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Chapter 510: Difficult

[510] Difficult and dangerous

Almighty King is talking about the shortcomings of the base car. Because of the size and cargo capacity, the base car is definitely slower than the off-road vehicle. This is naturally clear to Chu Xiang and others, but it is obviously not possible for the Almighty King to surround and annihilate. . Chu Xiang didn't want to conflict with this group now. This would have an impact on the future cooperation with Lost City, so it was enough to scare them in advance.

Chu Xiang said to Xiaosi, "We haven't encountered many zombies along the way. I don't think the zombies in this world have been wiped out?" Xiaosi was lying on the back of the car window, watching the chaser, listening to Chu Xiang asking She said, "No brother, most of the zombies around here are gathered, all around the Jiming Mountain in front of me. I just received the news."

He Yaohui was puzzled: "Gathering? Are they already controlled by the Terminator? This is not good news."

Xiaosi said: "Is it controlled that I have not dared to draw conclusions without going to see it myself, but I still control five t3 all the way, they are always near us, brother, chasing troops, in case they What to do if I fire again? I think let T3 come out to scare them away. They can retreat if they can understand the difficulties, otherwise we don't need to be polite. "

Chu Xiang nodded: "I have this intention. Let's cut the chaos quickly, get uranium 235, and then return to the base to pick ten ordinary humans to experiment and transform. If we can successfully cooperate with the" lost "lost city, we can mention it Agenda, if you do n’t succeed, tear your face. "

Seeing that Chu Xiang agreed, Xiaosi immediately called for five t3s to follow in secret. These t3s had a moderate evolutionary level, not that powerful, but it was not easy for ordinary evolutionists to kill them. The all-powerful king drove the off-road vehicle to quickly catch up. Suddenly, a dark shadow leaped on the roadside, and a zombie fell on the front of the car. Its head was slightly crooked. The eyeballs growing out of the neck were quite obvious. The crooked head suddenly opened its mouth. Alas, a long tongue with a stinking cousin pierced the windshield in the center of the driver's chest!

what! The driver made a scream, the red heart with the temperature still beating was dug out by the tongue, swallowed into t3's stomach, lost the direction of the off-road vehicle driving, crooked, and hit a dead tree on the roadside, The Almighty King has no skill and will not be injured. He jumped into the air with a icy quick freeze and hit t3. This t3 has limited energy. It struggled twice and then froze. This Almighty King's quick freezing ability is still up. mesa.

Seeing that she was not good at starting a school, although she destroyed the opponent's first chasing vehicle, it was obvious that she had lost a t3, and she was given a glare by Chu Xiang because she killed a driver. The four T3s also attacked, but this time they did not kill the driver, but overturned the four cars in the fleet.

Sudden changes caused the huge team behind to panic and "chaos". The sound of gunfire has suddenly sounded. There was an off-road vehicle that exploded because it overturned too fast. The people inside it escaped faster. Otherwise, the number of casualties will increase. Chu Xiang secretly took a picture of himself, knowing that Xiao Si was so big, he shot it himself.

The almighty and arrogant wow shouted, a wave of ultrasonic waves "shot" at two t3s, and the poor two t3s were shaken into a pile of meat sauce. The remaining two were also quickly killed by evolutionists such as Transformers and Flying Man. Song The military side observed the other side's battle and said, "I can't think that their strength is not weak. We don't take it lightly, especially Almighty King. Now we have demonstrated quick freezing and ultrasound."

Xiaosi ’s five t3s broke up and made her very angry. “Sex” didn't speak to one side, Fang Yuxuan snorted coldly: “I ’m looking at his quick freezing and ultrasonic even one tenth of Brother Chu. Not as good. "

Chu Xiang said: "Song Jun is right. Do n’t underestimate the enemy. See how they look like they wo n’t be able to catch up for a while. We are on the road. I want to be able to enter the Jimingshan Nuclear Power Station without noon. By then I will enter the power station with Song Jun. , He Yaohui stays. "

These five t3s really caused headaches for Magnum and others. Although they were quickly eliminated, the convoys were in chaos, and five more cars turned into the ditch.

It seems that one of the multi-purpose vehicles chasing the beetle is not working. One of the all-powerful kings is to give up resentfully and study the countermeasures while repairing the vehicle.

The field team with the King of Almighty has 8 groups, 15 groups, 16 groups, and 18 groups. The five leaders gathered together to grit their teeth. I see that the men's and women's rounds have been cut off! ... They turned on the sky lanterns and let them suffer and then die, but the women's rounds were sold to the "lost" and lost the city for money. "

Almighty King roared: "Enough, can you say something serious, they have now ran ahead of us, and it is estimated that they will arrive at the Jimingshan Nuclear Power Plant in two and a half hours. If they are allowed to take away all uranium 235 , Let's drink the northwest wind! "Almighty King said very sternly, but because he is strong, others dare not refute anything. In addition, he didn't get other extra money all the way, so everyone put their hopes on nuclear power plants. If nuclear fuel Being taken away prematurely is really not tolerable, I am afraid the five teams will be disappointed and return.

Captain Spider of the 18th group said, "In fact, don't worry, you see, there is only one road after crossing the road in front of Jiming Mountain, which means that they go first but still have to come out from here! We can just stay in the fork and eat the ready-made food. "

The other four looked at the map. The Captain Spider really had poisonous eyes, and he saw the essence of the matter. The flying man and the Transformers couldn't help laughing, and the almighty king said, "Be careful, so be it, We left a team of people in ambush, and the rest still had to go into the nuclear power plant. Go ahead and grasp with both ends. "

Anyway, the overturned vehicle needs to be repaired. Just leave a few more people on the sidewalk and wait for the car to be repaired, and you do n’t need to carry heavy materials with you. The car chased after the base car.

Wang Shaohui has returned the intelligence for the third time. Everyone observed the anxiety in the digital photos he took. I saw zombies everywhere under the Jiming Mountain. Because of the cover of trees and blind spots of sight, the number can not be estimated. Probably the entire population of this neighborhood At this point, although it is said that this is a mountainous area, it is not a frontier after all. Instead, it has become a high-density population area because of tourism. It used to have a population density of not less than 200 per square kilometer.

He Yaohui pointed to the photo and said, "The roads have been squeezed to death by them. What are these guys going to do? Could it be that the Terminator has found our whereabouts, they are trying to stop them."

Chu Xiang said: "It is very possible that although the Terminator does not have satellites, but their observation equipment is sufficient to reach here, not to mention that the Almighty King's people also fired. I don't believe the Terminator would not hear it."

Song Jundao: "Actually, zombies are not terrible. It is not difficult for our base vehicle to rush over. I'm afraid there are other ambushes, especially in nuclear power plants. Let Ruolan scan it again."

Chu Xiang nodded, and he immediately got out of the car and returned to base zero. "Sex" brought Li Haipeng and Nan Ruolan together, so that one more carrier could speed things up, but the scan result of Nan Ruolan disappointed everyone. The underground depth of the nuclear power plant has exceeded the scanning limit. In addition, some areas have been installed with anti-radiation "radiation" protection, which is also impervious to scanning. There is still a large area of ​​the power plant where the situation cannot be determined.

Xiao Silk followed Li Haipeng to experiment in the zombies dense area in front. Fortunately, most of these zombies were ordinary zombies, and only a small part were secondary zombie zombies, but what made Xiao Si feel strange was that there were millions of zombies. T4 was not found, but less than fifty T3s were found. This was the first time in these zombie wars.

Zhang Hongbing was driving while observing the rear. He shouted to the people who were studying the photos: "The Almighty King's guys are catching up again! Damn, they dropped the heavy equipment to grab time with us. I put a missile to the back The road blows up! "

Chu Xiang laughed: "Jimingshan is about to enter the area right now. They will not ignore the importance at this time, but the road is not good for us. Let them chase. We will move at the original speed.

I can meet the troops in front of the zombies in a moment, and I see how they deal with it. "

The Almighty King had sent spies to reconnaissance before marching, but since the back of the team with Chu Xiang, the scouts have been pulled back. The rollover just caused the troops to confuse and mess with the target, so he Without reassurance, he knew nothing about the situation ahead.

Transformer used the walkie-talkie to contact the omnipotent king on another: "We have caught up with them, what should we do? Stop them and grab the car?"

Almighty King looked at the map and said, "No, do n’t worry about grabbing a car. Anyway, they have to go down this road and return. We go to get nuclear fuel first, and then deal with these guys. Otherwise, we have to dispatch Manually guarded, driving this big guy to be too slow is a burden, and it is important to do the business first. "

Captain Scorpion said: "I know that you have great skills and I don't sell veteran qualifications. Let's clarify things first. The previous cooperation belongs to cooperation, but how to find nuclear fuel distribution in a while?"

Almighty King knows that these five teams are mixed because they smell the same, but these people will not be killed by the sheep in front of the interests, and everyone wants to take the big head, but there is only one big head, and the benefits can be distributed before nuclear fuel. Initiating a bloodshed, how can it be distributed to satisfy everyone?

Considered the almighty kingship: "Dear everyone, I believe that you are all on the walkie-talkie, and we will openly discuss it. There are currently five teams. What is the average distribution of nuclear fuel regardless of qualifications and strengths?"

The Almighty King proposed this distribution idea as a concession. After all, he is strong in these five teams and has many players, but if he takes advantage of his strength and gains more benefits, he will be the first to be disapproved by the eight groups of scorpions because he is old. Qualifications, will not sell the face of the Almighty King, unless the Almighty King destroys the scorpion, otherwise it will be difficult to satisfy him, but even if the scorpion and the Transformers and spiders do not say on the mouth, they will definitely fear the Almighty King. This pair of The future cooperation is not appropriate. If you add up and go up, Almighty King can only have average benefits. As the saying goes, making no money does not make the first sale.

Sure enough, I heard the all-powerful king willing to share the benefits, and all the captains were happy to praise him: "The all-powerful king is indeed a king. You are so interesting to our brother, we will not let you lose it for nothing. In the future, I will condemn it!"

Almighty King Haha laughed: "Our brothers have cooperation to eat meat and drink wine, and forgive the other teams for not daring to fart. The important thing is to storm the nuclear power plant and grab all the nuclear fuel. I hope there will be One hundred kilograms! In this way, we can get 10 million "lost" lost coins, which is on average higher than the rewards for completing the task alone! "

Everyone has longed for: "Each team is divided into two million" lost "lost coins and twenty evolutionary places. We have at least one year without going out for adventure, women ... food ... hehe, we have to live a fairy-like life Now. "

At this time, the team of Almighty King caught up with the base car. Since this road was specially built for the Jimingshan Nuclear Power Plant, the width is no less than the national road. It is not a problem to run five base cars side by side. I swiped past the base car, and someone still poked his head and compared his **** to the base car, and some even shouted, "Hey girl, wait, you guys will come back and make you feel better!"

Fang Yuxuan was furious to pull the car door and scolded him, Chu Xiang said, "Why bother, we will meet the zombies soon. We just opened the road for them, and it is their turn this time. Let's follow them."

Sure enough, the King of Almighty was not happy for a long time, and soon the sharp-eyed person found it inappropriate: "What's ahead! The dark one ... I am a zombie, a large number of zombies! Retreat, retreat and retreat! D and run into it Now. "

The convoy immediately "chaotic", the vehicles with good driving skills have turned around, and the driver who just got started panic when they turned around, and the king of all things jumped out of the car, he off-roaded the two together The car hit: "

Shut up! Whoever "chaos" will kill anyone! "Saying Almighty King to kill an ordinary member who ran away in one shot, this is also counted as Weiwei, and the rest are immediately honest, but the" color "on each face is not diminished, and all of them are prepared to pull their feet. Running posture.

Almighty King sighed. He knew that in addition to the eight groups of scorpions and others who had actual combat experience, the other five were all team members. The first reaction they saw when they saw the zombies was to escape. This is a habit developed over the years. Fortunately, the evolvers are relatively stable, but the evolvers of these people are less than one-third.

Flying Man jumped into the air to observe it, and then fell on the road and said, "God, the scene is too regrettable. You haven't seen it. There are few millions of zombies in front. The entire Jiming Mountain is surrounded by them, and the nuclear power plant. In the central area of ​​the zombies, we couldn't rush in at all, and absolutely no one can complete this plan. "

King Almighty comforted the team and let Flying Man take him to the sky for observation. Sure enough, countless people were shaking in front of the road. In addition to zombies or zombies in the mountains, even though he was a ruthless master, but such a large-scale zombie army I saw for the first time that Almighty King's face "color" did not change but his heartbeat accelerated.

"What to do?" Several other captains gathered around immediately after Almighty Wang landed. He had just dreamed of distributing benefits, but the dream was shattered immediately. Anyone who looked at the fat can't eat it in his mouth would be uncomfortable.

King Almighty: "There are still ten kilometers away from the nuclear power plant. How hard do you know if you force it?"

Transformers looked at the people they brought and shook their heads, and Flying Man shook his head. His combat effectiveness was not as good as Transformers, the spiders were not good, or they would not be ranked in eighteen groups, and eight groups The captain of the scorpion said: "40%, but can we rush back and say two, basically the possibility of mass destruction is higher, mainly because our vehicle is too light, if it is a heavy truck, it is possible to rush back" Sex is 20%. "

King Almighty: "You don't need to be discouraged. We have Flying Man. This is an advantage that others don't have. We fly into a nuclear power station to get fuel and fly back, so we can complete the task."

Flying Man said, "Yes, I can take two people at a time to get over the zombies."

Everyone took a photo of their thighs. They just saw that the zombies were dizzy. It was a perfect plan to fly from the sky, so everyone decided to take the Flying Man to take ten people to the nuclear power plant five times. The top meets, then enters the nuclear power station fuel, finds, and then returns to the top of the building to evacuate. As for the remaining people, they are left to cope with the outside. After all, Flying Man has limited physical strength and cannot take these people too far.

When Flying Man took Magnum King and Spider to take off, Chu Xiang's base car also caught up. Spider laughed: "This time, those guys don't need to be arrogant. They think they have a multi-purpose vehicle. They have the ability to fly and let Let's take a look, or stay outside and drink the northwest wind. "

The Flying Man suddenly exclaimed at this time: "I rely on them, they won't, can this work?"

King Almighty is observing the terrain in front of him, and Captain Spider also looks up and laughs. He listens to Flying Man's tone and can't help but look down, but sees the big car on the ground rushing into the zombies! The density of those zombies announced on the highway was very high. The base vehicle was heavily pressed to splash stinky meat, and many zombies were hit by flying. Some happened to be able to fly under Flying Man! The whistling wind was frightening.

The King Almighty couldn't help but admire: "This car is too overbearing. If we have such a car as a commander, we can" run away "and run away. Even if it is a group of cross-eyes, I don't look at it. People "fans" can let everyone play every night. "

Listening to the words of Almighty King did not seem to be cold to a group of the group, the spider said excitedly: "How about we rush to grab immediately?"

Almighty King said: "Just in the zombies? Isn't that asking them to add helpers in vain? We still have to deal with zombies, first look

See if they can rush into the nuclear power plant and say, maybe this is just the end of a strong bow. "

Obviously, the words of Almighty King were not predicted, because the base car continued to rush forward with black smoke. Although the rushing of zombies slowed the base car's travel speed greatly, but as the various "shooting" perforations of the base car opened, the bullets fired toward the fire dragon. The same speed leaked to the zombies, and the speed of speeding up suddenly accelerated. In particular, Xiaosi drove the zombies to the two sides. After that, the entire road was cleared. People who did not know the details thought that the zombies were afraid.

The Flying Man has already carried the fourth trip, and he can see it clearly in the air. Even the Magnum King of Yuanyuan Nuclear Power Station and others know that the firepower of that car is very fierce! Fortunately, there was no hard grabbing just now, otherwise the opponent suddenly burst out so much firepower that they could kill half of them!

The five captains each brought a good player. Everyone soon met on the roof of the building. Magnum Wang Yuan looked down. At this time, the base car could be seen, and the position reached the entrance of the nuclear power plant. Become zombies, but those zombies do n’t seem to intend to attack beetles and other people. It ’s strange. Did the zombies change to "sex"?

Almighty King opened the structure diagram in his hand: "Looking at you, we should go down to the underground part of the nuclear power plant, because there should be three entrances to the fuel storage, one is the ventilation duct, the other is the front entrance, and the third is the substation."

The main entrance is convenient and the road is wide, but there are too many zombies standing there, and the main entrance is defensive and requires secret codes, so everyone glanced at it and denied it. The road to the bottom of the nuclear power station through the substation was also clear, but the distance from the substation There is a distance between this building, and zombies are everywhere on the ground, which makes everyone hesitate. After that, the ventilation ducts were chosen unanimously, and the ventilation ducts are connected. There is one on the upper floor. Although it is complicated and dirty, it is relatively small. To be cost-effective.

Scorpion said: "Since everyone chooses the ventilation ducts, hurry up. The guys got off the car. I didn't expect them to be so lucky that they could drive in all the way. We still underestimated the power of that car."

To make a long story short, Almighty King took a man to drill a pipe, Chu Xiang killed a road from the front to enter the nuclear power plant, and the two groups of nuclear power plant dispatch center met. At this time, Chu Xiang and others were still clean. After all, most of those zombies had let Xiaosi Control, Chu Xiang and others just look like this, but the group of Almighty Kings has been drilling the pipeline for a long time, and now they are already embarrassed, all gray-faced and ashamed, Fang Yuxuan couldn't help but cover his mouth to steal laugh.

"I don't think you're really fatal." Almighty Wang said coldly, and now he's pulling the shelf.

He Yaohui said: "Yeah, I don't know if some of them are going to switch to gophers. Be careful that there are cats in the ventilation ducts to eat you."

Transformer steel was covered with gray, which was unpleasant. He was annoyed when He Yaohui satirized him. As soon as he stretched his arms, he wanted to pinch He Yaohui's neck: "I will eat you first!"

He Yaohui's double sword was as fast as a wind, and Transformer Steel was taken aback, but he did not respond quickly and retracted his hand. At the same time, he also shunned Yao Yaohui's double swords with a sharp bend in his arm, and then escaped at the cost of a piece of flesh. The scorpion said to He Yaohui: "I can't think you have such a fast speed. It seems that you guys are really hiding dragons and crouching tigers ~ ~ Song Jun has shown his hidden weapon ability, now He Yaohui has demonstrated fast attack, all-around Wang looked sweating on his head. Before, he always despised them because of the small number of opponents. He didn't expect them to enter the nuclear power plant smoothly, and two masters had "showed up". Now let's not grab the car. Can they get it quickly? Nuclear fuel is still a problem.

"Hey!" Almighty King was still hesitant. At this time, the leader of the eighteenth group of spiders shot. He spit out a piece of white silk with the thickness of chopsticks and "shot" Fang Yuxuan. The reason why Fang Yuxuan was selected as a target was that women were easily despised. Erlai Fang Yuxuan is the fullest of these women. Like these men in the last days, each of them has a serious heart.

Although Fang Yuxuan's experience of facing the enemy was not so brilliant, she did not relax her vigilance when confronted by the two teams.

Dao Baiguang "shots" at his instincts and "shots" a flame to greet him. The spider's spider silk is extremely tough. However, when it encounters fire, it is an enemy. It turns into a "liquid" body at high temperatures. stand up.

Where did the spider think his skills were so unbearable, and he didn't know what to do next? The Almighty King was also fierce. Naturally, his skills were not comparable to these people, but the other party produced three masters one after another. Judging by the speed and temperature of the child's "fire", even if she fires her own fire skills, she may not be higher than her. What can I do?

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