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Chapter 507: First victory

[507] First victory

Hum, a strong current Chu Xiang and Zhang Jingyao's body emerged. Several Terminators rushed up and sparked, and then fell to the ground. Chu Xiang and Zhang Jingyao took the opportunity to shoot and ended up with several Terminators. At this time, the robot ’s laser also “fired”. For a while, Chu Xiang and Zhang Jingyao were greeted with unceasing climbs and descents to avoid the blow. Xu Huai on the ground also had a hard time. Many robots and Terminators Like a bee.

Chu Xiang was jealous of lasers, even if his armor was not completely immune to lasers, but Chu Xiang had the ability to control water. He instantly made a reflective water mirror, and the two men blocked the laser light emitted by the robot at the same time. Use the ability to control metal to destroy the surrounding robots. These robots are not made of terminator's special materials, but they are picked on the earth. Although the hardness is high, they are metal composites, so Chu Xiang ’s powerful metal control In front of the ability, they began to break down, and even if only a component was damaged, the robot system began to collapse. These huge weapons that fired the laser fire one by one, and the danger of Chu Xiang and Zhang Jingyao began to be lifted.

Seeing that Xu Huai was getting more and more embarrassed on the ground. Even when it was only for escape, Chu Xiang dived down and passed by. Zhang Jingyao stretched out after passing Xu Huai's head, so Xu Huai also sat at Chu Xiang's. On the back, because of the huge wings, Chu Xiang sat on the back and the two were not crowded. Xu Huai lay on the edge of the wings and continued to "shot" the terminator below, and the terminator saw the robots being melted by Chu Xiang, they were anxious It ’s incredible, but it has lost the unique energy of the Terminators. These Terminators even have no ability to fly into a black egg. Although they can jump to tens of meters, Chu Xiang ’s current flight altitude has reached hundreds of meters. So those Terminators just stare.

Xu Huai is good at long-range sniping. Now he can hunt and kill those **** people at will. Occasionally, flying robots rush up. Chu Xiang "shots" projectiles to attack these robots. After all, these robots are not based on hardness. The strong point was that the projectiles "shot" through their chest's control system, so they plunged into the yellow sand and exploded.

From time to time, Terminator's attacks will also be mixed with other mutant creatures, but the number is not large, so the lethality is limited. Chu Xiang uses quick freezing, flame, and ultrasonic cross-strike from time to time, plus Zhang Jingyao's short-range high-voltage electric shock. These mutations Creatures do not even have the power to fight. Although the Terminator's strength is worth fighting, Chu Xiang does not give them a chance, but just looks for opportunities to shoot from above.

The Terminators lost their air superiority and were beaten everywhere. Afterwards, they chose to retreat. In the face of the destruction of the base, they did not have enough troops. However, they did not have enough defense against the air. These Terminators persisted only to extinction. Soon dozens of aircraft "shot" from the base. Although Xu Huai and Chu Xiang lay down more than a dozen aircraft, the rest disappeared into the sky. It is estimated that they went to another base.

These aircraft used by Terminator to escape were not the ones they brought from outer space, but the self-made models in the base. Chu Xiang observed after landing. This type of aircraft is probably an improved version of the flying robot. The weapon system is relatively weak, but The flying ability has been enhanced. It is not a motor-driven, but a miniature helium 3 reactor. This discovery surprised Chu Xiang. If humans also reach the Terminator technology, which can use miniature nuclear reactors for flight or weapons, then human combat effectiveness The power of weapons and weapons will be greatly enhanced. Chu Xiang found two unburned miniature helium 3 reactors and threw them into the space ring. Although Terminator ’s technology is difficult to understand, it is always a reference. Maybe Bai Xiaowei and It is not difficult for Dong's wisdom to understand these things.

There was a big explosion in the Terminator's base. It may be that the fire in key parts could no longer be carried. Half of the base rose into the air, and a large hole appeared under the yellow sand. Far away, but a lot of sand fell on top of his head, Xu Huai picked up the sniper trail: "Chu team, should we go in again, maybe there will be other discoveries, these black carbon head technology can not be said, only this miniature nuclear reactor will Enough for us to learn for a while

child. "

Chu Xiang said: "It's too late, the fire is too big, and we have to rush back to Wang Mingbo's base immediately, otherwise I'm afraid there won't be support there, after all, the main forces are all over the direction of Wang Mingbo's base, otherwise we can take advantage of it."

Xu Huai patted his head: "Well, I forgot the main thing, then let's go quickly."

When the three of Chu Xiang rushed back, the battle was fierce, and it was impossible to count the number of mutant creatures to launch the next blow. There was already a corpse of more than five meters under the fence. If it is not for Chu Xiang to process and add materials during construction, the fence may already be Let the enemy fill in, and then follow-up troops can rush into the base as long as they step on the corpse.

And the flying troops overhead are also a big threat to the base. The Terminator did not use the flying robot as the main force of the charge, but drove tens of thousands of mutant birds to strike the forward. I do n’t know if it was because of parasites. These mutant birds There are a large number of them that cannot be controlled by the small wire. Even the controlled ones have limited lethality and cannot hit the enemy much in the air, especially when attacking flying robots with ordinary mutant birds, which is no different from eggs touching stones. The robot was unscathed.

In addition to hitting the wall with creepers and "harassing" them with flying troops, the Terminator also used long-range weapons. Those robots that could not fly at this moment were constantly "shooting" at the base with lasers and rocket launchers. Chu Xiang has arranged many evolvers here, but after all, each person has only one pair of hands and faces such a large number of enemies. Even Song Jun can only sigh. He can send "shots" of arrows, but the enemy that can kill them at once It is not proportional to the number of attacking troops. Good killers such as Zhou Muqing, Chen Kai, and Zhang Yan also have large-scale killing of "sexual" evolvers. However, these evolvers are weak in self-protection and are hit by long-range and close-range attacks on the sky. The power of one's own power cannot reach even five Chengdu

Although the situation was tense, the evolutionists were not harmed in this way. When the three of Chu Xiang rushed back, only some ordinary soldiers were injured. The casualty rate was not high, but the critical situation was not optimistic. Song Jun said embarrassingly: " Chu Xiang, they are attacking in all directions. Our soldiers have to protect themselves and attack. The fighting power of "chaos" is not high. "

Chu Xiang said: "I will help you clean up the enemies attacking the periphery first. You focus on combating the mutant flying creatures in the sky. It is not enough to look at these monsters as long as you slow your hands and feet. Chen Kai, Fang Yuxuan, you two focus on helping to defend the sky."

Chu Xiang said that he spread his wings and flew into the air. The big disadvantage of Wang Mingbo's base is that it can't be defended. Although Chu Xiang has strengthened the fence, the defensive distance is too long, which is beyond the reach of the evolutionary. Hundreds of people scattered in. I ca n’t see it. Besides, the enemy attacked too quickly, so the situation became so unfavorable.

Chu Xiang has nearly unlimited energy compared to other evolvers. At this moment, the Terminator commands the corpse of the mutant horse unit's early creeper to attack the road. They have more than fifty tanks in total and ten rocket launchers. The ammunition was poured into the base, and there were more than 50,000 mutant horses holding submachine guns and tanks and then charged towards the base.

Chu Xiang used the communicator to contact Xiaosi, Xiaosi said anxiously: "Brother, the Terminator may already know the benefits of parasitic human face monsters, so I ca n’t completely control these mutant horses, most of them come from the parasite before, although The human monsters that grow inside them have not yet fully developed, but this has affected their brain's control of the body. "

Chu Xiang said: "Never mind, I will destroy them all!"

Under the cannon-like charge of the early creeper, coupled with the assistance of the Terminator and the robot, the thousands of zombies controlled by Xiaosi have been wiped out. Under the weak resistance, the mutant horse force is like a bamboo shoot, and it will soon reach the fence. That tall corpse, even if the tank couldn't cross the wall, it was not difficult for the robust mutant horse.

Chu Xiang began to dive and increased the quick freezing ability. Where he flew, an iceberg was left, and countless mutant horses were thus

Frozen, and some even kept firing, as soon as the bullets "shot" out of the muzzle, they were frozen together. Although the base is large, Chu Xiang is not slow. Soon he created an iceberg belt along the fence. Most of the mutant horses were stopped. Boom! Subsequent troops fired "shots" on the iceberg, and the quick-frozen mutant horses shattered like porcelain pieces, and even the weapons they carried were broken together, showing how low the quick-freezing temperature was just now.

Boom, as the mutant horse ’s tank fired “cannonballs”, the thunder and lightning gathered by Chu Xiang also began to show power. After three minutes of Chu Xiang ’s flame attack, the sea of ​​fire was under the wall. The fierce intensity of burning was by no means comparable to the base. The mutant horses in the sea had to avoid lightning strikes, and at the same time resist fire, they had no energy to continue to charge.

At this time, the combat situation in the air also stabilized. Most of the human weapons of the defensive base were transferred to air combat. The sonic cannons, anti-aircraft cannons, and flame-throwing "shooters" all faced the sky. Those mutant birds did not have too much. Strong lethality, began to retreat under strong blows. Although the Terminator drove them to attack again and again, but the evolutionists such as Fang Yuxuan and Chen Kai killed these mutant creatures completely, and only a small amount escaped the battlefield.

Although Chu Xiang's participation in the battle reversed the unfavorable situation, the true power of the Terminator has not yet been put into battle. That is, they and a large number of robots brought by them. Under the consumption of mutant organisms in the air in the early stage, the human flame sprayed the "fire" fuel. There are very few anti-aircraft bullets left, and at this time the Terminator's flying robot is out.

Mutated horses were struck by lightning. At the same time, there were icebergs blocking the road formed by similar corpses on the way. Although there were more than 50,000, they were unable to move forward. At this time, the Terminator strengthened the long-range firepower and fired them. Power, Terminator unit and robot unit, they stepped on the base of the mutant horse to attack the base, the intense laser quickly cut off the iceberg formed by the frozen horse, and the lightning flames did not cause any fatal damage to them. Frozen can only stop for a while, the Terminator's armor showed strong defense.

Chu Xiang's early consumption can actually only be regarded as the terminator's cannon fodder. When the cannon fodder cannot stand, the main force really attacked. In the face of long-range artillery, Chu Xiang must find a solution. Otherwise, it will still pose a great threat to the internal security of the base. How Chu Xiang could solve such a long range of siege troops in a short time. He tried several methods to no effect. Even the control of the metal was not effective because the front was too long. The Terminator's troops took the opportunity to advance for dozens of meters. It will soon reach the fence. With the strength of the Terminator, this fence has absolutely no reason to block them, and because the firepower of the attacking forces is still fierce, not many people on the side of Chu Xiang use acetic acid bombs to attack the end of the attack. For a while, the situation was again detrimental to the human side.

Chu Xiang couldn't decide to save Wei and rescue Zhao. He gave up and continued to stop the Terminator, but flew to the rear of the Terminator. Here the robot is using fierce firepower to suppress the resistance of humans in the base, and Chu Xiang took out the spear of judgment at the waist. I have to admire Terminator's manufacturing technology. This unknown alloy material is absolutely powerful. So far, Chu Xiang has not found a single weapon that can surpass it. Even these robots made by Terminator after coming to Earth will not work. .

Chu Xiang's speed is extremely fast, even those robots can't shoot bullets and lasers at a speed comparable to him, because the danger of the base makes Chu Xiang dare not relax, and destroying these groups of robots has a huge effect on reducing the pressure on the base. This will free up manpower to deal with the Terminator.

Chu Xiang used the spear of judgment to form a long knife. The robot chased the trajectory of Chu Xiang ’s trajectory and shot, but after they always fell, Chu Xiang broke through the firepower net and attacked the front. The long knife cut the robot and suddenly these alloys The machine was divided into two, because the explosion caused by the short circuit continued, and even some robotic weapon systems were not completely destroyed, but because the body was out of balance, they "shot" and hit their companions, and the scene immediately mixed and "chaotic", and as " The pressure of the evolutionaries in the base of the shooting stop suddenly reduced, and they immediately picked up their weapons to deal with the terminating rushed up.

The real battle has begun, this is not an overwhelming "sex"

The war, but the disparity in strength, the hardness of the Terminator armor and the strength of the reaction speed are not comparable to the evolutionary. The only advantage of the evolutionary is the acetic acid bomb. For this battle, the Resistance Army invested no less than 300 evolutionaries, but the field The current situation is not optimistic. He Yaohui immediately organized a second batch of 200 evolutionaries to take part in the battle, and in the face of more than 400 Terminators, this strength seems to be insufficient to counteract.

It is undeniable that Chu Xiang's combat effectiveness is horrible. He chopped down hundreds of robots in five minutes. Although he was burned by laser at several skins, this injury in front of his powerful self-healing ability was not much. Robots were originally slow because of their large body movements. Now this has become their fatal weakness. Under the rapid and powerful blow of Chu Xiang, they immediately turned into a pile of scrap iron. As for weapons such as tank rocket artillery, it is not worth mentioning. After a few waves of quick freezing, they were resolved. The "hands" in it were mutant horses. Even if the tanks and rocket guns resisted the low temperature, these mutant creatures could not be blocked, and the terminator's fire support was eliminated.

Chu Xiang had learned about the pressure in the base. He Yaohui had reported to Chu Xiang through a communicator before increasing troops. This battle was related to the morale of the Resistance. Therefore, Chu Xiang was also ruthless and looked at the end of his army. Injuries and injuries continue to occur in front of Chu, and Xiang Xiang ’s anger and pity are by no means comparable to others. After destroying the robot, he immediately turned around and joined the Terminator battle, holding a long sword combination of the spear of judgment to resist the Terminator ’s Attack, because only the trial spear can fight the trial spear. The other weapons have only a broken fate in front of them. The other hand is holding the 500 runner, but the gun is filled with acetic acid bombs. Both offense and defense are constantly hunting for the Terminator.

The strength distribution of Chu Xiang is uneven. Chu Xiang, Song Jun, and others have great lethality, while other evolvers have average lethality. This is mainly because the terminator's fighting power is too high, and the evolutionaries who fight with them suffer too much. After Chu Xiang joined the battle, he immediately changed his combat strategy. He sharply contracted the battlefield between several buildings, and then exerted his ability to control the plant to greatly block the attack of the Terminator. The weak evolutionary was only responsible for sniping. , Strong evolutionaries like Song Jun helped Chu Xiang resist the attack of the Terminator, creating opportunities for ordinary evolutionaries.

Chu Xiang's powerful skills saw the effect at this moment. He constantly urged the plants to restrain the Terminator. Although this restraint is only temporary, but even a second determines victory or defeat. Hundreds of evolvers Full-time sniping, the terminator trapped by rattan headshots, and Chu Xiang also used the fruit of life growing everywhere. The terminator was entangled by the fruit of life growing suddenly when crossing the cropland. The number of 400 was sharp. Less, although some of the mutant horses rushed in later, they couldn't resist the restraint of plants, and a whole group of people turned over in the base.

The mixed chaos battle lasted for half an hour. There were less than a hundred Terminator troops left. Victory or defeat had already been decided. They could not fight against the acetic acid bombs. No matter how terrible they were, the Mutant Horses were still tenacious. Charge, but they only give humans the opportunity to practice their targets. As the Terminator leaves, the mutant horses also fled.

The human race cheered and won. This was a big battle after the Terminator appeared. Human race achieved a great victory. Although the number of casualties was not low, they were still proud of the achievements. Wang Mingbo did not expect the situation of the war to develop so fast. The end of the game still made him happy. Although a large number of crops were destroyed, it was worthwhile compared to killing so many terminators. Besides, the fruit of life grew extremely fast, and this loss could soon be made up.

The news of Dajie soon spread to all bases. All humans were excited all night long, eliminating more than 500 Terminators at once, as well as a large number of robots and mutant creatures. It is important to destroy a Terminator's base with great results! The news was also quickly sent to Alaska. The Americans originally reached a cooperation agreement with Chu Xiang. Although it has not been achieved for various reasons, the achievements of the Resistance Army surprised the Americans. Dayton and Evelina also became particularly affectionate, and the cooperative action put forward by the Chinese side required them to accept all of them.

After the victory, Chu Xiang did not rectify Wang Mingbo's base. He did not plant crops.

Yes, he does n’t understand how to raise pigs. Naturally, there are specialists to do these things. Chu Xiang is anxious to send satellites. Terminators have lost their mother ships due to strategic mistakes. Now their own information communication is also difficult. Humans want intelligence work to continue to succeed in future wars. Intelligence work is extremely important. Although it is said that Alaska and Chinese bases are now equipped with transmission devices, this can only increase the speed of reinforcements and retreats, and is of little help to intelligence reconnaissance.

Li Haipeng, who sent Ordington and Evelina to the United States today, came back. He hurriedly found Chu Xiang to report. "Chu team, Ordington has important news for me to give you."

Chu Xiang is working with Bai Xiaowei and Hua Fuqiang to research which research institute's satellite semi-finished products can be used in China. Listening to Li Haipeng said that there is important news in the United States: "Hurry up and talk."

Li Haipeng said: "Aldington convinced the Americans that the United States is willing to take out two military reconnaissance satellites, but the issue of" shooting "must be borne by us, and after the" shot ", the United States also needs a satellite to control right."

Chu Xiang said in surprise: "Does the American have a spare satellite? This is good news."

Li Haipeng said: "According to Oldington, this is not like Americans are lying."

Chu Xiang asked Hua Fuqiang and Bai Xiaowei for advice: "What do you think of this?"

Hua Fuqiang said: "If we say that the country with stronger strength is probably the first in the United States, it is not unusual for them to have spare military satellites, and the war in North and South America mainly depends on them. I think this can be done."

Xiaowei Bai also nodded in agreement, Chu Xiang said: "Okay, I'll rush to the United States to discuss this matter with their president. We only need to cover the communications in the Asian region. One satellite is sufficient to meet the needs, and that one will be left for The Americans use it for themselves, and I hope they don't live up to our expectations, even if the absolute "sex" victory of the war cannot be achieved ~ ~ as long as the terminator's North and South America forces are involved. "

Hua Fuqiang said: "Yes, the victory we achieved this time is of great significance for resisting Terminator aggression in Asia. With satellite communications and intelligence reconnaissance, it will be effective soon. As long as Terminators on other continents do not reinforce, we are confident that Clean up the Terminator base in Asia this year. "

Bai Xiaowei reminded: "While we are dealing with the Terminator," Lost "can not relax our vigilance. It is unknown whether the enemy or friend is in that place. You must not let them" fish "the fish. After all, they have cloning technology. In the event of cloning a large number of humans in a short period of time, it will still pose a threat to us, and it is unacceptable that they use female "sex" survivors to breed humans. "

Chu Xiang nodded: "It's such a reason, you reminded me, but it's really weird." Chairman "didn't know about the bio-pharmaceutical factory. It seems that the" lost city "developed after the virus. I'll go again when the cooperation with the United States is negotiated. "

Chu Xiang hurriedly packed things and went to the United States the same day. He first found Aldington and Evelina to find out about the news. Evelina was a "lost" person than before. During this time, the life of the Resistance Army made her much richer, and her dress was similar to that of the former world.

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