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Chapter 515: Heavy soldiers

[515] Heavy soldiers

Everyone came out of the exchange with a sack of "lost" lost money. Almighty Wang felt quite: "Life is really like td boiled water. What kind of taste you want is worth anything. If we still insist on being hostile to those people, Aren't you digging seaweed in your house at this moment? "

The flying man said, "You are right, this is everything. Captain Chu is not easy. You think about how powerful Captain Song and Captain Ho are, but they all have to call the team with respect and respect. How deep he is, I believe you know better than me. You see, we are just doing a little favor to have so many benefits. Why bother with him? The loss of these slave women is worth it. Don't worry about it. "

Transformer patted Flying Man's shoulder and said, "Your boy really has vision, forget it, you don't mention the previous things, but it's good to not forget us, what we work so hard for, no Just want to live better here, the purpose has been achieved, as far as the end of the process is concerned about fart! "

The spider "touched" the sack full of "lost" lost coins, and his face "lost" lost the truth: "I'm sure I can't sleep tonight, hey, how do you plan to play, let the brothers divide a part, and the rest is all We, if it were all replaced by women, would be enough to jj tired. "

Flying Man said: "I said you just do n’t have a long-term vision. Is n’t Captain Chu telling me to buy another slave after he comes back? Still want to benefit from others? "

King Almightily patted Flying Man on the shoulder and said, "Yes, you are very thoughtful. We take turns to wait at the door, and immediately take it when we find it. I don't believe in the faces of our brothers. From?"

Chu Xiang and others quickly ate enough. Everyone walked along the stone road again, and then returned to the residence to wait for the news of Captain Beetle. He Yaohui smoked the flue: "Our" lost "forces of losing the city began to stabilize. Today, the Almighty King is doing well. I don't think he will have any resistance anymore, and they will not be stupid enough to continue to be right with us if they have the money. "

Song Jun nodded: "Group 3, Group 7, Group 10 are in our hands, Group 11, Group 15, Group 16, Group 18 are all-powerful kings, flying men, etc. It is expected that there will be no problems. Group 8 scorpions are not injured. Lightly, even if he is hostile to us, he will not do too much. Diak in Group 2 knows that we are not easy to mess with, and he will not openly act. As for Group 1 bald, Group 4 fat, 6 The tens of thousands of people in the group are "fascinated", and they also know that we are not good at it, and we should not do it, and the remaining forces will not be able to do anything major. "

Chu Xiang said: "The situation is quite satisfactory, right, what about the situation outside?"

Wang Shaohui said: "Zombie forces still have two days to go, because the" lost "lost city does not have mobile sentry posts. Therefore, it will take another day after they find out that the overall number of zombie troops will not increase much. About a million. "Zombies increased along the way, but the number was not large, but two million was scary enough.

After waiting for three hours without seeing the return of Captain Beetle, Chu Xiang went to sleep after a few days of exhaustion. The next morning, Captain Beetle returned with a tired look. When he saw Chu Xiang, he struck up and forward: " Captain Chu, good news. "

Chu Xiang shook Captain Beetle's hand and said, "It's hard for you, haven't slept all night, sit down and drink water and eat slowly."

The beetle captain said: "No hard work, no hard work. All of our 50 transformers have succeeded, but to ensure the success rate, we need to observe for a few more hours. They will be back in the afternoon. I heard the person in charge said that they are all The d-level evolutionaries, as far as there are dozens of skills, our strength is better than any group of people. "

The d-level evolutionist does not seem to be high, but the entry to the d-level is quite good. Evolution cannot be rebuilt alone. The key depends on the individual.

The upgrade of people in actual combat. The fifty people Chu Xiang chose relatively strictly. It should be said that the probability of them continuing to evolve to a high level is extremely high. Maybe in the short term, there will be talents such as A-level universities.

Chu Xiang's face showed a relaxed smile, and all 50 ordinary humans were successfully transformed. This proves that the "lost city" has the strength to cooperate with the resistance army, so how can we see the "lost" city loser? I can persuade him, and prevent him from continuing to use women as breeding machines. These things are headaches.

Alas, Captain Spider suddenly rushed in, and suddenly realized that he forgot to knock on the door, and he embarrassedly wanted to return, Chu Xiang said, "Come in, there is a fart for exiting again, is there anything wrong?" "

Captain Spider saw that Chu Xiang wasn't really angry. He said, "Captain Chu, something bad is happening. Just now we met with other people from the other group and came back and said there were a large number of zombies outside. One hundred kilometers away from us. The goal was "Lost" lost city! "

What method did Chu Xiang consider to notify the "lost" owner of the lost city to prepare, he didn't expect the person who sent the message to come, he smiled and said, "Captain Spider, thank you for notifying me, but I want to inform the" lost " "It's good to lose the city."

The spider said: "Yes, I will send a message to Captain Chu in advance. We have never seen such a large number of zombies. I hope Captain Chu will be prepared early, in case" lost "loses control of the city. Retreat. "

The King of Almighty and others did not know about the Zombie Forces, not even the Captain Beetle. Only the Flying Man understood the inside story because he took Wang Shaohui's reconnaissance intelligence. However, the Flying Man was not a fool. Keep silent, lest Chu Xiang be unhappy.

He Yaohui took out a pack of cigarettes and threw it to the spider. "Captain Spider has worked hard. This news should let everyone know soon. We should let the" lost "lost city owner come up with a solution. Oh, I don't need to teach you how to do it."

Spiders couldn't believe the cigarette in their hands, it wasn't a famous brand, that is, a box of ten dollars in the previous world, but no tobacco leaves were produced in the last days, and one thing was smoked, and now I can see it all at once A box is even more exciting for smokers than drug users. Even if you don't sell it to others, it is too expensive.

The spider trembled with excitement. "No need to teach, no need to teach, I know how to do it, thank Captain Chu, thank Captain He, I am out to do things, and you will wait for the good news in a while." This is completely different from the spider a few days ago, visible How strong is human fickleness. When they set off a few days ago, the spiders were full of confidence, but after being hit by Chu Xiang and others, the flames disappeared. Coupled with the offensive of money and material, people who can carry it not much.

Captain Beetle was absent yesterday, so I do n’t know the changes of Almighty King and others. I hate Captain Beetle, but he smiled on the faces of Chu Xiang and others. He could n’t get a clue and asked: “ Captain Chu, what's going on? How did Captain Spider come to us? He's not confused. "

He Yaohui explained: "Oh, this is the case. Yesterday you took someone to the underground city to undergo the transformation. The three kings of Almighty have already expressed their friendship to us, so our relationship has improved."

Captain Beetle knows that there are no eternal enemies in the world but only eternal benefits, so He Yaohui said that he would no longer ask. Not long after I heard the noise from outside, Chu Xiang and Song Jun looked at each other. It seems that the spider is very efficient. After another half an hour, a sharp alarm sounded throughout the "lost" lost city, the clone was dull An expression finally appeared on his face, that was panic "chaotic"! Two million zombie troops, even if the idiot sees it, it is estimated to be moving.

An hour later, a female voice was heard in the broadcast: "Alert, red [color] alert, all troops are assembled, personnel who have returned from the field team immediately go to the task release hall to meet, and casual staff return to the room immediately. No one is allowed to walk outside at will."

Chu Xiang got up and said, "It's time, I

Let's go, hope that the city owner will not continue to hold his breath. "

The atmosphere of entering the dungeon is extremely depressing. There are soldiers panic and chaos everywhere. They must have heard the news. Two million zombies, all crowded in, can collapse the "lost" city. If it is ordinary zombies, It is easy to say that as long as the firepower is close to the "lost", the possibility of "lost city" is not high, but if there is a second abnormal zombie, it must be removed by hand. Moreover, there is a serious problem that restricts the "lost" city Evolutionaries, they do not have the standard spear of judgment, which is very bad news for the removal of the second variant zombie.

There are already many people in the task release hall. It is estimated that the people in the field team have returned. Everyone has talked about it. Everyone's face "shows" the expression of worry and "color". "Miss" has been lost in the city for too long. , So that those of them who often go out for adventure can't believe the news, in case the "lost" lost city falls and their only haven has to be lost.

The TV wall on which the task was posted suddenly cleared up, and then a tall and handsome man appeared on the screen. "Everyone, please be quiet. There is bad news to inform you," Miss "lost a lot of zombies outside the city, I think Probably most people already know that we have released drones. Let's see what happens now. "

Chu Xiang whispered to the beetle around him: "Who is that person on the screen? Wouldn't it be the" lost "loser?"

The beetle captain shook his head and said, "It should not be, the sound sounds the same as before, but the person's appearance has changed. I guess this city owner is a narcissist, and every time I make a handsome man, this is not intentionally mad at us men. ?"

Only then did Chu Xiang understand that the image on the screen is not the real image, and the sound may be synthesized, but he is too lazy to change it every time. The "lost" lost city lord really regards himself as a **** figure, what ’s so great.

At this time, the screen on the screen turned around, and a dense piece appeared in the lens. As the distance approached, it became clear that it was the head of the zombie. They kept moving forward. Although the speed was not fast, the unmanned surveillance aircraft turned the lens. Once again, the distance between the zombies and the "lost city" was only a few fingers on the screen.

The background voice said: "Preliminarily estimated that there are two million zombies, but most of them are ordinary zombies. With the power of our" lost "lost city, we can be destroyed. Do n’t be afraid and do n’t worry. Since we can stand like this, For a long time, it has its own reason for survival. As long as everyone is united to fight against foreign enemies, we will be able to guard our homeland! "

The people below gave thunderous applause, which was also regarded as cheering for themselves, but the situation outside seemed not to cooperate. The image returned by the reconnaissance plane suddenly shocked, and then something quickly passed over the camera, and then the screen was dark. It disappeared. At this time, the program automatically switched to another unmanned reconnaissance aircraft. When the sky was dark, it was obvious that it was a flying mutant creature. The reconnaissance aircraft was just knocked down by them. Then the reconnaissance aircraft also It was impossible to escape, the image disappeared, and thunderous applause seemed to be stopped by people's neck. This scene was embarrassing enough.

The handsome man appeared again, he said: "Don't panic, everyone, it's nothing but flying mutant creatures. We have anti-aircraft artillery. They can't attack. The commander Rand will assign you tasks below. I hope everyone will work hard to defend them. "Mission" lost the city to contribute, wipe out all the enemies! "

The chief commander named Rand did not know when he came to the screen. This is also a clone. If it is difficult to distinguish from the appearance alone, but there is a star on his shoulder, I do n’t know if it is a military rank or some kind of "mystery." Lost city specific logo, in short, everyone did not consider this aspect at all.

"You guys, you are all good hands in the field team. I believe in strength. Now let ’s talk about the defense strategy. Because our manpower cannot compare with zombies, it is not appropriate to lengthen the battle line this time. I plan to put the first line of defense in front of the cliff. , The second line of defense line goes down the mountain, the third line of defense line "Miss" lost the first door of the city, the fourth line of defense line the second door, and the fifth line of defense line the entrance to the underground city.


Rand made this battle strategy correctly. The "lost" lost city and the clones are just tens of thousands of people. Among them, civilians and researchers account for most of them. The field team also has more than a thousand people. The clones are about three or four. Thousands, but those who can be transferred outside the dungeon are only two thousand, and the combatants are only three thousand!

Rand saw that the following people did not object to him continuing: "The first line of defense is under the responsibility of my unit one. Now they have rushed to the bunker to set up a shelter. The second line of defense I hope someone will volunteer and volunteer to encourage everyone to kill the enemy. , The city owner made a policy of rewarding a "lost" lost coin for every zombies killed, and a reward for the transformation of a thousand. "

As an evolutionary, it is very simple to kill a zombie, so the reward will be set so low, but thousands or even tens of thousands of "lost" losers are no longer in the eyes of others, so the Transformers steel hum A cry: "Jiayi" Lost "lost money, not enough to plug the teeth," Lost "lost city owner is not even as generous as Captain Chu."

Almighty King stopped the Transformers from continuing to speak. At this time, he cannot be a bird. Otherwise, it will be troublesome to be selected to defend the second line of defense. However, Almighty King is still one step slower. Although the voice of the Transformer is low, the **** on his face "Color" was seen by Commander Rand. He pointed to the Transformer Steel Road: "Isn't that the 15th Transformer Steel Captain, I see your confidence, and you should guard the second line of defense." Now. "

Transformer Steel almost lay on the table, "What? Mr. Commander, you took the wrong medicine, how can I keep the second line of defense, no kidding."

Rand said: "Of course you can't keep it alone, but you can choose the team here. As long as you have done your work, you will lose your city and you will be rich and rich."

Transformers still reluctantly said, "No matter how good and rich you are, you have to have your life. No, Commander Rand I abstain."

Rand's face changed color and hummed: "Abandon? You don't have this right! Now I order Captain Transformers to be responsible for the second line of defense. On the 7th, you are responsible for supervising the battle. As long as they are passive, you will kill. Got them! "

No. 7 is a clone behind Rand. Looking at his appearance, he knows that the evolutionary energy is very powerful. Transformer Steel is definitely not an opponent. Now he must defeat this No. 7 if he wants to escape, otherwise do n’t think about it. This time, it really shot the bird, and the intestines of Transformer Steel repented.

Seeing the Transformers timid and timid, Wang Teng stood up and said, "Transformers, the good guys and the good guys, since you just opened your mouth, you can't regret it! Your mother is still an evolutionary. At this time, you will not resist and wait for zombies Everyone will come to an end if you come in! Forget it, I will accompany you to defend the second line of defense, but you will keep your mouth safe! "

Transformer steel bowed his head and saw that the Almighty King had spoken, and the spider could only stand up, but this manpower was not enough. The Almighty King looked at Chu Xiang poorly, two million zombies. If they could hold it, they would be surprised. However, if Chu Xiang helps, even if it fails, it wo n’t be too miserable. It ’s not going to be a “life”. This is why the Magnum King just dared to stand up as a man. Find a chance to slip.

Chu Xiang stood up and said, "Let's do it together, everyone must contribute to victory."

Lan Zedong said: "Okay, everyone can think like you guys. Weapons, ammunition, and" medicines "can be brought in casually. You must prepare quickly. The third line of defense is still in charge of my army, but I hope the rest Everyone can help together. "

The first line of defense is defended by clones, the second line of defense is against the King of Almighty, and the rest cannot find a reason to shirk at this time. The third line of defense is much safer, not to mention A lot of cloned soldiers.

Chu Xiang first came to the cliff. At this time, no trace of the zombies could be seen, but the atmosphere was very depressed. Coupled with the dull expression of the clones, it made people uncomfortable. A long line had been arranged along the cliff.

At a two-kilometer bunker line, large firepower weapons are being lifted out of the Lost City. Magnum Wang came to Chu Xiang and said, "Captain Chu, what should we do? Blame Transformers, if not he talks more It won't make us so passive. "

Chu Xiang said: "Forget it, the second line of defense always has someone to guard it, anyway, it can't be guarded, and everyone is the same."

Almighty King heard a daze: "Is it impossible to keep Captain Chu's ability?"

Chu Xiang said: "I am not how God keeps it."

Almighty King said: "What can I do?" After speaking, Almighty King carefully looked back and saw Commander Rand was not behind the number seven, he dared to say again: "Let's go, the outside world is so Large, it is not difficult to find a foothold based on Captain Chu's ability, there is no need to stay and wait for death. "

Chu Xiang said: "No, we can't slip before the next moment, otherwise we wouldn't be able to get half the credit if the lord of the city repels the zombies? And we won't be able to return to the" lost "lost city.

Almighty King thought for a while and thought, "Captain Chu is right, but we can't give it away for nothing."

Chu Xiang said: "Oh, if we can't keep it, we will withdraw to the third line of defense. If there is no crowd, there will be an underground city to hold on to, so put your heart back in your stomach."

The King Almighty suddenly realized that although there was a supervising team, he might not have played Chu Xiang, so there was no need to be afraid. The time passed quickly, and the preparation process of one and a half days passed in the blink of an eye. The leading troops of the zombie could already be seen that evening, and the bad news was that flying mutant creatures had already appeared in the air, but they had not launched a large-scale attack. Only occasionally rushed into the "lost" lost city to try it out.

Chu Xiang integrated information from various places, he said: "It seems that these mutant creatures are organized and commanded, and most of them are Terminators behind the scenes. The" lost "lost the city this time is fierce, and the good result is trapped in the dungeon. "

He Yaohui said: "The Terminator sent out such a large force to attack the" lost "lost cities, so shall we have the opportunity to sneak in their bases as we did last time?"

Chu Xiang said: "It's very difficult, because the real power of them has not yet appeared. These zombies are only external cannon fodder. It is very difficult to sneak attack on the Terminator base. They have learned well and will not succeed as easily as last time."

Song Jundao: "We are in an unfavorable terrain, surrounded by the ocean, and it will be trouble in the event of repeated marine mutants. Is it possible to ask the" lost "lost city owner to analyze the current situation and hope that he can cooperate with us."

Chu Xiang said: "Our analysis will not attract others' attention until the results are obtained, so just wait and see what happens."

Although the sun can't be seen during the day, the sight is acceptable. When night falls, real darkness comes. There are no stars and no moon. Only the cold water blows constantly. Suddenly, gunfire sounds, and then there is a whistling sound overhead. The sky was illuminated by pillars of light, and flying mutants were everywhere in the sky. They launched attacks, and judging by the sound of gunfire in front, the ground forces also launched attacks.

"Flame blaster!" Chu Xiang loudly ordered ~ ~ to searchlight on the position, followed by a burst of flames blasting into the sky, screams continued, and it began to fall towards the dead body like rain, Many are even burning, and the third and fourth lines of defense have also begun to "fire" the flames. Although the lethality of the anti-aircraft guns is not weak, it is related to the large-scale killing of "sex" weapons-flame sprays. There is still a certain gap between the device ratio, but the high-altitude flying mutant biological flame sprayer "shooter" is okay.

Chu Xiang was still alive with the constantly declining aerial mutants. A team of soldiers rushed forward in front of them. They were clones. The expressionless face was full of fear. collapsed"

This is less than ten minutes! Chu Xiang was taken aback,

He listened with a side ear, and the sound of machine guns on the front line was like fried beans, but it was clear that the waves were gradually weakening, that is, the bunkers were quickly broken. This speed is the same for creepers. Originally, it was not only short of ten minutes to deal with the mutated creatures that were continuously pressed down from the sky, but also with the zombies that were pressed down like the meat cakes on the ground.

More and more soldiers fled back to the second line of defense, sweating on the nervous faces of Almighty King and Spider, etc. The withdrawal of the soldiers in front indicates that the second line of defense will soon become the first line of defense. It became more and more sparse, and after a few minutes someone saw the zombie poking his head out of the sheep's intestine. The first line of defense collapsed completely, and now the second line of defense became a forward position.

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