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Chapter 508: Radical emergence

[508] Radical signs

The United States has received a more detailed battle process. Although they suspected that this was a Chinese trick to deceive the world, experts later believed that the news was absolutely reliable, and China had eliminated a large Terminator base on its own. The Americans then reexamined China.

The negotiation between Chu Xiang and the United States is very simple. The United States is not very demanding. It is reasonable for two satellites to be used by oneself. As for the launch, Chu Xiang has found several rocket launch centers in China to find rockets that are not severely damaged. Although the engineer who sent the "shot" has not yet been determined, he can always make up for it. He will not eat a fat man in one bite, and first solve the satellite problem.

The negotiations ended in a friendly atmosphere, and then the US President invited Chu Xiang to dine together. Chu Xiang was not interested in Western food, but what he didn't expect was that the Americans had a table of Chinese food, and the variety of colors was beyond Chu. Xiang Xiang ’s imagination, this level of chaos in the chaotic world surprised Chu Xiang to this extent, but it also shows that Americans attach great importance to Chu Xiang

The U.S. President don't hesitate to use chopsticks, and then please: "Mr. Chu, are you satisfied with the food?"

Chu Xiang nodded and said, "Mr. President is very polite. This is probably a rich meal I have eaten in recent years."

The President of the United States smiled and said, "Mr. Chu has won the prize. Since seeing Mr. Chu two years ago, he has not been able to meet again. In the meantime, we have encountered many difficulties. You Chinese have also given us some help. After that, I am happy that we are cooperating again this time, but an existing difficulty is holding us back. We do not have enough acetate bombs, which is a fatal limitation for the counter-terminator. "

In the two years that Chu Xiang was fainted, Song Jun and others maintained a certain relationship with the United States and also provided acetic acid bombs many times. However, the quantity could not meet the needs of the United States. Originally, Alaska's capabilities could completely produce it , But there is no order from Chu Xiang who will give the formula of the acetic acid bomb to the Americans, so the matter has been delayed, and this time the US president who saw Chu Xiang himself must revisit the matter, and he even decided to do so at any cost. Swap to recipe.

Chu Xiang said without hesitation: "The exact formula of the acetate bomb can give you the United States." The manufacture of bullets is basically a production level that can be achieved in every country, but the formula of acetate bacteria that can break the Terminator armor is a mystery. In this regard, the research results of Dong Lao, Fang Qian, and Bai Xiaowei have been gathered in this regard. It is not easy for Americans to figure it out in a short time.

The US President said in surprise: "Really?" He did not expect Chu Xiang to be so generous, and thought that Chu Xiang would take this opportunity to open his mouth wide, but he did not think far away that the acetic acid bomb was only a weapon effective for the Terminator. Even if the United States has production capacity, it will not dominate the world again. Besides, the acetic acid bomb process is simple. There is no place to keep secrets except that the formula has not been thoroughly researched by Americans. In fact, Americans can think about it sooner or later. Might as well send a personal relationship.

Chu Xiang confirmed: "Really, I will send someone to guide you through the fermentation process, but you can take the initiative to attack the United States. There are no fewer than ten Terminator bases in the Americas. You must always show some results to survivors in other countries. Look."

The President of the United States said: "This is no problem. What we lack now is ammunition. If we can produce it ourselves, we are sure to destroy several Terminator bases in the near future. At the same time, in order to thank Mr. Chu for his generosity, we in the United States will provide you with Five helicopters. This is also a congratulations to Mr. Chu. "

Chu Xiang laughed: "Mr. President is polite, how can I be embarrassed?"

The US President smiled heartily: "You're welcome, and Mr. Chu should not be too polite, come and drink and eat with us."

Chu Xiang returned with a full load. Other U.S. affairs were handled by Aldington and Evelina. After the victory of the Resistance, the morale increased greatly. Although the satellites have not yet launched, it does not prevent the Terminator from continuing. Counterattack

The goal is to set a large terminator base inland, which is very close to Beijing, Tianjin, and Shijiazhuang. It is a densely populated area of ​​the former world. It can be said that the terminator chose this place as a base with a purpose to control and destroy humanity.

Li Haipeng now follows Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie most of the time. The three men conducted a two-day reconnaissance of the Terminator's base. This base is larger than the desert hinterland. It is estimated that the number of Terminators should be close to a thousand, and the number of robots. There is no way to know for sure, as for other mutants.

After dinner this morning, Chu Xiang held a preliminary seminar. After all, if you ca n’t hit this base, you have to be careful. You ca n’t regret it because of a sudden brainstorm. Chu Xiang said: “The number of thousand terminator is not weak, we are now evolving. The total number of participants has not exceeded one thousand. Besides, there are still an unknown number of robots and mutants. Let's calm down and think about it. "

Liang Tiandao: "Captain Chu, in fact, we should be more confident. This Thousand Terminator is indeed a trouble, but as long as we send snipers widely, it doesn't matter if it is not an evolutionary. Then we use the power of our evolutionary to stop robots and mutant creatures. , It will definitely be a great victory. "

Song Jundao: "Liang Tian, ​​things are not as simple as you think. Once there is an accident, this one thousand terminator is a very difficult horse honeycomb. We want to pursue it while we win, but we do not mean to be radical."

He Yaohui said: "Lao Song, you are too cautious. If you have the Chu team, what are you afraid of? He can block the robot. We will deal with mutant creatures. The others will kill the Terminator and rely on their recently trained marksmanship. Still afraid of one shot? One thousand Terminators are just "hair" and "hair" rain. "

Many people agree with He Yaohui's words. Chu Xiang knows that the temporary "sex" victory has caused everyone's brain to heat up. This is both an inspiration and a dangerous sign. It is good for the leader to have confidence in himself, but Nor can you worship blindly, in case you can't deal with those robots, not all plans will fail? This is not talking on paper. If it fails, it will come again. Once it fails, it is related to the "life" of many people, and even the future of the Resistance.

Chu Xiang said: "Everyone don't fight, we must prove whether we can attack or not, and the Resistance Army must continue to survive and grow stronger, instead of making a great leap forward. I think Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie should continue to strengthen In intelligence work, even if the number of zombies in the Terminator base cannot be determined, the strength of their robots should be understood. Don't bet on me or a few evolvers. Although we have achieved initial victory, we must remember that at present Judging from the strength of our resistance army, we still cannot afford to fail. "

Everyone is silent. Chu Xiang is telling the truth. Although the number of resistance bases has increased, the real strength has not increased much, including reconnaissance satellites or improved weapons. If the resistance army is killed, even if the strength of several people in Chu Xiang is horrible, it is really inappropriate to put all their hopes of winning the battle. It is easy to increase their psychological burden. Second, it is not stable. practice.

Since Chu Xiang is the leader of the Resistance Army, his opinions are very important. Although He Yaohui and others were in a hurry to pack up the Terminator, the symposium still suppressed the radical signs. At least they must wait for further information from Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie. At the same time, Chu Xiang will continue to organize the weapons left over from the previous world. Of course, ordinary guns and ammunition "medicines" have little effect, but large-caliber machine guns, tanks, and missiles are still very popular, especially missiles. This has great significance for the future attack on the Terminator base.

In addition, Chu Xiang still continued to pay attention to the situation of Lost City, because the last accident caused the Lost City to close for nearly a month. Chu Xiang and others now use the excuse to go out to be a female slave, so their disappearance has not Caused the "Lost" Lost City official observation, never heard of accidents in the process of reforming Chu Xiang's body, maybe "Lost" Lost City did not notice that the confusion was caused by Chu Xiang, maybe they knew Also pretending to be confused, but Chu Xiang is not afraid. The reason why he is not anxious to tear his face with Lost City is because Chu Xiang still has

There is a glimmer of hope, even if the "lost" Lost City Lord is bereavement, but they can still be united if they can be united. After all, they are making batches of evolutionaries. This is Chu Xiang's incomparable advantage. Terminator's base, Chu Xiang, didn't look at it, as for the internal contradictions, he said after defeating the Terminator.

On this day, He Yaohui took his magnetic card to return to Lost City. After returning, he told Chu Xiang that Lost City restored order again. I heard that many special tasks will increase the rewards. It looks like the last damage caused them to lose. Seriously, many special materials are now in short supply, and a message has been sent to Chu Xiang's heart. Completing the special task ten times in a row can be personally interviewed by the Lost City Lord, and awarded the honorary citizen title by the City Lord. 』Lost of permanent residency in the city.

Chu Xiang said: "We are not envious of this honorable citizen, but it is an opportunity to get the city owner's interview. Are we going to go back and let Song Jun prepare to go to Lost City tomorrow and see which ten tasks are compared? It ’s simple. I ’m done to meet the mysterious city master. If he cooperates with us, otherwise he will be investigated for his crime of killing female survivors. ”

He Yaohui said: "Okay, I'm also bored and want to go out for a walk. By the Chu team, don't you really plan to attack the terminator base between Beijing, Tianjin and Shi? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Our morale is high, and the so-called anger and exhaustion are exhausted. We still have two Terminator bases in China. It is easier to remove the stab in the eyes and leave the other one. In fact, we must destroy it with our strength. That base is not difficult. "

Chu Xiang said: "Old Ho, we will sneak attack on the Terminator's base. Isn't the Terminator stupid than us? Let's transfer all our strength to the Terminator's base between Beijing, Tianjin and Shi. In case, if What about the Terminator sneaking into our base? Even if we destroy that base but at the cost of a huge price, this is by no means what I want. "

He Yaohui was a little embarrassed, "touched" and "touched" his head: "I was really irritated. I always wanted to solve them early. In case these monsters are really a big problem behind us, Chu team, you plan to "Mission" Lost City Cooperation? "

Chu Xiang sighed, "I don't think so. Even if we don't care about the Terminators in other parts of the world, they will always be eliminated in China. However, these two bases in our country, whichever has no thousand evolutionaries, It ’s not easy to deal with, but where do we find so many evolvers, and we still need to save a certain amount of defensive bases, so the "lost" lost city transformation equipment is very important to us. Just reinvent the evolutionary for us. "

He Yaohui said: "I understand the Chu team, I'm ready to go out, let's go" lost "and lose the city tomorrow."

Chu Xiang thought about looking for Bai Xiaowei. Now Bai Xiaowei is in charge of all research matters. When she sees Chu Xiang Bai Xiaowei's thin face "showing" a smile, "Here you come, do you want to ask about satellites?" "

Chu Xiang smiled and said, "Can't you come to see me if you have nothing? You're thin. Although your work is important, your body is important."

Bai Xiaowei said: "How do you know that you care about me, have Jingya and Shanshan come out? Be careful of them."

Chu Xiang said: "How can it be? How can we say that we are also good old friends? They are still in the back row. Think about how fast the time passed. At that time, I just woke up. The only thing that accompanied me was the one in your memory. pda, although the living conditions are getting better every day, but your tasks are getting heavier, and the shorter we can be together, later you come back from the eighth laboratory, your body and memory merge, so that you I'm busy, think about a lot of times I'm sorry for you, always treat you as a coolie, I'm still very fierce to you when you did not say that you have been integrated with memory. "

Bai Xiaowei suddenly hugged Chu Xiang with tears: "Don't say Chu Xiang, you can think that I'm very touched and willing to suffer so much, I know I can't help you any other way, so only scientific research allows you Save your heart, I really think you are important,

When we rebuild our home one day, we will be able to stay together every day. "

Chu Xiang hugged Bai Xiaowei tightly and said, "Don't wait until that day, we are going to stay together now, don't you always be so reserved, will you go back to my house at night? I think you are as important as them. Isolate them outside their own circles and try to get in touch. I think you will be integrated into your life. "

Bai Xiaowei blushed and said, "How do you live there? You don't have my bed there."

Chu Xiang said: "Who said no, you sleep in my bed justified."

Bai Xiaowei said: "Blind words, ignore you like this, but if you are interested, why can't you sleep on my side?"

Chu Xiang "touched" and "touched" the back of his head. "Okay, I won't leave tonight, I will sleep here with you later."

Although Bai Xiaowei is not shocked on the surface with Zhang Jingyao's women, she is engaged in scientific research after all, and cannot quickly integrate with Zhang Jingyao in daily life like Fang Sufangya, and Bai Xiaowei spends most of her time in the laboratory, even if she wants to There is no time for more contacts with Zhang Jingyao and others. This leads to Chu Xiang always feeling that Bai Xiaowei seems to be living in another circle, so those words are just now, but even if Bai Xiaowei is interested in integrating into Chu Xiang's life, she is not at the present time, she must Quickly come up with a series of measures, which is very important for the future development of the Resistance Army. In fact, Bai Xiaowei still hopes that Chu Xiang belongs to her alone and stays with her every day. She can see it when she thinks, but Bai Xiaowei knows that this is impossible. Chu Xiang can only belong to everyone.

"Don't give me false hope, even if you stay tonight and tomorrow, you still have to leave, say, come to me for something?" Bai Xiaowei kissed Chu Xiang's face gently, then pushed him away from his embrace Ling "messy" clothes.

Chu Xiang said: "Tomorrow we will mix in the" Lost "Lost City. I want to talk to the" Lost "Lost City Lord. I hope he can cooperate with us. If he is willing to transform the evolutionary for us, this will be our future war. The situation will be very helpful, but there is no free lunch in the world. I am afraid we have to pay a little price. I want to know how our energy research is going. "

Bai Xiaowei said: "I and Dong have studied the miniature reactor you brought back, and now we have imitated an effective miniature helium 3 reactor. We have tried to open the cabinet you brought back. The amount of helium 3 reactants in it is very large. Large, plus the previous box is enough for us to use for five years. Having power is of great significance for us to launch satellites and make high-power sonic cannons and lightning cannons. At the same time, it also allows us to achieve miniaturization of laser weapons. Guarantee, I think it won't be long before you see results. "

Chu Xiang said happily: "That's good, we have more bargaining chips. Before I observed the situation of the" lost "lost city, although they have more powerful weapons than ordinary guns, but that thing is not good at terminating the terminator. In addition, although they also have laser weapons, I don't think they are miniaturized, so we still have an advantage. "

Bai Xiaowei said: "Our existing sonic gun technology is very mature, but the energy supply is relatively weak, and you need to recharge it after a few shots. You can first put this sonic gun as the cost of transforming the evolutionary. Anyway, we They will soon be replaced, not afraid that they will take the lead and bite. "

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, I will consider. Is there any progress on launching satellites?"

Bai Xiaowei said: "Preparation is underway. We decided to use the original hair" shoot "base for hair" shoot ", so we have recently transferred more than 100 evolutionaries to the hair" shoot "base for protection, but I am afraid that the critical moment terminator It will destroy, if it is possible to hope that you can continue to increase troops, this is very important for our future intelligence work, so we must pay attention to it. "

Chu Xiang said: "I understand, when you need to send more power to inform me."

After talking about the job, Chu Xiang couldn't help but hug Bai Xiaowei. This time, Bai Xiaowei did not resist, and she had a break in her laboratory.

In the room, the two entered the lounge with some gentleness. As for the rest, it was not outsider. Chu Xiang took Song Jun, He Yaohui, Lin, Fang Yuxuan, Zhang Hongbing and other people to the "Mystery" 』Out of the city, then the bright and righteous opened the door to the" lost "city.

"Lost" Lost City looks a lot more deserted. Although the surveillance cameras are working again, the ladies who have taken the business along the stone road are gone, including the enthusiastic boss in the store, which has become indifferent and ignored. The posture, it is estimated that everyone was very disappointed in the absence of business, and Chu Xiang and others did not notice it. They walked along the stone road to the residence and accidentally encountered the ten teams of beetles.

"Captain Ho? Captain Song? I'm not dazzled, are you? You have come back. I don't see you trying to die these days. I heard that you are out of work. Why did you get rid of me? I know I don't have the ability. But it is still possible to pour water on the back of the two saddle horses. You don't want to throw me off this time. "The beetle squealed and cried, as if Chu Xiang was waiting for someone to go through the water.

He Yaohui said: "What are you crying for, a big old man, wasn't it" lost "in the city that was too" messy "a few days ago, we went outside and wanted to pick up some supplies by the way to do some private affairs. It is estimated that the time has been restored Order will come back now. How is it going? "

Captain Beetle said: "You are here just now. The boss is having a meeting today. I am still worried about how to inform you. It is almost time. Let's go."

The boss that Captain Beetle said was the clone in the lobby of the release and acceptance mission. Originally, Chu Xiang was not in a hurry, but Captain Beetle was too enthusiastic and said that this was an order. If he did n’t follow the boss's shoes, there would be no way. Drop the equipment and enter the "Lost" Lost City immediately with Captain Beetle.

Chu Xiang watched the situation of the "lost" lost in the city, and even let Wang Shaohui quietly go to explore everywhere. From the appearance alone, it seems that there is no difference. Everything is no different from that before the accident, including the last damaged release. The mission hall is now fully restored. It seems that the strength of Lost City is still good.

When Chu Xiang and others entered the lobby, there were already more than a dozen people in it. The leader of the beetle introduced: "Near the" lost "lost city for restoration work, you know that there was a problem inside the base last time, which caused a lot of facilities damage, so the material demand The increase greatly, the ten teams in the field group are no longer able to meet the needs, coupled with the previous expansion of the "exposure" to expand the capacity, so this time it was taken for granted, but the current character is really inferior and does not respect the elderly. "

Chu Xiang glanced at the additional captains, each with a high toe, and then listened to the beetle captain's narration. It is estimated that these people did not give the beetle captain a good look. Think about it, the beetle captain is greedy for fear of death. I have never achieved anything to be proud of. It is easy to make people respect. In addition, the captain beetle has now become the commander of the bare pole. The members he later recruited are also scattered. This is compared with the ten expanded and strong teams Out of sight.

As soon as Chu Xiang and others found a computer and sat down under the screen, the room opened. The cloner who used to come out came out, and said blankly: "The meeting is now underway, no matter if anyone is absent, I hope the scene will be People spread the news. Some time ago, we "lost" a bit of "chaos", but now it has been restored, and we took the opportunity to enhance the security measures inside the base and expand the field team again ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ A few slaps of applause below, the clone did not intend, he continued: "In order to improve the task completion rate, we have increased the corresponding task rewards, but also to improve everyone's enthusiasm, we Competitive tasks are also launched, that is, tasks that allow repeated takeovers are released every week, regardless of the number and number of participating teams. As long as someone returns first, they will get 70% of the total task reward, and the next 20%. The third place took ten percent. "

The clone does not mess around, and ignores the expressions and discussions of the following people: "This week ’s frequent tasks and special tasks can be checked on your computer, and the competitive task is 3 kg of uranium 235 ten kilograms, reward To transform ten evolutionaries,

Add one million "lost" lost coins, for each additional kilogram of uranium 235 outside the mission, you can get an additional evolution and transformation and one hundred thousand "lost" lost coins. I hope everyone will actively participate. "

Speaking of the clones, they returned to their office, fry the pan outside, ten evolutionaries transformed the quota, plus one million "lost" lost coins, and over-completed and rewarded. This is simply a pie in the sky. The five teams stated that they wanted to compete. He Yaohui and Song Jun asked Chu Xiang with their eyes. Chu Xiang wanted to get ten places to try the transformation effect of Lost City, so he nodded slightly, at this time the captain of the beetle said: "Captain He, Captain Song, I think this mission is just for us, let's compete!"

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