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Chapter 519: Encounter deserter

[519] Encounter deserter

Antarctica is full of ice and snow without trees and flowers, but there should be penguins and seals here, but in addition to the biting cold wind, Chu Xiang's vision is white or white. The impact of the Terminator spacecraft has weakened to the Antarctic. In addition, the rain and snow in the past two years have also purified the air, so the light is much stronger than that in the country, but the light is clear and you don't see the wide ice. What buildings exist.

Chu Xiang re-flyed. He kept walking along the ice field. Although some living creatures were found later, the traces of human beings were completely absent. Could it be said that after losing the satellite connection, the situation here has deteriorated sharply and no humans have survived. ? Or was the Terminator once here to clear it, even the humans who had escaped the virus infection had already been poisoned.

Chu Xiang finally found the former Antarctic base. This is to build an alloy building near the glacier. Ordinary steel will become as brittle as glass at low temperatures, so these materials are specially made. Even after hundreds of years of low temperature, it will not affect it. "Sex" can, but the base has been empty, there are buildings collapsed by snow, no trace of people has been found.

It seems to be returning empty-handed this time, Chu Xiang is disappointed, but if this is the case in Antarctica, what do Americans come here for? Don't they know what happened to the Antarctic base? They have n’t lost their air dominance. Even if it cost them a lot of fighters, but the Americans have consumed it, so even if they do n’t send the evolutionary, they will send aircraft to contact Antarctica. Has the population of Antarctica been taken by the United States? But the signs of the base do not look like there have been recent activities.

Chu Xiang walked out of the base with great enthusiasm. His body was somewhat unstable due to the strong wind. The current temperature may be minus 60 degrees. If it was not for Chu Xiang's strong physique, he would have been stuck for a long time. Chu Xiang decided to return to zero. Al-Qaida, when Aldington has further information, maybe the Americans came to a halt without return.

Chu Xiang was about to launch his teleportation skills. Fighting and sobbing vocals suddenly came from the roaring wind. The sound was so weak that it was difficult for ordinary people to detect under the suppression of the snow. However, Chu Xiang ’s hearing has evolved extremely sensitively. He immediately welcomed Looking in the direction of the wind, about two kilometers out of the base, a group of people appeared in sight after a glacier more than ten meters high.

"Let my brother go, you can let me do anything." This group is divided into two groups, one group has only two people, and the other group has very weak equipment and figure, while the other group has six people, equipped with cold protection equipment, figure Tall, they are on the leeward side of the glacier, so although the storm is roaring outside, it is much more comfortable here, and you can also open your mouth to speak.

"Sister, don't worry about me, run away!" The big group of only two had to give up their brothers to save themselves, and the younger had to fight to help her sister escape, but the two did not know how to waste the humility of their tongues so that no one could escape. After the fall, the six people on the other side faintly fanned out, and the possibility of these two people wanting to escape was extremely low.

"Come on!" The elder sister was angry, and suddenly kicked her brother down on the snow, no, it was not snow, but a white "hair" monster on the snow, and it stood up immediately after riding on his back. Standing one meter and a half in height, it looks like a polar bear, but seeing it rushing out like a sleigh on the four-hoofed snow is not a polar bear comparable.

Someone in the other team sneered, "Want to run? It wasn't easy!" As the man whistled, I saw a fiery red monster jumping out of the pit under the glacier, compared with the white "hair" monster just now. It is much uglier. The surface is a layer of oily fat. It can slip the flies when you touch it, but the man who sneers jumps on the back of the monster, a monster's belly, and the monster flies. "Go straight and chase the white" Mao "blame.

With two players behind this red-skin monster, but they did not pull the wind so much, they started two sled cars in the snow, the engine roared to keep up, and the remaining three were around Going to that sister, the "kinky" laughter made her shrink back, but she was quickly blocked by the glacier. She only stopped, "What are you doing?"

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One person said, "Why? Aren't you going to dance pole dancing? Come, give one to the guys, and let us be happy, maybe we will spare you the misery, otherwise you will be a bad mold! How dare to escape the base and not kill How can you calm down other people! It ’s a pity that this body is so good, but you behave better. At that time, our brother may ask the general for mercy, maybe he will spare you, and sell you as a mule. We can often patronize. Will never let you live without business. "

The elder sister retired and pulled out a dagger from her waist and put on her chest. "Don't come over again! Otherwise, I'll commit suicide! Even if I die, I won't let you succeed!"

The three people surrounded looked at each other with a smile and laughed: "Oh, try to get in! We will take advantage of your body while it is still cold! Then give the body to the general to receive rewards, think of your white tender flesh, worthy of it It ’s a model, it ’s a pity not to dance pole dancing. In fact, just follow us and maybe the general will spare you if you have the talent to be a mule. ”

Bang, a white "hair" corpse was thrown over. It was the brother who was just riding away, and then the owner of the mount was thrown over. The sister saw the brother was desperate, and the knife in his hand was about to be thrown. Going down, my brother shouted from the ground and grabbed the dagger in his sister's hand.

"Sister! Don't die! Let's fight with them!" He said that the younger brother grabbed his sister's dagger and jumped closer, but his dagger had not broken into that person's body, and it broke into a small piece and fell. On the ground, there was only one plastic handle in the handshake. It seemed that the other party ’s energy was very powerful. It was by no means comparable to the younger brother. Then the man punched the younger's chest with a blow, and the younger brother flew back with a spit of blood.

The sister could not help desperately with others. She rushed forward to look at her brother's injuries. When she saw that her brother had passed out, she shouted to the six of them: "Don't fight! Please spare my brother. You don't want to see Pole dance, I dance and striptease, I just ask you to let go of my brother ... "

"Hehe ... haha ​​..." The six smiled with satisfaction, conquering the women gave them a great sense of accomplishment.

The elder sister stood up, her limbs began to wiggle, and then the "hair" leather coat began to take off, and "exposed" a beautiful face, which was definitely not of European or American origin, and the six who came to arrest her were almost all It was a tall and beautiful European man with a "color", and the person led by the "hair" leather jacket had just taken off half of his face and shouted, "Who! Get out!"

The elder sister planned to take off the "hair" leather coat and immediately put on the clothes when she heard that things changed. I saw a man coming out of the glacier corner. This man is very strange. Why is it strange because he was not protected from the thick cold? Covered by equipment, this is not common at low temperatures, and even evolvers cannot do this for a long time.

There is a big scar on the forehead of the man. At first glance, it is scary, but it often makes people feel that the man is sturdy. He just bends his hands and looks bent without much energy. It may be frozen. , Who knows where he escaped from, but did not expect to be found, it is estimated that he could not escape.

"Mum, another fugitive, Jack, you brought him here and took it away together. Are these choppy pieces enough to live? There are food and drink in the base and warm spring-like temperatures. They would rather run out and be frozen Dead, stupid! "

The player who called Jack used to mention the scar and the man threw it to the woman. It was so interrupted that it was not to mention striptease and pole dancing did n’t have to be done. Besides, the temperature here was not suitable, and it might have to freeze before the dance was finished. Bingtuo, the leader of the team waved, "Get on the bus and get ready to go. It looks like there is a big storm coming, so we can't delay any longer."

The leader of the team was right, but the wind was strengthened again in a few minutes. Six of them rode five snowmobiles, and there was a red-skinned monster. Two snows were less than two kilometers away. The car was overturned, and the snow fell in the wind like falling from the sky. The person who hit it couldn't open his eyes. He could not be covered by the snow surface in less than five seconds. The road can't go any further, and then go down to the sea deep

Deep inside is possible.

"Let's go back to the old base to avoid the snowstorm!" The leader gave instructions, and everyone was scared. In this kind of weather, it was almost fatal to rush the road, so I turned the car back along the way and found that the previous traces disappeared after less than half a kilometer. Now, the good leader is riding the big red-skin monster, he probed forward several times, and finally brought the team back to the old base.

The site selection of the old base was also carefully considered at the time. A huge glacier blocked most of the wind. The outer wall of the base had a windbreak wall made of alloy steel and ice blocks. Although it is now damaged, it can still play a part. On the "random" messy building, the wind had fallen to the depth of the base and had no effect on humans. Later, a semi-collapsed building was found and drilled in. Some flammable materials were set on fire, which was isolated from the outside here. Into two worlds.

The elder sister sobbed on her brother because the younger brother was still "fainted" and not awake. The six members who came to catch them were busy looking for firewood and boiling water for cooking. The outside light had weakened. Obviously night was coming, even if the Antarctic There is no night but the light will not be as bright as before, it is time to make rice and fill your stomach.

"Hey, what's your name?" Shouted a tall, thin man who was one of the six kind.

"Chu Xiang." Chu Xiang squeezed in front of the fire. He wouldn't "chaotic" at this moment, because he would follow these people back to the base. He was already disappointed, but he didn't expect things to change suddenly. Not only have humans been found in Antarctica, but they also have bases, as long as they follow them, it is not difficult to find the old nest.

"My name is Chakos, come here to help, don't squat there and don't work, let Captain Rosff see that he will scold you." Chakos said in English with Chu Xiang, how long has Chu Xiang contacted the Americans? There will be some, this Chakos is also considered a good person. Chu Xiang was unwilling to conflict at this time, so he left the fire to help Chakos pick up combustibles. As for Captain Rosff in Chakos's mouth, it was a name Russian.

Bang, a white "hair" corpse was thrown into the room. It turned out that Captain Rosff took the dead white "hair" mount corpse back while the snowstorm hadn't stepped up. It is estimated that one roast can be eaten for two days. He really thought about it, and even if the snowstorm kept on for a short time, he didn't have to worry about food sources.

Burning snow, peeling, cutting meat, grilling, the work was quickly completed, and the room was filled with a fragrant aroma. I did not expect that the mutant organism such as Antarctica had such great food value. Chu Xiang himself could not help but want Cut a piece of tender meat from the outer coke and taste it. The only uncomfortable thing is that Rosff did not bring salt. Chu Xiang used the excuse to pee outside and took a bag from the space ring and quietly sprinkled the piece of meat he roasted. A little, so it tastes delicious.

"Ah! My wind!" Suddenly a weak voice, and then his brother lying on the ground fluttered. He picked up the snow-white animal skin on the ground and screamed, and saw that Rosff had brought a roasted animal leg to his mouth. The boy didn't know where the strength came from. He rushed to Rosff. Rosf was caught off guard by being pushed by a dog to eat shit. The roasted animal leg fell to the ground. Rosf yelled and jumped from the ground. Get up and kick the boy!

The boy had already been seriously injured, because the indoor temperature had risen, he finally managed to wake up, and was kicked and injured, and once again sprayed blood and fell to the ground. There was no response. The elder sister rushed to see his brother's life and death. Rosff, but which of her strengths is a tall Rosf opponent, she was kicked on the lower abdomen by Rosff, her hands curled to the corner, her face pale and she could not even speak for a while.

Rosff exclaimed angrily: "Give me a roast of an animal leg. I'll go out and urinate first, and then let her perform a striptease for us, and obediently cut her brother and eat it!"

The team member called Jack saw that the barbecue in the hands of Chu Xiang had been completed. He grabbed it and said, "Bring it to you, you fugitive still want to eat the same food as us? Let's eat shit."

Chu Xiang still smiled and didn't do anything, instead he checked

Coase didn't look at him. He tore part of his barbecue and passed it to Chu Xiang, saying, "Hold it, everyone is not easy, as long as you don't starve to death."

At this moment, Jack walked towards his sister who was flirting with his brother. He suddenly shot and ripped off his sister's cold-proof coat. There was a delicate body inside. Jack Haha smiled, "Come on, jump first, let us be happy. Maybe when you do it, you will feel pity for it, or you will regret being a woman! "

Chu Xiang knew that when Luosfu returned, he would insult the girl. Basically, Chu Xiang did not want to kill them at this time, otherwise who would take him to the base of the South Pole, but watched the girl insulted. This is not Chu. Xiang can do it. He returned the barbecue in his hand to Chakos: "I also go out to put water in, and I will watch the show in a while."

This half-collapsed building has two exits. Everyone hid in to block the opening with two alloy plates. Chu Xiang walked in the exact opposite direction of Rosff. He left the room and did not take off his pants, although it was still sheltered from the wind. For the evolutionist, the guy who pulled out the man would not excrete the frostbite, but Chu Xiang came out for Rosff. He jumped to the sky and half-collapsed the top of the building, and the severe cold wind blew across the snow. Chu Xiang's body flickered, and in another sheltered corner, Rosff took out the old man proud of the old "Mao". It is estimated that he was thinking that he could comfort the little brother at night, and suddenly a cold war After the attack, Rosff couldn't move anymore.

When Chu Xiang returned to the room, the girl had already begun to dance, saying it was dancing but it made people look awkward, but Jack and several others watched it with interest, yelling while eating barbecue, there was a yd The guy couldn't help but reach into his trousers and scoop up. If it wasn't for the care of Rosff, they might have rushed up.

The girl's writhing and twisting just refused to take off her clothes. Jack saw Rosff out for so long and didn't come back and didn't care about the girl's Mo Yanggong. "David, go out and see what happened to the captain. I got frozen off my **** during pooping. "Jake laughed. He had a good relationship with Rosff, so he wasn't afraid to make such a joke.

When David's team members went out within ten seconds, they yelled, "Shoot! Special! The captain is frozen into ice!"

The smile on Jack's face froze. He threw away the barbecue in his hand and rushed out. Sure enough, he came out to urinate the Russian Rosff stiff corner, one carrying his pants and the other holding the guy below, one The icicles extended from the crotch to the ground, and Jack came forward and touched Rosff's body, which was harder than steel!

"Carry him in and bake it!" Jack yelled, and now he didn't have much time to think about how Rosff would freeze like this. It was important to save people. David stooped down and moved Rosff, but Rosff's frozen body was firmly attached to the ground. David was an evolutionary. When he couldn't move Rosff and Jack yelled again, he was brutally forced, As soon as Rosff's body shook, David was too happy to hear a bang, and Rosff was cracked into hundreds of pieces by the frozen hard body!

Jack opened his mouth and could n’t call out anymore. After that, Rosff could n’t fight back even if he had the technique of returning to the sky. The crowd could only accept the reality and returned to the room. The girl took the opportunity to hide near her brother. "Fur" leather clothing is also worn back on the body. The high temperature in the room is only relatively speaking. Actually, it is about -10 degrees below zero.

"How can this happen?" Someone said inconceivably, "how could the captain be frozen into an ice sculpture?"

Chacos said: "I think the captain may have accidentally encountered a hypothermia, and the local instantaneous temperature dropped to an extreme."

No one can give a reasonable explanation than Chacos, so only believe what he said, only Chu Xiang knows clearly, but he ca n’t say it, everyone is silent, Jack and others are sad to lose the captain, female The child was happy to have escaped the immediate crisis.

The silence of depression makes people unable to eat even the barbecue. Jack shouts and stands up: "Fuck d, it doesn't matter, the team is up to me now, everyone fights

Get up and wait for us to rush back to the base after the storm has passed. It's time to enjoy ourselves, or is it not wrong to die tomorrow? "

The girl in the corner of Jack's eyes kept spinning around. Everyone knew clearly and couldn't help laughing. The girl hugged her brother scaredly and continued to shrink back: "You guys, don't" chaos "."

Jack Haha laughed and said, "We definitely don't" chaos ", but we do it hard!" Speaking of Jack throwing at the girl, he "teas" the girl's clothes, and the girl's resistance is too weak and very weak. There are only a few close-fitting clothes left at this time. At this time, other members of the team also ran up. Everyone helped to hold the girls' hands and feet. When Jack enjoyed them, they could drink some soup. Only Chacos shook his head helplessly and turned his eyes. Closed to continue chewing his barbecue.

"Jack, come on!" The two team members held the hands and feet of the girl. At this time, the girl appeared in large letters in front of everyone. The towering chest and deep lower body made people bloody. Jack rubbed his hands and said, "I'm here Speaking forward, I don't know if the angle is a bit off. Jack flew into the ground instead of holding the girl. The two team members laughed, but before they laughed at Jack and said, Jack's body Formal contact with the ground, with a bang, Jack's body suddenly shattered into a ground!

Silence, long silence, the two team members holding the girl's hands and feet didn't even know that the girl had broken away, and Chakos, who was chewing the barbecue, did not know that the barbecue had fallen out of his mouth, popped, and somewhere in the fire burst out. Sound, only a few people reacted because of this.

"what's going on?"

Chakos wiped the cold sweat on his forehead: "It's the cold eyes that have entered our room."

A member of the team looked at the girl who was quick to show her **** and exposed her breasts. "No, she's all right. Why is Jack cracked? How far apart are they? There is no ghost." "

Chu Xiang hiding while eating barbecue was secretly funny, it seems that these people have not seen quick freezing, otherwise they will doubt about themselves, they are unaware of it, as long as there are one or two people can take themselves back to the base.

Chakosi said: "Have you ever seen a ghost? What's more, ghosts don't freeze people into ice cubes. They should be sucking blood. It seems that we can't wait here to move, otherwise the next one will be frozen into ice cubes. It may be us who are fragmented. "

With the death of Rosff and Jack, the American Chakos faintly became the leader of the remaining four, and the other three were worried about their safety. So they agreed to Chakos' plan, but the blizzard outside roared and wanted to re-enter It was too difficult to find a place to hide. Later, they could only move the camping site to another half-collapsed building 200 meters away from it, but the girl's brother was unconscious and woke up, plus most of the girl's clothes Broken, it is estimated that it is not frozen and frozen, so the two of them and Chu Xiang did not move, and the four of Chacos ignored them. In such weather, there is no need to worry about the three offenders running away.

After four foreigners went out, Chu Xiang handled the sealing work again, so the temperature increased a few degrees again. Seeing that the girl was just covering the tattered clothes, Chu Xiang slipped outside to find some cold-proof clothing, and returned. When I threw it to the girl in the room, the girl saw Chu Xiang's eyes and took it on. No one can't live with her "sex". Besides, it is not a good thing to dress in a violent way. It's broken.

"My name is Chen Xiuying. He is my brother Chen Duo. Thank you." The girl said.

Chu Xiang heard the name a bit familiar, and remembered it carefully, "My name is Chu Xiang, so you are a supermodel Chen Xiuying? Oh, I did not expect to meet you in Antarctica." Chen Xiuying is a model, and people around the world have been speculating every day. As a Hong Kong and Taiwan supermodel with a high photogenic rate, the name is often seen on the Internet, but her current appearance has changed a bit, and she has always been covered with thick clothes, so Chu Xiang did not recognize it.

Chen Xiuying sighed and said, "What supermodel is just a plaything for men, and now even his younger brother cannot protect him.

It was almost insulted by those people. Even if they are still alive, if they are caught back, it is not as bad as the pigs and dogs. It's better to die with my brother now, a hundred. "

Chu Xiang said: "Can't think like that, as the saying goes, it's better to live than to die. Besides, your brother is just injured, I don't think it will be a big deal."

Chen Xiuying touched her brother's forehead and said, "He has a fever and the room temperature is so low. I'm afraid he can't persist tonight."

Chu Xiang flipped his pocket and said, "I have a little" medicine "here. You can give it to him. If you can't, you should try it."

Chen Xiuying took Chu Xiang's "medicine" suspiciously. She looked at it and said, "You didn't escape from the base? There must be no such" medicine "base."

Chu Xiang said: "Yes, I heard that Antarctica is a paradise for disaster prevention, so I came from China. I didn't expect that there would be no one here. If it wasn't for you, I might leave."

Chen Xiuying snorted dismissively: "Heaven? I'm afraid it's **** that you didn't even think of!"

Chu Xiang said: "Can you tell me something?"

Chen Xiuying first filled her brother with "medicine", because the team just died, they left some unnecessary pots and pans when they withdrew to another room, which helped Chen Xiuying's help, but all the animal meat was taken. Leaving, but Chu Xiang still has a piece of Cha Kosite left for him, he roasted it for a while and handed it to Chen Xiuying.

Chen Xiuying was probably hungry, and she was not polite. She picked it up and ate it, probably realized that Chu Xiang was staring at her. She embarrassedly raised her head and wiped the oil on the corner of her mouth, smiling. "It makes you joke. My brother and I haven't found food for a week. Sorry, let me eat a lot, or give it back to you, otherwise you will be hungry."

Chu Xiang waved his hand and said, "I have already eaten just now. If you can't finish eating for a while, your brother wakes up and gives him some broth to drink. His health is very weak."

The fire was still burning, the pot above was still tumbling with boiling water, and Chen Xiuying's face turned red. She was ashamed of Chu Xiang's carefulness and her intentions, and tore up some meat and threw it into the pot to cook.

Chen Xiuying was not anxious to tell Chu Xiang about Antarctica, but asked Chu Xiang: "Mr. Chu, how is the world now? Has the virus been eliminated?"

Chu Xiang smiled bitterly: "It is not the virus that has been eliminated, but that we humans have almost been eliminated by the virus."

Chen Xiuying clearly did not know what was happening in the outside world. She was surprised and said, "No, human beings are the masters of the earth. Haven't they developed a cure for the virus for so long?"

Chu Xiang said: "Today's surviving humans can basically avoid infection, and humans have developed anti-virus" liquids. "But after the virus, there are more alien invaders in our world. Now they are the big enemy."

Chen Xiuying said in surprise: "You mean an alien?"

Chu Xiang nodded and said, "Oh, yes, although we haven't regarded them as adults."

Chen Xiuying said: "What is the situation now, has the earth been occupied by aliens?"

Chu Xiang said: "After two years of fighting, we humans have reversed the situation, but those aliens still have a certain strength. At present, the big human problem is the shortage of soldiers. I don't know how many people there are at the Antarctic base. "

Chen Xiuying said: "I had about 50,000 before I fled there. It is unknown how many are still alive."

Chu Xiang felt a joy, 50,000, even if the remaining half was more than 20,000. He said, "Can you take me to the Antarctic base? Maybe it will be helpful for me to bring in the outside news. Let ’s fight hard together. Run away invaders. "

Chen Xiuying shook her head and said, "Sorry, it's not that I don't want to help, but I can't find the entrance to the base. When I escaped, my brother and I were in a garbage truck. I couldn't find the entrance when I saw the outside world. . "

Chu Xiang could only dispel his thoughts, otherwise he thought he could abandon those four foreigners. Now it seems that they must rely on their power. Otherwise, he would not know where the Antarctic base was.

Chen Xiuying then said, "You must have suffered a lot when you came here, but I urge you to dispel the idea of ​​going to the Antarctic base, and do n’t even think about coming out. It ’s not heaven, but real hell. I believe no one will believe you, and even if someone believes it, they will not be stupid enough to fight alien invaders with them, because they seem to be there, and no one wants to return them from heaven to hell. "

Chu Xiang said: "It seems that the situation at the Antarctic base is very serious, what is going on?"

Chen Xiuying leaned to the side of the fire. She shrunk and shrunk her clothes. Her beautiful face looked hazy and fascinating. In the previous world, the impression she gave to Chu Xiang was terrible, but now it seems It seems that she has matured a lot. In addition, Chen Xiuying is also famous for her plump breasts, but she is now covering her thick clothes to see what kind of body she is, but Chu Xiang doesn't care about this, because the chest like Zhang Jingyao is already extreme. Now, for the supermodel Chu Xiang in front of me, he treats it with ordinary heart.

"I thought it took a huge amount of air tickets to take my younger brother to take refuge here to escape. Who knows that this is only the beginning of a real nightmare. At the beginning of the Antarctic base boom, the American base had a powerful force. Rich people from all over the world get along peacefully. Everyone party and drink booze every day. Although some people are robbing themselves, but things are still under the control of the Americans ~ ~ I heard that Chen Xiuying started to talk about the situation of Antarctic base Throwing a few pieces of table and chair wood into the fire, the broth in the pot has exuded a strong aroma, Chu Xiang took out a pinch of salt from his pocket and squeezed it in. Chen Xiuying saw the salt brighten, although here is Antarctica There is sea water, but the thick ice and cold temperatures prevent them from drying out the salt. The salt that was brought to the Antarctica has been eaten up.

Chu Xiang saw the admiration of Chen Xiuying, and he threw the bag of salt to Chen Xiuying. "I still have a bag. This bag is for you. It won't fall without anything salty."

Chen Xiuying was stunned, "Really, really? You gave it to me in vain?"

Chu Xiang laughed: "How else do you plan to repay?"

Chen Xiuying said with a red face: "I have no money to show up, otherwise I will give it back to you."

Chu Xiang said: "Forget it, it should be your reward for talking about the Antarctic base."

Chen Xiuying quickly took the salt back to her arms, and then continued to tell the story of the Antarctic base. "Americans' out of control of the Antarctic base starts from the virus-infected base ..."

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