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Chapter 512: Surrender 1

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Chu Xiang and Song Jun and He Yaohui discussed how much nuclear fuel was lost to the "lost city", and then who was sent to undergo evolution and transformation. Considering the completeness of the task, I was afraid that the task involving nuclear fuel would not be released in the future, everyone agreed. Take out 50 kilograms of nuclear fuel and give it to the Lost City in exchange for 50 remodeling places. The resistance force will increase by adding 50 evolutionaries.

"Someone is blocking the road ahead!" Zhang Hongbing reminded loudly in the cab.

Chu Xiang walked into the cab and glanced at the screen and said, "I am the King of Almighty. I think they are robbing our nuclear fuel."

He Yaohui sneered: "Without your own control, do they still have too few losses at the nuclear power plant?"

Chu Xiang told Zhang Hongbing: "Shoot missiles to scare them away, warn them first, if they do n’t get on the road, kill their cars! If they do n’t, then kill their people!"

The man who intercepted the vehicle was Flying Man. Although his fighting power was not high, he was confident under the cover of the machine gun at the moment. The vehicle in front was getting closer and closer, and suddenly someone in the team loudly said, "What? What is the top of the car? ? "

"Missile! It's an anti-tank missile!" A famous soldier recognized the thing, his voice trembled, not to mention that they didn't have any cover now. It was a question of whether they could avoid the anti-tank missile strike in the armored personnel carrier.

Flying Man frowned. "What? Why is there such a thing? We don't know how many functions this car has. How can this be done? I shouldn't stay here to do this bad thing."

Boom, the missiles "shot", and the gang of Flying Man's people were scared everywhere, but they soon realized that the goal of the missile was not to hurt them, but to hit a dead tree in the distance, the tree. The dead tree disappeared for a moment, leaving a large mud pit. Although the anti-tank missile emphasized the armor-piercing function, the explosive force should not be underestimated.

Flying Man is not a fool, he said: "This is a warning. They warn us to withdraw, and quickly withdraw, or they will hit us next time!"

An evolutionary left by the Almighty King next to him: "Withdraw? Then how do we get nuclear fuel?"

Flying Man said angrily: "When is this time you are still thinking about nuclear fuel, is it a matter of life or nuclear fuel? You have to take it yourself, anyway, I will not accompany you to die!"

Suddenly, the King of Almighty shot, and he took hold of Flying Man's neck and said, "If you don't take it, take it! You can't help it!"

The sudden change surprised everyone who was preparing to retreat. The front base car was getting closer and closer, but the team was inwardly coerced. The withdrawal was still not a problem. No one dared to "chaotic". The muzzle was already on the soldiers left to the other groups, and those groups of horses did not expect that Almighty King would do so. Everyone was stunned, and did not respond for a while.

The evolution man who restrained Flying Man loudly said, "Everyone is scattered, they won't have too many missiles. Stop me with a machine gun! I get closer to the grenade! I don't believe they have three heads and six arms!"

Flying Man said to the man, "You're crazy. This will hurt everyone. It's not worth the nuclear fuel!"

The evolutionist said: "Sorry, if you do n’t try to know how it is worth it, you will have strength and money when you get nuclear fuel. We will continue to take risks if we do n’t get it. For the future life, always try. "

Flying Man cleared his head: "This is not the idea of ​​Almighty King? How dare you disobey his order?"

The evolver said: "You don't care who's the idea. Anyway, now I take over and call me! Be careful not to waste the car's ammunition. The bullet can't get through there, and the trap is prepared. Stop me for a while! "

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sp; Zhang Hongbing said as he drove: "These guys are crazy, but they are not afraid of missiles? Well, let them taste it!"

boom! An off-road vehicle was blown into the sky by the other side, but the soldiers' machine guns kept firing. The base vehicle hit the Mars, and several bullet-proof glasses were hit by continuous "shots". Zhang Hongbing Raised a missile again and cursed: "I will destroy you this time!" Before Zhang Hongbing pressed the "shot" button, suddenly the base car moved to the right side, and then fell down. Most of the people in the car evolved. Therefore, everyone didn't panic too much and chased each other to find a good position to stabilize their figure.

Chu Xiang scolded: "Damn, these guys dug a big trap!" Boom, the base car finally landed, but the car body turned over, He Yaohui went to pull the car door and said: "I went down and killed the guys!" Pulling the door twice did not open, but it was blocked by the pit wall. He Yaohui's strength was so great. He was so angry that he even pushed the door into the dirt. A trail of smoke entered the base car along the gap, and Chu Xiang frowned and controlled. A thick cloud of water vapor wrapped the smoke, because he felt that the smoke was by no means the dust generated when the base vehicle fell, and maybe it was poisonous smoke.

He Yaohui held his breath and got out of the crack of the door. Song Jun was with him. Everyone was very angry now. I didn't expect to repeatedly hold back those people who were regarded as cowardly. Now he dared to dig a pit to attack the base vehicle. Rebellion is no different.

Although Flying Man was arrested, he was secretly glad to see the base car fall into the trap, but he asked unclearly: "When did you dig the trap? Why are we not clear?"

The evolver of King Almighty said: "Of course, you dug when you entered the nuclear power plant, but we set it up below, as long as you do n’t open the trap, it does n’t matter if you go to the tank. Now I know how powerful I am. Who dares to do things that are life-threatening, I'm not a fool. "

Flying Man said: "Then you don't hurry up and let me go? Don't you know that there are highly skilled evolvers in the group? Now that their cars have been dismantled, those evolvers will definitely look for you and let me help you guys."

The evolver under the Almighty King smiled lightly: "Rest assured, they have the life to escape my poisonous smoke. Besides, hey, it seems that when my poisonous smoke has never been missed, even if the evolver takes a breath, he will be paralyzed. "

The Flying Man regrets it very much. He knew that he would not stay but went to look for a slave in front of him. I did not expect that there was such a person under the Almighty King. Based on his depth and means, it is estimated that the Almighty King will not be used for a long time. With such a plan, do you want to win over for your own safety in the future?

Thinking of flying man here to show off, at least I must say the last sentence "high, it is really high," but flying man hasn't opened his mouth yet, suddenly it flashed in front of his eyes, and then a slamming blood splashed on his face, and 掐The hand around his neck shook and then let go. Flying Man "touched" his face with blood, absolutely right.

Grunting, a head rolled twice on the ground and stopped at the feet of Flying Man. It was the evolving man who was just so proud that he was holding his neck. Flying Man looked up in horror. Only then did he realize that there was a person standing in front of him, and he raised it in his hand. Holding the two swords, a drop of glittering blood "liquid" was dripping on it, and the flying man fell to his knees softly on both knees.

"No, Captain, it's none of my business. It's the kid who stopped me and wanted to fight you! I'm innocent. Just now I advised him to let you go, nothing to do with me, nothing to do with me!" Flying Man's scared face "color" pale **** like pounding garlic

Booming, the base vehicle falling into the deep pit was suddenly thrown to the ground, then Chu Xiang jumped from the pit, and the flying man climbed over the probe and glanced down at the pit. There was nothing except a tangled gas. One person, can it be said that this huge car was just thrown up by this person? Then how much energy he has, he can never do it. Also, didn't the evolver under King Almighty say that there is poisonous smoke? It's strange why these people have nothing at all.

He Yaohui suddenly

However, an evolutionary who killed the Almighty King appeared, and then the base car was thrown out of the trap. The robbers were scared and did not know how to do it, but there was still a cruel man inside, and he "shot" the trigger at He Yaohui. Hit, the flying man was frightened, he couldn't even shout 'Don', he could only hold his head and wince to the side, hoping that the bullet would not sweep onto himself.

The tinkling metal clanging sounded, Flying Man stopped for a few seconds and didn't feel the danger before he looked up. He saw the warhead in one place, but He Yaohui, who was in the center of the "shooting", was holding the chest with both hands and firing: "Want to try again?"

That guy couldn't believe it: "You, you blocked the bullet? I don't believe it! I don't believe it!" After saying that guy shot like crazy again, this time the flying man saw it clearly and saw He Yaohui's body suddenly become A trajectory, and then I heard the same metal crash, until He Yaohui reappeared until the sound of the click of the empty gun sounded, and I saw that he was unharmed, except that there were more bullets under his feet.

Alas, a hidden weapon suddenly "shot" the head of the person who had just fired. The guy was killed or injured on the spot, and he even shouted out loud. Song Jun, who "shot" the hidden weapon, said, "Don't harass them, kill them!" "

The Flying Man was shocked. He absolutely believed that these people would kill without blinking. Although his number was dominant, he was only adding a few targets to them. He certainly did not have the ability to compete with the opponent. If they really wanted to destroy themselves I thought that the flying man suddenly rolled on the spot, then spread his wings on his back, and flew up to the sky, and ran away. If he didn't escape, he would die here.

Once you ’re in the Sky, your confidence will increase greatly. This is your own world. Although he is also afraid of flying mutant creatures, it is easier than facing the killing monsters below. You will never follow the omnipotent next mission. Wang, don't ask for a fat man to eat in one bite, but to live safely and securely, and you will never do such a risky thing in the future.

Flying Man's wings looked at the person under his feet getting smaller and smaller, his elation can't help but come out, hum, trying to kill me is not so easy, although the true ability is not much, but there is still the ability to save your life. Come up! I forgive you that the hidden weapon is not so high, but for the sake of insurance, let's raise the height again. Thinking of the flying man fluttering his wings upwards, suddenly his head hurts, as if hitting something, and it seems to be severe. Kicked, Flying Man first made a slap, and then turned dizzily like a crashed plane and fell to the ground, during which time he had a glance up, and saw a flight more than twice as big as him I don't know when it appears overhead, and he dimly recognizes that the guy who threw the base vehicle into the trap, why he also has wings and flies faster and higher than himself, this time it's dead.

"Chu team, do all these people get rid of them?" He Yaohui still had to seek Chu Xiang's opinions before doing.

Chu Xiang retracted his wings and said, "Take it, not because we don't give them a chance, but they don't cherish it."

When the guys heard that they were going to be scared, they all fell down and shook their heads. "Rape, Rao, man, Rao," At this time, the flying man who fell off the ground also woke up. After all, he was an evolutionary. It ’s heavy but not his life. He helped the vehicle next to him and stood up and said, "Captain Beetle, please help us to say a good word. We are really convinced this time and will be willing to follow you in the future. You let us Go east, we go east, you let us kill the chicken, we kill the chicken. "

Captain Beetle was only valued at this moment. He was still psychologically proud. If he saved Flying Man with his own face, he would naturally lose his status as a "lost" city in the future. He can now see some ways. Although He Yaohui and Song Jun are powerful, they do not seem to be opinionated. They must seek the advice of Chu Xiang for everything. However, these two factions are also centered on Chu Xiang. Therefore, it is inevitable to save Flying Man and others. Ask Chu Xiang.

The captain of the beetle stooped and ran to Chu Xiang. He said, "Mr. Chu, I didn't expect you to be an expert in hiding. You see that our team is seriously understaffed, and this time we are done again.

After completing the task, there are naturally a lot of transformation places. I think that for future growth, these people cannot be killed. They are only executing the above orders, and the people who are determined to harm everyone are already dead. These people are essentially good. "

In fact, what Chu Xiang is unwilling to do is to kill, not to say how kind he is, but to resist the shortage of manpower in the army, especially the evolutionists. There are seven or eight evolutionaries among the 20 or so people. If they are willing to surrender It's a good thing, even if they still have the heart, they can't escape Xie Shanshan's investigation, and borrow the donkey from the **** to give the captain the beetle to spare them.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiang pretended to be Shen Yin, and said, "Okay, look at Captain Beetle's face, you follow us first, don't say I didn't warn you, if there is something different, I will cut it!" Chu Xiang waved between his hands "Shoot" a projectile larger than a fist. The projectile hit a large bluestone on the roadside. The bluestone projectile had been frozen by Chu Xiang with quick freezing before hitting it. The projectile smashed into ten million pieces. The scene was extremely spectacular. The atmosphere scared by those people did not dare to appear. The texture of bluestone was extremely hard. It was broken into a single blow in this way.

Seeing those guys, He Yaohui bowed his head and said, "Give me up, organize the car and set off with us."

Chu Xiang called Flying Man to the base car and asked the rest of the whereabouts of the others. It was learned that they went to a nearby human stronghold. Chu Xiang was a bit worried. If there was no human stronghold here, it would be unavoidable to be poisoned. Men are more likely to be drawn to the ranks as gunmen, and women may be sold to the "lost" lost city, at which time they will be cut off to soak the hands and feet in the nutrition "liquid" as a child-producing machine.

The Flying Man saw that Chu Xiang's face was not good. He knew that Chu Xiang would definitely not like King Almighty and others to do this, so he said, "Captain Chu, although I don't know where the King Almighty is, but I can Seeing the flight far, it is better to let me scout, and when we find them, we will rush to stop them, lest those guys injure innocent people. "

Seeing that Chu Xiang was unwilling, and He Yaohui's face was weird with a weird look, the Flying Man immediately wanted to understand the reason, and he immediately said: "Everyone is afraid that I will slip off halfway, in fact I have been I was convinced by my ability and decided to follow you later. It ’s better to send someone to follow me. This is also convenient for finding the King of Almighty and others. Of course, I know that Captain Chu has much better flying skills than me, but how can it be so cold? The captain went out on his own. "

He Yaohui laughed: "Your boy is smart, Wang Shaohui, you go with Flying Man, come back immediately after you find someone, we will go back along the original road."

Besides, Almighty King and others deviated from the highway. At noon the next day, they actually found a human base. This base is not large, that is, more than a hundred people. The defense force is too weak to be mentioned, but let What Almighty King and others are excited about is that there are more than forty female "sex" survivors in this base, and all of them are young, and the age is not more than thirty-five, which is the best age for "lost" to lose the city. Several people took down the base without any effort.

Half of the men in the defensive base were "sexed" and five were killed in the process of "sexing" and "chaotic", but there were nearly forty, all of them were gathered together, and then tied with a rope from head to tail , Almighty King "touched" from the first, like the review troops, there are really a few that make Almighty King's heart, skin tender waist, thin chest, big buttocks, although not outstanding, but not too picky in the last days. Any woman who stays for a long time is released from the rope. This means that she is not sold to the "lost", but is reserved for herself.

Transformer steel, spiders, and other people ’s faces also have “kinky” smiles. The palms of the women ca n’t help pinching, as if the **** of the women are already in their hands. The king Almighty has always shown that he does not eat alone. These women are naturally For their part, although they did not get nuclear fuel, they found a small fortune when they found this base.

"I don't know how the Flying Man is doing?" Asked the woman Magnum King after picking, so far he didn't know he had rebelled, like Magnum

An evolutionary like Wang is generally stable and steady, but those who are under his control would rather take a chance to be rich, and succeed if it is unsuccessful. If they are not successful, they will be able to live in a "chaotic" world to this day.

The spider said: "I suppose there will be no major problems. The Flying Man has no other ability, and he is absolutely sure of his escape. If there is something he has already found, maybe they will succeed. We will be happy."

Almighty King ’s face also “shows” the victory ’s “color”. It ’s good if he can double-happily come to the door. “Let ’s go back to the“ lost ”and lose the city. Although we have lost this time, there are gains. Let ’s go back to train the team and wait. Increase your strength before trying big tasks. "

The spider and the Transformer steel stared at the picked woman. If you were on the road, you had to take a car. It was boring in the car of a person, and the women with these "milk" big do n’t have to waste that much. Almighty King saw through the two at a glance. Attentively, he waved and said, "Choose whatever you want, the rest is for me. Captain Scorpion did not wake up, and gave it to him. I see a woman who seems to have" milk "water. "All-powerful king tore open a woman's clothes," exposed "the woman's white chest and squeezed it, and a" milk "fruit spurted out. It seems that this woman had just given birth to a child shortly after.

Although the Transformer Steel was almost killed by three monsters, he was lucky compared to Captain Scorpion, who was unconscious and stunned. The scorpion was spit on the wall and he was still groggy. The woman in water is seductive, but Transformers and Captain Spider did not **** it. According to the words, they gave people to the scorpion. Even if the scorpion ca n’t play with some nutritional products, it ’s not bad.

The team started to go on the road. From time to time, various rotten sounds were heard from the car, and they were gritting teeth with the more than 20 males in the back of the car. Moved, as for the women's "sex", they seemed to be numb and did not show too much indignation. Probably they want to follow everyone else, as long as they stutter and do anything.

Almighty King is happily hugging Bai Nennen's woman. Suddenly someone patted the door of the car. Almighty King said a little annoyingly: "What is it?"

Humane outside: "Captain, we saw the multi-purpose vehicle. Would you also come down and take a look."

It turned out that I had already returned to the original highway at this time. I saw a few cars parked at the intersection, among which there was the multi-purpose vehicle, and the rest were the vehicles left by Magnum King to intercept beetles and others. Did they say they were successful? ?

The King Almighty threw the woman in his arms, commanded the team to move forward, and sent a person to inquire about the situation first. The person went back and quickly returned, saying: "Captain, it's a flying man. He said that you should discuss things in the past. . "

Almighty King's face changed in color and cursed: "Let me go? He really gives me face."

The spider next to him said, "Maybe the flying man caught the group, and he didn't dare to relax and ask you to discuss it in the past."

Almighty Wang thought right, and waved behind him: "You rest in place, let's go and see."

The Almighty King is happy, but the due diligence is undiminished, but when he sees Flying Man, and even sees several of his teammates, his vigilance is mostly eliminated. It is a success, and he does not know how Flying Man did it. Yes, Almighty King stretched out his palm as he walked, holding the flying man's hand to condolences.

Suddenly, a black hole muzzle on the head of Almighty King, that speed is by no means that Almighty King can react, and the spider and Transformer steel behind him are also controlled. UU reads www.uukanshu.comm Almighty King His heart sank. He knew that the Flying Man didn't control the opponent, but let the other party control it, and now he was still in trouble.

But Almighty King was not incapable of facing the muzzle. Although he was afraid that the other side would shoot suddenly without making an evasive action, he quickly formed a bone shield on his head. Even the most powerful gun could not be penetrated. Then, Almighty King quickly rolled backwards, preparing to escape from danger.

boom! The gun on the head of the Almighty King fired, but the bone shield formed by the bullet hitting the Almighty King really did not work. Although this gun is powerful, it is always a common weapon and appears weaker in the face of evolutionary power.

Bang, Chu Xiang “shot” the bullets in the 500 runners one after another. The Magnum King successfully resisted Chu Xiang's control with the bone shield, but the spider and Transformer Steel were not so lucky. Their strength was not originally Counting high, and dare not flee like a king of all things, so frankly flee.

The King of Almighty did not run away from the situation under control. He was more confident in his skill. Besides, at this time, he had nothing left. Everything must be restarted. Huh, the King of Almighty released a fire attack Xiang Chuxiang, in fact, this flame is only a blinding method, followed by a row of sharp knives, and then Magnum Wang "shot" an ultrasonic wave, almost attacked Chu Xiang with the sharp knives.

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