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Chapter 509: Common road

[509] Common Road

The beetle captain excited Yao Yaohui. He seems to be He Yaohui who is strong among them. Although Song Jun is also the captain, he is obviously quiet and his face is so scary that he is not seen by the beetle captain. Fang Yuxuan is a Women, although they are also evolutionaries, can never let Captain Beetle attach the same importance to men.

He Yaohui told Captain Beetle: "Pay attention to the words, what we are, you are you, I am me, don't mix together."

Captain Beetle's face was "colored" in a dark mood when he was repelled, but he still walked forward unwillingly: "Captain He, I know I don't have the ability, but I will save you a lot of heart by myself. My request It ’s not high, it ’s enough. ”

He Yaohui also refused. Song Jun said at this time: "Take him, or someone will set up a tent to light a fire."

This is what He Yaohui said: "Okay, but you are good at rules, otherwise we will throw you away at any time."

Captain Beetle gave Song Jun a grateful look. It seems that this ugly and weird one also has a favorite place, "It must be, I will follow the rules, I drive, I set up a tent, I light a fire to cook, everything is tiring and I am all Packed. "

The beetle captain is now desperate. Although he is still the captain of the ten teams in nominal terms, he has a bare pole commander, plus he does not have offensive skills, and only a protective armor of "sex" quality has fart. Without strength, no one follows. It is impossible to go out to complete the task. If you fail to complete the task, you will not get the "lost" lost coins, and you will starve to death if you don't get the "lost" lost coins.

He Yaohui said: "Don't sell your tongue first, but also see how you will perform in the future, go to the repair shop to check the condition of the vehicle, and prepare weapons and food. We may start at any time."

Captain Beetle was glad to say, although he was instructed to work, "Yes, the little one understands, the little one will do it right away."

Chu Xiang called the captain of the beetle and said, "Wait a minute before I go. I have something to ask you, and I'll be busy without delay."

The captain of the beetle gave Chu Xiang a strange look. The meaning was obvious. From the appearance, Chu Xiang was not the main character of the three mixed teams, and he was not an evolutionary. The captain of the beetle was also the captain of the ten teams. He was unwilling to drink it. Although Chu Xiang was worried that everyone was injured last time, Captain Beetle was not on the front line at that time, so he didn't know much, but he was afraid that He Yaohui and Song Jun would not be happy.

Chu Xiang asked: "I find that there are two types of weapons here, one is the ordinary weapon we can get, and the other is the use of those people with dull expressions, as if the power is not the same, can we also take them? What kind of weapon? "

The beetle captain said: "This is not possible. Those weapons are professional weapons. They are used exclusively inside the" lost city ". Some people try to make a batch without success, so you have to dispel this idea."

Chu Xiang nodded. With the sonic gun and laser weapon, this improved thermal weapon is not worth much attention, so Chu Xiang asked another question: "What kind of person is the" lost "city owner? "

The captain of the beetle looked at He Yaohui and Song Jun. If He Yaohui and Song Jun asked it, he would not hesitate to tell what he knew, but the person who asked it was Chu Xiang. He would have to consider the gains and losses. See He Yaohui And Song Jun did not stop Chu Xiang's question, Captain Beetle knew that he had to answer.

"I said before that I lived here for a long time, but I have never seen the owner of the city. We do n’t even know whether the city owner is male or female, but this time it ’s good. In order to stimulate the field team to complete the task. , The city owner has decided to show up, as long as he has completed ten consecutive tasks, he will have the opportunity to meet him. "

Chu Xiang stopped questioning. The captain of the beetle didn't know much. Since the city owner could hide for a few years without seeing anyone,

, Then it ’s definitely not okay to ask for an interview by yourself, but take it slowly, but this city owner really hates women's "sex" as a breeding machine, saying that they must not destroy that system first, at least to stop having women The survivors were trafficked in.

The people around Chu Xiang are mostly in a circle, and the people around them no longer come around, so there is no need to worry about talking. After the captain Beetle leaves, the other members in the hall also leave one after another. The topics that they listen to while discussing are all about Uranium 235, are these guys planning to take over the mission? One million "lost" lost coins, this amount is amazing enough.

Chu Xiang then checked it on the computer system, and there were actually three of them who had already registered for the competition. This is not to say that some teams did not register on the computer at all, because the tasks that allow multiple hands to take over do not need to be registered on the computer, as long as If you can get back the target, you will be rewarded even if you complete the mission, but this time there are restrictions on the rewards. Only the top three will get a certain percentage of rewards according to the order.

In addition, the mission information is also provided in the computer system. It is the plan and azimuth map of the two nearby nuclear power plants. In addition, the teams taking over the task will need to pick up a special box, which is used to store uranium 235. The stuff is not Chinese cabbage, so Special equipment is needed for loading. When Chu Xiang and his team went to the equipment warehouse to pick up the boxes, the number was already six, which means that five teams had already picked up the boxes.

Chu Xiang, He Yaohui, and Song Jun have researched. The two nuclear power stations given by the Lost City are one near one and the far one is near the sea. The far one is inland, but the near one is small in scale. Can you find it? Ten kilograms of uranium 235 is unknown, and the far one is large in scale, and maybe the task can be exceeded.

However, this large-scale nuclear power plant is located near Terminator's second base in China. The two are within 20 kilometers of each other. There is a relatively famous mountain around it. The map shows the Jiming Mountain. It was a scenic tourist area. The nuclear power plant It's called the Jimingshan Nuclear Power Plant, and the Terminator Base is called the Jimingshan Base. In fact, they are not on the Jimingshan Base, but there is only such a sign near the surrounding area.

Chu Xiangdao: "I don't know how other teams will choose, but we still choose the Jimingshan Nuclear Power Station, which is more secure. When we go, we can use the normal travel method. When we come back, we use the transmission. Uranium 235 may not be fast ahead of us. "

Fang Yuxuan said: "We don't have much information on the Terminator base near Jimingshan. Is it dangerous to look for uranium 235 at such a close distance?" Fang Yuxuan's worry was the common meaning of Lin et al.

Chu Xiang said: "Danger will definitely exist, but it is not easy for the Terminator to deal with us. If you disturb it, you may break both the Jimingshan Terminator Base and the Beijing, Tianjin and Shi Terminator Bases. This will help us eliminate the Beijing, Tianjin and Shi Terminator bases in the future. "

Song Jundao: "Operational safety of our small units should still be very high. After all, our ability to save lives is better than ordinary evolutionaries. The Jimingshan Terminator Base will not be guarded by heavy soldiers. The number of people who want to come will be less than 500. Or maybe two hundred, it is worth our try. "

No one objected to go to Jimingshan again, because it was not too early, so Chu Xiang decided to start tomorrow. I do n’t know if it was due to the near depression or the next day. I was going to lose the city in the evening. Lost vitality, many nightclubs even closed directly, this makes people feel that the bustling "lost" lost in the past seems to be an instant decline.

The next day, the bright "color" and "lost" people lost their way inside the city and turned their backs. There were noisy sounds and crowds everywhere. It made people think that it was a cold dream last night, but it was a bustling world to open their eyes. This is more than the number of people in the night market. Everyone crowded the "lost" exit of the city and scolded them. About 20 teams have arrived this time. There are 1,500 or 600 people, and they have stretched for one kilometer along the stone road until At 8 o’clock, it ’s not crowded out of the city. Many ca n’t wait to get into the roadside shop.

Woman, the captain at night restricted them from being happy after they failed to do it. No one cares about leaving now. There are harsh groans, and women Fang Yuxuan blushed.

When Chu Xiang's team got out of the "lost" and lost the city, it was already 8:15. The front team couldn't see the head at a glance, which made people sincerely sigh the scene. With the emergence of the fork, the team was divided into two factions. One group went to the seaside nuclear power plant, and the other group went to the Jimingshan nuclear power plant. It seems that all the teams are eyeing the one million "lost" lost coins. Even if they get 10%, they are happy. It ’s been a long time, and even if those teams ca n’t get uranium 235 in their eyes, it ’s enough to collect some supplies or female survivors along the way to cover the appearance fee. In case of luck, finding uranium 235 is a fortune. Yet.

Chu Xiang calculated the distance. If he traveled 300 kilometers a day, he would arrive at the Jimingshan Nuclear Power Plant three days later, take one day to find uranium 235, and then return in three days. This is given by Lost City The precise timetable is limited to one week when the task is completed. In fact, as long as the road conditions are good, traveling 500 kilometers per day is not a problem, but it may be unfortunate that you can't even reach 100 kilometers a day, such as "lost" the road or the vehicle is damaged. .

On the first day, Chu Xiang ’s team surpassed the previous two teams, and the total distance was 450 kilometers. Wang Shaohui was sent to the front to find out. There are still three teams ahead, which means that the current direction to the Jimingshan Nuclear Power Station is There are six teams with a total number of more than 500. From the appearance, the weak one is Chu Xiang. The three teams are only a dozen.

When Chu Xiang started cooking dinner, the two teams behind caught up. At this time, the line of sight couldn't be farther away. When they saw someone camping there, the two teams also stopped, and found a dry high place to start camping. Two The team is mixed together, with a total number of more than one hundred and more than twenty cars, which is very large. Unlike Chu Xiang, there is only one base car disguised as a large van.

Captain Beetle introduced He Yaohui while cooking and cooking: "Captain He, the next two teams are the added fifteen and sixteen teams. The captain of the fifteen team is called Transformer Steel. It is said to be a metamorphic evolutionary. The captain of the team is called Flying Man, and it is said that they are flight evolvers. They have just arrived in Lost City, and I do n’t know any more.

He Yaohui nodded to know that the three teams were all right this evening, but when the camp was launched the next morning, the people from the Transformers and Flying Man began to sneer at the captain. .

"Bugs, those are yours? Aren't you the commander of the bare pole? Where did you find some ugly and weird, yo, I didn't see it last night, and there are women, the posture is good, where are you pulling, how much is the price Yeah, man. "

Fang Yuxuan was going to get angry. Chu Xiang pulled her into the base car. The beetle's face became red. Anyone was looked down upon by others would be angry. But the beetle has no ability. At this moment, it only listens, but he has cursed those in his heart. A hundred times, even Song Jun went to teach those guys, but Song Jun didn't fall into the beetle. He jumped into the base car and ignored it. There was no way the beetle could only bear the weight of the humiliation and got on the car. The group saw the beetle **** fart. It was boring too.

On this day, the itinerary was reduced to 300 kilometers, because the road conditions were getting worse, especially the deviation from the main road in the afternoon. Due to the potholes of this county-level road that is now in disrepair, some villages have large potholes. It is estimated that At the time, temporary measures were taken to prevent the virus from spreading, but the virus was not a pit that could be blocked. The only consequence of this was the damage to the highway. The three teams who had left before the camp were overtaken by Chu Xiang. Everyone was in the same cropland. Rested here, the two teams came up after ten o'clock in the evening, and the tired person turned over, fell asleep without even having dinner, and did not have the heart to ridicule Captain Beetle, and even forgot to mention the woman .

Early the next morning, Chu Xiang and Song Jun sat in the base car to study the map, because there are still more than 200 kilometers to reach the Jimingshan Nuclear Power Station. If it goes well today, it will be noon even if the road is difficult to walk in the evening. It will take one day. Time to find uranium 235 is enough, even if there is no need to send a return

Heaven can also return to Lost City.

Suddenly there was a noise from outside the car, and Chu Xiang frowned. He was not a person willing to suffer, but if it affected the completion of the task, Chu Xiang would definitely be able to tolerate it, which is why he did not let Fang Yuxuan make trouble yesterday morning. Song Jun got up and got out of the car to check, and Chu Xiang followed, and saw that the captain beetle was blushing and his neck was rough. Chu Xiang saw the frown deep. This guy was really dishonest and troublesome.

Song Jun whispered to the Captain Beetle and said, "What's going on?"

Captain Beetle saw Song Jun seem to have caught the life-saving straw, and immediately approached: "Captain Song, they are too bullying."

The crowd across the place laughed and laughed: "Captain Beetle, you are now a bullshit. The three field teams are only a dozen people. You can't be ashamed. One third are women. You just call the maiden army and forget it. I want to grab uranium fuel with us, and go home to eat "milk", hahaha ... but if you are willing to give a woman to us, we can consider taking you to make a fortune. "

Chu Xiang suddenly made a gesture to Song Jun. Song Jun knew that Chu Xiang was very angry. If he did n’t consider the consequences, he would probably destroy the group, but now he just gave himself some lessons and Song Jun raised his hand. Those people saw the darkness in front of them, and a hornet-like thing flew over, and then they heard a whine, and then a thin slamming bullet loaded the chamber.

It turned out that Song Jun sent a hidden weapon to knock out those people's front teeth. Some people "closed" the mouthpiece with their mouth closed. Even if they opened their mouths and hit the front teeth, they still bleed. How could the group who suffered a loss be willing? Of course, he pulled the firearm of the gun and prepared to fight back.

At this time a tall man suddenly came out and said, "Go back! You aren't worthy to compete with others!" Those injured players shook their mouths in fear, and the beetle captain quietly explained to Song Jun: "He's called Magnum Wang, it is said that he is proficient in various skills, and Du Chunhui's miscellaneous is to trust him. "

Du Chunhui, Chu Xiang, and others felt that one's strength could not survive well after leaving, and Captain Beetle was obviously not his dependence, so he turned to other teams, and his skills would naturally be valued. It is much better not to look straight at the team, but this is far away from Lin, but Du Chunhui thinks that as long as his strength grows one day, he will not be afraid that Lin will not obey himself.

Magnum King gave Song Jun a cold look. Song Jun looked back without showing any weakness. The two stared for three seconds. Magnum King then said, "Good skills, how about joining my team?"

Song Jun ignored him, and the Almighty King was not angry. He waved to the people behind him, and those people dispersed. Captain Beetle continued to slap Song Jun fart and explained: "Almighty King is the captain of the eleventh team in the field, because His strength is very strong, so the other groups are based on his leadership, but I think he is no better than Captain Song. We do n’t have to worry about him. The guys just grabbed my breakfast. Captain Song is going to take charge of it for me. "

Of course Song Jun will not be challenged by Captain Beetle. He will arrive at the Jimingshan Nuclear Power Plant in a long time. At this time, one thing is not as good as one thing. After getting nuclear fuel, Song Jun waved to everyone in the car. It's time to go.

The driver was Zhang Hongbing. He looked strangely at the other teams on the monitor screen. "What are they waiting for? Why don't they set off?" The other teams should have been prepared earlier than Chu Xiang, and even the engine was warmed up for ten minutes. But they just didn't leave, all staring at the base car.

Chu Xiang understood it as soon as he thought about it, and he sneered: "The road ahead is not easy. These guys want us to pave the way." Yesterday afternoon, I saw a lot of artificial landfills on the roads. It should be walking. The first three teams did it, and now they don't take the lead. They have to give the job to Chu Xiang, and they pick the ready.

Zhang Hongbing sneered: "These guys are so naive, let them taste the taste with us behind." Said Zhang Hongbing stepped on the accelerator base car and rushed out, the team behind less than 100 meters also slowly moved away

This road is no longer an asphalt road. You must turn on the national road after walking for 10 kilometers on the cement road. This is also to save time by taking a straight line.

After walking for two kilometers, the road conditions were so severe that it was impossible to drive. First, four or five agricultural vehicles collided together. After the collision, the vehicles were entangled and could not be separated. A little further away was a large amount of explosives. The blasted pavement has a one-and-a-half-meter deep pit and a half-meter shallow ones, and even a large piece of concrete pavement is turned upside down to block the direction of progress, while the left and right sides are drains with a depth of two to three meters. If this road is to be smoothed, I am afraid that nothing will be done this morning.

Zhang Hongbing downshifted the gas pedal, then started the open road shovel. The people behind were stunned and pushed all the agricultural vehicles into the ditch. Then the open road shovel retracted the base vehicle but did not slow down and rushed into the pit formed by the blast. The people behind exclaimed. Everyone said that the driver in front was crazy, so it would be difficult to go back to the right road without overturning, unless a giant-powered evolutionary threw the car across the road.

What the guys didn't expect was that the vehicle rushing into the pit emits a thick smoke, and then the huge roar of the engine climbed up to the opposite side of the blown section, and even the cement board was smashed. Then the gear shifted forward easily, and the fifteen captain of the nickname Transformers exclaimed: "What's going on? I'm not mistaken."

Almighty King also got out of the car. He had seen the secret and said, "It's nothing. Their vehicle is not an ordinary van, but modified. A steel shovel is added to the front to open the road. Besides the tires, there is a hidden part. Track assistance, it ’s okay to climb steeper roads than this. ”

Someone shouted, "Ah, what can I do? Isn't that to get them to grab first?"

Almighty King scolded: "What to do? Hurry up and let people fix the road! Then we caught up with them and snatched the car! Couldn't we be nearly 500 people even a dozen of them?"

When it comes to the joy of the people, they certainly don't expect to get the car. It is the exclusive driving of the Almighty King, but the female in the other car has "sex", which excites the men, not to mention that there are people who see the car. The female "sex" has a big breast, which is more effective than any stimulant. More than a hundred people jumped out of the car and started to fill the blast pit with various tools. The road was repaired in less than an hour. Row.

I do n’t know if the gods took care of this group of people, the next road has always been smooth and smooth, mostly panic-stricken, but they “get lost” knowing nothing, but continue to speed up after catching up, after entering the national road again After ten kilometers, I really caught up. The car in front of the road "shot" a bullet into the sky, and then someone shouted on the roof of the car.

"Stop! Stop! Just blow you up without stopping!"

Zhang Hongbing asked Chu Xiang: "Chu team ~ ~ What do they want to do? Shall we stop?"

Chu Xiang snorted coldly: "It should be the" **** "of our car that made them jealous. It is estimated that we should grab the car and keep driving."

Zhang Hongbing said: "Our car is not as fast as theirs, and we will be caught up sooner or later. Should we fight back?"

Chu Xiang waved his hand and said, "No, just drive your car and leave the rest to us."

Seeing that the other car not only kept speeding up, the chasing vehicle lowered its muzzle down and hit the base car's tires. The base car swayed and tilted downward, but it had not waited The inclination angle continued to increase and a track was lowered inside the tire, and the base car continued to drive forward steadily.

The chasing team behind was angry, Flying Man said, "I'll go after them."

Almighty King said: "No, they have hidden weapon masters. Don't increase unnecessary casualties. We just have to speed up to catch up. Their kind of car can't drive at all."

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