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Chapter 513: 1 generous gift

[513] a great gift

Almighty King's sharp knife is not a possession like Song Jun, but a metal control ability, which is exactly the same as Chu Xiang's skills, but there is still a difference between them, that is, strength. It ’s not clear what kind of skills Chu Xiang has in his own body, because if he needs skills that he can learn on his own, instead of having to evolve as before, this is a characteristic that had existed before Chu Xiang ’s fainting. This ability manifests itself as an evolutionary who needs to use this skill.

Huh, Chu Xiang also fired a ball of fire to fight back. His fierce flame was by no means comparable to the Almighty King. The flame from the Almighty King was blasted back, and the sharp knife following it was melted by the flame of Chu Xiang Although the ultrasonic wave passed through the flame, it seemed to encounter a layer of invisible walls. It first made a low hum and then disappeared.

Chu Xiang made a copy from the ground with his left hand, and the melted metal suddenly flew up and quickly formed an encirclement around Almighty King. Almighty King was like being caught by a steel hoop. He hurriedly broke out and broke away, but the more he struggled, The tighter the metal hoop was, and immediately after being hit on the head of Almighty King, his eyes fainted.

The King of Almighty is not dare to resist when the remaining men are subdued. The Flying Man and the Beetle are now very proud. Now that the two have made up their minds, they can't wait for the strength of Chu Xiang to be better. They ca n’t beat Magnum King, but it seems that Magnum King and others are not a grade at all, so the two foxes and tigers falsely reprimanded spiders and Transformers and other people. These people also resisted, but more than a dozen tricks I was subdued, and now I only honestly listened to the instructions of beetles and others.

Chu Xiang base car looked at the map, he wanted to find a short way, so that he could rush back to the "lost" lost city one day earlier, maybe by the way, can still find the human base, but there are not many places around the road, Chu Xiang only disappointed and threw the map aside. Suddenly someone knocked on the door three times. Chu Xiang casually said, "Come in."

It is reasonable to say that people in this area will not be so polite to knock on the door, and the driver did not remind Chu Xiang that the incoming person did not have dangerous "sex", the door opened silently, and a strange face came in. However, Chu Xiang slightly remembered that this person was one of the men arrested by the Magnum King.

"Is Captain Chu and Captain Chu right?" Lai Ren was very nervous. I wondered if he was afraid of seeing a stronger man than Wang Wang. He thought he had just entered the wolf den and entered the bear cave.

Chu Xiang nodded and pointed his finger at the opposite chair and said, "Sit down, what's your name? Is there something wrong with me?"

"I, my name is Wang Qiang," the comer carefully seated his half **** on the chair, "I asked Captain Chu on behalf of those companions, what are you going to do with us." When talking about this, Wang Qiang suddenly thought of something, He stood up from the chair with a stun, and two steps to the door of the car and beckoned outside: "Come in, come in quickly."

Chu Xiang didn't know what Wang Qiang was going to do. The probe looked outwards and saw three women getting on the car in turn. The three women were tall and tall, but their faces were as flat as a flat car. Could it be that Wang Qiang has any special hobbies? He won't impose his hobbies on others.

Wang Qiang greeted the three women into the car, and then asked them to stand in turn, and then said to Chu Xiang: "Captain Chu, a little bit of disrespect, I just heard someone say that the women in our base are to be sold to" fans " Lost in the city, we do n’t know what the "lost" is for, but I hope you can let us be merciful and let us go. "

Talking about Wang Qiang stinging the woman around her, he motioned for her to intercede. The three women were not stupid. They threw himself to Chu Xiang and fell to his knees. The horse is willing. "

Chu Xiang didn't expect that Wang Qiang had such a situation. He hurried to help the three women and said, "Get up, get up, what are you doing, I'm not the landlord's old fortune. What I want to sell you before is another

A group of people, although I and they are from the same place, there are still differences between us. Now you are free, huh, in fact, I am going to ask you to discuss this matter, isn't I not letting people go ... "

Wang Qiang misunderstood the meaning of Chu Xiang. The reason why Chu Xiang persisted was to hope that these people could join the Resistance Army, to strengthen the resistance of the Resistance Army, and secondly, if these people had a dependency, they could survive well, otherwise If you stay in the outside world, it may be destroyed by zombies or humans someday, but Wang Qiang thought that Chu Xiang wanted to benefit, so he came to talk about the conditions, but Wang Qiang and other people have no long things and want food and food. If you want weapons and no weapons, you should say that women are rich in resources. So Wang Qiang pulled the women's clothes without hesitation. The inside was not a "breast" cover, but a chest wrapped in white cloth. The airfield seen from the outside is not the essence of this woman.

Wang Qiang said: "Captain Chu, you see, this is a beauty with a" sexual "sense at our base. As long as you give us a way of life, how about letting her wait for a lifetime? Lingzi, give Captain Chu a hurry, and you will follow him to eat and drink. Spicy, Captain Chu, rest assured, this Lingzi is a model of the former world. Although there are too many hidden rules, she is definitely not a kind of casual junk, and her cleanliness is guaranteed ... "

Chu Xiang opened his mouth with an awkward embarrassment on the spot. I didn't expect this strong Wang Qiang. Zhang Jingyao next to him looked at it with a smile and was angry. She was angry that Wang Qiang didn't treat women as human beings. There are very few female "sex" evolvers. In addition, her survivability is not as good as that of male "sex", so most female "sex" can only be reduced to men's vassals. They are just a tool, a commodity, This situation is still very rare, but after two or three years people are used to treating women "sexually" this way. Even women themselves confess their fate. They never think that there is anything wrong with them. Otherwise, they may not survive. The former world is a celebrity or Miss Qianjin. If you want to survive, you must listen to men! dignity? What is dignity? Give you a pack of compressed cookies to make you striptease? Quit? Well, you can starve to death for dignity!

Before waiting for Zhang Jingyao to speak with Chu Xiang, Wang Qiang saw that his words did not touch Chu Xiang. He immediately saw the pockmarks on Lingzi's face and the white cloth on his chest, and suddenly realized: "Oh, Captain Chu misunderstood, I How can you throw the tattered things to you? This is an effective way to protect them. You few have not rushed to show Captain Chu his true face. Captain Chu is so blessed to follow him so talented. Don't envy others to live. "

The three women did not hesitate. They pulled up the corners of their clothes and wiped their faces. The pockmarks disappeared. It seems to be fake. Although there is still some dirt on the face, the original appearance can no longer be hidden. This is not bad. Then the three women took off the white cloth wrapped around their chests and banged. Three pairs of white plump "milk" f even popped up like a ball. There was no cover of a "breast" hood. Chu Xiang watched it. Stunned, this guy was too strong and violent, Zhang Jingyao directly covered his eyes, and Wang Qiang smiled when he saw Chu Xiang's expression.

"Captain Chu, you are still satisfied, as long as you don't sell us, you can let them do anything."

Chu Xiang couldn't laugh or cry. Wang Qiang was also kind. He has heard that Chu Xiang and Magnum King are both from the "lost" lost city, but Chu Xiang obviously speaks better than Magnum King, so he spares no expense and hopes to impress Chu Xiang. Let them pass a "life", but Chu Xiang often still used the mentality of the world to deal with things. This kind of seemingly uncommon practice in the last days, he couldn't stand it. Besides, Wang Qiang didn't look at "color". Zhang Xiangyao's Chu Xiang didn't dare to show it even if he had some thoughts, not to mention Chu Xiang's thoughts! He just pays more attention to the three surging "milk" f out of the man's instinct, in fact he still can't compare with Zhang Jingyao and Fang Yuxuan.

"Hurry up and put on your clothes!" Chu Xiang waved: "Wang Qiang, you stay, others go out."

Wang Qiang saw that Chu Xiang was very determined. He could only nod to the three women, so the three got dressed and got out of the car. Chu Xiang said to Wang Qiang: "You guy, in front of my wife's

Nian dare to come to this set, not afraid she will electrocut you. "

Wang Qiang looked up at Zhang Jingyao. Where did he know that Zhang Jingyao was an evolutionary and thought he was a pop girl who lived on a man like Chu Xiang, so she didn't take her seriously, and now Chu Xiang said she was her own Wife, this surprised Wang Qiang, not to mention that Zhang Xiangyao in Chu Xiang's words was still an evolutionary.

When Zhang Jingyao saw that Wang Qiang's scared face had changed, she smiled and said to Chu Xiang: "Are you as fierce as you said? You talk, I'll go and see, it's time to set out, and staying here for a long time is easy to cause Terminator pays attention. "

Wang Qiang looked anxiously and stood in front of Chu Xiang, Chu Xiang said: "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, I want to know what you intend to do in the future."

Wang Qiang said: "Don't dare, dare not, Captain Chu will let me do whatever I want."

Chu Xiang knew for a while and a half that he couldn't reverse Wang Qiang's concept, and "sex" wouldn't waste any more words, saying, "You and your people will stay, but it's not to return to" Lost "with us, I will send You go to a large human base, you live there for a while, and if you get used to it, you will talk about other things. "

Wang Qiang said hesitantly, "Is the three women Captain Chu accepted?"

Chu Xiang said angrily: "Don't give me" chaos ", those women will go with you, but I would like to remind you first that although the base over there can't get along with men and women like the previous world, at least it's not big. Women also participate in labor to get food. They ca n’t force them to do things they do n’t want to do. Tell your people about it. Do n’t blame me for being ruthless if anyone makes a mistake. "

Wang Qiang quickly said, "Dare not, dare not, you are all god-level evolutionaries. Where can we little ones dare to" chaotic "? Just give us a way to ensure that we have food to eat, and we absolutely obey the arrangements of Captain Chu . "

"Come out," Chu Xiang waved his hand, and it was near Jiming Mountain, and it was close to the Terminator's base. It was normal to leave early. The noise of the noise just now was not small, and I didn't know if the Terminator was alarmed.

Subsequently, Chu Xiang also got off the base vehicle, and the outside “chaotic” team had gathered. Wang Qiang and his men were sent to the Resistance Army base in batches by Li Haipeng. The four captains of Magnum King, Spider, Scorpion, and Transformer Steel were detained. In the car, in fact, the car could not shut them down, but now these people are defeated by Chu Xiang and they are not afraid that they dare to come.

Song Jun reported to Chu Xianghui: "It's time to set off, Wang Shaohui and Li Yingjie have been scouting around, and for the time being it is still safe for the time being." Chu Xiang understood that Song Jun was also worried about Jimingshan Terminator Base, so he nodded: "Then start Right. "

Due to cautious considerations, Chu Xiang did not get on the base car, but stayed with Song Jun in the car of Magnum and others. Magnum had woke up, but he did not react excessively, just looked at Chu Xiang coldly One glance said: "I can't think of you as a real person who doesn't" reveal ", after the mantis catches the cicada.

Chu Xiang smiled casually: "We were originally well water and not river water, but the nuclear power plant performed too poorly, which is no wonder to us. As for the survivors just now, sorry, I think the great resource in the last days is human, so do n’t Will allow you to hurt them. "

Almighty King said: "Since I have nothing to say in your hands, I just want to know who you are, what is the purpose? Even death will make me understand."

Chu Xiang said: "My name is Chu Xiang. I am the leader of these people. I have no purpose but to make my brothers live better."

Apparently, Almighty Wang did not agree with Chu Xiang, but he knew that asking again would be ineffective. "Sex" stopped talking, and Chu Xiang ignored him. The team moved quickly and walked about ten kilometers. Wang Shaohui and the flying man reconnaissance intelligence returned. After returning, the two directly landed on the roof of the car, and Wang Shaohui said anxiously: "Chu team, the Terminator really dispatched! They have twenty robots, each

There is a Terminator on the robot. "

Chu Xiang said: "How can this force be, then reconnaissance!"

Wang Shaohui said: "Yes!" The two jumped into the back of Flying Man and flew into the air. The spider spit and spit into Flying Man's back and said, "Traitor! Don't let me see you in the future, otherwise I'll hit you once. once!"

Transformative Steel disdainfully said to the spider: "Have you ever beat him? Now that people have a backer, let's consider our safety first, and we will hit others too busy."

Magnificent King's face "showed" a proud "color", said to Chu Xiang: "Is the Terminator coming, I think you should cooperate with us, otherwise you want to deal with 20 robots and 20 Terminators I am afraid it is not your ability. "

Song Jun coldly said, "You don't need to worry."

Chu Xiang thought for a while and thought, "If you are interested, let's take a look."

King Almighty: "I urge you not to be stubborn, but to cooperate with us. The terminator is not as good as you can imagine. Our requirements are not high, as long as we share half of our nuclear fuel."

Chu Xiang and Song Jun snorted and ignored the King of Almighty, and no longer restricted their actions. Chu Xiang spread his bones and flew up to observe the sky. A dust appeared in front of him, and the Terminator came out of the Jimingshan base. On the way to stop the team, but this force makes Chu Xiang doubt, is it true that the terminator of Jiming Mountain is really so weak?

Wang Shaohui and Flying Man have a large scope of reconnaissance. He reported to Chu Xianghui through a communicator: "Chu team, no other hostility has been found within ten miles. It seems that the strength of the Jimingshan base is really weak. Is this an opportunity? Kill it? "

Chu Xiang said: "I don't have this plan for the time being, I will wipe out the enemies ahead, and if they are really so bad, we will be happy again." Wang Shaohui knew that the Terminator was not a fool, so he stopped arrogating Chu Xiang to attack the Terminator base Lest the Terminator's tricks suffer.

Almighty King on Spider and Transformer Steel Road: "Our opportunity is coming. The Terminator can only deal with acetic acid bombs, but the Terminator has a robot. The robot is not afraid of acetic acid bombs. Although these several evolutionaries are powerful, they have to deal with the termination. It ’s not easy for people to join forces with robots, and they have to come to us for a while. "

Transformer Steelway: "I think they're all great, let's not be too conceited."

King Almighty: "Why don't you have any confidence in yourself? Is it possible that their manpower must deal with such strong enemies at the same time? War cannot be determined by two people alone. We are definitely not their opponents alone, but war is not Two people pk! You have to talk about strategy and methods. "

The spider nodded and said, "That's right, we still have a hundred and ten people, which is stronger than their team!"

Almighty King regained his confidence, so he took the spider and Transformer Steel out of the car and watched the battle. When necessary, they would let Chu Xiang beg them to fight, so that the lost face and place they had previously recovered.

Chu Xiang and Xu Huai rushed to the front to snip the Terminator. They should not be allowed to meet the convoy. Otherwise, the laser they fired would break up the convoy. Because the number of Terminators was not large, Chu Xiang decided to launch an attack from the air first. This is his advantage. There are no flying robots in the robots. They have difficulty in combating Chu Xiang who dodges in the air.

"!" Xu Huai swears involuntarily, "They hide under the robot, the acetic acid bomb can't hit!"

Chu Xiang said: "Let me deal with these robots first!" He said that Chu Xiangfa "shot" a fist-sized projectile. He used all the power on these projectiles, not to mention the robot, that is, the terminator was almost on one. I have to finish playing. After all, Chu Xiang ’s energy today is not comparable to the old days, but what Chu Xiang did n’t expect is that the robot actually lasered the projectile flying fast.

Shoot "strike, those extremely powerful projectiles are melted in the air!

Xu Huaiyi said: "What about the Chu team? They seem to have changed their previous strategies."

Chu Xiang said: "Since we know that the Terminator is not a fool, it is also common sense to sum up their lessons after several failures. You go to the periphery to hide first, and I will fight them in close combat."

It said that Chu Xiang grabbed Xu Huai and threw it out and then dived down. At the same time, he mobilized lightning and plants, but the robots were equipped with lightning protection devices. Chu Xiang's lightning strike did not work, although the plants were restrained. The robots were quickly cut by them with lasers. At the same time, the Terminators on the Tibetan robots also helped the robots to get rid of the shackles of plants. They used cooperative tactics to resolve Chu Xiang's attacks.

At this time, Chu Xiang had already flew over the robot's head, and numerous lasers "shot" at him. Chu Xiang used the water control skills to form a layer of "shot" film, and the laser turned to the side and "shot", but after all Chu Xiang Can't achieve 100% anti-shooting, so that layer of anti-shooting film quickly boiled and evaporated. Chu Xiang folded his wings and fell under the robot's feet. His trial spear combination was a large knife, which struck the robot's double leg.

boom! The robot fell to the ground, another robot next to it was knocked down by its body, and that robot happened to "shoot" the laser, and "shot" the other robot, and immediately knocked the robot out of the three big holes. Seeing that Chu Xiang was invaded, they immediately jumped out of the robot to fight with Chu Xiang.

Chu Xiang is now very disadvantaged. The robot is completely controlled by the computer. The accuracy and time of "shooting" is very good. Coupled with the "chaos" next to the terminator, Chu Xiang did not kill one for ten minutes. Only, even the opportunity to pull out a gun is not available. Although destroying three robots, this still annoys Chu Xiang abnormally. Does it really make Magnum King see his home?

Woo—it's a violent whistling sound. Chu Xiang's almost unused wind control skills debuted. A terminator in the surrounding yellow sand was caught in the wind without any precaution. Fortunately, the robots were not affected by their heavy weight. It fell down, but as the line of sight decreased, Chu Xiang also used quick freezing during the storm, and the surrounding temperature dropped sharply. In addition, the mess of metal was mixed with the "messy" mess in the storm. The robot's electronic eye and scanning system were all Ineffective, they can't find Chu Xiang's position.

In fact, Chu Xiang has penetrated into the ground through the cover of the storm. Even if the robot's radar scan is still effective, it may not be able to notice the foot. Chu Xiang quickly hit a large hole "cave", and then he withdrew the power of the back support. A large hole collapsed on the ground, and all of the dozens of robots fell into the hole. Even if their computer-controlled bodies reacted for a quick time, they could not take advantage of it. Chu Xiang took a large knife to drill out of the soil. After cutting the robot to destroy seven or eight, at this time, the Terminator only traced the figure of Shang Chuxiang. Chu Xiang quickly froze and the Terminator's body was stiff. Although not long enough, Chu Xiang took a shot. It was only twenty Terminators. After losing the cover of the robots, they lost everything in the storm and were quickly eliminated.

Received the front communication Song Jun waved: "Go! Continue!"

Almighty King and Spider and Transformer Steel are a little embarrassed. I just saw the wind and smoke rolling ahead. Isn't it a rush? At this time, didn't I let the whole team die? But the defeated king, Almighty King, didn't say much at this time. I just went to see the situation. Tupo blocked his view. Actually, they didn't know what Chu Xiang had done.

"It seems that they really don't need us to help!" The spider first saw the situation down the **** ~ ~ There were robot wreckages and the bodies of several Terminators. The rest were probably swept away by the storm.

Almighty King said in surprise: "To fight with one's strength, how much power does this and this require? Is he, he or he?"

Transformer steel said to King Almighty: "We can't afford this person. His evolutionary power is too powerful. I think it is more appropriate for him to give him the title."

& nbs

; If this sentence was said before, Almighty King would definitely be angry, but now he can't get half alive except for a cold accident in his heart. Of course, there were a few people who came to face the Terminator. Of course he knew that this strength was very disparate. The situation ended in less than fifteen minutes, terrifying strength! In fact, he would be surprised if the Almighty King knew that the Terminator had changed his combat strategy and caused Chu Xiang's early battle defeat to extend the combat time.

"He really doesn't need us to help, he can turn the war situation with him alone." Almighty King said to himself, he knew that his gap was not a little bit.

At this time, Chu Xiang had returned to the base car, and he did not intend to have any reaction from King Almighty and others, because at this time Wang Shaohui's information was sent back, and millions of zombies were coming!

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