to be divided and wiped out.

After Chu Xiang recovered his energy, the f virus also recovered. It can be said that the two are closely related, and they are all glorious. Chu Xiang has sufficient energy and can build a long wall without zombies. "Sexuality" was completed. Chu Xiang still teleported to a metropolis and sucked tens of thousands of zombies, and then used f virus to build a strong and tall wall around the base. Don't underestimate this wall. A creature like a mutant cow is enough to charge Block it, of course, if the mutant cow uses its body as a paving stone in turn, it will not be useful if the fence is tall.

When Chu Xiang built the wall, another supporter of the Terminator also appeared on Wang Bin's screen. It was a mutant creature in the air. Perhaps they were used as cannon fodder for flying robots. The air has always been a weak point of the resistance army. The power has been mentioned again and again, but it is still very troublesome to deal with a large number of aerial mutants in places that cannot reach the world.

In order to cope with these blows from the air, anti-aircraft sonic cannons and flame sprayers have been erected around the base. Shi Zhengqian also brought a batch of helicopters, but Chu Xiang did not plan to put them into use. It was not cost-effective and he lost one. Helicopters suffer more than tens of thousands of mutant mutants in the air.

In the evening, the Terminator's strength was strengthened again. They gathered all the nearby parasitic creatures. This time there are no zombies. Perhaps the Terminator has realized that the zombies will be controlled by the enemy, so what they bring is not controlled by Xiaosi. Variety, so as not to give yourself trouble, this large-scale troop deployment also shows that the Terminator has worked hard.

All preparations are in place. After dinner, everyone gathered on the luxurious wall. This wall almost circled the entire city. Wang Mingbo burst into tears with excitement. "Captain Chu, it is so spectacular, it is comparable to the Great Wall."

Chu Xiang said: "With this fence, I think it will be safer here, and the land inside can be used to a limited extent, but the Terminator may have to fight the water, and we still have to watch it tonight."

Wang Bin also followed up with his notebook. He said, "Brother Chu, Terminator's second batch of troops started from the desert hinterland base. The number is unknown, but the fleet is full of 100. In addition, our remote-controlled aircraft has been released. , Future intelligence will not be so timely. "

Shi Zhengqian said, "Would you like me to fly a plane to scout?"

Chu Xiang said: "No. At this time, the air is a little unsafe. The first troops will arrive immediately. At that time, they will definitely gain air control right away. I don't want to waste a helicopter and an excellent pilot. "

Shi Zhengqian blushed with a smile and didn't insist. Chu Xiang paused: "I see our chance is coming."

He Yaohui wondered, "Opportunity? What opportunity?"

Song Jun woke up and said, "Do you want to attack the Terminator base in the desert hinterland while you are empty?"

Chu Xiang said: "Yes, there must be a vacant military force at this moment, plus we were hit by some time ago, so they attacked our base while they were there.

, And we went around and destroyed their bases, maybe we will find a certain amount of helium 3 reaction material, as long as this terminator base is destroyed, it will be much safer if it is a few hundred square kilometers behind, and the leader of the king can also rest assured. Here crops are raised for pigs. "

Chu Xiang ’s plan is very enticing. In the past, the Resistance Army was mostly passive. Among them, Chu Xiang has been fainted and not waking up. It is also an important reason. Now the opportunity to fight back the first battle is mature. Everyone is eager to try. Everyone wants Participate in the sneak attack, but the safety here is important, and the Terminator also takes the attack on the base as the primary goal, so the power drawn must not be too large, otherwise it will affect the combat effectiveness.

After Chu Xiang decided to take Zhang Jingyao and Xu Huai, the two of them sniped at a distance and defended themselves at a short distance. At that time, they could cooperate with Chu Xiang's actions. Instead of embroidering, a bunch of bombs were installed to destroy the base. However, Song Jun and He Yaohui stayed in commanding the battle. After all, the Terminator's offensive team was extremely tough this time. Although there were five or six thousand second-variant zombies outside the base, the Terminator's own power could destroy the second. Mutant zombies, not to mention they also carry laser weapons, that is not the second mutant zombies can be enemy, speaking of Song Jun and He Yaohui pressure.

It is estimated that after the last wave of the Terminator team started, Chu Xiang, Xu Huai, and Zhang Jingyao teleported to the desert hinterland. A steel building stood in a sea of ​​sand. The last lightning storm damaged some facilities. It has not been repaired till now, and it seems that the strength of the Terminator is not as good as the day.

Xu Huai was holding his special large sniper trail: "Chu team, what should we do first? Where do we start?"

Chu Xiang said: "I dive into the interior first to see if I can find the reaction material, and install a batch of explosives, and you stay here to wait."

Zhang Jingyao immediately opposed: "You don't act on your own, let's do it together."

Xu Huai's attitude is the same. Chu Xiang only smiled and said, "Okay, let's go together."

The dive site selected by the three of them was the last bombed building. Most of the monitoring facilities there were damaged. Don't worry about it being discovered. In addition, the Terminator sent most of its troops. Only less than a hundred Terminators and more than one hundred were left. This robot is very weak in defense. Chu Xiang “mops” along the cable duct to find the base ’s energy room.

The appearance of the reactor here is similar to that of Chicago. It is estimated that the Terminator uses the same technology, but the number of reactors at this base is only two. Of course, because the scale is not comparable to Chicago, Chu Xiang has compared, the helium 3 reactor and the Terminator spacecraft. Different energy methods are used. It is estimated that the helium 3 reactor is a power supply method developed by the Terminator specifically for the earth. This energy method is probably not universal with the spacecraft, so their remaining spacecraft will be grounded after consuming standby energy. Without them That kind of energy, the manufactured aircraft needs to consume a lot of energy when flying, so the Terminator has been strictly controlling the number of flying robots manufactured.

Chu Xiang thought he would also find a warehouse similar to Chicago's storage of reactive materials, but who knows that the management of this base is lax, and the remaining spare reactive materials are stored in a special cabinet next to the reactor. This cabinet has special materials, although it is found It ’s easy, but Chu Xiang ’s brain is hurt to open. This is not ordinary metal that allows Chu Xiang to control it freely, but is similar to the material of the hull of the Terminator spacecraft. The weapon cannot be penetrated if the weapon cannot be penetrated.

After trying for three minutes next to the three, they couldn't deal with it, Zhang Jingyao whispered, "How about letting Wang Bin try?"

Chu Xiang said: "The technology used by the Terminator is different from ours. Even if Wang Bin can open the secret box in our world, but their systems are incompatible with us, how can I try?"

Zhang Jingyao also wanted to understand this point. If it was Emperor Mouse Mountain, there might be hope, but since the guy became a stick, the breath is getting weaker and weaker, and now it is almost dead. Let him give pointers to crack the cabinet.

Xu Huai said, "Would you like to ask a terminator?"

Chu Chuxiang smiled bitterly: "You are so confused, even if it is willing to speak our language?"

Xu Huai scratched his scalp and said, "That's right, I forgot, but I gave up these reactive substances in vain? From this gap, there seem to be fewer three boxes, but this gap is too narrow, otherwise the deformation ability can be used. Steal it out. "

Chu Xiang can control the muscles to reach into the hand from that tight gap, but he can't take out the box at all, but if he can't take the box, he can take the cabinet. Chu Xiang suddenly said: "Take the cabinet together!"

Xu Huai also awakened: "Good idea, go back and think about it slowly!"

However, this cabinet is really heavy, and most of it is buried under the cement floor. Chu Xiang and Xu Huai took a lot of effort to dig it out. After all, it is necessary to prevent the terminator from coming in suddenly, and to prevent the alarm device from being triggered. Thanks to Chu Xiang thought of turning off the power in the cabinet first, otherwise there was no way to do it.

The cabinet was fixed. Chu Xiang and Xu Huai slipped out and placed a lot of explosives. Then the three of them evacuated from the drilled sand hole. When they reached the ground, Chu Xiang returned the cabinet to base zero. It's getting in the way, and there's still a battle going on.

Boom, the Terminator's base began to explode, Chu Xiang has gathered a large number of overcast clouds, and the lightning accompanied the explosion to attack those buildings. It is impossible to defeat the Terminator with lightning, even if Chu Xiang ’s reality is greatly increased, The effect of these lightnings is to destroy the building. After all, it takes too much time to completely destroy this base by human hands and explosives, and now Chu Xiang almost destroyed the base with a five-minute lightning attack.

More than 90 Terminators ran out of the building, and all the robots were activated. Half of the remaining 100 robots were flying robots. They hovered in the air to find the shadow of the enemy. Chu Xiang used the quick freeze to cover the heat of the three people. The flying robot turned around and found nothing. They turned around and landed, then joined the fire-fighting base.

Xu Huai poked his head out of the yellow sand: "Chu team, it's time, I attack from below, you and Jing Yao attack from above, we fight for the first wave to destroy half of their power."

Do n’t worry too much about robots. The enemy is Terminator ~ ~ Although Chu Xiang brings enough acetic acid bombs, Terminator will not be stupid enough to stand there as a target, their counterattack power It is still quite large. Only in the first wave of sneak attacks may destroy many enemies, so that the next battle can be sure of victory.

Chu Xiang carrying Zhang Jingyao secretly flew up into the sky. Both of them had weapons filled with acetic acid bombs. Although Zhang Jingyao was not good at "shooting", it was not a problem to blast the terminator's head at such a close distance. She is also a senior evolutionist, and she still has vision.

boom! Chu Xiang fired his first shot, and Xu Huai also fired after his gunshot. His sniper step was twenty rounds of "shooting", and then he needed to change the magazine. Xu Huai can now hit with his eyes closed. The target, of course, sniping the "Chaos" of the Terminator in the close range is certainly not a problem. After 20 rounds, the terminator's acetic acid bomb shattered his head into slag, and some even had no time to activate the armor. Forty Terminators have been killed on the second magazine. After all, Chu Xiang and Zhang Jingyao can't compare with Xu Huai. The accuracy and speed of "shooting" in flight are not as good as Xu Huai.

At this moment, the Terminator who had returned to God counterattacked. They could slam into the height of Chu Xiang's flight, and Xu Huai's position was also exposed. The Terminator launched a counterattack before driving the robot. It is difficult to sneak attack them. Even the bullet terminator can dodge. In the second round of "shooting", fewer than five terminator are killed. At this time, the frontal combat begins.

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