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Chapter 516: Lost Lord

[516] "Lost" Lost City Master

The zombies don't give humans any time to breathe. They come like a piece of "tidal" water. Although thousands of corpses are thrown along the road, they don't care. They are still rushing forward and squeezing the whole mountain road. Water leaks.

"I, let's withdraw, too." The Almighty King's voice was a little trembling. Anyone who saw such a scene of mutated creatures in the sky and underground would be afraid, but Chu Xiang didn't agree. He picked up the machine gun and issued a shot. 』Command:" Shot! "

The air defense forces are still air defense, but half of the force is waiting for the attack of the ground enemy. At this moment, all the artillery fire "fires" together. The zombies rushing over are immediately damaged in a large area, but they are still driven by a large number of zombies. Keep going. In fact, the strength of the first line of defense is not weak. All the clones are evolutionaries, but they lack combat experience. The two forces of land and air quickly defeated under the simultaneous attack. However, it is much more difficult for the zombies to come to Chuxiang for a short period of time. Because more than a day of preparation time made the positions full of weapons and ammunition, the zombies did not overwhelm the positions, even though the offensive was fierce, even as the zombies piled up, it became difficult for them to move.

Song Jun and He Yaohui rushed to death in the zombie group holding the spear of trial. Their target was the second zombie zombie in the zombie group. If they did not solve them in advance, they would hurt the shooter. The collapse of the first line of defense was related to the secondary mutant zombies. The clones lacked cooperation. The secondary mutant zombies rushed to the front and opened the firepower net, causing subsequent zombies to prevail.

Boom, boom, boom, a shock came from under his feet, Magnum King put down the red machine gun in his hand, before he could take another machine gun, he was struck by the sound, "What sound? Is it an earthquake?"

At this time, Flying Man rips a hole from the air and rushes down, "Not good! There are giants in the zombie army, ready to shell them!" It was too late to understand what the flying man was being chased by the subsequent mutant creatures in the air. Running, he can still fly in the air in this case has shown good strength.

Bang, the zombies blocking the road were suddenly thrown up, and some were squeezed into the sea at the bottom of the cliff. A behemoth appeared on the small intestine path leading to the lost city. There were two thick and long trees in front of it. Alas, because the zombies blocked its path, it picked up a piece of zombies with two big crickets, and clicked, but it was cut off by the waist, and there were secondary variants in the zombies! Chu Xiang was taken aback when he saw this scene. At this time, the tail of the behemoth appeared in sight, a tail standing like a big tree, very clear section by section, and the front was a shiny barb like a steel thorn. It's a scorpion!

"Withdraw!" Chu Xiang issued an order, but Supervisor No. 7 didn't approve it. He said coldly, "Whoever dares to withdraw kills everyone! All are blocked in place, artillery, ready to" shot "the shells!"

The King of Almighty finally heard Chu Xiangken's retreat and saw No. 7 stop everyone. He waved his fist and smashed No. 7's chin. "Go to you, don't be crooked here! We're not going, we have to kill ourselves and stay and sell Right. "

No. 7 is also a weak evolutionary. Of course, Almighty King has to fight back when he attacks him. Besides, he is also followed by a group of players. These people are not weak, otherwise how can he fight, but No. 7 just stretched out his hand and suddenly a huge His power was pressing on him, as if the whole person was wrapped in something and unable to exert force. Just as he was so empty, the Almighty King and other people quickly withdrew, and the firepower disappeared and the giant scorpion "tide" water surged up.

Chu Xiang shot to suppress No. 7's counterattack, and then quickly retreated to the first gate of the "lost" Lost City. There was also noisy "chaos." There were airtight flying creatures in the sky, and the ground was covered with thick layers. The dead body of the flying creature, Chu Xiang and others joined the firepower to quickly increase the air defense force, but the giant scorpion that followed closely annihilated the No. 7 and his soldiers and "forced" near the gate, the automatic machine gun counterattacked, and the bullet hit The giant scorpion made a crunching sound, and groups of zombies hid behind the giant scorpion and continued to move forward. A cannonball hit the giant scorpion. After the explosion, the giant scorpion remained intact.

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p; Almighty King said: "Captain Chu still has your vision. It turns out that this giant scorpion can't be eliminated at all, and the **** number seven deserves it." Spider said: "But the giant scorpion can't be eliminated here and it will be dangerous soon. What should we do? ? "

Chu Xiang said: "There is only one way, go back to the underground city."

King Almighty: "Yeah, yeah, why did I forget, go, let's go into the dungeon!"

Almighty King ’s shout was almost a response to the evolutionary who assisted the clones in defending the third line of defense. They threw their guns and ran to the second door first, because the second door was always open because they wanted to transport ammunition. It was crowded inside and could n’t stop the clones guarding the door. Even some clones ran with them. After all, the big scorpion was not a joke. It had reached the first doorway. Cut into "chaotic" stones, and the automatic machine gun on the door was also dumb. Although there were more than a dozen clones attacking it with skills, the strike force like mud cow Shenhai was useless!

The latter line of defense was also fierce, but it was easy to defend and difficult to attack. Those mutant creatures in the air just kept throwing corpses, and the defeated soldiers frightened the clones, and they separated the air defense forces to block the crowd. What are you doing? Go back! Shoot whoever goes forward! "

Someone in the crowd shouted, "Frighten anyone, the outside positions have been breached. Do we not allow us to enter the dungeon, the big guys rush in together, otherwise it would be a death to stay outside!"

This shout has a strong motivating force. No matter how powerful the clones are, God is not just an evolutionary. But most people here are evolutionaries, so who is afraid of anyone, just like a zombie's shocking position. Wow, clone. People can't stand it, but fortunately there is a closed gate. Although there is a lot of hidden power at the gate, but the scene is so confusing, the machine guns do n’t dare to open it arbitrarily, but the evolutionists want to open the door. It can be done in a short while, and coupled with the attack of flying mutants in the sky, let's not talk about "chaos" on the fifth line of defense.

Chu Xiang has been paying attention to the scorpion outside. Its outer shell is extremely hard, and it is no longer able to deal with hot weapons. It should be able to be destroyed if he takes his own shot, but the Flying Man keeps sending news of the follow-up troops from the sky. There are creatures such as giant spiders and tadpoles behind, killing one is useless at all. Besides, Chu Xiang wants to use these mutant creatures to "force" the "lost" lost city master. At this time, it is impossible to shoot.

The loud trumpet sounded: "Don't panic, the existing order is withdrawn into the underground building. We give up all external positions. The evolutionists are responsible for maintaining order. The enemy is about to attack. I don't think everyone wants to die. "

The critical moment of the broadcast sound played a role, everyone knew that it would not be the result of such a disturbance. Sooner or later, they would be destroyed by the rushing zombies, so as soon as someone instructed them to calm down, the gates of the dungeon opened, and all the evolutionaries Both the clones and the clones took the initiative to maintain order. First, ordinary humans pulled back, then the wounded and ordinary people, and then powerful evolutionaries.

There were originally no hundreds of people, and the retreat was completed quickly in an orderly situation. At this time, the giant scorpion had appeared in front of it, and it was destroyed along the road. Most of the buildings on both sides of the "lost" lost city stone road collapsed. The scorpion also rushed in behind, and the clones and evolvers who were too late to defend the first four lines of defense had been sacrificed.

Boom, the door closed, and the giant scorpion's tail suddenly hung down from the sky. Alas, a thick steel plate, the evolutionary behind the door heard a crisp sound, and the door thought to be unbreakable was pierced through a large hole!

Coax, people hiding behind the door rushed into the depths. This door could not be kept at all. Many clones have metal control skills. After the giant scorpion pulled the tail stab, they repaired the hole immediately, but The giant scorpion stabbed a second stitch quickly, so the clone continued to repair, and the two were deadlocked.

The returning people quickly came to the task release hall, and some people started to coax: "Hi, let the city owner come out quickly,"

"Lost" is about to end soon. He is still hiding like a sis, and he will turn the dungeons all over again before he comes out to host the overall situation! "The response was loud, and the others shouted loudly. At this time, the boss responsible for publishing the task came out.

"Quiet everyone! I know the battle outside is fierce, and you all worked hard just now."

Someone immediately said: "Tough work, we are nine dead, and now the big scorpion is attacking the gate of the" lost "lost city, and quickly let the owner of the city out to preside over the whole situation. The underground city may be broken in the next minute, and no one can escape!

There is a lot of emotions, and the clones ’strength is greatly damaged. Some of them have to work in the dungeon, and some of them are guarded at the entrance. If these evolvers suddenly make trouble, they will definitely destroy the dungeon destruction of the dungeon and release the boss. Lenghan said: "Quiet, everyone, please calm down, I will go to the superiors to report the situation immediately, please be calm and calm, otherwise I will not be responsible for any accident."

I saw countless muzzles around the hall. Although the clone was not enough, there were automatic weapons. Everyone sat down when they saw the situation. At this time, they were stubborn and irrational. Besides, the people who took the lead in the trouble were silent, and the others were right. The clones still have a lot of scruples. No one in the early days is willing to do it. It is not worth being shot into a sieve.

After a while, the cloned man came back. It seems that the efficiency of the work is very high. It is estimated that the situation outside is getting more and more critical, and the time is not delayed by half. The cloned humane said: "Dear, I have contacted the city owner, the city owner is very concerned about the war situation. He said that let you send a representative to negotiate with him to deal with the enemy outside. "

"Send a representative?" Everyone, look at me, I look at you, everyone understands the truth, it is impossible for the city owner to come out and see himself, and these people go in and "chaos" to coax a talk and nothing will happen. Entering the reason, but who can represent everyone, are evolutionaries who do not accept anyone, and further access to the interior of the dungeon indicates further security, here is not far from the gate, in case of clones Ca n’t stop the giant scorpion from rushing in. The first thing is the mission release hall, so everyone wants to be a representative. As long as they can sit with the city owner, it means safety.

First, it was silent. Suddenly, the sound was like a flash flood. Most of them were "Mao" who recommended themselves. In fact, those who spoke first were small people. It was because they knew they were small people, so they rushed to the exit. Otherwise, where is it? It was their turn, and the clone watched the quarrel coldly, as if he had expected it to be so.

Suddenly a man stood up and said very loudly, "I chose Captain Cross-eyed. He is the captain of the field team. He takes it for granted on your behalf. It is useless to quarrel with you.

This person is a cross-eyed man. He recommended that cross-eyes are suspected of partiality, but they said that there are good reasons. A team leader has this qualification, but who is still a capitalist at this time? This is not immediately Stand up against it: "I elected the king of the eleventh group. He is the leader of the group. He is qualified, and his cross-eyes are not enough. Go to the side! Don't be ashamed here."

The man who just stood up is furious: "What? Td Almighty King is not enough, you dare to scold our captain, I will kill you!" Then the man rushed up, the two of them twisted together, but the person next to them I haven't seen it yet, and after convincing a vacant lot of land to continue to recommend to the clone's boss, there are a variety of reasons, in short, all of them are righteous.

Immediately I will see the "lost" lost city master. At this time, Song Jun and He Yaohui will not be low-key. He Yaohui Teng stood up and yelled: "Both shut up! Without this strength, go to the side! The candidates are appointed by us . "

Someone immediately came out and said, "Who are you td, shouting here ... oh yo ..." The man fell to the ground before he finished speaking, and everyone only heard a loud slap but did not look at all When it comes to the shot, that is to say, the speed of the person who shoots is so fast that the evolutionist cannot detect it.

Song Jun winked at the Almighty King, how could the Almighty King not know what to do at this time?

When he did, he coughed and said, "Everyone, don't argue, and agree with Mr. Chu Xiang to raise the hand of the city owner on our behalf." This is a well-thought-out method, and it is fair and reasonable to vote by raising hands. It is not guilty, and he absolutely believes that there will be more people raising their hands than anyone else has suggested, because most of them can safely retreat.

Sure enough, when other people questioned who Chu Xiang was, there was already a hand raised, and the clone boss said at this time, "Only the team leader of the field team is eligible to raise their hands to vote." Many people heard the qualifications They put their hands down, which makes sense. There are too many people to calculate the voting rate, but it is more convenient to calculate only 20 captains.

The clone boss counted: "Twelve people support this Mr. Chu, are there any others?"

Everyone didn't think about the other candidates, but they were all stunned by the numbers pointed out by the clones. This unknown nominee has 12 captains? It ’s not that your eyes are blind and you are wrong, so everyone is turning back to help the focus. At this time, the raised hands have not been lowered. It really is twelve, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 The captains of groups 15, 15, 16, and 18 all raised their hands. Groups 3, 7, and 10 were Chu Xiang ’s own people. The people on the side of Almighty naturally supported Chu Xiang. Diak of Group 2 was afraid of Chu Xiang and others. So, it was a good sale at the moment, and the cross-eyes and others had scruples about Song Jun and He Yaohui, and on the other hand, he insisted on farting when he saw everything the king had agreed to.

The other candidates did not even need to mention it, because they did not get more than half of the support, so Chu Xiang entered the dungeon with the clones. Last time Chu Xiang made a messy mess in the transformation here, but deep He hasn't been to Chu, don't mention to see the "lost" lost city owner.

I walked for a few minutes, passed a few blocked doors, and then went down two floors of the elevator. After walking through a corridor, I entered the elevator room. This time I went directly down to the fifth floor and stopped. The elevator door was soft. The lighting and the walls are also warm "color", which makes people feel lazy, which is completely out of touch with the deep water outside.

"The city owner is waiting for you, please go in," the clone took Chu Xiang to a door, he made a gesture of please, and returned to the elevator himself, Chu Xiang looked around, no one, here so quiet.

Squeaked and pushed open the door, but there was no one inside. Chu Xiang carefully examined the layout. This should be a conference room with all kinds of facilities, but a large screen on the main seat. When I walked in, the screen lighted up, and a beautiful woman appeared on it.

"You are the representative of those people outside?" The words spoken by the woman are very standard, but Chu Xiang can distinguish them. This is still a synthesizer. By the way, what is the city owner who still plays this set? "Color" look at it.

Chu Xiang sat on the chair in front of the screen with a slump, and he spit and spit on the ground and said, "Let your city lord come out to see me, use these tricks to deceive others."

Chu Xiang's attitude made the woman on the screen very angry, "You! ..."

Chu Xiang said, "What's wrong with me? Don't you know that the dungeon is about to be breached? You still play this set with me. I really think I am a mysterious character. I only give you one minute to choose. Either wait for it to die, or let the real person show up to speak. "

After saying that Chu Xiang stopped talking, she held her chest with her hands and counted silently. About fifty seconds later, the woman's face on the screen "colored" slowly, and she sighed, "Well, now that you can become those unruly The evolutionary representative of this shows that you have strength. Although I haven't seen it yet, but now I only believe in you. In fact, you have misunderstood me. It is not that I do not want to come out to see you, but that I have been in front of you. "

Chu Xiang was surprised for a while, but soon he was surprised. This is not without precedent. "You, you have an intelligent computer program? No wonder mysterious, but you have no real face to show people."

Woman said: "Yes, I was originally made of biological medicine

The central computer of the laboratory, the people who made the "pharmaceutical" factory and the laboratory were infected. Somehow I suddenly developed self-consciousness, so I created humans through the cloning equipment left in the laboratory. The gradual development of force finally controlled here. "

Chu Xiangchu suspected that this was a secret experimental place somewhere in the country, but when Hua Fuqiang's "Chairman" took over, the country was in "chaos." He didn't know many secrets, so he had nothing about the background of "lost city". Know, the truth is now clear.

Since it is a top-secret clone experimental base, the defense work here is definitely not ordinary. This can also explain where many weapons come from. There is an army stationed here or nearby. This army is responsible for the security work of the secret laboratory, but the virus The infection wiped out their entire army, and the remaining weapons became the material of the lost city.

Chu Xiang said: "I don't care if you are a human or not. There are strong enemy pressures outside and I don't know how you plan to solve it."

Woman said: "I don't have any offensive" **** ", because I am just a computer that studies the" **** "nature, and it is beyond my ability to create clones, so now I am helpless, but I still There is a way to choose. This secret experimental site has self-destruct devices. When the enemy rushes in, I will belong to them. "

Chu Xiang sneered: "It is indeed a cold-blooded and ruthless machine!"

A woman's expressive face "colored" turned red: "You, what do you mean? I'm a good machine, but I also have a consciousness, if I can save them, how can I let myself die of hard work."

Chu Xiang said: "Do you also have compassion? If you have compassion, you will not cut off the hands and feet of these women and use them as reproductive machines!"

The woman was silent. Chu Xiang's words probably hit the point. Machines are always machines. They will only follow the set procedures. What effect they have in the process may not be considered at all, because what they want is the result.

Chu Xiang was angry, he was short of breath and couldn't think of any words to scold this machine. The woman was silent for a minute before saying: "I am also for human reproduction. The process is to make you unacceptable, but I just want to see As a result of the restoration of the heyday world of human beings, clones have always been imperfect, and their short lifespan is easily affected by the external environment. The survival rate of each batch cannot reach even one tenth, or even one thousandth. Breeding humans is a safe way. By looking at the "lost" free-living trials, my research is effective and feasible. After the embryonic woman matures in vivo, it is promoted by cloning technology. The best way to breed the population is to cut off the hands and feet of those women, because they will resist being used as machines, so they must ensure the safety of their embryos. "

Chu Xiang said: "This is not the time to study this issue, tell me your main point."

The woman on the screen said, "Why should I tell you?"

Chu Xiang said: "Let's talk about the conditions. I will help you fight off the enemy outside, but in the future you must obey my command, otherwise I will destroy you."

The woman on the screen said: "Impossible, I won't be threatened."

Chu Xiang stood up and said, "Since then we don't have to waste time ~ ~ Don't you say that you want to turn on the self-destruct device, open it, but you must ensure that you can destroy it here in an instant, otherwise in a few minutes I will control it. I will destroy all your cloning equipment, release the women, and throw the computer you have into the sea to feed the fish. "

The woman on the screen was angry, "Hey, do I really hate you so much, I am also for human reproduction!"

Chu Xiang didn't speak, and suddenly the house collapsed, but the line connected to this screen was intact. Chu Xiang quickly searched along the line. He wanted to find the host and then shut down the host. Here's the clone

He didn't care about the equipment, but rebuilding the equipment was very important to Chu Xiang, and the machine must not be destroyed.

The voice came from behind him: "Okay, okay, I promise you that you are so insidious that you wo n’t say hello before turning your face. My host is actually at your feet, and it ’s completely useless to find you along the line, but you What I said, help me fight back the enemies outside. As for what to do in the future, I will listen to you. "

Chu Xiang stepped back and cut the floor under his foot with a bone knife. Sure enough, there was a secret room below, and it was easy to find the host. Send someone to guard it. This machine is obedient to everything, otherwise it will blow up directly!

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