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Chapter 518: Creation plan

[518] Creation Plan

What Chu Xiangri thinks about is that the Resistance is stronger than the Terminator. According to the current situation, the Terminator still occupies 90% of the earth's land and resources. Of course, most of them are controlled by zombies. However, as the Terminator's transformation of zombies deepens, Xiaosi can control their number less and less. This may be that the Terminator has discovered that humans have evolved zombies controllers, so they must regain the initiative. For the creation of t As far as the owner of the virus is concerned, it is not a big problem to transform the zombies formed by the t virus infection.

The news of Dong Lao is undoubtedly a shot of Chu Xiang. Human beings only have a good day to regain the terminator of air control. There is no shortage of aircraft resistance forces, but how to ensure safety after flying to the sky is a problem, not the power of sonic cannons. Not enough, but there is not enough energy in the sky, and the infinite load of the aircraft affects the performance and take-off of the aircraft. Therefore, the Terminator of the former Air Force almost stagnated after fully attacking humans. Occasionally, once or twice It is also careful not to be entangled by a large number of airborne mutants.

Shi Zhengqian is now even more excited than Chu Xiang. He is in charge of the Air Force. Although he is not an evolver, Shi Zhengqian is also a man. He also hopes that he can make a vigorous career, so that he can be worthy of the courtesy of Chu Xiang. , Also let friends thumbs up to say 'good'.

However, it is impossible for Chu Xiang and Shi Zhengqian to implement this matter immediately. Many problems need to be solved. First, the number of modified aircraft is too small. Through the transaction with the United States, Chu Xiang now has more than 20 fighter jets. There are also several bombers and transport aircraft, ten helicopters, and only two can be successfully converted. At least two more must be converted to form combat effectiveness, because there are too many mutant organisms in the air, and no two aircraft escorts cannot attack ground targets. of

The second problem is to move the missile firing vehicle to the firing location close to the terminator base of Jimingshan. Nearly all terminator monitoring near Jimingshan must be conducted to secretly mobilize the missile firing. Cars are a difficult task, but in order to reduce accidental attacks during missile flight, this work must be done.

The preparations for the missile attack were carried out, and the work of Lost City was also started. The zombies continued to attack the Lost City. It is estimated that the Terminator had lost his heart this time and would not exhaust the zombies gathered nearby. . Due to the constant attack of the zombies, there are also low-level t3, t4, and even some powerful creepers. The work of Lost City is not progressing, and almost all of its energy is consumed. Thanks to Chu Xiang The large dome building, otherwise it will not be blocked at all. After a few days of fighting, the surface of the sea has been stained and changed to "color." A layer of stinky meat sauce over two feet thick floated in the sea water. The smell is too big. Even then, the people who fight on the top every day are divided into four shifts. They can't stand it for a long time. They are not only fatigued. It is a cruel thing to watch the human body be blown into rotten meat every time.

Chu Xiang and Bai Xiaowei have studied that the cloning work of the "lost city" has stopped completely, and those women who have been used as breeding machines cannot be released from the cultivation tanks temporarily because they have lost their ability to move and take care of so many pregnant women. "Football" Chu Xiang has to separate one-tenth of the "lost" lost city manpower, which will seriously affect the "lost" lost city's combat power, it is better to let them **** the nutrition "liquid" for a while before the zombies retreat Besides. The important retrofit equipment in Lost City has been sorted out, but there is a serious problem in front of Chuxiang. This retrofit equipment is all controlled by the computer. There is no relevant written information for Chuxiang's reference. Equipment but Chu Xiang did not know how to transform!

Bang, Chu Xiang punched the table, "It is threatening us!"

Bai Xiaowei said: "Chu Xiang, calm down, I find that your prejudice against the intellectual brain is very big, are you still angry with me?" Bai Xiaowei meant that he was once a smart computer, and Chu Xiang was quite angry at that time. She was so mad at this moment, but Bai Xiaowei didn't mean to blame in her heart, she just wanted to persuade Chu Xiang not to get horny.

Chu Xiang took the table with a sip

Zi Liangbai drunk and said, "Why can I be angry with my wife when you are angry with others? You can't compare it with that computer. The computer has completely stored the technical information in its own system, and I have to ask it in person. This is not to threaten what we are, to anger me and cut off the electricity to see what else it can do! "

Bai Xiaowei discussed: "Since it lets you go and you go, I think that the brain is very good and will help us in the future. After all, my memory has disappeared from the computer system. We have such a central system to assist, no matter It's easy to do research or war. "

Chu Xiang thought for no reason to refute, and then reluctantly said: "Then I'll go to it to discuss it, it's better to be fun and cooperate, otherwise I would really be tempted to smash it, and harm so many women, This crime alone is enough to shoot him thousands of times. Would you like to go together? "

Bai Xiaowei shook her head and said, "I won't go. You go. Right, you must hurry up the reinforcement of the dungeon. I am afraid that the zombies will notice the underground part. In case they let them in from the sea, these devices will be all destroyed."

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, I will come back to strengthen the work later, but the important thing is to start the transformation equipment, as long as the number of our evolutionaries doubled again, we are fully capable of both offense and defense."

The big hole cut by Chu Xiang last time has been made up, but the screen of the conference room has been removed. A big screen was added to the machine room below. When Chu Xiang went in, a woman on the screen was sitting on the sofa bored on the sofa. Looking at the sky, the sun is bright and the sky is blue, and those who do not know what to do with leisurely thought it was a real person.

"You're here." The monitoring facility found a woman on the sofa immediately when someone entered the computer room. She looked down at Chu Xiang and was startled: "What are you doing? Quickly change the current image Go, otherwise I will sue you for infringement! "It turned out that Chu Xiang saw Bai Xiaowei on the screen, of course, it is not true. It may be that Bai Xiaowei and Zhinao have been together for a long time in the past two days, so it takes Bai Xiaowei as her own. Image.

"Infringement?" Bai Xiaowei on the screen grinned. "Did she not tell you that she agreed?"

Chu Xiang said: "It's less like us, who is your sister, now I'm here, you should hand over the information."

Zhinao smiled with a smile: "Information? Chu Xiang, it's not that I look down on you. Without me, you can't make any of them!"

Chu Xiang said: "You still think of yourself as God, we also have computer experts, this kind of things do not bother you to" care "."

Zhinao sat back on the sofa. She looked like Bai Xiaowei with her hands on her chin and elbows on her knees. "It's not that I want to" **** "this heart, but it's something that Sister Bai entrusts me. I'm not good enough. I will ask you first. This question, why is it so prejudiced against me, as far as I know you have dealt with intelligent programs like me, and the relationship is very harmonious, why does it not work for me? Is there any difference between me and her? "

Chu Xiang said: "The difference is big. Intelligent Bai Xiaowei is my friend. She helps and protects human beings. Unlike you, she has done damaging things."

Xiaowei Bai was surprised on the screen. Obviously she didn't expect Chu Xiang to say that. The surprised expression was extremely good. It is probably that I have learned a lot with human beings these days. Intelligent programs help and protect human beings, don't I? You don't just talk about "hitting" my feelings towards human beings. "

Chu Xiang said angrily: "You go to the training room outside and look at the woman who cut off more than a thousand hands and feet. Are you embarrassed to say that I attacked your feelings for humans? Do you have feelings? You cut off their hands and feet than killed them. They are also cruel, you are a cold-blooded machine! If you do n’t hand over the information right away, I will smash your host machine! ”

There was a full pause for 30 seconds. The talent in the screen said: "I see, you are right to think so, I will give the information to Sister Bai, you can go

Of course, if you are willing to smash the host, I will not be able to resist. "

Chu Xiang suddenly hesitated, the other party suddenly softened and made him a bit uncomfortable, feeling like bullying a girl, but since the problem is solved, there is no need to waste time here. This intellectual brain has severed the connection with the outside world even if it is abominable, so it is not afraid It rebels and can even disconnect the power supply when necessary.

When Chu Xiang came to the door, a sound of intellectual brain suddenly sounded behind him. "Chu Xiang, I know you don't believe me, but I still want to tell you that I'm not as bad as you think. Do you think I am a murderer? I just want to reproduce a large number of humans to fill the gaps in the world. I also protect and help humans, but we use different methods. May I ask which institution in human history is not a history of blood and tears, for the increase of the world ’s population? I have to use an extraordinary method. Maybe you think I'm just a cold-blooded machine. But because I think about the problem, it's rational. I don't care about the process. As long as the result, according to my calculations, there are 10,000 breeders. In the ten years of maternal production, our Chinese population will increase by three million. With these three million as the basis, human civilization will be restored within a hundred years. "

Chu Xiang's footsteps were lifted up or down. What is missing in the world? Not food, but population! The food issue is no longer a matter of life and death for the Resistance Army, and the lack of population and soldiers is the key factor restricting development. Chu Xiang's previous solution was to continuously seek to survive humans from various places, and the loss of time could be found over time. There are fewer and fewer surviving humans. Even if the surviving humans can defeat the Terminator, the world in the future also needs a large number of people to restore and build. It depends on the past human reproduction method. Let alone a hundred years, it can be a thousand years. It is unrealistic to reproduce the glory of the civilization of the past. Zhinao uses the original biological laboratory equipment to produce a maturation hormone. The pregnant woman in the culture tank can achieve two to three births a year after maturation, and the fetus passes through. Ripening can be an adult in five to ten years, which is a great help in solving the current population crisis.

Chu Xiang has previously learned that cloned humans have extremely short life spans due to various congenital defects, and that the maturity of humans that have been bred by humans after evolution has never been shorter than the original humans, and it has overcome the shortcomings of dumb humans Even if the difference between them and ordinary humans cannot be distinguished by instruments, although the brain experiment has not been completely completed, it has already put a batch of such humans outside the "lost city". From the data collected so far, Everything is under its theoretical control.

The synthesized voice of Zhinao is somewhat indifferent: "I know you can't get through this psychologically. For the continuation of humanity, you can do it for the good, and I will be the wicked. I hope you can connect the line to the cultivation tank. There are already I am worried about not observing the condition of the fetus for dozens of hours. "

Chu Xiang didn't answer. This time he lifted his feet and walked out of the computer room. The brain behind the image of Bai Xiaowei on the screen behind him sat back on the sofa and looked up at the white clouds floating in the sky, as if nothing had happened just now.

"How?" Bai Xiaowei asked when Chu Xiang came back.

Chu Xiang said: "It agreed to give you the information."

Bai Xiaowei hesitated a bit, seeing that Chu Xiang's face was "colorless" and didn't dare to speak. Chu Xiang saw that she wanted to stop talking, and said, "If you have any words, just keep hiding with me?"

Bai Xiaowei said: "Did she tell you the technical problems in the transformation?"

Chu Xiang said: "No."

Bai Xiaowei said: "No, it is useless for us to get the information ourselves. The existing computer system cannot control the remodeling equipment. Without the help of the brain, we can't do anything."

Chu Xiang then remembered that Zhinao had also told him, but at that time, he thought that the brain was a boast of Haikou, and now Bai Xiaowei could n’t say that. “What can I do? I ca n’t design the control of the transformation with Wang Bin ’s ability. Device program? "

Bai Xiaowei shook her head and said, "Will I not expect this, Wang Bin?

After researching the equipment, he said that it is more complicated than designing satellite control systems. The key is that it involves too much biological anthropology knowledge, which is beyond his ability. "

"Damn!" Chu Xiang punched the table in a big hole, and Bai Xiaowei was afraid that Chu Xiang would continue to get angry and quickly stepped forward to hold his shoulder, while pinching gently, "Chu Xiang, Zhinao told you Something else. "

Chu Xiang was surprised, how high his intelligence value, Bai Xiaowei said at the beginning he knew what was going on, "Did you let it tell me like this? Do you agree with it?"

Bai Xiaowei carefully said, "In fact, I can't accept it, but the world has been destroyed, and we must accept the sensational thing, not to mention that this matter is ultimately beneficial to human beings, and the brain is not bad. Your preconceived impression is right. It's too exclusive, and we shouldn't give it up, and that make-up plan ... "

Speaking of Bai Xiaowei's voice at the back, she was afraid that Chu Xiang would run away and scold her. If she was not afraid, she would not need a computer to make suggestions to Chu Xiang. I did not expect that Chu Xiang had not imagined. The excitement in the middle was calm and terrible, but this made Bai Xiaowei worried, thinking that Chu Xiang was so speechless that she couldn't help but shook Chu Xiang's shoulder and her hands could not help but tremble. Parents, although everyone is usually giggling, everyone still has to listen to his arrangements on major issues.

Bai Xiaowei was terribly worried and did not expect Chu Xiang to pat her hand: "Okay, I'm not out of my mind. It makes sense for you to think about this. It may be that I have imagined myself to be too perfect, always thinking When a perfect God, in fact, God is not omnipotent. Sometimes in order to achieve his own goal of saving people, he has to hurt some people. This matter is left to you to deal with. I will not ask questions in the future. Only But one thing, I don't want to see any more women being experimental. "

Bai Xiaowei said happily: "Chu Xiang, you can understand that our scientific research is very good. To put it in a bad word, our scientific research work is often a bad thing, but in order to achieve the ultimate goal, we must not continue to do it unintentionally. Going on, this psychological contradiction and pain is not humane, but rest assured that we will not add more experimental products. Although it is a little bit less, I think it is almost the same as the human reproduction. "

Chu Xiang was unhappy and lost his city. The reason he figured it out was always weird, as if the women in the "liquid" soured him, hately killed tens of thousands of zombies. Only returned to base zero, but the following news refreshed him and preparations were ready to launch an attack on Jimingshan Terminator Base.

Chu Xiang immediately rushed to Jimingshan, where a huge tunnel had been dug, where two missile-launching vehicles were parked, and there were four fighter jets and two helicopters, and three hundred heavily armed evolutionaries. This is all the manpower that can be mobilized, so the plan to transform ordinary humans can no longer be dragged on. With the expansion of human bases, the number of demand for evolutionaries has increased sharply, which has become the first problem that restricts the development of each base.

The commander of the battle was Liang Tian. Song Jun spent most of his time patrolling at other bases in the Resistance Army, while He Yaohui stayed in the "lost" city and was fully responsible for security work. Therefore, Liang Tian and his wife Zhang Yan took charge of the on-site command. Liang Tian followed Chu Xiang for so long. Chu Xiang believed in his ability, not to mention the cooperation of Wang Bin and Lao Dong. Let him take the opportunity to practice it. Not bad.

"Chu team, now only the navigation navigator is left, and Wang Shaohui has also sent back the information. There are no abnormal operations in the Terminator base. They should know nothing about our plan. Should it be implemented early? The longer the danger of violent exposure, "Liang Tian asked.

Chu Xiang was expecting more than Liang Tian, ​​so he said: "I go to launch the navigator and send a" shoot "after the signal is locked. Let's pull the last nail in China in one fell swoop."

Chu Xiang brought a total of five navigators, in case which one is terminated

The author found that there can be other alternatives. This battle is of great significance. The Terminator's base is shrinking continuously, but the thin dead camels are larger than horses. Their strength is still not to be underestimated. After some efforts in China, this is the latter Terminator Large-scale bases, regardless of the worldwide resistance struggles. If this battle is successful, at least the Chinese will not have to worry about being attacked by the Terminator as before.

Although Chu Xiang is not invisible, he is fast and can fly, so he quickly dives into the Terminator base. The Terminator base is almost a model, similar to a tin-like building. However, there are very advanced monitoring facilities, but Chu Xiang's high strength and Wang Shaohui's accurate information make it difficult for the monitoring facilities to find him.

Chu Xiang successfully delivered all five navigators, but as soon as the signal turned on the Terminator's base, an alarm sounded. There was no way to send the signal to the alarm system. Hopefully, time will come and Chu Xiang will evacuate. On the Terminator base, he hid near the top of the mountain to observe the development of the battle situation. When the missile fired, he would also help the missile to break through the terminator's defense circle, otherwise only the terminator base would explode.

The smoke rose from the Jiming Mountain, and the two rockets "shot" from the cave in no order. They first adjusted their directions in the air and then went towards the Terminator base. The terminator who received the alert quickly rushed to the position where the navigator was placed. They were soon ruled out of the two navigators. When the missile appeared over the base, another navigator was destroyed. The Terminator's scanning system found the missile. Alas, they "shot" the interceptor missile. Hope The two large-equivalent missiles were detonated from above, and at this time Chu Xiang's work appeared. He must ensure that the missiles successfully hit the position designated by the navigator.

Chu Xiang rushed into the air with his bone wings spread out, and a row of projectiles "shot" out. The projectiles that were flying up were immediately exploded by the projectiles. Chu Xiang successfully resolved the first wave of interception, but his target was also exposed. The Terminator's defense system immediately locked him in. The second wave of interceptor missiles was more than ten times denser than the first wave. Except for the two incoming missiles, "Chu Xiang" was in the strike range.

Seeing that the two missiles adjusted their directions and began to dive, Chu Xiang ignored the missiles that came to intercept. He defended one side of the missile and launched a powerful quick freeze, and quickly built a frozen corridor along the track of the missile "shooting". Missiles couldn't explode! Even if a mighty person took off a moraine, another layer of ice froze up.

The sharp alarm sounded in the Terminator base, which means that they learned that they could not stop the missile bombardment, and the Terminators rushed to the flying robot in chaos. They had to use the robot to escape from the base. Short, even if the Terminator monitoring equipment is more advanced, it ca n’t respond. Boom, boom. There was originally a spare missile. Now both of them successfully hit the Terminator base. A dozen flying robots were blasted before they could climb. Shocked back into the sea.

Hum, hum, hum, is the sound of an aircraft engine. Historian commanded his air force and arrived. Zhang Yan jumped out of the helicopter. She first launched the storm skills. The storm came suddenly, and the smoke from the explosion came. The sand and flames extinguished immediately, so everyone's eyes lighted up, and those remaining Terminators running on the ground were immediately locked.

First, two multi-purpose fighters attacked the ground. Fortunately, the surviving base building was hit again, and then the helicopter also arrived. There were cannons firing acetic acid bombs. Large-caliber bullets fell to the ground like rain. It was too late. The escaped Terminators were wiped out, and even some highly capable attack aircraft were knocked down by the evolutionaries above.

Chu Xiang watched for a while and knew that the war situation no longer needed him to "care". The enhancement of human strength made the formerly powerful Terminator now a bereavement dog. Although he occasionally bites people, his heart has become faint, just like an ant after the autumn. The grasshopper can't reach it for a few days.

The news of Dajie immediately spread to human bases through various channels. The United States, Russia and other countries sent congratulatory reports through transit stations. Countries also expressed their encouragement to continue to strengthen the counterattack against Terminators, and hoped that China would be the key Guide yourself at all times

National war.

Chu Xiang threw a stack of telegrams on the table: "This guy might as well have time to strengthen the construction of bases in their own country, what are these useless surface articles for, and wasted a hard-working transit signal station."

Song Jun laughed: "They did what they should, which shows that we have a place in the world."

He Yaohui asked Chu Xiang: "Chu team, the terminator has been basically cleared in our territory. What should we do next? Help foreigners eliminate the terminator? Or strengthen our own construction?"

Chu Xiang said: "It is certain to strengthen our own construction, but everyone knows that the reason is not to destroy all the terminator of the world and they will make a comeback, so helping other countries must also take the big issue, but at present there is one Important work to do. "

He Yaohui was puzzled: "Oh, what work is more important than destroying the Terminator?"

Chu Xiang picked up another document from the table and said, "This is the news that Aldington and Evelina returned from the United States."

He Yaohui glanced: "Antarctica?"

Chu Xiang said: "Yes, we all know that Antarctica was a safe haven for the Earth people before ~ ​​ ~ But then the t virus appeared there, and we do n’t know what happened later. It is estimated that I went to Antarctica to find survivors. Based on intelligence, it is inferred that even if they were infected by the virus, there should be no less than 10,000 surviving humans. I think we must go there and not let Americans buy them for free. "

He Yaohui said anxiously: "So what are you waiting for, the Americans have already set off, and we hurried off."

Chu Xiang said: "No, this time I go by myself. You and Song Jun have another important task. The situation in our country has just stabilized. At this time, we must not be" disorderly ". In addition, the security defense work and transformation of the bases Someone is responsible for the plan. I'll go exploring the road first, and then say that the current relationship with the United States is a cooperative relationship.

Although He Yaohui was anxious, he didn't insist anymore, because everyone knew that Chu Xiang's decision should not be persuaded, otherwise it would be wasted. Chu Xiang has always been a person who says he can work hard, not to mention that Aldington has been returning information for some time. So after the space ring has prepared sufficient supplies, Chu Xiang will be on the road.

I do n’t know about Chu Xiang, an ice-cold world in Antarctica. He ’s seen it in previous geography lessons and on television. There is no ice except ice, and the extremely low temperature makes it hard to imagine. I do n’t know how humans survive here. Life, with doubt, Chu Xiang landed on an iceberg.

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