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Chapter 511: You fight for me

[511] You fight for me

The embarrassed expression of the King of Scorpions, Captain Scorpion looked at him, and he immediately stepped forward and said, "You guys, don't coax. At this time, we have to cooperate better than internal fighting. After all, we can still find nuclear fuel. We still have two questions. The mind of the zombie is in harmony? Anything that can't be said can be resolved after returning to the lost city. "

Almighty King immediately descended the donkey and said, "Yes, the zombies outside will surely find us. At that time, they will get tighter and tighter. Can we escape and say," Don't you kill me if you live here? "

He Yaohui said: "You said it well, but the incident was not picked by us, but since you said you don't want to fight again, just casually, we go first." He Yaohui walked into the dispatching room to check the internal situation of the nuclear power plant and lost the management staff After the nuclear reactor reaches a certain temperature, it automatically shuts down. Now if you want to enter the reactor, you need to open some doors, but no one knows the administrator's secret code, and can only go down to see if it can be cracked by force. After all, this is only a nuclear power plant is not a military scientific research facility. There must not be too many defensive agencies.

Xiaosi stayed outside the base car, and she would not dare to "chaos" with her zombies, but Chu Xiang would not tell this to Almighty King. There were two left and right stairs to the nuclear reactor below the dispatch room, He Yaohui He smiled and looked at the King of Almighty, and then stood still in the center. The meaning is obvious, let the King of Almighty choose a way.

Almighty King was actually reluctant to walk with He Yaohui and others. He just said that cooperation was just an excuse to resolve the conflict, so they just chose to go down the stairs on the right and Chu Xiang and others left because the time was too long. For a long time, even the backup power was used up, so the elevator could not be driven.

He Yaohui went down the stairs and said, "Are we going to speed up, or isn't it ugly to let them grab it first?"

Chu Xiang said: "Relax, I believe the stairs over there are the same as ours ..."

Xu Xiang's words puzzled Xu Huai: "What? What's wrong with us? It's just black ..." Shoot! There are zombies! "Xu Huai shot a bang, and could faintly hear another Gunfire also came from the stairs on the side. If it went deeper through the thick rock, the sound would not be heard from each other.

Xu Huai's crosshead naturally did not have to say. Although the zombie appeared suddenly, the bullet still hit the zombie's head, but he did not hear a piercing pierce through his brain, but a buzzer bounced back. Wang Shaohui shrank his head and the bullet was scared. Scraping his scalp and flying over, Xu Huai cried, "It's a second zombie! Zombies are useless to them."

Song Jun's trial spear was stabbed out, and the zombie was centered on the chest. As the trial spear in Song Jun's hand disappeared, hey, the zombie was dismembered into pieces, and He Yaohui also moved, and a dozen of them were pouring out of the dark corner. Only zombies, all dressed in work clothes, were originally workers at nuclear power plants and remained here after being infected.

Chu Xiang also shot, and the dozen or so zombies were quickly killed, but the almighty king and others on the opposite side might not be able to complete the work so quickly. Everyone took the opportunity to speed up their steps and want to get rid of them. The location of the nuclear reactor is not too deep, because this is not a research laboratory, but a civilian nuclear power plant. Two more zombies were encountered on the road. After the settlement, they walked less than fifty steps, and the space in front of them was wide. It turned out to be the ground floor.

Wang Shaohui quickly observed the situation with a flashlight. He said: "The people of Almighty King have not come down yet. It seems that the sound is far away. The right side of the door is locked. There is no password, no power, only hard."

He Yaohui said: "Open the door and then close it, and let them open it again. We must not let them choose cheap."

Chu Xiang quickly walked to the door in two steps. This is an anti-radiation "radiation" explosion-proof door with a thickness of one and a half meters. It would take a lot of effort to break through with explosives, but the door is just ordinary metal materials. Chu Xiang can Control, he was waiting to open a hole to let his own people go in, and then seal the hole again, so that it would not be cheap, Almighty King and others, suddenly a gust of wind passed, then

The Almighty King appeared before him, and then Transformers and Flying Man also came down. Just now Wang Shaohui also said that they were far away. I did not expect to move so fast.

King Almighty saw Chu Xiang and others around the door, and he came forward with a smile: "Some don't worry, let me open the door."

Fang Yuxuan said, "Why did you let the door open? We came down first!"

King Almighty: "Little girl, ca n’t you say that, who has the ability to open the door, who will open it, right? Can you ensure that you can open this door foolproofly? This will only control the metal, or else it will trigger something. To kill us, do you think it can be done by burning it for hours? We don't have that much time to waste. "

He Yaohui was going to argue that Chu Xiang suddenly pulled him and then shook his head. He Yaohui didn't know why Chu Xiang gave up at this time. According to the truth, opening this door almost indicated that he could get nuclear fuel. This is not the time to be modest. Seeing Song Jun's mysterious smile, He Yaohui swallowed back what he was about to say.

Seeing the other side not speaking, Magnum is a little proud. Just now the other side has shown strength to make the morale of the party frustrated. Now he is trying to open the door. Magnum is just trying to make a bet. Now it seems that he is betting correctly, the other party may not have much ability. Otherwise, it will not be timid at this critical moment. How to say already, there are ten high-powered evolvers, and there are only seven of them, and two of them are "sexual", and the combat power will never be higher than themselves.

Almighty King launched the ability to control the metal. A thick hole began to appear in the thick door, and the opening expanded rapidly. One person could quickly pass through it. Almighty waved with pride, the two evolvers advanced, and then Transformer Steel. With the scorpion, the Almighty King was about to enter, and suddenly there was a booming noise behind the door, and then the hole was quickly thrown out of a person. This guy hit the opposite wall, and the wall fell off a layer of rock, and then the person landed The upper squirt spit blood, and everyone's flashlights shone immediately. The scorpion that just flew in came out!

"There is a monster inside!" The scorpion fainted after saying these words. Although he was an evolutionary, he was not an indestructible Xiaoqiang. This force was so great that he hit the wall and caused the scorpion to suffer internal injuries. He took The evolutionist who came forward quickly came to the rescue, can you come back alive and return to Lost City?

Almighty King wanted to drill a hole, but was afraid of being hurt by the monster inside. He yelled and raised the ability to control the metal to a high level. The door disappeared quickly, and he only heard the sound of Transformer Steel drinking and drinking from the door, as if he was right Fighting with something, but because of the darkness and the wrong perspective, people outside are still not sure what happened.

Bang, suddenly another human body was thrown out. It was the evolutionist who entered first. His head was gone, his chest was also broken, and a piece of flesh was faintly chilling. He Yaohui now knows why Chu Xiang just pulled it. He was. It turned out that Chu Xiang had already foreseen the danger behind the door. Since the Almighty King wanted to grab it, let him grab it.

Almighty King rushed in with the spear of judgment like an arrow off the string. Although the situation is very dangerous, Almighty King cannot step back at this time. He is the main force of this group. If he is afraid, let alone the person behind him. Almighty King is full of confidence in his own strength. The monster inside is more terrible. He carries acetic acid bombs on his body. However, he replaced it with a few boxes of good cans. He will not let him down at the critical moment.

Under the flashlight lighting, I saw that Transformer Steel was entangled with a monster in his body. There was a corpse at the foot of this monster. This is another evolutionary who entered first. It looks like he is dead. Unexpectedly, this monster was so powerful, it caused two deaths and two injuries.

While Magnum King quickly sent a wave of quick-freezing waves, he drew his gun and shot, and banged the monster with a pungent acidity, but the monster did not care about it. It seemed that it did not belong to the Terminator category, and immediately Almighty King ’s quick-freezing wave also arrived. The monster ’s arms and head stopped slightly, but soon it was able to move freely, but the low temperature made it uncomfortable. It shouted and tore off the transforming steel from its body, and then threw it away. .

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; Almighty King sees that Transformer Steel is about to hit the wall. Although his bones are singularly deformed, who can guarantee that hitting the wall at such a fast speed will spit blood like Captain Scorpion just now, so Almighty cannot see He could not save his life, his arms suddenly stretched out, chasing his body behind him, and then slowly lowering it to the ground to get rid of the Transformer Steel. The Transformer Steel just entangled the monster's energy, and then Coupled with fright, he couldn't join the battle after rising from the ground.

The monster saw that Almighty King not only attacked it, but also rescued humans from it, so it was angry, and a roar rushed up to hit the Almighty King against the wall with his body and bang! After the loud noise, the sand and stones permeated, and the monster even knocked down a rock wall that was seven or eight meters thick. Now there is another door in the outer space and the nuclear reactor.

Almighty King was caught between the monster and the wall. This collision made him almost faint. Fortunately, before the monster ’s impact power completely broke out, he used a burrow to drill a hole to avoid most of the impact force. As the wall collapsed inside, The monster also walked out of the nuclear reaction room. At this time, several flashlights went together to see it all.

This is a three-headed monster! The figure is tall and walks upright. It is not expected to be a mutation of the creeper. Its head is extremely ugly. It does not see the appearance and expression of the face. Each head has a pair of arms. This monster is three heads and six arms. Which one has a ratio.

Judging from the throwing speed of this three-headed monster just now, its power is absolutely powerful. The Almighty King drilled out of the underground hole, and the flames and ultrasonic waves hit the three-headed monster together. At the same time, the flying man and other evolvers also exerted their skills. There was a sound in the hallway, and the monster's head was standing high on the top of the hallway.

"Stop!" Almighty King shouted, and for a while I didn't hear the roar of the three monsters again. Maybe it had been killed. The various forces in the corridor were rotten and scarred. Almighty King was afraid of collapse. Everyone was blocked inside, so they shouted to observe the results of the war. Others did not dare to step forward. The Almighty King took the initiative to take up the heavy responsibility relying on his skills.

Hum, suddenly a steel arrow came out of the air, and Almighty Wang secretly screamed badly. He thought it was Chu Xiang and others who placed a dark arrow behind. The strength of the soldiers was hit by three monsters, and the nuclear reaction chamber door was opened. The big danger was also eliminated by him. It is really good to choose to start at this time.

Alas, the steel arrow passed by Almighty King ’s ears. Almighty King originally made a hard-wired preparation, but now the other side has missed, but it should n’t be. By the way of that person ’s method of “shooting” a hidden weapon, it ’s so close. There was no reason to miss the shot, hey ... A sudden roar broke the guess of the Almighty King, and three monsters emerged from the sand of the cricket. The steel arrow that passed by his ears penetrated the three monsters. Chest, it turned out that the opponent's target was a three-headed monster! But looking at the arrows in the monster's chest is all right, it seems that the chest is not its lifeline.

Alas, alas, two steel arrows "shot" one after another. The target is the eyes of three monsters. Usually, the weak points of mutant creatures are on the eyeballs. Once the eyeballs are more fragile, and secondly, the eyeballs can be "plugged" directly into the brain. Skull, but almost all mutants know to protect their eyes. This three monster is no exception. When its head is tilted towards the two steel arrows, it "shots" the left and right eye sockets respectively, although the three monsters have their skins covered. A large area was wiped away, but this injury had no effect on the three monsters at all. It roared and pulled out the steel arrow from its chest, and threw it back with a slap.

The person who "shots" the arrow is of course Song Jun. The first arrow is because he is not sure of the position of the target, so Song Jun just "shots" by feeling, and when the three monsters came out, he naturally chose the monster's eyes. However, it seems that this monster not only has a lot of hands, but also has a slow response speed. It knows how to protect its weaknesses.

Chu Xiang glared at He Yaohui and said, "Let ’s go together!" At this time, the strength of the single player is relatively weak. After all, the opponent has six hands, and he is not polite with it, and destroys it shoulder to shoulder.

The King of Almighty knew that Song Jun did not attack him after "shooting" a dark arrow. Of course, if this monster had the upper hand, I am afraid that these people would confess here, so

Because he didn't dare to play, various skills rushed to the three monsters. At this time, He Yaohui, Song Jun, and Chu Xiang all used the spear of judgment to kill the three monsters. The monsters couldn't stop in a few times, and all three arms were cut. Broken, even the thighs were broken, and it was about to be destroyed, but the monster didn't seem to have reached the point where the Qian donkey was poorly slaughtered. Suddenly, tentacles emerged from its arms. These tentacles were more flexible and useful than the original arms. , Like a giant octopus entangled with everyone.

Da Da Da, it was Captain Spider's men who fired first. The bullet hit a three-headed monster with a stinky "liquid" body. It seems that these tentacles are not as strong as the skin of the three-headed monster, and the rest see it. They also fired, the tentacles were smashed, and the fighting spirit of the crowd increased for a while. It seems that the three monsters are not great.

"Ah! My arm!" Someone suddenly exclaimed, the flashlights of the others flashed at once, and saw that the evolutionist's arm "showed out" Bai Sensen's bones, with his finger still on the trigger, the scene was horrifying People, everyone's first reaction was a sneak attack! You can use a flashlight to look around and find no enemy. Besides, if the enemy sneaks in, will the person not feel it?

When I was doubting "confusing", someone exclaimed. It turned out that his feet didn't know when to rot the bones. If it wasn't for the flashlight, it might be that he was still in the drum. The crowd was terrified and didn't know what to do. At this time, someone found out what the problem was. "It's the tentacle" liquid "body! Let's avoid it. Those" liquid "bodies have high corrosive power! They will unknowingly The body is bad. "

The true function of the tentacles of the three-headed monster was not entangled with people, it was used to be broken by people, so that the corrosive "sex" and "liquid" bodies would take advantage of it, and there seemed to be anesthetics in these "liquid" bodies. Many of the people didn't even yell, the scene was so weird, those tentacles were constantly broken and grew, and I learned that its "liquid" body was rotten and no one dared to shoot again. Someone took the lead and whistled Almighty King The people ran away in the blink of an eye, and even the flying man and the spider returned to the corridor without looking back. If they didn't leave, they might have to leave their lives.

The almighty curse of the almighty, it ’s strange that such a team can get things done. Where is the combat effectiveness of the Wuhe people, even his own people have run away, the almighty king sends out six waves of quick freezing, and the tentacles of the three-headed monster are frozen. A few, but it quickly broke free, wrapped around the king and shouted to the wall, and the king turned over and landed safely in the air. Now he's also desperate, first escaped the disaster, and then said that the king wanted to make a U-turn The corridor disappeared.

Fang Yuxuan scolded: "The greedy people who are afraid of death, just rushing to go in, now they are rushing away."

There is no outsider field. Chu Xiang is not afraid of violent "exposed" strength. He exerted his strength to emit ten percent of quick-freezing energy, and made a crisp sound. The three-headed monster quickly stopped from jumping and jumping, and a layer was formed on his body. White "hair" frost residue, the tentacles waving in the sky immediately became ice sculptures, "shot" half of the corrosive "liquid" body was also frozen in the air, Xu Huai shouted: "Everyone flash away!"

Da Da Da, Xu Huai slammed into the ice sculpture, banging, first with a harsh crackling sound, and then a continuous wave of landing sounds. The three-headed monster was shattered after being frozen, even if it is capable. The fragments are restored. It seems that the quick freezing of Almighty King is not even one tenth of Chu Xiang. Maybe he has experienced so many life and death opportunities and may improve his strength. But whether he can escape in many extreme situations depends on the individual. Luck.

He Yaohui laughed: "It's that simple. The guys had to grab it just now, but it tasted great."

Song Jundao: "Don't bother, we will go in immediately to find nuclear fuel, otherwise we will waste our words when they return

A few people entered the nuclear reaction room, and the lights shone around Eran. The destroyed equipment was everywhere. It seemed that the three-headed monster had done it. The main part of the good nuclear reactor was intact. Otherwise, a nuclear explosion would occur here. However, the weaker evolutionist felt that his body was inadequate, as if it was still not safe here, Chu Xiang said: "It is a nuclear radiation" radiation, there is a nuclear leak here, maybe the three-headed monster is the product of nuclear radiation "radiation" . "

> He Yaohui said with a big grin: "Take care of it, it has been destroyed by us anyway. The key is that nuclear fuel is not yet?"

Chu Xiang told Lin Dao behind him, "You look for it." Lin has been trained by the police academy. She knows nuclear reaction substances better than Chu Xiang and others, and let Chu Xiang and others find those things, unless the words are written on it or someone reminds him Otherwise, you may not know it right now.

"Not here," Lin shook his head with a flashlight for a while. There must be a certain amount of reactive material in the nuclear reactor, but now who dares to open it, what if an explosion occurs.

Chu Xiang said: "It must be stored in a special place once again, and it will never be thrown to the ground like this."

There are also zombies in the nuclear reaction room, but the number is limited and it is not a powerful species. Everyone wiped out and quickly found the room where the nuclear reaction material was stored. This was considered to be highly guarded. There were people on duty at the gate facilities. There are several secret codes for protection. Even if the nuclear power plant has been shut down for so long, the equipment is powered on. I do n’t know what the consequences of a forced breakthrough will be, but Chu Xiang does not have so much time to consider. He controls a group of people in front of him to protect him. , And then punched into the gate, this gate is not metal, but a ceramic-like substance, extremely hard, unable to use the ability to control metal.

Bang, the door was broken open a big hole, there is a layer of door inside, but this layer is a metal door, Chu Xiang's fist hit the top, hum, there was a sound of current, Chu Xiang felt the fist tingling, it turned out to be high Piezo, the first door is probably fire and electricity protection, and the second door is the real defense. However, this current can not hurt Chu Xiang. If Zhang Jingyao can still absorb the current, it can only be destroyed.

In fact, it is impossible for a civil nuclear power plant to produce any laser or flame protection. The high-voltage current is already considered excessive, and there is a clear prompt after opening the first door. It is not allowed to operate in violation of regulations, otherwise high-voltage current is generated. Other measures, such as thickening the door walls, were not a problem for the evolutionaries.

Boom, the door opened, and the lights inside were bright. Everyone extinguished their flashlights and went in, waiting to see the situation in front of them. The crowd couldn't help but make a sound of exclaiming: "I'm rich, so much?"

In fact, the amount of uranium 235 in the storage room is enough for one month's consumption of the Jimingshan Nuclear Power Station, which can only be described by residues. It is probably that the virus happened to coincide with the reactor fuel change of the Jimingshan Nuclear Power Station before the virus, and the fuel was not replenished, so the storage library The nuclear fuel was used up, but even then there were more than 200 kilograms of remaining material, which was amazing enough from the mission goals.

Chu Xiang threw nuclear fuel into the space ring, and everyone quickly withdrew from the power station. Before leaving, Chu Xiang added a layer shell to the nuclear power plant with the f substance. In the event of an explosion, the range of influence will be reduced to a low level. After all, the earth is already unbearable. Overwhelmed, if there are several nuclear explosions, even the small scale will further affect the living environment.

Only when I returned to the base vehicle did I know the situation of the Almighty King and others after they ran out. They used Flying Man's flying ability to escape from the zombies. They have now driven away because the base vehicle is too large. It can be teleported unless it is using a transmission device. Even if Chu Xiang immediately returned to the "Lost" Lost City base car, he had to drive back step by step. Now that he has safely obtained the nuclear fuel, Chu Xiang is not in a hurry. He got into the car and was surrounded by zombies and left.

It was said that King Almighty had escaped from the nuclear power plant, and everyone was discouraged after joining the team at the intersection. ~ King Almighty said: "Since we have already come out, don't regret it. The scene was really dangerous, so I don't blame everyone."

Spider said: "It's a pity we didn't get nuclear fuel. What should we do now?"

Flying Man said, "People who don't know if the beetle got nuclear fuel. If they happen to escape with nuclear fuel, is it possible for us to pick it up?"

Everyone didn't speak. Just now, the people on the beetle's side showed not weak strength. If they tried to collide with each other, it would be a **** battle. Almighty King doesn't want to give up this either

At this opportunity, he said, "This way, if we can't do it, we have to make two preparations. On the one hand, we will send scouts to the surrounding human strongholds. If we can't get nuclear fuel, we will have to buy supplies or female slaves to return. Trends, if we find them out and get nuclear fuel, even if it is costly, we have to grab it. What do you think? "

Of course, no one is against it, because no matter how many female slaves are compared to the cost of nuclear fuel, you ca n’t give up as long as there is one millionth of hope. Besides, it ’s better to fight the mysterious three-headed monster than the evolutionary one, especially Its tentacle juice "liquid", people who have just entered the nuclear power plant, even if they come back alive, are more or less injured. I don't know if they are infected with "sex." All right.

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